HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-28, Page 11Advertising
There is tin tdleape•r at%'erti-ing utediut.t
than th 4tewhpaper. When anuratlevitit.t'-
meut i. in '1'lIE SIGN•\I. it goes right int..
the !tonics of the'pt ••Ill' .
THE Sl1;NAL PRINTING CO., LiM1TED, Publishers.
Buy $1.000
for $9.10
(4 year Plan)
4 "You Ask
How 1
MY First Thousand Dollars gave me
my chance?
Banking a few dollars a week will
bring you a Thousand Dollars sooner
than you think.
Ask for our booklet, "The Thousand
Mark," and let us explain our new plan
ior saving $1,000.
The Royal Bank
of Canada
F. Woollcombe, Manager
Goderich Branch
Three Good
Houses for - Sale
Also Assurance, Stocks
and Bonds for Sale
Auto, Life, Sick and
Accident Insurance
Phone 292 Nelson St. East
otftrer. were installed 'With due cere-
1. 110.1,, : lluuuntry presidents, the weld-.
Rei. Dr. Mitchell 'fells of Pretamt
Conditions in China
Thu Goderich Summer achuul tar
1lll/ t:lVsad vu punts) et'eutug lain
atter u Very success/tai reisiuu.
'!'tae 1 g U dirt cul erpual thin tat
last 1 retail• a rivl uf_„n.wuru-
sluice and au ea•data,uahy- -good' and the racrewtbtn lX 3tary t't
wWle the rpeirit anti earuestuers tat ibe
Ina tante of real rreelxtu....:.... 1
light: games and rnnuk u-
students Lite pruwisr_vY tar-raachltttt re srftx
r t
' rasapeop
ow not hear lteV. Dr. ]nteLdl s evtnlug meal w" in eiwr,t • . , .
Parr 1 upon res serval, also 6 o'clock dinner. i
oak evlt•ere�1 t or dinner. '
nrkr: _.r.f tiotteriel►-; -dealt iii l
stet•. W. 11. Alp..
Le Blue Bird Tea ' Shop
titer ,teach. Lunch and
Rev. W. A. Bremner.
were beautiful expa•sl'.: •
latluuship ,b1.tw•tett the I
tarn . \I,:
The wurk of a11.W Ile
t ,.. mut of the Iw.ndou ltuufi•rrine. tit
Mall of the Prry, atttlltev.
Mi !let u : prt•siek.tt • lief. W . A.
utter, 11navfit ld ; vice-preeitlrbt.
W. R. Alp. tat Auburn': secretary.
E. J. Itoutstou. of Arkoma : treaty -
Miss M. Bailie. of Gexlerich; /L-
i•1 ails Violet Sharpe. tat Dash
heir via..., - • .
Grierson with their :a1:, • . _,,,, Brett
very interesting. the N.., . • ,tet:
all Illustrated setetri tonlel{ores. Irv.
Sunday school'. arta.
Throughout the seek ,,..1
ae rvlce• of •ire+ tn- :. wo1N t. Miss
hruughou 1'& J. It• brnr
r utra tau
cur but Otero wuai u \rk roe, ma toll r
Clubbing Rates
THE SIGNAL can save you money
on almost any newspaper or period-
ical. Rates on request. ,
11;11'1'IFTII T1•.\lt NO
tau uttartal- a tut •. t,s l: re•Isirn'.. 1 thcr Iluute, of
de the deli nsin tent reg latrar• the slot
µ lug is the curie illloft of lite
report of the tuee•ttug of . the tote.
cOuucll un July lath: �stiut.
lu uctunituce with u augg
from the Provincial tutter
aud ,1 .'
liuurd, , the chief of I!o • "
"...meant were appointed to ettftrrt
pructsk.us of the Liquor Control -\t':
-tat committee tr to have tt•c
tmcestutry bylaw prepared, -.
The West Street
Electrical Shop
klutls l kept
a Visit
11 is u pity that more of the Wa'u*- the alert. The duL.1}'r .. 1,•,• Itluc'\\•
lifter -
t au. , :. i for brtdtte partie r
yid by all. Itring your Centennial risltors for tea
On Saturday nftern,•.•n w+ rzattiiva-
eery iwuuddrrar vu Vreacut.cuudluuus M C Parr and \lea• \etowwaltition
la Chtuu. 1, a , eery cuuclM and
thrilling manner he explainer! We milt- JO
the p
tmI lUn.
described r
fury rpt
tion was he i
,ugh the ern k• !rite
j.rovillutivu ig the system of education, the dansee thn
Rallgtutu p„1„swtkm we, LL ow !
turd ut the substitution the a ci to e t t elan church grants ecus reused-.. to on wld
literature tat the language of the Vet,cent. of :La Hoick*
Vie fur that of the n hinge clws ou L t i church fifty Per
pictured the great changes wrought in ttaible. - -. r-- i
industrial stud social conditions W the po(►n Friday rcenlnR •1 ,truly e,..t• T
I introduction of faeturiea and taut
I,Linery which du the wurk formerly
done iu the homes. lie ezpluiutd the
1 attitude of Great Britain iu the prey- I -
eut turmoil, declaring that µLeri he -
1 saw' the restraint practised by British
troops mud llritirh authorities under
very trying circuutstuucew he was
d to be a Briton.
We cam a good stock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in Wir-
ing of All Kinds
F. Iltllnt 't given on applieat ion
\11 ,cork guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Telephone 82 West Street
Dominion, Provincial, Municipal
and Corporation Bonds
Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile, and General Insurance Agent
Office. next to Wank of Cotntnerce • Phone 53 Goderich
Huron Investments, Limited
iriraft Hirt ('nnnrr'fions With-Fdln'ing
,'fork and (:rain Erehnogra
Board room open daily from
9 a. m• to. 4 p. m.
I On Sunday morning North scree'[
rnit t ell spoke. ou
United church
the evacuation uf Boutin, which took
place, nut because the ultasiouuries
feared /serious outbreaks, but because
Britain was determined that 10 upIN,r-
tup.ty should bre-pfxven tur-iutvrt.a
tiuual cum1litUtiuur. The care of the
wibswu property
of evangelistic
and -the earrytug-u+s.
wurk -are lett 'in the
hands of the Chluesr.CLristlupi. who
are assuming reepensibilittes fruw
which they used to ibrluk. lleutdea
giving Were addresses Dr. Mitchell
conducted every day •through. the en-
tire week et claret; on the suhjera tat -
mtarlun 4ot'k .1• .1,+1•au.
The uddrewses cu Thursday evening
of Mrs. Elsie R. Smith aud,lte1• Man-
son Doyle, Loth of 'luruttlu, were lair
tkulurty iutervetiug to wurlere among
vuuttg people, the former speaking tat
the dantvuuebe mirk, while We latter,
wliu tat the hood of the )young isetip1e•a } ,-
wurk in WU
e utted Church, slake tau
"luting People uf Today.-
l►u Friday eveuh.g Rev. • J. 11.
Slmver uC All 1'eultle's Mission, \\Mut- 1
peg, tacked tat his wurk among the t
at city and uf the Pro-
t foreigners of duce of Manittoba. He showed bow
the tpteatest fuulta of these people,
theft from planets where they wurk,
uw.1 perjury' lu court, tare the result of
centuries of oppression mud Wtel'ty,
and of 1 the system+ of espionage em-
ployed Ly their Europtuu rulers. Of
their Loutfty with individuals, their
lilttejauosa_to tin nearly among thew, the
uuxkty of the parents to snake their --
children steady and industrious, he
spore t1ih t•hthttsinsm:
the methods employed • W -win their
confidence and to instruct them in or-
der tu' wake thew. nut only worthy
citizens of their adopted country, but
ulao true citizens of the Kttgduw of
At the close of the adilrx•sa Mrs.
Wallow Moss, of 'Burdett, Sask.. tang
Kith tender feeling -Where Ile leads
Me 1 Will Fallow."
Ott 'Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Shaver
preacheti iu Victoria street church,
and itt the evening In North street I been in et
church. ills• message was n deeply' 1t(S6 the M.'
ettr!elrt plea that Christians should Morn
renter unto God all that 19 Ills due. the
Thr Bible lessons every- mt,rntug by star
iter. I. I). 'Ferguson of IA•amington the
were of .great profit not only to the A
stndentti but to all who heard them, to t
while the series of vesper talks by ,And
Patient .What shall 1 do
contutlt. o1N•tor?
1 'ter -Every ecening keep
lug to your -elf. '"I am a night
pian " London Tit -Bit'.
for la-
watch -
Goderich's Public Library
Had an Early Beginning
Matters iu connection with the t.'et,-
tennial celt•hratlou were discussed, and .
it was da•c'idedtat the rpoclul cuwwit
tee should confer with We t'euteuuiul
committee tin matters, such as policing. 1
parking regulations, etc., specially. re`
Read The Signal's 'lotto Topic News.
quiring the attention of the cit
Couiwuulcattunr from London, Eng
mud Ottawa were rend. stating that ;
too waiitele for the Prince
Wakes and r me
to cult (aNlerleh daring their wilting
Vieft to ('anadll.
1(ttportb of (•uwalittel7
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
Established 1869.
1lcutl Office,
\\ ;tt, rltNt, t,ntariu.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
East Street. Phone 250
Goderich, (tntario.
,Among the ettocatl.'ra. ii:•tirn ,•• . Moore, particularly. Was active in the
of the town IS the Public l,ihrarj. For 1.r.•jtet. iu if 1$41 air. Carnegie
_r:utle,p n gift of $t0,110O frit the build-
yearn (:• drttch Loot a Mechanics. :11� which µ11s -aeeordingly erected
Institute. A minute io,.k. wines-. first 1 an.F eytenarl oa Murch 3. vac,.
l •1.1 r ry ' •• •4_ • librarian war aur. -\.shrew
entry is dated.
11388.int 1,• t a I Rum Miss Itose Aitken a cinmed
f u r m, r k t +au Ikrll ' 1
Ana tom the a a r
it iN evident that ,1,,. 1t,•irnt,•:Lad tlr, ,Innes. Later .el:n•sigtwd ant
The finance committer racuwweuded
payment or a large uumber of ac-
The fire cuwwittee recuwweuderl
that the clerk. send a written request
to the lire warden to ,ubtult :t written
rcpwrt ul the cud' of tacit mouth.
The water, light slid Larhor cum-
mlttee recoutuieuekd that 11. McVit-
tie's request fur a street light tat Ox-
ford street be referred to the water _ The special cuww a r,
OA. Carey &_Son,-
Insurance and -
Bond Brokers
\V. I• • .,
and .light commission.
let •t rube charged
ha ged The Armstrong Real Es4 ie
that We at met Inspector � charge .
wlih the e•ufurt;etuent of the `iu ct u k and Insurance Agency
trul Act: that the Moving Inctil
license of A. L. Maxwell be re -
1 tirtend. an* that ow a,uiltur_ luspactur I,ife..\rrideut. 'icktoss, Inns of Tim
wake tui Inspection of all stables in Burgon, Automobile, (iris
the 104411 tat tut early.(Wte.
Ili work's eumwttlev recuut •
The. public t'
►' 1I June be granted \
mended thtu n excellent place to L.cate any kind
to•rWi+siou to install 'Mother 1,uiuliue lot property der.in.f \ large ',moirelidrl
llwnta blurt, for ark including ) f 11 beet lull
tau ill • ?natty e tl•
Ipump mud tuck ou Cu II
lite 11911141 cuudittuus; thus tau tictlollloo 1 iitodern i•tjIitp1Nvt properties in tr.wtr.
token ill the m11t ler Uf tbt letter fruw ;.agire,:ik.t..t:iti
11PoI1P•alld-a-h:,l(•.Au[y11.014'.R•9Nlthe:,dobe ludavtuityl e.ngurdtugruucx•, Is:urtitulInwnwithevet-public•liuldlii)' .h\suruace,and that and ,4 els lure•, our•balf ac Price1
lentil r+ hr ui•kevl fur the placing of a i with fntit In.•s slot otttbulld►nt1N•
Huron Investments, Limited
Goderich, Ont.
Phones 430 and 445
lieµ' roof on the building at We cur
of Ihy°ria theswat re amot tightstreets
gt0L ._---- tris-.
' Th.9e .rel..rt were till alh+pt
There was some disetissiln on the 're -
1 port tat the a;settil conlmmitttee. the tate
1 Ngwt y peeve insisting .
•cr of weed .v,tt1rol shnul.1 have sl'tedy
Coon. Cult v,ld he •lural tern the
ron11ty judge :Omni the Division Court
• ',avg... in:d 11is 11 batt stated be
n tµ.01.1 att.lnl to the db.tribUtlott of
rt nf.,•
e tit tl'. •4( East stre 'I an.r
Square :u lie tt t• r o
Al two n.,: of the .town began tarn, `w i, i,, the :oto: .'ircnlanon. for pnrk of whish The resident. 'roti.,'.,
rink of .: matt a building f.o3til•• part of the town nee n justly' p
The pare \. .1. till year w,,s -. • .1. --- -----
rt•tr t'u'. ---- --
'I'llt: 1'1'111.14'
for smite time. 1ty-
+' Institute' had a
'11 hooks: Fur years
- iu a hall over the
h... .1 \kiss )pat
ylr. 11:.•1 , \loss, b.cn till luonu r
ai 11.•1•i.11.'• position until her mar- week to receive :1 Tare new dig. trlliceda}.: \I •udn}, 1\r.Inrwlay
0,1'1.. „l 1, .w• -\Itken agutu the gift of ('apt. e. E. Robinson - nml `atttnh,y
Th. 1ul, IN•r f vol t" tr1ek's fuck. It will he he l t I for Go�deRk4 Ont.
\lies K,
unu s on the illi- i (', ntfntrinl week tilnp will be a to +,., •
of 1'r_Nt d•1i a to the n,h.rnttent .of: tl Iir
charges nuwn_, the municipali-
ties concerned.
A motion teas pa..
.•.,Aitheneeu,e11t of
,11.11. tat :he civ. r btu
It N% a.: iii...141..1 T;i
•,n f the .aunnn
i`t i AAalrr4L uvt+t4 .. for v rreviil•tt--fauna for at►k-.__ - _-- -
•• hvlf-y wa' V'interest' iK N.tal for. tick stile -4, serfs. good
j tit.' half-ycaNc 'interest' on 1ti tl I quick
my - n n.i buck
1 Wert Shore ltallwov 1N,nds, and the clay 1o,uu •.•tl, g g
fruit orrhnr.l :,rad Ranlen pb,h
'l.nneil then ud)nnrn,,p unlit Fridnc..'swell fenced, c,•ut,•nient to Store, scut..•,,
r_nd lost 1 n•h ami R. 1t. station. 4 1-2 tides than
ell.' 11ome Wcek• A11 kinds of lin- ' 1ndnding er..p it ,Naught at once. .1 real
IitN.1 14.1114', two. 1ets. email bard, `ort
trot*, well 1 at..l µl..1 side town, y
easy tens, for, payment. Price $Irani.
A Net: mat. ,.mull, aril-pltnneith.ntse,
three 1N.ir '.119 anis cellar, located clow`
to :spier,. 1'riet silts'.
A small house, meld appearance. glad
lot, small barn. sell located east fade of
town, innnt.lint• po«.•.aon. Prier 'Mr.
Cottage, nearly new, flute bete..,rnt,
modern equipped, located tionselliettt to
harior, very easy t.•rttt ler payment to
reliabic• perr,n. Price s1Rlltt-
I Fnnunercotiage. good condition, snit -
able for all the year, modern eylupp m ,
to eh,11re• earl' I partly fluid/ fed, with enrage and lot,
rho wurk en the !well located near lake front 44..1 auµ t
1. hotel. I'rlev 1t144N'.
have ttti f..t►ndu--- : ray otlrrn.. --. _
In Virtetriu- Turk i r,vcrnl hon•.•+ to rent.
• - tt{ioilerie1p excellent roads. Trice tJ "1•
veltil., tsdse makr'rx• tinter hat.. rpt. bargain.
Campbell's' Drug Store.
Aitken- now --
tut \1r. 1:. \V. itlnok tvls ,1,1410..l to •r
F,.rtil! I.,r1tri11.1rs -,v• nr write
Real Estate Agent
TOP it(►R'--dtobert t'e,nites: Ren
Marcor of (I,41er1.'h ; Alex.
Red ROW ---A• C. ltseker: Thur.
Lee; Rohl. Tnrndr: It. A.
2n4 itt1W-T. R. Pntter•on. ('n,
J. 11MNahh; 1. W. Reattle
let ROW --1. Walton M -KIt* iom
E. 'rye. stenographer; W
11uM1: Herb"'. ('rax
llarkettwr: A. F: .I,rthn!t(on: J.
,;1,; Ilolan•l h,•nn4rly :.1.
Ft,tirepr: N. W Tr'ew•artlut :
.1 phrnc'(►erR: t: .,alio+. (•a
itsllantyne 1Ir. W..1
iebt. Jul.n.tc.n, court (9erk; J. J. pltlyt 14 ! .4.. \la.•F:,t:4'
A. Mention.
1.. MneEwen : 1100 1E11; E. A. Adams; R. 1t. Pater- It
W. J. Ilender*ton ; 0. (,direr; W. 1). Solider- ; .1 1'.4411.
Milne; Gee. W. Iiointon Clerk ; 1 F'. I. tom,. '4Var.l.•n
!Now lltenoUrapher; Mks It. NaeRel. $teut.grnph,r
1'i -intoned quantity oh
at •t p'•r angle i•'r•.. diitvred
('(1., 1.11.1VEIL
Font of Aulaese•a
:r. I , c1 l
Sun oCrfe
Co. of
`01.1/1:K TITAN Tilt:
The Sol
14:111(144 11141 4 I-II. t , ,
tlra. 1■'•1.3' rte-
,rir'et: 1+71,. flair year. n`
nnnon•s hirth.kly, 1'
time 011 11 tut- nutn•b• •
au4nat•I '.f 4'nt,adlen
•t'., any ns.ttrilli t' of •
.4144. and n quarter on • .•
nr+. lied asset* .of ply throe
,nude.., and. lift)' 11111„1 -
11(1491 its 4.0r+ks./
The .tory ht the Stir 1.1fe A<-
qurnnee co. of ('nnada 14 fl
V11111 clover In the history of
(•rlrntdn : n worthy one in the
htatory of the BrIfi-h Emidr.
�l• R. °Gong
p,h Dirt Agent