HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-28, Page 9Second Section
Pages 9 to 16
Centennial Week Is Almost Here
Gotk•rich already has begun to cele -
Linde its emit:mutat. A fever of
preparation 'cur next week's lalg dulugs
has been showing itself lu iucreaslug
degree during the week. The \\'tdnetr Lovers of music will be delighted to
day- half -holiday was "'neut. by many know that two orgau recitals have
ut the buil/lees people lu dke-,acing been Arnim:ea for t'eutenuial Week.
store -fronts and arches, and the town U1 Thursouy eeeutug. $2 b ('cluck, Lr.
already has a gala aIia''arauct which F. T. Egruer of tit. athariues will
is growing in form and color with give a recital in Knox church. air.
every waking hour of the day. ' Bert Cutt, vocalist, of Galt, tau will
Prelwrativaa for the pageant are take part lu the program. Un Friday
reaching the tlual stage. Fur two or wurutng, at ll. ucluck, l'rufesaur
three weeks practices have been going Geoffrey Bolt, MA., Mums. Bac., ut
on. and tonight a rehearsal is being 'Toronto, Will play in St. George's
held at the Agricultturel Park. where Church. These throe eminent must -
the perfurmatues will be held next clan* are all Godericb old boys, and
taxed to the utuwst when the Vevple
bee what 'au lutereatlug cullectluu of
old pictures and Curlub has been got
• • •
week. Tee Meant promises ter-bs-t- They wilt be 'heard- whit a tfhwt- 1 1
really great erveat, and interest of pleasure by tuw•usperple and
throughout the county le so *trona .tdsltura.
that it wilt nut be suryrlslutt to vee I • • •
the Sue new trent/eland. with a Ca- Wednesday's baseball game Is at-
pacity of nearly two tbuusuud• tllltd tracting a great deal of lntereat lu
each night. I ball circles. It Is sallow that two
The Sunday services, with which the such teams an the Os.ere and the Rh -
week's celebration commence*. will be duns are gut together un the diamond
moat Interesting. with llodt•rieh old except in the big title'', and that the
boys „f eminence In their calling uecu- Kam* will be wittusaeb by a huge
Vying the'various pulpits. The public crowd goes without saying. Muth
service on the Square on Sunday after- • teams are uu their toes unit are bound
noon, will no doubt be one of the most to Win the big end of the *7011 burse.
Impressive feature* of the week's The manager of the libelous has *tut
program. the following meawge:
When the parade starts Monday "The buys sure want to get a crack
morning it will mark the opening of ut thla Oster team, as 'they any this is
the biggest week's "(Winne" in the one club we are going to beat. 114 are
hundred. Sears' history of the town. ' Ruing to leave un Tuesday, August 2ud,
Fiverybody within thriving dtatanee of at 5 o'clock and expect to get to Gvd-
Godertch should be here for two or erich by 11 o'clock p.w.. We are gu-
three dace If not for the whole week. tag by way of Sarnia. Here's hoping
On behalf of the eltizena of Goaerich and sa,root•dltie e••uJ n 1 ant taking this Mal oppor-
tunity of extruding a "last t+lsli" to all Old Hoyt sod lis. to "'a.'` ten h„we and heap tis term-
memorate the one buteiredth birthday of the old tows
The hearts of our people are seaming to give •"i' former r tiz4I * a cordial and affectionate
-e Mace s r nuTi rTttl,program and even hotly is-essal•..11t tight -r eft} tins Don't tidies it
l'leass m.mtwr that the town will be all your .•wt, far the week.
41111111Ceritv our.
Indeed. Several parties have already I we have a- good day aettkat-ifaetk.+era
arrived[ by motor from the Pwclficnut."
Const. and others are known to int on • • •
the• w-ae from far distant plats. It ( Horses are arriving almost -hourly
will he a great homecoming time. fur the Gods:rich tracts. six arriving
• • • on Wednesday.
The tialtford people nor determined i 'lite tsetse. ars bring repatrrd and
Lot to he behind in the matter of nose I are lu arst-elas• shape, the track Is lu
ration. They are putting up a flue I d 1 cwiikitlon, and new tem:t t are be -
big arch where the need from (iod- I tug built on the inside of the rail. It
erirh diridiee to north and south, and is expected that fifty horses wit' be at
when completed it will 'be a beauty.I the rate meet next neck.
The i; 4114rkh township people ■lso'are.i A free-fur-ati is bring etkietl to the
putting up au ar•it on the Huron high- prugrdw fur Thursday to accuwiuu-
way Juin past the cemetery. tkad date the fastest horses in the Province.
work. gentlemen: t It is coutldentl3 believed that the
• • • -- tGuiterien•Celteuudui nkri will he the
\ Ane array of rateable ][Asea has batiuer *test of Western Untariy thin
leen secured for the street carnivals, Year. A good shuw'iug is expected
to be held -%.•ry- night during the , fruit the Western cumµuguer.e au'1
'seek.. tl'oderieb night. Me il♦a
11. J..\ MaeEWAN.
nt 's will set the mew tft)r tyle wear' dr
will be a lively one. /thla year.
• • •
The arrival of the old-time tra un ' A Popular Entry
}' I t 1ng-1 H Old *'pit:' 1 )s' f lie. 1wVre•reel Lue•
te been members of
day—will be nue of the "high
day morn neon
th4 nus flub with the opulent der-'
of the week. Those alio want to ser u[ tewuattte pulchritude tot the
•44methint to talk als,ut for the rest mcatbluK Leavitt* this rummer that they,
i•1- t k •their ]lust In the
• l .lekuulal parade -bathing beauty -
Nlr. Geo. Lalthwa{te repli
.rts that hJw\lhlr paws err uu yt
--rotterilettiettw- t44 tit.- :crelerle•h- sortie-__----e-phi_aeat;tr-3ttattttr
deemingn niee.y. ask, that wu•u 1:1slertelJ Through the kiudttess of.
ttT eta al++
! 1tl 1
of their lives s 1ao
uld be on hand. -lute
f. -
pletietl. It ps
is .•slblr that the favorite
,.hip t,illctlnu of pioneer relies ark a mu e keel wt•r•bauts. lualic•r wilt Dare the
ort kle• Is ant 1L+' history be writ- opt.urtuuity of viewing the latest New
m out *col *1tach4ei t„ It. i York tinthtug costumes on Ica
• • •
chiiruling models.
It is suggested that houeeltel kers,
with veranduh lights leave them Athletic Day --Saturday, August '6th
burning next week. aiding 10 the 1l- Entries are coming in very rapidly
Inminatlen of the town, Nits Kelly. 'of fur the big athletic meet on Saturday.
the Hydro diepartment, advise• that ,Utguet lith. most of the ear athletes
where this Is done an equal namher lu t\'1 -stent Ontario will compete, and
of home lights ie switched off. so the girls relay team from Toronto are
that the system may not be overhauled.
challenging the best relay tram Lel
• • • , \Weetcru Ontario.
The peva of John (salt at Greeuae•k. . welter Knox, the Olympic conch.
Scotland. will ire decorated orated for 'Ceti- will have a number of his stars up for
tennini Week. This has barna ars the day. He Is preparing these for
ranged through Sir G. McLaren the Olympic trials which are conduit
.Brown Enrolee,. representative of off this fall.
the C.P.R. ler. T)tmli,lid tomb nt env, , shields and medals will be on
Oalrbrnhl 81sn w1I1 be d(rorated exhibition during the week and as
roughout the week. This will to an special evemIs have teen pant on for
et of recognition by the present gen- Huron county boys and girls it is
*1108 of the great seri-lees rendered baled thatag large number of entries
thMr two men In 11N' npefang np of• from the comity will be ret•etved.-4
Huron tract. special effort is being made to cin-
• • • neetlon with the Collegiate relay team
r. G. W. -Week. who has the his- and it is hoped that each of the ('o-
ral exhibit In charge. has secured] ltgtates• in the county will to re-
vacant stare on the north site of presented.
tet street in which to place it on --'--
dnring 'Centennial Week. The Mr. and Mrs. N. K. McLeod and
ton will gtvc more room than Misr Beth Thompson visited friends at
Vest prevlonsly 4•hnsen. and we have Stratford and, St. Marys at the week-
*, doubt the neon mdslmtion will he end.
Goderich Remembers Her Glorious Dead
....millet, that omitted reference to the
loyalty of its citizens. When the
salt came from the Motherland in
1t014, the men of Goderk4i Were
among the -first to respond. and fath-
-rs, mothers. and friends with heavy
hearts but brave fates bale• the MI%'14
*led -speer-.
first body of Caned
the front—the ['rho
alt 379 men nisi w
(according to the -11
iii the town ,-•`1t1,'-
Kiieg and • ant Iy
4 In memory • ` tb,,•
*owe memos ..,
— - - Thein W eek s Signal
.\ithough this number of The Signal
teiohle the usual size. we have leen
nimble to Include ninny ftetures which
h11.1 11.4.11 'thinned. :Several columns
of now. natter have btu held over Ln
order 10 wake room for some of the
spe•ci11 Centennial ankles aid 1418-
gravitrg..''tit still we are compelled to
omit a great deal .4 matter and a con-
itiek•rible nttntter of etgraviligs. Some
of -'these features may be given in
future nnmlrers ref The Signal.
Dr. Rollins in Town
lir. J. -1. Ito1ltt 4 of London, warden
of Huron coltnty in 11UI, called on
County Clerk Heiman. an old personal
friend. at 1114 court 11W114e 011 W011.1trs-
day. The Inlet.* is summering at the
,the' l•onllty
town, cud the wane of his former
tuueiciptt nctirltlere. 1t. was 1)r. Itot-
llns who proposcl the alternate tinily
s)steet 0f--etee(Len of the wurken. 811+1
he sl''m1s enthusiastically- id the sim-
plicity 87141 fairness of the method
when eoutptn•d with tete methods of
some other (-runty councils filet cun-
eunte days[ ill. the election of a warden.
The Doctor not441 the (-hang(•* in the
(Arial staff nt the court house 81141
W114 tnuc&Lt11'-11111W11nteet 81 1101 seeing
some of the oldie familiar faces of other
days. -
lt'I' 111,1 I: sQl:ARE
Guelph Centennial Number TORONTO WILL BE
Guelph as well as tislerli•h is rete- I. WELL REPRESENTED
bratlig Ito teutennWtt euuiverwtry, I
and in honor pf the oeemslvu Tho Mer- HeatIquarters Will Be at MacKay
cury 11118 t*sut-b a special ial nulube•r of 1:12 14[11 ,
pages. crammed full of Iulerestt1tg luta- I ',The IAtruu Old Hoye' .%estx•iutiuu of
ter relating to the hundred year* hit,* 'itoruyttu- have cuyulileted that: az- - •
tory of Guelph and dliettii;l.-The inane raugeweute for t'e•uteuuiel week. Fri-
ts a. ireellt both to The Mere•ure and day. AugUBt 5th, le their day and they
to the city in which it 1a pnbtishtd• will arrive at 10.30•itt the morning he -
and neeny copies will no doubt he pre hind the old hood-hutuer that came
served for the value of the historical lulu Guierkh sdtruty years ago. It
Infornuttion which it centnine. 'The 4udi been 'specially cqu1 Icd by tee
Signet is Indebted to The Mer•ury for t'auadiau Natieual ltailney and is one
04[14 of the information given in Its of the relics of the old days. The
ssye_of__t-Illa week. 1 trtct that uiuru-lete_stiftr-lutwns de
sired the use of the old locomotive
With the Lawn Bowlers ' shows how fortunate Gtxlerkh Old
The prize winners In the local ytoys were in lauding this prize. There
tournament „n alaiday evening were: will leu large nosier of grist ngets
1st. F. Hunt and 11. McNee 2nd, W,- Oti- the train dressed at-tn the slays of
Iteg. $hnrman end E. Cowan. the early settlement, and they will
Two -Auks crf local bowlers took part doubtless nee -•ire a great reception.
In a tournament at Wlpgltam on Wed- Arraugetuents have leen completed
sodas.- The rink composed d of H. T. fur the use of Mackay Hall fur the
NIe•11•nnott Isllpl, W. Reg.
S1tat19iAt1. se VItI '?artetuttuu tam, ,,ben .,1J
J. Swafetd and E. Cowan won the timers can renew uequaeiutauce with
first prize Ili the special event. The their trteuda. A committee of 'bor-
prizes were clocks. The other local unto lushes wilt be in charge each
rink was emttposed of F. Hunt (skip], afternoon, and they will 'be assisted
G:• 'Newton. \y • J. Powell and R. by a committee of which Mrs. WS L.
Johh*ton. ' dlurtuti of town is chairman and alae
' I c)mwlttees front the Ahwtek Chal)-
King Hovis Visits Gadetitb err, LOl).E.; \\'uwen's Hospital Auxi:-
A very distinguished n-irltor will be Jury, Woweu's lrartltute and .a civic
to our wider un civic holiday, August eowmittee headed by airs. 11. J. A.
1st. to the p•reon of King noels. lila MaeKwan. These wt11 have charge uu
MaJesty lived for malt) years in Eng- different' afternoons. - The Western
land and
was extremely ,popular with t'auaebt Flour M'llp Company Limited
his stelrJtets .there, and ba* now also here very generously donated ilovis
taken up. residence in Cattail*, We bread to ho serveeL during the week,
uudersinud his alaJest)'0 fatally name w lik to will be supplied b3 the local
1s Bread. bakeiw.
Of course his Mitjebtt will be very (ht. Friday: afternoon the 4Sth High- .
milli -lis uIsee1. and to make 'it Utter- lauders Baud w111 arrive from Turouto
[•.Ring for his t'anadian lieges to be en aad w(11 march from the, Buren road
s that reached the Inc.- 1,f the monument bears Haase
I'n's --.11 in words of Noyes:
of Gs«k-*lest
"All that this earth can site they
(tall tunlril': thrust aside:
oche•* 1 .••rt•,t
n the great 'tidy e•rowd-(t-alt their youth Into
an hour
o fee Al leans- And. for one tleeilhg dre•anl .d right•
the easy . 1t for hiat_aa_wi - tss Ute.lit `-'u_ OW lin s head eetrter•
$10.(N) is being offered by his alaJesU's ]luring the afternoon a tug-of-war
Canadian slrwsurs. the Western ('nn- touruatucut will be held. with ten
to%t Flour Mills Company. If you are tracts front different parts of the
the first to See him. the first to ask county as contestants fur the ,lluruu
him the proper gtrsth,n. and then Five alit Itoys"trophy: Tliii1s aliataso-hie
the proper answer to his question. 34411 ctrl. stan,U tt nearly two feet high, and
will Ie the richer 1) $10./N). [lilt be competed fur euttuully here -
This is part of [lir ibey's fun eaten- after. 1❑ whittler the wiuniug team
!noel to nntke elyt I olbh+y. 1t►K. the will receive $5 fur each tuau S7 fur the
happiest_day1:(.1d•rleh ever expert- '11110in.-' The tennis arc composts' of
A2ecl. nod is helm: waged Witt the seten men each 'awl any industry,
compliments of the Western Confide town „r township may enter a wain.
Fleur Mills ('mnpnny. See their ad- In the evening after the tattoo there
vertitemcut on WRe 0• a ill Ire community singing on the
Wptare tete iy eu ureheatra'and cdlobr,
Boy Swallows a Halteltrllat 111141 s4att spc -ial carnival features.
Ou Mou,lac, July Pith, Robert. ser- Mrs. Walter Buchanan of Toronto
en -year -odd sou of Mr. and Mrs. `Gia- sltalielyteb the ladles of 4 leric•h .to a
uel Matron, South street, meet. entally lawn bowling contest fur ludic•e, for a
win. lir. A-urtze aL.d6 t4tsba d1.tY.Lf►SAa i1^
l'. hunter ons culled anal on Friday )Ms, Buchanan acs has a rine of star
el eeiti g, July 22. the boy was taken bowlers. who would like to meet a
to Alexandra Itospltal; where an X-ray riots of /:dslerteli bowlers who. .would ,
was taken. The X-rt.3 plates showed be able to like 8 defeat in goed•grtte.
1h4. coin to be lodged in the aesophn- ¶Phe NIcKenna ('ustutue Company
ens. 1111 attempt MIA 111 11414. by lir*. will arrive in 1 :lalerlch with 1,045) cos.
Hunter and Macklin to remove the tunas, on Thursday night and- row-
coiu. but after I+rolotgld effort 1t was netwing on Friday, July GMth, these
found twptssiblc to din 80. On lion- eosfnnws can he secured' in the lstse-
;, [naiad : th••y dHerl' I v last the 104.111 dletors took the meld 4f the• public library: Veer' six•- •
Harbor slats
The Br',
Steamship 1..; •
1b3.(1(Il). buss,
f pn I.:11iUnt,u
•.hglpe : a .. ilrg.• 1-1
wllal aL1t a,U1111
1 ill 1 , Loudon for expert adv lee. 41111 ratio for natuwes have 1st11
Stratford Ladies Ilene .\u X-ray was takett nt Vietorin' holt- given for the week nod there should be
• : used b
Serif'...! ladies visited ibe Stall- vital. anti the pist' .showed the coin peteral hundred costumes, y
/1 cin • those taking part 111 file carnlvaT.
i;1a;,; Cl11h on Tuetwaty to playa dax•cnd th0rr through the eftnrfs of Thew• cnshtmss have el+*•e•Inl!y
refnru. 1 ' The Inlay 4tits ns 161- the (:,altdrkh (11u•tor5 • to remove it. clrmnwf tool fuiialgnte.1. 41":111111i11 nn)onr
t be- in the stomach, no doubt having
bnshe1s of s • al th,• 4ssicrirh ,
elevator of .1 y 1,• h. Tr::, s:cawrr• lows
niter dis(•h;. sr al toss. d lip GI ,I:It14 11 t,YCit.1TF*411t1)
t the mirth ththarbernwfir Nits. it J Fe•:tz.n Mrs- Whttman..1
ins further or,. Thy woks tbre4•' J1iss da. .\Ilcn...0 )Ile Makine...1
ett1tnters 111.1 : ,w dell up it. the miss V. e. \\I1•
harbor. 'the , v„ king theSi.-- llatro ' 0 Mrs.
ketchewau 1u.. • llaple curt 01 the Nit -.\v I'. Sam- ..
Canada Steno.- r rues•
The steam.
the (Yoder:,
bushels of
„tits 0114 'S•' ..4'Is of strteurrsa \t'•• i -elay' •1 Mrs.
Work no- • eed the past w '1 i NV-- •1 sam.de rs 1 Mr --
in (Onstrtl concrete, foumbe \l -- \i 1 - 1 \Ir•
tions for t1,: •tanks which the sir roulthnr•t1 Mr -
Shell Gas 4.• pA.) trill erect ehi'tlll i
House prryerts• -'
ue Is 4-x;ae-te''. + Mr- T 11. Milch -
.cur with :i:..:aur 1 A Mr,
40,000 bushels 01 \1 1. 's•s,nai111 l \I
on the tents 1
A score •-:
vu -lits mads
oast week.
!)r!l'uig nt::e-113c
going Ort 1 .•
111111 the (1: _ 'i• at
piers and • •
The sin -
nort r(-•ect•y :, l
sato) nt the mond
River. It 40 a` In`
operations and did
as 11 4..4111.1 ns,' 31'
.f (Inc phasure
t this port rho
g operatiout ere
nd 11 the barber
cork between the
ndwell was le
*savored to foal
of the Maitland
cceenfnl in Its
t secure a load.
ose enough to
The coin has probably laissell from
the hotly by thtr time and little itob-
'hie to nt his home again romping
*About ns If nothing hail happened.
The London rollers 11841 a story on
Copps 1 tiie snTJ4ct whieh ons Ivery higldr
colorist and In some particulars nn- 1
Jtnbb • 0 true. - The •facts are as here given. I
1oewrenee.1 The eommltte•e in char, of the
Cn•gory0 pageant would like to seeru re e the Loan
$ileox 0 of several traits for use RR 11r,•isi1i4
d 1rr 0 rooms for the ladles taking POW
1':,rker .- A the pageant at •%grieultnral Pork.
Siwl.•on0 Persons who would kindly lend tents
-- for. this purpose are requested to 111
4 form centennial heakla8rters,
who wears [tees tI11 le n•Ilevtel o
any anxiety ns to Meantime's,. ?he
Huron Old Boys' Asseehition hate had
to gttnrnntes• n very substantial
amount in order to have these, eos-
trtmew stmt els and are benefit'. that-
advantng.. IA I11 be ink's) of the oppor-
MacKay 11ai1 will be the head-
quarters of the iluu,n (Nd Boys' As--
seeintLm 'andif yon want to meet
your friends tont mils Ma.•Kn3 lInIi.
NIT. unit Mr- I1 Stod.1art and ion
%Ilan. of %ler.lin. 'Man.. are visiting
Iheir-relatitss ii town nod will remain
for the Centennlnt
1:( )1W:101( '11 I1ARs1(Mt
Gak•rkh Elevator Cn'a plant on theleft--\Western Caned', Flour \1111.. with ele•4ntor. on the right
The E.
rnr• shoes
4;4 e1)-:I41ndl 11daN'S 4,\ I'.\If.1I,1. 1.1+
h11i f 1p(Wt ears the nrraslnn of nn ary acti111 tLe town. The al,vvr
Uhe L11 orgtl tor•ee nn pared a 1i Con*( 11„n*e Wontbt)rstlnare iiof, .1milit)0114 of t het sortvity *.