The Signal, 1927-12-29, Page 3The Signal alendars are here. One f .every subscriber who pays in advance foe 1928. Make re you get yours. he ionat Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job.of printing well done. Telephone 35 THE SIG:N.tl. eitUNTING CO,LIMITED, Publishers. leparizaaamizaart *Tooneaodall 11, t41/ oi A very Happy and A �„r Prosperous A New Year 'A 9C M. ROBINS rro'rw texts GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY• DECEJ11i1':R 29, 1S►_'; 11.'.lIi of Kichanl Proctor. Itt•Igrav' They Dere "Out in 1866 " tti, chard 1'nictor, . -• _rote. died o„ sundae; nicht la r a brief illness' follow•Iug n strok, suffered on _..__.. irMdae--tie wase tre.rtedeellar resident Colborne Township Men and Boys Were Prepared lit the district en 1 had been a teteetor of the lieu--.•.,, Morris and to Do Their Bit. Grey Telephone Comb,r:y since it was founded. He was t :•sirdnt of the • (By JOHN ELLIOTT, B. A,., London) \orth Nurou Com- r4nthe Associ8- the i:::h het. The moderator, Rev. DECEMBER MEETING OF HURON PRESBYTERY Kno% (*writ. t:ollo icla Complimented Upon Contribution to Budget Tlu• 1'r,sblter) , Buren held its regular Il.(v•allt t• recent., in the 1'res- hvierinn ?:nr,b. 1'11ufon. ,.0 Tuetslay• L. E. E. of Ottawa, whom I judge refer' to in his sketch, for a company from the initials 1., be L. E. Lrmbree, , wus organized by the soldier school- M.A., Id -.D•. a former well-known high master and drill wus kept up for a school principal iu Toronto, writing time. The boys In. tke school, too, In the "ltystaud; r" (klemu of The caught the martial fever and Arthur Globe of pre -Confederation days, ex- , \lolesworth, file master's young son, presses the oplu1 1, that the Fenian decked out with his father's belt, bayo raids cemented n: .l'al:a,la. Ile re- net and cap, put us through our facings'JFOR\LA'• GOLD Hon and a member the Anglican It l• tl• 1'. mild of 11,41,•ri,h. preside). ('ten ye, sun grit Mo plat ten - . reit. Ho' was 1 his Riau -third It v T. N'. llouit..W..'14 4 . formerly of r and Is aurvlred I.4 his wife, two 4'obouri. who 0.a. rer,utly iuduetvl e, Richard and Robert, of Bel- .into the p.tautal charge of Myth and vet and nonesh p.bT'e, fu ntal took of .tuburu ems 'lntrodutr,1 to the court Mor township. T. a tonere) t the interhn moderator. Rev. .WIfitd r on Tuesday \t4cfarhlne. of t'li0to4. Mr. Go(K1- n, ._ (^ Reardon cane- Hwi8- -begins,- -�nlolwttY fu lila'. new ' charge 41ich a people who tense won froau Presbytery the finest expressions fere to the thrill ,tueu the wires car- as we shouldered our homemade wood- ('•�l „f praise for their courage. ,loyalty. r the news u :e ecu S not eery big but -- and liberality. 1 1! � aMn- S (' ' ' led 6 f to 1 Pion by Inc ten guns 04r were Mummy conga and .n 1 ]ll 1 Fenlaus at Niagara in June, 1880. Bit- all felt brave, and we also sang lustily terns. had still remained folh,wiugas we marched: r r rl- 'vu loyal B p,r !be rebellion of 1sit;. but it passed al- -Shout! Shout! Shout. Ye , tical differences all were forgotten as Cheer up: let the rabble come. most In a night Rebel epithets, poll-' ' tons, I. men all over the ,•'untry volunteered Let them come, let them come, for service and Miirthed abouIdeT For beneath -the-Union Jaek ------ to shoulder to tt.--4.44 ' of "Shout. We will drive. the Fettlana back !)hoot, ye Loyal Britrns:"—a war And we'll fight for our beloved Can- (lift v cit aid by :. ntmpton stone adlan home." relt MARINE CLASSES wilt be opened in the Collegiate Institute, Collingwood on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1928, at 9 a. m. Marine Engineering in all branches. • Navigation Courses for training for qualifications for examinations for Mas- ters and Mates. - - Qualified Instructors File applications at once with W. H. WHIPPS, Sec. Board of Education. .—M The West Street Electrical Shop carry n_{f(xal ,toil: of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. We Specialize in Wir- ing of All Kinds Estimates given on applieat inn All work guarantee) Frank McArthur Telephone 82 West Street po cutter and enng e4erywhere to the Seek tune of •'Tramp: Trgmp: the (toys Morrish boys. Henry Martin. George \re Marching." Stewart, the Adams boys. my brother line lay all -melted. seems_, before re the sun 'In the °n4, eroVt's of Cali- fornia. Au,l there'll a reason. The ptalee ie' gulnt to the worthy-. if •timm- ure cloudy dais, In, t a;ifornla one never hears of them, Idol it 1" reason- able til suppose that ot, t'a'd If there wen7. :-( tntlllnn proper t rrrh winter follow the stepig of the'-onqubAador of when lerhap1, tlu-y have never heard. Tlu•y were': for gold—the f :'.t• ••roves, of the sunset over warm Pe -:ti,- 'toter". An there is a mine theft for you; n real mine 'ot health and a weotth of sport anti recreation actietti••s for you to ex- ploit at will. Any ('auadian Pa.'lti.• agent •*111 gladly supply information r.ger.ling fares* routes. etc., spot request. Some of us who were boys In Huron Tom. and 1 know not now who else county In 1806 can heartily agree with I were 1n it. lir. Emhrer, for w.' caught the spirit I One day a troop of u" marched of it even 11 -we 11,1 wt—hob ,.>.4 r- down after school to the poototflce. stand the effect It 'tag to produce. F well remember the day on which the news went 1ike wildfire through the townships that 'he Fentans were which was kept in the Gledhill home beside the carding mill. Mary Gled- hill laughed at the sight, but good old Mrs. Gledhill (grandmother of David hinging on the lake shore south of God- I Gledhill of Kincardine and WartyGled- erich. Wm. Welternow a resident of hill of Itenmiller) pretended snrpriee the town. could tea the story of the and alarm 'followed by relief. as she false alarm and the share, for it was exclaimed: "Oh. these are some of our opposite his father's farm that the ettp- volunteers," which was the name then posed enemy appettr.4. glren to the men of the Canadian lie lived at Becmiller. In the cot- militia. In -the opinion of the lads. tage near the road where !IOW stand. Grandam GiMbltl waw all right. S the house on, the Stranghan farm. was • woman of diaeernment who which` was then owned by David Rod- knew soldiers when she saw• them. gers the miller, ter whom my father In view of the foregoing I wonder worked. He had gone to town early If any of the aforesaid boys who are salt that morning with n load of flour. but left might not he pc during the dey 44,• atarmtng news of i them:etre, veterans, for they sire a Fenian attack was spread --and we - were fearful lest daddy should not get home safe. Wat.-hing'by the roadside the saw the mer go by, mostly in lum- ber wagons, en their way to town. Th ere armed with pttchfmrke. -!'were ont'fn 1888." Water and Light Commission At a meeting of the water anti light commission on December* 20 a con- tract with the Turbine Engine 'Hgt11p - meat Co., Toronto, -foe:IN-#o---p�lZ The report on overtures was Intro - ti need by Ip'7. A Jtaefur:ane. An overture to restore the 448444( of min- isters en lite General Atatetubly's hoard of adm1ldgtritli'n to accord with the Iomg ,•onNituh•d usage of the church. of 44411111 'Numbers of clergy and k,ity. v-appruxr(L--- 111 ircerture that the G, -iter)) As-embly meet biennially In- stead t f annaa1ly, 81,1 Ihot the pow,rs 01-Sy14"14' 1.. - enlarged,- -*AA 41is- npprov.- 1. An overture that the word the word '•"-lied'' in the formula to he signed at the ordination. or induc Bon. or r-erptlon of 11 minister, was 44'prov-ed- The report of the • treasurer was presented by Mr. F. G. Wet'•, of God- ' erlrh. and the auditors' retort by Mr. 1, ?Ir.u,L• e( Exeter. The Ls,k4 -I:owt•,l a balance Over 111e exletdl- I r all,s•atluus fur the Presbytery, and Genk,ntl Assembly fund ... till', tri t. ai t'(trld 8.4414 14,4*' of 11,', I1 1'. Mc1',•rmld laid the bud 4,t .resit before' Presbytery, anti -l,•t.•1 Ib" vtleouraglug progress end !e -4s•! w• upon the part of all t.a,gre- caW•ns to'turd reaching. a rexsouable b.tdget amount of 17,000, tied c 4414 wem1 d u number -of tht• t', igretniti'ns u4�•n their splendid record do giving to the s•liemes. In adopting the re- port the members of Pr•+botery ea ,r.e4-4l their, praise of Knox church. r441eofete nrnt-its eoteened-tnlytster, for having attained an honorable tssl- tlen ;R1.4a4 ,nen the largest eon4regn- tlo1:. of the church id budget contrl- buttons. Some flute woo ellen to the als(•ua- siol of th.•'tulul.t4r�, widow", and or- pheul•i fnntl. w-hia•11 1s being placed ftp ,,n gu seller+ baste by the General As. :caddy. lie 0.h1elt n gtinieter who eon- tributis necording,to 1 s rates w111 re- ,r•he n retiring allowea(w of $1000 per rwupm at 41* ('lid offorty years of w rt i, e. and it minister's widow w111 r('1, -I' • Cad per annum. The fund Is helm: - reercwwistri-- esti *whored. and will be. known do the Penelmr Fund of The ilisettssion of the plan In Its de- I tails nsa left over to 3liter meeting. Authority wits [)ren . A. Maefar- Intu•. interim moderator, t0 -organise a aces -ton iii Brime'leld c99gregatten. The Presbytery ndJonrned to meet In Clinton en the 'third Tuesday of Feb- ruary. of 1030 a.m. INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Established 1869. 11b.,•I tiff',•,•, \1 al, rioo, l lnturikk D. D. MOONEY, Agent. Le •1 Street. Phone 250 Goderich, Ontario, POWELL'S Assurance Real Estate Stocks and Bonds Farms and Property a Plenty To the Ratepayers of (•harass Vilth Fergerp the Town of Goderich Ladies and Gentlemen,—About a month ago, all the members �tTre Town CotuieiT tt itii "one exception, petitioned me -to offer it.f a,ain as a candidate for Mayor for the year 1928, and I, fa then. pave them y word that I would do so. - At that time I did not know that I was standing in the way of my good friend Mr. Lee, who had been in the Council for only two years and had been our Reeve and county representative for only one year. • Almost all the councillors from the other munietpalities throughout the Couht}i have been members of the County Council for four or five year:. and our town is, therefore, bound to suffer, _and. and is_sadly. and sorely I_andifrequent apped,. by the freent changes of ey w guns or whatever weapons they could Ing plant at the powerhouse. was our representatives at the County Council board. It is a platter get, all sober of countenance, and alth passed sad signed. It was arranged ttJ:.tsla Mon_knowledgethat it takes at least ayear for knew ment- lnoka that boiled tit for aany treader that Mr. W. T. Murney is to rhatged at renal meter rate for water be to becnme acquainted with the other members and to aceus- that tell foto their clutches. teervice to his farm on the Bayfteld .lrthur Molesworth, wit* school rens- road. with a minimum annual charge tont himself to the work, and for the general welfare of our citi- zens.ter, a Crimean war Terrain, was off - of ten. per sent. of •the rust of instal - In and for the good of the town in every way, I felt sure that In full uniform. and wily other men !Fitton had also gone. brown in the village rommisslon, on December another year. the women discussed tit,' situation and neer reported that 1t would cast e(} anxiously wondered 1' it world some proximately !-4o0 to install electric iiowet'er, he has chosen to pass uN.�_(:plendiel opportunity : Lnt the men would be drafted as had 'light service for Win. ilrtn(uec. Robt. of being of real and substantial service -to the town in the County born done In the recent American war. S -dote and • Edward leradley, all on. t The dnngrr seemed ver' near and very , hitch street. The matter wag left over Connell, anti is now my oppon,'tif 'i t le. mayoralty. n al, and Brent was the relief when pending an Inapectte'n of the locality be the ctommialnners. Several twit'ht his Pan;ass,'1 believe that he' is tolling -the people that I ,,ielt same and all were safe Time, ••adeno for electric • see to .Tae have oeenpli'ii the ehafFiottg en(,rtgll alt(1 shtrilld the-rr-ftrd" Linke -- -- assed. including one of Mrs, M. At the last pee+ctmta meeting of the Mr. Lee would be mast anxious to serve as Reeve for at least R the engl again it wea a great hoax, but ort of 1' Cliatrk.P `rthuranti o street. for lectrie grate , • nmP something of what Dr. F.mbn ('umbria rnn't, for electric .ralige• A communlrntion was received from the l'rovinbtal Power Commission regnrl- tng. 1027 amendments to the Public Utilities Act with reference fo the eo1- leetion of nn4tatd power and Itghting acro11nts roti requiring n depnslt from tenants. This ons referred to the (•ol- leetor to art accordingly.. Another eommuniention from the Provincial I'ommission waa with reference to more close "D" power for the Goderich ' Planing Mills Co. This wag left with to engineer to arrange and to have a maximum demand meter installed. An order was given to Thos. Santly. for he renewal of the smoke box at .the•coed 1 $ der.hmis4, at cost not to ex- Wishing You a Happy and Prosperous New Year GFO. STEWART FLORIST • I'I, t • lai', Goderich Custom „,„„,, For Recreation and Health BOWLING Illi x Chrtatmas Neektle (ht haberdnaheryl —"I a tie In which btu(' pre- The Busy Ladies' x Clerk—"Flo and Gentlemen's Regulator ,, x - If you are feeling grouchy or a bit off color, phone a few of the boys or girls and make it a bowling night. You will get plenty ofE--pep- from this clean and Ihealthful recreation. liMen's 1'rize-12-1h. Christmas Turkey, for three consec- Wive games. Ladies' Prize -15 for best indivi,lual !core from ilecember 1st to 20th. SPECIAL RATES FOR LEAGUE GAMES XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxX X Royal Bowling Alleys WEST STREET 's nun in which blue X prelominaftes, ► tt the purple to it pre- dominates even `more, I think.."--lt04- ! ton Trtnseript, 4 fO,Ctor Kn: s, , I , r'i 1•r:rr sero her ct.: al cs. e' err. Jmr. -eve. 8fvav at ttr. fi'r d..ra. flue.. writ• •'1 hove fretlurr17 used M:rr.' s nit and -len prvneril.. it 1.,r my patients .lwnys with the 44 .^1 . ,ratifftae minim., and 1 rnrrdcar it tha best all-round Liniment". ('. A. Rine, M.U. a!en reermm,nds • leotard's in the follreveing wnr,l, - "1' have mod Minaret's Liniment tnysel( se 10011 tie prescribed it In rnf praetid when a Liniment on. re.n,irot. and have never (Clod to get the desired effect". way for hint, ' . May i remind, the ratepayers that snMre of nor former mayors have been in ,' •e much longer than I have been—the late nerals Clare Smith. nano John Simpson, an eighteen year-old Exeter youth. ap- peared In emir at London on Friday Inst on n charge of littering a forget document. 11e nos arrested at Liman oe, rompinlnt of the manager of t1. Standard itnnk in tient -town., lie !- alleged to have pasted a forged cheque for WR,i et that hank two or three weeks ago and In 1,,1e made a siren., attempt. this tline with 8 PhlalAe for at43.45, loot aril:. The youth declared his belief that his tither would come to his aseistan.•e and he Was remanded' to Jell for a week. Geo., Williams Uealrr In, DO'.IL\ION. PROV•IN('iAI, MI \I( II':U. AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire. Life. Accident. Automo- bile, ■lid General Insurance Agent Utt'e'r,,next to Bank ..f 1'ouuuerce Phone 53 1;odcricl, 1 A Spirited Reply The train had stopped. and an ohd lady pmt her head out of the window rind asic('I a )sorter what she oras *Op. I ping for. The luggage -smasher •was 1841aate to be fni'etlnno. - • ! "F.ngln<, Mit _late_lasd_n4tht rum.•'_j he remarked, aim a smite "sets she's got a thirst on her this mnrnlle: they'0 Ovine Teen drop-rff worse." "Sure it's an•PC." luquir' i the dame. "if you'll welt a minuet 1'11 im4414re 1, If they're giving her Twort eine:” he grinned. "Never mind. ter titan: don't troll hie." teime the :111"wee. "1 4honalt. perhnpa, by the 141(7 we're heel, get fb,g along it mtatir-mr-st0p'RIu'•-_ • 1' ai—mine it was Christen -is Mae. They sone -gird tn tits treft_ .-fore the 1le,rt4 lire "tti rrc saying anything. She therein' 1,11 ',fairer than the mall roan on r'lir,4c {ntns morning. "Ino you notice." he -leen e41. "dt' I you notile how tit.• lire r,.tdiu< "Yrs." I'm Horton for ten 'ears the late John Butler for seven year., tee min it she sighed elect.). " but not because of rr,thing wt Magistrate R.-1,1 for foul of ftvet i :R'r .asst Wigle frit f.vc ,tone. - years. 1'nlimitel Quant!' y o! For 1104'',•. Messrs. Johnston. 1'rondfoot and Holt oeenpie'1 • 1:001) MiXEI) WOOD FOR !3.11.): the position for from five to ten years earl'. M. NV. T. Marney has been the valoes) chairman of the )Vater and Light Commis- sion for about twenty years and M.. -I, ,S _Taylor, -commissioner for eight yew.... and is now ele,ted for a further period of two years. It is alwa}s the sovereign will of the people which tleeii . whether good ptIh!ie servee is being rendered or not. The yea4- 27 has been a most notable one by reaaon_„f its _ being, not only the Diamond Jubilee year of our Dominion, but fine tywft('(n4.t*n nl year, and the_preparat ions_forAlkis event cn- tailei a tren n'ndons amount of energy and detail work on the part of the veri,ns i'ornmittees over whit•h T hail the honor to pre- side. Tt was. p•'rhnMT, the Rr'ratest advertisement whirl.- tile ever had, aril 1 feel sure that the people of the town are to be sineereIy cr.:?iratnlated nn the ivtinderfnl sneers of n rather stupendous !m- .tertakTfRT Tf has ma' a murk for sonic of orrr neighboring ,'ties and towns to aim at, for some time to come. Of necc.s-ity, a great deal of time waa taken up with this pro- ject, to the e•\''lnilion of some other pressing matters. My own erreonal time wag devoted almost entirely to the affairs of the towtl. and with all our citizens working ,in har- mony for the general good, I ant satisfied that the result has fully just IAe$Tri ' 'lit, In askinr' nn, therefore, for your support again on Monday next, I want to assure you that I have no other interest to serve hut that of tip.' town. and if you will be kind enough to take into consideration the arduous duties of the past year, I am hold enough to think that you will show your appree.iation by return- ing me again a" your Mayor for the coming year. Hoping 'hat the year 1928 will be a most prosperous and happy one for our people, I am, Yours sincerely, II. J. A. MacEW AST. 0. F. Carey & Son, LIMITED Insurance and Bond Brokers Phone 2811 1Veet Wr•et, Cndericti, Ont 1 i'ut an W. in 'lite Signal The Armstrong Real Estate and insurance Agency life, Accident Sickness, Loss of Time. Burglary. Automobile, Glues Insurance FOR SALE \ire brick cottage', electric lightil. 4•.0;- 4,710100. to harla.r, gins! terms. )'rice$1125 4 lot -an,l-one-half story house, 4".41 condition, tine .r4q.•Iral(•e, n,..lern quipls•d, y.014.46..01 to S,Inur(•, (1144,' tio,sl brisk bens•, ,,,l -r14 equipped. roil hare.. large tet. goal p'e'tition. west. _ -..b• F..r sate ,.r rent. t,00,l hums.. barn. two lots. Britannia •••,.,d. Price $1.:A1 - I F, . 1 house, 14r11, orchard, one and tine.• yuurt -rs ncrea lout). I'nc,• ill_'.: lit $:t per single cord delivered. ..1 rd many olh•r-: Sme, .111 1,1.ntla7 4mitiient phan. .4 fes here,,, to rent. Till: GODERIC11 M.11NI F'.t('TI'KING 4',Ioo" '11.1441'.• 41-11 pant?'), Hire 'tip• C4)., 1.1311'11- D. • p.31'11111'1'. g1.11.1d .rol.h41.'! 3111.1 (0.„ 1nts. - x,11 14“1411 .payment 51 ill he accepted, 1 Foot. of Angleaea St. t'hone 4,1.4 I,.e:,mc.. 111 monthly payments if hea'r's), !., 1•.11:,4,4, party. • - • J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Inwrance Sun Life A ',mance I Co. of Canada Ii v- -(eod fl. ,i• -r•1-.,, I /,i/o ltul•111'. .111(1 ; r•irntl. H. R LONG, Dntr.et Agent Goderich Phone 115 FARMS FOR SALE • Sprrial 1:, lir re, clay loan,, brick sl barn, 44' sl wafter, _orchard. - chool, rniht:,7 stat ion and 'toren, .• .1101 "lir 11:11 f1 it's. from (it,.lorich, .'111? roti,)-. li:I.:rLant b. wolf ttiti r .11 'mom therefore 1111 low price \1.4 1"r,n, Irving thin farm at th,i+price gels fie it ao4et teres if Liv i.Tii•i -i rift-- -" 1441.1 for resiting. Price $ :S.'.,. _*,_;wren -a1*y_ luau,, merit.) t-._ f••rtu,.._ 4..,roughl4 tilt drain,41, tune oat..? sup, 4•'1. t:' •»f tniblingo,'ctofc r.. 4.11441444 and ...1•••••i anti ehnn•h. Flight :mol otic-Iralf 4 - tr„m, 4 i..lerkh. I 1o••41 It rtes. Price 17'; t * 4Aw lnttAtan}^', w -ti kIseet•.e.t. \ ' ::10)(111 deny) 14.11 -,'titch,.) two . t, , i,»1i•riet1, eeeeltent road. ab••ut , ,, ,.t improsaiients. Iso 44.»' nlnels'r of otter farms for sale. \I.,uy very low in price,- l:may term, fur ,•.,y n,.•nI. .\-k al.111 -than. J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Agent 1', O. Ilex 89. - Qsierleh. Ont. Stocks Bonds Grain \I;u het gtlolattioto-uplrii••d f••r a',v li••tr.l -tack. Ostler- 44ron1414 v eXPetltell Olt Toronto. ylnntr•nl and N. w York Stock 1•:xe11,1lk, i and ('hiengn am! \\ mrlip, g (train IAchnnw, Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Bldg., Goderich, Ont. Phones: 430 and 445 Private win• conies -tem, wall all imune stock and grain eachan 441.44