HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-28, Page 1212 - T11ur<,i3v .114:c 2.,), 1027.
Dress Up for Centennial Week!
EVERYBODY will want to be "All Dressed Up" to receive their
friends during Centennial Week. Let us help you from our Targe
and select stock of Clothing and Furnishings to look your very best.
Men's Tweed Suits
Special price this week in men's light
Tweed Suits at a :caving of from Six to ten
dollar[;. Light grey and tan imported
t weeds, a number of them in S o e i e t y
' Brand make.
Regular $24.50 Suits - $18.50
Regular $30.00 Suits - - $22.50
Regular $35.00 Suits - $25.00
Men's Furnishings
Nice new, fresh stock bought for
Centennial Week. New Shirts, Neck-
wear, Hatchway Underwear, Belts,
Outing Trousers, Interwoven Hosiery.
Bathing Suits, Sweaters, Silk Suspen-
ers-�ana ers, New Fall ThWft
ed providing M.
the church bulb -
compliance cher
steps to repair
tuuately was it
,servation. 'Prlo
Ibe property LI
fivaoeed jointly
.t$ the church N •
time of dlasula
Itself with lit
nd a eeter
ameans eum
t, spite
which was bet
resident plot -h
however, the'
'The best of tit
up. purchased
I new fence er
I cemetery. The.,
cost of the feuc
The board a
',ave decided t
., ay to keep t
,ke proper cuts
• muit of at leas
:,•rest on sante
:imam* of the
,1,uteuauce of N. F. 1Vhyard. On Friday, July 22.nd.
rpetuIty. lu they eotebrate4l Mr. \Vhyard's birth-
bo*rd took dad' by having a diluter ha their former
t,, wulelt for- home behind the old \Vhyard hard -
tate of pts• ware store. Eleven were at the dlu-
trau=ter of ser. which brought memorled of past
. ry had beau good times *petit to their old Moue, '
church. and which was the birthplace of the fain-
:. muds at the L'y. After the dimer the guests la
„..ard tumid nu Infor11181 mariner presented Mr.
curry on \Vhyartt with "a d&Her In gold for
�. without e11•11 year he i+ old." The guests were
:• r the work Mrs. Harold Turner and her daugh-
,.,.uuturily by -ter. Mrs. Robert 'Lowe. of Bogota, N.J.:
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Smith. Fort WIT-
,,[; finding that Haul: Miss Z. M. \Vhrard. Calgary.
,.1Ittelt.takeit Alia.: gibe I. F. Whyerd. White
,:cud tad had PIslia.N.Y.: Miss Marion Bechtel,
tad the whole Elmira, the.. and Mrs. J. Saunders,
sting of the tlth vole -4,40011 Of Ashfield.
,1. )411:4 thing Manuscripts In the competition for
pais.• u. trust '1'1>r Signal's prises for historical nar-
.,:.d use the iu- ratves should be handed In at this
s rp.. iuui mala- ufiee not later than Saturday next.
:Ire fund to be July 30.
tlisterlcal Narvati •es
raise.l by vola ;,ttscrilNton.
in making this .Appetit the board
!e+Ire to call J, .ration to the fact
:tint malty third: ef'dollars have
i'e',n Invested ire � e,-iairill
pr. n'Isinn what 1"' saues uwtde
fur the cart+ of 1 14t.d*.
&W. C. Pridham Son
Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57
x ' ' xxw7 tArrrlt[ri rfkpAolt x
Beth, Mattresses and Springs of highest quality X
Brophey Bros.
Forty-eight Years in Business
in Goderich
Brophey Bros.
x Furniture Dealers and F;141balmer-
PHONES : Business 120. Residence 217.
W ater for
Lawn Service
Permitted only from
7 to 8 o'clock- a.
North St, -United United Church
Centennial_ Sunday
5 to 9 o'clock p.m.
In cane of tire alarm shot oti all
service,. This is to assist in supply-
ing better water premium when
fighting a tire at the other fellow's
place. Of course you might be the
other fellow,' so please co-operate.
Where infractions of these rules
are shutoff'the with uttr noticerandllth'
usual penalty imposed.
Water and Light
Menesetung Park
Lots for Sale
The �liui-ter will b.` assist by-
IGoderich Obi Boys.. Following are
lithe preachers for the day:
11 A.m: •Rt•r. A. R. M. Thionsob.
MA..' B.JCI._
7 p.m.: ltev. E. F. Armstrong,
B.A.. B.D.
10 tem. -Sunday School and Bible
False Economy
to risk 14f,• ..r limb. '•r 10 ruin
a team of horses. to save for a
little while the cost of a .
" '• LINES
" " HIA.I1ES
or any harue:is parts.
tome with your Ian '-.s nee.la
with .., nfidence to
Alf. Rollinson
1..•. I r Mon •
\till K\, - ONTARIO
Phone Blyth &un. 32-15
' llarnees. Boots and Shoes re-
paired 14.•ntly and promptly and
tt reasoiehle prices.
4 v Fes; 4.stas l
- ,;;bout an I
• i y
taiuiug whole f.
i,'in. relative. as
4 rt'. Interested
„•+ting place.
The board feel
zeneroun con trlhsr -
1.•etlre may lie a
tense of keeping
'tltion 1e• provitl•
circular' letter-
forms are being pr ere this
jw't will ie well
_lies to press..
lit e••un,+thin u„ ' 'e ie'1mPnt
a Inenwriol s•r -k,- , the
•enwtery 2tvnuId'. ••vening.
.inly 31. eenllllencr : ba k.
!card are
• of their
I the es -
1 u con -
tine 10
t rihution
1 the pro-
1►t'NG.t\Nl)\, J._ =7: Nit% and
Mrs. !cuss Mud Ma, -r Lter. r u lt41 un
Ilouday for 'lituthas', Alter, :bey, will
be guests fora few .aro *VII Rev. and
Mrs. Gomm and Ara •>
Mrs. lint Turn t �rw ,York.
and Mr.,:411 ]Its. J. :L.... of Fort
M-itliaw. are guests 4.t4 t.o r broth-
er. Mr. N. F. Whyar.
Mrs. 11. J. Craw: ;.i r.••nrued on
Sa.turlity from the .'•;tags at fort
tIbert. Mrs. R. E. u.c.., at.d•.Iangh-
ter. Neth. are rea..4:t.:' - for some
time Welter. ■
Mr. and Myra Ittah qe at..i two child- ■
rim. of Chicago, wt..' had been visit-
Ing Mrs. Bishop's ferrets. Mr: and
'Mrs. Thom., Stother-. left an [Sunday ■
for their house. Mr awl Mrs. Stoth-
.•rs aceomVauleOt ewtry-wetur sa tar
its Sarnia. where th-r wok the train
West Street
Fishing Tackle
Sporting Goods
ervice and Satisfaction
Alf. Tebbutt & Son,
\Ve 1),•1icer Pt,,,t4,' ISM;
School Girl's Nerves
Lost year's time from school with
restored by Vitus'
Dance. -- Completely
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
The anxiety and strain in con-
nection with school life and examin-
ations are too much for many girls
who are naturally of a nervous
temperament or have become so as
a result of anaemia or a run down
physical condition.
- Nervous conditions are most diffi-
cult to overcome and there seemswith
be no treatment to compare
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to restore
respondsquicklyo to thisdwell known
restorative treatment.
Mrs. George A. Moot, St. Anry
Lincoln Co.. Ont., writee:--
"Our daughter, who was never
very strong from birth, at nine years
of sat became all broken down,
suffering from what the two doctors
we consulted called "Midnight
Walk," which wan caussedtfrrom ahowover-
tax at school. She
for the remalIolt'
Mr. and Mrs. 1
Master .Ulan lte
uelon of S. K.
Thursday last. .
The :Sunday [tad..d of Luc -know 1'res-
hyierien '.Hsieh • holding its mutual
Millie. at Barba lark. Gooertt•h, on NI■
Thura0Jti,-y '.f the week. The :Sunday
'clued of. Errata. 1'r'ewbytertan church. a
I)ungenteu. is 1. '.d to jotu them.
Mr. and Ste.: � H. lkutlwra•t+at --a' - a
CAI[ FEED OATS FOR SALE AT[ guests en Suntan Mr. and Mrs. Alex -I„ Week,July 31 to Aug.
the Auburn Clopping Mill. 1 ander . Ilackett, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart : For O 1 d Home
AhNGe v July t thfir. and lire ••; et.Taylor and Ya u,.t a Joseph flack- I.
h it f her 1 r r L knee we are pleased to I
the journey.
r, llavldsoa and
*needed tale ss
10. Moura, on
symptoms of Stam something tits, ce and had
queer spells, g
nights. She wan out of school for
a whole year, as her nerves were so
bad. Acting on a friend's advice,
we gave her Nerve Food and after
a few months' time we began to see
a noted change in her, so we kept on
with the Nerve Food until she was
completely relieved and for the last
year she has been absolutely free
of the old trouble, sleeps well and
is doing fine at school. Now we
are never without Dr. Chaae s
Nerve Food in our house, as we
owe our daughter's health to it."
New rich blood, steady nerves,
new energy and new vigor come
with the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food. 60 cis. a box, all dealers or
The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co .
Limited. Toronto.
of every description for the home.
If you want to save money see us first.
A kw of the Hotel Sunset mattressesq
• still left at $2.
%ne's Furniture Exchange
1- 9--
Centennial Values 1.
Gibbs ere vi'.ittug at the owe u eft. o. ue --
slater. Mrs It 11 McGee. this week. I know that 'Mr. Joseph Hackett is re-. ---T
The game ut baseball b44`444014liuti voseriug nicely :rim the acrbknt In
Injured the when NIWe are offering some unusual values in Linens,
Lugg}• on top of Mae 'He autism n est
.rich awl Aut,uru on Muuday eveuxug stool he was a•n'.asy In,
tri ■
resulted lu a aeon u
da tug et
f t 3 iu Laver of bis Aurae ran *war, upas ng
Ili. and Mrs. It. l:rratt, of \'area, from 1)1,4 ahonleer.
visited rekttivr., here the forepart of • Miss t.nlra }.,w,er is hone y
SPECIAL MUSIC the week. Miss En accuwpauied' the Ileum of h. -r itsrents. Mr. and Mrs.
them bora:'.. i H. iry 'Fowler.
1[OItNl�ili Mrs. Larkin. of Seaforth, gave is Mr. and Sir:. II G. Ftg'gins and lit -
i Organ-4)Rer(utre ie F minor Batiste 1Vk'u"lid address to the \1'.M:S• of the, fp. ,Iangbt. r..bn.--. motored up from
%nthein -'v) Ge"1, Our Help In Ages W.Auburn 1'resbyteriau church un Thurs. I Weiland on Mal rd.ty evetrinS and are
I Martin dInst The Myth W.M.S.w.•re'enjoying the seek it the home of the
lire. H. Mo,sa and the ('Itolr Kuaryrt st the meeting and au eujuy• 1 lady's ►,[trent- I11-. and Mrs. David
1 Sols-Itekrtwl I able tittle was +Vent by all. Glenn.
Mrs. C. Moore. Kt. Tll.rmxs Miss L. Mcl)uuald and Miss Jean Mr. turd Ili•. James Mt* eho n4 ande
Soto -"Teach Me to IApe." Rolfe Small are holidaying at the huwe of i Ilttl.• .ktughtPr. Mn -y. ,14 Iw.nrhm. WPr
Il r. and Mrs. Jelin Huustvu. I week end 1014,14 e4 the 1101110 of Mr.
r Mrs. W. It. )Inas The rrerviees of the l'rrsbyterien aid Ills. It. .1 \le4tensle. They re-
i.�'ENILIti congreiratluu in Auburn Baptist turned uu Sunda) evening. being sc-
``Orgaa Rieital-From 6.45 to 7.00. church next Sabbath at 14).30 a.m. and isimpanli-Irlirlffs. Ye'14ent1e. who is
1 - H. 4'. Hamilton, A.1'.C.M, tt p.m., instead of 7.30, will be ton- remaining fur the weak 1n the city.
lisle-sltelecteil ducted by Rd.-. A. 1.. Budge of Hagen'. Mr. ' Jack. Andros'', of Vermillion,
Yr. teeter i.oree. of t.latowelIlli'..
`task.. fs iisitite rela[ivea In this
Mused'. --•41041 is a Spirit" Bennett Mrs. C. Asquith, Mrs. Gordon Tay- district. hai'iuK arrired about ten .lays
Lots 37, 44, 45, 46, 47, 411,
49 and 50
These are the choice lots of
the Park and will be sold cheap
to wind up Estate.
Also good Office or Store
property on the Square, (lode -
Real Estate Go..rieh
The Choir
• for ant ' Mrs. J. J. \Ikon mecuta-
Seise-$electevt tamed about fifteen of the Auburn
Sir. Loree school girls U, Formosa by the bus
line ktat Pri.kiy. All report a splen-
did time and ail 1411.81 OW fur a picnic.
1 Former members of the congre- Mr. and Mrs. Ititkletl, Mrs. Stoltz
gation, visitors and friends are cord- • x14,1 Mr. Jtosburough attended the ser-
ially invited at all services. vices at %Vhitex•hurch last Thursday
dendtia. mired to the tubcsiou field ill1. C. HAMILTON, REV. C. F. CUInd
evening. whew Mr. Angus McKay was
RKE,-ouch--On Friday, July 22nd, to Mr.
Misislaf slid Mrs. Gortknt MiClhnhey. e
1 Vm � following monis pupils of Miss
Director et Mak
*111111t. HOwxoD. .1.L.C.M.. were suc-
eessful In their piano examination.:
Mine Winnie Mardi elellentart, Matto
I114)nor+4: Mins Gladys Mountain, in•
Mr. and Mr-. 1\1 fired Elliott 81141 lit-
tle ,1nughter Jeeeosaine. lett on Sat-
urday on th.d1 1inm to Calgary. fol- 1
lowing x vi•it wish tae formers par-
s, I
nt Mr. I M John Elliott 111
Centennial Values
Silk Broadcloth, all shades, yard 69c
I Cotton Crepe, for lingerie, yard..... 24c
Silk and Cotton Crepe, for dresses, yard 95c
Fancy Voiles, yard . 49c
Hosiery, Woollens, Ready -to -Wear and Fancy
Goods. New Dress Goods bargains and Linen
gift values are among our leaders for this week.
L -
. aim Mr),
Mr. an.1 Mr. 11"ward Case }eft. this 11.
week by motor ' their home in the 1
West. ..lit a delightful holidayholidayMI
. Fancy Rayons yard
with Ur. and
l Mr• 0.1.P'•of r
lhtngan• 4
non. ale with otl,.•r relatives at Tor- I
onto.-i)Ftnns and .)[Mit.
turned to II Silk Hose, clearing line, pair
• New Summer Dresses, $1.95, $3.50, $4.50, $8.50
Toronto lest w.s 4; After a wePk'e visit
with her n,•'r6, r. hire. ilharlotte
Slsilli. 111,14 t , r relatives.
Mr. rues \I tt,* Owen and little a
dattshter. 11.1. Toronto. who bed Atlanta Cloth, for summer wear, yard.
holm hntl,k,) .cltk relatives and
termeliate piano (honors).' con- rrlendn in ,1n- „..tort. glen at fort
gratulation% are extended to both pus .lHs•rt. return...! Iasi week to their
Mk and teaelxt. l.ur►w.--T1.er err% eke trip by motor.
Te Beautify Hall's ('emetery 1 'mintier fr.n, 1)-.gaannn enjoyed
AUBURN. July 21',. -The interest of the n•uilo, "r,L. mitres-1'afPfamily. ■
the people of thin- vielnily venires ,Al 111-14044---W4+ 44,44 y4.tay last nt eth e •
the reunion of the Auburil %.•hoot, h,sar• of lir IM, � Ai,,rew. ■
1'. S. S. No. a, Mullett. The different erasion of Ashf►,• .'about two miles
committees have worked in harmony. ".nth of I.11, -1l,,,,. Rain whish fell
the preparatory work has been well 'hiring t1.• istimodal •MmWpe•t Ih'
Clone, end all signs augur thin Fri.My• gr.mnd hilt rnil.'1 in dampen the ardor
The time of this reunion %pert a v,-ry
Methodist Church of Canada• but
three year. ago was transferred to a
board of seven trn.dees appointed at
Put an Ad in The Signal-lt pays.
REAL) THIS -Right next the Bell Telephone Office, en
the North Side of the Square, is where you are invited to
get your
Footwear or Travelling Goods
We can fit you from A to EE
We have the STOCK and the QUALITY
Our price's are right and we'll uta' you right_ Corrie and (4e(-
If row weer . woad phis* ea your sho.s for C.st.esial T w .
decry • fall lis. of Cisdevel1. Polish.. Th.y aro geed.• tome
W. HERN, Shoe Merchant
Phone 4:tw•
North Side -Square
July 211• will go 1114511 ns a rod l.Iter •.f ml Iite•r. cMnts of this
AAS in the history of this community. ereti krowi r;,1, , 54 Brent two
hnndwl wii4 qtly wJ pte,Pnt for 4144'
wpprnprlat.' for the Arn(411lug of a
',tension The history trf these fam-
plan t14 beautify the hurls} grounds fam-
ine'. .Tarns hark to ton. when the
known as 'ISall's cemetery. Th*- cause
Mont.; Wtp..tndrnw eat with lila wlf4'
Is worthy areal the promoters feel at Ret ten ehll.yrnn, tinct RI*i.k' ' In
sural of the co-oplPratlun and 1p44 rt hl•wro. England. lIU slstPr ens Mrs.
of alt people tnteroe e.l. The ceme-
1Ane, mother d gslrp,n montes
fery waw formerly reuses by the Irr■nd al,t man. wt. �Pm lane. fress-
IIMr (tis '�e111r y,.■ry nt the ennntl• of
dinrnn. nn.t+ pr'Pvintla M that its
rieh4 dnrk.
. cPMI
w mewing of t14P pint holders held t>o. R'hyg„1 �� �svtaR��'
Ione 20 1924. inn itirrs 1►f *g1yttra4 fa ml,r %re
tt this mre-tlns a merlon wee yak, ,tl'$tint es.the hom 0 I(' and Nr•
Checked Albatross, for sport wear, yard ....$1.85
1� -
Linen Handkerchiefs
Linen Towels
Linea Bridge Sets
Linea Luncheon Sets
Linen (Spanish) Cut Work
Linen Table Cloths
Linen Table Napkins
Linen Tray Cloths
Take a Linen gift to the
frienas at home
We Have Unusual
Import Values
A jlar#1ij Velum,
We extend to all the old girls and boys and
their friends n hearty welcome during
this Centennial of Goderich.
The S. A. Grayo.
• Dry Goods House Furnishings Ready -to- Wear ■