HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-12-29, Page 44 --Thursday, December 29, 1927. We extend to you the Season's Greetings and trust that ' the New Year m ayy be one of Happiness and Prosperity W. C. Pridham & Son '•1'h. titer. With the `l•r.11 Men's and Boys' Wear �s ��s v�q��P�h�one 57 /ism+tit`Dais`rikailtaillik di'laz6a6t1f91�'iNiaMt iii MODEL THEATR WEEK OF JAN 2 TO JAN. 7 - THE SIGNAL, given last Weinewlay evening, De. l.wmtea 21st. in the pedals hall, under the anapi.r. of trek United church Sun- w'ltlTEtatiatCH, 1t' .uiv arhool, was a ,headed suttees. The New fear to ail. ...cuing wets tine, the /neighing good, wee.. Kathleen Terr std the program Al- All 'this was ,old M•heoln► Ross, ..f provident. for t very large attendance chrlamai with their 1•, GODERICH, ONT. WIIITECHURCH • 2(l. -Happy if. Addle Rove Toronto, spent Lents, Mr. and :nal c ge•uernl gn.wl 'Iain. TiiP hell Mlri;, M31'4'1111 hula, 'waw tl:hyi ro its caph•Itc. Thr child- .i -Mr. and Mrs. T. H. 0,drill acted their pair's and displayed milieu vpeut•l'I.ri.tmn• their ability In a pleasing manner. The .!eraoa of Pant;noant faucv drias were q credit not only to Srternl aeho 's lu hie a•dor* but also to the tntlnera• their Christina- pr. :• The motor. Iter. J. A. Walker. oven ,ac afternoon. i .d the .hair. Santa ('lath appeared i'1•31lta itnhlaa Heart ,•„ t!te ..•.•t . at the nasi of the program. here tor the baptiser L•'itbt of all present Mr. Will Forster Kee. C. 11. and Mrs. McDonald Hon• Mr. Je Forster, of meta-.% very plan'knit ..a til evening ,tnting at thrix home vet- -pent ha the basement of Freebie Mfr.. Nnrmrw l;tr:•.� rinlr.•h on Thursday evening Inst, slant the trrek•end tiIlea' IIle usual Christmas trey and an- Mr. and Mrs. John I s..clal evening was belL A Mr. and Mra. unique feature of the event was a fat, And Mr. and 'I -- presentation made to Iter. (' 11. and ,;,.n. of St. llelen- Mrs 11.•Donald on the eve of their a tilt Mr. and Mrs: 1:.- teetttleth aunir.rsary of wedded lite. alr. and Mrs. San. I: The children enjoyed themselves In the „f %ahflel 1. and Mir .• early part of the evening. Aller which St,•.wart and baby -••' all sat down to partake of a warm Mr. time Mrs. W. R 1- tt .nta'r. This being completed to the air. and Mrs. Ren '11 DUNGANNON E f uatiuns songs mush tgwe.hea Mrs Jas Barbour nl Monday and Tuesday CHARLIE MURRAY AND CHESTER CONKUN in a mansion tui mirth built on a found- ation of fun with a temlrr•t.tneerl-cntrte.ly. - All modern c•.nvenienece ani brand new gags in "McFADDEN'S FLATS" Matinee identity at 3 1. ni. Evening` prirett-Adults 35c: children 20.l Altern'n prices -Adults 25c; chibiren I of Neasaa•\ Dee'. 2$. --Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Ise:Liid. of Grimsby. are visiting Mr i','ttlind'a mother, Mrs. liatid Gin•in. We are pl.' d'to report that Mra Whitly. wit,. Ie. !evil in the Goderich hoerpitai for the pest two months, h lmprnt}erg sem••what and ' a able to rrt,rrr:ctr•+te•' la -e- Frldap. Mir.. Stu•tr Finlay. of 'askatche- .. en. Is vi-i•it.;; her wither, Mra N`hit'y. Mr. tinct Mr. J. K lleEn •horn and Fittl- tlaugfiTr Mary. of Lore on, are spnena:the L a tlo.idat. with.the lady's tames, Mr and tt Mrs. R. A. Me•Ken- Wednesday, and Thurslay - EDDIE CANTOR AND JOBYNA RALSTON in a load of laughs- Eddie delivers a special surprise to theatre -germs in the hilarious adventures tef a Iudier utt mail man. "SPECIAL DELIVERY' Billy Dooley in "Dumb Belles' - ' Friday ate.! Saturday WILLIAM HAINES,' SALLY O'NEIL AND HARRY CAREY in it most exciting comely of the baseball diamond. Realistic; Well,, you'll feel r like eeeinenheu you t:t't• • "SLIDE KELLY SLIDE" PattiePattieCo dy "What Every Ice -man Knows" Matinee.. Monday and Satettday at 3 p.m. We extend to our customers and Arit:-I cis. the Season's Greetings satitfection of all. a eholee program family spent Christ'. t . et.'.. Wat given. During this stage o1 and Mier harbour, " the proceeding's Mr. and Mrs. M('Don- a;oderleh. also wen- " aid were called up and the following Mr. Fred Newma. address was read and presentation Mr. and Mrs. Will nt.nlr: and Mr. and Mrs. t T.. Rev. and Mra. C. II. McDonald.- Blnevale, spent CI • - •, re, Irene and i h Mrs. Iron• vicinity held nn Thurs- . at her home Toronto. and ova, are boil- , • of Lucknnw, her parents. ,b. henry. of Rel- .arehle Ander- .•nt Saturday rt Pardon. 1 and timely. • .1 Mrs. Robert • Monday with ..rricr. I'lennghan and with Mr. and Fordyce. Mr. and family, of ere. • Hamilton, and .ser and Louise 'icon Fraser. of 'teas with Mr. We. the members and adherents of Er- and Mra. B. S. Ng,' Robinson and -tend Mr. it rnest and Flnr- .kine chureit, Dungannon. have even -Mr. and Mra- Jit l- sbtered this fetter ore On a Tarte eon., of Wttr>e'h.. theo Thine to do you honor on I Mrs. J. D. Rtecrof• E II i po this the eve of the twentieth miniver- naw and Mr. and If Thos Rob1nwm viva .of your 4'eddevt life. it is a fit - BELFAST RPILFAWT, The.. ^26r --,Mr. ('has. Agars of Saakatoun, Is visiting lila parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Agar. Our teacher, Miss (ona'ratp. spending the holidays at her home tit Kinlough. Mennen. Tens, and ,ltuus,. Sherw.wod• of Detroit, are spending the ('hriet- teas vacation at their forna•r home here. Mr. and Mrs. .Ulan Alton and fam- ily. of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and %Int. John Mullin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fer¢us.m and f:ttnily! of Lucknow', spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Ferguson. GODERICH TOWNSHIP IIODF:It�IC1i TOWN'S•H1P, Dec. eta. -A happy New' Year to all. Silas Helen Rell, of Windsor. is spending the Christmas holidays • at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Edt itpt iron spent ('hrisnnms with their dan¢htett and amt -to -law. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of at Thomas. MUsa Alice Sowerby, of Toronto, .lent the t'hristmas weekeeid at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. Sowerby. Mimes Ella and I.Izzle Sowerby, off Westfield and Mooretnwn resp•c•tively. Have Bees, Used for e►t er Pen are Blending the Christmas holiday at i Mr. Reg. Smith was.home from Tor - their are home here. poses Besides Love sad onto for Christmas. Sitsaea Margaret and Resile David- Orange Blossmins. Maud Howell, havliut been elaliext looms hc-Ihe tkath.. every engaged girl, but--i4__u lunges; t'IwOrll°g the Christmas holidays with of their slater, Miss Annie Davidson. playa such an active part W the hud- 1 their parents. Mr. and ]lea. ]cam. Sir. Hugh Ihtrldson. of Hamilton, segs of 'courtship as it dish in days' Howell , Life -Buoy Rubbers and Goloshes We are prepared 1,. -apply- your wants with all the latest styles of Goloshes for wen, wotnen and children. The newest-e•loth' patterns are here. Light and heavy weight Rubbers for every pure pow•. Quality cannot he excelled and the prices are stoat n'a.nuable. lit Boots and Shoe, our stock is full in all the up- to-.lat.• itvlcs Ger .'t ting, street and work -litre's. Call and inspect the many varieties of Footwear we have to offer GEO. MacVICAR North Side of Square Goderich FINNY FINGER -RINGS PERSONAL MENTION I Miss Mary Howell, of Toronto, and son. of Detroit, arrived on Tuesday. A ring Is the prized possesston ot', Miss Me d H Il of Ottervllle, are e 't Mt. and Mr...Bert Melawen, of (isl- and family sent o! :9stmns with Mc Was ,•allee,l home owing to thwdexth of , gone 6y. Cal - . Woe sir• ,--•w • i 1 t la t 1 1T vie. Mr. Ellis S..•II.•rs. of Toronto. spent Christmas i.i!ti his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ten.. So.thrrt. Mea 51:trto•: 1►istter, of Toronto. 15 iwndint the holidays with her par- ,nts, Mr. and Mrs A. I/isber. Miss Amber M!'Ke_n its elf Strathroy. -pent e'hri•ttuns with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ii .1. M'Kenzle. Mr. lien ; t. ''ase. of Toronto, aptent t'! ristmlis vti h Dr and Mrs- ('ase - Rev. W F: and Mra. Perry- are spending the heelldays at Mr. Perry's Inane in /:alt. Mr Ilishou, tetter• Of 111' Shin.larel Rank. spent (•hrintmaa at his home lin Se•Iiriug'Ille. -Rita 'rhea itself; o!"ttte retool nettle- Inviter( ed T •rento, is esp ending the holidays with her 1arents. Dr. and Mrs rate. , Mist Ponttne Cantphell h+ liattln¢ her parent. at Tornt.rn, ' Mr it 1. (teed and daughter, Messs I:colyn. of (:nderlcit. spent" ('hristmas 11.• h•au.• of Mr and Mrs. Rohl. I •A vle son. We ore p'ensed 1. r•pert that Met- ter it - ter (Ally Teaser, t.!,.1 underwent an operarl 1 In the stratferd hespltai for adenoi is, was able to return !nitre tat Thursday. Miss Jean Stothers. of the Torohto teaching stag. i. viaNlag her -patent& I'..sl watUT nml'-$1-M. Rtethet•a The monthly meeting- •.f the West Wee meal. Fire Itptnranee Co. was t held in Mr. %hogeeen's o••• nor Tuesday f this week. • Mr. F. Rets has leen !•..utlurd to th Melee for the last few days with a sort leg. ' Pandj' R.t_tnion,-lila. .1. A. and the Christian world Is in a spirit of re.• iT lug over the greatest event of tvortl history. the birth of a Saviour roils. and realizing :het your mission and desire is to pro - mete pollee, harmony :end goodwill. and to lead men and women along the ,imply and humble vents outlined by ...lir Master, NO we wish on this ne- t-tlstou to remind you that we feel In- - rlehtrrt-:rml- erneefnl- to Tett -for the in- tere•st tial untiring efforts you nuud- fest in the pr..motien of our Octal and mural welfare, and se farther trust that the same cordial rebate/14)1p that h new exists shall Tong continue • exist in this pastoral eharge. And as eci•l• e•n�. of our exte:in and love we na t_l.L.ttLaeeept this set of dishes and this auncheen set on this anniversary • teeeeli a s -_a Fight taken of remelt).-, br:uue. and 5',' hope butt in God's provident., you may troth 1e etraresl to enjoy' many more anniversaries. and as tears. roll ou .this will serve ss /Ime- me- mento to cement ihe,Issii is of g•«.dw'111 : bet\Veen hastor.and.11eople. . aimed in behalf of the it.igr.'g�t1lon : F. Roe.. 1t 1»ivldson• Mra. M. McAI• • 'tater and Mtss Josephine Mm-At!Tster. • Mr. Ms•Ih.ttaid. althiiugh 'taken 1»' surprise replied in thankful _tertns'for the evidence: uf__hlndnese.and the splendid eer.li.1 spirit manifested. Several . alai•. I e's were made by 1 memt.'ra of the mana¢Ing beard. the ,l suasion and others, after whirl. Sputa Cyttta appeli ed ter the -greet rtellght of the children. whir received many gaits and gesso things off the tree. D Meannon Sebool Report The renewing i, a repel of the standing of e rhe elder tool' 111111E4s of 1)11111:11,111011I • Labile school for the fall term ending 1►e•rcmlitr 221d. tinted ou- weekly ,•Ca til inrlt iasis. The figure.. • indiittte -Jeir-.strive-• ]}iwr Courr. • -,s-• 1n foe• rr1aL t,.r�. •c t .ac n lawn e Mrs. (lomat. of 1: .• stir. n sister of The hest wishes of the community' of Louis XVI., every smart young man lwt.t week. Mr. and Mrii M.i?wen Mir. flea, Cottle, ti .- burled in Blue- are extended to Mr. and Mrs. ilarvey sported a ring which held a pointed ware recently mar ried and ar.• vale eetneteere on • .._..iv last Fidler (the kilter formerly Mitt Grace li diamond. Without this. 1. had no it ti-ym.wn. Ravels of NL'el who weer marrl•ri re- chance with the ladies. In those, Iter M. C. Parr Is nursing a were ASHFIELD costly. All join In welcoming Mra days. if you wanted fu win a lad>''s right hand. a finger having, -Iw•wn Fuller to our midst and wish the Soong issue, it was 11ceasarr tor you to jammed In ter door of his motor car rmlple a long and hap{1y welded life. • compos" it vetroe in ht -i 414414.1. You t on SVesim•sdoy, afternoon. The nail 18HFiELD, Da 2tI :The year Is Next Sunday the aacmmetH of 'lietbrn.ecratched this ver:• on the pane wits !liken nR and the end of the fin- ger let it stn. Ring Mit its 41d. 1nrr,I'rr QUPper' w1!1 he dlslwnrual to °t her boudoir. wtauoa rrttb T11e; _o -r entitled. tine In the new. t :happy and peas- 11'lrlon-cli ech at 3 pm Sunday shoot pointed diamond in yore. rens I( the is•rou; Nt.,. year • 791p Signal and all 1 e - vers.. were witty ur e••::IptimentatY t - The wester. Itrv. ,;, n r Cn •• eta a •j.m it t r t 1 h f nisi Y it, senders• tl'arc,►w'lll preach. • her. It O11I1f Canadian Nomivatinn dA falling on the . The Ladles' Aid of T°ylor's Corners although ire• now 0 'al( of rings Thristmns builds• interferes much will 'meet at the home nt Mrs. (`Inas. chiefly In couni•ctlou troy hese and Boosters Club for Boys a ith the pleasure . • the eltlaens who • Whhte•Iv on Wedne'tsday- January 4th. oral c binssort, they have fo•••n put Boy Workers Note •1••sire to b.• Drew • at the mnnlallwnl ,,t 2 p.m• tq very d/Qer••nt oar. .n the• past. io mtnetinn and a else with to be ('hristntaa PsatertaJrrwntt. -The Takr, for elutmpt., tit• sing sloths Ideas for hikes, group • rih•rtalnint frier or to be eater i teri•nnns tanc•ert which was rieente.l .Renaissance. period__ 1t .tad_aothiut games, sports and making rained. at 'the ea-. may be. 1' p`' money, all in Slailwans T In lesion chrfeela last Tlturelay evening to du with lave. but with murder Magazine. • The empathy the cummunity is assn daidr,l sourness. The program tnatesd. lite atone a.trterg:of teas $2.00 for one year extended to Mr'1i ued McLean. con- Mrs. Walk. r l:a} a pleat:nit family re 'union et- the 1•s rants:" over ales-.tt I mats. The fallmying were the gust.: Mir, Wm. Walker, of Tteter (tit meaner, : a brutMer ay.( sister, Dr. ,1 i t: Wniker and %Ilse 11-11 ofRnr- I Sr., 4 --Allan11.-1.1 7'. Wilfred .Pent - bind 73, Helen Aiu 1, rsnn .,'i0. Claire Pentland (:n. t'••ra • Staley :04, Amy s 1`oung 37. Anna Reel 37. F:Id :inn Cul- r 1•. rt '. 1f:trcey Mole 40. Jr. 4- -Wflmn 'Fr•'•ivven iii, Minr• tle• average Is•rentagoa.on all examl- n tthetas : • tr. .-Arthur itrnwn 8 ,- Grace e voting 11. \Villin WViteins 11 Ronald • Pentland 51. Lloyd Finnigan :r1. • Jr.,: ---Evelyn Tnlherr (i3. Mary Fin- war• •este int th" J. R. WHEELER Furniture funeral Directo Hamilton Street, Goderich Ont !Moon : nnnt ter t . nail family. of P • kh ;'seem, QM.. an• the four -1-t.'. Ml Jean. of isit don: Mists Swat. of Ter.entn: alis' r Mildest of Rainy Lie •r, and 511" Verne, of NeW•T••rnt••• tine broth.. ens tm-th1e• to ta' pr,- ettr. United Church K.C. F:ntet•lainmml The nnnH•al ,'!•'.stm:.+ cctortalnmen AlI lliili6•lL7adt'(Eid' t d YvkiDa 7a flfN d4410s 'V�a fneluel.sl (hornw•+, - r•.•,.••.tns and ring moves on a hint.•. Behind the rr.strrn- MP: 5en1 ,P14. ti -Jd°' "5nfirs- - her similar entletn1-iMtttrtren. uavit; -1a r-Fi"ll Send Sneer orders to: 1.. ran famlly, la thesis 4th of a I Het r. j intern gases of t'an.lyke's .tory .•f aw'r•ted some deadly. poison. When M[r. ('harlrs Mcir.tn of ('hbiigo, nn' ..Lao, t►tjier �t'i•e Mau" erre shown. Ili.• int.•uded victim turn••d his 11.•ad THE SIGNAL GODERICH I ie•.ember 7th. ilia story being read by Roc. M C. away. the polity host re itas.A the Mr. Tom QnIg 'y. entineer on one Parr. who -alto, was ebeirmau for the stupe setting by means of .a small f the Great Likes t crssci i. fs fit evening. The young p etude nC- Vic - Mr. , and the pohton Itoppetd tato pret••nt visiting watt hit parents, Mr aorta -*net I'ninvl church per„•nt,st the vest's wine. anti Mr'. William i;nigIey. ' the Christmas play "Sns1n. Gri¢rs The locket -ring was al:uo a danger - Miss lenbel Marsh. of G•wlerlelt' Thristmas tar rani' in floe style, after one trinket, but for cliff r,•nt teasone stent the Imltda)s with her little After the execution nl Charles L,' f which SAnta ('Inns arrived, tnaeh ri' rings of thtalritld ween pte•uu•••d and friend. Miss IN Msize. elle joy of the ,•hildren. and dTatrlleitel worn by the Royalists 1.s the Purl - Mr. and Mrs, Ear! Blake, of Clinton. numerous pres.•rts null :-4n413._ r nt the • tans were In pow. -r. the locket ar- eteelted for a few- ays wtth the int veli -Indra t'hrietmas tree. The pro- rengett ' ut was very t • -•-•wary, since ;re's parents, Mr. and. Mrs, pave Me t -.,.,IN were sham $2:S. Lhr than who was c:icht weaning 1%ttittney- •i Cad Bereavementtit--.was a such a ring might ver. pt-e•�.ably lose Mr. and Mra James Chisholm, ,Jr- sh.t,•k U, the people of this t'tmmtitdty-• kis heed. - of Colborne, tad- Hca W. Bet*er.when the sad news was learned •tf the -1 - - Mluru cheerful were tee aarociations tii,i�ertch. spew Chrhtmus .t -_i ! e{eatl+ �,f mi.. Annie it. nacldxop, ' of the squirt -[fag. It was the vehicle 'tlnigley's. ' .MHelder of Mr and Mrs. Roht. David- %isiture. fr. in Detroit daring the wen. whle•li oe•cnrr•d Inst Monday. Just „Christina* sea•nn were Tom Joy, with entering into Soong womanhood and Mr. and Mit- 'Dineen: Mtiss f.11jinn •n1 salter worker in the (blurb, Sun- t►alton wsittt Mir: and Mrs, ,1. ('. roil- ,'ayes boot and Young i'e'tttcs Sneh'ty. ' ten: Mies -AIM' and Mr. Call Blake. Mi.: navfikc,•n will 1.. grent!c misted at Mr. H. J. Rinke's; Mhe M innlfre•i In the chore' and filen by a large (trete NU:rattly sed Wilfred M.•Tarthy, at „r fri.,..„4*: Sart tysn n talenft4 nm.,. MIr Wiliam McCarthy's• !.din. below orennitt of the Sunday Kedah g iill. are rintit e. acien l -and leader or the .ohnlr. The Tee man: friends of Mfr. Rohl. heart felt teytnputtlty of her many Mruary ri'gr •t to hen- of his illhess friend.* la extended to .her tnrrowln¢ and to nor of an Mrlt• reMvery. tether -and wether.-brnthcra and The I harem, of Sixty leant, -If slters Season's Creetings 119 • Th-TkTianothermultone in sight g and still another year beckon- tff fif ing us on with its hopes and oppor- • tunities for service, we pause in our y on our Q� A daily activities and reflect upon • pleasant relations in the year about g" to close and to take note of the host of good friends about us, We tender greetings to all and express our sincere appreciation of our business relationship in 1927. ii ii May 1928 Bring Health, Sincere Friends A and Mutual Prosperity to all A igwi A F. E. HIBBERT 4$ w Qee�RR PHONE 86 GODFRiCIi i,•t•i,• Mle•ihtnnid 73, Marjorie M,•Whin- ney 72. Mildred .1ne!ervon M, t:rt•J- tl;,'t• Finnigan :.(t. F. RtrSS. Prineipal. • Junior Room Jr. .111. 1 total 032. pass 3700--Cnr- J1,rt', imbues 452. inert Whyarl 452. .11ma Nlvius 440. I oa vid Niche. 444, e•t 1_u t'nitn¢ a - 1 4i. Sr. It. (tetnl 5:5 Park 4.1!1, Verna At twist alar --Betio ,,terser, 4:•S. Mrltin •3'10 Mento' reeler 411 Jimmie Prime lite in the y, ar DAT eou:d ltty:• tee• •ldenly tratefermwt into CHURCH NOTES rho c.•:n Pr2;_sweat a- surprise :cont.' I have 1....0 a titing for them. Tla••ir 1.,• a1.1.•r•e.•nt sated know no hounds. Service's in Knot s-hnn•h next Saar - for practical joking about :. hundred years ago. - Its pbpn ulat , however, rather fell awes.. .,iter an incident which took pl.. • 'n Reriin, sat the Court of Fred, rick 1I. M. de Guiney, the French Ambas- sador, had taken Ili• Ruet+lan Am- bassador's wife in to d- inner. Luring the banquet th. lady squirt• -d a letof water from it.. of th••se tinge into her partner's f. • • This proved al- together to te for lila patletic. - Filling a tumf r with water, he threw the dint ills over list head, drenching here to the akin. w T0tt t..ar . lien r rile• », find a curious eng used by the Ro- mans In eonn.'lien with marriage. This ring waa wade of iron, and cut to .repr.•sent tl . rough outline of a key. It waa n••r give -n to the bride • so ice 1111 .lot try to picture the Lath w•t11 1••• .•e•ndueted by the minister, -alt•• had a g. • zee --lint was dia. au,:tv,t 'tit t'e,tntftrt were n e.usid- 11. lam- tsenmtlnlnn will be diepented. patched by the •:i.l.:zroom to "her • rattle .!istar.a apart, and theserviee 7 p.m.. ".a'happy, New Year.' lnh- people." Th. ' .'--was a symbol of ni- ..ai1% or tri -weekly. according to bath settee! and !tittle t•Insees -Ir „ the virtu..., 1,r .sty surd eeonenu •., atter, Nee- we have the rural free . creek. I'rginnitory serene Friday (the keys' w •i•,tuestic happiness') delivery A trip to town ens a rare. tenant at 4 o'clock; and ter visa nidf(ate•d the brlde- .•.,-..I••n- Ti a eonveyan•-s w;ns the Services nett Sunday nt Vietorin gromn's hop'- el finding these quail. a•itt ,'aeon „r sleigh: hugging were start United (hur•h ns 1o1!nw-al: 10 firs in lila brlde. • rot in rn euunn use in title dittriet" n.nt.. fellowship t:tis: 11 a.m., w•nr• I The great KitSnlnmoa is said to teh• Were used large:y IL logging and ,hip: pa -foie+ snhjts 1, •'('hrlst `I.ivr. ;have puss••ssed :, ring which helped(nem. •nraklo the new Lund and olwiting lu M.•." Sneram.-nC of, the lords elm An mach in the urinn1rtstration a; o justice thatn t c ee soul not as i d nt: roosts. Alsntt tent Mime a system Sumer r " s eine ebur h when!. nl. 7 judge without tr. Once ft was stolen of r.•nil'building was underralton to p.m. %cnnhlp: tufr.l'ni' "The New and thrown Into the ant; the ting the Pat one N ear" to h lthe New replan. lite cnrdumy. A trip theretpre kept away from the seat of Mlilit n • Iitweil 'leti), Jn k' Ptirk 3t:o. W111 ' grist 14.111 'oak a day's tune. Now we Q••rcires lit North street i sited juntlee• for forty days. These, 1.. the sera - teed 33L Mnh-ill.• Culbert 2S:•. ,,,n -.•ply •..•-ter grcw'ery mon- for sur t-1, relr're•tt Snndny wlllAor fie follow.: I delight of all just men, hit ring was lir sings (total 4t K, nose 243x- bn•a.t. 'I'i.r uerpb0ne nr tent date to n.m.. Meq'ai ('hili. MiisNlon Itnnd. I.discovered In the body o' s fish serv- 1'••nelda renes 391. LoisTrelenvon 345. ea. net y•'1 thought nr. The r.•:tler .hail meeting. Tolle• for Men's ('IO,: v_ ed Aupbat ltThe 1°roytahle tanbleK. lepowH Irrihn J t•"t_waa_jivL-eomltt tRt*-�*r '° "Th>--1NNt Year - -itt --istW.rtte Till, r of _•e, Viola Young pte ,MaleolnMie-theeteru:a.selfLinder yas_not even . Year --Its 1ossibllirn'," 3 p.m.. :ern ' rings was wldrtpread until cnmpare- h.•tule fr�i, - pkusnel . Modern fnnn Implements day erelool. 11 a.m. and 7 p,m, pal. tivt-ly modern tittles. Jet tongs were Palmer 'total 303, picallftt--nlillo su•'!a as.eraeters, spr.a. ee-hinylnnd• Tie wnr.hip. efervieet duels¢ the week : suppoa••d to frt hten away stfakes; an \hd'Iire 293. Alvin Reed 142. Albert ,'r.. ere:nr'.eparators lid mnnc other Tnnsday, ywslnl yuan¢ 1reottle't ser' - emerald kept tit• wear••r pun, in IUtett 4i. irutJ•-,nrn+• omf ,asehilws tt+.w In tt'. vier: W.sltwalny, ,•„ngr,'grrtMaal pay- : thougkt and deed; an elephant's head 1 rings (hotel 100)--ikonald Walker .,,ern not a• yet thought of. The means nr service: Thursday. pr, nrntnry ser- and trifle trident ave rtes shipwreck; a ear. AIM.' .\ndereon 7t1. of tratsl • rtntl•'n wits the horse and rive-- pren.•Iter, Rev. W. 1'. Lane. R.A., thcphs'rd and flock stopped Sean from It elnss (mini 1001 Dorothy Rohe tlias•.a..'i • 1` lace the steam ranee:,: Sea forth. becoming Intolticatefd. a, %'idler F:rrin¢fnn >a(►. Rtehnnl 1'nrk vow the motor and the alrpinne. ivy Even an r �eptly as our own day. .'l Fnrnn Altman TSO. - ne¢rrth 'n,• teases Lots hit nt ti- Stare inr mntMnl there b the�••b.phant'A batt ring, ('nmplell's pntg which Is supposed to endow its wear- , merit ..t»..b,t.•,t estthrhRPhnnogterpb.t-inruta: initrumprtts`irid"#trintts.-t'hnne 119•._ ---tom_- B,f Bevin,, itivett. rndlo Xray, else tel. i,y and i!s Nnmt!cr on roll, 30; avernce attend- many II -e- •\e green r Imiitoctnn•11 vise. 2.4. ,.ill le. I olryj than In mnrkrfltt¢ con - M. M. pl'iINLN: Trileher• ,;hoses.- i.=rywrntive toeint and •ell - Ina r. pi t.•r the hurter • r •Iffy rear, acre; and to at• need cel ennmernre PORT ALBERT ..ntttr:l.. at any greater length. The le _-- -_ sine-?, • is: le point of eitisenshlp Cis hate e, elven. ed aernrdtngty" 'Chu. r' 14414T ,'ti.IIEIR?. ill•. 2• air end- wi a on n new year ylrs. 3011nm n William', of Detroit. Mtiell.. are visiting with relntires lien, •' -- ' The Christmas enncert he'd •las(\ Thursday-. evening in the 1'n!ted ` •',i0a.h. Port .Albert. was enj.tyed by •asst and .. d. Thr children shower od trnining. Mesitrt, Victor mid C'o'rner 1t0y. ' who here been soiling on the Great links the post months, hnvt'return/sit Muir home here. -__-__ -• Miss C T. Iisw•kint, of St. Thntnn'. I' Ppw•tultrig the hnIIdav At the home of %1r and etre le, et. Grey. Mr. Ariel Mrs 11. Marlin entertt!nal a number of their friends nn M( •noisy oe $non¢ t.. t•nhls And •inning. Mir, nob- Hoy and friend. of Gnd- w.f.•h, ore *pending the holbit y at the r.•rner's home here. Moats Tata Quaid. ,teen i.udnor and }'Inrtenr,' McKenyle find Mr. teennnrl Crawford. ne the (:.('.i,. air-tpendlne the holiday at their reopective homes BRIEFS M; I:•I. Pri•:Itam• of tW,nnits•g is i ! Is ententte. Mr and Mir- 1C b;l 1': i- �q Mt - 1. F:. 1.1111(11 linre t turned to -,ii her seined doh.* at Fort Franee•s of!. r Q)4 s{s•n•!i1.¢ the %:.rail°' with h••r reds fly.- here. Tet reenter ' ,seting of the 4i.'leritl. 1Vom. nes in•' ut•• ell! , he heldin Mi,t 14 r. Until .n Tlnirselny, Jnnnnrc 4th. 41( :: p.m. ' - fhe Salrh.rd hospital Atrillinry will hold its retell: ,• monthly meeting in the home orf 11 rt. %\m. Symonds nn 7'l iit'Iny. Jan, try :th. at 1,111 pm. Mr. Stephen Andrews was token •ai11. n .trot., while attending the manlier testi. • in Knnt ehnreh on $tinmy and w ,s 11'mo1'4 to the hole pith. Mfr. An..rews isone of our old - eat (itizrna aid his condition is here, 1 critical. THE GODERIC H 11@AY k'dfR$ THEN HOW ABOUT A TON OF HEAT FOLKS COAL YOu CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO TAKE THAT Mott of us are .too .buts'. to .Think about winter trips to Bermuda. or Florida. or the Ri'iera,' We have to take our outdoor nt•ather just an the weather :nen secs fit to send it. But indoors. -there's another matter. With Heat Folks Coal we can have warmth and happiness and relax-. ation and all the health-htingialr qualities of a southern tri q .-w'ith- P out the expense. Let's hate summer time in Aur homes this winter. CALL- THE For Good Clean coal COAL J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 -- Goderich 1927-1928 We thank you for the confidence you have placed in us in the past and we extend to you our Good Wishes for a Happy and Pros- perous New Year THF MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF The S. A. Gray Co. e ms( Da714NI VIVika MI ;