HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-12-29, Page 7L
County and District
Mrs. C. Pilgrim, of Varna, la laid up -i'rtr•e paid for the 12.3 sures is $11,000.
with a broken 'leg, the result of a fall PoaeeseInn la to be given ,iannary lett
eThe death urcurred un Friday, De- next, Mr. Koehler and family Will re••
(limbter 23rd, of John Boyd, a well•. sl.le In Zurich snail their future plans ;
kuowu farmer et McKillop township are ,4'termined.
in his Ilftc-fourth year. Ile is survived John 1'. Rau has sold his farm of
by his wife and two sena. Al) attack 150 a, res, on the Gosbeu line north of
of typhoid fever we. the muse of 'Zurich, to M,Pem Gerber. of 1Vllmur
A ploueer re'l'ent of the township
of McKillop, In the Verson of Mrs. Gar.
.inn. widow of the Into Atele der t;ur-
dun. missed away 11'4 neeplay of last
week at the age of eighty-two years.
Mra. Burdon was born at Cape Breton
and as a chit' Value wit!, lier parent*
to Ontario. the family settling In Mc-
Killop tow-uship. The dw•eaited 1s. sur-
vlved by three sous and one daughter.
Nei! Campbell Maelselalht, youngest
son of Mrs. Jane Maelenald and the
tate 1)111411' 11w•du.at1,! 1,1 the 2nd
comes/don of Grey township. died !n
the hospital at Calgary en Friday last
after an o{wmtion for aprs•mlicltls. He
lit year. of age and had
Veto for fifteen years
e brought to lila old
!ship and the inter-
tr1-..•l. ,,Inet.o.
etas thirty-.•
been in the
The remains w
hum.' in prey to
went took teem In
The death ocrnrred at Flint. Mich..
on Iletru{ds•r 17111 of Mr' Annie Reed.
willow of the late At' .•w Field of
Stanley township. 1)4444 was trh
1T-l4ght ePar. of age. She ie11t
family of four s1'ns and four R
ters. Three d.ughf.•r- and of
Ui a at }'lint, Mdeh
ing them when •IIP w 1• fakehw•Ittt
fatal I!h,•s. '1'11 remains :war,
brought 1„ rtrluh•) for lutertuent. the
funeral .ervIct. bring hell In t
Failed chun•h. Viirn:. t1-1:.:
1 4 II4
RRl'fik4EIS1 !bean
__--• -lap. hu
. Elizahcth A itro..•. wife of .1auu' more than
Reims. passe! away 14.,'1 h.'r 114th in widow and
her ,a 4cIty eyelid yore Before three daughte
moving to Itru•-els tett years Kee .1•` . 4e.Ifurt rsew
erased and her hit-t.11'e lived cm' the 141.4 ('. when 4:
7t11 line of Morris town -hip Beebe.. Huron r,,:id .0.1. i
her 1111 Mini nit. he lt'n Vl" ton +,Aly and .1.w that was o'••r •'
Iwo dn-igh ter.. MI.. lustre. .tf Brit.- and weighed aloe. fe
.els. I. a sister, wu: the biggest t!,!r_ in
After serene) mentha of .falling that has been .ten 111 town.
health. Tea"e1"iale Whitfield. d former The Seaforth Lime pot o
resident. of Grey teem -hip and Brim- inanity Christina. tr., eel4
• eels. 'ted 1h•.eml's•r 1411 '31 his home Tuesday nfrernooe ••' :41.1 week
at-'Atwe4'! Iteeet1".•11 was 111 his se- p,,.Inffk:P-1•Iwtt Ti.' -tree was bel
I. ac4•s 11 w-idnw. fully` dw•orite',{ ane over'400 ('hr
vs 0
.tang h- friends Hee nelghtaers luui pn•sentwl
son 41111 ti )omit 411141 au .•1.'tri.• toaster,
Atkin : 1 _
Centre, formerly of the township of
Stanley. The price pall 13 *11.500 for
the 150 tweet. 1'oame.stol8la to be
given In March. Mr. nu11 Mrs. 1(au to
lend moving to Zurich in the •.ring
Silas R. F. Ward., of the Clinton
School of t'oulmef.•e. Is 4,444u4ing 11444
111r1strnus Vacation at her home at
lLorktville, Maryland.
News Wag receive.). Inst week of the
death of Mrs. Agues Agnew. wife of
1)r. Robert .Agnew, which o.rurre'
after a brief flint... at their home at
Vaucouv.'r, lt.C. Mr' AgI,'w waw�/ n
daughter of the late Alexander ete-
Murchie and sister of Jutnes McMur-
elde and Mrs., W. Itry.lone of Clinton.
She leave. Iseslde+ her husband a
dantghter and three sons.
.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A Giller have
moved Into Clinton from t: elert.•ii
township. Before 'their 41eparture
Teem the township they were waited
on at their home by u large number of
Great Pier Dedicated to Empire Service
re= •
pI 1
1-'I ER,. , . '.
' 13 - a
1 'A ti 4.1"..4,`,.44.,N1 IK 1i'; 1 • • i.e.
lit: 5t n to ,g�
EA y .``411(111.
t, �..tl;;.:-. rI)I
41 (ANAENAtlr1'xctl.
' eft 1111 iAVl;'.
C(} ►:lielietl I
\fret cul Mimes. .,1 ....mai wombs.
l•,te of John Born. o,r•urred TH',
171h at LI. torn.' here. Mr.
as a hate.. of McKillop t0w1n-
1144 Iivc41 111• :41.:t forth for
hirtc y•:,n 114 I•Ylve' a second longest in the world, ar.d was
fltu.ilc of two soon. a� planned with an eye to a prosperous
future when Vaneouver, will he one
• sem-fiht one 40y of, if not the biggest. port_ on the
roe Lowery. of the Pacific coast, and designed to accom-
eel. Ina bn174l malate at least two Of the greatest
feet in length linen built.
if -a -ton. it It a far cry from the first wooded
e pig line pile ocean docks built by the Cana-
dian Pecific in the early spring of
n corn -
stumps 1887 when Vancouver was a city of
pre -
stumps and possibilities -to the pre -
Otte. sent pier with nearly 3,000 feet of
berthtng space available and accom-
modation for the cargoes of a dozen
of even the most modern ocean grey-
II to 1117
1. NawC.P.R. Piet at Vancouver. 2. Brunt,. plaque unveil'.' 14) Mayor Taylor or Vancouver.
3. The l:. P.R. Unckaas they appe•r.Yl in theearlY day. of thla port.
couvee featurr---vf-
1./ Vancouver's celebration of the
Diamond Jubilee of Confederation ---
and one that no other city in he
Dominion can boast of duplicating --
was the dedication and official open-
ing of the new $6,000,000 Canadian
Pacific Pier B -C.
The new mammoth pier is the
centy-thlril year. ib•.
.•114* 4.14. si Mr •'t l ! vhiln : -441141
lints- tmac--atOek!atn. sial ,,rams -s were 41s•e
inletted from It • fig many school
' oris and Mee .tnrtorTe+.w'rr .f-Gr.-y'eideiint- f,,414_t...wzt_ tel_oauntry •
township• '- over onte•bundr "4 cols,; people have
__ regi.tered for the .:.ort ronrse 10 ire , • -
RL%1H_T given here by 111e lt•larhul•ut Of Agri- ; Mrm. \ a man with an uMlelln sldrit"-that
eillttre from January 3 to February 3. ; nouneee til engllgi-ment of her young- (Cunth,uerl from liege 0)
- - •est daughter, Catherine• to Dr. Wil- is, the personality of the man wax over- Nor shall 1 telt tee tale of the It 1s ••S1""•trd that ltaintirn lien+.' --1 Il Irlt fur the �
luno'.-Heeresent ' -' age inert word I
in modern rr,achine , en't ,
r w• pier is also t tea!'le for tr..
pl.s:ng manner 411 which the prac-
te•ai has been coan••ined with the
The Canadian P:: tic is intereate.t
chiefly in the trade with the Orient.
Australia end Ne:. Zealand. Al-
though imports an,i a .4,orts are of a
mixed character, tee most valealtle
single article is sill:. Sek shipments
.must be transferred Lore bout to rail
with the least pons ` `r delay. Facili-
ties embodied in til•• •,•n -:ruction of.
this pier ensure tate • ••! and careful
handling of all care''
W1!i:e designed r eearily for the
use of its own ships the l' P.R. veil
allow pier B -C to ire mei by the ships
of other lines. Its len.t , of 1.141) feet
permits the docking of either side. of
the largest of the pewit day trans -
Pacific boats -tile Empress of Can -
res r•, 'opt ►w 1.. -..•til 44-;41,
amalleF vessel. Its -width of 331.1
0,417010011 kat pai 21 )1A
'l'lursdae, December $!1, 1921.-7
We extend to all our Wishes for a
Happy and Prosperous
Neu' Year
Phone 46
South Side of Square
cis „ eCegt(MeCetetrkeVe U;W`raA V'.Zezea+wl'wtmtw ,'1
n, ut .\:! that` lteppene4 afterward
,4414 la•n, frum,lts Agony.
1141.••.'.• mel Tem half way up the
bite. 'there was ono' talk he
I w4Y•n them, then' where no 4111)
11,4 o'erhrar, or see. Their hands.
tart,,! face to f,•e, protected one un -
ether 1 is yr 1111 .tot 1unt•r aside for
come minute; then he let Tom g.', lural
.YY•Ille'1 1,.. 41111141, conaldering. while
the Wadi: with 144, ugly loping gait.
.4,•11: • I. .\..00u a+ Tow head rencbei
the .I , ie. II.• ,4rlieerlttely threw up Ills
held '. t..•.l his ,,rids. and h,'gan-•as
,uati4,•. .lo I,•gin,,:i l at once. like the
tu.rl:h._ 414- .,f ;1 Nllr--the Islnnd death
` ,At thi+► I think l went a 11tt1e rated
} itee-mn1pir whorl!.
1 \\gill we hn,441. lighting for hl+ month.
held eft.' ,•a-ily rn •11, I moa r.•nf.-84.
by the I•'11g heck limb. of the nigger.
and lav t,.!.4' yelling, In rompeti1len
w't..t.-hi. )(fem e )ria. --"Stop it. Stop
It Stt•nk:
yli-.u• 1:.• p1111.h!" wlwlup•I Tom
meet. ,,;;..ether he pinleh" (finlshe.
:41,4%:' he :1.111041 nP eor„1-
4.,r) \-w,. :1 41'44. el-wa-Pr"
1, `1r11fkn ,! hiln._ 1'mldll rl steeping
iI'. 1
! m
• Lich 11!..1 1,1i +tl1.. thnt under or
441'.:cry • 11'• 41411 443,4, 4 1 4411.4! .cn N•P
•,4, uo4c,1.:uu! .w'luging' 1.) to strike.
'1'•,m •!,•'4:' ! 11, nu,l nn•, with a 'Ingle
tau, rat movement of I;I. body : he 11141
ruction til.' permits a n.oderate atze.rbeetet0-he fur a ruiniitr [feet
decked at the oli-shore end at the
:ao.e tirre that either or -both sides of
:he Fier 14 " in nae.
A special feature of the construction
of the Iger a that a promenade is
construct4-d down each side of the pier
healing from the head -house over
the roofs of the freight sheds. Con-
ne,•tions are made from this prome-
ieolc to the ships by a long gangway
so that 'passengers may embark or
diacmhark without hindering the
freight handling on the lower deck.
In offieiall�• opening the pie. Mayor
Taylor unveiled a magnificent bronze
plaque, a gift of private citizens of
`•ancoov.•r, whtch hears the following
inscription: "Piers 11 and C. Formally
(opened and Dedicated to the Can-
adian Pacific Empire Service during
Greater Vancouver's Celebration of
('antda's Diamond Jubilee of Con-
federation by Louis D. Taylor, Mayor
-- i�MT�•-teaching'OU1 t to.Fhol- piw•ir THE WRECK OF
drivelling in such a light.
And there was 1n their Pynag'glte
ratan Murray. Ripley. an -
new milt will be ready for neerati,.n - Wp3f;H.1M 1 Into L.. Meet.
about the middle of Jutinary.
►o1 Mrs. MacLeo
• The Literary Society of Blyth (glen- • 4!n4ham merrhaut. report the best M:n.Le4t1 of 'meet
-tiunntion Seheel held an interesting ('Iremite( trade for some years. t. to take place Det
debate .tl Thursday tilt, on 'the 'nth-: The death /.:•••nrr.•4 la ('alifornla on . Jos Johastun has
Jett, "Ile etc•'. that men have Anne le...•rnh. r (1114, (tree n short illness, of 11111 1,4 spend the winter
more for the world than women." The Wm.. ptutton, a former well-known .tome sneak thief visited
affirmative we.' upheld he 114.41*-IU`h`'r•ei rat of.W4l.;ham and n1uartner 111 Alf. Andrew, sontb of town,
mono snit. 1nulse R01dnl011 end the the firm of Rotten ee-Seesant. chair I rcaYut1y land retniif T- a fro
negative by Hnz)1 Leslie and 11i'letf nannfartorer. lir. Threw( lowed Kt•.(rnmehi'fit "lewd Mule - --
(imshy.- The Judges Race their 4r 111yer.ide. t'olf.•rnln, x11411 eighteen • 71184 Jean St,W,,rt. Itudentof
4-141014 In favor of the alnrtaatlre. Fears uee' Ile 141 .uryic.,l IT his wife hunt lllgh School. who w,in the
A "community ('hri-:met. tree was and two s,a1., }:ane+t ni.,l 4414•warL mud tarter meholarsblp 'or Huron count.
beleon Christmns Eve. flet.- W:- le-h!-Nve erethers: Gcureereendllmes..0f 4: 4 l.urknuw girl. - -
ilnwklns oriel ns chairman and sine- -Te -'nater_ Jelin- of Lu.r..tttW. Wlit-0n. }Nerd hal. 14Pcn n'eclvd•d here of the
er. from theyarl..n• church deers .•f Die...•view, 'elate. and .14••4•, of .•ccetn '48114 at Ferman, • Ont., of w
r:1»c familiar hymn.. The large tote 14'ln¢hn-tn - Thomas W. Baird. the oldest ndsslon• four
4.... beautifully decorated.
11'1,. tem. E. F,r.ter -ent•P an clic :Iry of the Slatntymett's Christian Aw- they
Frank M,'tenlf, fh•nliuh,t. Gocerh- ,iueia :u:d 1'huninati»e metre.. In the ...dation du Ontario. who will be re- i.e into
heard in.
'bent fruit In.petir, returned from town hall here Monday Pcenlug of lost m,•mb.•rci1 by ninny Lu.•knen- resi.l•ntk• itee
no he.
the WPPt 10 ails home here lust week. wi•:1,. n:l1!'r the nuspie-o of the Bing- 114 had cherge of the mi'Pion farm. to u• of roe
_-- • • !rem 4'.:t1:Alcan (glut. 1118 111lJe•t *41P and nattier circumstances 'not at all e
ittg the 'need
• nine -eV - . 41:1• Lrazu.• ,,f Nations. mid the address ,44.y- .sere,')led with the Tirol told ,:V- `�on'a wife'. ne
• wa. 1.,11./11'..41 with marked Intermit tied on n wotlderflil N,4rk. i1P ten•• F 4
\l :,1141 Mrs. John Lnl.,rt,-Late't•'ft a,,! kc.a :11;4.r.�•4nN••n by a Mlle .It 1.114' tem a re,itl•ne or Mild', and Naturally they b•.,
' i-'rt_to r4.111t1%A4 at' Windsor, i41'- ,,lien.' - i, a brother of the Messrs. Baird. two 'ud. aewrr Blast.': 1.
, '4dhetgn nttrt-n1111' is 1 ". «iii.ex,-- _ M ieeree .,Led a., .tmttmnitp-i?hrl"l • rr•hte -a how -Nlr a m4i4. 144 a of ibis ; ` 1
• ' t1. 1s' away Reverse month. » o. !roc. from_ wh1••1, :ifta were dl. town.
\I r, nod Mr•. Conrad 4'. t4.91111,e,.nf•.1ritmlt441 on Thursday .'••nh.g to a lune cn:lg.galc, 11n•I + wer4• n
1' Vtttala', ii•ie•brntP11 the th4il+ttfal+, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,f 14.11.1run. y.iihff,l• The etie. =:r. immed
almfrer.:4ry of their welding ,'0 1..- EBF:TF:K - -- e7mp)ot". "H, still took h
-74141 er' on.. A family g41tIerll4 w.,- t1uil.h't•1_n_pd life ! Tmr up: unit
trPOscar Kee of 1194 s l,i t 1 •.1114 *doting mediate!): the fe - lof1114-r. and 1:
Oscar Koehler 1411+ Pohl hi. 14a1o• r, I'. 1 g rhai.. tell. h a 4r'•:. red mule ' • ii " teal of trite-
f:,rnt on the Gu.hen 1•ne. ab.elr ti•,1.`::- , .- t.: , y, „1 iitet,r, culir4sarl last t noon ;r.rpn�Lng their rntl-
mlle north_ of Zurich. le .\lfrcd M. !ick u, ... I, 1 the heavy weight of ....Ong m1 ,'
of Fakton, ,Mich., forun•r'y of %oris' .t.•.' n 4'1 it 18 a ,•Innplet' wtr'•k, -- In..... of bel..: 4Mrro11hd to rest
'1'114 4P,11 Inrl1u11!. ALo tee Iarrtc 144 . •••'1:11.01..-4 •r••+ of 1%144441 iron. '1'1 ,' 1 1114, 41ose of .0 a .Irenudnt day's
' osis 41f corrugated
n•a of gra.. land a few' .mite..u•' "' .11i,,:t _ work the Teeple • -.wile.) 1.41 nlnnd the
/.gulch sword by Mr. 1;oen'er Ti' re cd ..ver fifteen crar. door •/ringing w,:': them .many who
►. also of Kielce. son
and the, late John
w', The merrlage
her 31st.
ne to l'alifot-
ly en er 'P
e next
time so that be was completely tinder day's bell. Nul•e not you been through
.1441+j toil
demoniacal power. Ti .- wii s{ririt he11, tis', you who read. Do you nut n
recognized in Jesus n power superior member the day that was. a Ientnre,
to his own. and he cried Ant, 1n terror the hours that, in pessieg, broke you
come G. d.•st my 1s.
I1 have no t.Ptimunc ne to broken. Fn, at night like the martyrs
='Art %hon r• en. h 4,41 it+ w µtrete wbe'l? .1111 I was;
JP 441
I.4 ,even .t..o hl. horrifying. h}ys4crltl-
.-al wail. 144 1111. that. Pnarrn' 111111
over 1111 the J.'1y: 41•• .prong between
rat •
"I'M 41001 tient wl..nr. mint : are yam'
. ritzy'," lie de! "!ti •d But he kni'w 1
Nam tint ,•run : 144,1 he kurw then
Nutt realm.. 1 had 1.. low' all selfeee
.,..Ion fit -tee ne'• ••1 eitsaneeelierth
t, .lnld.T1 ligl.ttting ••f tette-nes. flurin•d
44r4.s. 11i. 111,11.. I b414t•vr he \....
en{u11d.'. ecru in til:i1 11oun'nt, of aug• r
of 1110 dlw•ntery he had made.
If w,. It {a,44ed: there were. other
twitters of deeper import to n/14•hd N,.
11.1 must have felt- if he were 1111111411
at All -some horror at the new., that
the 451‘11. ono testy .I' Ili 1 am certain
farm of a u� w p 1 tlalt he aa. conPlr1oua of n-1ltT• rear
ne night who He was from Inch as he. so. when of , Id. who lived from hour to hour of L remember notid,,g, a. one 44)4 4 nn
t meat 4111 i find mrp•Plf sane Ind ' tl unlm a rt•ant .k•Init. In snrh m'
arrt,c he Hate fere a 4;44,- Jesus re. :ante, and marvelled that it should be Inetds: 11ant 1, nose was- 41111te. fn!
wheel Jtnote-Thee who Toon '1f " I
rt rat out them'•
I,.•re ago, Lotl, »r; 1,, .10 /n --wa . "Whating 'F ',•r''
nee linked him, saying: "hold thy peace so eiwy-leekIng, re the tip.
of ,note oI e •. i 1 t it are \ •.. attacking
1011 lrn eMrateed eary mnnif*tatiou.--..=t,,,.-..}4 ., t ..1,- Ewell tnorutap 1_,.lu. 4 )-tn•,n.1ed \vilet hum h
of 4uewer mote,' the whole ;-nantrvsidP (nut to 1 and • ,nun.'n
emit over to int' white ...magi.. now J
mnrt'et-an,}-Pxr:,.lm -Thr paaalnn- .0-straugrt} arausfortursl. tu-ropealc_a romin h:t,•k, }' • the s. 4, •neer
h hod then--i+n..ses.Iua of-tbe- •l4u1P,_1444Tt"a_l•nr if one other at lc. -' 1 I, to „ �,t
tshermen to -ugh an extent that ,la ne•ded•it. end make sure that the not betray 11171• ItoI 1 "old not
1 1141 11,.,1 f••! 1N -el ilim wo111a ,,, 14,•4, l'ou, h:a 11114 .1141, 4'410- to till sleek : I could 1 t true u' -' 11 !with
ifled !•y- ,411111 !Iter Pito and her , emfort•, 1 had had son,' fi•ar I 1 I f nr 1
ae •ynacogle. They had that 11. red Paseo... blight folloe her
t:r.i,•n. on entering the there. but he lid not; for the tittle he-
mi Andrew In present• :1114. he -cooled to bate prat her out of
.•ne in, that bone.. 1,4. 1t 4141• 1 thought --I feared- -
er was 111, and at that 1 knew- wily. Sou»•thieg ,'lee ate
„e..o {t,,. ar 1..:L' im w-itLthe fact. ..recd hits. Semet 41ng that mist take
1114 cnmpn.1.14.n ) 141ce . . . first.
of His nen 11'.• 14',11• in the Big lions.•, alines!
than that' -us ellmpk1i y -sepal ate as 1Li
I to the leen le my •ellinry ...Mage 1 row
Good Bonds
.,try 1114111 -
1 o11 141,,4 .4.
,ng Iaoud-
General Steel Wares, Ltd.
II -4 I •, t,:....•• ,• -10.11 [ III I.1
,••id 1 n I,nnYl x11 4.1,
Price: 99 1 and accrued ntere't
full 1w
(',.r. Bee
Mons 476 I.ode r,eh
We wish A
' all our customers ai
Ni ha and ros rous ,II
happy P Pe
Db F1
e¢ J. T. FELL
eea Telephone 187 (eodrr,ch fiii
tti a
[Sew Year
p a P t(P . 4
t b4
I1:t�)py an(1 is
V fres )erous
� ! ion
-tkif New. fear to all
'our customers
✓ and friends
J Calvin Cutty
TruT4•t i����1'.p.,..,,,��116 ��rr,,�Ktngiton Street
OtiYi Fill /ff.Fitt
a..nils. Just yet 1 .tots ,
i11P4.11.rP�._wniibT `1;:..re•
44 Melt 11:1v lute ' 41tni.
sierra at the tw. -f them.
"Toni .11,1 hi, hest." -.
still with the! ,aper
.h,wing on the h _tt point. .
"The s, -as were ,efnl-
rap' --n 0,1.4' e tl..nl
14,18 411 4141.4. -lt wept
lir couldn't ,?n nrtl.nn; ..
ot• In 1.••• n+ Trite were alto
414' •
wood Floo
it -r,'T Yr' -i T:
11Lwlp- eerie :Menet. hitt.., 1 lite when 1 4,!. f lit. :u4d at dee1..11 -ileal I t:el 11:1411 Ln. ;wet u4pei re mildew
1f %,414 r„y 1110 Hardwood Floors-•,
4' 111441 which wen. t'hbmr-atlrrrt. 1 lhittk'a.-
1,.‘141,1,11A111,11N. •
i,slerieh, 4)rat.
,1.•„ , n,i '4.1.. ".rat of til,• finest rinks in
.14oi„411 41.14 other by Animal con -,•rat.
dtn•il4 'I''0 tee. or three terrible d:n•
11.4 ,i a •i4'haleklalwn (hay 11414. nn
.: Id 1 dar. 117 that 01'911 hi.
)Ms<wr••I 11 Nal. Inyc.l to k04•11
'nr.'o11rlt4n:414 • I..•for.• uu. 1:11t
of •tlpp7.e for .I 1u0metit 111.411 h,'
how 11111,•11 1 1411ew. .114141 he
1 •h„11d Hever he orient:
'1'h.y ore iurredlbly herd
• weight of Ili.,.,' 4.1y• : ,i•outlnn,'.t n,•\'
\C.• -:ern i(4 :.rh. The 10.. 14111 -tae i were .4,•k and .pal r' who w,'r.' dein0n 1.. X4111,
.114. _._.4alken.
hnn4'1 feint t' , to • n rat,!
elite .144.n'. Ihryn1:1, 14 ,. ..n11.:6'
'•1 0,0 day 111114 . hoot
iike 11. h, tit
%%111• 1„1,1 11)I11c aI II It 1,
•c4r4,•1y I.nPw tle,1 1 s\ -
trey .1ri4111.' aim\ ly. 1
II. 111.- heart of 1114' '41111
light wn. dint, and ergo ' 1,11 - , I.
.41,'114i', SI „dl there 1 1.1 at,
•I 4
wstss.'see11. 1)r. .1•,+,p11 Perker„ray. ,!r:i_•• .!'' l0 n, pm: the rlonrl mister
The '.irk. e) II,r.1. around thee lily: Ihnt the enema •'tc Pet, 1mt 1141' Fon 14111111 we 100! chokes mr, e11•n 111
.e,.! Mr- ilillary- Horton nn- n 1n whet fevers petits they met :.
1 • , mrateenenl of.their theme.. It atth_what Juy they 44 me n44ac'
DETROIT \ r 4 rmnrrs. t,r .lsrnrr. liar- •
\I..., r. of Toronto, son of Mr.
\I n
r West Street Har
11eadquartera for Aladdin Mantle Lamp supplySputs.
We have ' Naptha," the best fuel for your Coleman Lights
Wishing one and all a Happy.
and Prosperous New Year
(In the heart of the "
down -town district npdrdll
public buiddinis de artment
stores and theatms yet,
away from the noise or
the cit 2 AND \I
l'�M�pO "
itlglitcon•n4''1 4' 111.)11. ell the.,
! le Kith man: 4n 11141 Wing•• lu
t.r •1L.1i.•n. .
ern tLe fourth any broke.
a evening. a. No." T+ In the mnrnieg. 'I'tn nerlhw,.t -.torr had !Joon 11- -
nolo ,•, (Ince Mori 'II. eVentlite 1111111 We, •lean. ('iant wA. :.• work. Men ramr ...IT ..tit, Mr .ems if cont.
M''..aer. 1)11rnal,'. the •4tppr,.•.•It with various ,1118. drew
i• ••-t44µ41 ..4111.14 the end 11091 :
r What If T1.1 feeTti"WP cannot *e
r 1171• try .r'hi1 has organ- Wt' kw.w 0-n14-1 feel-thrlt- Thou art
,,.,4o11 witlh T. (1, south- here.
R 41 I were
.11t. S. F
1111 1...1. I'eihale men-
' 'lr 1441, .1:1441
of E1et'r, who
hi• son emir rat
mule to Exeter for --Henry Tw.41+.
Thy Much has sill! Ile nncli'nt power.
No word trout Tile,' cin frnitle.s
BP nr in thin .cleoid evening bole
1101 4n Tby 'men -y.10111 uP a11.
I,. • - ,1 an. in h4. ntn•,-
11.1 u Spar 'ago
i emitter. eft.. erase.
'r rat 110110lnlm and
ttem 8t Windsor when
, I. to • T4•r•t well for
- -- Among the thin, toignl Ire•.•. loam
-----•••-- _.--ht.tl flttd..to clewrw• from ill unrlght wn tee world 1 'rr il•••SP/•ttrPr. e
gR9s�slJ�!7^'fit �ngp.V";":7"1l9 C rl+s- '1111. I. our nnit p1Pn. Fon' 14,, ,c tlhe'TIM, 1i.-'' w" \re flit. ,, 1 .1,1, 1 •knik.,4 an,; -4,4.41 t (••1
• I.•
t mime'. s rkt• heir our pear n h
1 for n, t,• 44lgen the .1.-v11 nut•t hr f•'ught
to J"•us ocrorvlh: ei 1,414 tlflten cy of Kahn au,) lovely as 11 r .ca MI rtri•Ie/l
their need. Thi -r People ernt:ding round the
'-lteenti,t- ter -deer .' eleteeeeelious v-fc11 ' 1. 'n 11,1 4alive_ of 14 i 1 i, ti.
dist-41 lee In "air thystMI nature 'Where fall. not hail rein
:oder than In 1!;''.ole•. eon.e41)nT- elem.
ly they approach ' l'hr4-t with n rr- Nor ..ter, win,: I low< 4.1111.4
gnrst Ilat they it:glut IM loaded of t\ tote 1.,elkal„ , 141.1) drll'eo 14. .1111
tLIJr 1,41.111y n! T•nt. TlrerP f 't• by 111. .torsi. 14. re now to Ate:
ether. likr-<fn le. Oran a1'o Pnr1l4r-f1,. 11)44... .a -i1,-44144 i.`IiLblut 41111.f ..r
the any 1'1141 d!- ••''-, t of the ('.jl 1,in',1111 in -tate!% .oml•wie. on ,oda
.1.1rit. Thee" K - II,• •nlnd.t're,l 40, I' ;r _ ,•:n • 1414\„net til,• roof. 11'14.• 141111
.141 shrnyrd 11I. - teen,• pnwtr o14r ll,_ 11,et. 4t. pale 141111,'. •!real 1.1.1'•141.
our. •I'Irktlnl ns ., a• til" .luteol t1 -.II II ,,f 741\ stint, d nob!, 4%11+ 111,4112
.:, :Int_
by forbidding tl • %ll t1. ep'nk.
. _,e I'RA31!slt- _44ilh_llaL4. 1t 11;�
\V, 4,71114' to Thee who are the, great tt'Otll.li t1ISwl(INl3 . t , 4 41147 one , a r. .I,• 1 1:0
I'I .1 ,1.10. rte .\mp•Ithbine testis A. plaln n. t' - t1,at gathered d rruk.og.,i, 1 til. 1! 414 4 544.
t au4111 ,ttrtflcd r'hn tt 111e navel. , lir Lord. 8r/' tine .I 11. wa• i r 1 •epi
Aird wt: R"tt #r. I44„vr utF 1
hr poll{.• I1hmrl'ni i, 'nl All
we )r n
cling. 'Doll art nit'c and 4.1111111 10 11,01' mot n g!' e4grnrhttllt r. forthor o,rt 0 sea.
'.11. Nothing 111 our 1,411,44
hitt P4mely to Thy .)roc. we
•1_11, t!n:tt gall,, rat u: 11,11 nod t• Ir•, -.I sail. bot 1 '4111,{ 1.'! b, the
citing to this u Ilion n new soon Ir of 1. hr+d 1!.,t h, 4(8. 1 •4.L
•r „\\
- 'i,! 411 are ready. Tho• • . •Iter Ort 11,• ,,'l'4r. 11'!11, ale
• r Acorn, n, n•I h tut. begot
11 4u4ni tcJKt •1,14.4 •boll to 111 I.r' t!n441+t n• .,t, .t- l':' e 1
l 1 •I t 11gg'. Any tttr \ trtnrt, .:17. 1 `.aro •0 !,loac 1^•O - rtrt.•4.
.•114. 1. wand `Anti' the 1retieot 4 rap 111, Ito luriz't1: tyjt'I • lin
'4 •(4 •lull+ ne1er+. 'I r' ''at ill. le •l.•,1 It grow Int 11 I1t•1. 1 1.. `'.'
x14414,'1117 .„rah • :1111'• r 114m: le , 1;I,k brat, lilt tr. 1:1
Johllatit. tot feet
l l' "O" FI►It .1 \N. Slit. 1928
1.4 ,•011 Title -•14".11. anal the Vick.
• 1 )..nn 1 stage-NI::rk 1 :`_'1.31.
Also for Coleman Lamp and Lantern Supp ins %v
(.nldrn Trot -)lark 7:37,
Alf. Tebbutt re Son
Phone 486 We Deliver
West Street
I„iIA the Il•1)'ti.l'. pr.•nchIng w'e
.ih•nred 4oy II, 41,11. . Lo. entire! taken
,'Tenor•, ordered him to 1411 4 -net Into
t rl.on, Int medtntele a (feranrd. Joint(
' .eesn 114. polite Ministry in (::alllee.
Ifo coiled Ills first dl.rlpl,'. and oe.
,nntpnnt"l by them Went to Ceper-
nnnm, Ind on the very fleet Sabbath
after settling there lie te1*n to tench
In the 113nng,l1ne, 111. manner of
teaching. as well aP what lie taught
them, fllied Ills hearers with astonish -
many. tone commentator 11117a that the
,nnaelonsness of divine . aathnelty, as
LA►wglver. Ezp ander and Judgc ae
hemmed through HIP teaehlag that the
t fern' for Ilan -•!a) 1
4htr God is "47114.: t7f!-tire T1-a4T i*A4 now "f.Ktlrlittig. how
' T11.' helmet lro41 n 'eaten
ti, 114' who or shat meth! l'4
I. for,' It coni,' a!ntigalde. '
eleeely, ' i 1.111' he.l t110 al.111
t rmlg Ira'" while 1 eat. hr,1. 1 s
lite print of lay mill. ie 0. hue..
vieeks niter. . . .
l,lkr n henrt fainter, .1.Ing, til.
gh .' fluttered end ,. t i*'.? The
Meech drew In. Tom, on IIIP .144.14.
threat out K litre; K notice-hoy cnnlht
It. and mode fe.t, Tom stepped
n.horc. Tom aelkel tip the jetty -
1 won't write what 1 felt In that m'•
What t -*Min din* 11:,'. Dane
(wk.. • s
There Is In n1:1, ,Inn' ' a 'trot 4
Kt Mille.. egntn. . eel! i"t, 0114 it
Clow ,,f 1108 11 141. ' h) 1 ,?'r,-tl'••• ,,
have the striking '4't' ,,tet Sir Wil-
liam 41.ler 1n 11'- nPl ' •4t Io Vn1.•
where he snhl: '•T' lnka • • Jenner. not
n single person 't1 this ,ndlence 1•
peek marl:vet! •..nn.1',•!.*n,1 Men'
ty-Ave 7 •411.44 ago the fare• of more
tnsn half of yon would hew•e, been
marred." -
for Hsilf a Century •
the Standard.
Successful Treatilnent
East Street Goderi( .1
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral IHrretor and
e4!I. promptly attended 1)
any or night-
re 3:te lles141't a 7,5%
11 Milli 01i 44ireet, ,1 lerimi
Brophey Bros. i
rITF: LE.tll\ti - t -�--
1'1 NF'K.%I. IDIK1',l'TOItS
4N1► I.MR.11.31E6S
r- carefully stten.l,d to F
.Itt all hour., (tight or de,
t.(It)Iltl4'It 1 •
Winter Term Begi - • January 41, 1928
- 13 F. WA 1), B A , M. Accu.,
I'llelie 4:
I ' I
Two go..,I .frnng ,4 .-, 11 •r- - :1 rot tilt., "'1 top 14ug11."
that till Vu 1.411 114,•,1
have ,,441.o,l
Ilattii1t4r1. -1r ROBERT WiLSON
1 . ! r'•I't. 114 1•:4011 41 ij 144 that
:,t \1.1--,•1•Ilarri•'41lop.