HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-12-29, Page 1The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost'arrty publication issued on the continent. sotoiTlt:'1'll \F:AL. N4( 52. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29, 19'_) ituld Goderich Has Many Visitors for the Christmas Season Mr. N. B. Fierily spent Christmas at spent the week -end with M; and Mrs. Oweu Sound. Jan. O'Neil. Mr. Keith Revell was up froth Wooer from Toronto ass ret('Strang as,was home stock for the holiday. Miss Helen McKay, of London, spent Mrs. L. L. Knox Is spending a few the week -end- at home. days with friends at Toronto. Mr. 11. Earl Elliott is home from Miss ports NS..thomes h home Toronto for the holidays. (runt Toronto for t'••• holidays. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chapman were at Miss Beth Thou -on :meet Christ - Mitchell for the holiday. w41s with friends in WIngham. Mr. S. A. Smith, of (►shows, spent Dr. L. M. Mabee Int Christmas Christmas at his home here. with relatives le Norfolk county. ora. A. Porter spent Christmas Mr. Ernese Pritchard. of Toronto, spent the Obrlstmas week end in town. with her daughter at Cleveland. Miss Muriel Ott spent Christmas at . Mise Grace Strnt.:r, of Guelph, is the home of her parents at Mitchell. spending the vacation at her home Mr. A. M. Rolertaoo. M.A.. is visit- here. Ing friends at Leamington this week. Miss Evelyn Jones returned Friday Mrs. Fred Hunt and (Lou/hive obs night from a two, weeks' visit to Edna hent, are holidaying at New Toronto. York. - _- --Mr. Frank W. F.dtrarti-at_Detrojt- Miases._ Eileen Fellows and Rita !bent Christmas with hie father, Mr., Wells, of Detroit, are hoIttlay arxttorI '' H ard Miss -EdMargaret Campbell it is spend - 1a town. Misr E. Martin, of London, 'pent Ing the holidays will her parents at ,ling, t r oats n e R 9 S Christmas In town, the eerie of SDK. Tonawanda. N.Y. served at the home of their sister, Mrs. raisin crepe romaine applicade in la- Knox dowels I;.slench, of which Mr. M t nt ! vender and old rose, timely fashioned. Weir i. a mener. Ada %% salters. t. r. rued n w t e The News of the Town Clubbing Rates Save Matey Signal subscribers way obtain any of the Toronto ur London dailies at a clubbing pate of $8.710 for the two papers. The prke of the deal) is $5, of The Signal $2; !clubbing rate, Piro. Death of Mn. Brownell The death .°catered on Friday last, at the home of her sinter, Mrs. Acheson. 44 Alvin avenue, Toronto. of Mrs. Mary M. Brownell, widow a the late Rev. L. E. Brownell. Mrs. Brownell w•as eighty-three years of age. She was for several years a resident of Go•1- eri(h. living hero with her sister. Mrs. Acheson. with whom she retdde(1 also after Mrs. Aeheson's remora' to Tor- onto. The funeral took place on Tues- day. to Mount Pleasant cemetery, Toronto. Their Siker Wedding Mr, wad sirs Walter Hent on Mon. h01r "slicer wed - day celebrated t A New Organization Awong the incorporations aonouuerd in the t luta rl.4 (;asette hast week 18 the White, 1'ru„adera of the British Ela Aire, the nbJ --ts of which, aeterding to the Gazette aro "to preserve tradi- tions of t1e lirihsb people and propa- gate tend di.eemluate British ideate among ('anadien people." The first directors are: George Spotton, M.1•.• and Ernest Pettigrew. %V'lugitam; J. It. Homers. Stratford; John E. Ituck- les, Goderleh. and Thomas Anderson, St. Marys. 9'lie tread ollkr .w111 l* in Goderleh. Gietz At noon on Monday. December 26th. at the home tel tbe leek's parents, Mr. and Mex Thom. Anacreon. Napier street. the marriage of their eldest daughter. Cora Maud. to George Fred- eric-filetzln, youngest son of the late Wants to See H. J. A. Re -fleeted Iteuew•lug hl>, subscription to The signal!. Mr. '''hos. N. 1411111'. Taber, Al- hert:l. writes: "I have many reasons why I wont The Signal. but one of my special reasoua Is se that 1 can watch the notices to see that our old friend John MacEwan gets elet•ted to the Mayor's seat as teeny years more 88 he has been In the past." Tw'e*t)-alftb Wedding :%nniveraary Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Weir. M town. celebrated the twenty-fifth tiunlvernary of their wet/sling on Monday last, 201h Inst. They Were Inertly(' .0 Decem- ber 26111. 11MIL'. to Klnnatrd'a hall. tlelth, Seotloud, by the Rev. James Steven 4(n of Coburg street United Free ('her h. (tin Menttay Zest Mr. sad Sfis. Weir were the happy recipi- ents of many cont;rntuluttoes teed lswu- tlfol gifts from several of their Can - air. and sin. Peter Oatzfn of Detreft, wFsu1 and Scottish -friends. Among farad by 1L v -4h, loaf ee nate Melermid. The bridle wore a gown of h • slo 1 to uletl oh- ter fiow.•. basket from the (awtlon of J. us y. Miss Laura Johnston, of Stratford Normal School. 1s holidaying at her home here. Mr. end Mrs. Morley Meyers, of Dresttcu, visited the letter's home over Mrs. Adam Foster. the weekend, Mlss Amelia Miss Helen Stratton, of Stratford, 1s from her (wheel at Wheatley for the spetwllug the Christmas vacation at ('hri dmfs Smith vacation. lef+ on Monday for her home here. Mise Molly Elder. of Gracenhurst. Oshawa after spending two weeks spent Christmas with her mother. with 1118 family her., df Montreal. Mrs. Rubt. Elder. Misses Kate and Anna Wild and stent Chrl(tmas with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Henry Young stent Christmas and Mrs. Gordon Iamb. with relatives at Seaforth. Miss Beatrice Lauder. B.A., of St. Mrs. S. A. Smith visited her pear- Catharines, is spending the Christmas elit8, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, at vacation O11veer home here.rpe. ot Toronto, $tratfort last week. - - - -- Mites Alk•e Orem. of the Stratford stent Christmas -et (lie lieme of iter Normal School. is spending the, vaca- , sister. Mex W. G. MaeF•wen, Hon at her home here. Miss Olives Robertson, of Toronto. Mess A. M. Carswell, of Elora, is spent Christmas with her parents, Mr.' holidaying with her slater, Mrs. T. G. and Mrs. John A. Rnherttutn. ( Connun, t'olourg street. Mrs. Tye and Miss Edrie Tye Vent Mr. and Mrs. I. 11. Smith, of Tor' 1 Christmas with their son and brother. onto, spent the week -end with Mr. J. i Reeve (I)r.) Percy Tye, at•Mlherton. W. Smith. Plast street. Mr. and Mra. Athol MQQoarrle, of Mr. Jack ('hlahelm's friends are Toronto, spent the week -end at the timed to see him out again after an 111- home cud r. and RMrs. A. ofN irn. nes of s.nel Macklin, attaas with 'the lat- Mirk- Dr. Lionel Macklin, of New York. dale, spent (ijttl ►peps Christmas with his parent& Dr. ' tee's pareses Mr. and ee- . R. C. A. H. and Mrs. Macklin. Hays. '$3 s _ ]gra Y.#e •Aura Miss Mabei'F?dwards spent Christina* front her work in the town clerk's of - with relatives at Toronto: l fire and Miss Worthy -Black is faking Mr. Reg. Williams. of Toronto, 'pest Cher plate. istmas at the home of his parents, 1 Mr. Thos. Parimer bas returned r. Ernest M. Le(•, of Toren n, ape I Ii n et where they Christmas with his laments, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. iee. The )preen Foster, of Toronto. spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and rt•t•eired a number of rollers and also nn.Ages of eongretnlation from.out- of town relatives anti friends. Mr. and Mrs. Vern were married in Gas!- i eri -h nn ('hrietmts Ilnc. 1902, the eremnny-taktng place at the home of the bride's parent". the late Mr.and Mrs. Gen. Thomson. Their daughter.: Miss Leolla Hern. was home from Tor- onto for tete anniversary occasion, Fire Caught in Time A blaze that might have had serious eonscquencea started on Saturday night In the basement of Knox church, Mrs. Fred Weir was retnruing home frim a late shopping expedition and raw the flames through a basement window. Mr. Weir gave the alarm and then returned to the chnreh, where ofr(. Weir and Mr. Geo. Mc1lpnald, who happened to be tossing. were busy extinguishing the blaze with pails of water. Their sucres ful efforts pre- vented what otherwise would have leen a sericite! lire. The alarm was rung et 11.25 p.m.. but whether it was not beard. or wan supposed to be a feature of the Christmas Ere celebra- tion, only one or two members of the Are brigade appeared at the Are hall and the motor truck,was not taken 'll~a..i1Wa js In a box near the furnace In the part of the basement nearest Fite street. CENTENNIAL STATEMENT Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Williams. *om London and will remain for Mr. Angus B. Motile. of the Bank some time with his daughter. Mrs. .\. With a few Meme still awaiting ad of Commerce staff. Dundalk, spent the \Chlteslde. 1 Just men the statement of waits tx and week -cud at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. David Wallas and expenditures of the Goofrleh Centnn- Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Kudley and ' Mr. and Mrs. }'rank Evan-. of Toronto. 11181 their tt0e is as follows:der weer ('hrlstmas v1atl47t± ;tt the home daughter Jean, at WA UM. speed . Christmas with their relatives in town. of Mr. find Mrs. R. C. Tlnys. Mr. Bert ('uta, of Gott. is spending Mr. Howard Robertson. formerly- of the Christmasos vacation at the home hewn and later of Strntf.rd. htaken of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ti. , a position as agent of the Metropo- Cutt. ; Ittan Insurance .Co. at Seeforth. Miss Mildred Dougherty, of Toronto, I Messrs. Terence Howey, of Detroit. spent (lid/ilium, at the home of her I A. Saners, of gleecel tldnd A. visit mother. Mrs. N. Ir'Thth.-cty, '! ►&leer 1 liatt. of WJadsar. ss r*b•• street. 1 at the home of Mr..nnd Mrs. J. 11usw`,y. Mrs. A. Stakes and daughter, Miss - -- - --- Ethel. spent the week-emd at the home IN HIS NINETY-SECOND YEAR of Mr. and Mrs. W. Donaldson in Stratford. '.►ondaF, le...ember L"{t h, was 'th1` Messrs... Whitty and W. Johnston. 1 hlS ttee''.. anniversary nt the ... birth- day l e droit. .n. and itotocc Joluls tear ,lay of Mr. William Stewart. of town. of Detroit. stool the holiday at their and the old gentleman was- the rri- homes herr. ;lent - of rongratnlntlnns and good Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schuler, of New wishe from many friruds on. the hamburg, spent Christmas at the avnslow. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mr. Stewart 1(11 native M Banff- lyast street. shire. seer bind. WW1 his brother ' Mem }nether Dougherty, of Wood pain, n(fere urd" the will known stack. Ir, operating the Clatlstmas ca- ! 11,lrw•rytnnn ot Rrnrttlller. he came to cation at the home of her mother, Mrs. I this eonutr3 at the age if twenty Fenr<. N. Dougherty. his entente. Mr. end Mrs. ('hr e. Stew - Mr. and airs le D. Shaver and two tart.lnn11 the other members of the fn m- Qhiof Tomato, spent chrfstmns. ; fly roofing out the following year. M. tite I, at the home of the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs..}'. 1'. Reek Mr. Pitt Murphy. of .the Bank of Mont1(81 staff. Wnikerrtlle, spent l'hrtstmN5liere wide his parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. T. Murphy. Mr. .Alex. Anderson- of Ann Arbor I'niaersity. k spending the holiday -a with his iatrents, Mr. and airs. Thos. Andereets Napier street. Miss Vert MeNee, of Toronto. end Miss 4alive McNee, of ('levelemi, stent ('hrl•tmns at the home of Mr. and airs. ,tames MeNee. - M1s8 Entrust Wallace, of Norwnott !latae !lehent. and Mr. Jahn Walleye. of Toronto Stt lle:tl School. are home for the ('hristinas vacation. Mr. VV'm. Weir. of the head °Mee of tin Western Canada Flour Mills Co.. Toronto, (pent ('hristmns with his parents. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred G. Weir. Mies Irene Thompson, of Toronto, w'hn returned rrt'ently from Mengel. Chine, spent l'hristmes let the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamie. MeNee. Mr._and Mrs. George W. Mathiesan (tent Christmas week -end at the home of the farmer's parents. Mr. anti Mrs. Rohe. Mathies n, of Listowel. Mr. one Mrs. A. L. Cole and Mrs. McNally spent Chriatmns In Stratford. Mrs. Mary. Dean and Mrs. J. Moun- tain are spending a week in Detroit, Messrs. Tom and Meldrtm Cutt, of Toronto T'nlverelty, are spending tbe Christmas hotlrMys at the home of their parents. Mr. end Mrs. R. H. Cutts Messrs. Donald Hume, of Toronto, and J. Alex. Hume, of iondon. (pent Christmas with their tether, Principle Home, and their stater. Miss Esther Ouse. Mr. Lloyd W. Correll. of Clinton, and Mr. George Outten. of Btnhronk, spent Christmas at the home of theft parenfa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Currell, as 1 t ford. Mr. Wilfrid O'I.ongblln, of Detroit, \1'Ii,Tt1.AM STEW.ART Stewart farmed for n few years In Goderich tnw-nship, but for over sixty years he has Itved 11 his present ,vhm- fortoble home on Trnfnlgnr street. For thirty years he wits on the local atnff of the Bonk of Montreal. ll(' is the lest snrtlying member of a Bunny of four hogs end three girls. Hie own family eona1'ts of two ems and one daughter: William C.. of Ot- tumwa, Town: Cameron tint] Mrs. Jas. Bogle. of town. Mr. Stewart is to the enjoyment of Pod. health and spirit(. 1Tis eyesight la gond and his twitting Is tetter than it was year ata. "1'ite Signal wlxhrs him "many happy returns." Ri7CEiPT9 Advanced by town R From booth prl'vllegea at grounds From Geo. Gordon. Vancou- ver. for special prizes Frew Lottrtdge Amusement Lessem.. From engeent From hnse•hnll From horse races From luted tattoo From field Seems 2.'A 00 Her flowers were pales in whleh was embedded a sprig purple heather. Little Evelyn and Jean Onderson, of Hamilton. nletrs o(.tho bride. with charming little flower -girls, dressed in peach and pink flat &cmr and carrying letekets of utargueritds. The, guests in- cluded Mr. and hire Elwin Anderson of Hamilton. Mr. J.. A. Anderson of Ann Arbor. Mich.. alio less Stirling of coderirh. Mr. and lir*. Wetzel left on the afternoon t for Wyandotte. Mich., where they to make their home. v W.C.T.E. Adapts absolution The following fexolntion was adopted at the Deo/mt•er meeting of. f the W.('.Tt'.: e the Federal n'g and abetting t Into the United Yihltton country. Use Goderich branch "Whereas --we hell averment- to be a) the (mn>;gi4ng of hit tatea which la n Ix and into which figure f.r beverage pnrpoirs mny not foe gaily shipped: and whereto the c: are rdnsiened to plate they do n. tench, and are shower% to return hoot elenrwnee papers: whereas w. believe this Is done for the revenue rivet' front the Illegal shipment of ; therefore he it revolves, ' women id prtwner n on p n rrenr. norPr- Olsnpproval of sola m otic. }itrth tnore be it re-.1ved thea we ask nor Government to demand the mime declaration regnrdlne lieu.r cargoes. also plat* of shipment. as would he ne- t cessnry in the ease of any natter cargo. and that etearate.' lasers on ltgnnr enrgo ' 1e property signed by ,,ustnm of- � fieers. Signed on hel,nlf of the Grslerlrh Romana-('hrletinn 'temps•mnre t'nion, I'reeldtnt : nen 1',dhorre. Secretary: Elirnheth G. Bunter. Violation of Egg Grading Art Magistrate Reid has given judgment in a case which has been before him under the Egg Grntl1ng Act. T. G. Anderton of T.lstowel• a produee buy- er, in August Met purchased from R. .;ranger. of Gorrle. a lot of 900 doe eggs, giving his cheque the same day for tt324.T0. which figures nut at :43 cents a dozen. He neglected to fur= statement of •t theseller with h n nisi grading, as required by the Act. until after he was tntmmonrd to appear In -court, anti on account of the neglect a Rne of $25 with costo of $5 Is Im-• posed. :The Act requires that eggs be pnrehaeed he grade. and the onna-is -e)n the l,ur`haeer to -furnish n aerate - went chewing the different grades. Knox S. s. Entertainment There wow it good attendance of both parents and children at the an- nual Sunday school Christmas enter- tainment held In Knnx chum') lecture room on Wednesday evening. Mr. (liar. K. S'under's supertntenttent of the s•heel. acted as chairman of the excellent program put on by the Sun- day aach(xl ptapllo. This coneietetl•of a 8h • The Signal Calendars are here. One for every subscriber who pays in advance for 1928. Make sure you!get yours. 1'l1E SIGNAL l'Itl\'l'IX1: CO, I.IMI'l'EII. Publishers. H. J. A. MacEwan and Chas. C. Lee in Field for the Mayoralty ('lass; a piano nolo by Henrietta Cur. wen; reeltatiotts by .Yews le Croft and Itctty Johnston; it dialogue; entitled "Mot her Goose's Chile mos I'arty." by several young girls; seleettone by the six -piece Sunday school °relievers. and a cantata entitled "in Santa 1'laus Laud." The last number was under the dlreetlnn of Mr. Tl. D. Mejor at the plane and w -ns rendered In et- ' cellent manner. After the cantata ..nndv and other gifts were distrihnteid to the children. Contest for Reeveship between J. J. Moser and R. E. Turner • .tt a result of the nomination meet- 'chair and the sps•echmakimg com- ing .n Monday night, Ooderich rate- menced. " payers will go to the poll, on Monday MAS'•or alue4 wan the Hest .p'nkrr, nett to choose a meyor. a reeve sack4 sutd -the -crmncit-of f9d7 was a Rood, nix (..uncillorr. loyal ole and they had worked but- ler ur Fur the 'mayoralty the candldatee moniously during the Tear, it had are the prevent Mayor H. J. A. Mac- ben en important year, with both the Ewan and ('has. C. lee, Reeve of 19;7. diamond Jubilee of Confederation anti itibert Turner, Dapety Reeve of the a;.«l. rh•ht Centennial. and he 19' 7. (nd•,). J Mower, a former lk•put,' thanked the citizens for the wonder - Reece. are the contestants for the ful elvoperation that had made the lat- reeviceldP. ter (avarten the greatest celebrities J. W. Craigie. councillor of 1927. 1s in the history of Goderich. In a elected Deputy Reeve by acclamation. financial w•ay, too, the centennial tele For the six councillors' nent8 there bratiou was it great servers(., and His are seven candidates; William Blaine, Worshlp here read the statement of N.11. Cult.Charles. ii. Humber. Wes -the treasurer of, the Centenejal eot ler `-Mclean and' Dark; Sproul, or mitte' (published elsewhere) showing the 1A_'7 rrrtnte 4- -it, C. Stunning*. tor--et-tttrr{tlua of :lieu 24 with a .bout $1:.e -- liar Stere to mune- still to come from the Racing Asaoehr elpal affairs. who retired from the ftiro. In Ville' orate feet *tot .1..- 11..1 • counell n year ago; and George P. day of Centennial week was handed Gould. the only new man on the lists, over to the Racing t oeIattan, which J, W. Taylor is re-elected to the had made, he believed, about as much water and light commission for an- in that 0110 day as the CentenVlal cone other two -year -term. mittre did during the rest of the week, The pnblie school trustees are 1t was, he thought. it remarkable eluted by metatnatlnn: T• R. Miller for Ste JJavItis ward; John Cutt for at: Patrick's ward; G. is JPar'snna for St. George's ward, and W. F. A. Nat - tel for St. Andrew's ward. The only change from Inst year Is that Mr. Par- sons takes the peter of Mr. Alex. St.representative fortwenty-four Saunders n• r Ire• the went f u S rworked' t 1Mills11 Co.`ohad T MI s l d George'( want, Mr. Saunders retiring Melts a day throughout the year, while after a long and honorable conneetlon „they mills found' It difficult to keep go with the t.oarl. Mr. Parttime has had hags Thr (I,slrri..h Ehevatnr Cb ►tad ettpltrieenrn on the echos tlnard, having l i tUed 10.o(o,0(h1 bushels nt gala formerly,served for several years. oneking with the W.l'.F.M. elevator The complete flat et fsednations •„1' I ltt),I8a) bushels handled at (Illi received on Mnndav utile iS ant �1►(IrlJ•The winter fleet 'at the bar - For her was the largest at any port on ' Fee Mayl►r Lake Moron or Georgian Ray, and the CHARLES LEE -by Ate'. Italians% tonnage warn greater than ever before and R. T. Phllllps: aeeentrnt•dated At the harbor. The u1'CiI JOHN ALEXANOMR Moe- (I(nierirh Salt CO. had run full time • EWAN-by Joseph Btaeehler and throughout the year and had IQ R. C. Mnnnitttp. creased its labor capacity by' thirty CHARLEt ('. I4EJD--hy GpMtt Plant per cent., and this in the face of and T C. Cttaw1ord -` *hong competition. - The Goderleh Or-. HTTG;H JOHN ALEXANDER Mae- gam ,Co. reported great Improvement 1CWAN-by _W. Cratzle and J. In business. It had bean the bedtime' W Ta ler. . since the war; - forty to Atte I) tatfdssitie,ejs. ;apo (in - - --- . Elliott Symonds Christmas Day Program '' • 10 00 A quiet but interesting event took The Sunday school of North street ' place at St. Getorg.'s .•hur(•h on Mon- . 1 uil.I church hod a program of me.- 1:x00 (1n liar morning. 11wen,ter Stith, when lent itrtertitt ,.n 1'11ristwas lkty In the statement- something we never did before and something we should be proud of. His Worshipthen gave a review of Industrial conditions in the town and found much ground for encourage- ment. The Western Canada Flour wsr enf}is,Tstt. The Dnmiltion If1iad TA' R 1.1111• MOS y J. Col- Mec cry Co. was doing •remarkabt7 -yin t'utt tart Charlet' Reber, well under .the _.management of Ile ItENJAMlN OLE MMINT StI"AN IVOR Thos. Mit ehetl, and primped! were -he John ('uta and W. T. 1'elline-rbel l,1 for 19J1: - Thelirtderlrh Mame ROBE'lfl ITt'itNER-hy J. W. Taylor factoring Co. had suffered a severe and W. J. Carter. loss by fire, but Mr.•Raeehler bad more CHAS. C._ LF)Ft- by Geer. tamer, and nerve than most men aid hair nt ones. 3. E. Huckini. _. started rebuilding and mow had a For Deputy.Reeve newmill, complete In every detail, his JOiHN WH -I IAM ('RAN;IF7 -by Al- yard full of logs. and everything 1s ;fret! Tehhutt and 11. J. A. Mac good `eondillon for hustnesn la the Ewan. ' coming year. Mr. Thos. Sandy lad had WILLIAM i3A11,11-' by 1\'m 1t 'Gra- nn excellent year at his machine shop haat And Arvid. Malde.,. and had a11. kinds of work nheaA of iU)RERT TI'HN}:It by Gilbert i'tauL him ter this winter. The Forrest aut1 11. -J. Megan. _ __----1►re4rt►►rr: E«:--3,a.l 400ee hose-xtl-;cxr .1.1V. CRA 1c;1E-le .i. E. Iluektn.nnd in nil 11nd.'di3Mlrs•d about $40.0(e) for Geo. ,lames. wages repair hills, etc. The Huron Far Water and bight Commission 4'nruting 4'.•., which had been dormant 3361 774 'tilde 1'e -N, youngest daughter of Mr. et-h.s0room, aT:t,h stns p, • t*n- seers W Tt%'Tx►it to -opera , 2120 50 and airs. G('(). Fym.nds. of Saltfnrd. rted for 0i...evasion. The chair wits rungs and C. F. Allis,ntion nod with nit tett-date equipment 141(1 01 wits united In marriage to Mr. Fen- taken by ylaster .lames Sutherintel. For Councillors ' looked forward to grind hataInes. next 'Z1(tr R3 merlon Elliott. of Detroit. forteerty of ehilt• Mr. 11. tlsluldtril presided nt the HAROLDit1..A('Ks'I`1INE by 1t. M. year. 'Che Godrri -ti Knitting Co.. not '0 p.'} •I Thr rn•mnnc nos is r ;•roan After the singing of a Christ- O'Itres' find 11..1 .\ ala Fenn. hate* gone into silk hesh ry found :re 1 1 on er, 1 From dancing conceetion... 1((i 70 formol Ly- itev. J. \ Ii. Mills. Frons snndry sources 112 14 1•r11e, who elttred -'r ehtttrh'Mt the Bern. o0'eres{ prayer The primacy Wm. B. (Ira11.0• and .110x. '.1a1- 'rhe Goderich Planing \11118 find had a _ - - arm -nf-her fitthre.-;seet3 Piu+rmiue in '-a gave a elitist fates__ busier year than nmol. with good pros g121:Ni 24 a dress of nary blur tnffete silk with song. slut little :Kathleen Ca/ttelnu re- unit?irT iiALi. .('1..11 1,S Win Iw.'ts far 1�r2'. The - IIrii,:i Ta->''� - -- lne from Trotting and, Ibandeau ttrmntrl. She carried n hot- pealed the' hceu(y-t laird Psalm. The Itrottnl00 end .Io.Fp1 I:... 1 '.•r. p.4rtN.l n gond hnstn0ss fit( year In Nacho -t88'n (npprox.l..,E' 130 n0 I gnet of swr(•thenrl rates. After the Christtuiis story from St. Ta'ke's (hos- 11'1i.LLAM1 BAILIE by '0- Sandy toilet preparations The Goderich Att- end 41-11(1 ('o,. ' ceremony a wellir: dinner was pre ,was reciter! by Glnelyst Ant : a and 1'. T. Edward.had had difllcultle+, but nr• $122'4(1 24 serval of the home s,' the brides icer- a1net 8118 reuderiel by Jean Weeds/on 1 itees.\MIX ceeeeN'I' VI • \\'1\s;s. reopening of the factory.. •Tlhe Na- ents, the house hell; prettily de(•n- 'and 1'Ityllis - ('outer; interesting me -t% Jas. F. Thom - 1, a11 1 ('t a. 13111gs'mrnts were tinder 8ny for the $ 2.i0 00 rated in pink and :t''Ite colors. The •'•otlata .,f lite significance of Christ- Brlekow'.. thole; Shipbuilding Co. plant 'leer 11490 3i1 young temple left et the Afternoon 111. nere'¢itrn 1y .4r/bur Freeman. D.\\-11► %motel I.y (;.It,.' :it'd wtst.d x problatn Ger the conneU. lite OM 704 train for Windsor. ander a reeeptinn .Iia sh.adowti and Billy Srrlherlautl: • Hlehnrl Phelan. It wtt< hoped that Mr. '.lilchell of the 1479 (M1 held the bete of the bride's re. il•10. 1s were giv,, by ' Dorett(y Julys \CILLI t11 c'It (1,:11' 3 1 J„hr. Donlhti.m 'gond afnehii:ery Co. would The oras h, mu the superintendent, ofr. \1'. 4 hl, itI IS HEitIti;It'r 111 \1hiEtt by hie1nrss 11444 wt goad as 11 had bs•n. PAYMENTS ('ash retorted to town .tdcertising 9 Rein imsur:tie 1 hrort 1o.1. F1r•wor1,4 i'ngennt expenses R n seba l l horse races. prizes Banda-_ for_ tattoo_.... ._ 1 wag tr( fit a ]n"t Pt brother. tier .lr ((neer Q,,,,,, t The 11.rney and ('lane'. Sheer,low1* : Miss ('teal and VV'. 11 44',• '-^(' 1, nhle to take os•.'r tin' plant during 1• •402 52 !Malt. and gran--- here the recipients Ii._e .Aitk,m toll the story -117114 the F:ItV}:itT J. P1tIDH,AAI !.y 1t. 1'. toe coining year. n 1770 79 of Many beautiful c'`ts, among them 1'ilime. Reno" end Sir. itnbt. Henry atinnninge ml .1. F. 7'!:•-msen at.•,I.Inh said 110 Wer•dilp, stn. t o ter- ;�n•, \\I be ,,�u. ntulat,,,f n;.n haying such a 715 110 ; eats and the comport with which the ening Part of the progrnna oris 1h.• i • by .1. W. creme tail .1 - r r I•, i� ,nt ,•i' yittng, CI 11311114 and progressive ►ootnt A rr . .. - :. \ � o pts Indo<fries, The hn;py couple will re81'T e��i'fnT= .drrings for the stet ('tttttlrenb flee ( ,s Z'♦ f'rniTr r+T�i GTTi�' t'n••.rt•,.. Ph, finy.-r thou_ (,+"1c-nH alta -Aran - 1242 INS heing' chegnee front the brides pear •ouuthutt,} tl cornet solo. An in I e\Ihs .e 1,F A\DF It ,t, ell 1 1145 pp ' bolds sp •n8ih10 position presemt,:!ion by the eln8805 of their 11 },iolel•.V MA I 11, %X1) t1 Li \ 61 m. r1 81 t1. 111'941 f -410,200 00 Ralnnce ,'. $ 194ft 24 The cnmmitfee has also presented to the town the baseball grnndstend, cost- ing $5414.30. - The hnlonce of funds Is in the home of the treasurer of the Centen- nial committee. Mr. 3. W.' Frown'. plttal Toronto. A pretty' WI Ice lee- VC11,1,L1'.( \\'F:ISS'I'I:R I: t'. Thin i,a1 statt•ment And comistred receipts sor. and they carrL wjjir them iho a rr d • ,..a ,ap•mditurea with Nolte of iate, Chad wishes of thrid sonny friendsTlet was .4 1 iisrenitt. lfil.T'if fdprt. pings arta 'J(tfm--f tt • Live front reach r•Inxs brought forward' 1t.\NIEl, 1S'i(;(1r' h, 11 .1. A. Vat ,.•air in the various departAlents.-ye apse offering nod deplt.slltd 11 in the Ewan end J. \C. •' .,i,Zi'• -.peke of the recent tire Itne.tit-'ttloz basket. '19te total g'.4t."5, 8tll to for i, 4•lhl:1 '.101181'- (1'1.1:11:\ ,,, .I I pail 11 1Tth11ti•"Tr► theert'irtembe warded to Toronto. l'reyer by the A\'. Crnlgte nn.! Rol yarn. r :1 - � i eery of loyal and hnrdw.•rklni iwho had reml0e5.t- settee *melee aster, Rec. c }'. Cle eke, eltsefT-'Tse--,.{i)1tN Wi1.T.(A'.T t 'It I,} .1 .1 n. r. meeting. Stosr'r and Joe ph I: �•• Its, r' „I net rr•elved n greet dent far it Ite a .neiurkd. 1y staying fleet •A. ilatklen. h n int b•t'+'ived n .l.cnntent signed as �s�/ ��t�,�►,�sa /! 1\-fi,i,i.l'.i Ti. R(1T'l:it'1''-ttX -Ter ii 7 :+tfwth.• rrlrmis•tsorf ttrreTom.itrtt'riM-'- �a a� ' `fir C ` '� `° �y c A Star -Ewen 11 J •1 Mo••er the Reeve oolong him ti xt.1 for re - here. I Mrs. Felker had n ...Imre fall on the ' slippery sidewalk on •Went street last week and has since been under treat- ment nt Alexnndrn IrspirffT_. r -- 5 THE SIGNAL wishes all its readers a "Happy and Prosperous New Year ilii t;lit Mt; F; 1'.A1tKF.1t (;Om 1.10 -b. '1' 1; .1e01 ,. for Another year. 1o' had giver ea'Walllx find John D, -'^n• hi. word thnt he named do a... 110 04.1"1:TER .1. ('.\\'I'F•1,4is h\ \vm t eeslitt Mr. Lee was ntakltsg a ;DN- A Battle and 11 J. .A VncEmoto. 'a'.e in lensing the ...linty rootlet' For PuMie Scheel Trot/den a^er hale .41110 sear there. as the in - ii et. David's Word: ottetla to' the town elelmtleed that Its A I't.Itl4F:y 1t. Mitt,Eli Iry ,in-. I... WAIN., .n the .•.meaty Noly Thomson and Jan r ('aryl.,, 'n',t .• 1 h. s /wigton fralnently sr t4ttrlek's Ward: ' ('hex. C. ler A.It .ITN CCTV ley_ 11 0 \tannings na,•I air ire *8111 he on. asking sntpy.on y� B. .T. .A. Mn.'F ran. :n 8 .11nt1lab "fir the mnyntnity. Tlr a►1 gt. (;e,rg''x WAN,:felt rhnt tt' elsairmen of the roller '4'.4LTER 11}:Ibx- by M N', Ie•e•;l 'corks committee this yenr he hoe and Wm. Coate. . nntrr#t*f tbe it fnirs I1 tel+ - charge to AT.FItIfl) FENT(►X sepritI)Y- -t.y in., c^'sl ndsnntni- 1lritwnntn mete C. Carrie and .1. F. Thomson. %merest and Wellington sfrt•eta bad fiAD LIONRTL T'ARW)N tri H. (' Ise't. taut In good .hate et a moderate Mnnnrn,s and J. Calvin,Gutt ,-„ss :end other romps had revolved at - 1 G}:RALl NEVV'9Y►N--by J W. rr'alele testi .n..With tholnctl,•n4 for ireonnt( and R. C. Mannings. .f last year laid this year anri rebate. (}E:RAi.11 N!F)VIPIeee -by is. H. Wheel on 111. he figured that he was $81 to anti J. W. Cralgie. the -asst in the emonnt elktttPd to G. L. PARSONS by F. H. Wood and him for iii* x0118nn'. work. HP had 7. W. entitle. _ - net kn.wn anything shout the rqut.t- At. Andrew's Witte': tion to the Magor nntll'after it hail WA1,T1rTR F. A N.\rl'EL-hy J. W. hien handed to the Mayor and Po had • ('raIgIe and 4' 4'. Lee. nit had an npporttlnity t.. sign 11. 110 'flw Spas -endorsed what the Mayor tend MIA After Town Clerk Knot had read ' about the men of the Are brigade; he the list of nominees anri declared a had been fighting for them all year poll, Mr. J. E. Tom was voted to the (Continued on page 5)