HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-9-15, Page 2vve
2- Thurcriay, September 15. 1927.
«hr,� $41(311di
Iy STA It L1 `JH'1']D 1 441
Member of Canadian Weekly Neews-
papery Aaaodatioo
Published every Thursday morning.
Subttcrlption prier $'2.00 per year
strictly In advance.
Telephone 35 , : Goder•ith. Ont.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday, Seeteu ht r Li, 1fee'7.
Thr opened has happened. When
the Liberals and the United Farmers
decided to divide the support given iu
the previous two etectione to the late
J. W. King. It was not difficult for
observers acquainted with the riding
to foresee the result. ludeeed. the aur -
prising thing is that the--ititreral can
dilate came so near to. winning. The
('unservattvea have electees their
nominee, but it is a barren victory
signifying to change In the views o
the majority of the peole of the
mamas it aans OMIT -that M
Spume! will sit at Ottawa for the re-
mainder of the term as :1 minority
While the result ha+ no significative
in respect to public policy. 1t has its
lesson. however. It 1s difficult
enough for the united 1.11s•ral and
Pre.gneedve forces to win in North
Huron: with thuse tones divided it
!s practleally i1pposstble. ,AVith the
Government securely in power. with
"good times prevailing. and with no
Issue to .stiffen party feeling. condi-
tions in the cont( -$t just ended were Gov-
favorable for the .v-
ernment candidate. In a general
election the Conservetive candidate
weuid have a much easier task in
beading two opll.nitut+. The lesson -
then. is that In .oma way the golf be-
tween the United Farmers and the
Liberal, must be bridge.[. The Sig-
nal does not pretend to be able to may
how this can be done: it is sdtf*lent
for the pteaent time to ,point out the
necessity of doing it. It will be three
or fou: years, probably. before the
next election is fought. and in the In-
terval there will he time to cnnsicier
the situation and to dlseorer. or to
attempt to discover. some means of
prerenting a repetition of what has
11114, ciccurred,
/For the present., Mr. Spotton is to
No Other Tea as Good
We asK you to test this yourself.
Gardening Hints
By a Practical Gardener
no was alt
and he ILO?
The need
tubing at •
to work
ing tdbing' f
\ir. Lloyd hit
quarter of a
with tbd
were co
gnat nisei_
Imre bat Mae
!try. Ilifaap •
.1 W.
and A
Mr (.In
and might
ps-tame fo
It Is a shuttle matter to procure a peal to him.
diaplav of bloom within a few weeks From a Poor Start, He at Last mind to the
Achieved Success and Died er ostia l.•.
a Millionaire w idler
Lod attempt
whl.h would
The death oecurred reel-ntly of on•'•' "ill' .0
Mar -hall It, Lloyd, who some [went
Fear, ago promoted the'organize tlo
of the now defunct Wheel Rigs Com
t 4.4,4 not com-
nz in Goderi. h. The • faLl(talug
sketch of Mr. Lloyd's romantic buss
atter the stow .hwtplaatts. To get
, this. secure bulbs now. and plant mut-
t side. Snowdrops. a. aeon as the snow
Is gone. are followed .11 rapid su('ces-
atntrtc rim shins. ens rases. grape and
r' 1 hutch hyacinth. oar. i -.rat-. cottage.
Darwin and breeder tulip: Ther,. 1.
also a single early tulip which will
tome first of OH, NO i
pare In beauty with the Darwin and d'
y Lu; all had
n Lloyd -1 rent
whish would
the wicker Pe
The ort of
later warts, By se•leititig varieties
carefully. Moon' 'front thy l+t of May
to well on 1n Jane may too secured
trove tulips alone. A the flowers for
next year's M.w'urh:g are already
formed inside the bulb now. It Is ad-
visable to mu the lareeet both* pro.
eurahle. Unless w.0 roofed in the
fall. results will not be :nristactory.
Henet. it is necessary t.., plant early.
Tullis. narcissus mud hyacinths should
be planted from four to SIX inches
deep, and eil"nit the same tUstabce
apart. while the'smaller buil* should
planted about two Itches apart and
about teal or three iflt-ts. deep. The
tall late Hillis will stand u.ore erect
If. idanttvl from ti_h(d.. ten, inches
Best 1 arirtiea.
Some of the moot' vri.feietpry vari-
eties are: \Brels.u.-Eta peror. Sir
Watkin. Madame i4 I:rnaff. Madame
flemp foul Poetiens. hyacinth-L,t-
grtnd.ese, Grand IJ;us King -of rhe
(Slue+, (:igantea and Roi ole 'Beige -s.
The tulips are - 1,4,- timorous to tlsr
separately• it le acini -aIle to get a
catalogue and detect the ...dors and 11
type ,leesir..l. Q (attt411e- planting -
any of thew can 1"e rts•ommends4. bot
for planting inflows the early types
are Lest. and rare shoos) his used to
aelevt thecae especially- .utttejtlg_=fir..
(rog n g.
Planting Ruth. Indoors
ut-ss career is from The Menominee
Marsha;: hurts 1.60yd was born it
St. Paul. Mina.. un March 10. Pala. a
sal of John•(.Ioyd. jr.. and Msrgare
1(:Innseet Lloyd. Ile was of Fong
11.11 deaveri1. Lis father having (-otos
to Canada from England In 1S3?
Soon after his birth the family. return
producing wive
man himself.
man had been
nne wiefft over
Riblleal folk.
t perim.nt re4u1
_ \Ir. T,1.'' ! how
producing wick
ferent from t
amp method
id 1.1 l'auadtl. It herr the fattier ell- .
gaged in fa ruling a't Mea ford. on 1
4' la! 7y
[a -Here the lad -galnq
a IUmlttsl Crises be•iug n
.aIle•,[ ifs
on a[ au earls t bear a slwre of
the family enemies. After ,..me un-.
satisfactory ' experience hi cutting
wn.sI and belying In a village store
the toy entered Into busiul*a uu his
own account as a nab merchant,
catching his own ash and peddling
them about the 'village In a handcart.
His first experience as an Inventor
waa ....tweeted with bis fishing. foe
width he devise,l a new and .ffective
.pear. This was followed by the •
manufacture of • cletbee hamper,
which. in the dearth of ready nwney.
to tra,ltsl for ford product.. and cloth
hiss. Ile then invented and mauufac
rnred a spring bed which aa. .Ips
I.esrel of In the seine way. The lint
ited conditions of the neigbl"erhnu.
ROoa priced irksome. and he left home
for the larger opp•rtunities at Tor
onto. where he i.w•am - a clerk In
gr0 -o ry. Seizing ninon et new 'rentor.
the yoll1u matt began a h. tolwe-i.-htolnae
ranra.s of the city with a l;ttij
soaps% Juni
s own ttpr•eaeinn. '•ereryt. I,- in
Torontoohati.inolgh neap to keep them
.lean maul The mllleettlinu. - tle.fben
t.".k rap ;the -.ale of jewellery ;n Rte
Toronto streets; nn.t later .trot,-
al..ut the country selling genets! mer
ehandise to farmers from a cbsrrt•d
wagon titn w n by ant• i or -e.
Drove Dog Tram •
'He we. n„,•a eighteen refire of are
an twin offered :he p il;u, of,.aasil
eariler between I'orr ,trthur Ane
I'Idgo n River h.• in -rented in thn.e
days. the wervior orrr the sixtMhe•
miles was .e,.ndtt, teal with n teem to
dogs and the trip 4.114 mads In tw.
Lloyds facto
some time e
weaving plan.
Plow awl 111)
onwani In
wnttid do the
melds follow
forma of the
pr.ddem+ well
solve. 'Constant
it. rewnrd
which today
and dots weds"
fnrnftnre. In
regelre.T t t lin
method .,f p
hare revolution
fat•tnring Indies
't here,
u gauged
price met
a, st.'r with
i known •ft
q.„eethud of. .= w�,j.
I rItrboa.
i,tag more that
arty' .tat
In alt e. .- the
orrrs ne tta-
a115c ss vaalnn-
througth the late
rthevniing, the 1u-
palents see red
sold .for a large
is wage also se-
at remunerative
,. •
=tarpon At(avy toll on his phytdeal
OY of h4 buslntas acticitles,
Loyd found time to give to pub-
* service. Flom iS111t to 111151 he
r'eaented the Ninth ward of Minn-
na in the clte's board of aider -
and nlwo sent -en ns a member of
Citizens' Commis -len appointed to
up rice eonditlona, which were
Tor two tents:. 1910 to 1917, he
as mayor of the city of Mello -
110111(414. and It waa during that period
that the City aer'tircd control of the
waterwork•.. which had previously
been owned and operated by a private
company. It had been a source of
Pride to Mr. Lloyd that It was through
ids netivItles and Intlneuce that the
city was assured a never -falling sup-
ply of pure water.
Worked for Me aonshnee
Sines making Menominee Ids home,
Mr. Llnv4 hat given to the city every-
tmad Oda
hing within his power iI the clty's
now independent hest Interest in iwelitleat nffnir. he
tis,; with a coin- affiliated with the lteplthlIcnn party
remainder at hisand took an aetivn part in many- caar-
t' did net tip -pelvis in local polities, however. It
d he t ed 7a1i was always "the mon" that counted
Of Prod trick -Moot with him Ile belonged to but
• Ile ng the Otto internal organization. 'tile
any eiventora Knights of 1'ythla iia was a mem-
eomtemee ;Homs ler of the Rotary Club and (chamber of Jaen In amore.- ettmtneer-e of Menominee and ..f the
'torturing methal... union T,eagne Club. (`1dt•egei Ills
Rwtliztn¢ this. Mr. charities were numerous, and above
-,d a new- method all he was an earnest worker In pub -
It -elf to scolio[ lic affairs of Menominee. -
wachlnery.__. _ _ nn {Itr(1 11,_11L:.1n_New...T fa (`Itt-,
ng wicket and Mr. Lloyd married Mr., Alliatrlette'
et.. 1.-+ h as old as 1 Hammer 'Pollen. of. Oringe. .
lie nil that age no l Mr. Lloyd's recreation. linin the
to Improve the art last few ears were ehlefiiP rat
methods used by the outdoors. Ile wee an nee
of study and ex- terist and golf player. And -n
rhe adutlon and as an expert skater wheti ,Nw
1ortl n method for Nerved. He was eepev•lnl fqa of
Arieles entirely .11f- feetry. and numbered among his Intl -
1 -•,i heretofore The mates the work. of all the ¢rent tweet.
employed In \ir. 1 and of mane of thane not w. well
a' Menominee for known. but not 1044 appre-iate•.l
ander the hand-
enl-wen ring taping itt not it lady awlmm:-r clad in half
arg,d Mr. Lloyd
of n L10m whir h an Inch oil greane teeentatonay over•
More expert- dre•reeter,-Toronto Mall and Empire_
but the 1
le- de.irwt offer•n few, 1s the thing that emakes a fel-
h imts,s..ib1e to low watt to pay a glial'a board bill
pplicatloh brought w -h. -n he cunt pay hts own.-.tlftaitg
:haps, of n I".rat Journal.
catatble of wenwtng
tory rat Menom
_ the mmpany t0
sold are the
where these
I can be ..•.n rat
Tera sold irl
well -ea ruled
nand deteendn
• Kept
In II:: bite
rnn ', 1,
he congratulated npon the attain:m.10 One .an rosily hove Rowers all win-
; ter by planting et fen- butts in loots at
of a lifelong ambition. He won the this time.L Narelestis. hyneinths and
..election when he calpturwl the ('.at- Chinese tines, can be grown in ital.
aervative nominating conreatton in water or Aber. Th.. latter stitrstjhce.
July, and If he had not ite'en up posing which is now on sale at all seed .toms.
a Cuvenlment with no splendid n re- ilia be planted in pots. Omani: the
bullae About half nn Inch below the
cord a+ the present Guwerrinnent e•nn sell. The narcissus wilt ...nae into
boast his lead should have been 115110 bloom iii from six to eight wes•ks, and
instead er a ,.lin' 24110, ahonld he planted every week or two
np until ('hrlatmas for it im.,-esslnu of
bloom. Hyacinthe and tulips will
take about two to three months: -anal
daffodils about the snmP. Where 4.11
is nse.i. a light pserting wart. `y
fiTninie plenty of sand is n triable
and drainage mast Ie provided. With
flher or water drainage in not neces-
sary. After planting place In a clerk
eviler where the temperature is keit
around 40 degrees, If Iw,ssiIle. When
the root growth hna developed well-
* 11171 .nit 11019 In hand and examine -
and the !Trent. are up shout an Inch
and one half, bring ont into Mir light
and a temperature 'of ahem 50 de-
grees. Water well 'at this time. Th n
week nr tw„ renelve• to full sun and n
temp -rat's.• of from 145 to 711 4e¢repI.
Pole.. these pintas get the cold dark
stnrt referred to. they will d.erelnp too
Poon. and small. sl•kly flowers ore the
result. .After they enme ant they
smolt be kept fnhly snot. &tont (lei de-
grees. If the bloom IP to Inst nes tong
ns teutslhle. -
XTf(i i-TFw mores- annou>icements'
from :,dr: Robb Like--that--tit Saturday
night, the national debt will begin to
feel rather small.
• • •
Ae The Toronto Star rightly says.
there would have leen a ,Ilfferent re-
sult if each elector. had been free to (
Indicate his second choice under the
single transferable rete system. Mr.
Spotton can Ile relied upon not to
vote for the adoption of the transfer-
able vote.
• • •
It I. rather silly of Tite London
Free Press to speak of the "signifl-
canoe" of the North Iluron bye -elec-
tion. Its significance is nil. Mr.
Spotton would have leen beaten by a
_thousand. if the electors had been
certain which of the other two cam
dldatea was the stronger. -
- Council met August 15th: all mem-
her7 present. MitinIns of July meet-
ing were renal nn.i ou ml,tion of ('onn-
(titOns Andersen and- .1. hemi,- were
duly adopted. (on molten of 4'nuneil-
I0rs Centeno,' nod McKenzie. the
sheep clalin sof Thos. Hall was oder.',)
paid. *101. On motion of councillor.
lln1lhnn and Anek'ren, the following
MIN were peepe•,1:.1.neknow sentinel,
.d. for (,ridge.. ,2.55: Jelin Klliettrick.
savary A.47 911: .ino. s. Kilpitri•k. 1111-
ing 1t bridge. rend 1. a.;: \liltou i ll-
pntrlek. tilling rat bridge.. rend (l, *.:
John Meltne. gravel. X9.1.: DiuuMn
('n meren. do.. tl: Wilfred Flt rri sh, do.,
i1.23: Herb Ensign. binding gravel
for bridge. x44.:.1: .Taee•.tt Minter. ntl-
ing At bridge, 151: Gordon Redd. haul-
ing gravel and pay for grnvel for
Irldoe. +7121: Wm. I'Pplwer. repairing
road. x10: Ent! Me ltonnld. gravel, XI;
Neil M,•4'nllnm. .on.sAte on +mall
tiridge4, t111rr: Hrrh Enttgn, hauling
grnvel, *9.13: Milton Kttpatrtck. ttln.
erol • Gordon B.O. grill el for bridge.
$4.110: 1'Ict'r Whitley. hau;1ag gra•.I
and tile. *110.72: Oen. Elliott. patrol-
man. north boundary. 135. •Rylnw- No,
4, setting the rate for county. town-
ship. railway interest and witted.. wee
Only pnssee.l: nlsn bylaw No. 5.- to bor-
row money to pay Interest on rnilwsv
hooch. Cottrell adjourned. on motion
of Conn. -Mora Cameron and McKenzte,
to me. t ROptemher 1A. at 1 p m. •
- C. F,. ageD(YNAG'H. Clerk.
Untended for Into week'
WIHPPFirdirII'(tir , Rept. Po.-Rrr.
and Mrs. J, T're ,most anei fondly'.
of 419.tph. - - Tietit last week with
friend. here and relative. In (talerlrh'.
Mr. and Mrs. (.eo. Pottle .nelrt the
week -end witty Mr. and Mr.. F.I.
Rrrwnin¢, of Kinentllne.
Mr. and Mr. Throe Wont .pent
Sundny with' hi. aunt. Mr.. David
't Irwin, of Dungannon.
Mr. and `Mr.. (Toll ;Tarsen.. Mi..
Addie and \IrtIi,.!rn Roe.. of Toronto.
.petit the weak-, rad. with re'nece.
Me -.r+ T'ursnn Alt Milton
Rruee. of T.enmin,ten. and Mfr F.1mer
Pardon, of Detrol,. spent Pnr,,iny,at
their homes here,
Mr. mid, Me.. W ft. Farr?ov- mot
family .pent Smola". at the' home of
Mr Tim* Mother.. Tllnevtlte.
Mr. and Mr.. .iohn Crltnptweil an,)
motile. of .lylmer..t.etit thn week -end
here to nttehd th, Graham 'gelato-en
Mrs. t;itsnn. e( salt. and Mr and
Mr+ Wm. Rnhlna„n and family .prat
Sunday with Dr. ilnrold Tlohineon. of
Vro lkerten.
444 ch,trrb ReM -vers' m- e.xfn1
nnniyersnry .err lee. morning rivet
evening on Anndny last, when Rev.
Mr \frT)nna14. „ of Farnee .l - 1ie,
Mr. ani Mr.. (Tarry M(i:re rind (Ler.
'inn and Mrs Lee and tt,n Stewvnrt anei•
MIs, Stewart. of Lnnnrk, .9091 Ann•
clay- with their cnn.ln. Mr. Simpson.
nnr fnmily. of London.
The death oeenrrrrl rat 1114 home in
West Wnw*nnah, on Thnra,lne. Sep.
temiser 1.t, of John Mnrtln Beside.
9 If - hr learr'. III• need mother,
four sitters and two brother.. Jame.
and Charlie
to by inn -lag... or
thirtieth the time
aver.. The LL>_r,l
11 and Lloyd 1.".n
the wicker mann-
and tohv the fne-
cid the plant. of
rh fb(Lrightn were
oat In Ameril•a
rkahle inyenthtns
rk Foreign right.
to Mr. Lloyd a
1 for his tlrele•.s
en wor.
with wealth
01 a
We have just received fr
Large Shipment o
and we invite you to come in
Among these new goods
Candies, and the prices are ver
Medium size Candles
I¢inch Candles
24 -inch Candles .....
(Each pair in
some v
.25c per
75c per it
.90C per Pair
Fernitwe ail Nous. Furnishings
"Sloths Cheapest and Alvan the kir'
en one of the palatial Steamers of the C & B Line
makes a pleasant break in your journey.
Your rail ticket is good on our Steamers, leaving
each way, every night. between Buffalo and Cleveland
p. i m., wiring at 7.30a. u . (Eastern Stand -
rare $5.51 & alltdd Trip $9.5I
New Aa1ClLate. $5_a) and up
Our pew 32 -page Tourist rude with Auto Maps,
mailed free on remise
ibis CNvssion w 41.,,.,. fr...at C•N..r
Wh.rwar as Midatp. A... 14r1.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Florida. an.) ng that ,he de-
sired In hi•..ing lb•neet•onrtbe
bop shorn I Meuaaoinip. 'Hit Lloyd
we. not 111#01# 4, to spend Samos. ter
maln,Ier eEbl- ,7tys-1st IdienteP :L1»
mnlntnin on , q,erimen1aI 016111nrY
near hi+ 111 map on itlhe'yltnp Iron, nn(t
••urns mAnj' hour. in. It gnrking...n
Ideas which he Intended to rlevelop.
' H+ wag1 tett( to o snmeettityt for rhe
men r"tn work,'. '• he often deteiire,t.
i and coseeivi4 in -I patented n section-
al host. InttuIs eel from told by a
method of Ifs ,We and inelnding &
hentlnc system %kit'h he said would
1s• decidedly . •asodrnl. He pllhln-
e tnine.1 a crew a dozen men em-
gloved In the .', p perfecting detail+
hon... whh•ho
e h
.lttraetee by the rash of settler.
nn,l r.•a1 estate a• ., W„f •1114"r"
oth- ;Tesla for th
t' Win' Intended to 013!•Ifaettire
..n n Inrge
nliw•t[. Mr. LetM Iptiro,t. the throng.
...writhing hi. wont to Demesne his wnl And nlnr•e m the market He
h l h 'I t od
raliwny Hetet. lir re intie,l «-•Inns- lolls ase' r e n coon y n o r gran es
e .
n. n IncAtiun f•his PrhpiPtel 'modal
pegla.tttnte of mon.y. hat found im• ,.its." Mr. Torn, ? • however did not
enrry nett this •,Iso. HP wen. Inter -
1I l t, t% through i'1naa4 In It re.ire to
"do something - Menominee" when ,
It needed a fit• r..'.
• In •Fehrnary. ip=so• Mennminwe'P
nn;y dr•partmen' -fore was destroretd
br fire And the -,,calx flea -1114A not 10
tehnlld. 'As the n.anth. rlrnsgt'd by
the depreselon In 1(sanmtnee hnstne.s
lws•nme mark, t The Menominee
m:nnfaetnrt'n' ;.,,1rnbl. were being
•.•nt tnrsretr -T•,;, at the city% to the
distress of nIJ I•sal`MtttIfl P.
Finally A roM mrnl�of citizens nn
4t. who w-na to
• T'pon hies return
(plans nndor way
ent store and
der the lend -
1.11(M) citizens
an vie/ (m) In
ng rorp.rntinn.
were hush, both
m0dinte emldnrn.tnt ns n waiter in
one of the hut.•Is. 1I,•re he t, -,-vim r -
Intel a email amount of money whkeh
he Invested •o wd+els in an ''prion on
n pint of city properly that within an
hour he was ab'e to Pell i.t rat n profit'
of a15n.
With this enplral' the heft the hotel
serwtet• and 0.ra/dished a ren! estate
office, Fortlmse favoring him. and
within a few- month. In had set umn-
1,'tpp aerernl thonann.i dollars Snt-
tkIlitlrir"fmd he went to
itnknta. t'ntaing a Esrm at Grafton, to
whish he mor."; his parents and 1.1..
hrethen and tIster.. Rift farm life
rotted Inl10r mired .an his active nahtre.
And.he conn turned over the farm to
his frillier. mud went to Si. Thmmn..
where he engager) in the ht.ltrnnee
bnaime«. Tt w•n. at this periol thnt
hi. Inventive fnr•nitl-, la•¢nn to eSer-
aste domulnation toyer his energise. The
airs nr,dttct sea. a e•otnbinnton .cnle
tu1d bnirhol,)er to he Med In filling
limit sock The 'Irvin ennhl,-d one
mon to .I.. the work forme-rlr rsfnle-
in¢ nen men. Mr. l.ltoy-) lwegnn fhr
mmB11(ittnne etf its IT14e•ntt'1 At St.
Tlionrn.. but ens w, nnfnttlmrte n. to
his fa. 1.1.3 •01.1 e.tnipn,Pnt by ere.
First flig Sneer%
A2nin w about working .11p011l he
wont to %HI nrnls,fis hart filling to
Innere.t r.npdtnllstr. lie lw-tnme. for the
t?n•e it-Itt¢. n snle•mml In a .Int store
Me:Inab l.. he 1(gs ieerfeet1ng A
mrchtnlsm for wrnydn¢ wire door
nears end Int'!'. mots. The owes(. of
tht• mnehhre w'„11 firm an IiMre.t to
1'. n White Mnng61etllrilg l'oIn-
unity. In ex. . ang",loy.4lr.-rfntttetT-1fge
Te • nrnrhin.' 1,nirr ht invent,.,) a inn.
,ihint. for wv nvIng sIre storing_aoattIVe-
..-nnd wtth-thi •in 11asl lie wile able
to buy out hi. partner, &rad fowled aha
hloyd Mnnnfnctnring ('ompnny. Th•
sneer•. of *Lt woven wire 1wd-1,rin2
wog Immediate nn.? for reaching. nt'i
11 1.•
fight. to nrnmfae'tttre• it erre .add
eat only to n nnmiser of ,lmerl•nn
mnr,))fnetttrer.. Lot also to those In
•1x Enroi.mn eitttntrites, tei.trnlln.
New 7.eelnnd and in Smith .stria.
Thrtwgh the inventhm of n ,vire
wheel for el,III r0n'.
renled to Mr. I.1
F1orisa rat fhr tine
1st \fen''mI11PP he hr
to finance n (1 1a
theatre enterprise,
rrttat, of Mrtl4
snhw•rf,e,l to n, ,rt
the romm•nnttr- tin
The .tort and 11,•11_-
mnenineent - Pt -1. time, but In the
menntime It an. Illsrnverrrl that n
.teenrarntnufot) r hnthseen. 1'Itvore1nlfleeitng fwnr•-
'not ,owns nhtnln,,1rad the etneklnld-
nr. were dt•pte,..d• Mr. Lloyd n2nln
entre to the re., :;e. leleine the b,illd-
Ina find gltnrnnr.eittg the etereki lder.
n r-asrunhle Intrre41 nn their money.
iTB t- tipped ito• srMt and .tn.•k0r1 it
1„ a nml'nrP In eters re•neet with fhr,
It•.t ma4rnpn ltin r.tahll•hmentt. 110
flt'ed nnromit, ,...f the theatre the
1b'n0ni.tti1nMof thInnenIle
lket[o'',„-r-f w.A2tgahr 1c.h InwMittehne nmSaimntrree
Thfhtitrean' ,,,re erre npene10
int) 111.50, sero 1 fore. The ttnn• noel
rliealre drew s?,' n,114 patrnnnee mr
m'15 from the me folks hnt from
44slsw, turn• seat Aar rnrnl ' om
- Went to ERS
The detain' 1 manngentent. how-
•irEm1,,tt,nrImi0mooryenrr,llchl1.l n.yamri,n+lhset•aFsetthiahpeaamthk 1r•asr.h, bePPnHr. y
1ttelLlrnrms saoondyfwes Wip1tnrh irpttMtiyirr
he tree 111•rnnn.'t1,tn•
c 1, ,les i1 . on
Lloyd Iss•nmr ihterrare,l In the vroom nes
faetnre of these artioie. conn After 4
ilnn , QM.r detail+ op -
nf the.• , joys
we ought tube friends
IAM the British American dealer. My
specialty is providing car owners with
the kind of fuel and lubricating oil that will
permit them to get more satisfaction out
of driving.
I know automobiles - inside and out. I
know gasolene and oil.
I have changed the oil in thousands of
crank cases and I know good oil when I
see it and FEEL it.
When I tell you to use British American
products I'm giving you the benefit of years
of experience in the oil business.
The world '
o d I
s my market. I can take my
choice of gasolenes, and oils and greases.
I offer you British American products be-
cause I know they will make you a permanent
customer for mc ---to our mutual satisfaction.
Let's be friends.
Aboue all m•
are for Saletg