The Signal, 1927-9-22, Page 2•
2-Tlturday. September 22, 1927.
Es e.titl.ISUED 1848
Member of Canadian Weekly New'a-
papers Association
Published every Thursday morning,
Subscription price 12.00 per year
strictly in advance.
Telephone 33 : : Godeeeieh, Ont i
W. 11. Robertson, Editor and Manager
'1'l,111s,la.i. see:call r _'. 1927.
t -
Accept No Other
I' ■ !1f A!!
Fine tea at its best. Only 43c per % ib•
in an editorial reference to the ixter Sing for -'a:•• b.n:a ,u how
North' • Huron bye -election, which is carry. on under sir ';t ,'.r• 1110am-es.
rt .oiii sheep in fa:I in another ariunul • • •
of The signal, The farmers' Sun says: The property of .flex. Hodge. th
"Thr t'.F.O. hp+ Dere, endorsed hero of the Be.tsar robbery affair. ha
group government and The sun doubts posse invaded be s••uc.nir•hnuters an
very mush whether there are i couple
of dozen people within the movement according to a r•'ttspa1ftr report. near
,, The Fanners' Sun in its Issue of last
s weed had uo fewer than four editorial
1 articles referring to the North Huron
_ bye.ele•ton. We reprodtwe them lu
full, as followa:
Mr. Sheldon ltrieker. the t'nited
i Farmer candidate in North Hu -
roue did well. if e-tueideratiou by
' to the aeldet against which
1 he had to (-intted-TIotc gg
these were is shown by the Lib-
eral support In Goderieh, induced,
there is no doubt. by the expecta-
tions of favors to conte front the
whys leave any very clear idea of what ly everything t+. rat.te about the place
group government Involve.. Certainly Including the . ,.•r eutle-ry given Itis
there is not the elighte•q danger of the by friends In •':.lois inn: been soler
electorate having lotted upon it -some
its will."
there be a stronger reptidia- It's a pitr a fes .4 ;he vandal,' ,'vii,
.1 'the eamlralgu which Misa not he given n jait .vtenee.
A • �lat•phail, M.P.. waged through- + • •
nutth1� riding in the reeeut election air. Spotton eta- present at the big
contest, Could there be ampler Juat1• Conservative gatherhlg tit Kineardln.
ileation than to •eontalued in these last Saturday- ami mach was Ihade o
words of the warning uttered by Mr. his victory ill the North Huron 'bye-
s Drury againsf allowing the Farmers' election. It is un.lerat.wd that in
movement to be drawn into a morass' connection with the Conservative na-
Nothing to the re.ut campaign Waft dunce( conventi•tt tot be hold 'at Win-
more•cnnepienous than the manner in nipeg next moan. arrangements are
which Mr. Bricker, the t-:F.el. emelt- being made to have a triumphal 'entry
dare. withdrew hiLself from the plat- for the North• 1;urn tuember-t-li t at
and *lined Wee Macphail to i a token of victory and a signal for the
him. Thli writ not becanteiboy* to cheer, _tieerge is t+o •hriuktug
]ill her Is tongue-tied: he can violet ono he rt.!: tn• stole to .;ern' out
his part all right. .: _-_
• • • +
,Hon. W. E. Raney. K.C.. has been
appointed a Judge of the supreme
man for tptkeswoman r •of the party, ' Court of Ontario. rent. ,leg vacant the
snd that an endoreetuent. of her peen- repretentatlon , f the fitting of Prin.•t'
star theories was sought. The San Edward and the leadership
Sara there are eeareely two dozen pen- Progressive part,, in the Legislature.
pie within the mfirement who realty ' Announcement of the sppointutenf-ata.(
understand what group government been followed by a good deal ..f sleets -
Inv -aces: yep' had Mr. Bricker been { ration as to the future of the ere -
elected it would have been, heralded gresaire party ill Ontario. ,and one
as a rictory for the gronp government*nggettiolt watinat'3r: Dri ry tnfght
idea •and Miss •Matadi -ail would have 1 pea candidate fur the_vacnut seat and
been more firmly rata Is ,ed-i1h,+ver 1 }t sm,Yssfut iicr ibis ['i .gr, s,{vr
as the virtual leader of (lie t'.F' . leadership In .he Legislature. air.
party in'Onta'rin. This la nut an Ad- Terry. however. has tk-ttb•.t any sin•h
mis,lon that all tote who did tote Intention. -
for the C.F.O. candidate retest to en- • • •
dorso Miss Maephail. The farmers of It 1s rather 1ut. in reading the
North Huron are not revolutionary d
and are not readily- carried away be ,,{wort of Finn. iiiegh Guthrlr'+ re -
strange doctrine. No doubt many of
marks at the (�rnmerrattye roue tit
them look Kite -entire. last Satitdev, to
Pd past 'the only lady mem- the str,•-, he places en Mr. spotton't
Mar" and her pet theories to the more .
amid etttletire on which the I•.F.O, teagnitl','ui majority" in the North
Huron ell- -i t , . If 11tr Iws.pie are
yq fountle, and the_iefeat ,,,rte nn mere t_ytlle „1� t'nll
of their candidate hat tared them the tet sive
awkward test of expinlning what the l lulrty, for ltadrrsldp and
campaign realty meant. - dance -quoting Mr. 1;uthr(rs
words -there it no evidence of it in
Mr. Drury is quite capable of look- the recent rote in this riding. air.
Ing eat for himself: hat a word with ,
rewirethe ,barge of lttoon,istenoy Spotton reset ed 4:x05 votes on sep•
leeelled at him hp The Felffiless' gen Umtrer 12?!. IAt•t year the eon'
will not he Writ nt order. Ti.. Sun aeryAlire emendate In chi+ riding
p„llr,p1••nail-mark :1 th intend
away. There 1- Lo; a knob left 01
make a very creditable address. The
inference property drown from • the
ieonduet of the C.F.O. campaign was
that Miss Madded( was the epokes-
agrees with air. Drury in the state-
ment that the U.F.11, het never en- mor,.
• • •
dorted group government. Mr. Drury '-. In The Firt...QM nun of nett week
intervention in the campaign wag not
to repndiate the F.F.O. platform: it . n 44114,110-nt, app*a[!dthe"tigtw-
wns, as it true friend of the fanners'' tares of W. A. Amo,• provident, arid
movement. to prevent: if he• ...mid. the 1' J. alur''s-rt *erresary. of the
adoption as 14 vital port of that nee. -
United J'aruu r+ io Ot(en.':. eallhag .
Anent of doctrines which nimbi. in leis 'menthe to ,•••,tale ewe, •• '
epinfon. make It ridiculous and ,rent- by air. Drina in the North Hone. bee
*ally wreck it. The result of the flee.
tktil_prui ttJ r nty l'eS nuy_ .wu<e- of
atnrm `en that wore.
party 1n control of the treasury.
During the campaign the contest
was treated as. one involving the
safety of the Administration.
That was not. of course. well
'chief exetemai i
thin time wo„'
tee deNre, t, .,
rate the stat.
the Sun Pone,
by Mr. Curti.
Belt to knots •
1'. F. t). retoh:
Ovular j;noii, - referred
letter. The
represents,{ es
rioted hy- yr, ,
w.ltttlons wet,
and the facts : '•
has stated the.
(lROt'P ,.•,,
Mr. Drury ,. -
draggine the -
logey Into the
election. Th,.
endorsee} grow
The Sun
whether there
zee, people a.
who have an•
what group
Certainly titer
sit danger
hawing fortgei
tried thetly
against its Sir
ollicera of the
i,,r The Sun at
i, . stip' rnuota.
to etrrolo••
,•,lntainrvi 1n
. Sun has in-.
f the lite -
matter of eie
1111*/**11$rl/1■ S!• 111•1al111111>l;ial•11A1•1ee
• Heavy Wilton Rugs --Greatest Value in Years
,,,d very par-
' The resolu-
TIr. Currie s
was well
.a -ions nlen•
alien the re -
r 1iae•tttalott
$Cally as he
jttrtined In
• .etvernwellt
ilurou bye-
, e. haw never
,•rnment and
very mueh
duple of do-
• e movement
tear idea of
sunset involves.
ma the slight-
-he electorate
it tome 00 -
i ,'r,• has been
just in ! Exceptional low prices due to large order placed
Closely, firmly »'oven trutn excellent worsted yarns; fin,' pile and will stand y'e'ars of real hark wear
4 ft. 6 in: x 7 ft. tl in Special $17.00
6 ft. 9 in. x 9 ft.' Special $29.(K)
9 ft. x 10 ft. t; in. Special- . $42.50
9 ft. x 12 ft. Special $48.5(1
Sateen -covered with panel border; neat
patterns and Paisley effects; heaty white
tilled and quilted. Size 72 x 7'. 7717
Value $7.00. Each... .................. e!
Large double bell Saxony wool Rl:utl ts.
1 size 72 x 90, whipped singly; orerrh -dc fat-
, terns in gold, mauve, pink and blue. $5.95
Very .-pe'eial, each
nn, Material, in the atti- 1
lode of tl t' 11 in prolitk'al
_ inLi1 sine, U henry accepted
the prem ere, 'Tltl' --- t
of the 1%0 '41 1419• in view of
a 1
which Mr. t-;-1 - asst'rtion that
he entered tib. \ •'+1, Huron eam-
pwign on bale • of the Liberal 1
candidate la -,so.r to AAP the 1
fernier's frep :nuking themselves
ridMulous, yearssomewhat inam- 1
sist.-nt to oar t'. least. 1
founds -i. The Important point it after a mss •r:a,ris a he soon stet$
that Mr. King's party lttanaRers rid nt the ides•'-nr he Is the whole M, M 111 1111 11 M r
bold hr• this' este. at in many oth-
ers in the past, y fight to force the trite»'.-1'hieap �, «
Styles and values this season are slelight-
fully.pleasing. Costa are neat and beautifully
sur -trimmed. Materials are of imported nt-e•111•
_"posit$;rttarvelIas, rslot blues
black. A price range to interest a11. We ft, a rte
early inspection of our select $18 to $39
showing Prices range
72 -inch tine Irish bleached Linen Satin
Damask Tabling on Sale this week. Three de
signs. Regular value $2.00. At per
yard $1.35
Table Underlay or I'tiddiug, heavy quality.
tine and soft; Width about 0;2 inches. $t1 •CO
Special. yard •J
Six; -inch
Swiss Satin i)nchesa I►re«s :Milk. 1
e•: vv soft, t urest stock and deep rich black
Green woven border. ego sr l{rlilli. ;1er39
Per yard 7
farmer+ out of polities. That
Might lie Jnititlnbie if the farm-
ers shod for ndthing and were
merely meddling. Tied the farm -
era, hare.a definite aim to modify
the policies of the old parties. and
their only --means of -doing that is
to hold their ground in the politi-
cal field until their aim has been
accomplished. So. they were Jus-
tified in hontesttng North Huron.
and they (tare no reason M regret
their course. air. • King must
ltnotc Tat he 7it317A power be
pendence on the farmer rote, and
that he is not hereafter to treaF
roughly bit main sapper(.
North Huro« United Fanner.
-8re to _b retntaen.led for e.mduet
LMga clean campaign. In this re-
_tpee•t 1t was quite, up to the high
level ..f the farmers'-npremo ef-
fort in Min, While Miry Ma.,-
-Omit dealt out hard blows in
etfaraeteristie t.esblon. one. mar-
vels not t„ miig-1h at her andaeity
at the ndtuwatb'e telt-restraint
which ambled her to leave ,fossa$}'
a lot of things. that 'night have
!,•,•u said with it goeit deal of PIA'
titbit tlou. Particularly. also. is
the twteraw`ev,.i*ry of_ -'fie
r. tl.. Mr. a. J. Morrisom to he
i'omm,•udeti for resisting every.
effort to, have him retort In kind
to the Jiltes and tallies of those
n' to were
te,l title Impulse to belittle the
1" F it, and pe.rir ri.lierdt q(1
rhnte who were tiw'a,_king fne/it.--
The batt they .t.;nbi get out of
"that Itnbiieadod ofd apostle of
.the 1'. Fe tr.." as one »Deli -ht wit
described him. watt that heti hoped
he might nearer 1.. anything that
weal} brig iisere.lit upon the
F. F. n. at an orearrtzaton or up-
on agriculture ns At industry and
that •ellen h,• peeeSe l on nn person
would le able to re(i'r to him at
a 'rafter to the movement that
had for many rr•nri entsterotl.lo
him the honor of Its wrretare-
3111. (1'1( iE S LETTER
1t hat been The Run's earn.• -r
endeavor to .tour nil on the
troubled watere of disat•nt within
• tbP T'nitrq F'armrr moretnent. ity
over 'Ann, fnrinn letter. ;and e1I- -
mhtating from our editorial and
new. eelmmts anything which
might end 10 protnot. dio,ord. we
by 3 rr•aehed the eemfortibie eon-
,nsien that a better feeling was
1,d.y .,,fait+g itt effort
1?rotighnnt the Pntiro movetn.'nt.
llthappilt itt North Heron bye-
else tion hn- rudely shattered our
, hopes for the time helm!, State-
men,- Doan main, daring the
eonrse of the enmpnigtt w'h(r•I+
•mnnot ht. effete, d i. g„ unehat-
trnged, For this roe -on The Sun. -
while regretting$ngly the P 1110 Mule. It ne-
row.are ee'.•orne, the Bente -nt""r
.;ritual by ('rceidcut stunt nt,1
aecrefery. _Ili _the
ant..aring et-' iii, re h,
remittee* k .lost from the •
EDITORIAL NOTES ;menu) mt.,•r:,. of `the 1'.1'tt. Pio
...tenon etteepei:n and ileelsariug theta
to be "utter!, without toqu,hatiorr !n
fart." 31r, lrrurp stands by'_his . state•
ni t to net intimate* that be will anodes
",mettaill fur; or to sac at the next
Have you a little encu -borer In your `"Drs ilio ,fent faetlons in the
a, - have been fie,'ring In +Melee. )wrxh+g.
• • •• _ f roma it .leek. nes- as If the'11044446A
Both Tnrnntt ntrI Meal,, fairs ,1 t.' Lary it '''' In ear,. -t. The an -
broke their attendane.• rt -i crtitthis anal mu•e; n= • II he eag.•r;y nttalt.•.1.
year. • • •
• • • The It.,r • title, Star, hot i. -..n
R'ith the appruaeh ..f cold »',usher. showing nit •..vIltlons at the border
the queatotr "It your (Pllar stoeloaf'••' in eonneetl•+.' `h the illlat 'rattle ill
ae'quirr•t a new meaning. liquor hind nine so it. nronse.l
the ire .,f the t7 -ials whteis 1111t1 it itt
• - • • • .
Now that tier, sumnt.r 1i- „r- in.,, t., , of„sea 11,.. noes (►nt' of tit. see °M
gone, the %eminor J. taw aril the 'fabs hos 1,-11.• n the attitude that The
Goderie•b.fali-foir has been I,e!,I. tinge Star was .r 'snit In tanking it.
seems to he no e'en -nn w (t} a•. sham ,1 ,harts,• a 1•' .,r flirt ennsnlling the
hot heft. a good 1,1t.t -te-t „f 1ie,• .ittp,ytttc. ,, ion attempt hat tweet
weather. meek' to . ti. • The $tee's ti --ti.• • • of whet 11,t- ,, „ inking i not- This
The appointment of Jnhn M. Al, •• -nrelr i- -:. prnre'dure for sinners
11-.3-. K.t'., of London. to n meas en tit the iaa. '1, should be grntefnl for
the supremeConrrof tinter,.. appears, """-'911 is r n"$,eons• in bringing
to meet with general npprovn:. air.' ebont It'ttr, .. Alone. fn.u3 r•esuh*
afrl:vot-' it well known in tills ...laity. .hare folh,w',1 •hr revelntlont• In flee
having frequently acts-, as roan _1R . (1--e ironer lent •
the assizes held here Ile Is n hard I The Star ,le, Iarp* fit intentfaan of.
eta worker and Will ao doubt mai. Ill the a maintaining • ;t
t ,•arpflll KNlrl1 ;Ind
high era iitiet, of the bench. making farther . •,mmeht 1f rontl-,ton- 1
• • • • are not libido%.••1
(reinnd is threatened with another, -- ______ political deadlock. ('resident ('n'- i Na ()erasion far a Raw
grape finning hlm.elf in an nnconnt,trt. • f Koons F'„r, st Confwk'rntel
able ltrrA(r(lln with en uneerinln mn- Rome I•'"1,1. tu'e Jnirt on tiptoe to
„Inv a teem, fool; n- row abntt t(re flag
Jorlty, called new etre•tient in the leas' i question. Bit e -hat la there in Can -
of strengthening himself. The new I ads to mw' it n'' Nobody propose.
Parliament. however. fa Is !mese at le ttgw'rsede. teuelt teem aMdith, the
eventy dIrlded as the last one, the I felon .1: k Rifer I. proposed 1. r•
combined flavor/mem parties having , gyre mer' honor 10 the taloa Seek by
rnnplR+Q ‘,1,1,it to a ennrninate
a majority of Mx. President 'tit'- I'menton the llnple Leaf. What 14
grave might scud over to Prime Min- wrong shout that?
`ret throat and
does two things at once:Vicks
(1) It is vaporized by the
beefy heat and inhaled direct to
the inflamed air passages, and
(2) It stimulates the skin
like an old -fashioners poultice
and "draws ,tut" the v,rrness,
N,M/LLLON✓ANS tato &Aar
The Weekly Farm Bulletin
Pre but (ion of 1.••:h dies*e end batter
G below the her; .t:mdse./ this year
Ytrna+ta fief -rt from the Prai-
rie Provinces, 1,.- instance. show that
the July prod's.- •,a of creamery but-
ter was about -13 per rent. below the
output of Jul?, tante and the 1)omin-
ion hairy ane
et}k•Ials ralciM ,
'riM'r•tt ne.Ntthi of
whole country, t
ort•, 41w10.000 p, ,
Mush the sono
Gradtne tett
tear In w only
pnrrtl- wit 1.1
same tripe -w:1"1 ot',
A drop in
•'•1 Storage Branch
• that for the first
the year, firer the
• WAS a decline of
itt true of eheelee.
• to Ailment 27 this;
•••A ter_ foxes. arm•'
loxes during the
„•tuaI proelnrtinn of
milk nn the totes leeemt to be back of
Chit decline. true, cream export, are
High. -r and t`,' cetnmtimptinn of whole
milk 1e consantly rising. but these
'amore are ,et snemletlt )n explain
sncfi n mane, degreases in output.
"Est Aare
The Canal$.,, puhtie• Is eating more
ate __Tab1ea re tared
ht the Dniz(r+ n Bureau of $tatittlr,
for the lulu' r •tr years -how that the
average Cana .:an rats more butte
titan the aterate citizen of any othe
country. and is spreading 0 n littl
thicker each 'succeeding year. In
11123 the eons uption per capita wa
27.37 teen}+: it► IBM 24.54 pound...
Jerk Cauu'k i, not to fund of
ctart•te. T.a-t • oar he ate only 3.92
l•unnib. Ine 111' 3 hr ate only 3.15.
if he air• as wadi cheese as the aver-
age Twits, i:,•N'erer. chiete factories
wend} he working rkmhle shift. The
overage eontnrnntton in Switzerland is
_til tottnih. even after the holds in
Sods. thew;e ere deduetet.
Go North, Tsang Man!
-Go Wes pante man. and grow up
with the cnnr.'•v:" was the famous. ad -
The tendered • an earlier generation
by Horace t;,•.ley Now the wording
ims_heen ch:,, :ed a trifle. and remit
"north" it,. al, of "west." Already
venng farm, a• from Snnthern On-
tario, who F.: 1 it difficult to finance
the pureba•, , improved Inns, In the
,✓,her part to a'rovince, Are using
hrnew Fel': 'e• 1 w tit
•>n H Rh n.r a. n path
Hari the Nora (Aa month Bre took
Ili, inn} in tl. Matheson dlttrl(t after
short ton, inspection Try •'filyver."
V/r (r. .i:,• chairman nt the enm-
mittee •whi: •,sidle the arrangements
for - the r,•. , • - trip of 'Northern On-
rnri•. mot„ria•- to Toronto. iwlievea
that thyt i- • the prelnrk' to nn et-
tellsttP n.. . ent 'of younger .Dns
frum1he - 1South. and it nrging
the Prue$,, enthot tirm to promolr
the ni„t-rn ,. n mens. of keeling
wish to farm on the
bind sell I the -North n de1irnble
tette of e(, ; •
e•n%Ig Down
Baldwin. and King aro tit,•
most affected.
The Ensilage Harvester
Among rhe Latest devel..prteat$
firm machinery it the ensilage bo-
res/pr. Such a machine ham Leen
reefed daring the pant two falls at the,
Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa,
with .fair "suedes,. As it its drawn
Deena the field by a tractor, 1t dots
flap corn. chopu and *bred, It into 'm-
enage. and dumps it Into a wagon. -
With the trench silo thy, machine •
works to advantage. m, all that in nes
et -'tart' it to haul the e'ttdling.. to the
Alin /Intl .lump it in; but with the up-
right Alio it i, not to ,atisfaefory, at
a ,,ecoid engine and a blower err need-
ed to elevate the efts enrn into the slln.
it sere, a great deaf of manual tenor.
however. and the rnrn is off the
ground ns peon At eat. which ' meant
earlier plowing and leas wastage
from weather.
"I've Learned a
A few sear* ago an Ontario breeder
Of Jerseys made his flr.t appearanyea-
nt the C.N.E. with A eartoed of stock
er w n -had not
been fitted for the ring and in many
r .'stet, wax not of show t-Alibre, anyway.
Eetimnt., t the Ontario Apple Prop
are .til _„i•,, down. The srn.on
"Perth with !.,14 protpeett, hot finch
m,•nth ha- .,., a a decline from the
hlglr hep, s
the spring. Cold. wet
»entity r :,• i iota time cut down the
'Pt of fn • fa June the estimate
gore nt f Meat( %M1 ban
,pts_ Then •:.•..e thetrnf/ aphim sheik anti
ter,• dry nr of Angor. 811,1 the
nett ettlmn•, , ae down soother 150.-
50:Nov ti •n11 effect of the nphlt
lnfee•►aton i- '.Ping rP101,Pf . and .the
'fates; inG,rn ,:Inn put. the resp at
:t,e1M1 blrre'-
331111nm 1t" nomininn ,•ntornnln-
_ st at the V , , land itatinn..., t that
him year ,,,olds were the w'ortt
9 flntnTio'- hittnrt. Ther wrrt'
atilt',' all• flea nth (bi gtrinl and
Timms,, ea,t gsfre the apple. fin
fiItl -p tb r.s, fres The (Ienrgfnn Rat
tlstrlr! and` 1- .tarn nntprin sore)»}
,mparori -1 , Ilghtly. bort the North-
nm1Mr'nnddaa,h,mm. Visser,. Norfolk.
and sontb,te.•ern Ontario tretinnt
hav/s IIPen her I hit• Greening. Snow.
Natnraliy ail hit entries were wPli
flown in the prize 'list. "I'm glad 1
came. and Fire learned a lot." he re-
marked as be started for Annie He
wag hark again the next year. and the
next. And thin year he hoe; a re -
Peeve Jnnlor champion and it number
M drat., tecnn•l. and thlrta. ate he
aitl learning• and his herd Ahrtt n
eorre'.pon,)ing improvement.
A Favorable Report
The new "liquid -duster." a type of
/sprayer which is tnploted to enmhine
the speed of the duster with the thor-
mightlrAt of the liquid Aprayer at a
Paring in ,pray material, *rtttaity dors
theme things', reports R. 11. Glbtnn of
i Nen..Ottle. one of the loafing apple -
grower. of the Pruvinee, after at sea-
mon'm trial.
In the large plantation. with only A
enttple of flay« to get certain .pram
applied, it hat been neeeteary- in tate
peel to have two or even three nwtfitt.
which menot large emit 1n overheadand labor, r Farther. env
1 Ir ter the r
1 rt, n t
f f
i. no mall Item. At'rnrling to lir.
Gidwwtn. the nen' type of ,prayer .•ere,
loth time and material.
in the liquid -duster, the Aprils to
tore,, under a few ponds' prettnrt
into a comparatively large nozzle in
w)tlrh It meet, and mixes, with a env
rent of Air muter high pre%s1tre, and
emergem am n very fine Mtg.
/al s
Alfalfa . Qaaek
Alfalfa ie a fine hay plant. iutt it
eaiInnt %mother nit quark grass. A
rwrntle reported experiment show.
MI. very clearly. Alfalfa wan .own
In it Held which had contained consid-
erable quack' or couch grams, but
whish had been worked well and had
only re few root. remaining. The first
crnr there was very little quack in the
nlfalfn; the Peened your the hay watt
ribald the per eent. quack; by the
mixt)) year it was W► to 4o per rent.
Alfalfa for treat remelts need. t fine.
Arm. and perfectly clean seedbed.
A Colllldenee Garan
'To the e'onsumer the egg h»tinrtt
Is. A PaalWnce game," point. nut Tite
Reliable Poultry JoI,rnal. "When he
(omrs confidence tie ,tope plating."
This la a fact that the poultry farmer
tbohld never }nae sight of. e'nninmpe
ton t'mened gaeby
the quietlltr eflattheto ragtrinrattprpPttetd-
The Chef Impre*afen
What wait the nutmtantling imprPll-
tinn made by the World'* Penny'
Contreras at Ottawa upon delegate*
from neer forty countrttt?
A group of fonitrymen from ,Pver*1
eonntrlM were dit.ntting the Con -
ems the other day, and Idle question
wet arcked. And the answer dame:
"All men are brother*. sad war la a
erne, and foolish thing,"
11111111111111111111 1111111.111'11111•111
In Suitcases, Club Bags, Hat Boxes. Trunks, etc., we
have a very large stock to choose from and at extra
good values. Shop at- -
Nprtil Sale --quart.
•A. Restful most es Lame gels
$shale and Cleveland
on one of the palatial Steamer of the C & B Line
makes a pleasant break 1n your journey.
Your rail ticket is good on our Steamers, leaving
each way, every night, between BuSalo and Cleveland
at 9C0 p. m.. arriving se 730a. to. ()poem Stand-
ard Time).
Fare $S.Ss- ltsww4'lsIp* .le __.--
New Auto Rate, $S.00 sled up
Out new 32 -page Tourist Cuide with Auto Maps,
mailed free on request.
The Class,/ sod loans$, Tr•aala Ceintreaklf
Wharves So. Michigan' A.., Bridge, a•aato. N. Y.
New ForGarage
apab'e, Efficient Service on All Cars
Spry 'I Flat Rates on All Ford Repairs if Desired
Washing, Greasing and Oiling
Carefully Attended To
,Se ti.tJaclion ren keery Job !, Our Motto
MacEwan & Tebbutt
Ford Dealers