The Signal, 1927-9-22, Page 5Flies Spread Disease
Use Fly Sprays to Eradicate Them
Flyocide Fly Tox
Flit Flyosan
Monday and Tuesday
A pair of lambs running wild with a
ask, of wolves for one riotous New Year's
sve. See Broadway's play -life in
Pattie Coneedy
in a Marshall Neilan hunwn interest
Comedy -drama of life back -stage. The
theatrical background is particularly well
done in
Bobby Vernon Comedy
Friday and Saturday
The grinning cowboy from Tessa is back
with a saddlebag full of new tricks and a
thrilling tale of the West.
__ Matinee Saturday at :1 p. tit
I have for.aale and nconnrnend
the purchase of
First Mortgage ,i Sinking Fund
(ioki Bonds, dated August 1st.
1"27. Due August 1st, 104,. {'rice
$91+.54, and scented interest. \'field•
Mg over 111-10 per cent.
Hamilton and Newgate Streets
Piton. 476 God.rieb
For Friday
and Saturday Only
Men's and Boys' Sweaters at
Reduced Prices
-Mese-$2.50 Working
Sweaters in all -wool. Dark
grey, brown and $1.69
heathers, at ....
Men's $5.00 fine knitted
all -wool Sweater Coats, in
plain fawn, oxford, heath-
ers or fancy $3.95
checks, at
Boys' all -wool Sweaters,
all sizes, at 89c $1 25
and -
ST. AIY.USTINE). Sept. 20. -Miss
Jean Wilson returned home on Thura-
tiay last after a two weeks' visit with
Detroit and 'London friends.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyle and fam-
ily were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Shanahan. of Ilullett, on Sunday.
Missies. ltebeoca and Lucy Thompson
left • on Monday morning for North
Ray, where they will attend Normal
Mr. Win. Wilson made a business
trip to \\'ingham on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Parka, of Dungan-
non. were the guests of )Sr. and Mra.
Mason McAllister on Saturday last.
Mr. Jas. Wilson atter spending the
week -end with friends here returned
to Shakespeare on Monday morning.
Anniversary- services were heldlan at
Donnybrook church Sunday lh
were well attended hath afternoon and
Do your yhoptsing this week,
as store will Is. dosed on Mon-
day, Tuesday ami Wednesday,
September 26, 27 and 28, on.
account of Jewish holidays.
spent a week at Itis cottage, returned
to Toronto, ea 'htets,lay.
Weekrend yialtots at the cottages
were Mr. and Mr.. R. T. Orr and fam-
ainfly, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ii.
Robinson and famlh : )Ir. and Mrs.
W. H. Manners and faintly ; Mr. and
cruriser and ; Dr
losing such valuable nctghbon as Me.
and Mrs. Ityan have been.
The Wert Wawanoah school fair
.wlll be held 'un Saturday of�hla week
at St. Helens.
There was quite a barite turnout at
the Anglican church total Sunday
1 daughter avenins, it being their harvest Itaowe'
Mn. F. 0• service.. erry. 'l'hc• res tor. ►tee. S1' }:. B
and )Ira. Alexander rind George Alez sI i•mhluctrtt the aervke.
Mrs. Garrison,, of Goderielt tOwL.
ship, Is visiting her aunt, Silas
Phomas Hackett, se'ond son of
Alexander Hackett, Reeve of Ashtlelel
township, oast with a painful seeldent
whip• assisting in unloading alfalfa
hay at his linos. The hay was being
unloaded by m,sins of a hayfork when
In some maunertthe unfortunate young
man got the augers of his left Baud
caught iu the pulley. The second lin-
ger nos ev,mlih'tely amputated, while
ander, London:
Mrs. 'rambling and two daughters
have returned to Lw `fin• 1 avin spent
past six weeks al IS
son's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. F 1,: Tdwarda. Ploy
Edwards and itucy Woods. little Miss
Miriam Fisher and \Ir. G. M. Fisher
motored to Klneontine and visited
friends on SupdaY.
Mrs J. Munn. of Seuforth, called on
friends In the village nn Monday,
BAYF1EI.1t. Sept. 20. -Dr. and Mra.
P. Maelwuntl, who have spent the
Past few weeks In Jowett's Grove, left
for Clinton on Sunday end will visit
there before going to their home in
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Jowett and Mrs.
E. 1'. Merner motored to New Dundee
n Sunday and visited Mimes Izetta
PORT ALBERT. Sept. 20. -Messrs.
Glen and John McLeod.
1Mich., Mich., ac• -
from P Tmo
by Mra. .1. A. Green and of Toronto. and the R. \\'. (,r
win John on the return trip on Satur- Master. J. J. Hunter of Ktnoardine.
day.were present and gave addresses. A
Niles, Audrey 'Hawkins. of Rlpth. I number of visitors from the ladies'.
spent a new days with her aunt, Mrs.I larges of Goderlch and Kincardine
W. O. (trey• here attended i.on-+also were present. and after the 'vork
A number freogs
e I of the !edge was concluded a 13104441,' I
dun Fair last week. reps rine wens +Vent.
No donut everyone will he glad to I '
the others were badly crushed,.unel It
will be Mime time before -he will hay's:_
the use of his hand.
L.0.1... No. (171, Dungannon, had a
big night on Monday. when the R. W.
Grand Mistress, Mrs. George Keuuedy
learn of the Improvements being made
on the had curve of the north hill In
n this village
)fernrr and Ethel Jowett.
Miss Selma we t. a GenttnPr, who has been i NVIIIT'F)n11UR1H, Ills -'Mr. and
Mrs. E. N. Hart and son, Ted Hart. rlaltn^ 6er sisterg lir+. Roy Frltzley, I vra Maher 3th1, Sept.S.11 an Mr. and
of London. are sienna -frit )oro[ seek at er home in Patin- t
has returned to 1[Mrs. Wm. Cassllek'. of Tee•swaler, /VIM
their cottage. Miss Dorothy Hart wood• Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer spent
returned home on Sunday. Mr. Tom GiPa. of TFunRnnnnn, is Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. John Fal -
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Shannon, of
Toronto, Mrs. TA' Roy Hiles and
hahe and Mrs. Jennings, of London,
who vent this month in the former's
cottage at Lakeside Park, returned to
their homes on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kerr,
Whtthy, arrive[ on Saturday and
spen,Mnr a week'- honeymoon with
\irs. F. W.'Baker.
Mr. Geo. Stanbury. f tewart and
Kenneth Stanhury, of Ezeter. are
-among a few days at the former's
Mr. and Mrs. Wightman. of Detroit,
are occupying their enttage (formerly
Mrs. Cowles home),
Mrs. R. I.. Monkhouse returned
Toronto on Tuesday to spend
A large number of Western the
Ezbibition on
tended the field's civic
Thursday last, it heiuR Iia,v
Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Abery bare re-
turned to their home at 'hondesboro'
after spending the summer in Mrs.
Stothers' cottage at iAkeside Park.
Mr. Wm. I.. Cameron. of Detroit. is
Ivlsiting his father. Mr. A. Cameron.
Mrs. Thigh Maclaren and family
"Jack wa+Tierd ap last night by two have returnedto tlwlr home at Port
men" I i't in visttect Mrs. Madi.aren's
All tbe
camping hT tli•laaelhie oars.
Mr. Geo. Green. „f Gexterleh, spent
a week with relatives here.
Harvest home services will he held
In Christ church on 0,•toher 9. morn-
ing and evening.
Mr. Chas. Dodds.. of Golden Valley,
Parry Sound, 1s visiting with his aunt,
Mrs. Peter IA.aver.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Harris and Mr.
Fred ('lull. of St. Marys. and Mrs.
'Ogilvie. of Toronto. spent the w'ee•k•-
AS$FIELD Iene1 with their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
(John Clubh.
d Among those who attended London
wan. ar..D. Sept. 19. -Mr. John i Fair from these {arts last week were
Mean, sr.. neenmpeni••d by his dough.
I \(r . JAR. Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs.
tern. Mrs. Charlie S„bh and Mrs. \tans Cornelius, )fins Irene Mnnre.
,Ewart. Jamieson, attended the funeral' Mess Wm. Bee.'r,ft. Mr. and )Iris J.
of Mr. Cowan's slater. Mrs. Walker of D..Beecrntt. Ernest and Florence. Mr.
Ingersoll. on Sunday keptemtor 1Cth.
Darold S!11r1InR. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
We are pleased to Is. able to report , G+,dkin end Alex. Coulter.
that Hiss •idly Macl�euzie, who under- I Mr. Wm. Iluwthorne•. of dtrantfnr'k
the Western Fair. Lriud+dt. last week.
went an operation a month ago In I is visiting his sisters. Mrs. Kerr and I Mr. Stanley Todd and Miss Sera
Alexandra SIospltay C",lertch. arrived 'Todd visited London and other points.
has made a I Mrs. Jos. •Holmes.
home on Saturday Mrs. Chas. R'ightman spent last over the week -end.
splendid recovery. week with her elalight(r. Mrs. Jas. } )ir. Frank Todd's Aberdeen Miens
QTc. John West, Mr Hugh Jr.. r. I Brigham. of Blcth. 1 cattle arrrred home Sonnet te'. bring -
ale. Mr. 'Duncan Mae- ' jr.. Mr.I Mra. ydneGregor And Roc were in lInsest their laurels with them.
Harry-.feDonald. 'M Alvin Collinson 1 Rev. Ii e
and Mr. Elmer Mr. and Mrs. Ru
London Exhlh'tlnn. ten. of Detroit. 1s ford• spent the
Miss snails Ramp , parents here.
her .many friends in %ahflel'i and Mn. F
visiting I Mr.
and at Ripley. R llmer. 'if:
f Lueku
Hiss Stink., Ma0D„nald, ntrse, ofiwIth Nlr. Gen. and
.rr+ v .s • 1lste ! +l+l,i l,.g a
$4. �yi�ar r esu t'
Thursday, September 22. 1027.---4
Cash Discount System
and Mi
way home .""_SBelltsr�•tted.
X;�Xt�sXyt��q�rt�dlrfltriflof�afltt _ X
Misses' Winter
mother. Mrs. Wm. Stirling. Ins. who
Professor - 'Awed C. "lodging.
Coats that Are Different
EVER before have m nute, the colors most beautiful,e to lthe qualit the
ou. The
styles aasseuring
s. The new
Co best,oa in aiw wonderfulselection tof all purchasehe w cloths nuvellabloom,
Coats come in woods
possum, int, del broadcloth, all All the new featuresltrimmed
shown also the
op -
possum, mandel a
newest shades. We
invite you to make your selection now. hey are
most attractively pr
Wonderful Fur Coat Values Girls Coats
\\'e have a nice ..election of Fur boats for
Good quality velours, tweeds, mar -
yon to choose from in Mendoza Deaver, French vellas and duvetynes. All -wool in a nice
Seal and Persian I+nmb. Some are trimmed range of colors. Lined throughout. Sizes
with squirrel and sable; others have self 3 to 14 years.
Men's and Young
Men's Overcoats
We have just rtceived:a ship-
ment of men's ad young men's
Overcoats in the season's latest
materials of chinchilla, Barrymore
cloths and fancy tweeds. They are
semi -lined with satin and plush.
Latest styles and shades.
Come in and see these while
the range is at its best
New Fall Dresses -.
See our new line of misses and
ladies' Fall Dresses of Rat crepes. satin
crepes, georgette and wool jersey ma-
terials. They come in the season's new-
est shades and styles.
Simple, Self -Working Plan that Saves
You Money on Every Cash Purchase
0 N satur,lay, .epteiuta•r 17th, we are
inti lotting a new system of CASH
For each and every 25e. you spell.) in this+
store , xeept on sugar; 'lour ami feed), on
and after that -date. you will_wee'ive a-l'A"H
You can then Use these BONDS in this
etOre ju-t the stole as money. \\'e will re-
deem then,. ert their lull 1;ere value-- at
any time -in Any numher-on 'any purchase.
These BONDS mean an additional Ilia-
ooent on prices that always represent the
• highs' -t v:tlue� obtainable in quality of goods,
and of service.
'There are no strings -no eonelitionu.
Just make sure you get your BONDS -then
cash then[ here whenever you are staking
purchasr. .
No-ThxiftY.- Buycr Can Afford to Overlook
the N orth-While Savings these Bonds Offer
Groceries and Dry Giants
Phone 1i6 Kingston Street
Cash Discount Bonds Save You Money
wr Ii DIA. 1R, petit 10 -St. Helens'
mmunity was well represent.e,F :It
chltfl ld Mrs. Whitfield.
'l Reid. of Brant- Mrs. 'lark. Miss Annie ('lark. \irs.
r • n ' Niagara 'last week.
'W,•st attended the s
wePk•en,f with his 1W. E. Gordon. 'Mrs. ltobinw,u Woods 1
and Mr. W. 1. Mille' attended
Wroxeter atdthe
red "MacDonald and Presbytery meeting
ow. rp eta Sunday )lnndev.
HA \h eplold• I 'Mrs. F.. Cranston ai 'nt the •week -
Hamilton. is enjoying her holidays at
the hone of per brothers. Alex. and
Tom MoieDonald. near Lochalsh.
Mr. Ilan Cameros of Detroit. to
visiting his brother. Mr ilunetin ('am-
eron. and his many other friends in
•slrfle ,1
The reception he n
end at Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. G. gtuart attended the
wedding reception of Mr. and Sirs.
Need McGregor at Htntoilon Friday
AltTtl'RlN. Sept. 20.- Mrs. J. John -
week -end with the former's daughter, i tight.
Ston mud \blas }:..1. Blair sliest Edea Mr. JAW* SitiFartane: who lies (uvr-
1.1111P4•41 n TAM A few miles front Rinse
ld 1 Milton hall I
V e Mr. Fred \IaeGregor nn I Sl \f and Sit
for .
rs. Bop 'Porn'' of SI11ehel1. I "Id.tilowwb with his ta/ul•
Mr. 8114 r
Friday night. September
.. J. Stoltz and Mrs.
)ir and Mrs. McFarlane hnvr been
splendid sae, -s. Over e
Itis esus n I W"5- De.. weer the guests
of )Ir. residents of onr vlelnits for over f, nr
wn linndrrd
Pnjnrr, 1 1 enolase of th r•omnnuu c t1
have n'tnrned from Torontai
and am now pn'partd to du dress-
Fina -claw service at reasonable
prices. Wedding or party dnwea a
Miss Sangster
at Mrs. J. atraeian's, Huron Roel,
S1 Itr.. saes. of Kitchener. Musa 1. 1110 year.. And we regret to see them ¢+,.
were present and dancing .vac I whn has three
visiting her Rt• - I - -
The hest wishes P
i until the early hours of the morning• I cots for three weeks, returned with with Them to their new hump.
\flee lunch an Address in the yo ne them.
roipiP wan react by Mr. Male•dm Mae-
New Fall Hats
; Miss Bertha Wagner loaves whn+
T.POOAII and a ,eelldlllel ; ' tens' week to attend 'Stratford Normal
handed to them be Mr. RNonremmIttal
Rod SineLen• wIl 1 I -,For "herr nnne„n,tnittnlism. the Iw„
non with the Ira wi+hes of all pre>rnt••
Slr it. McLeod. of Stratford,. spent little negro ts,S+ `yin couldn't rind
1 tc- i t Ad r,s•riyrd n
Mr. MacGregor replied flttlnc y. e.
pressing ills anor'" iatlon of the hand-
some gift and the kind thnnghts and
good 'dishes for himself and h1+ wife.
DUNIGA-NNON. $,•pt. 21. -Mrs. Will
Elliott and dauglder Beryl, of New
Liskeard, who hate been vi.itlnR the
former's mother, Mrs. J. ityan. for
the past two mouths, left for their
home last Saturdlwr.
Mrs. T. G. Allen returned home on
Tuesday after a two weeks' visit al
Toronto and Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. G M. McKenzie and
Master Malcolm and Mr. Hishon mo-
tored to Stratford last SatunIay
Mrs. Wallace and daughter. of Cal-
gary, are visiting 111 the home of Mr.
and Mra. Jas. Hamilton.
Mr. Ik,hlitt, of gotten Valley. called
on friends here lie-; week. '•s
Mr, and Mrs. F,I'-ar Thompson. of
the week -end with his parents. take the ente. tS,un,o 1
iBorn-on September 14th. to Mr. hook from the flirisnnestree. and aa+
and Mrs. Geo. Lawler. n daughter. being questional lei- his little friend.
Mrs. Wm. Meld. of (:oelerleh. is the itnsttls .
inn -T Of liar sister; Mrs. A Itetle,R+,tt WIMP Oh vo• book?"
1 Mrs G. i Sturdy attended �- Samba Arrntlufi
Walkerville. return,.1 home last Fri-
day after a short ti -It with the form-
• Ts. m. - -- T9:='Sfts.�trn.'
We are pleased t,. report that ,Swiss 1'ARAMOT"NT. Sept
Cathcart (s weneling a week will,
Ninhe( Thnmlesf1n• wLo returned hone ,I friends In Detroit.
from the Gndertch I,oepltal lest Wed Mr. Donald McKenzie. of Detroit. is
nesdAy 1e r1nlnR nicely. I visiting his parents. Mr. and Sirs.
er�s mother, M W Thompson,.
e ed • e"l the title know"
the funeral of Mr. C. Lovett, of ('Inn- ' Ingly. then shot, d the book under
tun. on Tuesday. Basins' nave. saying': 'lbw ye' h:'
On Wednesday of last week. at the I RnshtA took a coni look. noel e[.
Goderieh manse Rev. It. C. McDermid etnimw}. "i lm 1s. i-n't 11''
united in holy matrimony Mr. Fronk 1
Itr.itlibc and MIs Janet Thorn. of Col-
borne' township. After the ceremony e
reception was held at the wane of the
brides parents. Mr. and Mrs. \S'm.
Thom. for the immediate relatives of
the contracting parties. Afterwards '
the happy couple loft .by nmtor for ,
Kitchener. Toronto and other places.
On their rctnrn they will resile nn the
groom's farm Past of Althorn. The
(lest wishes of the eoattnnnll}- follow
them to their new lineal,.'3trntMnl, i+
Sirn hHenderson.fi1o
visiting her friend. Sirs. Manning.
The regular Iwo:rhly meeting of I .\lac (. \hTvenzle.
the Women's instfnu, will be held nt (,o,leriell
the home of Nits e'• C. Brown on 1 Miss Fraser. of Detroit. Is the ¢neat n to, 1 n'
ThuMdny, Septaons•. I 1 Don. Mid 1
, d nalll 00141141
West Street Hardware 1
Repair Parts for All
Makes of Stoves
See our range of Quebec
Cook Stoves and Heaters
l d,er 29th. nt of Sirs •
o'elnek. The t " elghtiorlineas" \1r. 1t .%. Grant. .\Ilan errant and.' r ---.
I itot \ieliav left last \ edsteRelay on a ! -_
artair1n to th,• VI est.
\iL s 1ass1 - 1. v011'0112 her
Is to he taken by WS. T. Ross. Thr
11 tohe noses, (ed-bT.e'n ow I f rirlP t h 1 i It hr.
)ir e
roll ea
1 Hind,-
n it'A-nn 'stings.- other. ler. ' 11:1ty. of Hamilton
amPltzer, of ' r c S t' s -
U.•. J. Snvnic . Ills. .tunic Mett"nnld. of Hamilton
I in¢ his rintt¢hter' 14 visiting with frieuTs nt le,e•tt-Dish.
chic Rev. Mr. Potty 1- visiting friends 1Mr.isKandy McLennan. of Detroit, is
The new Fall Hats are C`�1C }lead- Inn London this w,ek. t•lof his cuter in rof T$'Iw.
hugging mod^_Is. Cut designs in felts, There will is no s''^+IPP In the song
showing inserts of velvet, are one of the I Henn aimed neN4 `elms!• owing to I \11•w.s .\file 1Gesa mild ,011i1PPn
IT� rigs of Toronto. enol \lis+ Irene
newest and most interesting character- the
absencenumbern[ fain„ 'he r• Preshy tensa , Moore, of White, hitch were Inerts
d SCC these charming church herr were entertained by the 1 of Hr. .Task Henderson hist week.
Mts. Mat Johnston, of Toronto Is
tl*Itw:R with her »,rentl at ranrler.
\piss \tort ('ook IR visiting friends ,
at l'Inf lRier.
All.. Thonrn<on. Vito wens Betting
with Sirs Sem. f'. 1.1.41111. has fc
inn,,•,1 •+, neer home in Pennsylvania. I
1stics. Come
in an
Hats, You will be delighted with them.
Young People's e:n at Lnrknnw on
Monday night. 11 't congregations
took pert In the I" -ram, which con -
-.POWs and dithM'
,o ---- 1 Ogre(' of mn•Ir.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September
forms of enh.r:,,lnment. Refresh -
This }nes ay
store will be closed on Mon mrnM were served n' the ewfo.
26th, 27th and 28th, on account of the Hebrew holidays.
I 1Its kin) s ' IICret'°' (AP
' \ 11
_ N. l The also th of Fronk M. -Char rR nr
Mr. and Mrs. Fred iRis w err 1 Wednesday, SrnTentlt'-l' 7th. MI gamut!,
Tn of Mr, nnSOulnla , It beingntheI1tis home'nn the hnndnr' of .t.t fl.1'I
I nt dneknnw on
golden w•e1dinR anniversary of Sir. de'
The Therswal was s+
ar as"'luted with t n
j mid Mrs. I ('ratsr.rd We emigrate. i,'t,' Thomas 81nrien.midAbine"lin kit for
' late them on baring renew,' tills 1 tenni.
SHOP that the of we,l ens life versa to enjoy j, hnrl1efarmedcliout 'he 'Intl11''lris1Illnessl,nl tear
WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO 'liar they may Ir pa h*i Ile wn• n member of Itdpler
"SHOP I moor titan drape y'an
Phone 418 �M�+ �' e f anis 1 OO F' lir fa snrNrr•d by his
end ;Hen's wen West Side of Square
I Sir. and Sirs ikrry Ryan At
I •n'
I this k having I wife and' one son (Nicer. The fnn-
,s •"mrvsrr�'F tsCMf'"r,34fft'?w
inning to Gmleris'h t t a we'' u
purchased a hnttse thotl. We regret seal tank plass to Rip'.ey eemetrry.
s}rttn: war nw)ffr'Nf4rrrrxrt'}FNt1iWirPITIV"aMt,sen,wrwv
. .. .,•.r +.'�e. '-" ,. v.. »:�. ..," ..:. e,. .±•arv'aww *a�ery ,»tern �. ,+is r,,.rr.r,�^w fir, +r *. 1�'ao
1'.��':xs:':;:i#t«u: ,wrrrw '^a't•Ai'tt t-+.1)!n;r rte ( �'l lar !e tik7r' .)..!i s 'rk'. 11'f "b.'1iswtxvtk'd fate"i+"'ria':tr559i419'' 8)j- mmae,sr=-iaiii;fi
Winter is really a delightful time.i
When we prepare for it properly a iitl
Frosty nights and crisp days. "
Even snowy. blowy days-.
Are enjoyable when there is warmth
and cheer indoors.
If you want to have ■ good time at
the ", 'inter Garden Show ordering
(;et ready for it today by
your winter supply
via roue
For Good Clean Coal
Phone 98 - Goderich
ew Fall Footwear \
patterns, and first-class I
Snappy lasts. smart P
leathers all combine to make the season's, ;aa
neweeat Shoes very attractive, assuring style
and quality at very moderate prices.
"Our Windows Tell the Story.'
BOXES, ETC., always in stock
Phone 158
W. Reg. Sharman