HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-28, Page 101O` -Tei rstiti' July .i. Itt^_i. Ch li& it -ti tp l:srauL1Slitlt) 1.048 GOI)IJUl'H • • CANADA !Reuther of l'attadian Weekly News- papers :association Pul•11s!.ed every 'Thursday morning. Subscr ;•:.ou price -01 per year strict'.y in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. Ont. Telephone 35 : : l:oderieh W. H Robertson. Editor and Manager THE SIGNAL, 1..tcre,it .to itreseut• residents of the CROPS AND LIVE STOCK II(I th1 t k t vn aui.distriei ns well Ups to tiles... ry UI g at lee HURON grains w"lel br rurnnlug light a. 1 i,.i ad who look back to 1L.dericlt as (-Dy U. R. Paterson/ fair erupt t!te!r odd Moue "Wait• . t'U whet U ,•..;. ne �'e► u.to •lid docu• The cattle situation as it utied•t, the extent that t ., F�a.e .t ••• ! _, beef iuJustr3 Is considerably wore en- Cuslaartes, One went. and'- records with the aiiu uf" tultaglttg w loci raisers iu rhos coma- prrlencadi for presenting an hlstorki'.1 ret'Ivn, the ty than it hug been for ramie Brae. that a certain toot, one terome+.. intereste,, in the Reports would indicate that cattle tata'suffered er aiu Wined out to grass earlj• this atortmg has been r e .lamb. torso the more one is tempted twiny cxctr liugly- well and in a good m. o wan.ker up the lit titueraboe byways twiny in.taucrs the usual loss la 1 1 ;hat aorto MV" elutyt-111g _;y 4.1,- rood-_--eci11Lt when turitjug cattle front • rilit ittidrUur.Il tuuut}- `hare a fits- stable to past1re acus out rxpt•rieneetI. looting history. ;iud although thrtnagh el� i. bus airtieular1 a the • tu.tktit le 1u he ou neglect of curly records Much has beach . rhe cattle did out, pe have, do quite 1'Mursiac, Ju'y laJL'7. I lust there is still available a cast air well oil ad+vl t ut the sufttlea• of _-- (awuuut of material of historical value the pasture. Cattle prices are good TO OUR VISITORS The droll citify in pre- and a tteueral feeling ut optimism ':t[ among aha f. Wl GODERICH, ONT. cyliUdwlxad ■11lt/111a•X XIXXX♦XX]N/tX)rX/•�//Irl♦11■■■11�11tXINIE kits 'probably -Trims grain* ■ ■ .0d to such as ■ iu Must •nest crops ex- al It 14 true I. .•f fall wheat . the recovery ■ ..i eery heavy ■ e •,ucoue. It is eX1le(Pulshould t ' S tall w lata t 1� willoro than :•y tittle. It 1* 10 will cuwmewt acreage of . beam that' . this spring• brain town ma: v are tkolug ■ rasa interest. to ` .ors mob raisers of beef seining the few columns. which apps prevails. t ,1f1 ,, has been a bog beef tie- Tii,. t'rnfpuuiat criabrntlou i• bring- iu ibis uuwlirr of Th.. Ktgttai was out mind' fur tender* which it hag nut ug hack r.. town'-, wavy further rest -s., -nneh to no the material as to gel been Inosslbie to till satisfactorily. dent.. and Mau}• faira who• i on$e I what seemed, most essential within l 1.1.4produttra in the county are were- familiar among us. but frhieb limits et the *Tuve et cowtuautl• been , ba• te ices Lut,thereItaae't With the prevail- harp ,c harp bn absent for yehfs w1eh bei •To [bust who assistedassistedlit presenting.'b• e u feeling that it turn for the better sewn on ur streets Juring the eou►ingi the record which apin•:,rs in this own- is bound to eouit in the near future. week. To say that they will be wet-, Ler acknow' a igm nt 1. gratefully W• hat we consider a noticeable ,roof eetue_18 au entirely Inadequate extorts.-' wade. In this respect Is w►intatutd by the ,tu4t-- that ,curing the snit twenty t 1 with siva G•oirrieh i* proud uL' her old 1 wt•pk; of 11:7 "Mile More than tifty }logon has " a ` R wrrkrted es At the Ism d e Wtdittuus very well an. ..ties• should from now uS F::u has not advamake a car} .i.tgt• this Pear, ed to ,r„IM are to Pear, but ,wont Considerable be found in ti Interest Meas e . t'he gruvclug ut tobaeeo this at the season had not beedt .t•'.c and it ie not expected 1i 1 breaking yields w -IU re>a : `• :'r Generally .pe _ "u' condition. in Huron court. - n'd. The harvest shuul.t - - quality of onr crops snout •-ty favor- ably avor- a r y w t any it r counters. 114'4, pelsture , lwewnL has tones and girls. Most of ,nem have ANDREW FAMILY per c,•..t. as mens ,Ne acreagech. : tors•'+ swymaafui. many of them emi- i HOLDS REUNION tu wermarketeddiming the same yielded veer wt,..or and lice n'eptly s • ilui Itte measure of their 1 --- tet ru. material Poetess is not the gauae that Two Hundred .loin in Sutre..ful 1ke 19rrTrItrt-ITS-ritrtnserers.-44te4-4160)-' -are eiug their sews and the neighbors will ,pet thew when they cuing (tack Etewtl at Lueknutr arc huugiut;• on with the hope tbat to us. Their pleasure in seting old Luckuow. July .5-4esid'auts of uitiluutel} the price cycle will aurae friends. in recalling the euwmonplace the late \\-w. Andrew and his sister, t. Its high Lick•. Jlrs. Will. Iraur„tit the number of :ANI Phe iutt t taken in raising sheep Mit memory -treasured things of leoy- r more. enjoyed a most Mucci fol 1e 19 iucrrasiYg uoticrably. Already. hood Cud airthoxwi d*Ss• lit n•newing 1 putett herr bit Friday last. \Yin• then• has !wen considerable d.•waud 11 with former tugs who are not tud.rcw casae to (inada iu 1'a\u {tom for breeding -ruts youth and itr_li. Farmers 1 ;te•k In gene„ 1..olocet'very eti. roves crud ewe rani*. fur longer r yuntltful- this - 1s what • ver t pear Biddeford, In Lttvon, England. on foil driitcry. Alar Inquiries have were held 1s arriting vtasc4, which took six weeks loot$ ...loved for good sires. The household *virus tor. the voyage. The- family whteh he iamb crop:- While pr' doubly not any for the trot tint. .. 11 , • •• lunar}- uu In our visitors. and we believe we shall larger titan the average. at the present Jul.)2U, at BI; t tuwprti- 1 brought from Englund uuu►bend feu I .,gricultural ■ not be disappointed. children• of whom six were girls.time is e\.•ptiuuaGy genal. The tiuus, organized We hope that they. too• wilt nut he'. -t, sons toot up land near Lucknuw raisers of rhe early lambs realised represeetuticr's lit lltutta ■ disappointed iu their return home:' in 1`•:a. settling on coneession 12. Ash- g„ui returns and. with prices belug j and ably asaiste . to Many eof in s They will Clad their old cumradta a hit I field. The daughters [married. one n maintained at ti good level. sheep town- branch, Toronto, o It ,sf the Me/111111n anti awither as Mclk,na 1._,m are very ruthaawiartlt, the young D$ taro -- ololrr. shit grryrr,• prrltays a bot more . families; i tins curt 1 f strong fowls have county, bat thea . .t.,.., •• and inter- Ill ted b t 1♦ i 1■ • ■ • • 1■ ■ JUDGING 00 PETITIONS ■ HELD- AT BLYTH Meer Interest l.huttII t. lowgt 3Itu ■ Competitieus •'t•cck and ■ and tt oae•u who stay at home are Loping to Sndj WILTON RUGS Good weaves, good patterns, at extraordinarily low prices, with close, firm pile That stands up beneath one's feet SIZES AND PRICES THUS : 4 it. 6 ins. x 9 ft., at.... $11.00 9 ft. x 10 ft. 6 ins., at ...$42.00 9 ft. x 9 ft., at $35,00 9 ft. x 12 ft., at $48.00 Wash Goods Specials Twenty new pieces of soft, fine Kiddy Cloth or Batiste in small, neat patterns on all colors. Soft ground. Colors warranted fast. Very new and pretty for dresses, etc. Yard .. • Men's Underwear 50 dozen men's fine Balbriggan Combinations. Long sleeves and legs. Suss 36 to 46. Regular $1.50. 9sc Per suit 35c Matting Extra quality Coco Matting for your verandah or steps. Perfectly laid at no extra charge. 27 inches wide 75c 36 inches wide. •••$I.00 tooth of prominent awn les u A large number a ., -,a.ou of the tr 1 v. rust they will ..t -Huron county. tether tLaughtrrs been noted on the farms this spring ; cwt shown at w : •Suture for nosillu*ton m ut we k S would Mill not dad them wands, t. affectionate )llmte•sota. was probably -Ike"-tint our fa -raters are raislitg right 'Awl. while this• -nun. 'f-tl+yl-- takiall, while woman to settle In that State. agrieult oral horses. tart In the comp •,s ywwpara- dnttrre of regret from destrUJante l'etfttry pro llteriuu hes inereasrd •'u' Lively .t 11, dug . - 1 herd bay- ou enormous stale this year. It is po - lug weather, the 1.0 turuwt :roto West with tLcir..hu and_:*....11"_•r-and. for_t1t-mutt part. the typr..tt..j year hospitality. -- - - - --------- --- Toe 'Signal joins heartily in the "Welcome Home" which Goderk•tt ex- tends to lel old boys and girls and all l unable to attend the re -unbolt .hose.1 - ea... .•'•'' 4r' -- dr whomarried. 'Senator t'ox of sires being nsa,L would intieate that ; this work. Its visitors on this centennial aunirrt'- doss winery erattered the family has Ably safe to estrmate that there will be out did excekrut , ., • it is to stry occasion. becutne. all the was fn.m Rr,Iektille -fifty per cent. more hens in the county to hoped that nee .,:u r- Mc- nth the Fast t.+ Vitiwouyer awl 1.0ethis year than last. and while price- arable seavon at 1e.- .q:1 and a Angeles on the West. with many from for broilers might not be tde, goad. Pet larger attendance r • ••nit,l. TSIs WEEK'S SIGNAL Intermediate whits In the We,ltern the prowl, fur other classes a fowl jhe beautiful ct.,• a:•1 ...,••r medial Pruyinees and lit u[unruta au•Y and eggs has been sut•It as to wake the generously ttatiatei toy u•,,i&, C. A An occasion such as the town of Michigan, - 1 poultry side of farming •'ur of the gener tsuu sad - 1; M,••r•t for firs. . Goderieb 1s celebrating next week calls John F. Andrew, a great-grandson of •I moat 1wpo,rtakt enterprises lit our and eretvud boys h. +.. •t.-sti ut It' for some apeclal effort on the -part of \\'.. Andrew. came with his :cite and I wiled farming bu+ine-1w. Hatcheries sank were sun b t:at,•.• `t••ltx• •►u two children from - Vermilion. Stisk., Make done a,,htg busiuew, this year and baro, au0 lkval ilea, •, tit, IS:y tot, a newspaper serving the community. to be present at the reunion, thus we brileye we have a type of ben un boob ulv ea of ;:• Torch Juulor and The Signal would like to present a.arry$.0 -,}r the honor+ for bac r rwnjdlrtty ..f our farms that is well Farmer. A,■a,cta 1 u wadi something more pretentluus in the come this Lamntst distance. Mr. Audrey.. 1 i nitt-4 n. making good returns. tour tilt- tine score al 4 - - •'ut ut u way of a review of the history of the who was formerly assistant agricu'- poultry breeding stations and our Poul- •, i„eaitble :All}, w,• toll„ a eti • x u small her.. Ko - fawn than hitt/ been found powsibir:" [ural ngtnsututive of �1addM se Ire .ni;ii camaligns hale In a ,o.eI) with at, , V eounty. Is now air the staff of the \er- Mat- In -ell respon.il.k• for the typo. that 1 bert and N'lUlesy .r• •t Uf Sow- j ..e with 414', went IU Ed - ,;h to Stewart ,ud seventh to Not only has the editor been ,erupted. tt. a member of the Centennial com- mitter. with preparatlous for the cele- bration, precluding any sustained et - fort in the way of research and sift Boon's prvlttnnu, which. on account of ins pg historical recortln. but the ltwi• the rain. was 194.4 tsi..oew M the hemp• 'rations of the mechanical staff and,• ,of !saw. Amin-*. Music and aperrhes equipment to a town the sloe of God-; feature+, the Program while gamest are gonad erne: In most- cases. There ! this, howevt_ ',rich. t0 say nothing of the ---spouse -of ;_h"rP.-Ins• throwing anti other athletic I ghoul,} its• sufficient hay this yvnr and Uwe it int," op gest attendance. be- ►rddtldttg s large 1lhtstrattdi' edllth►n: politer were run off between showers. with pow(' weather fotr handling. 1t cause in all t. twruty s. ceu Orin 4 t •`. should nuke excellent feed. It is ta►e tornado out. N• rJNesso 11.•• judges it s-trr t and Miss 1411..*, in, tits -trowel), r I muton High ".school. - - we now have. 1 Roth, tied for �S. it. $lotlwrs, It.A.Sc., agricultural Crap, points each. '1 reprtdw•lrt*tice of Essex ....way. and so far as (aria crops are concerned. wlu Weeds, it until recently of Huron county. was indication. this spring were none urs Middietoo, to ma•fer of ,eremouies.Luring the after- good. Many of the older fields of \\'Th lint alf lta runer$1 from wktter Million. a peach bmf the newer seetUng and sweet ' petition was u ei.t4r• alike. regi clover and tiwnrhy ever leen he' e., /ridging con - f the best that have • toy of hie counties; , -t dale to the fact ,I Rugs Reversible Smyrna Rugs. Size about 27 x 50 inches in a Targe choice $j •CA of patterns. On sale i • ■ ••■ ■ Pure Silk Broadcloths 1 A splendid quality in 15 new shades ■ and colors. Width about 31 in. 85c ■ Per yard V New Linoleums 1 4 yards wide Linoleum. $3195 ■ Per running yard .. e:.'. ✓ ■ 3 yards wide $2.90 W. ACHESON & SON ■ ■ ■ ■ •. r' ■■It�l•lt1•t/1•■■1NIi••MINN ■■■lt�■lt■•■MINN •1•l•� -fri'e elrclntrxtana<• aside. Too• former tno.tottk•e of lanes. near Ars namwt itttti iu, fwitr, father of \Ctn. Lang• the well-known A* it Is, The Signal presents its en- trt•a.nr.•r of Unroll comity, 't number this week in the nope' TI'•• o,on,witt.+- in charge of the ar- tentlt. Andrew, that it will meet with some measure and c of nppreciattot. and will prove to be of ranzenemts ine!n,i.tl Wm M.4Zttillin, W. P' Isaac Andrew --- - • - f I lit f tl a Mor the amount of sweet colorer used or murke't that t quality o 911911.-. a. the ctrrn. crop 1s not very tk,hr had neve:••stn excelled in their promising. At present It he 1ookitiR letter. however, and .hmald he • fair i, aeon , •O or better o' t of a trot:. A. fair a+ spring grains are con- M W M LUu) eerne.l. lhwe have not .Len,• aa• well as Photographs Live Forever J. T. FELL Telephone 1137 God.rich ICE i 'am prepared to deliver Ice to any part of the town PROMPT SERVICE exie,rieutr. Or twenty a the girls �, eta, • a ' . possible WU. 1.-s e r .' Blyth. carried. -f' top honors with a 1101,•1 of :T9. • e was followed by Moss, Edua tic: 11rua•G"ra Floren,'P "411. ', aroels, 4 1`.weigh wood. 1: - J.uulsr , h. :rt3 : IUyth. 5313.)/ills The girls' tow fur the t`anadien Natluuul E:tod.ition tuter.•uunty household ori... judging competition will likely be •.. tweed of Mimes Me - Elroy. Mil'ai Yltla, Mt*a athwart out being ell: owing to the tact ghat ,r 1*i-'s . t one year *t Mac - Id0natd _-1ttet - t;uelph- It leered tlwt - hint, ao,oti .•tisit beex- hoard frrmr • - cam of girls when they cuwt*ei.• r the other counties fur higlt_bo-.t.•'r.:: Ne Exhtbltlun. lireat credit fir the molts of this ifirst cunipa•tttl* is dile to gr' J. 1 I 1+i ler, assistant agricultural repre- /*ent*liie. *M.tlrr,taa,dt for the cl*wa•* it bt 1st e �Sf t'll ap•I our the haand nthhr iIi1i - n..,•.Iary for chi• gallsrde** Iof a cont.•.: of rbl* kind. WS* Iva Le11gtn11. .r.f th« institute* Itranch, Toront, •p r oboe Letter part of tau weeks In th.- •MI;ty ddairlii g the vagi- I on.. gnwt.of giros In hous.•hokl 1 «cheep,• Jli•t1[f41 1'iMt she 1189 rt-ieivctI a it'""' rrslp.nsr, i. clearly ind leafed by th.- ureic. '*Malted In iti.• rv.•uauplw*r he rhe Moore'. in Ringy:}'rh-' att,•nts-roldd by *ldM,u*tt I Sec• my )sonnet t."Poe *• w',N as the ' jnd,r••. and other. *rho asedrtwl at. the I .dM,Ie+t. ;1 is -ex",•1 *I a.tdrMyt w** Cho • '.c tv K Itld'le'll• agrleultural rr.l,•1. 1e county, who had i pr, . ,-, .,1 In juotRln11 the )ice Pt.• 4ttdd••I'aemark* nut onlg Mer•k.ft .Ir.d wIith ItIsttst)rrbut cnnt*lntdl a it...l dctd et „dyke pertaining to the :irgue,lz:.-i..1 op ! art'u1n1111*lrrtltnt4 of nr : . .,,�t•1atlnns end j • tor. . A. 1tubert*oitn- .n N I. I'• rye trnphie* on be - ' l', , . ,syr. Mesidi and, oleo ''Id'I •1 1..., r.•n..rksof lntere*t to the , .in.a ,..-1.4, t empties were given t sad Mr. F. A. 1VIR 1 Ile ch*Ir we* 00011- aMl ltrpre*Pnt*ttre 1':..• t! tl,u<tnti nnnmm�cwl rho• r. „f { Rtrio. competition. Nh • a n,,.. 1cd In the judglnt "1::,' ,r 4*Mtor. Elliott and 1• ptM Rrnnch. , ;• •.. I... leaped itis't In future years nnnf men end ',ode r non,,,, +, t r nut And take )nit w.•tno•n .-111 Mrn It 1It. . eantssta- to rltht.ithnorth the tf n tir•tn . t w e•t };nrll•h Il inrtlwrt tee ttter heti'. a •f the !birder, .,it thet pcetch fnrt*- erent ,I.•nl of the south l..mdnn net... find* it. inky l':ialnt bnw. J. IIaham. T " hose 1S Elgin Ave. WHEELLER' of Dining, Bed and Living Room Suites, Gateleg a Tables, Cedar Chests, Lamps, Carpet Sweepers, Kitchen Cabi- nets, Congoleum Rugs, Window Shades, Baby Carriages, Go - Carts, etc. Agents for the Maxwell Vacuum Electric Washer. J. R. WHEELER Furniture niture Dealer Funeral Director HAMILTON STREET Calvin Cutt's §PS5AS PINT JARS (wine) $1.10 Per down QUART JARS (wine) $1.25 Per dozen RUBBER RINGS, 3 doz. MATCHES 3 bogie JILL/Mier MATCHES b boxes in packages 25c 25c 35c $•,. •$11)411.M1 •1..■• 1 S 2 AAP LPIl1ARD MADISON AND LENOX MADISON AVE. ��;�• / $,�� D E TR CUT RESTALARAIVT AMOU1 11111.1 DOLLAR DINNERS 1' N. • - NEW POTATrJcS 55c Per peck • - - J. Calvin Cutt (irneet Phone 11(; King -tout `t Special Sale of Used Cars I Jewett Brougham, as good as new I McLaughlin, six cyl- inder. Model 45 2 Chevrolet Tourings t Maxwell Touring t Ford Coupe W. A. Craig Victoria street (lndIPrich Uuelt then KeeP a d happy appy jooe the el giaaies t �io .i, h:ei0 KOit4foCfotfeisFpss And OSes e refit for easy to tgrtf Serve utak or d fresh° canned fruits and s ----01 honey. KaloBg' 'cinch for a evening Kellogg'sfor Order at hote1,+restautanIis°n dining -cars. Sold inin rsSold by all grocers. Mle Kellogg iLondon, Ontaro.OUe,the inner- sealed nner. sealedredand-green package. imitations cannot equol such ander-flavor. Demand the genuine! I/ N COR FLA