HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-28, Page 14fur the (elotoet roms,:thy, retoeto mem lore about the reports of 4r44*
"41 it 1''
2,S, 1927.
William Campbell's
„ T. . , , , : jt I. :, .,,t‘... f „ • It.. I .., • li Vet three re- maw La
Ninety year-old Resident Recalls ,,,„3;,,11'.' 7,7,1kb,:b -r4vIer
. ,
Many Events of Interest in a Long ,, ,,,. n,.,,,,, 40“ "i1,"i 11'.1 he Leff Council-
. . -,...r. r. ahiel. a .o. „tic•tl4 lii hi* Ica/ hold an a
and Active Lite ..:1.i• ‘Iii1,1,
iluit• t,f•li-ro
• ' uilli etili•ll it. ilte cittilli. 1 bare
My brether dOnl*' Po
:it'd. 1.:ill4l1,tf to Mine "Ve ha
Tterl-te-gt-esse --fur _aasey,e4.. al.,' I tale,
.:e -4%11i:..t4; t•herte for the the Lomita
Few people have Levu .t•oimeeteti
with the history. Gotierith fur et,
long a period as has our teterau
toullsniuu, lVjIIjaubOampl. .41, Sig-
ma reporter visited Mr. Caueibeil rs-
eteitlY. atul hegira from hint emus he
tereeting reininiseencre of the old flays
"si %sae porta iu Barrie iu 16114,- egid
Mr. Cauipbell. "My fathitr seem /rota weed, Girt& 31,4rtau it'utseu Mrs • • •
Sheriff had probates eue
IIbruurit l4 found in tot .!t.,•
that time, but It wane
..ieetroyed by tire a few year:44
Milne Billy Olter •
Ihteloue had a etiu eh° studi,,,,,
la 44 and "petted at. offiee 'where the-
12.P.M. luau Ake b.. Ile went, later,
to Pert Artbur, %% here be
m•liooinjuir• 1 re
member eel: Mrs. I Iti•v. I El
441* 44 LI
"----Thitt-Penergugueseeue-1,60..4e. Linaohoh, then -tel.., it •-• . " ‘` •-•• •••1
:ailed front that port fur (.oder
Leh. ° •
tivtler14,41 1404 !hell. the qUiel, peave-
lul tout,' kuuw. 1 eau reinteu
libeu !urge bands of. Behan* teo
temae from Southatuptou briuging
to sell ur barter, also pith-re/Zed 1141
augur which they used to pack
baskets of burl:. and which vont
tionerii UMA1 fur eertaiu
cutely. Away bate 111 t1 40's anti '
these Indiana, would catnap uu the ti
toad would lutade the town dame
ay singing. their war sough all night
114 the streets. The Indians used 40
buy quantities of a blue cloth Abell
sold by the inert:heats. 1 Vlia/ rellletil-
ber 1r.Grate's selling. mite, as much
a* flu) worth 01 such cootie to the
4111141,44peaws4gettlaig au order
ou the Government for the amount. 1
knew et -11 two or three of their cbiefrit
-Aide! ILois t 1 remember se' sa need
alisister-looking fellow.
--*The baseness -of- --4414e-towal_mati
chlvtly izu tbe west end. most of the
morels being 111 the neighborhood of the
Park House. 144 Uu peek Wild a big
sort of tribud'auppurting n bell whleli
marked the time for the wuranieu of
the Canada Company whu were theta
etinetructieg the harbor. Mike Kelly
Ives the bell-ringer. , •
Schools of the Early Days
-When 1 Nue 44 lad there etre *ev-
era! private vheels 144 the town. 414/111e
for boy* some fur entailer chibired oi
both sexes. Vol. Morgan lived in a
cottage un East street near where
Sraith'a- bakers- muds. anti had.a.
school across the road on the site nOw-
iiccultitil by the town hall, dlr. Lee*
bald a school on Hamilton street.
Later, *nue time In the '60's. 1 met
Ilr. Le** iu Vliutou, neer which place
he wasllvliug ou a farm. I rents:tuber
him as a great user of snuff. Mrs.
nose had a school on St. David's street
back of the !eine Edward hotel.
lhatiel Lizars. liii 1/iii••-r;••,4
1••• .a. •0»-
her Brigas4lier4lener44l Sir 4111er •
ind lived here when a small bOY, Thes The
ur" itimml to all hint 14ttt lkfIytitterI
'Als greatest rho: :it 'my Aimee-
Alexander NI 30,1 'Walla... a 1so
ee- elle was plum of ene Arm.- •• „
uf "I left r5l4i411 in ply father "-
a" 1r mi.lied ILIA. to study '.1%% 4141 wanted '11"
lila ',!..s.ttu. 1'
4, 1.41:4
.%;.. 7', Let
4 44 ith tie
:he fall of the
s tor also. Them
• 192.. 1 still
,,ti to the toWil
Eti.VinlikITia'Cet----Vniebtaavaettenna LYunclida
time of tit •hit ermitt,i,ticeilere:::ni at:
- . 1.4 elettiour in
- ,eial, wheat Sir
I. reineuther the
couldllittardlbyatilitt - -
s.;...-. and would not be
without it now.
I had a female
1.,,,.L,:,,,t:., ..,.1..,. / 2 ,ts, r.•,,,,,..liiittelth,111,1inis tottifiluez ot0ihrueej jruzei.n.:
daroid I was
::::;•'•-`. "''1.1''''',.' , - %I, correspouil. :wall::: nett
....wed /aihortly
hardly get around i
d acno u I d
_141`.: 1 .'.. -,., :•••••:.i..:::•,..‘. ..,..„ ints,14„. tl'ititP4thi.w_re's tut.tieeterertp;y_h.tdutreit:rirtlui, '
,• tutted }Hates
,‘. •itu many
•::ere Was talk
....lt•r for the
y with Sir,
time. I was told
by • friend to try
four day,. at a
in bed three or
tilt/ be-
ia-,, - ., -., t . • .; . 1 it g .,.. tat -vomit of
• . ..... - • ..: , , - , : ra. ,:h_. iieW Atts- . 7::,• 1.:11,.ini notrodeir‘into.
your egetable Compound. I did, and
. 1;...ert herr Clamps ..• ,1.1: many firma
by the time I took two bottles l was
. , ,., •. ... .r.siss•tur of ,,,Ndikat.10:41:,:i. • .,, :tied pewee- beginning to get around again. "took
N. 0 s ,,•:, %Vales.
.•••ries and his ten bottles in all, and now I tarn all
irittaghvteagain,six manwild do_uvaingtomywujijoown wor.rwk.
. . • . ,• ..,,, therefore 1 ..
time when IF :'• '''I -eartwrig ), think it ia good. But I owe mihealth
• •:.- • lit. Mr. Grate,. toI hatheve pvleengetytIdeo.c:malaopouusednd. anLycdjia
E. Pinkharn a Sanative Wash and I
T.- .fii:if..li:::31:mbi be Is-toas.rta.re,o.eicaet;dssortra . 7 :,.. "t -.71:t r:71111.urt. t,h11,...t. '
in his ftiNor. think if more of it was used wornen
.1.: •-•-• . Itoing to Toe- vie had b4,.44.1. Frotiletiat: tillu 1
/ ,,1 • ailliatily starting . would be better off. I would not be
: 'rag rfet'e°121- • without it if it cost much more._ -"
...• • • . I:1.4 .. satchel lu atereialiwtte . . 1:1.ittylr States, I Mrs. NELLIIIJamitsost, f106 East Can-
,. ::..• ...oilier of E:1111t Undreerattebent 444;. .'' ' ' '....a".17:,, III: :lel: don Street, Hamilton, Ontario.
>z,01,1 -r,..- I NHS st011iselt
Do you feel broken down, nervous
...r.r, ale. wished the to 1.,, yt, set.,.i.,,, . ., • •Ire business and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink-
erain. s" iio'll'ati a mull 31r. laid- -, ' ; '
t,, I new t.. Raytielel „ con,,,,I. the, .. ., , •• ,i..r Mtn until . lent to tadie at such& time. It alway
. ago arrived harn's Vegetable Compound is excel-
Already I 1.1ad hail me tbe 4.,„,,ii, ,.,-, . •.•:rilein & few , helps, and if taken regularly and per-
• In :lett lite:ewes. in 3.pan later.
lo ••c the market here. ' sate:10y, will relieve this condition. 0
"1" 1144.1 rrdv"1"144j •;lnd.illiCir4111. interest in 8024E SUGGESTIONS
oe-teums to reach , "I leave taw:- • • • '
• :"1.11 !it. 1 arly tooriOng. In the industrial • - tht towa.
Mrs. Horn Tells how Lydia E.
Pinkkam's Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health
• • • .•••.: 1 .: ..:, trite,. te. phigitiun t,,a4.!; lrbea the Ge • '';'•.11, CeadninY FOR BEEF RAISERS
• •. •.• • ... .ii.it al. the river banks
• ti;-• pisti-2---tpia-grrepr. was au* tical Puri*, - .'' .','"u Plenty Beef cattle raisers are realielag a
of the late .1. T •• • ' ' "If° ° "."re- period' of ti•tter prices for their pro -
r.• 1:1..,: ttill ••411I1.11:k . 1 .%%4114 Ili Leeldt•r. D. R. 1: • - • fortaerly,•_of thief. The prier (Tele hag been a long
sysflevrve. • • ,11,0 iloberty 0: ' ' :01'01'f Ut.U."' •tirrte at the bottom tit 128 normal cure,
J. ' -. • • • - v • s ' 1 • • was ne loll. was matt - '*1'4" -k ,w8•11 - btit *auk* appear- to -be 4.in (110 Oil
ill, re: papers ....anie le t,) k &.,11(1 40 alt• al 4 • ' "I. t.t.°'4"1. ''''''r . alt. Unfortunately: the iftre'iteitile
74;4;_•• .14,441"%hen tliey alue there. 114* 101,111 gave a h - . '''•Ifff°4-• A Yf'or ; turn for the better has found many
.rs.:It ..‘rstrno.f.• T.• r-&-tcli- the -hilt- later we *Md.__ - hew tom , farmers unprepareti to st,ep In aud
vay I had, et.:', . ,tabee to it -rave... wb"se leading '-.., - were' J,°°1111 take advantage :: of the existing eon -
shies.. 11: • urlit.Y 1 1441 Oz. (lark. Jas. A It 'A “1""allIe°, ditto**.
-Inpittlior • .... . :. . 411..4.1.1,, 4.1* do- Wilson. druggi- ''' -14 th'e ha"1" Feeder buyers titi. ntiditift that the
.,. 4 ,%, s. , .• .:-..... di,,,,,1,,,,,. iies.'s at fifty et- . , .1.dlar.
_ . ., _. .,,... , r r r ".. T14..a. -lilibil the r • -:14- in Iff•-'7 II feruis is lintiteil. 14 11/IS bevel paiseible
stipple of feeding cattle for Ontario
. .•• e ,t ...- ..• 1...•...:. '4' '44144 hell, 14444I41e tanner. - • 1h" Cuu"41a in paNt
years to bey Western -bred
l'ouilmtny land '...- babk feera stoekers and feeder* lu aline:at ahy
..r,,, ...a.at. h,,,, ,,, . , ,,,, ,,,,, ,,.;•., . the a harf to t: • -• y14114'44: th* tjuantIty 41444 of tiekirahre quallt.
,i'l, sagibtrA .. . . , ., - i.dia where •T .: : •• ry. useti to be. iVith the volume of the range "tittle
eetiertills. A Lli: , 1.1 f....lt.: .4 “. :I'Sonic time la - • ProPertY was business of the Southwestt•rn State.
r on agent ili, 10,,a (1,11: Ire, ,
- - 1v11-)1.1,N‘i .-NATticitt.t., ----,Liftt-Tityt- tir`r--IfIt4:r1.-t. 1 : r....k i he • ilorrou lend A, :.: I; • - attended. „ tbe known to most feedere. and with the
efferisl for sal. - l' r..nto, Horace .bei,g.
curtailed by conditions well
.Gollereth•:, ilrie, 41..1, -,...,_:, „rit.r 1444- fir,t 11.-4,. 44bia.,-,., ,,,,, end eremated
_ -7-'-----er,-;.1.-.-firluk. iiii-,-.1-,--,-,e tht. rah:. iit Tortait• ,NI. ilurtoti bought demand for feeding cattle from the.
-, ,1... I.,,rthern pail ot tt a LS. • PM?. ”I'frealte (1- - .'. On Wnirn. Ar, each )ear. the Canadian West Is And-
tr, .,,,,,. 1 ,., ,,,,, • ki i s 141: ti. di. k:111ott's ••• -tandtg:
;"wa f,,_,be.prefr.,„ cora bett States becoming ?stronger
In"- 'article -nil- ite--e----hewyehu. ,, _ '' , ' , "I'. h u -L• ' „.,144.._ ‘,,,_, -, frig no difficulty in diepoteng tif ell its
St ratite II. 4 sot: of- ltioleal, St rachan a...4;m . '.• . i -'. • ' al•••Iltee:trId:- . .'''• -•'..r.rf 'i1 1. feeders to those markets.
who... sp.t...r filo. zayeret W8S Mar- .. ' ' ',' ' • ,.. z :,, f: for :theta 'I•• Property no - ;oed bY the ill - Ontario rumens who eonader thein-
ritli to Thalia. 31er,er Ji.1114.104. }lima o .
. c eirli. .•, ,.- . , ... , „.(41' 4,h- hurk, Ism park and 1 e :•Ii. }louse. intend- selves arid their farms adapted to tin-
iletyle,y kept a school for young (hilti- ti"' "1"111" (-.'-'1111°"':'.• aa4 was tillaa • f he ihrwovery of bal' I • ill Ross antl •••:. . .itizens formed a the billable.* in its existing conditiore.
%there the Ietrk-tiMISe is, hot k Waft . ,..,,
Hu: .. ;i.., • , ,1 1 , LH, 1 g to bielti -- .-tiee there. but A. Ishing beef cattle will do wed to atudy
ftands. •
ren la a briek house near the place round that rtul onlY conk -11 receive " ' oil begat. Ti.. 1;..,1,•rieti Petr,:i. Th,.v 1-.1 •
where the Salvation Army barrette , salary while studying in the- office. but r
Inv frith - • -La(11 la Ilm'al the excitement about ' et,inlentir to .I a summer hotel. They wilt likely urrive at the
wn for a bonus. but 4.
to PaYbfor Jchr. Het. ft h." 'hill 101.71,1 for towns to crant on a pitying haAk. mo,t ,
s,•e,„,1 wa,,,Ktnoglit the.sunt 154i. This he was, dis- :••••. •
Ittv. Atm- kitieloessi, TrEfah,v Ilic.111.41 (PO. unit I took a position ' t"t• - ••.• • ' tee •-••ed t
Wito ion -e, nit 11
ti,,Y ir3 1' /-••••• •ti " fair . lel. At my- euggertIon wire Weir likely heifers at,ii '
elusion that in order te mairitaln their I
. . .. •rwie, Mir, kr•pt a artrerel
nibs,- -Ire wto re tbe tiloir ollici• 1.4 31,14 i .
metes Itt,ier Mr. 11.1 I. ta tie •-ii14.1141-17-The-instrahant---field Keeitement _ (*utility V.,11111. . .
, •• ... .1 :.,114, Ti,,, l' ' "or: bo Park. John Wynn. prices are tempting anti too many good
tract for I. sue or ntre a well-bred beef typal, bull and i
, .:, (.,-,1,. xilete It , - of the peeperty which ' thus make their own feederS. Present
Longworrh.- •'-hither arts teigli,,, . • About that time th, re e as 4,1:: i'N-77---W-1teintioslierlhoine.we imaiskitn•_, pining heifers are finding their way 1
or n. tar 0. , . v____IT• i ...i.m.t,it;::.71' sI,,e ,tn., t_trin....leiviseng 4,
ket when they should be following
her %tint volute Lonitworiti ' I
. 111 . ustralia. John Kay, e • . '
paring t,,,
the hone. of Sheriff' Il'.4J,44144444 in / PIII• 11. 1,1; Wer14,11 411.1 left foe %ere 10.4 in
lop. The (-miner) etit there :hat 1.:Inel ie, May. going' by way of 461"-441.,1:' •I''
covered ettl. hush. 11"hi:e 'my roue Ily brother Joliet was 40 me- -•
pastion etas Itoing the Toisibees
. . • ay. Another piece of
.•,„k , ^ r17 to the teen wits that
whey .
.rojei ,
' tqf
their natural function--rar-ie-firOriflire It -if
calves for finiehing as hail bet•f 0111.1
- , k across from the jail handy -weight huteher cattle.
le. . Tieo; ' ' 'llti- - ' er as the brIelms 1t %slut
'' Nu- re town by A. M. Ross,"
. ut--1.e_wa‘s _LA re_adl• the .„„j. r r ' 14111" 1 - ' \‘'' ) ' ' (ibtain Mr.
him in the house. 'flip lihnir3- I cart i.rk. trnvellitig frorti that eity in n
which he hail been stilt T' wnIttid-far ' -i, he went -iti-July. by wro °I' New the .-yea'r•I'I'.."L''t' ', :-:,k4kii".er..t,,T. I. ' '" ' 1.1"N't- Pliptieliiilfeeneekili atitinitqa°1417Tro'rlY
easily rf,a1;; ir was a 4;44d -sized room • 1 eper-;:hip. Ili. reaehed Atietralla in 11:p.,:en't..ilrizi):: fit: ': '4: ,,1041,4":' 2, ' ', .. "' • hut hie *lent& gleIIIII"
whose walls were lined with iss,'... • .:. 'rime /m.11'4441/1 Inr.1 the ether Gcel- • .,,..- "" l•eiee rq I • ,
hr hi* adlianeed years.
Nugget White Dressing is • real "sticker."
The longest, fastest set can't shake off its
snowy whiteness. Whether your shoes be
canvas or buck, always use "Nugget"
There. a" Nutlet" shad* far every oho* mad,.
HOVIS Bread and an apple! . . . A pleasant
way to good health.
And the secret of HOVIS healthful
nes s is this: It is made from
HoVIS flour, the only flour
which is enriched with an
extra percentage of the
'valuable wheat germ.
Ash your baker for Mira
to -day.
Ift •a 1.. an tie .1 0', • ; . : . *its ' ••• ( , , - iii itfrs, • •
1.. buy Ito atIr r' .• chiefig,,, m. j.,,. rot NM SCHOOL FAIR
• ;me thvri• %. r- --ri mi. ,...:, 1,. r. ., I e.4T1:8, 11117 A
Ile- tame to ow ion 4114,114, 1.17. my i r .,..............
IWill', lifth'1•1'. r 1 wele,1 n„. 4, A, r j; ."."
Fir 4ont to •-•,,, • l,r, 4,,,,4_, • r,,,,,, '''' •
tlit•In At a ion, r r....• • 1,..i: rt,!'11'',o .1 f,I ,i, '" ' .
Illf, 1111,1 1100 ni, rev criee %),,,,, t 1 - "
time the big I'. S . fl -111 ,,t' ..l. (',j,,L.,,:t: l'''''' •
i'o. whir•li I I
//P. (41.1' '11r.
11,; •,..
Tialt41 at
litieueite eri.is ilI,tid,
-1111:111,1 atol 111r. 1.414/41 f,,•,‘• 'm
lir, tI states , • ' T
salt, We lost ';i'ity• 1- ft'
1"4I shippe,t lgo--bot-rrek-of
, lt 1,,
‘rintilpeg by %city Doiatil.-41,,.. •
ei411$1.11i1111 1117 1,4 r.11,•4, 41,444.444y„ 1444 •
c.P.it ors! ed. 1 shipped to 'Witit
tslt the b.,ad ,1441. 1-711/ti,.
1 proetleit11.t.. e ••: 1. 1'.:: •
salt between 4,1 1.•
Alanif,,f,11. m.1141114. 1,, Ha itikelf,41.t
1V115•11 11h. 1.rope44s of tatr'.f.,
F....1 -d I i 1 tl rofIlle4:0 tht. finer prorin,
• 1
110 4:11,110,1134.(41. SPII(i114
potted saeke to emit **h,,'.eso ,
tomer in *WIN r •
op nt "nee ;• 11,1,
l (*.tummy. It
se In their busitios•.
••••4 ti000 ,114
lft dlaniripal Lite
I a 'OWN fillir• It' , •
41,140 .1111 bu.inortrow
1.$4.4,01. U4v44404,441ruun.ss. U131.4
•-••• large. .'ii 11,1•4,4•1111/011 4'• 41144
1(1,11 1 • 1'441111111 I
yd. f.,
1,1 111111 111.' ouilintat stet 4,, /win
61.11144.04. lt weleurrauma
rain sunis to per‘tiarle r.. n4444 •
• r 4r..1, he MA. I rt c1•,4*
4 -tt 4((44, 4,. Owl!
"Mut* wane {K.I.Ynfelfts 41111.,
"Prom 1'44 r.. Poe, 1 ' as 1ii fit.
1 hunt 141141 shoe tromitirfo. 'mt. AIM
an interest hi milt. Front VoQi
1 ens teen clerk. /ben prow,
i until 1P•497. %hen I went Met th.
bniehees emit,. travellhig fpc
ford. Moost Or the time
i had been on the toan romp,.
in 14491 and Ive.l. I ens /....:
! defeated 18 en" election. vied 're Pee
1 aite fleeted Deputy Reeve 4 s. -r fa.
1 merlon. Two of the munlelts.1 el..
1 tlon matfett 1 reetetehr? wee11 a.
one againet Ale*. Watson ..
If woe elected by a mejority ut 1;,,-,,
and another against Jot William -
which 1 won Ite 12-7, I %%a%
ine:riahensn :re r:liwP taLis"ir tikat::*nris°,117i1 rcrnrubbing
did for or.
and strsiod ligament"
Sept. 8
'4 12
" 18
" 14
" 19
" 19
•4 2o
Instation of Cake
est roue cake and have
g want cake just to
• 4 .ta pieta, in the baker's
The pure-bred producer* might well
take a lesson here. too. There are
mostly too many bunts for male at
price* that cannot be ezpeette1 to rea-
lize prolate for the breeder,. It flt het-
fP/' to um the knife mor. often and
lifs11 baby heave* At profit/die returns
than to beg buyere to accept yeung
bulbs that were nerer intended to
make high-elats prodtwers.
Maybe the thanfre from rope le
eleetrle chair ie wise, but it certainly
ivattn't necessitated by the fact that
all the rope had been need tip. --Chi-
cago Post.
.4 taw journal says that judges whip
indulge in Judjetal humor are a /1111i-
141144'. Yet they an- jute the litt4e..
things who are sent. to- try to.
ifiatt attar.
Bentrovato Creams, Toilet Waters and
Toilet Requisites of Distinction
And Dealers in the Finest Quality of Razors, Scissors,
Strops, Combs, Barber Chairs and a Full Line of
Goderich Fr ui t MacDonald's
We can supply all your waiit.
in Imported and Hotne-t;rown
Fruits and Vegptableft
Fresh Vegetables and
Fruits Daily
- Asparagus Lettuce
Green Onions Carrots
Cabbage Tomatoes
Canadian Celery
Bananas, 25c and 30c
per dozen
Oranges, 25c, 30c, 40c, 50c
and 60c per dozen
Lemons, 31:ti per dozen
Grape Fruit, etc.
for all kinds of
Ice Cream,
all flavors,
bricks, cones,
and lollypops.
Dry Goods, China,
Groceries, Fruits and
HEN ordering your Groceries from us you get
the best on the market, as we handle and buy
nothing but the best. Make this store your head-
quarters for your grocery wants during Centennial week,
Phone 46 South Side of Square
Goods delivered to >our house by the beat delivery in town
High Pressure
Willard Storage
Battery Station
Auto Access'ries
PHONE 417w
Chocolate Bars
Etc., Etc.
Free Air and Water Ladies' Rest Room
Day and Night Service During This Week