HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-9-15, Page 8e S•-Tbirgiday, liepletnher 15, 1927. FINANCE MINISTER 1 Ing SIM -010,000 fess .uanntlk than the HURON PRESBYTERY previous (doyenne Li MEETS 1.1 GODERICE HAS CHEERING WORD' Tariff Reduction fill ('onferrucr to Be Heid at -The King Cre+crrJahuvat ha- -reduced billet Clinton Oelober 12th tinned. • You know Chit. Whom we The- 'reab) eery of Huron held its FOR THE TAXPAYERS'taxatinn the }dews.0 Minister assn- cut the duties dd) Agrfenilla;l'; (lupi/e- rl•htlall' rrpiember reeetieg In God- Heenan .automobile clic(:. iu aluleKay Hall. on TUestlay, Hon. 1. C. Elliott and HonwPeter Sulfas ]est Gear. you rrnietutK=r what t )e .•t t tris • e m en or, er. Heenan Also Give Addresses l.it howl was sent tip by the tuanufne. 1t. t'. llrl)erwleir presided. turer,i, hurt the Gnvernmrut was going , T1..• cotumiaorluners who attended on Eve of Election to ruin their Inclwlrlrs, anti how the tin' (eI rill Assembly reported ulna Conservatly(1 fought - 11$ to the last it* pr,.ett Zings, and gore exprewlon ,titch :1n Pi rllanu•ilt on these re 't,. the title impressions and prods en- j.ncd lu having a share. in dealing molt* ht l.r3t. a 1 1 1 t 17. std t R The last nieetln;; to the Liberal i tamleat ,t, in North Huron was held in 1 McI.ean's hall. Kingston stre.i, on Saturday night. and was well utteud- ed. The ',pokers were lion. Jas. A. ROW. NM -deter of Finance. Hon. J. ('. Rlllut1. K,('.. MMister of Publics Works. Hen Peter Het flan. Minister of Labor, ;tmt Mr. llislnp. the 1.11eral candidate. Mr. W. H. Robertw,n, calker of The Figllal, ons clwirntnn of the meeting. and a number of pro. minout Liberals of the town and district were on the platform. The outstantUng feature of the meeting was the announcement by the 111T t her marked improvement in IStrsa.lsee fin- artelal paeltion. )Jr. Role) Inas recent - IS returned from a visit to greet Bri- tain. and thin was his first appearance on the public platform since eta re- turn. At Blyth on Thant/lay fright Ilon. Hugh Guthrie. the Opp,%ition leader. had stated that. In spite of boasted eurpluses and debt relslctitt.. the Minister of Finance had hot the funds nn hand to meet large debt pay- ments due in Oett.i.er and Nov/miller and that he would have to go t„ New • York for n loan or $lott110O,11tI . sift. Rohh stated that he was able to announce that the Loans nine•nnting (o t'ht.(t(ai1100 maturing in us -to -tier and Neevembpr.wonl i s•_,+atd in .cosh, and a considesabh- bakiiie'W-wiTfild Tree main to be applied on the 1►.•tenits•r' maturities. f Quoting from a ree•ent audit of the public neeounts nt the dominion. afr Rhowed, that In the last nee td•- cap yea_-rs-Mytr'TT-T-1112t-tn-Mareit 19M -the national Ilebt had been re- • aaa , ."I 'ell. iehat Inas leen the remit .it of it hrhur•!t'r\ottrk onaudherobltere s►rtwt C flat.,-..intiurtries': 1a April. 1924. the of Implement firm* were• eutitloytog t41at M_,_u fro by eurh a 11mllless atd. n•ngth MPH. ,compared to .t1. !).571, naep int the of •a work(-endidiug tuinmunion ...aintin • undivided relationshi but, tY"PT. same tenth this ;ear, r. That rppn ► o erleh, ".-7-1- Win. a 5H ler err* ln. *arise. Hta. toes the preview* of an . untenn ale l rl • ntly_xbw•k ntiowi •i .nr .r tuertiite to t.•t:tldencr in the divtlte source of ell slang. rhr narket- fhii rhnt`.- f +law __si'iritual outj*iuriug aid bleasslug up a tient..compels . 'I'•,r••nr„1 in 11Y't1. • lh(`p"'i1'ri Preaching mission of the HATS. 110• anatocnob111. 1 1':o tnrers were ' shore(. Loth now and iu the future the erodes -leg . Wools. c:,rs. . Int rel !tot,. ell h, e''On 1^7.+111► cars tai•'year. 'au in- 'fie• I:toorutnce of remits from the Mr. ..rase of 23 per ,,. • That', how the _:caeca: Assembly having reteired dough :oyer 11117'nt it.cs .n:I these two sou1.. emphasis) -Rev. A. alaefarlu ue. iidostriees. Rev. James F.s.te. afr. A. D. $cult and K1R1(PA Now, 1've Lel Vali sou:ethhlg ler. \I' 11,..: tier.- ale..inlet! a evmuait- •11rr+d Le- .•. el ah:.ne• stet' t.. gitr'•1ie•'4 full uud careful eon-Johnet sort at the 1►eee•wber . tt.ruinlon e.. ••. :. atnrhies suns) .ler K N 11 PAP 5.1111 Agnes neo of COlbo Miss SatuMap ?'lease for the • tg • . 1) (1.(r :c ! N,•tember am! D..- me, nue• mrd tt r..v.rnm.to oil! NI: t1 c: ingte.tt Graham. of lino% .. . 111 1+••d lore to torr ,+v . d'elh _ whose "pleaded work- upon his . ha.ge gos.,sa),000 to ray elf three Is.tt,lr n.•': i at ltey nel,1 and Brucptiel.t. as R', I I w•etdd `;? a t,•teii the p•rgde r.f +,e; pais alliltr ns a uttlrlant and • t'w'ho err ,It'_ for incest- 1•r'e:nlie'. tRs highly cutumeuted 1111- Yu . 1 n.. 1 w'onl•, ...It New Teri: . i. t.r tuemts r. of the studs -tit exam- i Ill tawny :!.• money I. • ', rs of the w.•rld I,.iu_ eoututitre.. was certified' to the . thank, to that wr have the n;.•1.y bt'our totters •:•r, .•f the 'Senate of Kil•x College. the many non le) pay off ett•rc .1'.1'(1r of the tl,'alere tee will resume bis studies in during the falser X•evenrt».r ..,:.naafis at Tht::t,•legy. at the time stet. -ant. to itmiss..ssn and we sled' 'The pus -total charge of Auburn and lovely floral -bate ',life left ...,r to tele on the 11ly;i, having ht•.-eu.t self sustaining. l,,.•mist'matitri•', - ...ellen they come 41111 desirlug to *all at wiuister. Rev. 11PP. We won't have to go 1.• Xew A. llaefeeline. 'merit', mo,h•r*tor of w•-siou. was a.•••,rdedauthority to , l.,rk to born•% >tlfionsel,(1(tt altoty rail at n meeting of the IN TIIF •pt eon i ems tr to t►k k n -t gu! ctatit)di n.lactions moderate in 11 in the debt, eel) coop/Mot int,•rc.st lass. congrtwatiuns to.he held to make • -- T(1T1CN n their b ! f a teeter ST(1N, charge r••d(teti„1- w',• Spa make further--r.in.tbtns in to be• lornetot the oseple. C}iAR5ID. • The Mlnhtter of Peddle Works :1114 14) at rIt, int ow►kr meeting. .t1. ... The Presbytery arranged for a eats 7111 iutrednein_ 0 v. 3-C.__El inti jerence of iaetut.ert of Presbytery, ' N(Yrrl'B b i• ;.',v given, pursuant to Section l , :he Trustees Act. and representatives- of inkei•wazeoe ne mltteet and congregations within the bounds. on Wednesday. the .12th of IMnl.ee. in the Presbyterian church, Clinton: at 4 o'clock Iu the afternoon. Rev. }►r. A. S. Grant. were/Orr of the geuerat Is,erd of mieeions. who is resiting the fort' -three rreebyterles of ' the eburcl.. and laying (adore them the extent to which tbe 1'rrsbytetdan t'htttrh is eneetted la missions at home aryl abroad. and what may the needs of the budget to meet' the rapidly mh-atacing eautit- of tbe`Uoenel In the care of the church, 11 to be present and -wetness the meeting. At 5 oriole in the erenlag• wbtr 1alga* numbers may. find it more eonrealent to attend. it gathering of all enngre- gtatione throughout the bounds of Presbytery U to be regdegte.l and it is GOD NT. re's Meeting be iatereat of Sheldon eandtdale la the •ie+eMn, wail held in Friday eveuing, and W. A:. mos, ProYln- the .1.2'.0., and Ogles M.P. Mr. Bricker , Mr. Gonion Iamb, ship, was chstlrmsa. also addttaased a w•o- Ib, same hall on ti,tober, 11, Materia N a ltuspltal, God- , eeptetuher le to as. (sults 41[ Blyth, a September 12. at Is' Pavillon, To,-, affil(,. to Mr. snit jr.. of Goderich, a`4 e Elisabeth. t ilaney, BC., en ser 13th, Stara)) 1 .rife of Akxan- f •rmerty Of MI- F THANES UI MILLiAN AND to ex-pres* their .1- land neighbors ter cease- shown theta ,f Mr. Million end - death, and for the .,coos 1 1 RIN ITORS '1t 0E' '1111/: ER- St•IT.T.IAM .1ANIFIa :tT}: OF THE TOWN I IN THE (Y)L'N'IT . I ENTLF'YA!N. I►P.- lap 01dr to user c ,u rP o 1 1 ►F Gt the taXe.I 111 .e+eiotls of the I`rr'bytery were ('s. TI07 rwpneettrd to britt(; their records W lie dneeti toy $104.000.0no. et would toe still further reduced this year. he stated. Another test was the amonet of In- terest raid on the public debt. The animal Interest charges had been re. Sneed in the same perlod by over e9,- 009-000• 9;1021,1010. The lightening of the hnrlen of debt had permitted reductions of taxation. which had saved -the tnx- payers millions of dollars annually. Mr. Hislop spoke hrleAy. ale re- called, his attendance at the Goolerich High school ander the late Dr. strong. and sand he always, had a . warm niece in bit heart for dais town. He h*lleved Canada was at the be- ginning- of, a period of unexampled progress The fling Government had. he gelddone splendid work towards the building up of a united country. and he asked thnt he 1* elle M sip e supporter of that Government. the chairman relerr. •1 to the report that the Goyern11,e1,1 enc proml.ing ,t6 spend a uiillhm ,d•djars on God- , erich harbor. N., tn, h vendee had lt•en made. Mr. R•lirrt.nn declared. totk•r1.l) hail nor 1..i pr nulled, a red cent.. The (Internment had dem- *Pry well. by Goderbli harlar.r. and could ht• trusted to ...militate to do it* ditty. . Ser. Elliott txptilne.1 that the pelky 0f the King a:ot.•rnment on mit)* work% watt to carry on thane. works tmlr that are ne•eosary for the engi- nes and expansion of the eonntry• On this ground he held that imprlre- meats trade to Owlet -fell harbor were more than justified by the bitten's• passing through this port. 20 000.0110 bushele of grain last rear. on width tete riliwaia got S2.25(0.0011 In freight. and that improvement= would cnn- The. Meister et Labor Eon, Peter Heenan commented np on the lack of constructive critic -lam upon the part of the opponeet. of the Government in this bre-election: - The Kine Government heti yetincesl the debt, had pr.}need taxation, had Tot .-- thtMlRFtrt4A- w}d-agepension. art and had done other things for the people. "I gay te•yoi. as a workingman out of overalls for logs than a year. that Meekenale King. the Prime atinister of this hominem, is the best friend that the workingmen of this eonntry ever had." The }marsh( Situation non..1..t. Robb compared) the finan- cial condittnn of the country at the present time with .that which pre - veiled when the present Government same to power. A deficit of eel 00,- Onn in the annual budget had been eetmverted into a surplus of e42.00It.(00). This( had been accomplished by the ramp good rid rule that the people of North Huron observed .in _the• man- agement of their private afnirr±-hy atriet economy. err keeping expellee tnre within income. by putting' away a little to meet bonds coming due. The present Glvernrent was gpe•nd- Week -End Specials at - M. Robins' Mel's and young men's Felt Fats in a wide range of shades and shapes to choose from. Sizes 6 5'8 to 71, Special $2.95 to $3.45 l Men's Fall Caps in the latest style and coIi.' Sizes 61/2 to 71/2. Special $1.25 to $1.75 finite to be made-+• requited. , laid on the•'beartl'et the-Prwd,Fterian 'renew* trade has grown as the ptopie tp attener *nd hear Dr. Grant trade of no other country similarly relate the wdndrope story of *kilt the situated has grown In the world,' Mr.', Word of Life is a-complbhlbg bX he-. !Elliott +armed. "Ill 1900 Canada's lag seat through their devotiond 1R trade was S.l,0(0!(210. whereas to. ' sacrifice, and.watt it slit yet "tars flay It hate grown to $1.32N.0011.000.. do. 1f they at*a faithful awl believe to 1 The wheat productioon in the West ran it, xs,wer to ye g mel!t•, revisits', and to 4(tl►.(00.t00 hut111els this year, hilt empe er, and become a knowledge that 1* only from oinLeighth- trr one- Mit tears in a wonder of lore, tradi- .eleventh of %Plaut we can pro el we in tion, {filth, and deed" of grace, the . 1 Tonna r" - _ of that eleiltiatien i ' wide)) I% forever. 1 "DICK" CATTLE WRITES t The rresbatery a.ijourned to meet FROM CHINO, CALIF. in Clinton on the second Tures-lay def he••.•mher at 141.30 .a to -Presbytery r 1,-rk, Sorry He Could Not flake the OW Town for Centennial Week An echo of the (centennial tele•bM- til n i. n letter reePit•e,l by .The SIP nnl from '•Dick" Cattle. .sr. as his letterhead has it. RlcLnrd Ii. Cattle, In.nrenee Broker and itcaltor. 072 -1r Street. (shin. California -Where Everything Grown- ••Die"'"I. one of ' the obi hots of -wail. we „hall not my how marry year% ago; hut. anyway. tie 11e not forgotten: pal lip wa. ni.itd rr.in the r 11 eat] of ('eutlmrtial Wegh. I1, writes; '• Gentlemen. --.1 wnnbi like. to ark -, the receipt of n dptter TP- reined yesterday from your Mayor, rite o rTrn,Tfl. 1. Nfito wife. -1 nese received Tie. Signal for .the last two week* nee am 1colkitia.Jor one of: tbe week of *curt big dldnen. '.. Nifty say', that,et ,makes one horse; sik' to .d.• tbs. dots if the•o1d town nnd•th, pleeen,ltnrh es Pont Fnrm, the-pArk i1T the waterfront, rhe part A'A{i court house Olken when i we.' a atnali-boy, and RPnmilltr, where we htM mar,* a chkk,u feet( nt the ebn 1reh. w•,. orry that 1 eo11141 net be. with ren last week. A. 1 pxpeet a lot of me old playmate.* were with yon.. , T noticed ee1erai wlth,whnm I played tall. etc., teking charge of the ser- vices in ,your different ebnrehes. i also see Rome !wai In the picture of your (Oro council whom i remember quite evil. Ther 10..k gnitronntitrnl. Inn getting 11 little olek•r coking. Ake PERSONAL MENTION Mr Charles fae•hler. of Detroit. is heltdaytng in town. Mr Nelson Hamilton, of Paris. 1s vi"itieg friends in town. Nlis% Mildred Thompson has te- emed a peeitinn at Detmit Arlon Kloptp, of Zinh, Is Ln town tester attending to eonnty Mildness. • Mrs. J. 1, Stenehonae. of Westfield. i. Tisitine at tete holds of her son, Mr. R. Stneehnuse. Mie. F.1leetteth Martin has rrtnrnel to 1.0nrknn titter 'spending several months In town. •1 Mr, Reg. Pinder, of httreit. 1s visit- 1ng at T1s• hnhn. of his parents. Mr. and airs. W. R. Pinder. NIT. .1, A. Anderson. of Ann Arhnr, AUCTION SALES CIekAfitI Nt, AUCTION SALE OF 1H()I114Elui eLI► I`L'lb-NITUR M1t1S. J. H, 1.11'ESET will sell by public auction at her ren(deuce, e.,rner of Neagwte and Al- bert streets, on rW*)1a,NIEISDA1', SlePT Ni REM 21st, commencing at 1.3O o'clock: One Ilring-*tow (spurn; 1 taboret; 2 Mission oak arm chairs; 1 Mission Dee rocker; .1 Weston oak table; 1 Axminster rug; 1 targe Oriental rng; 1 Bouch with mattress and springs; 1 oak extension dining table; 0 oak dining choirs, leather seats; 1 rocker; 2 Mandan 1 nearly new refrigerator: 1 folding chair; 1 enamel bedroom set with mattress and springs; 2 enamel (ted ruotu chairs: 1 covered bench; 1 oak table; 2 braise beds with springs and mattress; 1 bedroom table and stand; 1 wicker -covered chair; ; 1 New YI'Ittlatla sewing machine; curtains, china, glassware, 4lolctures. garden teoltk kitchen utensils. and other articles. rHrbrything must be disposes( of, as MM. Livesey has odd the p,rnperty. TFIt-lln--"ash. T. GL•NtDRT & SON, Auctiontera. t l L'$EItVE1D AtCPION MALE O!' Y A 4.LACI(•E F` - Rat AUCTION SALE' AV( Iluv t1AI, ^ OF HtiI $fr1101.1) F! I1?iT('Rli (loons, CHA'f- • PF1i.V, FiOltft!.l3_i1TC. l►'r here teeelve.t lzNructiops from MR, iOtfN -MeKIN 4ON to eel. without reserve, at bin shop. Hamilton street, Godprlch, ou BATIJRILIT, O('POBeIR 1st, eomemenelag at 1 o'clock, altar!): The contents of the shop consisting if a quantity of bedroom. dining - room and kitchen furniture and uten- s11s; lutby ear ages: dlshtg; cutlery; new brooms, etc. ; also draylag outs of 3 pinth,rm drat wagons: 1 %lug( horse beery wagon; 2' sets of liar nee*: 1 one -borers vim : 2 good( %Rgo gears: 1 often /mangy: r top f•lr. y wilkiug plow : 1 riding plow; 1 rn 1 cart : 1 *phis r thiel surrd•y : 1, separotr; 1 mauurt• spreader; 1 strong dl; v)ng horse. 1'}111113-4111 furniture. cosh; all other artklps--all sums of $10 under. 1.t11•111: over that. three 111.1( credit ++ill be given on furnishing prove? ).int notes. ,l dt..•ounr Iooed tor each on erten* autouut T. (;1'NT►ltl' & St) .tpaha 1`4 l'ti►N SALE nk' I•lte►1'ERT A'HOOT 4 We tare Instructed 1,5 - MUMS FROM GOD p#N1ln1 ON Tit mt. JAMES MOSS CtIENTT 1114i'IIA`A1. _ to .e•1' Lf public :teethe) nt p.reutlaee. Fast street Gnderieh. MR. S. N7(7(I(OLLQ - eATi RD.tI•. R1:I"I'1':111tER t 4 ,t'eh.k In the afternoon: Port of lot 101R. in the said t :Irderleh, on which there is a brute ---.one and a -half ,Mry Brood state of repair. bringing good profitable return 011 the r win sell by pobllc auction at premises. part lot 9s to sisal, , W.11. Colborne. on MONt►.t1, $EUPT}1\111}IR 2Gth. ' at 1.20 o'clock, sharp: (Alts of.. 1.1. that all en -inters and ars itadng clalma or demands against the estate of the I,tl.t William Janie.. Johnston. who died nn or aben: the 7th day of May. A D. 1927. at tt:r -town of Godef1eb. are required. nc it twfere the 90th day of September. A.D. 1927. to send 1.y post. p bl, or deliver to the executor of he last will And tents- i ment of the .old deeested, their 1 ('tiriettan name' and Rmrnan(.. ad- ,lre'wys and tet:,-'.idiwns. the full pnr- tlrulare. In writing. e•ef their /dahlia. a statement of their amount*, and ALx('TIO r SATE. OF FARM STOCK the nature of seelirtty, if any, held AND IMPLEMENTS. by -them• e AND l7(Y19C3B that after , Mt. WTLT.L(NI r.TTTT,F,oft IIiD inch last tinned tate the said exertuor t.•eed te'djatrlbnte the 1 w111 sell by public Ruetlon at Mede - 'al({ deeasarei am;our getting Park Farm. ('oltrtrn. town. oil The Thi• farm, containing ds acres 11+ the sable mote or lees) on which there the property. There Is w trop is a comfortable frame dwelling in a f 44 feet .:with a good garden Hair state of repair; als.. barna *id about *1 feet in depth. Fasi slahling and about 2 acres or orehartI is one of the beat ntroets In G in good condition. The fence* are *114 Yhls p►'o1erlir 15 lou• t.f p.od, and the off* has been k h, that are for sale In this horn good farming shape -part of the ilace has teem under garden "crops, This property Will be Wild without re'settre. as the proprietor is giving-11P- farming. iving 1pP farming. TF -RMS -Ten per cent. to paid/ at /Imo of sale; balance in thirty days, Other terms can I* arranged. This 1s an Ideal property for poul- try farm or anyone wanting to be w Ith- in a short distance. of town and Ilse outei,fe. store at corner of property; Reboot, 1 mile; lake, 1% miles. A. NYICicOr.rss. T. (1UNDRY"& SON, Proprietor, Auctioneer*. IR. R. 5, Goderich. aigPti of the Tart meek) on shah *ft said the RY any. per notlee uM n It at the tin thereto. haying !big), 1 the -claims of whleh ]f ATURDAT, SEPTEMBER 17th, plod'• :AIL. the at segetk e tbet en *aro oe banes" : 1 'whoa* clai*soil s* gravel box;, 1 good res'eived ats R1d. tow. b years old. dote b dls(`rlbdtion. 'December; 1 good Hereford anti ID1ir- sE: HOLME7tt. 1 ham grade cow. S }ears old, due No- !br•pld F:xeeeutor. ! remb.r; 1 good Holstein cow. 7 years rich this lath day old. due January: 1 good Holstein )D. 1927. 2t cow, 7 years old; 1 good Mortem an4 r fermy raw, 0 menta nld._tlPf Jtnua ry : the world's good t2 October heifer ealrta; 2 June heifer have the price. --Kit- calve.: 1 Tork ane, 14 months old; 4 small ptgm ; 1 small Rattles plow; 1 Sohl lee OATIEP at t Sept. fele- 1t'' M" •n opinion- 1• r ehener R"'ruttier: 2 drag harrows; 1 Pig erste: - N(YTIVE la Y OMAN THAT 1•Fmst & Woo) mews*: 1 hey rake: 1155 all terserateful etalme fettinist 1 tarn planter: 1 apt of donhletreee; 1 the ,'talcs nf'jiartb*' Green. late of grindstone. and numerins other the town oft*bderieb, In the remote of •ruder. Huron. wall ate nn or IMrmt the 29th Tho settle are a good hot and cows , day of AnenQ, A. D. 1027, are re- asp doe at a good time. quir•ed to forward their elaim, to the TERMS -Ali sums of 1110 and under, undersigned. die proven. on or before cash: neer that. six months' credit the 30th day tie September. 1927. . w111 he glren on furnishing atpproVM is further daps that joint notes. A iisconnt at rate of 4 after the ssi date the administrator per cent. per annum allowed for cash ' of the said to w1)1 proemP% to dis- nn credit amounts. . tribute the te. having regard 01117 wit, Liresbeereeftr, to such els( au he %hall then bevel 'propri tor. had antler, T OT'`DRY A SON. T1A'PF7fa at rich this 13th day of I Anetiereer,. 'I44. .(antler 1977. ,rte .-_ _ Meeh., 1. visiting his parents, Mr. and ' airs. T. Anderson, Napier street. Mr. ,inhn Pinder has returned to Detroit after (mending severe{ days with his parents. Mr. and Ere. W. R. P1ndR, . Mr.. W. 11. Campbell. of Westfield. and 3ir.. Gorden. of Detroit. visited the Ml t.% Robertson. Victoria atr et. leer 'week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Good have returned home pkpr' visiting their daughter.. arra. T. iI. Rrnvtnlee..of Thn intedortl. Mr: and air. .1 F.. Reennlekr here returned to e•lintott in reetdt after •ienuing .,ems time here with their PIM. Mr. J R. Reynnidg. .Mr..E..NIerklinger rooked word to- day that his father haat teen eeriouslS Men's Fine Sox in fancy checks or stripes. Silk and wool or all -wool, at 39c, 49c and 69c M. ROBINS myself. 1 it .rem° n longwar front California to my old town. "Yet not M far -when 1 see that some from this pert made the frit+ harkinsix ,lay.. \\'e hnre %event, around these. ports from God- erkh. such ns Charlie Crnh) ant) hi. wife at R1nomIngton,.$tewarti at On- tario. 1 1114.) a call n few weeks 120 from tl'w,.-1.544ban nne(1rf.111 2'ld- time ),11•6111,.01 M(111 .1 Godprieh. 7 run nernsa Goderich folks quite often; loony. glad to see them. On the well in my bedroom Is n pie - ?lire of the 15 ('(els taken hr afr. Stewart 1t brings tock happy !WITS in Goderich. There were fifteen In the ,Into We fleet over (*lilt,. Hor ton's. 1n Moot street 11 think). Vnme of the mentors were !remelt Johnston. Reg. and Riffle slack, 011ier Rhyme, Joe freak, Dan Mc- Iver, A• the •ay1115 POP*, 11,,10 were the happy rials Kind regarda to all old frIPnda. Well be glad to me aryitne coming this way. Tone) frilly. R. 0. (MTT1,F ( Dick). Solkltere ITamllt 'AYS & ILATS. the Administrntnr. reef. Goderich, Ont. C NOTICE L} RK'b IN.(; io Voters' Coitxtrse. :Notice i= e onsptled Vertex r poatednpa the 1411) da net of all the said m Parliament rind that Inspeetien. .1nd 1 h take imm injured nt Kitchener nnd, left on the any errors cording t1,nfteruoon troth for that place. ('nptnin Donald Frnstr Fetter. M peelbeing Reserve Oers' Training Corp*. t1)27. f t' of San Diego. Calif.,, on the Mexie•*I DAre l 1027. ' border, 1s the guest of the Misses Frasr'r, Wellington *tram. - Mr. enol Mrs. D. Lynn and Mies -#Mod-,/(aieon. ea. Southern (Mllfornie. who wets tufting relative* an71 friend. here, harp left for New York on thttr return trip thr*ngh the; SOAQMD Southern Atates. i7 W11LTN i♦apt. :\Ilan T. Bruce. of. tom,lrttn, wets here genet with his atrptane for a few ,lays the poet week and took np a number of pissenwer1. The iondo') Free 1'11•.. resorted that he mare the trip leek to Low/on-son Monthly In forty -threes tntnntes. Dr. Chem. Lane motored np from Detroit last week and on hi* retnrn wag aee0mpanitil by Mr.. ?Atte and children, who heel spent the ammeter here at the home of INotnnty '?'teas. tan.. Ur. Lark ha. dtaaad 111 hone and for stein et Hater for the winter. 1F or '}frim" PORT - O' LIST. 1927. Mnnielpalite of of Huron. y "leen that i have $eetlon 10 of the tet and that I have ; ogre at Goderieh. 01 ' 9aq temper, 1927. the ; entitled to rote 1n tity for members of mnnkipai eleeftoaa, remising f(iere ter upon ail voter* to tinge to have eorr'eeted ae- lads rine for 011 - day of Oetottpr. h 11 dey of September, Clinton, 111 rng, Pte. wt giants np t 2' 1rt1 next. may he flee, (bort Hemet. At der from part) hire tar nip Clerk of (nolhorne, WANTED ECU P!1'11 ltF.- the hoose of Refuge. 1. for electric Iight- *setoff( Itv the nder- o'elork p.m. srptemntwr ea and sptelfleatlnnt the (Rtnnty Clerk's of- (R►derieh, or at. the Clinton. any week fn B p.m , nr main IR Tendert. molt be far Airing the ;tonne AD. W. NOTLCE '!0 CREDITORS IN, THE ESTATE - Or W1'!LtutM HENRY ' JACKSON. OF P1R: TOWN 0r GODDRpOH, IN THE t70LINTY or nrRON, PROFES- SIONAL MUSICIAN, AUTHORIZED A$SIONOR. •- NaTICE is hereby given filet Wil- liam 'Henry Jaektem. of the town of Oederleh, In the county of Tlnrnn, pro- fe.al(rfal mudelan' did on the tiehieeentti rimy of Ailgitrt. 1927. make an authorised es.fgnment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors. and that Edmund Weld. of still city of London, official receiver, bap appointed me 10 be custodian of the estate of the debtor until teas creditors at tapir first meeting shall elect a trustee to administer the es- tate of the debtor. r90T1or Is further given that the drat meeting of creditor% in the above Moate w111 be held at my office, Market Square. Gnderieh, Ontario, on the fourteenth any of September. 1027, at twelve o'eliek in the forenoon. To entitie yon to',01e thereat proof of your claim most he lodged with MP ttpforp the tweeting is held. Pr+nxien to be neer( at the meeting ;poet he lodged with me prior fhpr*to. AND .r1111R.FIR TA KR NOTICE that 1f von have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank. proof of Rnrh claim mast rte flied with me within thlrtr times from the Ante of this notice, for, from end after the explratkm of the time Axed by w1Mireetkcn R, of motion 97. of the Bald Art, 1 ahali tit.tribtte the pro- ceeds of the Aehtor'R estatP among tee parties entitled fhtretn. having reward only to the claims of whteh 1 have them notieee. DATpt1D at (lexlerteh. Ontariotate twenty' -girth (ley of Angest. 1927. 0EOEQE WirddAMA, Custodian. Men Rh, Y T -St) i $UI1Lffi.B } OS y or Orr /sods. Alms apart- , *milts h bath. Immetil- aeasiuu aies". Ap'p*y to AiErX- MRS, Wank ?`kilt Y 1T13.- PEtt pat of alrtttntat hu slurw- Judg e Doyle'" r iden e, Yin - street. Immediate po : it d. I14t3 & iATe. (fair ;_•so silent street, terderich. •s PUBLIC C 1`0?iCE - r 1tYTIC`E. i 1. -TAKE N111'1( `11 THAT THI: oun'11 of the Moab:ita Cor ,•tx•atlon of the Tuwushlp of p mends to eonatru t wldea, s grade and internee a . ertaln road roil Meg westerly and northerly through 1 Iw,t "A" to the said '1',,wnship of Col- ' • Nome, which road 1a known sae Ilene - sicking Park Surrey. at,' being the i• main road thereto. AND TAKE. FURTHER NOTICE , that the said Connell intends to es- - asw•us the .(sesta 'hl•reot upon the land aborting dimly . u the work, (N laud upon she lands which are im- . medletriy Iwnetiteal by the work. 4 - .. et the work 1a Cour Hundred and Fifty t*4;at.110). The estimated special rate ie per foot trootage Is /loc. Thr specl*T !assessment la to be pall in elle anaoaj instalment: - Parsons desiring to peados of ; ngnhl•t the itudcrtakt►1g of the week hi;mn'? drt so oil o5 ttt•fure Thursday, tele a of 1st pteni*wr. 10'27. a Dated-- it - the Township Col- • of 1 erne•, 'his 25th day of Augnet. A.D. • of r 192`7. of j G. J. HE'PllFdtINGTON reef Clerk. rich. few o It wilt he sold without reM.rve.• PERMS-►len per cent. of sham price to he p.loseetlttmp of data 11s1- tart•-,v1ea Apar deet le siren s Rhin thirty days of ilia -*'nr forth.* partientars apply JAMES MORS. T. GUNDRY .t `tl.N, P re.prietor. Mirth -a- ra. IIttORTANT Alt PiON RAIZ d►F A RPL1INI►ID 1.0T OF '11101111 - CLASS FIIIN iTI'ICE NT 1 I RN - 1 HIXGs. We are Inetrueted by MRS. Y.AIRY E. WILLIAMS • to t.e'1i tit public auetku at het nasi dente. (Wellington 'street. Gtelerkh, Ila SAT *FI0FI MI1ETt n.Nth. ' commenting at 10 o'clock a.m.. all the contents of the house, Includ inrt:-- -. One grand piano and seed; 1 ma- hogany davenport table; 1 Console vlctrola and records; 1 thread(e)d, new In May last, (cert S1' : 2 floor temp's; 1 Pnncomtae electric mirror; 1 Oriental rug. 10 feet 4 inches by 15 6 (reheat used 4 year* Post 1 written rue. i►xA; 1 rrt- 5et 1. tii10; 1 mnroom .111, err slating of 1 octagon reed table. 4 reit chairs. 3 reeds rockers and 1194e lamp.; 1 reel sewing table; 1 oak bookcase; 1 mantel clock ; 1 walnnt dining -ram suite, consisting ee round table, 6 chairs, leather seat* (cane backs). 1 buffet; 1 large wall mirror; 2 new wicker chattel; 1 large oral French islire nitrrnrI-t-,nifr} walnut table: 1 Pella 'walnut cnutumer: 1 mild walnut reek; 1 small oak table: 1 eherry writing desk and bookcase combined(; 1 Singer mewing' machine; 1 mahoesny &totter with French plate mirror: 1 mahogany he.l, hair mattree, and coil springs; 1 cedar sheat : 1 donbk• 1.ed and dreamer, mat- tress and goings; 2 double brass beds; 1 Simmons heft, walnut finish; 3 cats; 1 walnut drteswer; 1 walnut stand with marble top; 1 deik and chair; 2 w-nr.iruttes; 1 electric wash• er; 2 ranges; 2 large Quebec heater*; 2 dl heaters: 1 refrigerator; kitchen furniuhings and utensils; garden tools; dishes: china; crockery; cut- lery; picture.; curtains; carpets, 5011 numerous other artkles. This 1R n splendid lot of eery expen- Rtve furniture and everything must he dieposcd of. The property t former- ly the Whitler hnmeetead) 1. nidi. TEFEIS-+ ash T. GrTN'Y h. Auctioneers. FOR SALE FOR SAT E--HMILTON SILVER - plated, gold bell, 8 fiat tenor slide trombone, complete in velvet lined ease, nearly new-. Apply to GRAHAM A. INt(,IAS. Lighthouse street. 2t HPRIGIIT - PIANO (BELL) FOR $ALE --In first-class condition. Apply to DONALD MacKAT, P. 0. Box 407, Goderich. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPER- TY FOR SAIF. -At corner of Bri- tannia road and William street_ Ten rooms besides bathroom, closets, etc. Good furnace. All conveniences. For terms and further particulars apply to DONALD MacKAT, P. 0. Boz 43i, Goderich. tt UOi'SE FOR $ALE. -APPLY TO J. P. F: 'FORD, Cobourg street. Goderich. tt WANTED WANTED-WA/1) A/1) 704* 1,10177 housework. Apply 41. C. YOUNG. i11AIN91IOO TO RENT. --.FIVE PO fifteen acres of and kith house and Karn. Apply to JIOX 70, $IOYAR. O131F9s01C. It nnWMN'ISIFID.- TO Tarn A FURNISH- fiD hmiap In Aoderfeh, by the mr tip)n ath Modern eonventanoeu wanted. AtVdrette DOX 2011, Goderich. WANTF,T).--POSITiON AS MATER- NITY norm. MRS. $NLA7,Ff., Brock Rtree(, Goderkh. ACt fTIONFRRLNG THOMAS Ot'N eRY. GODERIOH. Li E STOCK AND OHNURA1 AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sated attended to anywhere and evens effnrt made to give sattatactiew Farmer. sale notes discounted. RWIT. ROBERTSON, The Auctioneer. .0 will conduct and arrange any sate me the latest methods to get tbe beat re- s, milts. See him or drop ■ card and be will give it immediate attention. Farm sales a apeelaity• Eldon OL• Oodericb. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER DR. A. N. ATKINSON CSIROP'RAGTOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST OODERICH Equipped with els fro-nlagnetie baths. Electronic electric treatment. and chiropractic. Chromic organic and nervous diseases. Lady In attendance. Ole. boors 2 to a, end 7 to 9 p.a. excepting Monday and Thursday af- ternoons and evenings, and by ap- pointment. Residence and office --Corner et South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT rRAN1' P. Gr1}B8, CHARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario __mu Stratford. Phone IMO. Res. 1331el. MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORST.ER EYE. EAR, NOSE. 'THROAT Late House Surgeon New Tork Ople- thalmlc and Antal Hospitalasratataat at Moorefield Eye Hospital ase Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lee - don, Eng. 53 Waterloo 8t. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. Al Hotel Bedford. Goderich, on tan evening of third Monday of aseb month till the following day. Tuesday, at 1 pm. Next visit in September. LRGAL e:LNEMT 11. LSE, Barrister and Solicitor 10 King street east, Toronto 2 Telephone' Elgin 8416-8417. DUDLEY E. HOLMES Barrister, Etc. Ofike•-Hamilton street, Ooderlei Phone 27. V R. DARROW, BARRISTEIt, EP(`. Successor to J. L. J;Illorao. Phone 97. Office -The Square. Gn4rrtds daps Nape BARRI.R'ZM, Ere. R.C.HAYS-RC.HAYS se.. B.A. Hamilton 1St.. tloderien INSURANCE. LOAN& ETC. WK1LLOP M1'Tt'AL ruts DC nn l SCRANCE CO. -Farm and as dated town property Insured Officers-Jas. Connolly, Pres., God erich P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vire-Pres.. Reeellwond P. 11 : F, McGregor. Sec.-Treas.. G afor.h P. 0. DI rectors -A. RroaMoot. R. Lt No. 3, Seafortb; John 0. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; William Rhin, R. R. Ne 2, Seaforth; John Rennewl(ee. Brod- hagen ; Gen. McCartney, R. R. No. 6. Seeforth ; Robert Ferris. Harlot*: Murray Gibson, 8rmcedeld; Jahn Evans. Rflchwnod; James Coenolty, Goderich. Agen ta-.1. W. Teo. 0o4.rie . Alex. Leitch. R. R. No. 1, Glints; John /nrray. Seaforth: E. Htaeblsy, Sesfnrth. Polley -holders rail ell ll payments and get their dards receipt - el at R. J. 3Lorriab's Clothing •tees, Clinton: R. It. Otatt's Grocery, Els, stns street, Goderich. or J. 8. Rale* General Store. ilaayeald.