HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-12-29, Page 2which bets to hand to lits 0pp.on.mt in `he 'Tarin I1.'nrd. but nothing has leen lrRa` far hnye tt1'l 1[kris they'd ave
the next Presldentiei fight. 7.1"s. •riptlona to The Youth's 911 0?
• • j•
e about it. Nhortly after the 4.p t,,,lln,l: a. ,1 clirlanl.ts gift to lots of
i,ito:item 11.114 made, the 'leftist' Em- .„nn_ folk. rind that would help you
The Old Country has i11111 very nn. HIV Ste.•t 4'nlUpitny got Mtn financial , int."
favorable weather for the holiday SPA- •1'.ttl.le an,! It was felt that time might •'T1.:14„...:11,1 mighty mond 'lea," sAbl
son. Florida has had an unwelcome straighten out •hot tangle. Mid the ; „erten• as a mutts of ?act, many
,;'oerl'lntnt acted ut .wee, the men be-
rlsitniton of frost dere we have find ;,inti tin steel num nIP would runt t'arentn do just that afresh:, bet
140411 Ctlrlstmas weather and 41104494 he ably have sold tlw tariff favors re- Stu" shelf'''. 'f wish that mare of
thankful for Ir. Even nn farther away • ..,.ire') by unloading stock on the pub-
them rralizeet what n flop gift The
1- .ash's romptnbm mok,w. and would
than Toronto they had no snow, while and the Gover:.nient ens not will -
_ice It tat."
In this 41.4r114 wP had just enough to. in, to stand us a stepfather for ••tick }snap aen4 %ea)4r or.lvr to the a4hlr0.a
hrige oat the sleigh -bells. %^'''1ti '.hers a With sloe: ern l,,,.ow. and 'we -well car• to it that our
Tar -� -s r '••.I.J'c.l, those -cal rte Ro I;rnerul re�,J'thi.. Rem tlt0 1uu
,'14.4; -stet mnl'tt itangs,nn 41teeT. len of delivering ;1t tenet one gift.
To the present generation of God-' 114.:44:whi9,' -there are rumors that
will re'eI ': •
serie.h people. the, town w111 hardly 1* t9, I nit,•,l State: $tee:turp0ration ., 1. Tiro Yneth'a t'ompanlnn-12
the same without the flgnre of the late :rr• 4.,i- t.; own . sir its bong contem- bit monthly Issues In 1 Y_'4.
F F. Lewrenee In the scene Every- !•r'', i illan?.
in 1'•tnalla. That 4f 111 sad
body knew "Frank'; T.nwrence and brit,: n different fa tn� lnt�i'Tie opera-.' 2 •1•we extra nnml.ers to new stile
tion -.There lire nitons• els. that the tierlbors nrde'rit within :10
Pceryhodc. it seemed like, him tie 4;,,t,.rnment contea'i•:rates a h.ronty on
made nn nfrnrrttrlw 11n9T1• 11' Tort did -�Prd- TMs was Hee--rlanit•b•tard--w.nw----- --- Sys
\11 far only i2.
his day's work day after dee- until be year, ago by Mr. 9' 1eldint. it never o The 4'amptnnt•m's new hook ref
was several years pest the fmttsn,tw
wit- over 3- twptttlar .clth the Literals: tumor t'1t'IO1 One Minute
mark. was wpnnn' and abnc.honr,l. h I• doubtful It 99:.• Western strong Stories" *len inelndei PREF.
men of the party would take it even l+e•nd lA cants t0 nr4.•r l.wt
courteous to everybody. always dignt- ►f faltered by furl![ �rrd ,fire
-_ M t • fn iti'iiir*(frt''lP neesle.' +i' Ren`? -n -h -e �: •' - - ''1 ' • �M use'TTl Laod141L)•-
Rp Ttfr yotIT11'S ('4o\iR\\f4►N
S N Dept.. Roston. Metas
IIkp_that who Las been a re"ident of There aft. however. numerous liens SnbwriptloM Rachel by The Signal
the town for sixty years leaves nn
'impress that I: sof quickly Pineal.
• • •
The editor of The Wlortnn Prim is
on firm ground when he o1le4'ts to the.
aUhjed ehoren for debate lin the Wlar-
tr.n 111gh 5,'110,11: "Reanfra1, that Cpn-
• ada wnn1.1 be lw'tter J•dnal rap wttb the
United S':*fl's. "einnde s destiny ns
a port of the P.rftiah nn.'b'n 1= flxel.'�
soy. the 4•.liler. "ant ehonlil Fw• 41,4 tnnrv! ,
d4'hntnble h: 4ntr Retir011 then that
nrnee ( 341113' r•Pma4n a trot of 11144' irevi-4'-
Prncince of (N:tarI' " The zreatP•t . 191 o
fact, e'
Sinners' against ilritish sentiment in- t„ttri.
Cnna,io are Elie flngflapl.ers who Sar nn•lu;.
po1If1.'nT I•orpr,-es .hares• their .1pT.•r i. .-+•..'
Pntc- with "dis1ocs'tc." Their • ennt-
Tesiste--.0911;- 1..-_�•-w-.- it Ppy-41.1. 'plat
there• 1•_-''ly 9. :1 • mvilelemhtn 1..r.'y ref
Manion in !Co .(ender;' nran¢.•nf 41•'
to British r.•nnw't144n: --- -
• • •
The T.ond'•n Free Press dis•'nsair_
2 -Thursday, December 20,_ 191277. -
(the Sti nt4Yi
Member of ('anadian Weekly News.
papers Association
Published every Thursday morning
SubscriptiW price Cl.QU per )ear
aft -le -Cy In advance.
Telephone 35 , : Godericb. Ont.
The Week at Ottawa
1,: . i:o
„ 111, L'i• '1 :40 Cabinet
. :9. J• I,4. )ear ,: !well 9r.1tt
11,'1111»'r• •I Ile l't19W l;19 4.1 11 /141)' nr
oR , • err CI99-::11att shupping.
W. 11. Robertson. Edltor.afd Manager I' ib r) ;urn nut a few
tis 44.1 for 't.tt eouatltuenis
Thursday. Ileeember 29. 1927. tetek h m'• uut.44.t. 14tuewhttre41, 414444
til: 14 U.,• s,,,'on of lie year for much
thuugb;.i:l41i' The 4'u1,tl et. of 1,, I,.
has pact. husy ,ti:1l eine details ed the
Prepare to write it. 19"'. filer.• fu 441deI.te a
iladr4' for
..eseions. if the
• • • ,cork eat, he cosh in .ha114 lefor,ehand.
Don't forget that Mond,iy next 14 • 4h•.04• ihIIuts .stn be rushed along. A
muuicipol palling day. I re•4csien before At .•I., li.>tt Is usually
• • • •t,.rwc. The inisedlion1 is looking for
(:et ready with your alibis, boys. art nments, 41:..4 sometimes mud, to
throw at the e.u4•ernll.wlt• .After an
The naw) it 141 leap year. .dation the .tarts is still in evident:
• • • • . the slovertra;w,'.. tau want* to taunt
Are tete fellows who ere predicting the ,1her 41i.'..• with failure. and re-
m short winter 'eking Into becuuut the turns the 4411. All this takes time.
Fes -
feet that Fel rusry will have so extra 1r is a rife 499ess that the coming si,•n will b.• eln?et -{fillet. but inter -
day In 1926! ...liva:. 1'.•.i' . is waking up a bit.
• • • ' 'There is n•.. .•r t1»• old faith la pun -
We wish e4P11 reader of this co:lmn • • . t pat.t - ere. 1s an increase of
as happy anti prosperous a new year as red' that 1* the hopeful sting better and tetter all the elm
)e deserves -or perhaps; even s little and that mMna I beef that attach Mere
• • work to do. and It's getting to .le a
better than that. tuiehty hard teak to make things
• • • Phis and nue guess 119 n4. r,ourh M an around. iPt alone, dice
sone time. we _adopted the course of I
building out of the surpluses of pre-
vious years.
How much better It would be if in
then' times of national prosperity we
put aside a sum for rainy doy expendl-
tnres, Then when good tltnex were
neer :Ind trader slackening• we might
open the airings and go ahead with
some constructive enterprise. 11ot only
l'retarh.g for letter Gin. g, but Imstel-
114g it..•.wIug by our own thrift and
In eni,i411.
The Weekly Farm)ulletin
The. pool 14."111x9
a theory vuur,•:brad.,
Ir rapidly hr.. tutu.-
The %Testers' Pr.
' pools 44 evt+rythI11: '
'1'I , r, :1r, urtny signs of gra• lia19. ►t•?, {voy'ide {a silt•
!mi•r..V1114 world I'fl4lt1osa,. Tells 141 Ills-1ra14.4, of t4.,
tin imtwnlut matter t0 Canada. for ;ii ' bU: tntLUriu •
C:ll l,' I i. 'u1p of file world'» gees best Welk to some pier;•
export nations: but that can be left for few days ago the r,'
my next letter. Ft tits is better near the (WWII.. Beet
t9:.• opening of 1924.
tion told Its al.
things w111111 neve, ;
MR. SPECKLES' GREAT IDE.% !Met raison. unci
system: and .
S:u:9a flans sat 'tn a bench next the bn,'eo growers, to
.army video( his North Pole bungalow. the ()Wart.' and
The "9 4 tentletnan wore a worried and ,.f Agrl,u:ture,
!torn. -cal look quite foreign to 11 ' ,!i.•tts41 the past•-'
'isna: jovial expression. Sam Spee44Il9• 4.,9 4 4 4 In that was
a foreman in one of Santa's toy shots. , :44:nog re ane Ile ,
i,:,sled he and noticed the go.»I u:.i 44•.•,i 4 cents per '1
saint. "What's the matter. Santa?" , 1„Y• with a Ke
he naked. than the O,itari., •
-Thi. Joh'a Letting ton big for nm' ten,' to glad oat : •
nt:in. " answered Santa. "Phe world's: (•rilivitiM fleets .1st.
That the Cana
,4rketing• only
ice years ago.
. actietll reality.
,•s with thelr
o wheat to tut
e newt striking
114.119 along this
nilhtg over the
also. duly a
ole president of
,.wets' ,\te»o.•ia•
m4wtin4 flint
•i_11t with sugar
y adopted the
u meeting of to-
441441eel by both
onion Ministers
- 'e'en called to
of marketing
'9'..9wee4 growers
c!stent•e of that
British prefer -
0' Price higher
tl, and they lu-
.ason why.
p,p.hyLas a: but this will lot 44444114* 1b4644114" -?haw That habandits'fn file rttttnr ytrr I•raetkli rally a handrE8r
tariffphi Mr. SprrklPs 'wralchM his head.
finding their proposed 4btlma Inclined tnanol,, r writ( lenges have ..n'ril" he ea id. "here's' an idea, and
to put-up a fight, there wtti he fewer ,,,u.e het ore • • 'Tariff Board.' hoist i think it's a mighty goad one. Re-
tattempted hold-ups. The average tear Sir. 11. :...9 the [lunge that no-
thugfull Is anything but a -fusee than._.. , mei • t rim
seed trate 11es
9..4191 )%•ih'iirn+,• Greening. Russet and
llaldwlu .ia tint • Lleluded, as
these seem to 1M' plenty of plantings to
satisfy the nturket demand, for this
,,td standby.
Poultry by the Ton.
''cart ago tilt' town of Napou.e, or
perhap4s rho farmers around Selena..
or let -hope better mull the farmers'
calces aroun,l Naptanee. IM'ga44 to 1101d
nn annual turkey fair. Gradually this
haw 41e4•eln)M'd into 44 sale .4f all sorts
of'ptultry, principally ehiekens, and
has grown In size until 19 attracts
buyers from Moth Toronto anti Mont-
real. This year over 175 tons of poul-
try were 410141. and the receipts were
The Seed Outlook.
in almost all lines there will he
plenty of sed for Canadian needs
next spring• says George 1i. Clark. the
Dominion seed cummisaioner.. The
,•nly exception in the grain is oat*, and
In these only in certain sections of the.
Prairie Provinces where seeding was
: delft ed by wet weather.
u.o h.ce• for the P. Art inks boon no
I n small seeds the outlook is not so
-coerce. and now ',t l3. Wilson of the , bright. Timothy and sweet clover are
Canada Seed 1' ndertukes to ex• plentiful and cheap. Trot nlslke. red
Int: the ream r that attitude ,.1„ger and_Tttfalta are all swerve and
The nim. he act- - 11n doubt to im- r41Pnr.
prove the quality ' -eel used in (tiro• That Litat Kilo. •
i ada ; but the en, with clovers at ••(s mrntlnned some time net. Hoard's
any -rate. Is Just • 'ptsosite. "In the ,i,1r rnnn. s I'. R. farm pablleatlnn.
' s..11pr.,.. pJutt r .r
il+r Pei` for ir" rd is 510 t.4 the' America was meet et I.y a4.--ImilloI..1
f•,riner." he writ.- '.\ dozen farmers farmer. Fred L. ltateh. in August.'
• in etre neighlM,rl : all sell their serve 1.T3 Win put nib the flat In can-
;r,.Aet nun ptcrnra an4 n1v thtaKt. „mitt• P Atm ill
• • Ila i lint •n . n r. yon had the outer Aay?" •Ah: you
I1. •tt tie rsr. ❑,•t be given now.
Governor "Al" Smith r•,eic04l sec- 4441 I::e ..1•r baud. there cannot 1»� "II" The ".' th'c COmpwtblon." "Mil
era' hundred pairs of srw•ks at Christ- Santa. ••ties. .that's it." a that
pis oi,r;,. ryislon of the tariff. Iron Sam. "Well. It seems to MP that 1f
ipas. The Idea, perhaps. 1s that he 119 :n.9 ,;eel ,',.tistitnte one of the.dta41,' t,.n'd kPa n Int of parent-, ehnllt tont
to roll them tilt into ono,big '•s,w•k" fa..tor. •n thrift -making, Iron and ma azfne and how flop and enloynbtr
',, tt 1. .. first apglbvtbm before
E EXTEND to all our customers and
friends our wishes for a very bright
and prosperous New Year.
le II
W • ( 1• SNAZEL
ILth' nt.l-her And Dry Clt•*rter
WES'1' STKEE'1' - PHONE 3:18
At Meant laundry in etrnut'ction)
� ' t
tetete��% �� �'`+�
of ,this trouble until chole confinement
is;0..3410;1 amt .sows ,are allowed t.,
roam at ease fn large sh..9a :illi
much sunehlne t11101g11 large sofifl ern
windows only closed 1n the most severe
Courses In Meelet►ks.
footer the dtn.•ti,.n of the 4►14tari•,
Department of Agri.•ulture. nineteen
Pullre45 in tarn mahout,* are to be
held at points seat tem! the eighon•
' the 1'ro4•ho'e this winter. Tractor and
gas engin,' operation.. repair and .•are•
of farm implements. r''9 splieln;.4
w'clter supply 1914,1 e4ewn a '1i'1 'at 1. use
of ennen'tl, electricity; and other re
!at. -.1 subjects win 1»• •.%•reit '
Among the places at which t9'
(sours.. will be given are S.aforth. Al
I1.ton, Elmvale. '?lrangerilT,r.'iitel
Beaverton. 8
oft the Markel.
Jn.t whet' .R,•ef it will hare buss.
at 'lin price. h' nr man Is offered' ,ada Is not certainly known. but Can-
, 141,r 147 foj his •, 1 ns tiltqu
4. ality is :ulla)4 eLalrymen were not far IM•hlnd.
••• ns t*i nlak 'unfit for the Can T. II )luson of Ottawa. then farming
'9(141194 traete Ll N1P_�4tjorlty of lir Elgin .4 14tnty, saw, a 'neg.. square
t..1,4•8 1111e farm.- .,eIth the !nw•grwdP q.Mwlen silo on the Valency Fuller
..•rd -will not for less than ills farm near Hamilton in 1s7f1 or 1R,ip.
nelghlw,rs. 4•onleapently, along It measured 16 by 16 feet and was 30
about seeding 9111.:911, the gaud seed In foots high. (►n tap of tie silage was
rl.;. relghborh, I. in the Lands of !1 mnynhle plank sneer welghhA
the. who:Paaler. .'.lite the poor w -w4414' ',1.•R11 with surae w1Ul.•b followed the
staff remains L ' ,1lsirict 90 hf's0t,1 r,svl down as 1t 4141' 9)64441. The (1 A.C.
Derr Noe fence \s a cunsepn n'e'e' °It 1:944.91.91 and F, 11. Ttl!s'on of Tillsnn•
10' nada.. the r.• • '•hobs sael ¢nes to .
bur_ l:ed -1lo• to use very shortly
.1istri'ts prate, • c• f.'eet evolve uttd 141 ;Ifs; r that.
not rettrnduced. silk. the prior sample Striking at the ii
ry n ees'• ir"Ring .11striet nn'1
G19muIltiplitheed.tThe testand-selahghter ,.ysMm of -
What Ili thr�nt•'ki? F.•In.mthon rcolh'nting 1,0ylae fulw•nu;oais is not
ant legislation. 11 r. 1\lista 8:174. ne stetting at tire-t•anse of the disests -
rfnlms that we 1...4-4. Men tackling ;his anal co14espiently Is not getting 4r•nno-
niba1 results, declares a writer In. The
problem free-11,Pal.
Brasier: slAgette IChicago). "It •
McIntosh Undo. - never seems to Ocefir to ancone that
1 A census o' fruit Mocks sold by • we must get ,town to the ('14)484' of this
nurserymen In 1.•••01 rears shows that thing and stop it, rather than try to
M-9ntosh 'Is t!..• 'most pnpaulnr apple cure tie thing that the same, cause 1s
for planting. 1:. Pat it made rap ...•ntilt'tttlly:creatfng.- lie says.. ''What
twenty per treat .f the order.. for a' 1.•4- teen done with the dairy 4Y,w in
Car.ida, and • w .s even more in de a eoni seratleely short spatee of time?
mend than that inure indicates Ir: 4)n- W.. have taken her - from on outdoor
tarso. Quebec :tn.! it C. Next in order , 'Ife where she produced only sufficient
...me W Xort11tr11 Spy (prat.- 1 milk to support a calf and bred. her
r1fwt:e-lr. l lltw,Tst,sii +tp-+apisiil late • atae•hlaeluralag-out 4
ttal,!win, Faneuse (Show 1. Duchene, tet: tithes her natural production. and
- and King. n Nova 94,.4114 Graven. P.'uAnlng her closely fur_many.month.
u whish h.• (3ov0nnuent can art. .t..1,.. King. McIntosh. Spy. llnldwln.' of the year: in rdlott. putting her in-
Stu- ant ''ox's Oranee stere meet to an environment wholly unnatural
Thorough :i,•'tlgar9an, have hien.
Nle -"l want to bay a Christmas ' in .:,.mind' In rill Provirees there to ' -What Ig the hhtery of men. given
11114.1011114.10 .sl w... Pe,rtns
t. la
amu,• .ratser
and '1110*" harm.. enamelware. Pre14•nt for me wife" n 'no4Pw'orf:r 4.411410114'? t, 09114)41 the -snenn e+r''jron1»,,11 4418 .htteriean
nitintlnutin4 clad u44mrrous other Clerk
-Wtl.l something in silk ,.1 do• to Sir or seven sorts. Indian hash almost vanished The
.•;,arae.. h n -t t este s le, 4 .• ken a Litte, 4. you' For 444,4,rio the Goternment new smolt Sea 9+9110404" .91es as do
UaL turtrllis 14 Wllikel4 to TM• a--Iafi:r
factor in the 4114.119 butter sitnntlo:.
for some tlwe. A 1' S. Departlneo•
of 4'ommere4 report states that "Au.
focus :141 it whole 14 -1119 .'n an 14
i...rt 1•I.61. and a n••iuctl..n In. r4
ports i»'letw- 1+i++ wos.•". 44- tinge f.•r
granted." A ,rHlthtllatl.•l4 ref 'try non
coLl weather at the ', nt/1¢ 1144 411'
down pr.wluctlen very materi*11y !'
'host parts of t;.,, C,40.::..,pwenlf11
Coot of Milk.
Whnt .lies 0.11k rn_• . .r. ', .. e 11'
the winter lime? 1' - • • • .»rl'•.
..f er.nrse, with the y. • 1, . .• •'
II•r• IatisigPmellt: 1.1:' rr i• •
+t one farmer n. , uetp.' •'.e
February last -year , ^11s_ Pr.`
11. 41_ 11wan.4' 41 A.4
('own milking 11: t,•'1
11t--hell-lee-t•-n. bµ444 407.0 peon •
.114:•_ • at E. 1.•r t..' tf097.: 7.1
1»wt 1'n.p E717'. •,.n. 41'9 ;
helots pounde meat, gi. r ',;h. *1244
40: :At. 50 lr.enrls. 7. .rat•: L,Iw'r
*744: veterin'ry fees. t: , :n'br.•.t , r
ce194' •.f CO* *14.12: • r *•2c4 •
' milk pro. need. 1.....e'- .•nm1 1
4",r 1'1,1 44)44! els
_Ito i-,l•-Ij.•r lint' n -.aur'
''1:1rer. sn that .-nst is u. ..4. 74,j. tele
ter than leer ." Prof. fk•:In e,,T,*pnt-
7'•111P 44th'r ."mm.':r• hint tint '1.
tot! ,.f pia..-: This d'.Iry-t:sn lin• 4441'
1, 4'4. '3f4•a1."Tor etample.-•hnnld net
ar'laze $:33.- _ ids_1111111414Iia w:,-
"'114Z,or-tlnn 1±Jly htZk 4.4.•reentaZP
•..'to11.4wd ..r ••11 ' Ike. .\rad why :n
1:1.41-19 t«..it' *7••-w..Mtr-••f-leiter to to.
ufl4"P-14.'4"n-, .*.-4',T -'..,- 8htrrt 91101
1. snot!; r qm"tion.
i TiTt tl I tl ex R'
, ism tax iii .I_.,rel? -- A r',Inrtlnn on Ho-- les. Very mach. I4ut I'd like ommOn4.14 planting 1I.a.a (cam of . sa the naticrs of A1l8tralla: SMiI.E THE WIflI.E 101' TR.%%'EI.
to sere nhottt 111e, pr. -seat' Aret." -,• new lin. 4PPdlings. Snow, Afein- To',.•r' nlosis r.c'ons still aeras get rid
tills hem tt l n...• i• I••s'l'' p- _. Thr -•Vane'-r,.r Express" Is he_p0
arab elganttl.. . 844roa,1a 4 prh.r•s ii it' . al.•ans a joke bat you'4'annot help
Ariel hh1:; 1,1 \mer"•uu h.Fla.a. .pa it f il' !
41,411.1% .t1 , t -rat. see 11411111.111a/t1 i•ri•4' Quebec, the p e of P J
-'-1419 41,44 when
r4ra 9.44'90F8 Ftan41- ?Aar
h Birthplace Winter Sports in North America laut[gage-''•.wn. iwe•alise I11P 44110 h.18
I. .t, 1 Mr Salami •r limp. '1:• ... I'„. me u hulk. It may 9,P that the
41.11:11. • to ':'ilii; them in and •tuI'e Is 911feet,4)5 an,9 you caught It
hl. 'tats „ . 11141 are 01110 ,uul from the prort.r when he'shnw4,l you
Ton 't.fi,'s boom, Ply.: - •
I'1•. r. n.•4 L. 9w• a growing I.n.!-
rn v „
.ettralt1r•-latslnrsa .. in • n.
I I9:e n'.l.ap••li 1t rely br a r•,,,,!
'1 '1•41 4.4 the . ity in 'Iu4•-term, but
,t1 94 , r ii 1- Ir, 41, 1...t i.,l, i't ' ,.1
,,.:. f :419• .1x44'' ..r , ( •1. I, .a..• - .. • 'o.; 1
tt 11,.1.. 4'r.,vd..1 �: inn 9,' ..n.
4' TWO l• -r hent 4.r.'Cr' •-I• •' : w',.'; ..rn. it t' •
4t.elCt7.u1_ L4;t; n''It t hem_ jt_!••'•lea o' 'll 1•• ., it
tl•e'r "•..n a'lthe'a'• t. -.. „' .\V. fol „u.
are t,,. en1 or the cr.'.t:l• ..! t1ntirl:s 1'.
4' up --'trr'-T^rr'fr'.'; 911-tlr• . -
.. 11.11' ' - '.t h:IrP a ?IPA'
ler factor is the
v4. i1, I ',,1.x.1..81,' runic
to ,r excite favi•..
aU' - 41.44-, 111.41- L,111
"serf *24a1,taat,roo n
1, ' 111.11 WI.' tae
Affair-. \4' :at
.f .,
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9.r.' l . i•.it is
is dlf
,t .
. .n1
all . '' I. '14''Pt t -449!to it. t.ettl.lin¢ - '4 ..,. pr.-, •• n i- 11 .' 1 1 r,,111,•..
P ine-
• ) , L __S :.t_ -; , due-
- 1 Last
1 t. , rge'st
n 449,,.!,• r.1 't• '•, I , Some
Ott. 11: .R. , :•n. s-or..nil ',Poi.,. i • (':Ms -
tan ^cath 9. II. it 411,4 ' • •1 nn1 414•••" oars?' - "' n Id ging
.,stn' - ani! there. are 14 .9, ' , ,,,.nm tl.. ''''48+1"
tl ty whor
111.11111 11111.11'1111 914 hay. 'one 1n the 1,,,,,,t
r N., 1 0
art,' t9' , 1 -ie. mote the great. sr .414- nrce i 't 1, , •1.
rev •,l• t '9.4. most ill•l•4eat 1•blltna to r.dn''1• , ," 1.'-
1.4...."1“,1 :led n'V btm•e on the p'trt 1 • 11r.
. '1. ' 1. „ n r rat 4 r the .lar T'arm- , , l,,
1.4_„1:1' 1'11 Pin!! het 'I_' 11113.1•
4.r- teeny !,111P n s•Ilt' es -Ion .•f 1.,4.1 trope }• • '„
4144.1 0•'91 !s ¶tics 4hr• r.Itf•I- ,.r ratm* ,t^n • ftar ':.t.
.n 4. h. faraier•are canna•, :. _ren „ „ 'I,,. .
re!' 1. .r II • Lett 4r1-1 191_ t, 1...114e . • J111: 1.:11:,: . _ ,..,.
1. '1... , 1t is. -?omits• 09:94 i• ,'.,r•' ftn.l•
.f tion (,,v'rnmrnt et4.1 5.a11e!hh 44 71191st
lwt_.L :1' hou111 _Pt. n rat '1.4. PS pen"P
of tl n ti !t!r ?nn1.t,^;4.••.,,s rural dis-
tricts. 19 la finite right that there
-w1wuhL_L(F seri us gne funning Rhen
grell hn11141¢_prtj,w•1• ,1I.,nnnting the
future. are ,nniPrtoken• in th0 Pities.
real P411nt.• 9.9:1es ; • ki4ir.1. on.l the
n hoe's country I's 19.0ytlu.!' r trihnte to
1...' , the new 1 r,leets 4 . tithlf'. ilow 1
n'',,n••.nT tweple take 1104.• fo think that
turbat• prosperity is 'edit nl,..n pr itte-
Ince work Onstantly ¢ohne ,.n nnteid1
flue .1410'? let the f:.rn,'•r ,ease pall•
Inc his t4rntl,s and mihklns his cows,
let the miner throw horny his tools and
the wdd.timan his eve -what walla
reel estate In Toronto orMontrealie
.debt 4..'i1: I 11 •
purl.,'. ':, „ •.
. 19144 n .lu, ' . i 4..
I1141¢(ted that a rah1 n11!
'111 '1'r'C: tify Tile pb litre.. • 1'19 sot
11In r 11':1.:, gat i1i...' r. the
r r):i v1T17 merit tr 1109 tr 11. ••' 1 , 1 It
,'urng. ,.r 14 1,'il , • `1 It
runt refnsc the.. -ensu) .1.n•n1 • 1. en
.1 at h. r hand .definite 1.u, • . a were
11CW, f„r d't,. r„•'r,': o' • .•:.711,1
lr.•• 1 4.1 ',le, 4. . 'y blue
,t 1101
• , nnite.y
• • -11-
Of (soiree there is bet tin 4., prevent
Goterntnent• from ,x999• lig 1., Ilse a
hn,.d '0-mout1, Pxl•t' n..' There is
no red 41•94 qty e)l.•ndt'nr'.--that
1.. urge and necelo ivy cxlaen lltnree -
should not be made from previously
neemmnlst0rl funds. We I:,)',• bnll4 the 9
Welland ('anal by votes from year to
year. 1t would be intern/dint it,
Tu yourberth. ht1 one ['Ulna eerT14ln 1-
119,•:1 having travelled on the "Vrul.on-
• • I:xpre8'1' r.othin44 lm• happened to
• •:.e mild' aw11,c. The service. the
. ni-.4 4. thy elniptni•nt. the -rand-heat
the ham -Phut 0f this mi:llon dollar,
Why ehnt.ld Winter, that sever.,
and blustering season, yet h•
the percrmial breeder of n 11.:3rt;
140(1 tingling cheer! To ovoid nak.111_
you another, you should be told til..!
this rigorous season trivia mankind
the chance each year to reassert
a strong faith In It.elf
north wind may blow-, and no nen)
have snow, hut that Is no reason
for deapondeneY-11- 4,.. In" fact. a
supreme cause for rejnt.Ir_ In n
young strength that does not shrtn's
from wintry car:ith, 9. 1t is obit'
fitting that the true center of this
recurring faith 'Mould h, Quebec,
which for more than 30e winters
bas been laughing off the (•911117
threats of winds and Ice and s4l0Wa.
Long before the Pilgrim Fathers
Sett foot on Myrtle. all. Rork, the
French-('anedinn cnlonl=ts had set-
tled Qnehec. Here they started
the rustnm of winter sport cnrni-
vole during the months when hllz-
sards and a frozen St Law retie(
Would dtminlsh travel. The snow -
h.. and "10 toboggan of t: • in-
49.:un. then a ntered sporting ilea .11
,i.1 the »i. of the Norwegian 1n
I '.•r year.. On the whole the
•..cter of winter spans has
.. , r'zed .. Fr/ little doting then,
r. • t:ries. A TIPS' winter guns.
4,::! .1n gni'. introduced by J. G.
41',:,,91400, ,ports director at the
t,.,nteau 1 Ontefac. in this gam.• 9
the player uses how, arrows', and
targets Ins•aad Of clubs. balls an 1
hal, a.
Il .4 the outstanding fra-
ttrre of Q':IWC's winter season
PM.tee In the week from Chrtstma:4
to New Year'}. in this period u'
continued pep and Infectious good
spirits the -taw-covered Plates of
.11.rat;nni. flattl.f!el't Park and tho
hntenn Frnntenar toboggan stile
are the amain cern'tal *rounds.
Thousands of visttorn from the
United States en¢1RP to the sports
and In the old Norman ohservanco
t,f Christmas and the dawn of the
new year. During the last week
in February comes the annual 1n-
ternallonal Dog -Sled Derby. This
race of 120 miles, covered in dally
(e -utile stages, attracts famous do"-
nll1shers like the veteran 1$eppal'i
sad the r0un¢ St. Godard who wan
last year's rnc4. Those two drty•
ere have he'ome North Amerlea's
symbols of wiry age and auppll
Judges of Good Bread
Agree on
Smith's Better
Baked Bread
The quality is uniform.
It never fails.
Try our Chop Suey, Whole
Wheat, Brown or Hovis Loaf
E. G. Smith
East St Bakery Telephone 1934
✓ • Miss MacVicar1110'
Kingston Street
•"�.,�eeee,,:,���,,,��ee,,,,.�.,Q'....a m.:mt, ,a,awota oat
Fresh Bread'
Baked Daily
That what you get when'
or•l,•ri rig '4 .,U r Bread from
('1"v'•I:rn'l's. it C440ninw the
trails map alt .v,nTrilnned to your Imp -
pine,. --thin ' If. Fen have acquired
C.• ,i . f t. n•elling t':i.nadinn l'aei-
I' :, ut0 and vst1euucer.
Express." the ...not-
' rn1lw1ty elh'leney.
•:n'•. 1 1 .1: •'811nn rat 9.09`f.'m. In -
i4:111 an.; ,•cert' flight 0f the week.
F'.'r r.it. 1 rew'rcati'roa,_lytk,ts, Pt,•..
..41151114 N It Hoar. T.T'.A.. '.r any
C,:n•adbl11 1'n' iii.• ticket agent,
purl •sr Imgr.. I b'IIT" Kntt4419 nJ
r- Buy a Leaf t04lav and
• - 4h. different -1 -
We specialize in Cream
Goods of all kinds
Phren, 11 I . \1'e�t St.
:7111=;11/1421:2731217%;e:°424:1,a+''im4"m12'i 21212 mic 3.', d
"Everything Good for the Table"
h1 j
K arwtiCeaMtVitt ►0'.19 a w ii.VVIVI IntgrAl-few mt-
T(-) our faithful old friends. our cherished new
friends, and to those whose friendship Ise strive
t'/ deserve. we tender our hearty greetings.
May the New Year he far you a happy and
prosperous one, and may it be our privilege to add
to your success.
Sturdy's Cash Grocery
-•, ofi ,iNtir%i tit+7t24342 4242t1t2t21'241=i ►•t,;
Accept our sincerest thanks for your patronage
A during the past year. To all we extend
our heartiest wishes for a Happy
,96y�'10 New Year
Nv _.
et"often the Phenpeet. always the Zest"
et West Side Square Furniture and Roue Famishing*
Season's Greetings