HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-09-08, Page 9.:"tteteeerete•
IRLS ATTEND BEAN, DAY—These four girls, members of the South Huron.-44-I
ti bite bean club, were among the crowd at the bean day program near Kippen 'Thurs-
day. From left, they are Jean McNaughton, June and Lois McLachlan and Carol Var-
ley, all of the Kippen area. Experimental plots were sponsored by the Huron Soil and
Crop. Improvement Assh photo
XPERIMENT WITH BEAN FERTILIZER—At the Huron county bean day on the farm
of Jack Peck, Kippen, Thursday, growers viewed \ test plots designed to determine
most profitable analyses and application of fertilizers. Variety plots are also being
continued. Above,, a group of farmers inspect some of the 126 plots on the Peck
—T-A photo
''GROWERS SEE TEST PLOTS—Executive members of the local canning crop growers'
,association were shown recently some of the experimental work being conducted by
Canadian Canners Ltd. in ,this area. Company and grower officials are shown inspect-
ing a field of corn, above. Varieties, cultivation and fertilization are being tested in
corn, In peas, the company is experimenting late crops to determine if the growing
season can be extended. —T-A photo
Growers view test plots
on area canning crops
Research work being carried
on by Canadian Canners Ltd. in
this area was shown to growers'
Officials Wednesday night.
Company personnel explained
the tests being made in canning
peat and corn on the farm of
:Howard Kerslake, RR 1 Cen-
In 'peas, the company is tot-
Bating varieties for late season
growth. Two varieties were sown
late hi ,July and appeared to be
corning along nicely,
Staffa boy wins
$1,000 award
Eric x, ,Norris, RR, 1 Staffa,
icat. and of four high, settee' sitt7
deiitt who have been awarded
81,000 scholarships by the OA
Al,' Association Fentidatieri,
ewill ,entell at s freshman' Roy Nelsen,. natiiiltOri, 'assist- harvesting of spring grains and
40AC this fall. ant to the pies dent on produe- beans,
4A1Most $100,000 has been doti, tion. said the Company Meg in- Other cash crops and pastures
tett recently by graduates of vestigete All AVentlet Of improv- are suffering due IO lank of
OA.C,for. the, egablishinent of an- ing quality and PrOdttetien. "No Moisture a great numberOf
hug seholaethips elitettrage tottipariy can Atrdta Le tit Still faint ars are supplementary feed-
tep students in Ofitarie nigh, this highly competitive hi- log hay and tern that may
Sehot516 to study iigrietlittite, dustry," he stated. too late CO cob properly.
r In corn, the company is test-
ling a number of varieties as well
1 as evaluating plant population
and weed control,
Some of the plots are designed
Ito show the loss in yield result-
1 ing from poor cultivation prac-
In vaeiety tests, the company
is looking for earlier maturing
corn without sacrificing quality
et yield:
Plant population studies are
to determine the
rate of sowing which will pro-
vide the most, profitable returns,
was the •flitt, time the COM-
peril/ has invited growers to in-
stied their 'eeporioiental work.
Elgin rtoweliffe„ PR 1 nensall,
expressed the growers' apprecia-
tion the company gesture.
"We're interested in these new
developments;" said Mr. ROwe-
rff -
The company and its growers
must work together as a team
to provide a ,product which the
consumer will buy, Mr. Nelson
stated. "In the end, it's the
housewife who is our boss."
Other officials present includ-
ed Barney Wilson, manager of
ag research; Bob Allen hortieul-
turalist in charge of the district
experiments; Ray Creech, dist-
rict supervisor; Don Graham,
area manager; and Jake Urqu-
hart, head fickIman.
Huron county
crop report
Huron Ag Rep
Dry weather still prevails over
most of the county aiding the
Second Section
bite Beans
- A -
Due to the uneven— ripening and amount of .late
beans, this harvest will be spread over a longer period
of time and therefore there should be no delay at
our unloading pits.
Cook Bros, Milling
,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 ,,,, ,, 4444441 ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,1101.11,11111111.11011FMMNII ,,,,,,,, tillM111111l1111111111,ss
and Sons Limited • Phone 32
e exeleannes7(.10vocafe.
Baby show, tug of war Huron field day:
new attractions at fair May use local bean seed
Cpntests involving babies and' stand. • •
Fail Fair, President Bill. McKen- the championship match will be avoid, disease iin .S. brawn will be among the new, Another pull will be held
features at this years Exeter the middle of the afternoon and
This year, the Huron Soli and
Crop Improvement Assn
ported bean seed from Idaho for
test plots and 4-11. work but it
does not appear to be standing
up well. The ag rep felt there
remained some question as to
how disease-resistant were beans
grown, in irrigated areas such
as Who.
"We ,are much freer of di•
sease than they Are in the
States," he said, "Perhaps the
time has come when we should
consider buying our own seed,"
The ,t• re also of
with 33% nitrogen and
izer 6-18-12, are also being ,
London fair
next week
Wettern Fair, London, will
open its gales next, Monday, tion by Huron Warden John Mir.' Programs conducted by the
September 12, to the ,greatest .nin and Reeve C. Hanna, East government. In the same resolu-
tion, the OFA was asked to urge week of pleasure and entertain- Wawanosh,
ment in its entire 85 years of
service to •London and Western . to build a new. township off i ce ` promote workmen's compensa-
olan i the government to vigorously
Investigating further its
Ontario. on the blind line, council has, •
Farmers can compare the requested an estimate from Zur-,Among other matters discuss-
'breeding points of over a ich on the cost of extending' ed was the report. from Jack
lion dollars worth of livestock water service to the site. Ferguson of Port Stanley, chair-
and man of the land acquisition corn-check the good features of
another million dollars in farm •
machinery. Everyone will be in-
terested the superlative dis-
plays in the Manufacturers and
number of famous Paul Peel driving rodeo
Confederation buildings. Feature I . •
of the Art Building will be a
Huron county junior farmers paintings.
Evening grandstand perform-1 will stage a safe-driving rodeo' for Ontario .farm will feature "Dancing Wa-1 at Clinton public school Satur-'credit. agency
ters," a magic cascade of waters day afternoon. It's the first of ers. Although some work has al-I
in colors that actually dance in
; perfect time to music. Dancing
Waters also provides a gorgeous
background for production .num.-
j tiers of GAC Hamid's famous
dancing Manhattan Rockettes.
1 Western Fair's second annual
fashion , show features Fred
Davis, TV star, as commentator.
This show will be a Monday aft-
ernoon grandstand feature Sept.
12. Women will be admitted free
to the fairgrounds Monday until
3 p.m.
Harness racing will take over
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-
day afternoons, September 13 to
15, with a special children's day
program, Junior Olympics, Fri-
day. All children will be guests
of the fair Friday with free ad-
mission to the grounds, Saturday
is Warriors Day. Hundreds of
war veterans from London and
Western Ontario will parade to
the fair and will be grandstand
guests for the spectacular Armed
Services program.
A government-designed base-
ment fallout shelter will be on "This machine does the work.
display close to the Shrine Show of six men. However, it takes
eight men to operate it." House.
* Cuaranteed free-flowing at application Lime.
* Less than one-half as much moisture as regular
* Semi-granular texture — at regular price.
* Most economical per unit of plant food.
* Plant food nutrients readily available.
Rie,r6;e4 To Do o JOB —
Not To Meet a Price
G. Thompson & Sons
PHONE 32 OR 33
NIGHTS 32 OR 194
i zie reveals,. !staged near the end of the pro-
Wednesday . night and teams •
.... 1-argent family prize county should consider the use,
White bean dealers in Huron / A baby show will be staged, gram„
i of locally-grown, seed next year, ! from four area Municipalities , • -• • • -
Another new feature will be a' Ag Rep Douglas Miles stated I will compete in A tug of war; . special prize for the largest fern— Thursday morning at the bean Thursday afternoon. m'ily which attends the fair Thurs- day near IICIPPen- There will be two classes' afternoon. Families compel- He pointed, Out that. Huron has the baby show —six months and clay =lei; .and six months to one Mg must register at the secre-- . less bean disease than Michigan'
Year, In each division, first pris.•tary's office before 2;30 p.m. the
day of the fair.
and other areas in the U.S. from
!us will be $W Vouchers. ' , - t which Huron. customarily se- ,
The prize will be a praetical! cures its registered seed. . I Mothers are requested to re The
for a large family .— a $10 . in Michigan, in o s a i c has gister their children with the grocery voucher, , caused several million dollars, secretary, A. G. Hicks, by Tues.
This year's parade, expected; damage to crops, he noted. G•ro-` ; day noon, Sept, 20. to be one of the biggest of the ;, were in New York state are also'' I Rivalry in strength fair will feature four bands. In , having problems. I He urged dealers to consider! The analyses included 0-2040* . this project anoth er year. i the general field crop recom•
' mendatioe, and $-2020, the rec• Control' bean beetle ! ommendation based on actual
valry. First draw will be held at ciliate, The parade leaves Snell that chemicals tried in the RAT- ' ratessoli tersatngianhgeyfroler2e5O usibecst.
,,, teat
2:30 p.m. in front of the grand- Bros. Ltd., at 12;30 p.m.
. Ontario Federation of Agricul- growers, co-operate in attacking zation being plowed down and
freight rates vided satisfactory control of thel also made to show the different
erekasetcdsre to 430 lbs. Tests were
yield resulting from the fertili•
field area appear to. have pro-1
1 a specially-prepared bean, ferti-. .
1 tsupf reitsmewtnertsherye7eiv4erdd ,haiititoniiel ,
of their recommendations to the
had been acted upon,
Royal Commission on Transport
Charles 'Huffman, of Harrow, the white .bean crop in Huron, i Wendell Snow, of WOAS, Rid,. * ,Hay township council approved of lot 20, concession .one, will chairman of OFA Freight Rate Mr. Miles .pointed out that- over i getown, outlined the varier
its meeting Tuesday night.
a proposed subdivision for the. provide for residential develop- Committee, reported that, the 21,000 .acres were sown; in :Ciron i paicortes, and
Southeast corner of Hensel]. at merit. The municipal hoard for- railroads had set up a joint corn- last, year and the total value of;
The plan, which includes part ship's okay.
warded it to Hay for the town- ,mittee to investigate farmers'
. , complaints over inequitable ' i could. not be increased by sow,- The
He suggested that yield,
ing more than 20 pounds to the
also discussed rate of
township community c e n t r e recommendation had been in
A grant of $700 to the Hay freight rates. He said that this
Weather big factor board was approved after the the brief presented to the Royal '
Dick Franks, also of WOAS,
hoard presented a request for Commission on. Transport last
amount to cover current spring.
Federation members are sens- wer's greatest ally or enemy in
said weather could be the giro-
relation to disease. "There is
the Huron county plowmen's as-, ty measures, and they passed a
A $25 donation was made to itive to the need for farm safe-
it requires the right weather to
usually disease in the seed but
sociation following representa- resolution to support farm safe- it
has caused,
.1. oa ul 1,, 'b'
the worst damage over the
years, inflicting losses up to 60
New chemicals on the market
were described by several rep•
resentatives of commercial' ma.
nufacturers. Darrel Dotson, of
CIL, Toronto, commented, on fer-
tilizer trials being conducted by.
his company,
Teams from Exeter, Hay, Us- addition to the three Exeter or-
Inrne and. Stephen wilt compete ganizations — the Legion pipe,'
in the tug of war which is bound senior and junior — the RCAF! .
to stir up some good-natured ri- Centralia Ripe Band will parti-, W II I stud
subdivision at Hensall
kind toheld thecounty, ready been done in this respect,
lit has only been preliminary in-! Competition will include a dri-, castigation&
wing course and a written test i
based on the driver's handbook.)
two classes — those between 16
Boys and girls will compete in
nclude fees and 20 and those over 20.
A safe driving rally and dance
will be held in the evening at
the Clinton Fish and Game so-
ciety hall.
iSMOvIums3g.fte• lo.,140 moo.
uniors plan
4. Fast action from T-A
fieds! Phone 770.
Hibbert council has decided to
revert to its former practice of
including Federation of Agricul-
ture membership fees in its total
tax levy.
This was decided on a divided
vote Monday evening.
A resolution passed instructing
the collector to place the federa-1
tion fees on the upper portion;
of the tax notice for 1960, with'
the fees added into the toter
taxes. A motion to leave the!
fees in a separate column as in i
1959 was defeated.
mittee, on the successful nego-
tiations between OFA and 'Hydro.
Mr. Ferguson also said that the
committee plans to delve into
farm assessment and taxation
problems this fall.
Federation members decided
to continue research into ways
and means to establish a farm
in tax total •
.venf its spread to the rest of the
'Huron crop in future years.
Emphasizing :the importanee of
Preston ,Dearing and son,
RR 1 Exeter, again scored a
clean sweep in the Dorset
Horned sheep class at the
The Dearing flock, captured
both grsnd and reserve charm...
pionship honors for rem and
First prize 'ribbons in every
section of the• class also went
to the district breeders, who
have dominated the Dorset
Horned competition for ' many
Dearing tops
sheep class
the crop amounted to $1,309,00k
About 7$ farmers attended Os
morning field day to view this
test plots on the farm of Jack
Peck, Kippen. The experiment/
this year dealt mainly with ter.
tilization. Variety tests veers
' continued.
F ertility tests
• Jack Murray, London, regional
' soils specialist with the Dep't of
; Agriculture, outlined the various
< analyses and applications used
in the fertilization tests.
1-1 1TYP C0-011
Here ore FIVE
Good Reasons
We're In The Market
We'll Store Your Beans At Competitive Rates!
We Are Also Buyers Of:
Don't Worry About The Cleaning We'll Clean YoQr Timothy
and Clover Seeds For Youl
For Prompt Service. Give Us A Call!
We Nave Five Unloading Pita — PLUS — A Hoist For Unloading
Semi-Trellers Any Site
Phone 287 Collect
Betide CNR Station
Hay council approves tficI,U irienly
Michigan bean beetle there. H