HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-9-15, Page 44 Thursday, S••ptewl•er 15. t:r_; THE SIGN GODERICH, ONT. AUBURN SCHOOL SHOES The Time Is Here Again to Prepare Our Boys and Girls for the Fall Term at School Themtost important item in their equipnirnt i- :i pair of serviceable Sr'bool Shoes;, -the kind that will :Itaud a severe teat in any weather. At our store you will find the most emu. plete stock of the class of Footwear that will give satisfietion. The most reasonable prices prevail. It will be to yrnu advan- tage to inspect the,,line of goody we have to offer. aid it will be our pleasure to show the great variety of School Sh•,r+ that we are sure will please the boys and girls. Sole Agent for Goderich of the Slater Shoe for Men GEO. MacVICAR North Side of Square Goderich --MooEl WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 19 TO 24 Monday and Tuesday RICHARD BARTHEr MESS in a brilliant characterization with a story that Vibrates with drama, laughter and tears. A professional masterpiece. "THE AMATEUR GENTLEMAN" Pattie 4'olta•dy "HUBBY S QUIET LITTLE GAME" \1•ednesday and Thursday WALLACE BEERY AND RAYMOND HATTON in a genuine side -splitter and, by the shade of Davy Jones, you must not miss this highly hilarious comedy of the high seas and shy sties. "WE'RE IN THE NAVY NOW" Mermaid Comedy "MUCH MYSTERY" Friday and Saturday FRED THOMSON AND SILVER KIISG in a gripping W'ertern drama. abunding, with action. drains andthrills. A story of might, power --[treat entertainment. "A REGU! .AR SCOUT" . \1 Aiterts Vaughan in "PLANE JANE" fur lai ,t • nn. 1 I have for sale and r, commend the purchase of CANADIAN PICKERS METED • First Mortgage 6'. Sinking Fund (Toki Ronda, dated August 1st, 1927. Due August 1st. 1947. Price $98.50 and accrued interest. Yield- ing over .11-10 per cent. NORMAN LEWIS - Hamilton and \,a nate Streets Phone 476 Goderich Read What This Is Your money back or god results, byusing Mrs. !ybilla Spahr'sTon- silitis, for sore throats. cough, bron- chitis, whooping cough, catarrh, head colds, ami tonsil dtgearem. .;oderich Druggists. West Street Hardware WE HANDLE Driving Lamps White Front aid Red Tail Light. Illaek .Ja pa nnod. at $2.25 each Vehicle Act etTeetive October 1st. Order yours now. ALF. TEBBUTT & SON Phone 486 t:oderieh AI'1t1'ItN. Sept. 13. --Jnr. and Mrs. W. T. Riddell sprat the wick-etb at Klnearline. Mr. and Mrs. Christie and family, Of birchen and Mr. and Mrs. W. Don- X. 1 'aisloo , of Goderich. visited ender the•} -No 2 Ilan ural roof of Mr. W. C. Robertson No. 3 the fore part of the week. No. 4 Knox Presbyterian W. M. S. was No. 5 well 'represented at the Presbyterial No. In Gotk'rlch on Tuesday. Miss J. Weir contributed a 4010 for lwtrt 'f the I,r'gra 10. Mr. and Mrs. V. Asquith. itetty and Harold leaner for .Bellev111e this week. Mr. Asquith will cerate an evapo- rator there this season. . Wedding bells ring again In Mer rll- •inge- this week. Yrfur to her marriage, ms Meader evening the friends of MIAs Janet Thom Gathered at her hnttte and presented her with diver cutlery atld .•xten,ied good wishes for her future happiness. lila+ Effie Stotts la attending High School In Wingham and Norman Lock - No. 1 , No.. 2 No. 3 No. No. 3 . Nn. 1 .. 0501.1 hart is at the Collegiate Institute in Myth" Rrns.el. Gtslerlch. Colborne Mrs. H. H. Hill and Harold Hlbtoert Cnderlrh are spending a few days with God t:rer I-erleh friends. Messrs. C. M, ,Straughan and Horn' IlMosil. Rnrrdr are taking in the lights at •V i► 4 aK '1 The choicest of florae cork. etc-. made at priers to suit. _ GEO. STEWART Bruer Street Flori.t Phone 103 Tnrnhe'rry Arrangement: are being made to tt.n.f /\t-Awan• ii„ tl the anniversary services of Knox mr W' rr ited church on October 114th nest,- •Irt'ingham • :he third Sunday In the month, Rev. Wroxeter it. W. craw. of Lucknow. wilt is the preacher for the day. - Apnttnn's p1 Sprtttnn's pin NORTH M':ROR_\F, Tow.vie11.P. Sept. 13. -lir. :ul Mrs. 4'. A. Robertson and two daughters spent n few days with relatives in Toronto during the fair. Nn. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardy visited No. 2 with Toronto friends In Mir Week. NO. 3 Mrs, Will Strvens is visiting her elm- No. 4 a-rs In Toro -ilii. • No. --fl Mr. Geo.' Rahn. sr.. visited 'his Nn. daughters in Tortn twcently. No. 7 Mies Martinet Allln' hirer a few play-. with hertillat. Mrs. J. Chisholm. of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. 7. La Roque are away on their holiday*. visiting Toronto. 3lnatteel.. Niagara Falls and otherplaces: Mr. F A. Kellar. of tort Burwell Is at McGaw stattan in Mr. T:n ftdrine* s absence. , .4 number took In rsindon Fall tills week. the GnderichtTlwen aogrntl bra. raking a full load of .Tbureday and oti••rs motoring with. thele own ears. Mr. and Mrs PI 311tell ,Lite* COLBORNE TOWNSHIP NO. 1 No. t N. 1A No. 114 No_^_ TED '8 THREE- QONTEST MO 11 NOM 59 S0 48 T4 21 15 42r 39 15 Blyth 146 246 Brussels 352 24. Colhorte 313 232 Goderich 7110 1441 Grey 74R 334 Howlek 1114.1 Mtty Morris 39P 3,,t4 Tntruherry 474 274 F.nst W'nwanosh 409 273 390 4039 NC" Wroxeter 1014 74 5.347 343 West Wnwahosh 3RQ 1i W'inghnm sate_ 211 273 Majority for .1. W. King HAM IR 414 144 BASEBALL 90 r.R 1.34 10 RR 142. 13 llkt 173 Exeter 12-Coderleh 7 R 44 90 In "Mb first game of the play -of for the Huron County- League chomplon- e7 300 062 ship the local4 on Friday -afternoon FTER went down to defeat at the hands of 12 MI 72 the Exeter nine. The game was ATKI played at the FhthibltIon ground. and 1114- Spot- was one of the attractions of the er Ion ton second day of the Goderich Industrial 6 345 341 Fxhlhitlou. Aa a ball game it was not a wonder- ful performatuv hitt the •I 'stators were kept interested throughout the game by several -bright." If not bril- liant. playa. -Miran started the hurling for God• erieb. but was relieve.) in the *wreath !•i 1011tborBe-IiutL- --11x4.1-pitt•Aera- dld well. hilt the Exeter shigllrs were showing nn mercy to anyone a autiel to this the Purity team we not giving their pltehere airtight support. i.awson pitched for Exeter aril,. turned in another good game. Lowest. .oems to hare an endless supply oL'• thine "good games." and +eon e'nme through with rade whene .pirlt- m.gves him. which is (suite% Score ly Innings: , Exeter 01 208801 12 Gnderlrh ^ 0 2 0 0 I o 0 7 190 194 242 107 10 ^2.31 1114 71 1171 1451 4-3 270 329 530 3214 3:11 _21?..__ Mit 154 240 •n 217 273 in; 300 0W2 12 93 72 43:13 4531 ler Hi.lop- 198 ••r Bricker -1700 ON IN 1926 1I)r'll I K!ng MacP:'wan °'i7E 58 co 142 711 • 91 103 5417 1LTTT1 - - --- -- friends in London [}Wring tit,. Fait ' No 1 Mr. J. Treble. n{ Me.(;aw elevator.' No. 2 .. - Is kept busy these days. - He Is hand- No ---11 ling wheat pont grain as well as Mir- 111;111I...1 oy- No, 4 ill$ in the usual way. The farmeria are. rokinr ndcnntage M goof' rind, • and rlry weather to tarts Out their grain. The grain i. a S^•• 1-1 good yield. a go.,.! ?nmplP. na•1 a Sr',, Inn good price.. Altogether the farmers N". 2A • • •• are feeling well •satltrtled with the re-. N0• is sults of this year's hard work. O. 2A Mrs. Inn. Feagan is visiting with NO. *Ft Mr. and Mr.. Benson Cox. of Dundas. NO. 4.A ..IG.:...:.... Mr. nm1 Mrs. Herntan alaalel and No• 413 r «- three children. Marie. 114 and Carl. N't iia • i'f• breve moved to their new home at Na, :111 - West ft i W .ext M•'nksua. •They+ - will be missed.-- Na• - - - -•'•r . • - in the n!'tght itriod: l No.. AB t i .• LUXURY IN UPHOLSTERY- Miss Gtadcs Trete 11as zetnin.l N^• 7 - ry ice TOW . tris 113 106 ' ...count 9 to 2. • 92 i 1119.e ,N Exeter sprnnic n snrrrlse inA pro - an 51• 103 dn.'W a new pltrher for the oreaslnn, 'r'eevwn•• 1, not as •must n. Lawson. het 4 1^0„ he hurled n hrIlIlnnt game and a1- :•1 - lowed vers. few hit. In the pink... Arehtr got n home nm In the fourth 24"M ' !114 + "Inning. "when the 1.•11 wit. loss In Py....y, tQ 14.'S T? ii 101 great excitement for the fens. A. the T left 4FendPr www-pettet}ralte nnittrtt groom In hl4 effort to find the hell 1448 I while 4 -ober was ten ring Around the hoses. The locals' other inn wile ."nrrrl hr (`arrt.'k on Shea single. t The (lnderleh renin were without . the service. of Weir.,f•nnnon and 41n,t- den. Had then' rancor. been there n i(titterer. %ten n.l•rht hnVO b" n told Ihot thea weren't. so that'. that. Notre by inning.: !Exalter 4 1 0 0 (1 1 092=41 Gnderieh 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Opt Exeter 6--Q.derieh 77 Well folk.. the h*Aeinl! .+, 4..11. h 'XI far as the locals are enneerr.erl. 1x •,er. It died a minim! death in Ece- 27 ter on -Wednesday when the I.. :114 27 ';nlnWe•re elven a dose of defeat hr - the hall hnra of that town it WA - 1110. 1 r11.e of the he.t tram winning and nIthongh the Gotlerleh bort tris. 122 their hnr1••st then were not gnite ee 123 perieneed ennu¢h to hent the Fxrte nine. who have been nearing hardball tntrether for two or three tears now. However. 192.1 I. another fear and we 79 hone to lee n team In the Godertell 407 243 • r nnlform whl• h will not Holy %in th.• 101 I Heron ("minty T.,`A CIIP hilt will go 2414 right thrnagh rn no 0,RA chair plonshin. 1 Exeter started early In the CAM,'911 to nrw•tyr a lead when they ero.se•I • the rubber four time. In the flr.t • from.' and ranee In the sennd. Frlte- ler. who nit.'hid for Goderich .ettle.l I right down to work then and nib/wed 252 I nolo one more run throughout the re 71A malwing Inning.. The Iorst. 116 eat one elm Is lb. fourth and ono to the seventh innings. making the final The cnay comfort which you are bound to enjoy when reposing in any of our ing room and parlor upholstered pieces of furniture shnul•l be recommendation enough. But on top of all this is the ar- tistic appeal. The type of upholstered furniture we an. now offering is an ex. quisite in design and finish as it is lux- uriantly comfortable. r j J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director Hamilton Street, Goderieh, Ont, gDcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmcxxxxxxii Our Third Annual Fall Sale ,•ome ern.. in Trot field. This cense,) :C f volt 412 home >r.m r rorlerMh. where she was ... ... relieving in 'Cleveland's !takery for a weak. 7140 G 1py CARLOW1 nil ' - Nn. 3 4'.\I4U)W. iept. 14. -,Mr. and Mrs. Vit. -4 James Wilson. who hrh•e'ttr•en visiting Nn. !iA their relatives here *1.4 at strathroy, N. 5n returned to their home iu Cochrane Nn R "n Wednesday. ' No. 7, Mia. Isabel Young left on Thursday to take a .,11r44' at the O.A. C. Guelph, Mks Jolla Young I. home from N^• 1 Toronto for :r vacation of two week&. Xn. 2 Serenll front here attended. the Ton- No. 3.\ ,ion Fair Wednesday and Thursday of No. 311 dila week. ' - No. 4 The school fair will take plate at 'CO, 414 rarlow on September 21st. 16o not Nn. 5 I40404 Carlow'. big day. /'nine along Vit. A And t•neoura,r'• the good work-. Tim• w•aa•-il mW eo 7,. -ley. in the - - 0144 COMMENCING ' x Saturday, September 17th X 7u.Days of Exceptional Values -7 yy S1 - Specials for Saturday Only 100 yards black Duchess Silk. Regular $I.49 Q per yard. SATURDAY. per yard 98c 36 -inch heavy white Cotton. Regular 27c per yard. SATURDAY, per yard 19c See the Large Bills for List of Bargains F. E. HIBBERT 1; PHONE 86 THE CASH STORE xxxXXXXXX Xx)=XXXxx xxx 114 R7 09 an 112 1 AR 744 TTOWT(`K A3 122 4x1 .r,f RR A... Q3 133 741 townshlp hall. Reeve 11111 In the chair 1foo11BT4 and till member. present, No. 1 ............... • 90 The election wooed off very quietly, Nn. 2 with a !are,• rote polled. No. 3 :Mils J. nn Morris. of the Goderich No. 4 ho.pitib -.toff , spent Iwo tiny. at her No 5 home this week. - No. R Life-Mrmher•hip Preaenterl. - A very plensine feature at the monthly meetiuL' or rhe W. M.1+.. held at the TT'R' :,.,IP, of Mr.. John Treble An •Monday I No. ,:terno.o,. was the pre.entntlon o4 a No- :••awifilLy printed and nicely framed Nn. hie-tueitils•tship certificate In the Nn. t\. M. r'. of 1'10..1:t ' to Mr.. John No. 4 Young. \frs. Young ha. been n filth• fel member of the Society for a bum - kg of yertr. and has twilled In every way to advance the nni.sionny .pint Xo. iu the ewotnnnity, Mrs. Yining's tiro Xn ,Inugtir.•rs also are members of the .yo- Nn. eiel. .\Ittou¢h sl).' Will .'91110101I* ,Nn, taken by .nrpriw'.. 3Tr.' Young No. thanked the ktdieg it, n few- wen- t -howl' w!.rtls for their thoughtfnttness. Ur.. Ilrnders•'tr gore the-. klres. and • \Its. George Glen_ made the pr.•sente- Nn. 1 'n Hon. After the devotional 'xercises!No. 2 53 n quilt w -n. quilted find the nrilelep No. 3 1114 ,ot e•h.rline for the• hale reached A r' No. 4 • RS rnlm• of 1;11 1Mlegotes were ,hewn 1 Vn, S ". 112 Io 711100.1 rhe ronf•r.•n,-. at 'bingo*, Nn, R •.. 00 non nn srptemis'r 21.1. The meeting' closed will. fief doxology and the l !A.M.. Pray -.•r, after which a dainty , WIN' lunch was served by the hostess and Nn. her (laughter Gladys.' Twenty ladies No. - attended the uu•.'ting. Vn, 3.\ 1A 1R 2 1.r,R 3 ft.1 07 474 • 274 TART \v Ii1PANOSIT nrt ROI e as *2 1...-1 g 47 X,.. 04 42 4nf1 273 W+F8T \t .tR'•\NOatt 42 ser 40 44) 40 47 lQ no 434 . 97 141 W1 Ott 84 77 Y1 MIR IR 41 AIS AA *1 4 1 n Ele,tien Sputa No Thr Rnnnelnl ,ng 41.. for rite'' -n' rt„• V... rnndldnte. In the North Huron bre- elect Inn are: Benson ('rniekshnnk. Wlhghnm. for Mr Ilrirker: Riehnr.t 7an.lone. W initham. for Mr. rn.inp: ' N„ Thmmn..T. Mclean, \Thi¢hsrn. for Mr.I Rpnt ton. WThl ,, .. • an • 44 . frf 4118 .108 TI NII? -Bur Weir Leaving The bleats Are 10.1ng one of their ulna .'nthnslsstle ani clever placers this week when "Rill" Weir. eantnIn of the Pnrltle.. !Imre. town to take it position In the head °Mee of the W'eat- ern Canndn Floor \MI11t Co at Tor- onto. "11111" 111ts nbrted nn A gnrwl many of [ltd 1nenl ball team. the last fry And next. year when the roll is mulled It is going to he hard to 14'1 the rap made he his depsarture. 13'e wish 73111 all kind. of lock And all that sort of .hill. and we should not only like to. but we expect to. 'see iiia name In the line-up of one of the Toronto teams--perhapw. the (10lers. Miss ivy Fll4ott and MI:.. Thi -lm* Rosa left iost week on a holiday trip to Rang. %anemuver and Vittoria. Mists Miss F,Illntt nn the return trip will VIII} friends In Calvary. Canmore. Ed- monton and Winnipeg. Miss Etats is taking thA' mond trip anti wilt visit her brother p Lem ,\nas.le. Cnllfor- I PARAMOUNT PARA MOUNT, Sept. 12. --miss Alive Thompson. of iterrie. 1. ri.ittng hwr sister, Mrs. Will Stanley. Niles Myrtle Webster. who teaches near Ilene. spent the w,r'k•end with 111 her parents. 07 MI.. Isabella Mn.'Tlnnnld, who .pent 412 the summer In Windsor. hes r.'htrnel R2 h, her home In T.orhslsh., 31 Mr. T. Walker. of Chicago. Is visit - 28 tett his sister. Miss Welker, of Am- __._ herly. Mr. nod Mrs. Rnynnrtl are In Lon- don this week attending the London rchthltlon. 111 Mrs. Evans. of Nnntlenke. is vIdting 72 her twirents nt ,\mlwerty. Mist Chrannt .pent the week end 77 with her parents In Kinloss 3130 112 73 73 fitt2 7&. Mina %lnrgnret \ino•Leod has gone to Torontowhere she hits ws ni•.+l n nrhool. • Mr. and Mrs. Monte. of White - rhumb. were the guest. of \ir 0101 Mr. Intik Henderson. Mrs juice hAs rehtrn.'d to her home after visiting friends et Owen Sound. FASHION -CRAFT CUSTOMIZ}t) CLOTHES 1 . "...is wl4'tr TWEED SUITS II Value! It's not a sale, but the result of our determination to exceed former values. t Fashion.Craft SSS Tweed Suits '2 aatp111111nanl W. C. Pridham & Son "Tice Store With the Stock - Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57 X 696•••••11111610011 ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Aluminum Ware 500 PIECES On Sale at 79c Blackstone's Furniture Exchange where you can get anything in new and used Furniture. •0000000es.00e, Boiler Specials Through a special buy on our part we can offer you a good All -copper Boiler for... $2.98 1140 an .extra heavy All -copper Baler for.. , $3.49 NA!, hove covert' A few more 10 -quart Galvanised Pails loft at ' 29c Carrie's Hardware East Elide Square I;teleri,h ANNOUNCING Our entire new range of Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats NOW IN STOCK Style and price to .suit everyone 1 his season the largest range we have ever shown Dry Goods S. A. Gray Co. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Ready to Wear t