HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-1-12, Page 1sweeter
l'be Signal's Clubbing List
will save you time and money. We
can give you a price on almost any
publication issued _on the continent.
Committees Appointed and Other
Business Transacted at
Inaugural Meeting
The Inaugural meeting of the town
(ronnet! of 1934 was held on Monday
morning. nt 11 o'clock.
All the member., were pre8ent and
the el.•rk made n statement that they
hall filed their declarations of office
and that tie council ens properly eon-
Ptlt need.
!layer M•o•F" an addressed the coun-
cil. h1- remarks losing reported to an-
other column.
(1n newel. n .'f the Reeve and Coun-
cillor ''Ott the Reeve, the Delany
Ret•40• and Cnunelllors cat. Bailie
and Meteor' were appointed a
striking committee to report on "towl-
ine committees of the con iell for the
The couur'll adjourned to ollow the
striking cominiltw' to d4'1ib•ret4'. and
111,11 re•suning received and adopted
Its report, n! follows:
Striking Committee's Report
FInanrr--- B. ('. Munning1. R. IT.
(1att. J. W. ('ralgie. R. E. Turner, W.
I'ublte \Yorks- it. i1 (lute. W. Bai-
lie. W. M. McLean. J. W. Creigle. R.
C Mannings.
Water. light and iTarbor-R. E.
Turner. W. M. MO1eon. D. Sproul, G.
P. Gould, R 11. Cute.
Ftpelal, Relief 81111 RecepttOn-W.
Bailie. It. C. Munnings. R. E. turner.
J. W. Cr,tgfe. G. 1'. Gould.
Fire --W. M, McLean. R. E. Turner.
D. Sproul. 14. C. Munnings. R. 11. Cott.
C4'm'tery and Parke -J. W. Cratgle,
D. Sproul, R. F. Tprner, W. Bailie. G.
P Gould.
Market --ll. 1'. Gould. J. W. Crwfgte,
D. Sproul. W. M. MCiewn. B. C. Main.
Court of Rey18108-11. Sproul. G. P.
Gone!. W. Bettie. R. H. Cult. W. II.
The first namisl on each committee
to be chairman and the Mayor to be
et olTh to a member of ■lt tbe
A motion wan presented that
regular meetings of the council be, as
heretofore. on the first and third Fri-
days of each month.
Councillor Dallle questioned the ne-
cessity of meeting to frequently. and
It was decided that for tbe months of
June. July and August only one regu-
lar meeting per month shall be held
and this on the third Friday of the
Appointments Mads
The, following motion, for appoint-
ments were then made:
Itv ('onnclllore Mnnnlnee and
Sproul- thAt A. D. McLean. Dr. Gel -
low and G. W. Sehaefer he appointed
members of the heel honed of health
for the yewr 192sr. Carried.
Ito Comeallor Sproul an
F rllrrd Reports Presented at ('on -
prgatlonal Meeting
The annual cuugregallunal meeting
of Vietoria street United.clturch was
held on Wednesday evening, when the
reverts from the various departments
and organizatlous of the church wereec
reived. The report' showed the
church to be In a thriving caudittou.
all the financial objectives having
been fully met during the church year,
which was from April 1st to Decem-
ber 31st.
Mr. G. M. Elliott, church treasurer.
reported that the financial objective
of $2"2"16 had Peen noised and there was
a growl balance nn 11,1ud. The other
organizations raised amounts as fol -
Iowa: Sunday school. $210.75; Eureka
Bible class, $107.42; Victoria Helpeni
class. $1[77.41 ; Pollyanna class $21.-
45: Aggressive class, 025; Young Pwo-
d0 s Society. $208.41 ;etWomen's Mis-
xtotwary See4y. $150,614;LadleeLei.1!
$4132 t13. Mr. J. 'H. Malian stated that
the objective of $750 for the 11141 14411-
nu4e and extension fund had been met.
Inuring the year improvements to the
amount of $150 were made to the
1st r son n ge.
bomb nmeers were elected AR Ni -
tows: Steward', W. M. Knight. Thos.
Taboo. \\'m. Blair .Ed. Curren. Robert
Phillipe, J. H. Johnston; elders for
three-year terve. Jas. Adams, J. 11.
Mllliau ; elders for two-year term. Wm.
Itivers. it. II. Reid; elders for one-year
term. G. M. Elliott, John Llnklater.
At the close of this Interesting meet-
ing a social half-hour was spent.
The News of the Town
Renewal Thee
This is the time 'for reaewal of sub-
stud The 1
is d
at the great number of renewals that
have been received. along with a good-
ly number of new subaw•riptlous. It
has been a very busy time In the of-
fice, and It lira been i'selble so for
to correct the mailing Ilse This will
be attended to an soon 4418 possible, :Po
that the advanced dates may he shown
00 the address labels. In the mean-
time the kind indulgence of subscribers
is requested.
The Alumnae As,0clation of Alexan-
dra Marine and General Hospital dill
hold a "500" and dance in Masonic
hall on Thursday evening• January
26th. Cards . at R o'clock. Lunch.
Music by the Goderlch Donee Fee
semble. Admlaslon 50 cents.
Goderich Poultry at Stratford
Several Goderk•14 poultry fanciers
had entries in the poultry show at
Stratford this week. Wren Shone
down elan*tgk partridge \Vyanduttes
and cl0ancd up pretty nearly every-
hls class. W. Doak took some
prizes with his black Jersey-(:Til'1Tr'
T. Bowler had good success with his
huff Orpfngtnns, taking two firsts fuel
three 'errands, as well as the silver cup
for collection. He had ■140 four
entries in MIIIefeur bantams and took
three firsts and one second.
New Aute Marken
Mr. Jas. W. MacVldr lana et -oared
the new automobile license markers
for 1tr2i, . The prices are the same as
lust gear.
From as Aableld Old Boy
Mr. Mike Whitey, Idylwild, Sask.,
writes: "1 received a copy of The Sig-
nal and 1t gave me a lot of news from
around Ashfield. I wu born In Kin -
tail. I left there tweuty4ve year',
ago. As I am settled down I thought
I would get The Signal to hear Bele-
thing about the old home. w I am
sending $2.00 fur •the paper to con-
Christmas Treat Appreciated
The following tote from the keeper
and matron of tete County Home at
Clinton has been received by Mr. T. G.
Cotonou. secretary of the Goderich
Centennial committee:
Dear Sir, -We wish to thank you for
the nit* donation writ to us for tbe in-
mates of the dome, of
andt h eats,
oranges and tobacco, 1
Inmate received a share. All were
highly delighted and the treat was
very much appreciated by a11. and they
wish to he remembered to the donors
and wish them good health and pros-
perity for the new year. Mr. and Mrs.
J. Jacobs.
congestion et certain of the toiler In
town on the recent election day that
some voters were unable to cast their
ballots. The matter was referred to
the special committee for a report.
' From the Fire Marshal
The following communication, dated
December IT. was received by tbe (•perk
from tbe otltee of the Provincial Fire
Marshal at Toronto:
"i beg ( receipt acknowledge reipt of
your favor of the 21st and am very
glad to know the dlaposltlgn of the old (l
council la regard to my report on eon-
dttlona in oderlgb.
"Am also glad to learn from The
Signal sent to me by (occurrent mall
that the ehlel and the men who re-
signed still continue to do duty until
the reorganization la effected.
"As the new Bre committee for the
year 192e will no doubt be appointed et
the menet! meeting on January fah.
MRA. i have arranged that our fire pre-
vention engineer. Mr. J. E. ititchie.
R.A.Sc., and our inspector. Mr. L. J.
Ri4hnp. who examined some oe of the wit-
nesses at the InveatlglItfon, Will toe
d Deputy with you 0n the mnrnln.g of flap 10th.
Fraser be h
Reeve Crider
-that J. ra• I and n will give all t e time nrnes-
appintrd pi member 0f the (:oderlCh Parc to neelst the committee In deter-
00114ginte institute board for the jeers I mining plans for the future, inolu.liug
leek 41951. Carried. the revision of the bylaw. \'nnrs
By Contu'illors Stunning. end Sprenl truly, E. 1'.Ikll
Heaton. Fire nrshnl."
-that ('hnrles A. Reid be appointed n The clerk having written to the Vire
member of the (:cuferleh free public I MnrehAl smegestling that the new chair --
library torsed of trustees for the years
man nnrl members, of the fire cemm(t-
11r2.'-29-30. CArrled• tee be given n little time to get their
etc itepute Reeve Crtigle and Colon- bearings before his Otero arrived.
Mr. H4aton agreed to this int nskerl
that tee .late be net not Inter than Jan-
uary 23rd.
This matter wag referred to the fire
A (ommnnleatlon from the Ontario
(:nod Rondo AsFneinUnn, nsking flint
a delegate he Pent to the annual con-
vention to Ire held at Toronto February
22 2; and 24. WA •4 referred to the pub-
lic works committee.
A tJ'(piest from '4110 Siek Children's
hospital. Toronto. for n gn(nl was Pent
to finanee committee. •
The sexton of Maitland cemetery re-
ported eight 4nterments In the month
of Dee•emher.
Must Obtain Permit
An appliention from M. Carney, Col-
borne 'street, for a building permit for
the erection of n garage Wa8 referred
to (11e fire eommittee.
It was stated that this hnnding wan
already well on the way to completion,
and the conned ordered the insertion
of a notice to the lore) 'wipers to the
cffw•t flint the erection of buildings
moot not be enmmen(•trl until proper
authority la obtained.
The flnnnee committee no. 'Inked to
report upon natters In e•rmnection with
the Artemft Furniture CO.
The Mayor thought it nrivlseble to
make name effort to Pe(•ure better mail
tnervlce than that now elven by the
C.N.R. noon tenth, and the matter wax
referred to the special eommitte'P.
etllor Winnings - 44114 Charles A.
Nairn he appointed o member 0f thee
Goderlch housing e011'tniseion for the
y fairs 192r-29. Carried.
ity ('onncilk,rs %tllnnings and (;oel(1
--that Mayor \ineEwne be appointed
8 member of the hoatcl of trustees of
-\1(x1141(1144 hospitn1 for the year 1924.
('onucillors Winnings end 11ahte
mired that II T. Dlwnn's be re -ap-
pointed ouseRger for 1928.
Councillor ('utt moved in Amend-
ment. 800010111 by Her•ve Turner, that
the matter of the aplsointment of the
asseseer and the mivieory assessor be
• referred to the finance committee to
report at next meeting.
The amendment was curried. Conn-
eillore Mannings and Bailie w-Itheiraw•-
ing their motion.
On motion the tux eollector•x roll of
1927 WAR handed baek to the collector
to make farther collections.
A motion Was passed authorizing (110
payment of the interest dile on the
0.W. S. Itailwny bonds. and another
dins -flog the 4114110' committee to
t"k4 np TIT mutter of fininetal ar-
rangemente with thin Bank.
it ons decided 10 order (•"piety of The
Mnn•1(•ipnl World as uRital for the
members of the council. and elm pomp
mites of the Muflklpel Act.
The tax eoller•tor submitted a report
showing that from i)ecemtber 15 to De-
cember :to he received inxcs amounting
to $5.94065.
Another statement submitted by the
collector watt An fo1!nws Total taveo
on roll. $105.(114.35: total taxes col-
leetel. $90.041f1 314; dtse•nnnt. $1.491.24;
penalty. $77.94; Arrears. $15.01$4.el.
At the reemeed of the Dominion Road
Machinery co. arrangements wore an.
thorlurl for the telling up by the town
of the bond of $3075.(ki (pincipel and
intermit) due by the Company and
guaranteed by the town. A cheque for
$575.05 wan presented by the Company
and the balance will be paid during the
year. with Intermit
Not Snood* Polling Booths
The clerk gave notice, In evom}:Ilan'
with Aeetlnn 391 0f the Statute's, !Rat
the number of electors in polling ante
dtvlwlnn. T. 2, t, 4 and 6 *sceem% 31141.
It will be neetopory for the nnuncll to
create a vomiter M additional polling
dlvlalo.s. It stens there was sects
Ilur.n Old Mals of _Tommie
The members of the Huron 0141
Boys' Aswa•fation of Toronto will at-
tend divine service at St. Barnebar
doer h Cotner Danforth and Hemp•
ton avenues, on Sunday evening. an -
nary 13th, at 7 o'eloek. The service
w•111 b• conducted by the rector, Rev.
F. E. Powell, a Turnberry ()Id Boy.
and alt Huronites residing In the city
are requested to be present.
Cold Weather In Manitoba
iteuewing her subscription • to The
signal, Mrs. J. A. Stirling, Maga.
Man., writes:
"We are glad to get the news of the
home town. and trust you are not
having Pueh extreme winter weather
a« we are. Jack Prost brought In the
now year with thirty-two degrees of
cold below -zero weather, and today
(Monday u started out with 20 below.
and a stiff gale. going up to 10 during
the day.
"Wishing yon a prosperous new
year. I remain, Your. truly, Mrs. J. A.
He is Reeve Turner
The Zurich Herald claims the Mayor
of Goderich as a former Stanley town-
ship boy. Mr. Turner, to Whom our
esteemed contemporary refers, 1s not
Mayor of Goderich yet, but as be hes
18 011 1u count -Moe, connoe, deputy
reeve, and now reeve, the Herald can
see how he is heading.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bridge,
(;ederlch, on Wednesday. Jauuury 4.
when Mrs. Bridge's daughter, Mist
Lillian Whiteside, was united 111 mar-
riage to "Billy" Andrew', of Toronto,
formerly of town. Rev. F. C. Elliott
was tbe officiating clergyman. The
young couple will reside in Toronto.
Garrick -Smith
A pretty house wedding was quietly
Fifty hear Wedded solemnised; at the home of Mr. and
The Clinton News -Record had the Mrs. John W. Smith. North street, oa
following last week 'under the Holmes- Saturday. December 81st, when their
elite heading: Fifty yearn ago on New only daughter, Kathleen Annie, be -
Tear's Day George E. Tebbutl. and came the bride of William Joseph Gar -
Caroline F. Sheppard were united 1n rick, only son of Mr. and Mrs. -W. J.
Gerrit* of doderkh. The marriage
ceremony was conducted by Rev. Syd-
ney Davison, In pm parlor, which w+a
artistically decorated to pink and
white and cedar. The bride looked
charming in a Creek of ivory Liberty
sarin. and shoer.tat hose t0 match.
Mho Nellie Ha web bar brides-
maid and was attractively gowned In
cork erepe•de-chine. Mr. Walter
Johnston was best man. Atter the
wed'ling supper, the evening was spent
in cards and music.-Wingham Ad -
Vallee Times.
New County Treasurer in OSes
The Signal Calendars
are here. One for every subscriber
who pays in advance for 1928.
Make sure you get' yours.
And "Fog Hero" Is Chronicling the
The marine Soclal Club los opened
its doors to all sailors and their
friends, on the Square over Wigles
drug store. and as the public is not en-
tirely femlllar with the nature of this
organization, which is non-sectarian
and non-politienl, the president.
Wen camping', here states the sense
of the organizatlor:
-We. the seamo of the town of Gd4-
erich. firmly believing in the benefits
derived from a social organization.
Imo*. bluMauled ourselves- together for
1nn111111 mud nen0 .eta! purposes 1n the
)car 192_s and to name it the 'Marine
So.•la1 Club.'
••Our object Is to encourage harmony
and goof -fellowship among seamen
1111141 members, and to 'mores. upon each
individual joining this organization
their responsibility 4f Ih0wIng by
their conduct and good behavior that
of seamanship 1s one of,.'c
' f his Otncr the most benot ot-$reemaio"" ,.
In addition to the above this Club
has opened up a "bureau of informa-
tion" whleb will be of great benefit
to sailors from out of town seeking
information of any kind regarding
marine questions. (Write to o
Social Club.)
The Club's Opening Dance
On Friday, January 611i, the Marine
Social CO* gave its first RO0ia1 dance
of the season at the Masonic Temple,
at 4.30 p.m. Euchre, with twenty-two
tables. WEIR first on the program, and
at 10.30 playing ceased and the prizes
were awariled to the winners. Pinot
prizs was won by Mrs. Halliday, the
consolation going to Mrs. ('lark. The
gentlemen's Brat prize was won by
Mr. Morris Webber. and the conso-
lation went to James 'semen! The
Boor was then cleared and lunch was
served by James Ronny and the Clubwaiters. There was abundance of
cake and sandwiches and coffee. and
after all were filled up to 1114' hatches
dancing commenced, and WAR kept up
to 2.30 a.m. A very enjoyable time
was had by all. Kr. Tom Elliott and
lir- Gordon Youn the new county the profession
treasurer. is nowTns a•led n
eat the court house. The auditors sip-
jalnted at the December session of the
county council, Messrs. Alex._ Porter-
field, of Belgrave, and Robert Higgins,
of Hensall,econc•laded their work last
week. Mr. Lane Is retqaining in town
for the present.. and still attends al -
marriage by the late Rev.
Philp, the then pastor of the Hobates-
ville circuit 'of the Methodist church,
at the borne of the late Christopher
Nesbitt and Mn. Nesbitt of the l6th,
the farm now owned and occupied by
Mr. Bert Lobb. On their marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Tebbutt 'settled on the
farm on the Maitland, where they still
reside. The bride of fifty years ago
was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland,
and came to Canada when a girl of
about seventeen, accompanied by a
brother, David. who now resides at
Saetc Miss Sheppard re-
tnatned with Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt un-
til her marriage about three years
most every day at his old once.
t Goderleh Old Boy
The Terence Telegram's picture Mal-
The bridegroom was born on a lery f tel
Nurses' Abilene* Association
A meeting of the Alumnae Asewxia-
tlon of Alexandra Marine and Gen-
eral Hospital was held at the home of
Mr., C.• Webb 00 'Friday, January 6th.
The omcers for the ensuing year were
reelected,,as follows: Honorary presi-
dent, Miss C. Donaldson; president,
*N.C. Webb; honorary vice-president.
Miss . M. Matheson; vice_president,
Miss C. McManus; recording secre-
tary, Miss F. Dougherty; correspond -
Ing secretary, Mrs. Geo. Salkeld ; treas-
urer, Miss R. McGuire; board of di-
rectors. Mrs. R.• Rundle. Mrs. H. R.
Hall, Miss C. Dunkeld. The Associa-
tion decided to hold a "500" and dance
on Thursday. January 20th.
Baptist church, Jan. 15th. -Morning.
"A Gateway to Rlexsing." Evening,
"Prophetic Message -Darkness ahead.
then glorious dawn."
The services at North street Foiled
church next Sunday w111 be as follows:
10 a.m.. Men's Club, fellnwaMp cktaes
and Mission Band. Public worship at
11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 5
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
of Knox church will be held on Tues-
day. January 17te, at 3.80 p.m. The
meeting will be 1n charge of Mrs. A. J.
MacKay. Mrs. Geo. MacDonald and
Mrs. Thos. Gundry.
Services In Knox church next Sab-
bath will be conducted by the minlitter.
Inaugural Address Delivered at
First Meeting of the New
Mal -
later. a eg Toronto a zeas nen Cor 1(n ice"
of sermons: 11 a.m.. "The
farm on the Maitland, where he has snhjeet on Saturday beet R Goderlch Thnughta nC Tod ' 7 Sita'
• 1 lie was -old loo brother 0f A. \) and W. H. 1 of D bt ' Sabbath school and
hi t u b Colerlch grulnatmg from 1 7 on suhyect
and O ar Th 'nlvrrnftr of Toronto in tr A Manes (Menem." Song Perrier af-
t I1 ia}I'i i}/• taught HI 11
always continued to reside.
dose n cram
1 Robertson d t, 311s' S Robertson
S reef Cnitel
hate a family of three daughters and phhrol sketch was aschurch next Sunday as follows:
two sous: Mrs. W. E. Sheppard, of -Prof. J. C. Robertson *11 torn in a.m., fellowship; 11 a.m., sermon sub -
\Washington; Mrs. F. C. I'Iekard and Brampton and received his enrly'edn- jet -What Is Pharteo., ser 3 p.m..
Mrs. W. J. Cox, of Goderich township; ration 1 Z as
church !school. p.m., sermon .
Will Tebbutt. of Goderich, and Oscar
e( Clinton There are fifteen ifenn0 - n gold mer ' , C.4 i.
chlidren. It is hard to realizi•. look- School for n time at Owen Sound and The regular meeting of the Arthur
fug at this sturdy couple, that they was the first principal of Toronto Circle Will be Mehl In the lecture room
have travelled so tong and so far, and' Junellon high S••hool. He ha. toee011 of Knox church 011 Monday.11*le January
U1dr maul friends hope they may yet head of the (:reek rlepnrtmen0 Of Vic -,y 16, at 8 p.m. Mrs. C. A. Reid will
live to celebrate their diamond wed- tnrin College nitu•p 1894. Prof. Robert -'4' have charge of the meeting and Mrs.
ding anniversary. son la editor of cln.sienl text hooks A.
0 charge
will give a report of the
enol'wrote the Ontario High R.•hool Arve«hyterinl 11meeting se at Clinton.
GUE I 1 k ile tQ
a sen of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wul- an e_ ,s -- - 11<tMr-t4"1"" trgreRieele'
gate 1 •bbutt. fpr. and Mrs. Tetrbutt of town The aeeompnn Ing hinges
at \'fe flee et
Mayor MacKwan addressed the tows
council at its Inaugun1l meeting for
1928, on Monday morning, as follows:
Another year has Come and gone and
It is again my high privilege to pre
side over the destinies of the town for
a further twelvemonth.
\V,;h the exception of the Deputy
Reeve, who was exceptionally Virtu -
nate, we have all come through the
fires of an election campaign and 1■
being honored by the votes of the peo-
ple we face another y'ea'r fttkllug that
we lance the full confidence of the
el ct_orate,
Snowplow of ileublful Value
Councillor Meheat1 !rook*, of the con-
dition of the Provincial highway.
Since the snowplow had cleared it of
lion* the former! who had 04) nee
sleighs to reach the highway could not
get to town `nd the hadn't' of the
town wan being Injured.
Several of the member! dlecusled
the matter, and while the view pre-
vailed that the Provincial enthoritl4'1
could he left to solve the problem the
opinion was expreunced that the Foment
method of trestmcnt of the road was
more of a 44etrlment than a *meat.
Bylaw No. 1, to provide fiends to pay
the intermit on the O. W. S. Rellway
bonds, and Nos. 2. 3, 4 and 5, conflrm-
Ing the nevem! appofntment1 elredy
made at title meeting. were put
through and the council adjourned at
1 o'clock.
rolled in
with the
P. Hunt
111i -stilly night eight team~
the Reyal !fowling longue.
following results: Lions Club
Saliford two games to (Inc.
with 74)4, was Illgh for the
Liens and C. Me:Manus with 161:3 was
i.es4 for Sanford. The Western Can-
ada Flour Mills defeated .the (tankers
three straight games. C. Griffith with
743 w -as high for the Mill and R.
Hunter for the hankers wlttt
Huron Investments started off right by
taking three games from the Railways.
E. Sheardown with 056 and 1'. Turner
with 64-4 were the high .corers. The
strong Legion team took things easy
and defeated M.C.C. No. In three
straight Kamm ti. Tnffhrd (k;1 and
T. Pritchard 536 had the highest
The gimes Monday night resulted an nrday Night and many lending F.ng-
fOIIOR'P: W.('.F.M. defeated Mi'.('. IlPIt mnd T'nited States pnhnrotlOns.
No. 2 two games to one. W. Donk 645 The meeting wle, bre• omen to the'puh.
and T. Pritchard 654 were last 08 He. without ehnree, !Intl it is hoped
their teams. M.C.C. No. 3 were tbe
surprise of the evening when they
took two out of the three from the
Rallways. P. Turner 677 and H.
Young 5955 had the highest scores for
their teem". Saltford rolled to form
nasi defeated M.C.C. 'No. 1 three
straight games. Bob Rlnset *Rh 742
and F. Westbrook 1177 were the high
Tine Big Mill rolled the highest three
games to date In defeating the Rank-
ers. The fullnwing are the individual
C. Griffith 231 21A X44-744
194 111.'1 256- 645
202 273 217-41112
Latin end other a•h0u o04 s. At the manna! meeting M St. Geer•
pre"idem of the (I48P1cal ("ub of Tar- e's Church Woman's Guild. held nn
onto. H0 181 ode his olmmene at G0. Tuesday January 14841. the following
}tome Ray e s n member eie 'fed officers for 1928: 'Prete!-
Madnwewa Club."_ 'lent. Mist( M. E. Satkeld; let oke
- president. Mrs: O. Sturdy; 2nd ri4`e-
lender the enslaves of the Canadian . "The Public mud Politfciann" 1,lenr, Mrs. 1'. Wuryohy; !ren.atter.
E. D. Brown ; secretary. ry. Mrs. J.
}1 R 1 I ember of the
('pub of Goderl. ;i, Mr. (;rattan O'Leary. -"'
of Ottawa. will give aft whim., 11, W. lluutter: rimer mothers. Mrs. liart-
MIIrKayt (tall .'n Tuesday 'venin'welt mid WI'. Palmer.
.lanunry 17th, on "Tile Public and 'The Young People... Society of Vlc-
I'olitieinns." Mr. O'Leary is well tonin Meet.. United church held its an -
equipped for sne;t an address. Oaring ( niurl tmsiness mit('ting end election of
been a member of the Press Gallery omrerx on Monday evening.: Those
nt Ottawa for a number of ycnre and elected to office are: Preeni(lent, Mr.
having been to more or less chile. can- George liaeehler; vice-presidents--de-
cotinunl, MIPs Delight Match; mise
tact with public atf'lirs for mart' imperial Con- sinnary. Mrs. G. Ra(chler; citizenship.
ie 1921 he the Cad the Pess ('^n• ler, Arlei1h Randall; Fetal, files (leer,
feren4e e! the Car :titian Press mime- Surer. Mr.
xentaOttn Hm iP mr.rand also wr r
The (1ttnWn Journal. and 'lila wrlten Tevruc• Jewell; plantnL MCR. F..'Crary
mon; n'slstnnt planisL Mixx Mary
for Marl ee n'P Magazine. Toronto Sat- \IeKintlnn,
The election of off cern of the Went-
minster Guild took place in the lecture
room of Knox church on TueMlay even -
Ing. The °Myers are ne follows: Hon.
I. therefore. want to ober )loon all
my sincere congratulations. and 1 do
so with, the hope that we shall have a
very successful and pleasant year to-
We shall nil moot sincerely from
our midst two very vigorous members
pf kat year's council In the persons of
Ex -Reese Lee and Bx-Copnelllor
Humber. Ruth these' gentlemen gave
willingly told eanlestly of their time
and their talents 111 the, interests of
the town during the year 1927 and
their pkces will be extremely bard to
However, we are pleased to welcome
hack to the council Mr. Mannings, who
Is a veteran In municipal experience.
having gene through all the °Mem
nround the council board. We are
very fortunate in having tl.e benefit of
his long familiarity with the town's
We also welcome to n Peat at our
municipal forum a new man In Mr.
(;m. Gould and We offer him congratu-
lations on the splendid vote which he
received on his first peaty into the lo-
cal political field. We feel sure that.
with his wide experience In business
attain+, he will bring to the canned Px-
cellent judgment and will give serious
consideration to all matters pertaining
to the welfare of the town.
In looking around the council table.
1 cannot help but feel that we shall all
be loyal, 0114' to the other, and that our
united endeavors will be concentrated
on the most helpful and Mildest sew
vice in the Interests of our toetn. •
Mrs. Margaret Martyn furnished the
music, and the piles for the cards
were tarnished by the Cralgic Bre
Hot Air front the Week'
We were glad to see the smiling
face of Capt. Angel, ("Spike") Mac-
Donald again. He looks well and
seerrw to . be bigger than ever. The
Captain started upstairs to visit old -
at the Clnh. bet he got stud in
the door and It took three t%ekh4lnds
to pry him loose. The Captain wants
to knoaw- if they made that door fur a
kindergarten club.
"Jiggu" O'Neil had a kidney re-
moved from one of his feet by the
murine surgeon and was parable to at-
tend`the last social.
Jae Mac'Plinil has a new brand of
hair tonic. guaranteed to grow hate
nn a door knnh. and In nix au'nthd
rime 3np ''talus his own- wife -won't-
know him.
ferale& McCarthy want• to grow e
moustache 441144 asked Joe' tor 0110 op-
plleation. but Joe replied: "Nothing
doing. kid. until my own bald pate is
covered all over."
Dick illaek has been elected lti"-
4pPten ofaho Marine Soviet Clnb, and
when Dirk get. 111s tripe going good
ninny thrilling events *411 he told of
the time when he WAR Perond 001k on
the sehnnnrr Midland Boyer In the
early '70'8. These st''rtew will be in-
teresting to all marine men.
Mrs. Mary MacKenzie stepped on the
toe of the man Rite wens glancing with
at the marine social dance. and the
murine surgeon thinks the toe w111
have to be amputated. Mary is no
We regret to state that ('nil. Rohe.
Kerr In nick in the hospital. We hope
to Pee him Ont again noon. es all
serine menet thin port are interested
in Robert's welfare. Ile le missed at
the Club ,
F41G Ti4RN.
• of fain' Hoist seeretary tren
W. Carrick
W. Doak
M. Sanderson ....227 2444 197-672
11. Painter 1441 14I8 162-4141
1085 1122 1166 6333
Gime" next week:
Jan. 111-Y.C.C. (1) va. Lions Muh.
Huron Investments vs. H.C.C.
Railways vs. M. C. C. (2).
Jan.' 10--11altford re. A. 1'. Carey.
W.C.F.M. vw. D. R. M. Co.
Ranters vP. Legion.
First game at 7.3(1, second ■t 0.00
and third at 8.00 o'clock each right.
there will. lie n hirge tnrnolt of the I president. Rev. R. C. llcTletlnid; west -
people Mr. 'L try. and poinit; M r dent. Elsie Winter; 1st rice -president,
hoar o'clock T1 a meeting will Tirmnn nen ; 2nd vier'-preeldent. Naomi
open nt A o'clock p.m. McDermid; xecretary, Jean f.ednur
- treasurer. Frank E. Clark; pkriIPl,
Mary McKay; n«elutant plantst, Mar -
The Signet does not w:1nt to start a riot Toylor; convener noelal comrrlt-
te. Florence MneKenile: religions;contrmeray. hot In }entice to the sa committee. Margaret Ited4R1, David
Wenger. Clete McCreatli. 11111 Black;
missMnnry eoonwnittee. Jade Black,
Frank Clark. Gordon Meliehen, iitta
Quaid; literary committee, Elide Win-
ter. Mary McKay, Ruby Wambold.
Colin -Hunter.
thor erf the murh-dinetwone'l election ad-
vertisement in this paper it Rhonld he
Paid that Mayor Macl('wnn authorises
the statement that he Mn nn recollec-
tion of 4104111%g ex -Reeve Lee from
assistance to the Centennial commit-
tee. fin.more than one occasion he
ftlte Mayor) informed the conn41l that
their co-operation with tie centennial
committee wax earnestly desired.
It may also he painted out that, 90-
eording to Mr. Lee's own publishes]
statement, the great part df the work
done cn the roads under lila direction
as chairmen of the Public works it'rn-
settees was on roads leading to or In
the identity of Mr. Leal boM.
A Robbie -terse entire"! 1t' to be
given re* brit Week of Mutt taeet& M
the ebolr of tNnrth street Putted
church. match for the date.
.Hfghirrede heavyweight gold-filled
spectacles and eyegUMls with hest
fist spherical lenses for only $4.00. All
other style of frames and lenses at
lowest pelmet. 1Cye0 examined by Our
well-tnown and palneteking specialist.
Nr. 'Ttnghlmn, with twenty seven years'
experiences, eighteen venrx earning to
(Taferich.Ton are aeured of e beet
optieil work mth
k to he obtained and at very
moderate colt. Two Days only. Thurs-
day and PiIday, January 19. 20. Come
early. Smith's Art Store, (loderlch.
The Goderkh Centennial
The year 1927 will stand out fee
many years to come, as our Centen-
tttal year. Daring the first week is
August, our citizens put on the most
meritorious and suc(rsafnl eeletaratlon
ever staged in the county of Huron.
No commendation is too great for the -
'splendid co-operation shown .bf--ous-
own 'erode, and words completely fall
n expressing our grntlt'te TSYtte--other --
municipalities of the county. .to that
wonderful or•gauisftl"n the 44uroe 014--- r
Boys of Toronto. and to all our old _
boys and girls throughout our far-
flung Dominion and elsewhere. In
rising. PO con1111ly x1111 !ill (W (Wei'''. 10 a
wonderful and never-to-I,e-forgotten
It• was our good fortune also to cele-
brate. Bitingly, on Dominion Day the
1)lamcrnd Jubilee of confederation.
The yenr 11)27 as the One hundredth
anntversary of the founding of our
town and its the sixtieth birthday of
our Dominion cannot pess11117 be for-
gotten- or fade from our memorle's
while life with each of nn N11181 1114.
We are now embarked on the !second
htu4.1id years of our existence as a
town, but 1 tun afraid 1t may be rather
a wistful and idle iga,culitlol for us
to wonder who shall be nearing our
old plug hats one hundred .years from
Doings of the Past hear
Ahmeek Chapter, i.O.D.E.. will meet
at the public library. on Monday. 1:111
nary 164h. at 4 o'clock.
The (loderleh township hospital env -
'Rory w1)1 meet at the home orf Mrs.
H. I.. Salkeld. Grulerieh, on Thuredny,
January 19t11. of 2.30 p.m.
The annual high ten end bazaar
under the n(i«pirev of St. George's'
Churchwomeln'8 Guild w111 he held on
St. Valentine's Dny. February 141 h.
Particulars inter. Please kap 'this•
During the post year a bylaw was
cnrricrt making n grant to the Alexan-
ern Marine and General 110sp1tal of
18010 to take care of a mortgage for
that amount on this I(u•al lnstitutlon.
Ronda of the town for this sum were
Issued and sold.
Debentures also, covering the con-
stnuctlon of sewers built in the year
ltr21 and following years, were hewed
wool Mellowed ed, Uwe engineer haring
finally made his long-delayed report
on this work.
In the sessions held by the county
V1,n11111 in ,January and Juni' the mat-
ter of th,' new county ill lu,1tlan was
lute open. taken up, and although a compromise
A meeting of the Victoria Home and V1 PM arrived tit the new ,1-«4s«sent 1s
Reboot Club will he held in \'totorin a malt unsxti f44ctory an •for the town
school on Thursday evening, Jnnnary or lknlerleh rind la now entailing eq
19tH. et R o'ekx•k. A "peeled progrnm additional levy on the citizens of the
Is being arnged and a large attend- ensu elf nearly $348444 per year.
ance 1! requested.
towns Aad tillages had no 14-
A euchre and dance under the ail Irn'ncutetivice un the board of valuators
pieces of Rt. Peter.« Altar Society *11) And the result 1" a meet unfair, bard -
tae held In (lddfellnws' ll on TI(P1- 14x90010 And v,'**ilns Adjnstpnt crf
day evening. January 21th. tends of relic'«. What remedy you may en
e( o'clock. Music by the Godet'kb den v,* fn take. if nnnS, for whatmRP
Dance Ensemble. Tickets 34) 41'1100. para t0 1 ra very serlo,M dloCrimtna-
The Gnderkh M*irhle Works hoe fl4' 44011 i iue .400011 of Axxessmcnt. rewta
ntelled a machine for Iettering.4Pn that with yam as memherR of the fawn
there in TO otecesslty to go out of town meinclt.
to get this work done. Their granite Oaring the toot Fele Our p»bnt
0omPx direct from Rmttnnrl, wo that works deportment dec"ted Its energleo
they can elwey8 guerilla/se ernntee the heat toaArds the Improvemeal of Rrltannta
tnntcrlA1 end workmanship. A ship ronel. \\''feel(., %V,4 gtoti and Weli-
ment or granite from .\herdw•n. Sent- PPley Atr.ets. also /t George's Crew
land. will arrive about May 1.t. cent. It *111 M IMC duty of th! new
The edtt0r of The Slgnal Is In re- cholrnr(n of pal ' works to 54* that
resp of en invitation from the presi-
dent And 0ffMPrs of 4 h Ilnron 1411
Royal Association of Toronto to at-
tend the twenty-eighth anneal at
bonne of the Association. fn be held in
the Temple Building. Ra and Rich-
mond streets, on 'Char.d.y teen*"
January 26th.
and co
io the harhnr were atm
foot of Wellington street
bourg Pfreet down towards
14411141etwnd WPM erected in the
(Continued on page 8)