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The Signal, 1927-12-29, Page 5
THE SIGNAL, gtlEUNPVCREKNEtlE lEIlE etet E=�E1IE1(�IEt(tet( i sg S. the l eros ee �r n�►s Ith Left-Over Gift s re in Stationery, Toilet Sets, French tf Ivory Novelties, Perfumes, etc. Q1 SPECIAL CLEARING PRICE' Mr. 'Albert 'chain spent • few days with hid mother, Mrs. W. N. Johustoa. A New Year's dance will to held in fantail hall on January 2. Everybody welcome. The death of ('hurl.' McLean at Chi - .logo on De;•r•mter 7th remm'.d an :\sh- lield old boy, a member of tee w•dl- 4t:u"-a McIA•all family of Lothian. Mr. MoLestt had been ell for some months and the news of bis ,heath was not utietipw•ted. 11e. was fifty-eight years of age and leaven a widow and thaw children. The bereaved rela- tives have the sympathy of their many friends in Awhileld. 5 Campbell's Drug Store � Phone 90 Goderich TR rtOtictcritctctctcct,s; I.EEIIL N ��' LEIMW1ZN. In . .'s =Miss Rnth At this Shaw, of Toronto. h stranding her, Si j Christman holidays' herr. Miss Flora Horton. of Toronto, spent re Holiday C. ,o„ t'hriMma4 with her parents, returning • with memories of friend- A I; Miss (Neve Horton. of Hodericb, pV Ment ('hristnias Day at her home here. Misses Phllth and Elizabeth Horton ly business relationships .n• spending Christmas holidays with ki and in the Spirit of Good i :I,r•4r aunt. Mra. Ellen Dorton, In God - Will we extend to you rich. \i1,. and M. ilerl, e'.»,k and child - our wishes for a Happy Y� • • n were visitors 1. -..iir neighborhood New Year. i, '�,r l'll'r ltlui4. Tl:• -y- mad,. the trip by motor. ST. AUIGUSTINE ST. A i'(I I`' STi NIE. Dee. 27.—Mrs. C. Hecker. of Lneknow, is visiting friends in this vicinity this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rohtnaon and fam- ily visited Blyth friends past Saturday. Miss Mae Redmond. of Toronto, is spending the holidays here•wlth her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond. MissGlades Jefferson, of Wood• stock. spent the week -end at her home near bere. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson spent Christmas with Donnybrook and Au- burn friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mason SttA1lIeter spent Christmas with the letter's sister- Mrs. Richard Parks. of Ashfield. Mn. Alex. Mowbray, of Blnecale. vlalted In this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Messier. of BluPealP rt I GODERICH, ONT. sister. 1110. E. Ralthby, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rogerson /knee spent Christmas Thursday. December 10. 1927.-5 Tr spent Christ hpaa with their i+rent s. i araltat}tj / it)121�% 24s(2v1is' kal Mr. and Mrs J.. W. Fswlle, and Sitar .Mr. N. Tllker, of the Standard A with her stater, Rank, spent chastise* at his home ar 11, Mrs. C. -Asquith. ,, ligrrlatoa. Mr. and lira• 1'.,teradn and M1sseI Miss Minn Proctor. of Toronto. *pent Christmas with' her omit, Mrs. (i. 29 MMartha and Florence, of Tsxoato, spent' thelioliday at the home of Dr. KNut. r and Mrs. Weir. Mrs. G. W. Woods and 'Mira Anna the Mrs. (Iso. Iiaml' •u is cisng her W. Wt.d os are spending the holiday at 1. moth,rr and other relattcttiea ucar otter%ille With Rev. 11. 4'. and Mrs. NV Itrucedrid ('ro.bc. i8 Stoltz, t Wingilam is Mo. F1'Ie Itryan is spending •the etas. Christmasholiday at her bon?" rriston. ' Miss Helen M Gerrie Is spending the 'holiday at, her home neer 'Ingersoll. Sltsa t;:adys Davi44014 and Mr. T. pq BAYi 0.1.1)Dec 27.—Miss 'sett Stall Y f London.- -*pent ehristtnea 8d May the New Year britt., you much Joy and Prosperity MI** E M $ o Jr, the guest nt her lxa[ II r 1 at © �r1 a �9 e1 HAYFIELD CARRIE'S HARDWARE E 27— a o. o eonlItI. !tl Merner• of • New I untie•. and Miss with Mr- J. Davlaoa. �� so YEARS A HARI)WARI- �1>. Rt Jean WoodsCof--ortoa. arrtwelt home. Mrs. .1. Fra-er left , on Saturday to I on Satnyday to spend their Cbriatmee visit with Watts -ea -at. •Luc naw. East Stde of Square Phones: 363 and 501 warntlon• Mt } th l 1 ,•nu•inh,ar,p who spent Mlsa Thelma Bit,. of [Tinton, le- na.t� ;m ► • .lending the Christen:.. holiday at her - hArne. Misses Elva and -inn Dewar. of Toronto. an.I David Dewar. of Ben- A. Wigle. at London. I tart was afforded those present _ _-- _ ------ -_ miller. are spending 'he holiday at , The Sunday school of St. Andrew's whra Mr. Walt. Ihlltou, home from • their home. United shun h Rotes n Splendid ,,•,cert 1 • •Ir0lt, favored the crowd with twP Il thank. SI r, and Mrs. A. }'aster, of North In the town hall on December 3fktt. • si,1,•n.11.1 w•4> . "Mother 1n-l+elu4414----1/1 you for Otlr r Bay, wpant Christmas with Mr. and The program was qulti• tnten•Iiting i mud "Hi' 110: Come to the Fair." Mrs. Mrs. W J 4tlneon from stmt to Huish. Rev. R. M. Gale, I Jas, Larrey played his acts,mPatiment. �1tltrOnage (�llyd 4'hrlotmus at her home. returned to '6v a1, tcict,Ct, , /�,atCtt�l�� !!t1,f'yit�, t-�y Toronto 0a Ttteallay. Mr. and Mrs ,los. Sturgeon left on , Tuesday to visit their daughter, Uri* by Mrs. J. t,'t'onnor and Mr. T. J„y' Misses Arena, Beth and (:err) El- pastor. acted r..•hnirtttan and Miss G. Following lunch musk was provided during Nott, of Toronto, :;r,• ,*pending the little as aeeom;w(nIst. Several num- ; hv. the Hogan orchestra, and the ('hrlstmas vacation ai thclr home. Mr. F. Seel. of Demme. sts•nt Christ- mas at his home. Mr. T. Bennett, ,.f Waterloo. Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. T. Brandon. Dr. A. and Mn. Newton-Itrady spent Christmas with the hatter's parents. Iwss were given by the nreheatra. i I dal/verb made merry till morn. The service in Trinity church on• — ('hristmas was fairly well attended. Iluteudwl far last week) The celebration of holy communion jest at midnight was impressive and r„KI Zt. SItRHtheE M,•(. .-lur is ►paw Inspiring. making the service one to hr rem,mhered by those who attended. ,'onsforlabiy- established in his splen• •a• a• still r•si.k•uce. His Mr. and Sirs. i)• .Mcl•.nwld, at Sarnia. The rh11n•h -.twits.. on t'hrtstmas • tt. le rood of and this Mr. and Sirs, E. Rowe•, and son, of I►ay wes,. all well attend.-, and sir• i.u. a r t tar' p w1, h'.. a rather Slrt'nnlle Rent the we k�nfl with friend* n -will bare vicinity.alit 1 irrbitltrat et+d rnjr*cMi 1 a -. - AUBURN W. HERN NILE Shoe Merchant the past year and wish you a 1 Peppy and Ridgeway, and Mr. CiTtYnr. nrlie, r tons ,• eras Canyer.n, are "pectin,: the Chrlatmas by Ito ,Referent congregations in the, many happy years in our midis.` I • • ' S -e rnT. c-N� car -ht>!lday•with their t,,,,,•nn.. Mr. ant .Ilk.-.•- Mrs 3,rr} ra'l'ut►aur 'spent last weekweekk Il P r ,, M 1 - Clarke. Municipal Mk-W.—There a market ,trice•s s pall for ptnnitry. .pending the holiday .,t her home. present, . vvint, to ani i; arising out + P moor motorr,l from Flint. Mloh. le.t g. A \ I LF 11rr " u1, elgar She'{. taring them in ever.- Thors.lav morn- ' Mrs. Y. A. Burt and e!,ildren, of Mtn-' or Boyne ld's reversion tris year from 2'tE{Df)1 i.TRY WANTED. -- Hr(:T,EST' Mts. Nina Heard, of Kitchener, Is uo 1-:t -ti.•n for vi'hlge trust4es here at Ilan r.. Thos walla,* and F. Co: f Inror rnt•,t village w.rk "111i he it. town with her sister. Mrs. Jn... ban - volfroadoarcriaizraarai f Hamilton "lent ChristmasALPH p Sit'NRn. (ten. Mr and. Mrs. Eric fork. of Tor- the fin rar42 a)a :sena' 1a A Thanks for Past ..�� ' r 1 'o1,hme R fF . C. ROBERTSON sea u+ o } The large ,•.•ni.•t 1,r erase d h•.1 hy. h h1' mother. S1 r'. L. Sheppard. Dumond Menhant and Jeweller \T'BT'R\. Dec. ^i nrlc Thur.- auto. nn-, Harry Itak'r. of Stratford. .\ board ens elected in June. hut +al Sl r. Jobu Courtney Iwo lately torn The Mls•nrs Aoi and \'es111 Told'.'FPhony 13ti Crode. h dor morning fire ens dlscorrre,l spent Christmas SIL, their parents, peal was taken in eunn.t•tlun with the ted 111 Nr .L.-, h'..em,t.•ry. \Ior> 4 inin. .I,..i.• M'{'nun. Velma ,•omits nitt of the roof of Sl r. Fa Phil. Jt r: and Mrs. F. W. I::,ker. Sir. and voter.' I1 1 least: the trustees r.•'ignwl ' Messrs. Slik. i1,,lton and Tom -F+aeiia►a - sari -44"”' •.yya+rJ ,Kn h}arksmith shop, and lout for btu Sirs, fork and Harry i:iker returned' .1,11•1 lin tact- brcn n Placr.l. There i ' si'•i'n s to he no person with authority n'ICeefedlrr• home from London for tl�'• S f W In 1 Mx 1 M of I ondoiiand Mr.Liam Parker. D We Take the Risk , unless Mts. Sybilla Spwahr's itis is is a success treating your wore throats. cough, renal, >I.•.,ping rough, head colds, catarrh and diem..-, t4•nsila. • Try n. 1:•»tench 4tntggists. -pending the (Ir.-• !:'s Mamelon et orom.pt a(•tinn.nf the-lt!zt•ns 11 would on Tuesday: • :I eir rentel.tive I: •+:.' - h, re. , hove proved to he a serious lire. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. myth and babe. to conduct an ele•tleu and 1t 1+ a4• 1 olialays. ► - K StIs Sylvia _n+• :eft o w es- P R' ' e1, ..imr•.i that advice will have to 1e 011• P We lasso tl+IsP w• • l - of+. Mrs. f Sarnia. spent ('tri -'u -t. w'Ith Jir. 4�ah,v1 front the 1'roclnrinl Secretary's day far tot' lanm• �Ir and Mrs. Wm. Itl,hinann in the loss of their in- ,,a WESTFIEL Sf. Mia:w, of W• -•.I u'nwan ,sh. where , 'and Mrs. Chas. Parker. - , delwtrtm.nt at 'roroutit before the mat - ant stn nn Satnrdnc last. sin• "til he e(npd„y,•'1 form few weeks. Sir. and Mrs. W. T Rlddetl sprint Miss Lohh Mina n•tun.,1 P. Detroit t.1, 1: de>jirrd'np. Sfr. and Sin. llar,.•.. McCann, Mr. Christmas Dny -, the home •of Sir. and Hiss -\►mn McKay ''1 Toronto on 41 1 Mrs. Cheater 1 St Wolter .f. rntl. En frown. Miss Olive • st Wawannsh• Tuesday, haying open/ rhrlstmas at , ST. IIELENS : Darrell Mr. .SI••('ann- of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. W m. R•,herton Pn• their homes• !. -peat chri-aunts--,r • home of their 1Jnyed thrlr Christmas dinner with is '' r t \\'1•:$TF1FI.D. lbw. '27 —Mrs .1. Kti :outfit and ‘111,...1..ta of Dungannon -pent Christmas Day with the farm ,r's daughter. 4>1 rs.. Will Kelly. MiJ sole MPtealf, , 1+'t'> sP'n Sin. 'Robert sll••►'ry spent Christmas Id 1 1 M 1 2,1_w., ata lwt'rruts. St r. and M Joseph M,Cann.thelr den liter. Mr. Tt Sltlls, o[ the (hrfsttnas holiday wet t 1, par- $T. .lTl'LE:\�. hs' with her sister Sirs. 11. 1. Morrish, of L..µta Ar atoll. _irs W I' Me_tenif re G,.uport the 1'Ine.s of Mr. Will sl; -404 .lurlur a'ulstutaa 21me ♦ i y -- - ,rnrnntn. ----- ' -31tsra-71n1mA 4i?Pt ht T•rrnM. ....NIA- (n•1Pf1cTi w �•' A S• t• ant Mr+ J.s• t•,•n.•r and Master RPS, of. H. and Mrs. P.11111 went to llumphrcy. His nlnuy friends hole n here - - - ,rt Elgin hn'idnrrd at the i4414"n nn Monday ah,I 'Ill `plan' n for his .tweedy rw•overy• mother. ,w, ' II. Mr and Mrs ft Bogie alert Christ- Wednesday evening ens a a', •. FIN'• Sllss 1Mrothy, Bc+in1, et Clinton. ma* with relatives nt Rln• in h �nn.tn• to *Pei”' 1111, "iel rat Ham• • %in I w ”: ,e1, T'RR Win !i parr t'.'- T img brought `ant n ¢00,1 este-,. Santa- \1n anti Strs. •11. B.lird. a o 0 Stlss, tt�rr•rthn EIIM. of S1ayu•-r. 1- dOlJGl talent held last 'Pending the vacation under the par m1, of h parents. ,] ik i •Purl 1, f Favors � Mr. and Mrs. Jnha I • ..r L h ft on Perfect wrath. r and t,,w,a glrlg •,,,p,••,pA Ih 1 parents e¢. o . ,•n I. few -,acs 1hPrP with 'hr farmer's Th • +tool ensr,•ruti ASH l: iELI) Tnr Iron alth their daughter. Sfr+. J. 1'I;ia. was in gas.d humor after coming` ' Let u6 y \sal} IELI ► r The fs sea enraged Sha Stewart. Sir. and Ser, Bert \\ h,gir , f T - $e s+ Icy are home for "•• Christmas sea- rear Miss Welsh I holidaying t 1 f visit dPlf¢hted Ieth .i1? '>l . are .;done rhe bittern lar Y 11 Is nn'.l Miss An- parent's! tamp Mr J •hn Thomson, of } •rt "'ratters. I ihln•u and grown-utw. ,its: Mr. and �tts Tlostnae Nnhle. in 1928 Jaa r the NI 'ss K. M. Welsh for another serve• you - . a the teens .e far. and ick A -,•n : Miss Trete +' is v1-iting his mother. Mrs. The Mille ,sus, will ng.!t t1 " na 11ae1'. it* S41•• Iter -i> •Mn Ke',• Mrs. Smith. of Nilcrrt r>n Hr. Rn- 11 .m.nn. Sti's qurnRut\-In'. nt. of the 1Atndon tie. Mir Belle Mti••F,•hzie_ al of Tor- i lert M4.4,.•rwl of Stratford: Miss An- luhmh on '1'hnn,iny evening. .\ tuts- Ltfr insllrnnc.• Co.. • London, ,spent s .4 o of nfr ShTAn,l. of Toronto. and )i1,. TTec- Mrs. Ratter rr.d .''n Itlllle ,.al rntertoi„taa•ut is in charge oL Lhe! t :her spending' Rattthe Chrt Johnstonn holldnr in over ihP Ir' Pati with lips pia rPntx, tar who has been In Clerelan• hos-nuuitt.e• SI r. and Sfre. John Vincent. I h theformer',.. thus Mrs \\ 1 titter roMt rig • Mr. (ha r, Mn .reg, r. • Wit 1. h,r�t wi-he. Lor a pros- vh ..rico; Mho, ,\cru,• M Moci►0nald. 1 t•trnit. perow- and happy ! \Ir. and Mr+. R'i; MaoQregor are k i _ .'vialtf - 1 - - a ttis-t \es.• 1•�•ar � :n,• TTmm 7fi��wt nR ecce with Mrs. A. MaAirt•g,tr'I'nrKlntall. Miss Katherine Staid...cid. who - pq ,.::a vt iting with friends at Sarnia ' r.,! 1b'rott. ha. returned home. Blackstone s B? I:1,ttt W, tart: w h i -M o•Pe ld- ---_ Qq cars. t -Hs hnmest-Lochalsh. :.i.•nds ascan-, Kii.ratl pile day 'West- St re. 1 to .:. ^c� w -caIf RI•lde •11s w.ek of Tr -rt'. 1+ spend - n . sen ns arm untru e' nn with' ret Stratford. lint Thr n 'tt tf r . d of M ,4 u { Itol. were all home for the (Rhrlst• Stl.4 Grace R lens •nes hnlldnr. •lairs, ut¢ will b1, held at the homy .4 Mrs. ' pr hnlldnying et her tame hove. - Jones. mi*,4 3C Y-_ ,Y strait -nut Mhos Fl••renee aiaolls+Maer Srlu►is Lt-! than 3i+4t' i iuY'imrar}nfi iaeMsrr-"-r qtr inti Mrs, It `+tnnrhmt., nt:.l won Normal 'S••hnol. fa, spending the boli- training at tate elIntolt lm+t•}rel:-trpent 1 :11 _ , oceh?{k. Thin �a7t= C tine -•t1, T)nnnlri, of Roti/•rirh, are sp» .tiding the asya with her parents Mr. and Nes. J. Chrlrl mss with her father. Sir. It.I+ori„ ghoul hooks e1, m.pin,,;. Subj...t v.nentinn with the former'.s ,,rents. Wagner. Sent ehmer. Mrs r, Meiltren. of Clinton. was a Ws.. Ruth Hneatnn retuned to loon- uur•st at _the Jeanie of Mr. and Mrs. A. ,ton on Tuesday after spending ('hrlst- tsautlth_ Inas with her parents Mr and Mrs. Mr. W. KII1onglt and Miss Flora S. lin0.tnn. - Kil'ostgh of Toronto. enjoyed 'the Messrs. T.awr.n'e at,d Fred Fowlle 1,011.1.11 season at the home of their returned to hon.l..n Monday. having Special Values for the Closing Days of the Old -dear Special Values in every line in our store tt EVC-f,",'-gatrV: ta'V1 LI A t▪ o We thank you for your A VA Q • i o Vgenerous p1tronage during A ✓ 1927 and wish you a Very ti ti A VA tql Happy New Year. A A as ilaa iaa i ir��' i)aa iia i a1;a2`imi2iaaai la'a A CORNFIELD... "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" ladies' a Id 'en Weal West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont. ••\1'on::(n'a 1t...polsihlllty t0 Herself. \I r. anti Mrs. J. I. ......ou"•, and 11, r Fancily nnI the 4'''mm411,14 ." tha iends: In linre' of Sfr'. 43. Si. SS',4h.\n tn-. , '.Sfr.ecfrR',wlPy Stn •khmlae .Ind Mi.- ncion i. evti stir d to ail tbhe f edit s 1.1-:1. ,.f itene fle:•' Spent SGin4Tai of S1 .,nd Mr. Ed. Smith, of T.mmto, Ih, loan,• of the f„rrner'a sister, 3TFs n,i li•I'e .!, .11 Ir. ti f ,,,ries 411ta )Cm. Mr1h'wPll. i -.:u! two eWriote 0( f'on, -1 nod 51144 "In Snwerl,y 1a sp,auding the Nit-. Dorothy y .\l' Mr. 44 of 1,s. 1'•slin ,w•rk w•Itb }ter p:r•,•nt11 in /;odor;, 1, ,re zur+:s .,f SI r. nod Mrs. .1011° twnhip. It 'e•,.(. r Sfr. and Sirs..711.1 Plckrtt. of M:,il• Slr 'r»ods and SI -Il 1-:1 i.1,' k. -\Ilw•nn. nr'' 41411;,_ 11. 11, Wood....f clan. ore holiday .t). at ter's .i -ter. Sirs. Robert 1h, -her:,' me.'n and ether friends — - 4'are'i't' lrti ld , ,t ort l'r . Mr t"ro.l 1'4-01'o• 1 nasi Stt+ , • :n,l Mk. 1'a re hue' .... l• ..f furl ('1c I•ndtplw-!p and rhil,' • t visited f .li lou for tl • holidays. Z�2a1Daat t EYES --- Don't put off that eye examination any longer. If you are suf- fering from headaches or your eyes feel tired, have them tested to- day. We will tell you frankly if you need glasses. You will find our prices reasonable. Glasses from $4.00 up. A. L COLE, 4iI'1'(44>1F.T1:1-1 Cole's Book Store To wish you a Happy New Yea,' t Ili u.d .1.4411144D-18 11111,11-14.114... v. ,1 p,,t y„u1, .Ifonhh•r.• h. the Wheel and mai • ,! „g -Lo. N., 1,1*1, tau n•ullt be h:ti�” n,1 biuus Tl n,k•r•n he b IToa:a tbe_4.en. ,.,1 t "Ii‘„ and let Ir,•," the tin's 1•.,nrti stn,, 1 tb.• ht, 11tethood •f 4+141.-• I.. live aunt keep wt nr ls.,ly in sonic, r e, n-,;ti„i to ierforn, y,,,tr.l illy ".o e, ..4 1,l,, p.rineipsl ,•on-,ni.,n. 1,. n;al ',•:t1,. T• ,Lathe' -1„ usl att.•,n•.11 t” v„n1, I „'•,t•,;, .rel '1 n1, ,.f your t',oily' 1 ,.,,,�.• :11'1 I.•I In,' h,'lp ).01 4n It.'kr 11 • lis y y,sr :. more happy' ono by .11; 1•!.,1, _ van, an-, c„or fanoly will' e•'thle: s4,4-' and l+toblw•r ear : "11%.-1m,11,1 tic,... p114'1' An.i'I:.t, h'•• 1. t t k .p y"nr ,•.4w•ner. do"11 1„ Lar. ii u, s ,t1, I'or.trrenrfor repairs. e, ..,..h, • mei u11 linbhcr EooNear r h . ►-/ted fora -i n»1- -1'.s:4111 1,s'.; all our .pattrt,us for pa ta.urs, "tea-s+sreyou ,,I firfuWn•ar•nir, flit. S' a 4 -�.« W» »»> Wt -s+1► )J ....ler t V 1 Miss 4», D. ltntherf..rd, of tllmulins. Sir. and din: All, rt Cnn,pL, 1. :•c.' 1s at her home here for Christmas. ,:11.}n•.loam 51l'�.k+y' Dll, '1�- \hiss Mary Dnlnin Is home from 'ampbeli's mother, Nies. P.sr1,IeN ff t+urm4ntiot ? r the Menttinn pinlg:unton. AI i- )4111.,1w......1., of Nile.:ut,l \hiss l'h.- Chri+turas Ir.,1 u Icer•• \\.. • Is. of 1:oldcn S'al:,•y, are "bleb was held 1n the 14tsen., to of tic • among 41., r'hri-turas hon,+'„u.ers. Westfield United rhnrn•h 4int.dF.•nn rtresls: -Mr.-}tics night ens ,+tjnye,l by ! •:' of Kln,;ar,lin,. at 4'?'? : Mr. Robert ": . ns g�x,d. to nil the !hell, f• '6. Mt•Ipt}lli,. ,f ltelh'41!.Ie. 31, some: Mist . •Sir. 184,1 Sirs.: f11T4 t'T •rt4' 1,m,+ fan:- Muriel 311.1er. of London. at home: I14. of ('revue, vlsitrt{ on '.u,!::. a1, Mr. and Mrs. Earl e'r.inst'r•ii and child- the home• t.f Mr. .std- St • .\'1•, rt rev,. of Kincardine. :nod- M.sar. 1'yv'il I nrnpdraseason's ti?,,.T llan.t,1 hecticS•, nt Sfr, 11y.?.—Sir. The ason's gnvttng4 :s!" 4'' tsktichewan.:”uh`r•.nler'. ..f Thr Slttnal. r,sldwst of.$?. Belem,. la n visitor with - .';.1.1,. Mr-. 1,,.111. S\'entherhen.l' (intended ins !:++t KiNGSBRiDGE- - • t\ erso _of_. D AT.•I'hest•n_ 1,1 list tit, tamp �f \I KI\1;-I:1t1111;E. Is.•,• 27.: Tl,e .1,:s l'antpta•11 nn.l ether , . . gr,etleg+ to everrohe:- • days lest wreak. iloll.lny visitor. 1 n.1, from D••tr"it The S'}'. S1. t(. for --Christmas_ 1t • : • ' • '>4J, .... NI r• U.o_11aarrne•ttt oL' Sh, \' ' ga ret an-, Helen., 1 , i1,. ne an'1 -harsh ..n Wedne'.- . 'I N'trtrrtr M,•('art11 . \I.. -.1 owl Earn _ TM,rf. fn>m 4i0. s44n"'-t 14.11141'(;.funor.:1,.1 1 I..Pon. S1,1nrs.' ager, ¢Ivan, +levy ;l _ „. Percy and S1-ilfr - \1 , /thy. Waller gilts, ;Thyt•r- ' ihslton Toni Joy I,, -.i -l> lrr,•nu:11'. :its" held. SI r. nn.l Mrs •Ntrph,•u SI'trtln nn'1 Sfr /elle 1:, ('nmrlwll , :1 1 :.,4 MuR1y s14m7 5l I'III .tel/t t4*"?r.krag(t- ,,, Ternntn Inst wcrk. t.1. Mrs. 1\',t. Lannon. _ - Sir. till Sirs. Ions Kenlhan, Mary Thr lo4nl ps.a ii, r !»,rt: nn,l I:fll '. of tit. .1ngn+flim, asst lat•¢rrl ('hristnMs .;t,.. .1,. t! , .i• i'hrr'tm'ts wTt1 r>rt of t14e" hMt'0, ,I ,t NN I 1 The Fast ,trees o wo ea: and Repair Shop Wvl. A1ft. . Proprietor Phone 451) Open f venin¢. _','QsZn t' L'4' 'w' uraC -'4 lm"ccs. 1 . cl „,nor • — vl.•s•rs I i:tll,•n A1,1 7"01 ... o...a._w-a..«. �w-ai. -• :� :"snbv:OrcCs b .tD-'�,;m : f/( � - tma�1 m46'aG•tic9 m 8 Londgn. are hos,' t1„ , M,44rs L.•o r, „ J..; and 1',I,. ii 1. -1,44 C'ul'l rllr • . tr. NO ,:,,sr, Sli• . • 41, • , I'. t enol 31.0. I • QR 1 / .,l e:t,derieh . ,• e ,t1-1 NI!. 1.• p'... . 5::. 1 ,I, U• v 1,:. 1 4Th .1, ,r. .. • '44:-,1,. .-1.41•, ale! \I I - 1 . , \1• t 1• ' Klondike � fp \I• \•.' (4nit..n. ,.f tt 1. ..,•.• .I-It;1>11 their ,nater �d • \t r- .I:,-. Dalton. Sfr. Thomas Itni_Iey Is• home frit, _ I..k. s for this sen4..n ('hrisfmns 1►antr,-1 ,dace nn' •, ;, eq 1rhino( ens •nit,' 4n the SIK),g• :_� bridge hall on M. n''•,%, when n Inra• rnwd was to otten,nee HI btu ('hr;.t tiff 1 1 - :,ling i hhinns •lana wn,b•r the auspices of the WI' Phone I' I? �O(ICfI( h t.. A, M. I'rngresslte enrhrF von. played until 1(44a, the prizes lw•in¢ ,,9 tri o►-4t:t(tCatt(�,"attoetCt.tf'►t-- 0 on by Miss Slaty ituckley, and Mr w'/���,lp•lyhy,,pplo,rD�!„t� L„ .Irrry (1'Cnhnnr and the consnlaflun+ b as. ` m .'h4'•�.'•A m 'n, a 11QD Our Wish for You May the New Year bring you, in ample measure, Health, Wealth, Prosperity, every treasure. 1 r- SHARMAN'S 1 1 1 II, 1 1'