The Signal, 1927-9-22, Page 66-ThuTWbly, September 22, 1(1'27.
The West Street
Electrical Shop
W. ram a t;.ak( ••t,.. k of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in Wir-
ing of All Kinds
Est Mutter given on applicat l 1
All work guaranteed
Frank McArthut
Telephone 82 West Street
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wuh by Electricity
--F:on S'Erecnirtry
We guarantee oar Itydn) lamps
for 1.'l. L•,nrs »*r.
Nerd* aide of Square Goderieb'
s-- - -
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pocohontas 1 2 by 4 egg)
] can supply ,your wants in
any of the above fuel. Prompt
service and rca-aonable prices.
Telephone I7"j Goderich
Wood Shingles of All Kinds
Asbestos and Ragfelt Shingles
-Reif Rooting uLall kinds
Phone 34;4*• Fait itreet
School of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
Fall Term Open% Tuesday, Sept. 6
Offers the Following Advantages:
Expert Teachers
Two Standard Makes
of Typewriters
Practical Business Training
Gregg Shorthand
Secretarial Studies__ '-
Actual Office Practice
And a record of rnrrewful 4irad•
nates a'10/ke hi41n standard horsed
work se expect you 'to reach or
When o4. y t thi"nk n► a Commercial
Count write
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts.
Principal, Clinton
1;3 1r.\1;FI
h;t)gg dad the
- un Thee. my r.
We'd may this el
And tell it, ro,
; the gre.
I arpwlnc Tenr,t'-
Ile drewme. and
//liartued to eat --
Almighty (cod. 1
than our sin t0
_rare doth um. 1
o*i 10„t nza!y
:,hundantly iurr.:
.w111:aw np a
we look at our -
shame. we 4tng_•
,lett-`lattlrh. are
at Thy,_
w, r. ,r. it is. •
tir, ',•.tt•atued
l: a , ur who:,
.0114101 1 ' T
Read Mrs. Menard's Letter.
Her Experience May Help
Chatham. Ontario. - "I want to tell
you hew much good your medicine
has done mc. Be -
ore my baby
came 1 felt so
weak and run-
down that 1 could
hardly do my
work. My head
ached continually
and 1 was so dis-
couraged that I
could cry from
I had another
and a a el and It gave me a lot .to
to. S„ I thought I would try Lydia
E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound.
as 1 had read so much about it in the
little books. I found a difference right
awre: as my head was relieved and
my -tired feelings gone. My sister
had been doing my washing and Wm
cont:•hued doing It. as aha said it
might -met. me_ hack it' I started to do
it t i n. It sure oftd help me and 1
bottles when my
• baby came. Hr to a me
new nearly five month "Id. 1 am
\fang hunters wh
takini your medicine stain and I am •1 n..rth'•
rn parts of
able to do•my work all .= myself now,
1 always teen/mend the Vr-.*ertble year for n .My of
Compound to women. and topes -1411y !feel that In torn
Hy Motor is the Paelae Collet A PAM rs's Nest
Mr. John Galt, Jr wr: - The Sig- (London Advertiser)
nal from Koaaland • R 1' at whlch
ikdnt he has tate, • manager-
ship of the Bank o! fi , n•al after a
elate to lila 0),1 here. Ile
"Mrs. Galt and I pct,) it wonderful
trip west. going ate, !Lr from old God-
erleb to Vaneouv, r. 4L)rlt in easy
Plage(- tank fifteen giro+• 1l ing 3,OR9
miles. We also m:, - 'le lel, of
2mt mile■ /to Tell .' National
Park and ante row • Vnneouvrr
to nor new home it, motor trip
of 5S1 utiles. 1! ,I. , .1, Pi. I cover.
;,1 taus. loehnd :!.rnnif ah?T
trine. n tit;tan'(-- .' •ntlex. We
fnllnwel the ?N6' , •Trail. 1lll•
e•enko*' to RMkan,-Hlt;h-
rccny. Itik.kan4 to C • r. it was
In the North bye-eleyf,olon.Mr.
SRotton asserted that tdiellty--entre
Rowan Catholic priest* were mphty4d
by the Federal Immigration Depart-
ment at tangy salerlee. rola story is
the kind of campaign material that Ir-
resistibly tempts a certain type of
Conservative, candidate in this Pro-
f ince. There is no reason to suppose,
however. that the, tale had eny effect
ninon North Huron voters. They prob-
ably regarded it as a eowawnlongde1e
to ler. Spatton'a oration on a prier oc-
casion In whit) a Sinister bend called
"Black Saglea•" were represented as
'having designs upon his dile.
The Assistant Deputy Minister of
Immigration itheposes of the later fic-
iNtion by *hoeing that for 1wintyalte
a treat to buy in, ' • low as 1E year. 1t has bPPn the policy of all
!.sees ne on the •1 Road 1 Federal Governments to employ a
o • !t, n fetid a. 4t3 cents 9 snlnl► uutnber of Frent•1t•l affdlen Rn-
R•,:ei. ex,. ' the way, man .'atholk• priesta lea repatriation
few SP1c •'P4,•,•e and colonization agents far the es.
'I,mtane, press purpose of working among
_ French-t'anedtans broth, New Rug -
The peer She aim: -esaaa land States and •trNing to persuade
('ogle4 of the ti- them to return to their noire Prn-
vinee and country At present twelve
are so 'sneered. eleven reeelving $.1O a
month each and one slightly .•ter 41On
nronttth. Not one of then. is an iln-
migrnti.•n fnspt•etnr. -.n Angllean
elerlemnn was gent on a speelal mite
stem oversees twat winter by the Fel-
t Government 4.o operating w11it
-rev visit the the (1oterunu'n
P^Dylan e..+ Island. A Lntlu•ran• wn• also (m -
',4r .ho• tlttg pleyivl for a time on speelel work to
••s' 4-114.1 tile Enrol... There 1.4 nth. n Protest:t1'
row I--eie.1 In bee.•.
t!» cal ('cerntta.,•
seo t,rr-hnntln
),,,r'L,n '' the Pr'
vemher let to the
irtiistere; Sart a 4.(1! -
: of 'minion exists
• grime 'awe
',4• the Pro -
open %err
he gfpater
is from Xn•
'h days In-
e wlailntn of
&. S. I.EssOX' FOS Ill T. '_.0d. l!1•:7 to esttertant Ile -411 4,T*, as 1 believe `, "PP" wm•nn nal ••'.141,) for a clergyman employed as a pari -time h,
Lesson Title-FIii.0i on .fount they need help at those Limes."- 'i14rin,t of ten err • ••• u_ days, this tert.reter in Winnipeg. The ehapleins
Mrs.01.0eaMI.:NAM), _4 Harvey St,. Il'omparatt%•4) . sh, • .-:lei was (mite nt the ports of entre .ire notrmplog4l
Carmel. l!.atham, Ontario.C ! 1orr enough aria• open sPnxnn by the I>,•partnl nt In any sac, heft
Lesson Palmate -I; him:, 1g. , durtnr the whole of Xnrember are by their own ehurehee.
Golden TPct-dn'k. ':la" • i• , 1c t:,:,• 71,.,11 :u Cay) of rsrnot. will-re4+111 in .4 • . 104,nnnw•P•- • On this statement of feet there dopa
Rt. 1-'"'t 113I•hi;••r :.,.1' 1 am Thy -e rt ant, And that • ante de•nlaNAo In 'cher of rifer. nariseem t„ be say cameo for alarm, or
'hat Ahad.. the o a 1.411 Old ,a;a t have ail these things at Thy ;ethers who ere', ' fn this ]sat- for the suggestion that the tmmlgrn•
:, the sight of t' . !-of itheve n!! that .w,`rt. t1e,lr me. t.,)• Levi, hear me ; ter wc:come the . ' "pen stetenn tion w•n•Iee is tw'enming elptleallzcd,
w,•ro bet„re 'Ain ' -\'.::1, .114 mote tl.a: lIi- peopit may know that Than ' for the main ren r it wet at. 'hot that will not prevent its reappear-
t,. provoke the ! •1; : ••f Nees' to 1 art 71,4. Lord (;,•'l. amt that hast , traet•n )strap num . 1„oriata to the inner. in party eentroverey.
neer then 111 t: ' isele1 the?' terr.ed -heir heart back egb(n." e''•'tintr1. while 11 4.r ilr that '
.<-re before. hitt )i,'i: the tire ..f the Lord fel; and !'d'"'r nos tete I, In th,t north Some people's .rlttnahllas are as nn -
into the presto, A' „4.,1 Minh -limed the Lurtinsacritee, and the ! re•nntrr an,' that 'h'a 'hemline decipherable that they Might just an
• .l..; 1:!11*h. TTP we,dl, 1411,) 1114 acln4a. argil the dust. j wet' 1101 have at --'.••'lahle effe•t a -ell save time and eigu their names
IPrnc.•edrd to tell k n4. r .. t o wau•r th_ at was to inn theft nvmher "n Canadlyn• w i1h a *toss. -The Outlook.
shat' not be dew !r c . • 1 . ferny) _-.__ i?�pwf_-- -� 1 - - --
4t. w,.rd." ltr,.nttht ' -.
•'shod when all-�t�ie Ike„p:p Fns-. ff.-_-.-_.
was one of the pun < leo e", • anti they said • Figure* Iii -
ed by the law if lyrl forsook J4dio 'rhe le.rd lie Is the 0:.41: t e i e• ors a • fest the (-heap
4a$ and tornerl of,er other go -I.- ; N,, 4;,,,I.•••i'syfng•howfes of Pyf11, tttnY irnwl-} -
Tient; 11:17' IRV'.'4S.:1.far Parker sflcs iu eonneetion with Melt order. Inn - .a'•-rinn volcp t4\
Elijah left the kin.'. ),re-euee and 1he.' im•1'denr5 Off 1L:unt Carne -l: the efts* in th, • en. vary the ,
went into 111dtn% seal remained, thereh_,- 11111..h for the proper for tire: 1t ,•men,unne of they xlsfrnrP, and I
•t 1. t fare the cm • - tinder which
for nearly three tears. dnrinz which wi;l les Interestin4 g •to contrast with ftp, cd�tnmirs m by means of
rime the land era- without rain. etas the prayer ..f the saute prophet . i
.l)1a), sent hither and thither in sear'dtf , n4.- pater. iaijah went 'up once more an •inse.nloirs and a :tiff of {ales•
of Elijah. but he could not he found. to the top ,•f ('armel. and prayed onto itlirnee. The Nee \ : Evening Run
Then etre day 11, -.ea. Maby Vend to the Land &.r twineThe prayer for fire i M. been yollecliff -me of these rea-
1o.and $Lew bins• -If 1„ Mo* end Ile was enswere4 at once: the prayer for trtnrent rd4$ I
would Pend refs . ution the earth. water was net. It wax offered aeveq ' .h1ttnn broth harry." says* a
When the mePtim ++ h- place -
betefe'e'n Moen before- the In'wer came. a nsrr.m'r. •Baa in the rain
the king and. the t'r•phet- the latter ••'I'h'rp�t$4-fa"nrgrttev to ma Doe• Make 16)02 run' - 'its the waiter. �
propose,' n trial t.aweets himself and 1.0-e a iti,'tl there erne nor. In the other: • I "RITft'teolt an. ,•ns." saes a en's- I
the prnidlets of Baal eight hundred The kinin was waiting; w. were 'the', tomer. "John 1 tt.ike Mtn a i
and fifty nt them 'lis prop*- )tlnn •'r.q,h*ts: 4n wPt4 th..-i-*pies it is an ,Grilnest!" shouts wetter,
1 was that the got that- answered hs 11nitreeeienteet crisis In the history of, "Wher`-. me t. I p.'1Ato?" asks e j
afire etnulti be (,.•1 Tho sucrestIon-ifie- nation. 1,r -the -emir et the trin-__:''ustemer ••Sirs. 1? r)'II y in a feel-
', pleased Ahab. A writer say. "t hint, the- -prnphPr-yeas--nb.n.-i tea lmntcdlii1e 4' n-Caa("' show- •he walt-er.-,_
that "he was ever: wickedly relttfons:' es t8t - on the 1 1 -"Tarn_ tried e:_-- 4ost't .fr -
Taee' part of the srb h` i`...�
the more alt47: tied grove(- the better was to he answered. Then 11 *tis (-hard:' •,', - a 4 -• .014.4. "Adam and
e► yea: altar upon altar. tint)) the pile' woo for Elijah himself h, 1w' tnnrht 1 F.t•e in tt.-- gsrwen) room., their „yea
resehe,l to heaven. ne.1 ereve after that h' was oily a stq.tdiaTt, not.the ; open '.-- shout,
j, rhe waiter.
grove. ninth the line mot its.?f Benin Lord. Elijah was but healon, and If , "P".1eh„d 111' on toast:' mpg a
+anndHtl.f"nrm.11' a rorluo round the
lie had always received the same in- ; (11'"" :4.r- '111-',10 and groom on sw, stantanPnns refry the) -was elven 1n raft "• -hoot' -he waiter.
-.,_--The__ chsil(tige was seeete4d by t--theease of Mit .fire tete eery i'a-er In "('htekHi ref"tnettes." sacs a restos
Ahab. and, the -proidiet' end rhr• rte '- r t+rapw--4�,1at' • Lay N..beet e�te02 ata-_�mer. "Mai' 1•..11:" shouts the w s1t„r.
p'.P wereweregathered together on alnnnt tion.•• __ i 'sffeeelfr-_amass a cnatomrh. _"f:en-
taulXora-reflex. %$14 44.- ttlde"� tan s4ojn�-17 1111 1.•n. that the rein .\tlemnn ant •. to take a rhfhr„'`4
'tine de.e•rihe, the sit„ Ir fRr' Win-rigr,r:r=-hewer.o a`'a-a;t`'m -Milts. Ahonth Ili •,seer, "I'll Imre hash,
firing: "One ran aearcely- Imn4lne 4 1' barite!! to hi, iaalner in Jezreel, and ton." says - .. ne=tu' 4.omPy--"tTr'-
-int better a,lr1).te4 f..r the thIli sonds he himsPlf_••dtviut•jp dins t.•d and per- 11thPr s;s•r hol/tt the wattPr.
of Israel to hlye stood drawn up on haps divinely nt.hel.!, ins'eed of rest• , "('les` k ' say. a rnstnmPr.
1than the.genfle slopes ar.alnd. The bag after the rte:irmr•t,1 nett fatigues "Let Iteral -,onto. the wafter.
roek shoots Fii. in an *11471 F--perpen- -nf tf )as=-• s«rd4•.1_ueohlo_ligns, 00.1 .'F'rankf,, and sanerkrant, good
MMeniir wail of more than two lnmd- ran in at4nao, nt the --ie rile sii'Fii,7. ; and hot.- _ a (•1141. mer. "Flan,
red feet In heght on the 4ble .d the ife thin showed him•P1f ready le `110'16 an.! !e of hay"' eleatirs the
vete of t's'IITei.,n. fin this std(, there- ennntenanee and npoold the irrex+4hitp 4111107: ^: em stzri..
fore. there we' no room for the gazing : menerl-h: If he *wild tun, noon his
multitude. but ea the other bend. this All eteirses. and-jmre,f to carry oat - EmeIenry
*nil made it risible over the
hole thenreligi •n4' reforrratr?nn which the 1 Our ides, a heipfu! 4114 1s the
lain, and from all the of the. tiny ha nnagurat4rl," ; Itrnntfer man who when the
twirl -its. so that even these left he----T1k' Rile,. cerunontflry. )"'dile• 4P felled Lim. res)., mi -
hind and who tied not aserndell ('ar- • -
Sore Throat
Gargle with Min-
ard's in water. Ales
take • half teaspoon
of Minard's in syrup
et night. Quick
relief soured for
hoarseness, croup,
quinsy and other
?he Great White
Liniment ea
/ /
m(1 would stip have been Otte to wit. ; "No Fltch(n4.r Record,.
nese et n„ great d)atanee, the fire ; WORLDftsSIONS THIS GREAT TONIC
from hoMth
vct. -that defelnded (n e 1 Ott our return fr�.m oar 1'174 fur-
clter.. Two hundred and fifty feet he- lough at the end a r1•alizilag that
11041)6 the Mint. platoon Is n VO 111 , the' thane 11:11 ',.me for advance lido
end eery nhul;,fant fnuntnln. While real native territory, and feeling
all other fenntltinw were dried np. T ' drea'n to Rnthnm. W4. Intimated to ,
earl. well soder-tend that there might our Council our aillinyle•,, t„ „14.11 it Simply Because It Enriches and
harp 1,0(13_,!'!lUd here -hat ember- , n).. and 4'4 -43ere ap) fur.,). .
nhnndnnc, ' wAferiytic tT- F,ttlafi l - n't r itt*rr rlT: Builds Up the Blood
pomp.) t !' `,i eIy o p7 e n1tAr." .04-'40.
1 111
A nor iw,..maiT tents ' iq'7tr-tr--'tte±- ter delOy or neglect
lro•nrvlfng EnlJtilee dire•iirin the In the grey,. ehox•n u*. At first that' u,"re dean 1* than in anaemia,
orplims of 11.,1) greeted their altar 5411• fnirty enmf.rtn1,1.0.• het .147rbig which m41111 ..,verty of the blieel. it
send 1111,1 its•• eterlfice and hour after i p
then r
ear the heat was j 1s very ion,. • in young girls and in
hour they .Yi}NI upon their god until nsOaiFy fifteens.
I recall o lying trans w w
ur ,ing on M t. a overworked or con-
the time of t1,.• evening snerifie,, hat rho floor of the tent inJhe hent of the fined within .ort it snake: 1114 ap-
"rtrere was 0 -'hee rake.- nor any to ; day with wet ("Wein on our L• ens. we + proarh in •- filthy n manner that 1t
en•d•er, nor any tbat regarded.' -Then - were Prevented from rent)ng or buy. 1 is area' A• dere/pod before its
It ens PHJnL's tern to prey' the Lord 1114 )property t)11 early in .tpril. when Presence is r•.-,,gnlzed. Itut taken in
441 -4 flsraeL_ ,jit* Mdrling Ant the we •oenr, f. through An n)rl indinn time there ;s a tonic that so onrtrhe*
pe`nl,le drew neer., In flint Rrea`f iia= 1 f-i-h'm- t-,swrl;_-Ratak, _gra.s>u'-tier luu}An,lpuriti.•- the blood that gond health
•'mh11- in'whk-h,4.o donht, Ahab wen • nnrney lune. with the Loos' ,h,selr and strength aloe comer to the form-
erotnnt. Mot,. was probably not erne surroinoting it mid twain4 off the sir. ler week •ifl10- k sufferer. This tonic
hot flhtidiah aha ass to ,eyippathy We chattel the people In their Is Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills, which for
n )th the pn,p?et. 'Tie 901 to work homes, hn4 n regular Sunday *eerie/. I years limo hose the most stiece,aftil
•.lith ht. nen hoods and chore Ant 110 the Inver- story of our hr04*r, to blond -bender known, and hare erndit
!'•r tostaring good henflh thnusantls
171,1 Hansa;;t., . of )44.1[)1' who harp
!offered fn,a, of the mane Btl-
shiat) ttlrls' crhnrt), fwin4 nfdr nfiM-e Rosins ilia! romp through weak.
time1 r. t 1 a root» f„r the ),nr).,4e waren 1d., -1
The next .1. ), 11 1. our Io•ing allow- The carr",•') m of annrmte enndt-
(,I re rent from the Stab. n put) of dens he Ar 1PIllfams' Plnk fills Is ns
the traveller: - h1in4alow, and oat Iw.. certain ea it,rthing can he. Au proof
althea was 111111 officinal' f4•'ogniz'd. orf (Les )s. Margaret A. Smith, "117"
it was n delightful change to get , 4(7.048, Ont., .gar: -"After kering a
*may from the hens.. in the city. ''se•vere attack of janndicP T was left
)411b. t„ ns foreignere nnplensnnrin n very weak and rnn-dawn eondi-
slrronndln4•. Some months litter iiie r tion. 1 an. -*Ie and my nPrr41 An
111th»„... 1140 Mobilo kindly con -emus! 4,14' 1 e"•, not slo.'p nt night And
n, sell n4 a.-tt( a•hleh is it most des)), won'd ', .• 1 turn for hours at A
4,1,14. sltnntton for miss)»* l•r.mis(P. n,• 1 41 y derided to fry Tor.
So the settlement of the mis'ton fit \Gilliam• 1 ir, 4111*. Rn,l soon I.rcnn
itntlate 1464+ gn)ned, which we. grins( In feel heft(t aad after (Rklri: n few
for 4rntitnd„ t., God. by whose per. more holt,, of the pills 1 fell ns •1( 114
mission priness rule and who 14190th es erre; and mold thoroughly enJly
Chet all men should bP 14144(41 snd come .m;y r4st 111 1 tilt. Now 1 oh%Ala ye -
ft) the knowledge of the '1'tiiih. 1f. 104mmen,! 11,.,. p111* to enc frbond*
by ell we went through--riboomfnrls who may he sitter"
of the Frady snd entletle. of the j Meter .148011, steady non-(' fmprnv-
minrl-k hA. ho'n mB,M r•nsi0r fornppr•tirc.:r.3p1 P4 414nr hese
thole, who fnllowpd us to Ra1n e„tNa iesn tap yours h tnkin4 Pr "1.1111111am*'
Men? in Gm native stet's of ('.otrnl Pink PIP. Hecht them today Ps ld
indite we are very 4retefn1.-airs. 3.. 111• all medih-ine defers. or ht mill
f . enm)rhPI1.. Rouyn.
cents a I.A= from Thp
Piet all Ad In The fig a) yedlrinP ('n., Ttrw'k-
Rnal-lt pByn �
tW,'14"4" 4100P. ole for Pneh trlh„, wblrh mfr nM4hhors and others forth-
, von thonih Rt that elute the kingdom 'r neat .wont) drop In..'nrried on n
wee- 4 7144-t, smell ,ltspensnrr, end 1 started a
Hnrinq ,•••1t?l1'ted all ht. arrRnfP-'
monis P4'n t., 11t* thornngh Prinking
of tis' tilndfiiic be dr'-' near, and
r.tnye.1 thus •-Lord Aar) of Ahrnlrnm.
`Deter, and of lsrsel, let 1t 14* known
fr4very 10 (
Packet of
C fieri "`t'CHEti'
Clean to handle. Sold by 160+
i)rugpi-4,4, Grocers and
General "orals
Back was so Weak
Could not Turn in Bed
A study of symptoms enabled this lady
to obtain complete relief from Kidney
This letter describes a remarkable
ezperienet' which Mrs. Landry had
with Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
-Because of their unique action on
both the liver and kidneys these
pills frequently relieve complicated
ailments ehieh puzzle the family
doctor. 'flag point is well Illustrated
in this vase.
Airs. 1':, 41a Landry, Gracieville,
Richmond Co., N.S., writes: -
"After tie birth of my first child,
.ny back eel very weak and kept
getting wrse, until it was so had
that I could not turn in my bed
without h•dp, 1 consultee) five
doctors, leo to no avail. One day a
friend gave me Dr. Chase's Almanac,
in ween I read of cases similar to
mine being_sueceaufully relieved by
the use of K. & L. Pills and started
to take them. I was so broken
down and depressed that 1 felt 1
did not care to live, but after taking
the pills 1 began feeling very muc
better and kept on taking them until
I had obtained thorough relief. I
would not now be without them and
always keep a full supply of all Dr.
Chase's Medicines on hand, as in a
anion country place, where often it is
extremely difficult to get a doctor In
case of need, Dr. Chase's Medicines
often successfullyy fill the gap."
Dr. Chase's Kiting -Liver Pills --
35 cls. per box, all dealers. or The
Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Company.
Limited, Toronto, Canada.
This Is Snyder's Sani-bilt Week
on Chesterfield Suites
lh have been appointed reptie•ntative in (:odcrich for this
.••;1-kr.••x'n Mit ionull,-adve•rti-• •1 1444 If I'tts'•terlidt1 Luft,
Duril g the week of September 17-24 a special is being offered in
these Suites at $199. The regular price as $2&O.
t'.• „• in and toll: the tuatter Ute r with u'. 1 - is a rare
0lt)4•rt 1'', t.. -.slue a. -here'*' -pi' C•lieete•rtield snit.• upb„1-
-fere.! 1.1-1, r imported - mohair with. revere d.; • isle -item,- at
furniture la1 Meuse Fursishia`s ••09en Ito Cheapest aad Always tie Best'
I knew timid come back for more
You can Look
Forward to
Winter Driving
without worry
if' You remem-
ber that - -
Gives Positive
Protection to
Your Cooling
"You say you get smoother action -
a more willing, more flexible engine?
Yes Sir, you would.
"Uniform quality, uniform cleanliness,
uniform action- all of the bcsr ;-
that's British American Super -Power
"When ynu run your power -plant on
Super -Power you'll always get the same
results because the THOUSANDTH
"When I went into the gas -and Dir
business it didn't take me long to tie
up with "British- American," They
have a reputation for quality products,
fair dealing and excellent service -
the same kind of service I am
endeavoring to give you.
"They sure know how to satisfy the
appetite of a gasc'one engine -with-
out giving it indigestion.
"Goodbye Sir, Good luck ! And
tell your friends about Super -Power
Gasolene." 36
Above Alt
We Are For
safety 1