The Signal, 1927-9-22, Page 44
4-Tirursiety, September '.,Z. lffe'T.
• �f
Notice the smart men
-the prosperous men-
the popular men
They're mostly Fashion"=Craft
tailored men. For whether a man
buys for appearance or from the
sheer business instinct of looking
for value, Fashion -Craft suits are
preferred for their outstanding
Suits by HON-e8A t
from OKO Worsteds
W. C. Pridham & Son
"The Store frith the Stock'
Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 51
Smart Felts
Velvet Hats
We invite you to call
Universal MillineryNorth Side Square 1, ,.1, tit l
at our risk and learn, m1 Oval/untie
hhaarree•• .t.hat Mrs. Sybinv 'rl•ahr'.r
Tonailitia treats s 0 -re , .oac
quinsy, clap, cough, bronchitis,,
catarrh, be meld& oath/wand tnn-
sil trnublee successfully. tioderich
7tf' ituyS F Il�lOtoe.
' NILE. Sept. 21.--.Yfay Volum rill-
uigan h•ft 011 Mondar to attend the
$tratfurd Normal School.
Mr. Earl Bogie and ciiater Jean were
Stanley i'talturs at the home of Mr.
Dail Bogle.
1' •ncrnttlntion* *et. ezttruded to
v: u.d Mrs. herb. Pentland ou the
birth of a baby boy (Ronald 1:1n)n)
Inn Thursday. September 13th.
The tale' Guild held their monthly
meati::^ at the home of Mrs. Harold
' \t.•llwai11 "n Tuesday of this wek.
louring the •lupslness part of the meet.
Ihug 1t w as decided to hold a borne-
1111/d0 hakiug stile fp Coderhh on Sat-
urday. October let. __-___
Mr. :inti Slrs. Underwood and two
t hiidr. u. of Wroxeter, Mrs. Begley
and Miss Matnel Smith, of Dungan-
non. were Sunday visitors at the
home ..f Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McPhee.
1' •.'rget Rally Day In Nile Sab-
!.a;:. - 1 on Sunday. September
,,a_e I t
I•e. leen ut
I,•:nt 1loustott.
Rarer, Iteth
.11011, t\aMaN{
1:, rre.l Rock*--
. Erie Quail,.
‘1,1.),,,i„. KPa-
c. Ketltle•n
Frank ABM.
t �`••utiouc
ford Dural, 1:
three - Nelson St
Murray Hardy, ,
'McPhee. \4hin-
1.inkhtter, Net-
Duro.. Verne Je ,
Loretta Kt•rr, £, !
Nelson Slouldei, I'
nerh \1'illiatas
Trudali, .\Ira
Isabel Roberts,
Inciters! McWnio :
blTF -1
spring cult -
It11tle,l)e. Herta; I.
Carman Schultz. \i
ter broken colt- \' '
Schultz. Wilms. 1•
Manly, Keith }. _
-a'anuan Ate+, -
Frauk Horton,
Rutledge. Hera, •
-lamer Fisher, I i Fisher.
}'C? i•r
\ptAea -i`►rh t;..hort+on. Thos.
Lawlor. .Baaaun Lean, Frances
GODERICH TOWN)i111P. Sept. 20. Houston. llama .h •t, . ' iilforit Intent.
1-r.'ft'rat from around here attended ColleetIun of d.•:, t:ihlea - Willie
(the Louden Fair last week. ' hardy,
-Liss Ella $owerbr, of Westfield, l)OM'r'!ST(d' w'iE\CE
spent the week -end with her parents, Raisin pie- 11arzaret Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sowerby. Mary H.ntstoe, Itchy 4:rrtngton. W11-
'Itxn' or tete rthfiner% to side lo(.tity R•• ++t!" Zsa t ' ' ' m ttszet law-
are busy plowing after the recent fur. i►Ark lanr •:r6.• NIsegoret Mit-
rale. Shoat of the fall wheat is sewn. shell. Clayton )! :."d Willa Bolton.
'tand suave is already up. Mildred Sallow(= 1tArc Houston, Nor -
Mr: Wm. Fuller attender( the Ion- ma Hits liotaeu::. i, •':uly-MarJorle
don Fair and purchased a new thresh- Stratighan, Het-, (:Islet, Margaret
ing• outfit. . I Mitchell. I)orotnr Watson. Ruth
Mr. and Mrs, W. Reid and Mt. Dural, Kathleen Williams. Tea his•
Sarah. of Bstytlrht, 'visited at the cults -.Alms !n lois. Helen Bisset.
home of Mr. and Mrs, llobt. David- Ruhr Erringteo. Er,•trn 11111. Pearl
[eon on. Sunday. Lawlor. Rernki• H oe:trth. Muffins -
Mr. and Mas. Wm, Brownlee and Sadie •)funnhi a Mary Bisset. Helen
awn daughter& Misses Velma and McPheo. Enke 1 tine. Beth McPhee.
• Iseult Penga n,
• Hardy. flal-
l:err, Carman
;•,ly;e. Murray
Market laws
p?,y Ills Horton.
,;u:tid Wilmer
}hr run hoer
No. 2; Isobel Robertson, 8. 8. No. 3;
Phyllis Hor•.tuu, 8.8. No. 9. -Parade
-8. 8. No. 2. 14. B. No, 3, 8. 8. No. 1.
U. 8.11, No. 1, 8. 8. No;' 4, 8. . No. 9,
8. 8. No. 7.
A trophy, donated by the T. Eaton
Company. Limited. of Toronto, for the
pupil winning the highest nugtber of
point* at the school fair, was award -
tit to, Nelson Mouldeu. S. 8. No 3,
l0.-8. Nu. 3 w011 the shield awarded
for the school haring the highest num-
her of points per pupil.
Mr. Erneat Colborne. of Pontiac,
lllc•h., was a week -end visitor 1n town.
jars, (luta. (Arvin to visiting her
brother, Mr. Samuel Ferguson, Got;
tie. •
Mrs. Thos. $warts 1a visiting. her
4011. 1)r. Edgar. Swart'. at C6age.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Re14 spent sev-
eral daya test week with fried% at
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Edwards. of Lon
don, are Airlines their non, Mr. H. T.
}:d utaerie.
Mrs, W. Walker, Mrs. (Major)
Sloth and Mr. Leighton .Walker spent
the week -end at Toronto,
Mrs. J. 4'uthherteion has returned to
het home at New Liskeard after a
visit with icer relatives here.
Mrs. lrnbt. Buchanan, of Sheppard-
work- aft a visit- to .bar.
former home at Ittte•hanan, Rask.
Mr. 1h.tiglaa Nairn left on Satur-
day for Toronto. wher:' he has entered
..0 tete study of law at Osgoode Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Breckenridge and
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Bryve. of Ripley,
visited Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Winmlll.
Miss Sangster has returned from
Toronto. where she .pent two weeks
attending the dreamt/eking openings.
Mr. t:. I,. Parsons, manager of the
1 Mahe!. of Goderich, visited at the Thos. Lawlor. Tans -Mildred Fat- t:d lerlch Elevator Co.. lett on Top*
home of Mr. Wm. Jennings and Miss lows, Erie Qnn Nelson Moulden, 'lar on • business trip to Chicago,
imlutit and Winnipeg.
Meatus, Gen. Gould, Wm. $x111^ and
J. Iktstow attended the meeting of
the Pre,'hrtere of Huron of the United
(shunt at Wroxeter on Monday.
Church was beautifully 4 -,orated for lt•�tdertson. Marc.rr••e Mit-Rett.lttttlr and Mew N. F. TomltnttAn, Mr.
the occasion with flower. and birds Durso -XVIII* B• :' 11: I ti I'ettman, M. Wllker. RA . and Odra. Witter. of
Next Sunday being Rally Par in Norma /MIL, witClarh
moat, • were weekend visitors
I.'ninn church- Punday iehI!d and fir WIN(: with Mr. and 'Mrs. Oscar Wtnmlll.
' church will he held! together at 3 Crock/WA Lei --1-,ttna Hln, Pearl Mrs. Sadie Johnston. of Roston. and
p m. Rev. M. C. Parr will here•lnr. Sample ••' Ilse fancy stilt -heti Mips l5 ttt.1 Johnston. of Tornntn,
were r►sitors the poet week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Jame,' Dawson. Mr.
anti Sir (i . A. Tlawann antt Mt ti.
Dawson. all of Detroit. were vtrdtora
with relatives in town over the week-
Miss Florence Smith. atter open/lint
• ewiug at Wroxeter nn Monday. Tyndall.. Matebel patch on flan- the samme-r with her parents. Mr. list
Mr. and Mrs. ,Urs McDowell and nel.•tt,-•-Margate• Mitchell. HASP) Mrs, Arehnr Smith. Ittt on Mnndat' fo
rhttdren--were I.dwdesboro',rliJtora on Lawler, Isobel P..'-•'rtad'n; Era Pett- resnmP her duties on the staff Of 1Aa•
Sunday. man. Myrtle (toed F.rI Qnald. Home sae College at PoitghktPtoele. N Y.
Messrs. J. t•. Ellis and Emmerson made apron -1st-'.. Robertson, Mar- Men. R. J. Mcslinwan and sort Geralel
R.slger were In I:,nl, fldnn on Friday at- gnret Slftehelrte('--flood. Erie who have been the guests of .their
rending the fair. rjutnld lii!!ted S+ "ws, myrtle cant. Parents. Mr. and Mew. T. H. Ret)►well.
A .large number teem that vtetraity_ we4I. for the- summer months. hasp returned
t?tetidied) the =chefs! fair at-Beleirarr..- M.,t t,$I. '1'R,\rNi in, t to their pomp at 24 Sommer 11111ion Friday. Mnd}el of tam rate- Netsnn )inn1- Gardena. Toronto.
-Alma Jennings on Sunday. l Ethel hill. Er D13 Lei'. 1'nice Young.
A large eringr.gation attended the Oatmeal rookie --Margaret Mitehi'li,
baptism scenic in Inion church last Christine Rober'<•nt. Three. Lawlor.
Sunday. when flc..tnfants were hap- Hazel Lawlor, 1:nth Flick. Nelson
tined by Rev. M. C. Parr. pastor. The )Walden. Sefton' nn, h - Christine
charge of the service. F.rt'rybody nn cotton --•Bert! a Pantwett. Myrtle
welcome. , Cantwell. Margate. Hardy. Willa 'Bol-
ton. Knitted wr -r • scuff -Pearl Taw-
WESTFIEI.D ler. Nelson Mori: ten, Eva Pettman,
i Adelaide nought •: Ms rile Good. RA-
I ___ - ze) Lawler. Rat •-a el- 'earl Law-
WF.SITTIE1 T). Sept. ?'. --Mr. W. H. her. 1.'obct Roberts •r. Mitdre4 Sallower.
Campbell attended the Presbytery Irene Stoll, Mat:ar••t Mitchell, ivobei
\i r. and Nit.. The amen .Piaget a .A P4.0 a Qaults
\Ila'rt Campbell and (len. 11 If lde�l s, Willi
hardy, of Wlnntt>rtf, visited last week at the
14dterlch yisitnrs on JnmPs pnrri lard hnnaP- AV1111e
1 family were G hnmP e f thPfr angle. Nr. R. J. Ran1M,
}?IIny. Alfred
lhf�lnrtr, onEgrain of town. Ther came from WInnllinft
Mr, and. Min Hoerr Moon. of Hnl- thirst. .tlfrcd Roy. Patch grain by automobile end are tasking quite
I1. 1i- red4y. Mr. and .Sten. Bert bag --•Nelson •(•'widen. Herbert Wert- 1 1 h a!
Parlor nn Fondly. -,moo, Annie Fe , art, Harold Allin. Six
Nil: and Mrs. Mnrrin McDowell and named knots ,\Yorman DursoOrval
'toady tlyit -,I nii Sunday wlth__)Ll'a.. McPhee, Will.. Hardy. James Farrl'h,
\lettowell'- mother. Mrs, ('lark. of ti Birk Farris \/lana Mnnlden.
Mi- Wm IHedger-ha.) the misfortune_ B..1(4141111" _"w'ets---Mrrtl«. Phis-
fi- 1....• a- 14..1,4.-14..1,14..1,4.-r• ..n :1111dar. mer, Riebar: 11•'Whlnney. Eva Pett -
Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. M,•ra.welt and man. Marie 1.., Roeque. inert McCabe.
rauaily visited at the home of Mrs. J. Annie Edwin! Commercial woods- town on Tnewiny and made a hripf
Billie Farri-hRetie Quaid. ::oxinns call on relativea here. Mr. Smith le
an ex en. rp tour n t e ,a .
Rev. fleortee and Mrs. JPwltt are
again )n town. The are visitintr at
Vlctoris street ;saviors/sae at present.
Ant have decanted to twt'nme citizens of
Grsk'rleh and after October lat will ,
make ttretr home em RaySel4 read,
Mr. Fred, Smith; of Chimer). was In I
Formal Presentation of Fall Millinery
Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 26 and 27
Our Fall Display is now practically complete and your In-
spection is cordially invited.
Exclusive models in Many different styles and many hand-
made conceptions from our own workroom.
R114.:-.1 41 St r.-d.t Goderieh, Ont.
The Time Is Here Again to Prepare Our Boys
and Girls for the Fall Term at School
The most important item in their equipment is a pair of
st rvie,able School Shoes -the kind that will stand a' severe
tent in any weather. At our store you will find the most coin-.-
plete 4ock of the class of Footwear that will give satisfaction.
The most reasonable prices prevail. It will be to your advan-
tage to inepect the line of goods we have to offer, and it will be
our pleasure to show the great variety of School Shoes that we
are sure will please the boys and girls.
Sole Agent for Goderich of the
Slater Shoe for Men
North Side of Square
The testy comrt which Yon are bound
to enjoy when "..tint in any of our Br-
ine' prom and 1 b•r upholstered pieces of
furniture 'demist be rec„mnendation
enough. But um top of ail this is the ar- ,
tistic appeal. Tic type of upholstered
furniture we are now offering is as ex-
quisite in design :end finish as it is Me.
umntty comiurtai,le,
Mr. and Mr- Wesley Ftfl.•ktionse, of w•eetis-Pea-' '..,wlor. Nelson Moalden- a won of the late H. H. Smith. who Fwnvtur. Funeral Director
I:rncefield. cisire,{ Mr. and :qrs. W. R. injnrinn+ 1n.e••.-Jl.nrpttw Kerr, };}t1P wes in fellness in fkt4PT ch many Hamilton Street, Goderich. Out.
1'amphell nn Sunday. Jewett. S1•: • .• Pfrimmer, Evelyn years ago and left here for Winnipeg
Mr. an,t'Mrs. Wm. )G•Pnwe)) were Stranghnn, l:t••'ee Hili. Myrtle Good. In the '(Ml's.
I .n•l.m risihrrs on WtdnPerh IRer. M. C. Parr, with Mr. and Mrs.
y DTL\\ViNY. 1lIT AND (!.- ,l NG t Gen Raerhier, arra. P. Worth Miran
insla.rtor' Tom. ,.f t;rnlertrh, path A ,Map of it ,r n-Neivin nonc1, Ade- ' r'
The choicest of flora! work• etc., made'ri+it tr, 5 5, e, ton Monday.
iufar HouRhr••r. Merle Ia Rncrlue, Ro- T)elbtht Sf11Mh And Mr. Larne Jewell.
at prieea to suit. 1 -ire Itatcmond 1t.•dlmnnd and his sella Hoy, }'.;;tb S1e( atw'. ftarrey I atten4eul fife T.nratnn rinnferonrr
I I mettles-. Mr+..1. Redmond. motored t'o Pr•ttman, 51x;, 0f Onterirr tFlnrenre r'rr un 1 'PTP s eonve-nflnn at \Palker-
GEO. STEWART ?tratf„rd on Mondor. They were 1i.d'1nrp, FJ.•:,s. r 'I'ynrhtll, Alma Ral- I vine Monday and Tnt+u}ny of tide
Itntce Street Florist Plume 1Ui „.,.,,rrtpanlea hr \tis. Grace Rp4mond. low-, (.,,eche' 1„ Rorqu•• Nnrmn Hi11. week. returning ham}• on Wedncedey.
Slap of 1' _isohpl Mtt\'hinney, Mf . and Meet Geo. Jardine and son
Rut ..I l'frin ; • -, Myrtle (:rad. Pearl Kenheth. of Point (lark. Bruce eonn-
! •1.. . Bern 1 cher, Hay F.rrinttton. tr. 'iPrnmpenied hr Mrs. Jardine',
\ lads at n dinner rte remarked
Writing, , "L:, .:hong awake•-1s.t.1 mother. Mra. E. i1errisnn. of Saltford.
0 ' to the hi.h.op witting nett M her that
1s Attintling Normal Reboot.
t i'}�rt'�nX rXrt' rt XXXX tr'i�i x i'Kr'tCr'r t Xt'>Kr'X X Ntrw Leta .fit Retnentber That
W�ntt. ):rhe' 19shPr, Qneenle tea and 111101^. Mr. Wm Jennings. of God-
her favorite tm.a,.age In the IlRrle was q Pfrlmmer. Writing. erlo'h tnnnshl returned home twat
Menet.. Gr,, p'
x ?l tine alb, tet (:.d tempering the ''\\•rwstlamt It, -Harte 1.a Rav}n^, Tait. 1' after visiting friends, nt De -
phi A p tent?, Tort Huron and Brawn rim
It b•h.
Mr. and Mra__E.P. Owen/Inn. after
.r,o-nrling the sttmmer 1n town. TOR last
wvrk nn their return M their home nt
Wnahingfnn, rt C. Thep were a.rnm-
pflnie,l♦ an far os Rnfalo by Mrs.
Chess -nines brother. Mr. .1. W. fraigle.
and Mrs. Craigia. who spent n few
dors nt Tornntn before returning
home nn Tuesday.
tom the shorn lamb. The Mahon ,\dehutde 11, ire •nn, Edythe McCabe.
kept n snls•r tut aid:.m hero¢ fila dtfi- ihi^-*'y Parnas,. ••Benson Waiter..
h15 facoria pna.tnge. said chat tt, ens Dorothy Fi-' or Writing. "in Finn -
the ono where It tells about Eliza dor* Field= -Ella Wllann, Myrtle
'mooing the ie.. . , 1'frimmer. M:,ri- Ysedlel. Frank Wal -
FOR Lam! 1t tmtat 1.- ::,;,1 in fnlrnp+s to tits tars.. Ei,- air Tyndall, .11ma Sallnws,
Inde 1bar the ta,.rttrP she gnat^i4 ,Pr- \4r111,tg, •tet -.n'a Song" ---Ern Pett-
e♦ V taiule has a s. rlptutal,snnn,h and shp man. , Ied,-I h"bertsrm. T�dnlrel Mr-
HFriday and SaturdayVVVoon. rltotean: the onlonp [gone,- nnenot h,• f ct that It I* generally tow Fen, (ancon drawing of
66 -inch all -linen Damask, four patterns. Reg-
ular $1.75 yard. Our Sale Price, yard... , .
Griffin Lock -knit Lingerie at clearing pelt es :
Bloomers --Regular $2.95. Sale PI, $1 79 IC
pair ...
.. .
Vests -Regular $1.95. Sale Price, $1.39
,•re, irn 1 to i.nnrenee Sterne. though '•"M...4- Ni,
Good. .Adelaide
imcrlr-_tut,.-.i•ueura.w isefore laitu-Lhe iton¢hton. \• Jewell. Frances Link -
e, ' Frenehntoa. !burl F tl nn,., tool writ• Tnfnr 1'ln,' , 1• rimmer, Ethel Mill.
At ten. "neat men.nros the co,,) ro the fare of 1..',' ,.., to water eolnrs-
i Uorlim 1.n r; are. Alma Mallows,
Slrrrh• Prr'1 r, Eleanor T}n.1w11,
nd Slr+. (;..n?..1.1....
n d"r••,nd"• nn,l Thetmn .411I• -rank Wolters. t'nat-
X\I• \W -m. Itrneeti.:1. , ! T.•n.rrt,•. me d•r in wnty , ••a_-atyrtic Gond, lsa-
bei 'rnd111 ',I Idrrd sallow., until.
X- ' Errington 1; .t Pfrlrnntpr. Isabel
yrel 1.1 \I1K)'!i MALE RE(iIM'll'ER ' \L•\\'hinaet lAc ill of pll rie of
it live aha k I . fill }:alai Fisher,
.. nr�ln- 16 h.t,er 1. .I::,n1.rn;Ner 11'rU 1 1:•..' \nr an 11111. Nelson
nh• of voltta),:e r.••}•!• ),.1.1l pr.,i..r,c 11 ,,ht. n t • a ,Fick.
P11110/ed at the of North and l:•pPiTTONpi
Nelson *rivet..
rnh'.fe , -.Seta ,Fisher, R. P.
' shorn lnmh," •
36 -inch heavy Duchess. Black only. Rev- [
ular $2.95. Friday and Saturday, yard.. 1.9.7 I sT\T1.31ENT of I,I, )IN siiipm1•:NTs Fltn11 FORT \WILLIAM AND PORT -.ARTHUR DURING
X i0sttrtnrion RSrley .Flaxseed
Painful ignorance
St. John Ervine tells the story of
an Amertcan who had arrived In /Bel-
fast In Judy. at the time of the Orange
ealebration . (ttoserring the (leen rip,
tiona anti excitement he asked a native
what ,wsa ap,
"1t'a July • 12th," tame the reply.
Yes, het what's thatto do with nil
this Jollification?"
The irlshmfln shook it dkupolrina
hpnd. "Vor heai•Pn•n srtke. 01 0 he
exelstmert. "'go home and rend conr
Goderich's Prominent position In Grain Trade
Woollen Dress Lengths in checked flannel. Twiatex
and Jersey Cloth at reduced prices.
kxxx xxxX xx XXXXXXXxX
:4111F:1tIt'it 2i7.7s; 02,4:0+
Men! rent
Owen 8nnn.l
Port Colborne
Pott MoNieoll
Port $tnnl,•y
d lichen
... , ... 1Ven
4,017 1,21e r
21.(40511.z, .
3tA7i,14i 3.012
The 51.0.1. is taken from n statement Issneti by the 1, :, roll
Rye Total
140.471 4,542,0tto
151.01se 220.292 7.404,024
r'04 fel
(84.001 toll MK1 24.21t)(141
110.0117 r11 0411 1,097011
6,3411.422 411,401)
Trade Retouch, department
1.214 340 44,192.327
of Trade and (`ammwrr'e
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get when
ordering your Bread from
It contains the purest
ingredients k n o w n to
Buy a loaf today and
taste the difference
E. U. Cleveland
11.4 K }:lt
Phone 114 West Street
Eve! woman and miss likes to have the beat of
Sills Hosiery --but ordinarily these high-quality Hose
are expensive for general wear and the buyer is
obliged to choose inferior qualities -but
Full-fa,hioned heavy service weight Silk Hose, silk
to the welt, which are the season's beat quality
Hose. Regular value $2.00.
The Sale Price this Week Is
$1.45 a Pair
or 3 Pairs for $4.00
4133 a Pair)
This is one of the finest Hose values ever offered in
Goderich and allows the purchaser to wear the beat
of Hose at a moderate price.
Th&Best of Silk The Best of Shades
ds S. A. GrayCo. R Jody Wear