The Signal, 1927-9-15, Page 7un
ill Pletcher, of
poor Health owl
for reverts' weeks.
idecharl ,, a we
A*1ith'd passed awe
ptember 7th, after
Farquhar. of Helms
lits position. on the
ilk of Montreal and has
mea Dawes, of Grey town
sl away August 30th at the a
y mos. 'licthkal 111'. wife, a
d :i I! Intthter curdy,'.
Jaekann Mcl'ut.,heun, Grey to
ship, broke his arm when he fell J.we
riLfivr feet in hit lather's harn. fie
improving sutlshctorily.
The church at Henfr%'n has a ne
tiell. a gift from the ('• N. Railways
it is a large one off an old ('.N.R.
freight engine at Stratford.
Joseph Wheatley has ,sold his 1011 -
acre farm en the 13th (sincet'alon of
L to Clifford 'lldrllrtai• eon -of
Hollaa•k 'iil�iarKm`GTt;`-ins)
and District
fore Pettling down in their home at
The death occurred at Toronto last
week Of Margaret Richmond, ,laughter
of the late Henry Richmond of Morris
null. rauush, lu .1lrxancU•r Itur Shell of township. In %flitch township the de -
Hued.. N'Indtair, eon of John Shiill of Bast
erased was born fifty years ago. Of
i Nnwanoah. Rev. itr. Perrle officiated. recent years deceased had made her
emit I .t deputation of loudness men from home at (:uel,It •'lRue remains were
vt• 1larriatoo wen present at the last • brnight to the home of her brother.
meeting of the 1Whtghaut tow n,counclh 1
;seeking cieop•ratiol in bringing pres-
;f, sure to bear spm the Ontario Govern-
• molt to have it Provincial highway. 81 -
lend trout liarrlston to \\'Ingham. A
Ne tweeting for further discussion of the
proposal rias arranged
n. Ssth. ford and Mrs. Telford were presented
' Mrs. M. Robertson. Francis street, with gifts and a,klreases by the people
fell et her home one day last week and of St. Andrew's United church. of '
bake her ankle. She Ina. for a long whieh Mr. Telford was the greatly
time before her plight wax dix(•orered. esteemed pa*tor Another presents-
tbrtt WAP from the Blyth Choral So -
EXETER piety. of which \ir. Telford was the di-
rector. and whteh made him the r,rlpl-
Shoe Yelland has returned. to Exe- tent of a farewell address and a cheque
ter after a two month* %daft to the Mr $100.
The death of Gtsirne ,H. Bissett. a BRUSSELS
tamer bushman turn of Exeter, oecur-
ted oo .\ngnst lath of Winnipeg, 1n an early morning fire in E. C.
his seventieth year., Mr. itisetett wax' Cnnninghnm's w•nie* garage was ex-
blu guess llase-set -141.-_�-t.wtk...lise-behrade before it
Nita. itlehmuild, whenee the funera
took place t,, Burns church cemetery. (,cert )�
Deceased IR sure -lye' by her mother.
one brother. Jaw. Richmond. and one \\'hlle.all°
slater. Airs. Thee. Pate. And humhl'
Before leaving for flair new charts Tu Tor
hee fat
The guilt le oars; bat
O turn us not aWa7
But hear us frOffil
And help us
Sunday �f
Ihur.,lat "e!n.•:nl.•r Ifo 1927.-7
reigning over iarail. Samuel. having
Ibeen instructed to anoint a king after
t;,'set's own choosing. went down to
Bethlehem to offer sacrifice. 'He went
t,. Jia*,' un,1 had' him present his urns
to hiss. After tete had been in-
slrett I h„ in,luirel if thea,' were sit
tied thtt(leen 110 tietnEtotd the yonntg-
est w'at keeping the sheep, he had hint
brought. and oil his arrival the leord
said. "Arise. anotht him. for this is
he." after the ceremony lntriel had
a new spirit wlthim him preparing him
for greater re,:ls iI'illlitles than the
herding of st.e , entailed.
July 24th=Devil and Goliath.
-1. Sam. 17.
-Psalm 27:1.
The armies ..f Israel end of the
Philistines were arrayed in battle
with a valley between .them. into
11118 cullet rain,- 1w'lce dimly Goliath.
the giant ehamplon from the Phllis-
tlue tinny• challenging nay one to
come out to mw't him and so ,Isclde
the victory for one army or the other.
At length David, a shepherd lad with
his staff. sling and stones, went out
in the mans• of the i..rd of lusts.
Goliath scuffed rind rnrsed him in the
nsm,' of his gain and advanced to
me't him. He elther forgot or dis-
dalned to protect his forehead, and
that _mut Jths niubil)Ic. fur . there
David's atone1Tidged. The Philistine
army Hed, pursued by the hosts of
Israel. Heikki tarried the giant's
head and sword to Jerusalem and was
then conducted into the presence of
July 31st -David and Jonathan.
-1. Sam. 18:1-1: 19:1-7; 20:1-42;
23:15-18; i1. Sam. 1:17-27.
-Prov, 18:24.
After David's victory over Goliath
he' was not permitted to return to his
father's house. tett hecame one of
Saul'a ,.ntrtiera. At the interview- be- I
twPen Swim and David. J,nnthen was
present and he beeaine enamored of ,
him to Snell a degree that he made A
fir se ember all Frek•rIeton. NIB.. Ree•. Geo. 'fel-
windier of years was clerk of the had done much damage.
Leeson Tit
Leaeon Paan
(;olden Text
July 3rd -Saul
-1. Sam. 9-1
-Micah '5:8.
The prophet-ju
old, appointed two
-11T-ltespntlea,` bnt-
irit as the
to iia Thaler-
fty throne
13. Gurney.
. 23th, 11127
wuel. being
Ids sons to ie
Holland's property- to same sp r• and the eld-
rchased SIT. P 11P age. .tient twenty }rats ego he II. Tl. Fnlllcnn, teller In the Bnts- against them
Inion, ;,,which he will censor- laved sigh 111s family to \Winnip g. sets branch of the Standard Bunk, ars uC Israel prot
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael. Joh* *tartbury. of Palmerston. haAto Samuel and reqs that they be
hat beet, pm branch
to the manager- given a king like si o to the other
'Wrote -ter announce the engagement : pun•lat,-d the butcher business of L7 ship of floc branch at Mount Hope. natlorta, The thing d ra c•,1 Samuel.
of their laughter. Mary Frances. to , Mist. Mr Mkt, who came to Exe-
near Hamilton. but -God told him to llEarken to their
Miss Carrie Hingston sliImo[ from voice. Thus 1t was t Saul was
a chair on which she was 'standing at anointed and installed r- king over
the millinery shop and. landed on her Israel, though there God was re -
left shmtl•ler, having a had break..
jtetid ley His chosen )people and :iam-
Mlte Penfield. of Guelph. is the new utl 1. meted
nrles drahum Campbell. sem .d. Mr. tare few n•art ad' from 1)ptroit, in -
and %Irs. Charles Campbell. of WIhg• - tat8la to return to that city,
haul Tile marriage will take place
the latter part of September.
Thee %Wiley. et lifelong resident of
Stanty township. died August :flat In'. Hiss Isobel Uonglas has returned 10 p;Ittlpa( of the Brnmt'Pls dvintlnuatfnn
his ecichty-first year. 'For nearly fifty 1 t'latth:uu- after- holidaying at her sflino
L "Tru. other men:Mere of the
year. he wax tax collector for the l.hoase here. NWT ,*e Messrs. Dobie and Ashton
towable. ile was a very large own., I Tie Lueknow Hortienitural Society and Mises McNabb and Buchanan.
at his heaviest weighing 420 pounds. ifs h•vhtg t flower show In Carnegie ren McMillan has sold his hoose
daughter. Mrs. W. Reit and one Hall x'11 Friday next. • and lot to Thos. Anderson. of Want- over the Ammonites, he rook the ole
Ceejl, survive. � 1'. M.1 Grant M the new teacher In eters The home will to diccrlpilel in eonennnt of - friendship with the young
thleh Interest Is felt In rhe visit of !the Ltm'kuow school, taking the place the pear future by Mr. Anderson's' itt rtunittyy'sol reviewing
conduct o'f- conn. Three tlmo•s they renewed thio
doet soar fawn to severat_•farms in i of Mr. Armstrong. who will attend sister amt her family, j upon Peo- .covenant. and. through all the distress-
this year. Mr. Grant. his William MCI)owell has taken a post- i4e to witness to his lntetrlty. They ing tinea David was called upon to
olting township. it has been sten I neither and a leaflet have navalassured him he had not defrauded. oi►
.Ung with the caws In Henry sm.. I tion on the staff orf the Intervale con- pus Is•rnns• of. the king's jenlonay. be
•.'s.-fie•ltdm and other f>irmPM 1Mvp over front Te•eweter to reside here. tinuation ra hoot, and Shiner, Bellew pressed or taken any bri,oe from any i ,,.ors trop to lila pledged friendship.
+[firm[. Heft; aP entr-f+ur least +•L---gyp-hits -}Moen- a-.8ehtesl- a1 Yueas man. 'He then reviewed the history Ju 'flab timely death brought
n ileac. me having t.r,-n putting 1of God's dealings with the rhltdtett8f 1 r ---- -
ngt. n former re•Ald�nt of Lucknnw, sorth.of HnntwTllle. I forth a lwwtce OnuauntlNl from
July 1011n --Sainte;',' Farewell.
I-1. Sam. 12.
-Psalm 26:3.
When Samuel formally installed
Saul as kingafter his signal victory
Dry Goods, China,
Groceries, Fruits and
WHEN ordering your Groceries from us you get
the best on the market, as we handle and buy
nothing but the best. Make this store your head-
quarters for your grocery wants.
Phone 46 South Side of Square
.. Gude delivered to your house by the best delivery in town.
tits out to coax them nrn11DA. It Its
hoiied that nobody will hent or in-
ure these pretty animals.
The town -hip of Morris hail host one
f Its old rteIdents in the death of
Mrs Miller. widow of the Irate Thos.
Idler. in her eighty-second year. ,The
raawT wens born In 'tcoriand. tint
and lived in Morris township since the
ear us.72. Iter husband diel ',even -
n. years ago. Of a family of fifteen
'Wren. eight anrrive-Aire Anna and
rte daughters.
Israel from the time of Mises down to
wets kith'rt-by-att Atrtenesblle-*who- wee- -
eroesing the road near his home In
TorontoHis skull was fractured..
his 'own time and urged chem to con- I David In which he referred to the
Ince ,d Jonathan a. snrpasslne ttiitf itt
time to His service, "turning not I women.
aside from following. the Lord." Aug, 71h -David Spares Saul.
-1. Sam. 26.
Mr. Sell ens n brother of Mrs. a
Donald Stevenson. it former resident 17th Aimaiats David.
Bryan. A wife sod grown-up femurJuly
survive. 01 Seatorth. died recently at Victoria. -I. Sam 16.1-13 d -Romans 12:21.
field day of spurts was held at B.C.. at the age of eighty-one yearn. -I, Tim. 4:12.
A Saul. having again gone ant in,
ettledonta Park Monday of last irmk - 'Miss Margaret Cuthill, of Reafurth- -Saul, thr.mKh - dlsohedietiS�lo_- the , search of Dterld to kill hint. wits with
was drowned while bathing at Seattle. King of king;,', was rejected (rota: his army encamped In the hill of ila-
eccording to news receives' by Tela- •j ,'Minh. A deep :deep fell upon the
tires stere. dSlnee the death of her whole army and �n it was that
mother two years ann. Mks ('nthill Boles Manning, darn of ler. tad Mn. R.-
David dad itl�lshal t lmfted the r•nnnl+
hod trncellel considerably. and in E. Manning o1! Antall. the mare;},' and carriettNtwny' Seni's epee'. and
June last Phe left for Seattle to visit to take place the latter part . Of water Mink which they found by his
her only brother. She was forty -dive ' September.
Iby the 'Junior Farmers' Inatitute. in
the evening nn entertainment was
gtlrett. the they was much enjoyed by
those partleipatitig.
Dr and Mrs \ %t Sptnre. of Luck-
n,.w, nntoun,e the engagement of
WLNGHAM their daughter. Mildred. to William
Henry Kern. l'hm.B.. of Oshawa. son
\[r. and Mrs. Henry F,. Earn of
ne ,f the early settlers of this
riot was claimed by death on Wed.
p. Angulo 31tit. when Agnes
y, widow of the late Lawrence
e, passed away in her eighty-sixth
Born near Auburn. she lived
a farm near Exeter for two yearn
her marriage. then c'oming to
berry near Wingham. Four years
Mr. and Mrs. Fyfe retired to
and Mr. Fyfe dad less than a
ago. The fidlowitxg children sur-
; Mrs. John Kerr. of Lower Wing-
; Mrs. R. G. SGngrlre. of Itydal
Badh: JatnP% G. 01' Shelburne: John,
of tan.•outt•r: N'Itliam 1'.. of !tran-
sient F«aterr-et- Toronto and Yrs A.
E. Iwiuttit. of Wtnglnm.
The marriage look place In St. And-
rea'a manse on Tnew,tay. September
ea, of Winlet. s•r•rnd daughter of Mr.
*ad \Ir-. Sam. Me'Itnrnev of East Wa-
lea probable companion.
It removes the odors of
dining or smoking from the
breath. soothes the mouth
and tongue, allays thirst
and •ids appetite and
Woodstock. the marriage to tike place
Int, in September.
Fire of unknown origin almost to-
tally destroyed the Lneknow Mnstnlc
Hall on Monday afternoon of this
week. The hall wan a trams drop`
tarp •fief on. ref the oteest Irolldlntrs In
the Tillage, having been erected some
fifty4ive years ago. In the tame build -
Ing was it storage room for furniture
and most of this nls, was destroyed.
The lost. to the Masonle Lodge will M'
quite merlons. es many rained pietnres
And other articles cannot he replaeei.
There Waft 'some insurance.
}ears nt Age. -
.tfter an Illness of three years. Mina
Birdie Stephens diel September 7th,)
t. Ed. 'land 1;Tar
aide. 'David torlk•up his position on
nn adjacent. hill and. palling .loudly.
roomed the Phn3'. Theft took phare an
rey interview which resulted in Saul's
at her home in the Queen's hotel. She" �lthMr 1Weeta�s lanaden Inst humbly confeasind'his deep indebted=
WAP the eldest daughter of Thomas•-t..-t.8lrs le
Stephens and watt it native of Sea- week.
forth. Rhe took an active part t1r the Mime Lulu Birecht'
enchsi.lttt of the town. wee evroneeted, Printed menfolk of
with the ladles,' howling r endtral
mess to David and his heifer that
its' been ale David would one day 'renin Over
rich tele- ! Israel.
hone pea I Aug. 14th -David Brings, the Ark to
I1{ ' 11 (dub tpP p Jerusalem.
ndlrii golf dabs end amt'imtwl spit},'} R'orl hes %Ken r l '.nf the -iL• Sam. 2:1-1; 5:l-5'; 6:1-13;
in amateur theatricals and other en- ,death of PhiliplGaider, • rawer reel- Psalm 24.
tertalnments of a charitable or patrl- 'tent of this dlstrtet. at Ilia bonne In �j,ealm 65:4.
otic nature. Bos.ldes her tether, sec- PRfadetta, ClsUfnrnie. Deesgfl was
iMTk►'mnd6 two nttempta to bring
ernl brothers and misters snrrlre. in hie eightieth, year and Lf.-dtciced i irk 10 Jerusnle�. The first time
Miss .Margaret OriPee. daughter of by hie wife end a grown-uj, family. the rkrF b uusa1 oxen - fI a new
Mr. and \ices T. M. Grieve. F,gmnnd Henry. Jacob end -Poor /Welter and ' tart 1w-erred
The main in charge pot
1•llle. hat been appointed teacher RI .\irs, Selwetlm. of %uriclt, ape brushers
and sister of the dec•Pt. , forffi' it-lt,And Gs present its foiling
the Holm.'trIIIP. st'hndd. She was
w-ttettek-,lend-_Ruch fear_tooll-1`^s- ..
sed•nd in consequence of disod.wlIem,
11LYTH rte - - - frnm - -
Miss Jean Bondi. of Teeswnter. who
was on the Blyth teaching staff for
Perrin) yenra. has been engaged to
tenet] In the 1net ttnte for the Blind.
81 Brantford,
Baxter. McArter ham retnrnel to hit
home et Hnrtney. Man., after spend -
Ing a ennple of months with relatives
noel friends here.
The new steel water -tank at the
t'A'.R. station Is now In operation. it
is operated Automatically hr an Any-
tric motor and is Weill to have coat In
the neighborhood of t%12.orm.
Louis Rouse ham returned to Nits -
stern Valles where he in employed In
connection with the Hydro system.
Atter re long illness Mrs. Charlet'
Here rn-Sed awns on Monday. Sep-
tentl4r :.itis at the age of inet'.atty-elicht
rror.. Deceased' woe horn In I'rinee
Edward county and came With her
lutsh,nnd to 'Morrie township over fifty
rents ng%'• TwentT•-flne rears ago
Mr. Anil Mrs. iliac moved to Blyth.
.And during the grenter part of that
time she was the ntutlent attendant no-
on her husband. who 1t' prartleally
helpless from paralysis.
The United church parsonng,.
Blyth. was the some on Tuesday. Sep-
tember 0th. of the mnrrfnge ..f Mar-
garet Ada. (lntghter of Robert Jelin-
ston and ilii• late 51rs. .inluwton. of
East Wawenosit. to Wilbert ('larenee
Clarke. of llnllett. The ceremony
" tit' performed hu' Rev. Dr. ltarnhy.
The happy ennpie left for 'Toronto and.
other points on a honeymoon trip be -
To Obtain Relief
From Neuritis
The nervous system must be thoroughly
restored. Here is a case which illustrates
this point.
The twitching of nerve, and
mucles warned Mrs. Mapletoht of
the exhauated condition of her
nervous system. She also had fre-
quent nervoua headaches and per -
'intent neuritis in her right side.
Only temporary relief can come
from external applications for neur-
itis. To really get rid of the cause
of trouble it is necessary to thor-
oughly restore the exhausted nerve,
by the periiatent use of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food.
Mrs. Wm. Mapletoft, Mount
Forest, Ont., writes:
"For about three years I 'suffered
from neuritis in my right side. I,
had pains through my beck and
twitchingof the nerves and muscles.
I had aso been operated on for
appendicitis, and it left me a
nervous wreck. I was very restless
and uneasy. and bothered with fre-
quent neuralgic headaches. My ap-
petite wan poor and i sometimes took
weak spells. 1 commenced a treat-
ment of i)r. Chase's Nerve Food and
in a very short time I found relief.
This medicine has done me the world
of good and I can recommend It to
all suffering u 1 wed."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food-60cts.
per box, all dealers, or The Dr.
A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited,
Toronto. Canada.
I am prepared to deliver
Ice to any part of the town
J. H. Graham
Telephone 13 Elgin Ave.
Marine and General Wiring
Eleetrie Ranges-EleCtrie Walther,'
Fittings of all kinds.
W. MacUONALD -----
Phone 174w Goderich
You Do Not Have
to Guess
About what you are get-
ting when you buy goods
baked at the East -Street
Bakery --
- -
know what to -expect
in service and quality.
Judge for yourself.
A Better Baked Bread
E. G. Smith
East St. Bakery Telephone 184
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get when
ordering your Bread from
It contains the purest
ingredients known to
Buy a -loaf today and
taste the difference
E. U. Cleveland
Phone 114 West Street
MIK* Matilda Fowler hat returned .A p t�i� ED[IdNE ssUm of Tlavld that the ark was Tett
f )'
from a two months tour of Great Brl• for three months to the bons ..f, I
fain nasi the continent. ,
There nre 160 students registered et
S,mforth Collegiate institute this year.
The staff is the same RP last year ex -
take. the place of Mit. Amain. who Is Every Home Where There
emending A year in Switzerland. I Are Children
.1 pretty wedding) took piaci. at St•
Stephen's chnreh. Melhonrne, on. Sep- i -The perfect medIeire tor little ones
temlw'r 7. when Florence. emir (laugh- in _found in Baby's (tan Tablets. They
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leonard of are a gentle hut thorough laxative
Macklin. Snsk.. he•(me the bride of %bleb regulate the bowels, sweeten
Archibald Ha.ym. Pon of Mr. and Mrs. the stomach ; drive out constiiattion
and indigestion; break np colds and
J. Hays of Senfnrth. The.eeremony promote healthful
wn. performed hr ('enon W. L. Armi- eimple fevers and p i
rage. rector of St. Johne Cwthettrnl. refreshing sleep. It 1• 1poselble for
Saskatoon. Sask. Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the
re absolutely
&tea or any
; new-born babe. as they
CLINTON I guaranteed free from
The marriage took place on Sep-
tember Ist, In St. Paul's church, of
Susan May, daughter of J. G.
Sloman. end Joseph S. Silcox, eon of
J. Slleox of Liverpool, England, the
ceremony being performed by Rev. L.
C. Herrtson. After the weddIng lun-
cheon at the homy of the bride's fath-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Sllrox left on a
honeymoon trip to Toronto and NIa-
Barn Falls. They will reside In I
.lamest Jackson. who recently sold
Mt farm In Stanley township to
Messrs. Kozel' of Clinton. has pur-
chased the Tacker eottng,, ltattenbury
street, , and w•111
,Fred Font, of Roderic!) township, I Ashfield Tp.
other injurious drug.
Concerning the Tablet
J. ferry. Atlantic. N.1
always keep Baby's 4
the homte for the child
found them a perfect
little ones."
Itabv's Own Tablets
medicine denier" or
cent+ a Inks from The
Melteine Co.. Broekv!Ile.
Itelgrnye �+
get possession this Goderich Tp. .....
(`olhorne Tp.
has purchassl John ii. W!se'a cottage St. Helens
In Joseph street and «111 take Bosses- 1 \\'lnolelsea
?don shortly. Myth
The marriage of Amy Evelyn. Crediton
dnnghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yell- ,:rnnd Remi
vat. of Clinton. to Alfred E. Blight. of i)ashw,e'd
mazset•, was solemnised on Seitem- (Tint)n Town
her .,th in Si. James' Church. 5Inssey. (Tinton Rural
Two ,Toting people nt Clinton were
unit/NI in marriage In St. Andrew's '
I'r,styterian dhurilh, 'Stratford• on 1
Theirsefay. September 1st, wheh i1stle
I.t bilaw Lindsey• younger daughter of
Mr. anal Mn. T. .1. Limleay. became
the table of George Leslie Falconer. '
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wln. Fal- '
eraser. The .ceremony was performed
by ltev. Mr. Duncan.
MIss Ruth McMafh and Miss Ethel
Holmes hire gone to Toronto to take
a nurse', course At the general
Miss Marjorie McSfnth hits taken a
position as tencher at iinrwaah.
Mise M. G. Rodd has returned from
a alae weeks' trip to Europe. in
which she %lilted England, Ireland
and Wates.
Mr. and Mrs. A. .1 Morrish. film
announce the engagement of their
daughter. Bessie T.nilte, to Harald
Mrs. -Ilex.
Tablet -t in
. an 1 have
dyeing for
r' sold -by
mall at
\W1 1Inms
••.Sept. 11
0 22
•. " 26
tetom. At the enol of that time It was
tiorne ley chosen men into Jerusalem
nm11 'great rejoicing.
Aug, 21st -cod's Promise to I)atiel.
-L Chem. 17.
-Heb. 1:13.
After the ark wen safely removed
to Jenrulent. ihrrld purposed In his
henrt to build a permanent Tense fair
it. God spoke to•him by the prophet
Nathan, saying that he should not .1'
so, but that his Pin would. Hr also
revealed' to him that One -the Mes
sins, who would la• n descendent of
his -should is• established upon the
throne forever. Ilan•Id then 'sawed
out his heart in gratitude for God's
goodness in tins giving him sorb a
promise, and In closing Itis prayer
Iwgged for n blessing op his house for-
Aug. 281h -Nathan Leath ilevid te_
RPpentaiiei� ,
-11. Sam. 11:1-12; 23,
-Psalm 31:17. '
David. In n tier of spiritual weak-
ness, tanned very deeply. going Pot Mr
• R• to plan the death of the husband
of the w,unnn he wished to acid to his
calces. ('oat sent Nathan, the prophet.
to charge hint with his guilt. 11,' did
it In n hirable «bi••t1 rousted ihit•Id
end I,o1 him to romentnnie •n dist he
t Paid. "1 hater ',inndd ngnln.t the
p Sept. 11h-Sokmton'a Wise ('haler.
-I. Kings 3:4.13.
1-Praverbm 3:13,
(:odd npp'nred to Solomon in n
24 , dream and snit! Io him: ".t'k wah1t 1
she'll give the' " in reply Solomon
n-ke1 for ten understnndtug !wort flint
1.0. might judge his kingdom Aright.
This Idetewel I;...t RIO 11r promised
3 him what 1N• mated. frit. and In n,l'•ll-
4 tion both riches Anil honor, which he
5 had not Asked fen' $odnmon Rooke:
, and behold. it nos re dream. 11ow-
etrr• Ming satisfied It n u4 from G..ti.
I be went nn In Jernwllnm rind offered
tnirifi.e ns n retort) for mien promised
i blessings.
i Sept. 11 Ib-•S•lonion Delicates the
-r Kings A. .
-Psalms 12•_:1.
i SPdomon• !r4'teg hour R bolts, for
the ark of tlo' •ov,nnnt. dedicated 1t
1 to the I..rel shun n treat hemi of pen -
0'n were In .trrns'tlem Attending the
Fens, of Tnla•rnnch s. ,Het had the
' prismtt hear the nrk and kine,' it In Its
(lnnl resting place oObit, the '-holy of
I holies " Then with the ,dfertnt of
•terlfier- and nrnyer h.. comm,ndPw1
,Cro*►nptr to God. \Who, by the prose
Of thr,'elonrl" In the 1••mn1,, tlg•
i sfestl pts neceptsnee of tln•Ir gift and
of Ilia willinlne*a to eontl ne to ie
their guide through 11f. ,
J. R. Wheeler
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 3558
Hamilton Street, Go,lerirh
Brophey Bros.
'orders carefully sttendnd to
at all hours, night or day
To the
Summer Visitors
.I'Icas.• conn it, att.1 get
ntvlilrl i t �l •� I
''ettt will Is. Ito•liKhtfully
�nrpris•d wills ,,nr ('onipl. ti•
Stork of
Select Groceries
Everything Spotlessly Clean
Sparr's Grocery
1.1 ynl'e ,.I x.,11 -furl i�i!i
Ifnmilt,in Street 1;rlerielt•
elcphotic 1411
Live Forever
Telephone 187 Goderich
Put an Ad in The Signal -11 pays.
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toronto
Globe *8.75
Th. Signal and The Toronto
Daily Star 1.75
The Signed and The Leaden
Advertiser 6.75
The Sigeal and The Lemke
Free Press &7S
The Signal and The TarMb '
Mail and Empire 6.75
The Signal and The Femurs'
Sun 3.25
The Signal and The Paaaily
Herald and Weekly Star 3,014
The Signal and Saturday
Night 5.50
The Signal and; Saturday
Evening Po•( ............ _.. 3.90
The Signal and The New
Outlook ...................._. 3.911
The Sigma! end Cmnadiaa
Homes end Gardens 465
The Signal and The Catholic
Record 3.75
The Signal sad Meleee's
Magazine 3.75
The Sigrrl and Montreal Wit-
aes• resewet 3.85
eew 3 511
The Signal • n d World
tilVide ,, resewal 425
sew 385
The Signal and Youth'.
Companion 380
The Signal and The Toronto
Star Weekly 6.75
The Signal and Rod and
Gura 3.115
he S,gn.I end The•Cenediaa•
(nuntrym.,n _ .. 2.95
( bobbing Rate-. With Other Peri,
adoral. Mey Re Had on
Massey-1iarritt Machinery Frost Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies
Farm Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Goderich. Ont.