HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-1-12, Page 2es
$JPburaday. Jana*Ty 12. IMS.
conger. The auctions were, therefore,
Meld during the summer and autunnt
at Regina. So""e Jaw, Swift Current.
Carlyle+, lnrktwt, Saskatoon. 'gone -
town. Biggar. and North liattlefont, in
Saskatchewan: and at Lloydmtnster,
Vermilion, Vegrevllle, St. Paul de
Jtctis. Comma.: R'etasklwita. Wain-
wright. and Edmonton, in •Jls•rta. This
shows the wide range of territory
covered. The purchaser* were gener-
ally !arisen In the locality who bought
to extend thelr own holdings or to se-
cure terms for their sone. The sales.
therefore, indlcate3both the cooddence
of the ls•ople in the future of prairie
agriculture and also their strong
financial position.
ESTABI.1a1310D 1.84,8
Meadter of Canadian Weekly News-
paper' Asaodadea
Published every Thursday morning.
Subic riptfon price $2.00 per year
strictly In advance.
Terse 11$ : : Goderieh, Ont.
W. II. Robertson, k)dltor and Manager
An article by William Wallace Go-
forth 1n Queen's Quarterly nu the
deeper St. Lawrence waterway pre-
sents what is candidly a Canadian
view of the project. The writer he -
It looks like a good council. Let us
heves that the development of lite
hope that in this corse appearances are
waterpowers of the river is more Im not deceitful.
portant to Canada than the naviga • • •
Bon interest. "The majority of experts
Ontario will never again have pro•
seem to agree that the deep w'aterwav, Whitton, says Premier Fergusrn. Well.
will not tend to extend ocean traffic in-
t not so long as lir. Ferguson is Pre -
to the bear( of the continent to any
marked extent, owing to the differ-
ences in lake and ocean teasel design,
and the costly lockage delays to the
the writer, although he believes that
In time the deep waterway will be
desirable. On the other hand, the
growing demand for electric power in
Quebec and Ontario will provide a
progressive market for the proposed
waterpower development.
The writer urges the net -comity of
keeping power produced in Canada for
use in Canada. Much the greater por-
tion of the power that can be develop-
ed on the St. Iawrente will belong to
Canada, and there will be a temptation
to (ease some of it to l'nlied Staten in-
terests. This, should not be allowed
ander any circumstances, for. says 11r.
Goforth. "there 1s an increasing rea-
lizstion that hydro -electric power ex-
ported even on abort term leases is de- I Howie of Common•." This is the mea -
finitely and Irrevocably lost to this sure of Senate reform which, it k un -
country." It has been found to be al- dersto,d, is favored hy Premier King.
most Impossible, once industries have Labor also asks that. If it Is found
been built up on exported power, to pnasible to make any tax rwinetion
withdraw it even when needed in the during the coming session, such re -
country of its source.
The view fa then advanced that for
tete present the interests of Canada
would be served by the harnessing of
the mate% at the ahl.Canadlan power -
sites of the river, as a purely Can-
adian enterprise, leaving the develop-
ment of _the international section until
an agreement thoroughly ss' ldfat'tOry
to this country can be made with the
United States.
The tenor of newepaner despatches
from Ottawa this week seems to indi-
cate that some plan such as 1s pro-
posed by Mr. Goforth may he recom-
mended to the Government by the Na-
tional Advisory Committee. If the
The Week at Ottawa I
He K. J. i��nd.�
By R. J. 1)eachman
Ottawa, January 7. Hila country
is growing.* If it suffers -from aay-
mier, anyway.
• • •
January is a gent month for bar-
gains Careful buyers will watch The
Signal's advertising columns
money -saving announeemente.
• • •
The city o? London. l)nt.. offer
marriage license free to the first lady
of tMt city who proposes to. and is
accepted by, the man of her choler.
But who is going to buy the wedding
thtug, it is growing pains. Iwwking
back over the period of the life of the
average man, tremendous changes
have taken plate. In the days of
Laurier, piople 10$.000. at
t the `glea ofte, S a
budget of fes•
Ballard Cartwright was extremely
critical when expenditures' reached
$30,000,000. Ile may have been right
at' that, but the man who now revisits
these glimpses of rhe moon will find
less alarm .over expt•Dditut•ea of ap-
proximately tui times the outlay
which worries! a Cartwright and a
liaurier. After all. it '1s no great
souse for alarm. The teacher of the
little red school-houseo11 those
pulled down a ealary three hundred
ec for his
dollars a year. He paid
noon -day lunch. The maintenance of
his car was not expensive. Chri»tmas
Presents did not worry him very much
-the times have changed, and we with
the times.
H ONT.-------y=- ���tXxx?�CX°tX��
Not a clearingsale in eclery department, but extraordinary
values in many lines --a few here emphasized
slater was appointed by the Govern-
ment to examine them. Ile has drop-
ped the total to somewbere(about $8,-
8,000,000. , %dicot yop are nutting In a
claim agabott the
ide Government, rnBit to ll -
way" a good
many people to let It swell big and fat,
In the hope that if it iaeventually Paid
no one will suffer except the taxpayer.
and he doesn't count. We have been
receiving certain sums froID Gertuany
under the letters plan and from this.
"found money." the Government HAY
evetltually square the losses.
• • •
Among the representations which or-
ganized labor has laid before the Fed-
eral Government this week is a repeat
for legislation curtailing the powers of
the Senate to the extent "that the veto
power of the Senate shall not be oper-
ative In respect to legislation which ban
passed three different nessione of the
duction be ap(Ilied to the sales tax.
Roth these requests ore in line with ranndinn routes. Ceasing to to
good public policy and should to given about it and actually doing something
ut It bolds
every po•dttle consideration. may ublic p
• • • tshment.
Friends and admirers of Hon. J. -C. - - --- -- That Hark
Elliott. Federal Minister of Public Title le not a book review. but the
Works, of whom there are many In fact Is that W. T. R. Preston has wrlt-
this trontty, have been pleasedtosee lama book entitled "My Generation
a prompt denial of the rumor that he Politics and Politicians." Mr.
Intended ,to retire from political life ton 1" an honest•to-goodness Liberal. pxarers for this percirw le to keep! the
dyed-in-the-wool, blown-In-tlle-glnss amppull 0urselcee out of the rut we have
and accept a Supreme Court judgeship. forged -in -the -furnace of a goad deal of risk of the Insurenrr r0mp0tnlen at a rat into. and try to introduce some
Mr. Elliott has made his mark In poll- f orged-i crit -cissa. Hist book to that- minimum. The underwriters tell you Usines methots that will get ee atsm e
tics, but he is still n eompnrathely aeteristie of the man. HP has writ- -what equipment you roust .keep up. 'tvhere?
young man and has, we hope. many ten a gaol etnry from the 8tendprtint but would it not be more reasonable 1f T. G. C.
insist on the insuran�t
And so. when anuouttcemente ere
made that Certain expenditures are
contemplated. no one now turnsWe
hair. These things are needed•
are going ahead with them. They will
e--ts -•-ta. be• the_
terminal on the St. IAwrence River.
This comes from the deepening of the
Welland ('anal, which will enable
boats to pass through the
b oownestretch
of Lake, Ontario and
the St. Lawrence before breaking car-
go. Terminal faellit1e will be needed
there for the handling of gran and a
fairly generous appropriation may be
expected this year. Then we must pre -
tare for the opening of tfle Hudson's
Bay Railway. The aerial survey of
the Hudson's Straits most hare chilled
the pessimist. The Straits were appar-
ently open this year almost an long ae
the St. Lawrence. Montreal. whieh
haa„teen fervently praying that they
might freeze up eleven 'Bombe of the
yen'. instead of six or seven, has been
terribly annoyed and the Son. Charles
Thinning. who has been advocating the
retention of a bit of faith in the north-
ern wnterwny for a number of yearn:
smile serenely and rubs it In gently:
by ensuslly remarking. "There are the
facie. the survey speaks fur itself, now
what are you going to do about it?"
We are making f more determined et -
.fort than ever before to move grain by
They Corte
r The .first members of Parliament
hove drifted into town ready for the
legation. They.nre the mistime guard.
like straw hats on the let of )lay -
three weeks in token,* of the opening
of the season They took lonely. but
the numbers will tnerease. The old
town le a great magnet, It draws them
back. As the years go on they think
of It more and more and then finally
them tomb a ruddy glow to their
hopes and the memts'r who has faced
the people several times goes to his
long home in the Senate and the smile
wreathes his, face -it's Home, Sweet
Home to him.
Municipal questions and religious
opinions have been, and still are,
looked upon as something mysterious
and outside the Intelligente of the or-
cozen- 1t is not eonsidered
good form even to diecusa them seri
ottsly. excret during the week between
Christmas and New Tear's.
Now that we have gone through with
our annual comedy of electing munici-
pal officials, would it not be a good
time to take stock 'of the whole per-
formnnee and ask r0ur#dsew.bat -It
was all about?
Have we not enough citizens with
the real interests of our1tnwn at heart,
who are willing to devote nome time
to the consideration of the aerloua
problems that fate us. without con -
foxing matters by injecting pereonall-
ties which get us no place. and' which
hide the real Issue- at stake during an
We are all good enough sports to
admit that the joke Is on us. but as
we hare to pay for the game ahnuld
we not be entitled to know what we --
are paying for?
Figure it out for yourself. Thirty-
two ter cent. of whatever your 'tax
bill may he goes for schools. The
town council baa no control over this
expenditure. What ore you getting
for the other sixty-eight per cent. of
your tax bill?
It does NOT include your water
sten nor your electric light MI5. Tun
pry extra for your sidewalk'. newer.,
and road oiling. What are you really
getting for aixty-eigti•per tent. of your
Police protection? How often do
the police patrol your ward?
Pin protection? We pay extra for
for neurines. prutntiTma. and the only
npparent reason ger taxing the rate -
$2.05 per pair
first quality. 1'' 1
Soft, well -napped,
large double bed size, , 0 x 84. Pink $2o5
r blo,
borders, and colored whipped ends to
match. Itxtra special, pair
35 incite- wide, 20c. Good weight. eft.
snow white. a splendid quality. For women
and children's gowns, undergarments, and s,
on. 600 yards only. On sale, per yard 20c
Imported heavy chatnoisette Gloves, two
dome fasteners,' also pullover styles. All
shades, colors and black. January Sale 45c
All pure wcul in white, greys, $toilet and
fancy plaid. I'er pair $5.50 to
Men's lttavy all -wool Shirts and Drawers,
Red Label, u»-hrinkable, Sizes 36
to 44. At per garment
Best quality white cotton Pillowslips. Full
size, about 42 x 34, hemstitch. Regular et
$1.15 a pair. On sale
Extra--Sateen•coveretl and panelled bor-
der, white super -filled and well quilted. Size
72 x 72. Choice of patterns, designs a$ dd col-
•9l-'orings, Regular $6.50. Extra. Each 4
W. A C H- E S O N __ SIM yoo�+��o��oyt
2COCxxx xC x�►xf1+ CXXXXXA�ofCX
The provincial Secretary's ottk•e 1. -
sues a "Bulletin of Municipal Stati:-
ttes" in which the tlgures are urru
lensed s, a bond company can see the
standing of any community at a glance.
Here Is what this report,shoas for the
same year l3"_":
Municipal debenture debt Dec. $412.068
31st. 122- �.
School duheuture debt Dee.
31-t. 1922 18.003
Total $430.092
R by tell the ratepayers one thing and
the Is+wi dealers something else? Ask
a question and you will be toll that
tbe "Municipal Act" governs.
!Tow Is it possible to make any real
progress when we are anchored to the
year 1545 hy the "Municipal Act?" We
did not even hare railroads in Canada
in 14(8.
{ would like to make it clear that 1
am not t•riticistog this council nor any
past eoutudl for this state of affairs
HIM would ask you not to waste any
time finding fn tilt with our town nm -
tints; they are not to blame. bit are as
tnueh the victims of a system that has
Men handed down 1' u8 as we are. it
Is you and 1 as citizens who are to
blame for not having this antiquated
_System brought up to date.
Are you intemsted enough In our
town's affairs to make some effort to
years of useful public nervine mill be-
fore him. Ills shrewd judgment. bis
indu.try and his public-splritetne8s
are large notate to the Government of
whieh Ice is a member, end hie personal
of rnudng the old fighting spirit and
giving the people a more profound
faith in their political gods. A great
An people will not agree with him.
will read it and. after all, it
vette old »
kc on tbe old anti andhear
we were toJanuary 3, 1925.
c,rmpanles prorltling the protection. or
form a mutual totmpnny and tarry our
T own risk? Charaeter As an Asset
vr,nfteresto if licting Provincial and Federal In- but many 1 'We still elect certaln_eandidates for (OttAwa Jnurnnll
comma can he harmonized, knotty and r no is interesting in hn 1 hammer ONE year -anti without any apparent Aftet the recent floods in Vermont.
commitment to the knotty waterway t w, utArity tit fetYetPdtn the large 1 h a the reason kiek them all mut next y.ear.' which caused much eommemlei (linen -
Is made. there can no objtr• 1 P merry clnsh which as re l ns n elect a new Funen and start all ••nr i ter s'8 we1V-as Nt71»tdPtat to loan of
ritiPe by which the people 11� ,inys when psttitlts was real and earn- again. Life and great di.tre8a, a numter.of
tion to the development of electrical West Middlesex register their npprovnl d '1, salt of conviction rather • Hew Pan we 0xpeet any continuity ainssnchusetts bankers agreed to lend
est en cep
than breadth of view ens character- of policy when we act this wg,r'. it ie
Noney to bnslnPst mn, fnrtners and
tette of the age• - la alsolntely Imp osslhle . to jet
others. power at Canadian "e8 for the Mil` I of him an their mpresentntivP.
ply ing of the needs of the Montreal l • • •
' Alderman . C. M. Bezwan of Kit -
REFLECTING PROSPERITY OF chener-a former resident of Goderieh
h believes w•ili
in something t
real of fertile land eon- munielpal affairs. The Inrger n mnni-
any hs, without security, except ap to
mtMore Customsemcee nnle•as we hate Pnme hazy Men i•f ,.tlu. rtter. We Is helping a Int of
After a igf'
time oenrefni lnrestt- Where we want to go. good men. 'it recalls what John pier
THE PRAIRIES hes a p,rnpns t o Inc ren so Interest In
whack P Vann. we are to have n report on ihP loris or c,rps,rnfinn., fiusine twin-
Whether you apply them to Indict -
Pont Morgan noel to say. that else-tact
was the first collateral he wanted.
operation of our Customs Deportment rlple" are the some. 'Sour an, sol ex• He maned millions on brat. and is mad
};'.* ' u' ed in the storm this •aura- I Iiple hire deem not mean nnn•tr. Fear - never to have lost any of it '
S[nCr vent a tion treated in the h•mpsehrmus "ee-
era! pini ul is Induntel be the In -
Moral for the boy entering l:nsint•e,
turale Canada's greatest single ns'- ctpal•ity, and the greater. fn copse• eon of twn'yetrs ago. In fuel, it la realse or dearest. of your i<.ett rot Life w'strthe-strnl to with mewl.
p quite tKesdhie that bath aides o%pmi. 'th alar, of Gip year. Our mach- siralghf in dernnuy nnA kindneee8 w;lth
coral rtaourvv, the demand for land, ns quem e. _ire .temp t'vbicmm.tothguI an flee would like to forget It. The Mimed nnnustl financial Ofretuent Is fnm1and fr!ends, straight in doing
shown ry its pspe under cis on oua difficult p it Tortes may feet that they more or lees --Pry enll¢hh•nln¢ ern this ps.iut ; hunt an honest day's work. d kl¢ht in 0 ith
which preclude egteruhuiuu, is our to large proportion hmen by
i whom th In i merits' the job and that a Remittal big n t the town mhetfA end tins istheme
rty n man y'swo . atroigh
the beet barometers of the state of the the lemeiar to the men ed worm cdest• en.ngh to thrnw n Government nut. of big»res fat ynnrw•If, sere i+ who; It I
country's agricultural provost. It is, 10r 111. are to he snivel for gond or' It.wrr dwind!eet 1 uuwn »oder their eyes I fgures
gratifying to know that the for In. in the recent municipal elm. i nittil it locked no more than n distant 1f117
rk night. The Grits will,
1obtained f r school !sulci in the t Iikh disc»•* It vert much. pt til a
Bone ht Toronto, If is amici, only ten tlru h1 ^n n r o n lt. , serer system
^ t out of every seven pxtsshtle cotes were not to:r:r7: 7 349.1 I1.c�2 $ti0.051. i2
Prairie Provinces at the general Alesnutty teem to them to res unh!e a mum- Grntiollthle walks A Trying Time for People With
held Burin 1927 were the lest on re- polled. In Kitchener two in sit went I $A1,101.9I i. 1,11S1i.(Mt >t•;ri:itl:.!st Weak, Watery Blood
mere a festival, and et no storm may
to the polls. Md. Bezenu prnp8,•e, to - from any legislation whit a still-,..,...., pmfeetksn
cord. Altogether 480.41]8 Berea eels trate one dollar of taxes to Moot, who { $ 4,:001.01 t 4,$09(0) $ 4.:00;.(1(1 C.umdian winter weather is a trying
motto improvement In the operation of time for debilitated, r»n-dnwe people.
he Customs, ilPpnr men . Town t10ck
One thing pstrtl S $ 1.(00).(01 8 1.(1011.110 $-1-.11110,110 The cln"P air of shut -up hmrtr! lurk of
Freight shed ant-of-donr taerelse. the restrlated diet
$ 1.:00;00 $1,:001.01 not shown of the sen len. all have their effect on
1'np»inHmt 4.^220 4.T34 weakened systems. There is always
Water and IJght T .partamegt ' In stwh comes the danger of severe
Lands and buildings colds. nttn -ks of influenza, or the !41l1
512.91:,.81 $12.9(' '.l $12,907.4$ more dreaded pneumonia. There is no
Suh-Ptntfon equipment other time of year when n bountiful
II 9.148.24 1 9.19518- $- . rnADly of rich, red blond is at mere. -
tient Miry : and the one way to keep" the
i 022 :r 14,1 hbs>.1 rich and purr nnri (fit! nvohl
¢ ?.(Ret. X. $14 t__.1 $ winter trnithle is thrnngh 1110 1110 0f
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1f. unfertn-
nrttely. you have fallen n vletim of in-
fluenza. nr other winter troubles. this
I Fra mot I t t d T nn long nn an
same medietne will restore Juni
wn health nnd strength. - Among those
Labor 0r "Bnl.herik." •rid plant" showing some then staying
who have proved the value"of ter. Wit-
War ('!aims but doubling In trine (fad then as 71 linins' Pink P11111 Is Mies Margaret
it velli be retailed that after the war mit Is beyond me
st0v pw4rli•hing fairy 1'enrmr,n, it.fl. No. 3. ('hnthnm M},8
Life -Buoy Rubbers
and Goloshes -
We are prepared to supply your wants with -ail
the latest styles of Goloshes for then, women and
children. The newest cloth patterns are here.
Light and heavy weight Rubbers for every pur-
pose. Quality cannot he excelled and the prices
are most reasonable.
In Boots and Shne..our stock is full in all the up-
to-date *toles for evening. street and work Shoes.
Call and inspect the many varieties of
Footwear we have to offer
North Side of Square Goderich
odd for $'t,tlt(L967, which r'preseuts an
average' of 118.70 per acre. The how- exercise their frnpehise in municipal
est price obtained wits $7 per acre and electiOne. The dollars rebated will
the highest $711, and wbtle the latter have to be paid, of course. by the rate-
- 1t payers who do not vote. .Ills 'Remelt.
who intends to anhmlt thls profitinal to
the city council of which he is a !Pm -
her. believes that if adopted it may
has been exceeded In previous safes
iA not these few extreme figures,
mused by total cirrumstanees, that are
of Importance but the genentl trend of
.. . _-----� hare m very ennstderable cffeet.in cot':.
The significance of Ilee•ee notes ai anj.rerting the present condition ander
index of agricultural prosperity in! whieh the title rulers are chosen by
Canada's Middle Rest Is sewn alien nhnnt one-third of tithe voters of the,
the nature and distribution of the city. • • •
school lands are explained. Under the
1Numin{un Lands Act °tie-el-ghteenth of , Tien. Chas. Stewart. Minister of the
the Land area of the l'rairie Provinces i interior, rrpnrts that the 1088 from far -
was set aside to provide funds for redo-: set fires In Canada in 1927 was lees
rational purpsones In those l'rovluur'. than in any preceding year for which
As surveyed, each tuecashlp consist8 of 1 there 18 a record. Favnrahle weather
thirty six eeetioue of - 040 acnes 1. given n inrgu mens»cu' of credit fpr
each and .two of thews 18e•tious, the 1111prnvei condition. but
nbi better
11 and _1) In each raw., are desig- ganitation for fire �nf the {un ane
hated orlon! lands. They are sold by greater care on the nn
tion. after an motet price hn. taeon A18o were tmpartnnt teetotal. Forest
P111 en them by • valuator and in pat-' prodnets provirte a large proportion of
CON t noese•r than 11 gunner Seri 1011 ohm of the[port triode, and the repen-
pulp And rarer industry 15
f tort tome. The moneys received g
the Sehtmi Lentis Endowment ; one of the remarkable development" of
which is administer•,1 by the recent years. "Cannrla 18 now the
er of the Interior for the lent- greatest newsprint mnnnfnttnring
emntry in the world and exports more
St sf test I•rovinces concerned.
t than 811 the
ther eonntriva
sheaever°Ofternl inlen the t1 •,. y n? the icm with l Inrtherwnorld tembIned," the Waltrter's
ties tbe nonan,! 1. suflirlently stmng ' repnrt "tate". Mr. .tety rt believe*
Tido is' Oeterwbe i upon ennanitetlnn that the limit of
bstw•ea the Kloster of the Intetb.r resehpd. for the preeenRe�ee testa. th
sad iiia Prnvine* 011vernment., n8 inn of Canada's pn p • of the es
the Mei le to accYteWa.b•at poavlb)t having regard to the nerd.
sale of the tum, and he 8linrsta grottier 1111 a-
retnnrs for the ttcUeert f hada and
18awiae'•s. ?Y" ge"eli all* weft held tion to the refinement of met tie at
t r
solar! u emotes re -
farming --that 1 the Ci.tom8 honed.
This "50111,1 be a judicial body. 1t 18
nM. Nobody con 10' judicial in the
passing' of judgment open hill own
nuts. There is no appeal from IL save
to A committee of the ('nhjnet. The
Jlimislea subjPu•t of the realm is en-
tltiel to a juulb'lnh ih1PrprPtnttmr-of
any act 'tossed by the Government.
Tint the tendency of Cobinet decisions
1. t v be t8,litieal rather
Ihnn jnd{vial can ancone imagine n more perfect
and thnt Is precisely what 1s not picture of stagnation? Why* an 'old
wanted. and. by the wry. tills tendency plant" should double in value between
would exist whether the Government 191$ sod 192_^ and remain atl that
e !scleral. t'onmervnt ve, r value is not 8 n e e
a great .ninny Malmo for dnm,rg
were presented by private citlzune of
Canada. In fact, varintts ('anadlnn
organizations and private citiahne felt
that they had elnuns oggreastina
sham $.1o.00n.no1. A spodnl e„mmtp-
fie" 11111 aattl this year, ""s Alberta I the nate complete m'nufset re tom, ass M*lte•(,ewse ta0)r.O wale but Canadlsn mill" of pulpwood
wait*" 9feferrwd to waft a httl• i from ransdlsn tempts.
F etIouS
Why waste m penrson lead sussed through n seven
inlet like these? Any life means pro- aeack of infiuenst and says: "lt left
areal. ago we w.• ne to pro 10 ten me 8o weak and run-down that T tmtld
yens all w.• need now 18 n Poll scarvely walk. Anaemia set in and It
ahir r IVP bar, mer financial state -
minuet seetnel a. If T world not pull
mens for 1922 Limy there are noire through the winter. as 1 grew An «Pn1
farther figures that are interesting. it dint the 'mkt exertion would bring On
Wed to he eneti nary to Include In 0111 fainting api11s. 1 was tinder medle•al
financial statement a detailed "Mate- trentmPnt, hut It did not help me.
ment of debertnres." Thls has re- Then One day in our Inenl miter 1
tenth• been di•eontinued, and we 1141 VP
to get the totals from three portion. of
the retort, oh the same principle that
adlertBremer ,s are scattered all
through a ntagaxine. art yon will have
to read the whole works.
Our report for 1922 gives the deben-
ture elvfit a• follows:
Psgo 26 -municipal Oben-
toms $210,/44.59 • con dor 1 would proudly star. ';Not ti t
Page 42 -water 4,benI !mugs but lir. Wilibiin.' finktoren
29,707.09 ' To Inc. et tenet, the pill. have heeb
pair '0 --light deben• I worth their weight In gold."
tangs 392110.40 A8 11 prec*ntlnn spinet winter Ills
take 1)r. VIlliem.' Pink i'Iila now.
Total $270,4A2.11/1 Sold by all rnelleine deolis m. nr pent
Thi• from the report 18811e11 to the by mail at fille a box by The Dr. WO -
Mimes the real ,toekholdero in this Name' Medicine Co, Tirrekviile, Ont.
Start the New
Year Right
Buv at M. Robins' and
save. 20 to 30
reduction on all lines
during January
Fresh Bread
rend en ndverflsement of Dr. WIl-
Home Pink PI114, and decided to try
Neem. By the time 1 had mord three
helm" 1 felt much better. nnd con-
tinuing the nee of the pili" it ons not
10115 before 1 felt Metter than i haul
been before the Influenza aftneked me.
%it rapid r'rovery surprised my
friend,, and when nuked "R'hnt 414
Baked Daily
That what. -you get when
ordering y o u r - Bread front
Cleveland's. It contains the
trnrest ingrtelients known to
bakers: Buy a loaf today and
- the different,.
We specialize in Cream
Goods of all kinds
l'hntt.• 114
West St.
Winter Term Begins January 3, 1928
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts.,
Phone 19t+
Repairs made to all makes of cars
by expert mechanics
New Machinery New Tools
Your choice of Flat Rate labor
charge or by the hour
MacEwan & T ebbutt
Ford Dealers
Kingston St. Goderich