The Signal, 1927-9-22, Page 8i♦•--Thurs.lay. `ep:. tuber 19.7. Gifts In our Gift Depart- ment you will find a Gift for every oc- casion. We have tried to select every article for your in- dividual taste. We invite you to come in and look around at any time. THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. FIRST SCHOOL FAIR achy, Olive Male. Patch on grain bag IN THIS DISTRICT -Harvey McMichael, Jack Gilbert, FOR 1927 SEASON Harold Yea, Orville Ojte, Phil, Bisect, Jas. Mafr, Iitrd house -malas. Mak. -Jack Gilbert, Phil Bisset, Martou Cal- (Conticoed frau, Page 11. I well, Orville Oke, M. McAllister. mar - rant, Richard Porter, Jack S'ltdea ( NATI'1I CtOLLECTION8 fi.rets-Marion Caldwell Muriel Miller, Nolluus w'w•rls-Jack Gilbert, Mar - Sean Sowerby, Elsie Oel.aidestoln, ion II. Jumes.Malstiller, '!'helms Johnston, Elea 'Elliott. (par- Frances Pearson, Mai'ge?K Blgglb. rote -Charlotte Stock. Mergafet. Stock, Cowmen -lid wcn,.in--Jaek Gilbert, Phii Bios:s•tt. Irene 1‘ :Slums. Norms, Marlon t'a!well, James Mak, Harold !'utter. Eden Hullo. Parsnips -Alma Yet), Alb -rt rears), Evelyn Wise. Trewartha. Mary $: r:ii.g (Inions- injurious ile-ects-Jack 011bert, Jean jean Johnston, Krtt•' Trewarthe, Miller, Marion (Sitwell, Phl'ltle }1- i;ladys ('lark, Earl 1',:'. r,'Marion Butt. Margaret Blggtn. , Porter. Ruth Thorniest.. ! 1►It \\\'1\r;, .UtT AND WRITING FIAri\ liz; Map .,f Ilnrou--Eldon Perp, Richard Poi'. Ast'crg,Mhrgaret. •S:,s k. llurol'1 • Wtlite Porter, Reginald Miller, R. 1 ..i' 'ons Ituth 1 otter. Map of Yen, Ado I Arrau' Evelcn ZVlse. North America -Evelyn Wise, Harold Sw•w'1 1"1" --\Loa nurlltn, Phlox Yee. Albert Pearson, %'111 Grigg, Har- -Charlotte ar-('harluttP Trew'u Isabel t►akts• 4.141 1'd'1.. Jock Gilbert. Map of World Evelyn Cox Jen' r. %tunia- Cole's Book Store What is your biggest asset? The young people have the right idea about importance . of keeping up one's friends. Their modern point of view is that your friends are your biggest asset. Keeping them up be- comes a very simple matter who ny ou can so easily call them by Long Distance. The ser- vice was never so quick. and to Interurban towns (within a radius of say 25 miles) the rate is particu- 1 Iarly low. lirThe finest kind of a habit is to have one day each week for calling up a friend or friends by Long Distance. The benefits are often quite startling. 1 I Math. Don- -F''Ina Huller. Jean Miller. •F1•ances Mata! Chun•hill, it. 1'rarsot.. II. Porter, Marion Oke, Elsie aid G. Barris. Mons', marigolds-- t),Iw1. c-tou. Writing, "Morning ,lacki4tirling. !roue Wiliam; ('glen- hymn" -Jezw $ow'erby, Mary Stirling. dula- Alvin Cox. Fr.:. 1, marigolds -Writing.' "Indian .Soloman"-\Vlllie ,lack siy.ler. 711111. a ....lin-. Murton Porter. F:Idou Ye'.. Itichard Porter. Colwell. • 4',.smus-'1'h. - Murphy. Jos' Reginald Miller. Writing. 'Today"- Murpii}. itor.len 4 •L.• 1;:olinr.toa •Irene Woods. Harold Yeo. Evelyn Margaret Iliggins teaipl>tIo e' -Or- Wise. Wilt 4 ri_g..lar•k Gilbert, Albert Till.. G. oke. Ta 1.•,uquet hem P. argot. Writing. "To the Donde. hone. grirolen--E1w.: I1PrtiIL_('har- 1!on'':ltntg.rr.•r Fri, Mary Grigg. M. lett,• I'rewnrtha, rG.tte Stock, 1tke. .Ie:ut Miller, }'r.,uces Pearson, Ruth Thompson, \ sow Trewarths. F:ie•aa, Sow. rbc. Writing. "Me K. north '1'rewarth.: Iouhlifts--Elwin morn .;en,"-- Violet Cole. Muriel Mil- iL 11--i•ri'l I'4f7n Cee Itw. Few ,, ''--'" 411. ill UN. tips, ion.! POi-I:f!:\' Mid liarri-. \\pili:, Pickard. Crayon 4'...•1. r.1-F:velyt, wt-., 11,4,1 Ye". -ketch of Lee! . and carrot -Richard Jock cil1. rt, Mari''11 .•s1we1:. I'ul:et Porter. Reginald MI:ler. Eldon Teo, -Eldon Yes,. Ey.d,.: Vi -r. Marlon Until Potter. Grace IleMath. Graham Colwell, ,Tack Gilles! 1'.t, ..f three- Johnston. !'late of Is.tator's in water E'.do,, Y... P1111 11..-.•... .1,. k G!11s•rt. rni. rs-.t.bert Pearson. Harold Yeo, (tarred hocks -Hc,... IL•.eMath. Will F:retrn MSc. Jack Gilbert. Will Grigg. (Trigg. Norma Potter. licraooe Grigg.' Tom Murphy. flan of home farm - Charlotte Trewartha,, Howard McCul- Erinyes Pearson. Mnrlon Porter, Jean lough. white Leghorns ..- Donald. iltr- tidier. Jare. Moir. Marion Oke, Elsie cis, Mary (Makes, l'. n r.l $tur.li. Nor. , •'shttIdeston• man Trewartha, J,•'k Gilbert. White • t'OMPETITiONR 1t.s-ks--Elsie Ototaldeston. Albert i'nbtic speaking -Florence Sowerby, I'ears.u, Marion Calwell. Ruth Marion Caldwell. Norman Trewartha, Thompson. Itobtn Ti,..mpeon. Jean Edward McMichael. Elsie Osialdeston. Miller. Judging poultry -Marlon Caldwell, LIV'M ST. ).'K ; Era nees Pearson, Florence Snwerby. Ihrra.le-K. $. No. 3, S. 8. No. 9. S. 3. lite! calf-- Tugb e:1, un. Agriculture No. 4. Stratbcona exercise.. -S. 8. al colt -Herold pL !1,. Jack Study' Nu. 3. R.8. No, 8, 8.8. No. 9. 8. R. No. W spring lamtarold Lobb. Alxht 4 - Lobb. Evelyn Wise. Petry calf -Ken -4,...:.4 trophy, doaaTefi by the T Eaton neth Tn•%artha, Esther Melia th. - ('o., Ltd., of Toronto, was awarded to (;race licMath. - --1'MIgs 4tarion Caldwell, Who had the DOMESTIC Sell-ENV1-Irighr.. number of points at the 901001 Muffins--ituth Potter, Betty Newton. fair. Muriel Miller. R. Themps.u'. Ruby Mc- 1 Michael. Charlotte Trewartha. Tea , , Unmistaken Identity biscuits -Orville Ok.. Evelyn Sower- . President ('.s.lidge. -Tfenry Ford and hy. Ruth Thompson. Esther McMetl'. , Harvey. Firestone were standing on Mary Oke, Norma Potter. Dark lay- the sidewalk in Washington discus- cr cake -Edna Fuller. Ruth Thnmp- slog some topic of Interest when their eon. Olive .Fuller, Orville Oke, Elsie attention was attracted to a young Osbaldeston, Norms Potter. ;Apple - man parking a Ford car (quipped pie -Phil. Bisset, Jean Fuller, Flor with Firestone tiros at the curb near ease 8ot.rr•rby. Marion Calwell, Olive L where they were standing. Stepping Fuller, Helen McMath. • Home-made,up to the young . man, Mr. Firestone oendy-Elmer Jobnstnn. Elsie Oebal• asked him: deafen, Jerk Rtunir. Ferris Sturdy, ' "How do you like the Firestone Jack Gilbert, Bernie,. Moore. School tiresr, lunch-011ve Mali- Grace McMath• The young man answered in the at - Jack Gilbert. Mary Oke, Ruth Potter, firmatere end. Mr. Firestone remarked, M. McAllister. Working man's inneb "Well, I think they are pretty good, -.Helen McMatb. Marion Calwell, tors because you fee I em the man who Earl McAllister. Phil Bissett, Norma makes them." Potter. Mr. Ford asked a few questions SF7WTNO Patch on gingham -M. Miller. Olive Mair. Mary OkP, Ruth Potter. Semple of fire faney stitches -Olive Mair, Ruth Potter. Irene Williams, Jean Sowerhy. Guesttowel-Evelyn Sow- erby, Marlon . Porter, Jean Ililier, who made=lt" Marlon Colwell, Clara Harmer, Olive This seta too much for the ortner of Mair. Crocheted lace--Marion..0s1 the For& well. Quilt patch -Olive Stair, any "Say,"' he burst out. "what yen Oke. Doll's Ah.pping hag -Marlon guys tryln' to hand me? First tbialg t'aiwrtt,- MabF-Cltnrehitt.-Iterning F now , p w on eashmere-Mnrlon Calwell. be tellin' me he's President of the MANUAL TRAINING States." Model of fern gate -Jas. Mair, Jack Gilbert, Reginald Miller, Phil. The Women's institute of Provl- about the ('nr . iteglf and when the young man n'sured him that to date he hod had no difficulty Mr. Ford re- marked "Itt 1r n very gu,s1 car and you will like 1t. I know. because 1 am the man NO ACTION YET oN WATERWORKS BYLAW Some .3lenebt'ra of ('o„ncil Want Vote of the Ruh1..a .-rs The queetiuu of 1' .1,utg funds fur the proposed thing', o the water- pumpiug plant at the :: !UIpwl pow- erhouse is engaging trut!on of the town council. 'I eater and light commission, aft. 1• ag and doubt careful cnnsl.i. ! • ••a of the matter, has decided on ,+Iulpptent which is believed to 1•. a. -t :+pltable under the existing cou..ri, a iddbas applied to the town •'01c11 for the passing of a bylaw to r, - `('.tees the aminal necessary, 1.. .. ntrtre, the Water and light comm.. -..•u haring 1t- gelf uo ps.oer to rale ,:..m•y 107 de- benture. Meme taemt. • ..f the coun- cil profs' -e a vote of ratepayers on the proposition, Ru . .- :t favorable vote of three-fourths , h.. council Is necessary for the pa-- _ , f the bylaw without vote of the :,.tepayers no progress has aro Aar L. • ' made. tom Friday night 1 - I•rior to the regu:ar lueeting Of act council, the proposition was --. .t in Corn - mime.. with the men,' . - • •.t the water ' nod light cumml.tsI, prew'nt. Messrs, Murrey 11141.1 r 10(41 of the ; various stets taken re the corn - mission had decidesits preseiit plans. The old ,tea: ;Jere It was ! pnIttt'4 elite were, p ' ,! nut, anti 11 wn*4 ThI) ¢fi'ua tope• em r8 Opera- tion any longer. (\: • ..nl euginoeri had t.c't'n brought her. ' look over the plant and thle use of _ . odine engines in place e of steam as :... Auxiliary (+ye- ti%) ha.t Igen adrlae i \ great many tnw•nat`aud small - were using gasoline engines. it Targe cities they were not used f .• ,. reason that the units were not . _r enough. It wag estimated that ' • new system would efe,•t It sarin -•f teSsee0 a year in power charges and further saving of $20110 In purchase •f ,coal and up- keep of the boiler pl:u1t-a • total saelug of-$4.S8O. ;\ asset standpipe had leen suggested, .,,: this was con- sidered ton expend.: there was no extended pseriodof :ow peak -load during the day wh., the standpipe could he filler. No Increase of w'.rer rates. 1t was stated, was involve.! In the proposed new instathrtlon Tf passed by the town council the bylaw would,f(•quire fettled -on by the ontarlo Railway and Municipal Boar.:. anti this would be given only whet:' the hoard was satisfied (bat there_aveul,L be no In- crease of rates. After hearing these explanations. the committee itt m ee decid•.1 to nr•ommend the pasting of the bylaw, but. as phown in the report given elsewhere, the proposal was hold up when 1t reached the council. A special meeting ,.f the council wilt be held tonight, when it is understood the matter will be further considered. chestre which for many years was so well known not only In Goderich but throughout the district. He was a member of St. Georges church and a Mutton. Two sous and two daughters survive: J.C.,Of Owen Sc uud• Hnr-• old, of town; Mrs. Stafford Atkinson, of Beemarllh•, and Victurta E. Oakley, at home. All were here for the funeral, and also Mrs. J. C. Blackstone and -Mr. Atkinson. The funeral service was held lu St. Geor- ge's church on Wednesday attentuuu, .the ,rector, ltev. J. N. 11.' Mills, u/i- ciatiag, and the interment was In Maitland cemetery. Maitland Lodge, No, , A.F.• and A.M., utteuded in a body, and the pnllbeerers were 1►r. Mabee, O. F. ('arey, Ed. 'Beek, J. J M('Ewe n. 11. Sturdy anti Jos. Craig. The Eye. We are fast becoming a bespec- tacled nation, and the culprit respons- ible 1s -education. That, with the enormous growth to popular liters. ture, has made us a race of readers. The result - a dtaadvantage to be set against many advantages - lta eyestrain. Spectacles may cure this, but as prevention is better than cure, why not adopt something which will stop the strain from coming? Once It was thought that closing the eyes at Intervals for a short time was the best anti -strain device; but flat -fir now been discarded it belnl found that the cutting off of the rays of light, and their sudden return, L bad tor the eyes. The proper anti -strain method is not to close your eyes, but to change their focus. Thus, it you are read- ing a book, or studying accounts, and feel eye -strain, look from the book or figures to some object ten to lit - teen feet away. - Two or three se- conds suffice The change of f>,eu$ takes the strain off the eye by giving 1t the rest which comes from a new focus. The eye -muscles, In short, are not kept In one position and at one tension. - DIED. BLACKSTONE. -In Goderich. on Monday, September 19th, Charles Blackstone. aged 83 years. TAYLOR. -'In Goderich, on Softy, tSepjtember 18th, Carrie Pearson, be- loved wife of Mr. Thomas Taylor, in her 33rd year. U7.E'1-I od LE TOUZEL In Goderich Thurs- day, e u day, September 22nd, Miss Con- stance Ellen Le Touzel. The funeral will take place on Sat- urday afternoon, ,September 24th, to 81. George's church, where a service will be held at 3 o'clock. Interment In Maitland cemetery. AUCTION BALL' iceriON SATE or HOITBEIi,OLD leURVITI RE, GOODS, CHAT- TELS. HORSES, Hite, We tat re received instructions from Mlt. Jl)F!N McK1 .CNON to sell, without reserve, at his shop, Hamilton street, Goderich, on SAT I'RIM lt, •4YFOB1>;R 1st, commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp: The contents of the shop, consisting of a quantity of bedroom, dlning- room slid tkI* d,en furniture and uten- sils; baby carriages; dishes; cutlery; new brooms, etc.; also draying outfit of 3 platform .Iraq wagons; 1 single horse heavy. wagon; 2 sets of har- ness; 1 one-horse plow; 2 good wagon gears; 1 open buggy; 1 top buggy; 1 walking plow : 1 riding plow; 1 range; 1 cart; 1 rublosdire.l surrey; 1 ereem separator: 1 Inn.nurc spreader; 1 good strong drlhing horse. TF71t%IS--411. furniture, cosh; on all other nrd'Ica-all sums of *10 and under,. cash; elan that, three months' credit will be given un furnishing ap- proved J••Int notes. A dlacount al - towed for ce-li ou erlsllt amounts. TO BENT j`t0R c WENT U ANTD'Ad%A'LF- •• STORY ' brick house for rent, furnished or uufurnished. All -cone eta 1 -esOn Cambria mb road aerobe u Mk) Organ Factory. !Apply MRS. WM. MILLIAN. It itENT. - 131 %'ENdt 00 M E D house on St. George's Crescent. Suitable for small family. Apply Ht'lION INVESTMENTS, I/PD. gt TU 1t1LNT.-8'L'ORE SUITABLE FOR 1 grocery or dry goods. Also apart- ment, five rooms with bath. Immedi- ate posseeslou given. Apply to ALEX. Ito ITh DE!RS, Goderich. 00 $ltb,00 P1111 MONTH. -UPPER ff 11II flat of apurtment house, form- erly Judge 1)oyle's residence, St. Vin- cent street. Immediate possession if desired. HAYS & HAYS, Barristers, Hamilton street, Goderich. FOR SALE 'r GUN'DRY & SON. UPRIGHT PIANO (BELL) FOR Anetlonet'rs. SALE. -In first-etass condition. Apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. 0. ('I[I'(IItT.\\'I' tl-(TION SALE OFA Box 457, Goderich. `t tl'Ll'\I'II• U/T 441' 1IIGII- CLASS 1'1 R\!TI'1UE AND FL'RN- nESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPER- 18111NGS. V TY FOR BALE. -At corner of Br1- ranula road mu d Wttll■m street. Tee rooms besides bathroom, closets etc. Good furnace. All coneeniences For terms and further {{particulars apply to DONALD MacKA', P. O. Box 457. Goderich. tf We are h, -n retell by MW'. st.tLV E. !VI I I.IAMS to sell by pule:' auction at her resi- dence. Welling: -,•r street. Goderich, 011 S,ATI'RI►,\Y. 4E1TESIlitleR 24th• commencing at 10 o,•us•k a.m., all the contents of the ;,ausc, including: (hie grand pt. no and stool; 1 ma- bin:Any davenµ'rt table; 1 console vlctrola and _r.•..frd..; 1 chesterfield, new 1n May la -t. craft $ltas; 2 floor lamps: 1 1'onc.wle electric mirror; 1 Oriental rug. 11' feet 4 Inches by 13 feet t; inches. use•et 4 years. cost 81200; 1 WIlt •n rug: 9x6; 1 vel- vet ruga 8x10: 1 gunroom get, con- sisting of 1 o(:uacon reed table. 4 reed chairs, 3 reed rockers and floor lamps; 1 reed -awing table; 1 oak bookcase; 1 mantel clock! 1 walnut dining -room smite. eonsteting of round table, 6 chairs. leather seats (cane becks), 1 buffet: 1 large wail mirror: 2 new wicker -Chairs ; 1 large oral French 'plate mirror; 1 solid walnut .tattles 1 solid walnut costumer: 1 solid walnut rack; 1 small oak table; 1 eherry- writing desk and bookcase combined; 1 Binger sewing machine; 1 mahogany dresser with French date r mirror; r, t mahogany fowl, hair mattrees and er•!I springs; 1 ceder eheet ; 1 denlbl4 bed and dr•eseer, mat- tress and . springs; 2 double brags tells; 1 Shuman.) bed, walnut fln!gh; 3 cots; 1 walnut dreamer; 1 walnut stand with marble top: 1 deck and ehair; 2 wardrobes; 1 electric wash- er; 2 ranges; 2 large Quebec heaters; 2 oil heaters; 1 refrigerator; kitchen furnishings and utensils; garden Toots; dl/hee; (.111u&; Freek4t7; cut- lery; pictures.: curtains; carpets, and numerous other articles. This is a splendid lot of very txpen- elve furniture and everything must be disposed of. TM property (former- ly the \Vldder homestead) is sold. TERMS-1Caab. --_T Gt'N"L1Bs SON. Auctioneers CARD OF THANKS IR. THOMAS TAYLOR TAKES this opportunity of expressing hie grateful thanks to neighbors and OBITUARY friends fur the many kindnesses HON. GEORR) A. BELL lion. Geor$e A Eell, former Provin- cial Treasurer and. Minister of Tele- phones In Saskatchewan. was over- taken by death ..n - Tuesday, Septem- ber 13th. paasirg away suddenly at Regina, Sank. Mr. Bell was born in the city of Brantford, Ont., In the year 1856, being the second son of David -and Agnes Bell. As a boy he lived in Colborne township, near Carlow, and h' will be rememLered by many of the older residents of the township. Ile learned his trade us a blacksmith with Wm. Donne at C'arTow. X following his trade for some time la this Province, lie went to the Rest, first to Brandon working for the C.P.R. HP w'as married at Brandon Bisset. Eldon Yeo, ,Albert Penman. .lens. rrer•Ides that washing ig to Miss F.11sabetl..ymlth, of that place. Specimen of paper cutting or folding woman's favorite rs•r•npstion. Wash- Lea.viug Brandon, be went to Melee, IN THE MATTER OF T1111 174 -Richard Porter, Donald Harris, trig what? Clothes or dishes or Ilan., where he wits salesman for the g TATE OF WILLIAM JAMES Gerald Orr, Willie Porter, Jean Sow- babies?-linm4lton Herald, MaseeyJTarris Co. Be also held the T(lI1tNSTON. T..1TE OF THE TOWN Position there of clerk of the County OF GOf11111(111. IN THE 0OUNTY shown at the time of his sad bereave- ment. ANWANTED 1 WTED.-A MAID FOR LIGHT housework. Apply to MRS. FRA,N'K SAT'N,DFRtS. It WANTED. -GOOD, PLAIN - COOK for general housework. Must be fond of children. P.O.. BOX 208 or Phone 59W. - = it e- r - ►TTi.D --1 s4T10?: &S -MAT NITY 8-35.4 PNITY nurse. MRS. SNAZEL, Brock street. Goderich. - NOTICE TO ('REDITOR4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXX2CXX flrarlrsftixr/lrxxxXXXXXXX NewestFallin ies__ and MMisses' Coats E invite you to come in and see our new line of ladies' and misses' Coats. They are skillfully developed of gorgeous broadtail fabrics, pinpoints, neediepoints, broad- cloths, suedines and duvetynes. Soft silky furs in many beau- tiful blends add richly to these lovely garments. The colors are as'varied as the many new styles, giving so much variety to the most exacting taste. Select now at lowest prices. The New Dresses We have rceir(sl a new ehipn.entw.f la(ie-' and misses' new Fall lessees. Every oneof flag,• charming frocks rrpeeinces the style features of hish•pricol Paris tmsh'Is. The Dresses am of :. style richness and quality that we believe an. unequalled at our low marking. Children's Fall Dresses We have a new line of children's Fall Flannel Dresses. Priced from $3.95 to $5.95. Our Motto Is : "Good Service, Small Profits and Big Turnover" Court. Moring to lestevan, Sank.. he OF TiT"RON, GEN'rr E iAN, DFe acted Rg Invi'P('t,,r of homesteads and (IBASEID. being a very .popular man he was Xcalled upon to contest the riding for NOTICE ishereby given. pursuant the tool Ltglsheitre and wag elected i to Section :p6 of the Trnetees Act. N.try a large majority. Afterwards he ' R.S.O., 1914, ('hap. 121. that alit b ecatne a member of the Provincial ' creditors and others having claims nr Kst Gevernm(•nt As Treasurer and Min- I demands ngalnst the estate of the At Inter of Telephones. The late J. M. eeld William James Johnaten, who Bell. of Goderich, was a brother. The tied nn or about the 7th day of May, surviving member: of the family are A.D. -1927. ntthe town of Goderich. James Bell,.of Winnipeg; Mrs. Tsa- Are required. on nr before the 311th belle Wells. of Detroit, and Mr$. Agnes day of September. A.P. 1927. to send Gibbs, of Mitchell, Ont. He braves by past. prepaid. or deliver to the also --Iiia -to►f«,-three daughters end cxeeutnr of the last will and testa- three sons nt 'Regina, and one eon at maul nt the mild( dhmast d, theft Vancouver. l4.('. 11r. harry Wells. of Christian names and surnames, ad - 11 town, 1s a nephew Mr. Bell had sof- l,ren..ee and desteriptlnns, the full par - fern! for a nnmi'.•r of year8 from dia- tierdere, In writing. of their clefine, hetet', hilt 4141 not resign his official a statement of their emelt/Wt. and pnsition until n year ago. He Was In the natnre of the security. if any. held his eeventT'Seenn,p year. I by them. 1(111.18. BT,A'(2C$1E One of GnderIclea hest -known reaf- 4enti and oldestbusiness men de - farted ting life on )(enemy. In the per- son of Mr. Chores Blackstone. Death followed a brief !'mess of pneumonia Saunders' Read and Dry Goods Store AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the mild executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased ameba the pfrtles entitled thereto, having regnrd only to the claims of which 1t shall then here notice, and that the developing. from a cold. it is only. a said executor will not be liable for little over two months /mete his wife the said aete or any part thereof to passed away. Mr. Blackstone wee any person or persons of whose elalm born in the city of York. England. notes sfisll not hive been received by It at the time of such dlatrthntlnn. DI'rITiEY E. HOT.MFX5, RolleItnr for the said Execntor. DATED at Goderich this 18th day of September. A:T. 1927. 2t yio-wear Septemler 14th. 142, -and had thus rreched the good „la age of eighty-five years. Tn y,•r., after hie marriage. Mr. Blaekson-, ,np with big wife eend eldest •on r,. ranm ie. The fam- fly lire! for ten re1rs at Clinton nn! *bout thirty•sod.1;year.. ago conte 1n NlrrT(E TS HEREBY OTVBN THAT Goderleh,:\t clutter)Mr. illnrk-tone 11 ail persons having elalms againtunsemploe4 ei•i, the T)oherty Organ the e%tate of Martha Green. late of n s wnesl er•.r and designer. rind the town of Gn,lerlh, to the entlntrhf when he Came Go4Prinh 1t was ,to Huron who died en or menu* the 29th take R poition tit a similar enpnelty de of antnut. A. D. 11127, DIV.re- with *he newly-,.rnisM. Goderih Or- giilre'l to forward their claims to the _Sntby.__.rs later he tte>nt 4nndergigned. duly'Into the eonfrr1.',:ty buelness In the ' the 3(1th clay of September, 11121'. well-known West street stand which AND NYYFI('E Is fnrfher gien that he (nn,ihted to the time of his death. I after the mini dote the ndm(nftntnrIfr. 711RCketone had a great love of of the said( estate will proeed to ell' innate and In ono wy or other he wow trihnte the e•tntehaving regent only eonneete•1 with misdeal organirations to mieh .Mime so he shall then have through a great 'i.nrtSon of his life In had' nnfim. Clinton as bandmaster of the Doherty DATED nt Goderich this 13th day of Organ Co 's hnn,l and In Goderi. h A• September A T' 1927. EAST SIDE UFS SQUARE GODERICH nrgnnizrr and rnflMlMor of a boys' Qhand,choirlender,tMeherof mnsft,Solleltor. for hA Adminllstrator. 11.,„„,..x.........,.......h+/rr an4 m,•mM•r , f the R1.ekstnnr nr- Hamilton Street, OrxMrlch, Ont. UOUSE FOR SAI.E.-APPLY TO J. S. BEDFORD, Cobourg street. Goderich. tf s ' ACCTIONEERIINO THOMAS G I'XDRY. GODERTCH. LIVE STOCK A";7) GENERAL A I'CTION EER Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satlsfactiaa. Farmers' sal discounted. e notes dls an ed. ROBT. ROBERTSON. The Auctioneer, will conduct and arrange any sale as the latest methods to get the best re- sulta. See him or drop a card and be will give it immediate attentles. Firs sales a specialty. Eldon tit-, Ooderleb. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONEE DR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST OODERICH Equipped with elect ro-magnetle bathe. Electronic electric treatments and chtropractic. Chronic organic and nervous diseases. Lady in attendancs Ofnce hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 put, excepting Monday and Thursday aL ternoons and evenings, and by ap- pointment. p- polntment. Residence and of5ce-4)orner e/ South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT i,`RANK P. GIBBS, CHARTERED Accountant, 102 Ontario street rIN'RESERVED Af'CPiON SALE OF Stratford. l'hone 1580. Res. 1330J. A 4:rACvR`E. 1'A Ad OI T 4% mmEs FROM GODDRpGE ON THE COUNTY HIGH WAY. MEDICAL MR. A. NrDLn{OLD$ will sell by public auction at the premises+, part Let 9, concession 8, W D. Colborne, or, MONDAY, SE1'TIBILfIFR 28th, at 1.20 o'clock, sharp: - The farm, conteining 9:, acres (be the same more or ie•/A) on which there is a comfortable frame dwelling In a fair state of repos: also barna anti stabling and stouts acres of orchard in gond cnndltim.. The fences are Rood, and the place has been kept in good farming shag --part of the place hag -been under garden crepe. 'khls property- will be wild without reseife, as the pr. ;.rtetor is giving up farming. TERMS -Ten le r cent. to paid at lane of ssle; Mimes in thirty' -days, (niter tern,a can b.. arranged. This Is an idea: property for poul- try farm or anyone wanting to be with- in a short distance of town in 7iie outside. Store at ,enter of property; school, 1 mile; lake 1% miles; A. NIX'KOLDS. T. GUNDRT ! SON, Proprietor, Auctioneers. R. R. 6, Go lertch. RANKRI 1T SALE B:baa:lti'PTf1Y SALE OF VALU- .VBLE RES$ PFJNTIAL PROF.' F7RTY. The trustee of the ESTATE OFF W. H. JACTKSONT has instructed ng to sell at palMie ene- tlon the splendid rrgidenep nod lands being lot running number s.•i.' in the Town of Gndericl', southwest corner of North street nod ;Nelson etreet, at 12.30 o'clock on RATi'1RfAY, T111) 10 DAT OF Otrtt(4IIF1R, 1927, at the premise, This property must be sold. There Pt R building int in the ren, and two complete apartment.. separated by a hriek wall. The property 18 In good condition and the hire% apartment at present rents. for *20.00 per month. Immediate • pttusesel0n_01 the front npnrtment (van he give$. The prop arty will he old at a reserved had. TERMS -Ten per eent. of the pnr- Chase price ms n lepnalt, and the bal- ance within 30 lova. For further puarticular.. apply to FTAVO & RAYS. Solicitors Goder1Ch, Ont. OIW4RG? WI -LLT AM9. FA14 Trn..tee, lied erleh, THOS. Oi!'?4T tT & SON, Auctioneers, nR. F. J. R. FORSTER EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- don, Eng. 53 Waterloo 8t. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on the evening of third Monday of each month till the following day. Tuesday, at 1 p.m. Next visit In September. LEGAL (t'EV? EST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor 10 King street east, Toronto 2. Telephones Elgin 8416-8417. DUDLEY E. HOLMEB Barrister, Ete. OtSee-Hamliton street. Godertel Phone 27. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, Successor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 97. Office -The Square. Ooderlcb,. *tape & Flare BARRIeraRR, ETC. R.O. HA YS -R C. H A Y9 In., B.A. Hamilton St., Aodericn INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC, McKTLLOP MUTUAL FIRE INI- BURANCE CO. -Farm and lea lated town property insured Omcere-Jas. Connolly, Pres., God- erich P. 0.; Jam. Evans, Vice -Pres Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. Sec. -Tress.. Seafortb P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R. IA No. 11, Seaforth ; John G. Grieve, Ns 4, Walton: William Rine, R. R. Na 2, Beaforth ; John Bennewles, Brod- bagen ; Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. IL Sesforth ; Robert Ferris, Harloek; Mntny Gibson, Brmer'AOMd: Janse Evans. Beechwood; James Connolls. Goderieh. Agents- J. W. Yeo. (ioderfe b ; Alen. Leitch, R. R. Ne. 1, Citntoe ; John Murray. fieatortk ; E. Hlschisy, SNtnrth. Poliey-holders can sake all payments and get their cards receipt - M at R. J. )Iorrlsk's Clothing /toe$. Clinton; R. H. Cattle Grocery, Xing - e'en street. (iedericb, or J. A. Retire General /tern Baydeill.