The Signal, 1927-7-28, Page 66—Th1'I tv, July '2A. 19'17.
The Schoo
Education Has Always Had a High Place
Among the Interests of the Town
Present School Equipment Is Highly
Creditable tothe-Community. ,
Aceor•,,nt: to Government reports Charles. teacher of 1:i*'unJ moi
:he first Grammar Schee, for the cuutt- erua; litre Mcl.e:ktu. Mr. ltalplLltul'-
ties of Hurou aril*hues• was estate 'ler, Mr. 11, D. Grim:. Mr. It. S: rri:;.
.ishe.l lu Goderich. in 1841. The lust Mr. Geo. Robert-,•:. who pasted am:0
uta:tcr. was iter. it. F. Cawpl'vll, re.'- this year, Ills, M. K. Clifford. Mi--
the ut..ef lt. t'tealv. ChurcVI Alex. Mackenzie. + a i staff consists Hum,
Mr. J. teP. lu -•
Pr,t•abyttriau mluister. in 1s44 Mr.' B.A., headmaster and *ciente; Mr. A
John Ili, lane was appointed waster. M. 1t0Irertsuu, %l..%.. inathenruti.•s; Dr.
The car:ltst available record. 18:14, : rt. llessttt+t '•h►'Kk:a.; 11 .M'_1',isee..'
Rev. Mr. Rebid.' wodrrua and 'i'uglidh; . Miss e' tbtr-
arss as trustee's: , in lust -ty '.t ,i
Messrs. J. tdtn►t•Lau, Yawns W..t...a. �y+•et, k. ter>i .el tt• •, Y
P. Lion and 1). H. Ritchie. general work; %Liss E. Cluughe r. c.'ut .,
When first organised un perwauent menial work; hiss Mc\auglc•'u d re- ;
building watt provided.' School was te•utl)- aii.otuttdl. ort.
held In the dwelling of the master, or • The Ce•tr•l Scheel
in rented rooms, Wen lu the Common The preeeut Central School on North
School, and later lu a reused building aareet was erected Iu 1ta:N;. Before
ou East street. 'Pen for a time the that time school had lattr held in a
old Temperance 'Ball wee used as • building uu the heck of the lot where
school. lu 1874 a building, part of the tea• town hall now staiols. The tint
prt•setrt one, was erected on Waterloo ,hoard of Trueness of Hhich recent is
street. Mr. Haldane had been sue- available was•l of the f..:,,ot-
teeded lo hall by James Preatou, B.A.. lug members : Jas. '1'hum$ou. .\. M.
and Mr. Preston in 1871 by the late 11. Ross. T. 11. Van Every. Wru. Kny,
who continued as John ie,ugteorth. Wm. Makelm. tel
1. -Strang. n.a..
headmaster until 1906, and as classical ('ox. and T. N. Molesirorth. TM with L. l.. Knox, secretary.
master until 1!%17, being suctetrled In chairmen was John Lwtgwurth. After ,The present staff of the Centre)
the beadwasterablp by Dr. J. M. Field. a time. t.i, atevw•wdate the smaller ; Nclttxd ie composed of flies I. E.
loos -ital. and In the latter year by children .e1to'ls were -established in (`hurwau. prtto tpal, and Ulm
Mr. J. P. 'Hume. B.A,. •the prebuilt ' three wards: St. Andrew's, slittr A. M. Hocipal, M. IIsi;ir and V.
headmaster. id's and $t. I%uric►'s The ftdl..wtrtg
kir Wt, Elliott, a . li'"ts. The 4du of Vie-
s of Goderich'
was Mr. J. 11. Tiger:. Ile was fol-
lowed by Mr. I1. 1t. 'Long; thea tame
Mr. J. 11. Johnston, followed by the
prestut iirindtrtl. Mr. Hoy Stouehouse.
The Hoard et Trustees for 1927 eun-
;itis of Forties H. Miller. chalrwau ;
Jas. F. Thomson, W. F. A. Naftel, It.
1t. $aliowa. Wra. Wallace. Mex. Saun-
ders, Sas. t'. Carrie. uuti. John Cutt.
Mr. Strang received, the degree of
LL.D. from the Uulteralty of Torouto
in 1907. In which Scar a great reunion
was held here in lira honor. 111s
lamented death in 1919 removed from
the town one of its most loved and
honored citizens. a man who bad left
the impress of his character on scores
of lives. A most Important part of
the present celebration Is the founding
in I)r. Strangs honor of the Hugh
Innis Strang Memorial fie holarsblp.
The growth of the school has more
tbau once necessitated additions to
the building. When the new building
was erected in 1871 the old Grammar
School became a High St•hool. In
inspector"- hare held office un. torte School is Mr. H. Stonehouse.
publicNiels; sehnol system: }rim. Kay. Dr. principal and as asaistania Misses
Nielsen. J. It. Miller. and J. E. Tom Hawiltou. Hublw-ou. Sturdy, .• t\'at-
(wbn 1411w the o01.e• s, . • ' herr; Bairn
been has •n difficult tit get the Mimes E
d A. Risley. of all.who have held the office of prin- and Mi A.s. Mari McMahon. who Is still a
cit l of Central school. but the fol• citizen of l:tisk-rich, though in frail
lowing mimes are remembered: 1i. D. health: was for years a teacher in St -
Cameron. J. R. Robert. W. 11. hiker, 1►avidb ward school and. beloved by
Man Emhnry, lteaterf Park. S• P her old pupils. she is sought out bT
Halls. Robert Stewart and J iI• many who return to their childhood
; Tigert.lrwlbliss i. E. Sharman i+ the haunts and who are delighteol°-to find
prh.11ut1 at prawn. themselves not forgotten hp their old
Viktoria Seisal teacher and fri.nd.
Rome years ago St. Patrick'. ward Joseph's ContentT, nil was destroyed by fire and the St. Jose eniperanee Hall was 4 -nee Convent was built Inn.e again P
with other mo, . equipment.
The men of I.rigade are: W.
Tait, chief; t,, e; M. Kay. 1st lieuten-
ant; C. Stapler,•:,. _id lieutenant; J.
E. hutch. w.•retary-treasurer; D.
McLeod, W. lA ak, P. Johnston, R.
Ander-ou, G. It, -scow. J. Burrows..
L. Govler, C. II. -sett. N. Young, G.
Mumby. W. IIlachford.
The buidi g lu which are the head-
quarter. of the Boron Okt Buy$ is a
token of the thoughtfulness and gen-
erosity ut lar. Hobert MacKay. The
but on which It 'stands was obtained
from the Qsaada Company lo 1Sra by
William Storey. On January 31st,
1863, It was deotled by Wm. Storey
and wife to the Sots of Temperance.
It is probable that the old Temperance
Hall hal by that time been erected
but there is no record of the bonding•
In 1861 the Sons of Temperance sold
it to the Mechanics' Institute. who, fu
tutu, sold it to the town in 1870, and
in June. 1873, tb. :own sold 1t back`
to the Sons of '1 • •nperance. An al-
teration 1n the d. • in April, 1876,
made It the proper.; of the 'Trustees
of the ttiona of T. a,:ieranee." It was
a most useful but .g. eorving many
purposes, and 1'. _ Wvailable for
many different 1, of meetings.
But 1t was beam': _ '•ery dilapidated,
and Mr. MacKay t • .e.+l the Idea of
teorittar it down 1 ...placing it with
present nilding which is
••:y bnie! mmunity aervlce.
T •• neww bull ; opened+ on Feb-
.,ry 3rd of
Ker. Ur. NI.,.I.illihray Writes front
"h.utgbd, Chia
Mr. T. :.nos. secretary of the
('• meant.mittee. has received
e forletter from a lis- .. • - kh old 11oy, Her. Due- t
..:d Me.., ,y, D.L., LL.D., of
r l:engba .
dear >1•
r exile•
"our ('•
u,e fet .
,illy t
-even •
of at.
no -
Shingles of All Kinds
Asbestos and Ra telt Shingles
Roll Roofing of all kinds
Phone 369w East street
Can you tied the Mysterious Lady
of the Singer Sewing Machine Co.?
She will mingle with the crowds dur-
Ing Centennial week until found. A
reward of 910.00. first payment on a
new sewing machine. or five dollars
cosh to the person finding this lady.
She must be addressed correctly:
"•Tou are the Mysterious Lady of the
Singer Sewing Machine Cu."
Miss S. Noble
1tt79 it was enlarged. lit 1x91 the' requisitioned for use uutil other ar-
building was remodelled and a gym-' rangements could be trade. .Fluidly
naslum built. 1u 18111 the school' all the ward schools mere given up,
reached the status of Collegiate lust) and in the south-east poi of the town
cute. In 11124 a new wing ware added' a neiv school was built ou the fine
uud tle buildlug was mode thoroughly proi.erty Met now. under the excellent
"up to date." .aero -13t seta-iauitauh
.. Mr. Ja.,Liairl-
In vey curly days lir. John `you. 15 one of the show places of the
Straan wap chairman of the hoard town. A tablet In the hall of the
of Trustees. Ile was succeeded by l'ecbool IS tnserlla•et as follows: - 1
Ts Judge Cooper. in 131N0 Mr. William . -Victoria School I
Kay became chairman. and filled the Erected 1910 ,
rdf 'Fns
Position for twenty -five years. ' BdSxuutikr ushteaiirm:u,. i
then tr
position was held they Mr. Jos. Ail -
H A i) MCIA•ati
11.73, when ltev. Fath. r I3oubat so -
in charge of the latrl-lt. In 1873 the'
Separate School teas organized. Be-
sides the subjects usually on the cur-'
riculum. pointing and tousle also aretaught. The teachers are the sistei-
of St. Josephs Cour-nut-
The Separate S,h..'1 Board for this
year is of W. J. Unbolt.
chairman; Albert Mere. James Pheiaa,
Tho` Peg.. Patrick Carey. John ('hls-
, „t, Slain and D. M. O'L'ri.
' secretors.
llama and Rev. A. A. Young. ev. •
Archdeacon Elwood was a trustee
from h<16 to 18,tr1, ltd Bev. Dr. Cre
from 181%3 to 100.1.
Mr. Peter Adamson was secretary
of the Board for eighteen years. cl-
ot: hla death Mrs. Ada Walla established
in his honor two scholarships. known
` as the Peter Adatnsou Scholar+ltlps,
d one for
one for the lower school an
the middle school. The next secre-
tary was Dr. W. J. H. Holmes. who
held the oMee until bis death. when the
present secretary Ives appointed.
The {resent Board of Trustees 1s
composed of Rev. J. E. Ford. chairs
mao, Dr. A. T. Emmers.u, J. J.• Ro-
bertson, C. M. Robertson. 1'. J. Mc -
Ewan. Dr. Harold Taylor, J. W.
Fraser and W. A. Coulthurat, with J.
P. Hume as secretary..
A complete list of those who have
been. at some time, en the staff of the
School 'would M. dlflhvlt to get. It, epo
many were here for but tt year or two.
but /mune of them can be teethed.
The first asslatani wait Mix. 1,11141y.
who began work here at the same time
as Mr. Strang: others who acted an
asslstanr when there Were but two
teachers were H. T. Beck. R A . t'. H.
Mitchell, Wm. Mt1Brlde and J. J.
crate. R.A. in biles a third leacher
was required and Mr. A. P. halls was
choar•rt. He remained on the Gaff for
fifteen years. A fourth teacher. Mr.
A. J. Moore. B.A.. was nddel to the
daff le 1880 and condoned there toitll
his death In 1002. (liber teachers who
are well remembered were• Mise Chris-
tina Kay. afferwer.l1 Mrs. ('hilus;
Mesa °Hear. who a• %tr.. (Rev.)
James I#aeatltoii still reticle. in town;
Mr D. W41em&f. Mr. C. I. Crass -
welter. Mr. (leorffe titharmau : Miss
R. H. Cutt.
G. F. Blair.
11. E. Htaitrens.
It. J. Acheson.
W. S. Turnbull, M h.
0. F. Sturdy.
Alex. Stratton. Se. retarZ.
A. J. -Barclay, Architect.
The first principal of %IMorla ach..d
\n -organization slide gruarda the
safety of our l.uildings, must have a
t place 1n this record: our fire brlgad.•.
1 Many will remember the engine of
, old days. and the race to see *81e1•
i team of horses should first. upon 1; .
alarm of tiro• roach the engine house• t
Today there is a❑ electric lire-en¢in'.
''bias. June 23111, 1927.
sow -1 have witb.oW-
.oderich been receiving I
llfrature. It made'
aloe 1 could not poo -
list 1 spent six or
I WAS 111111
re, when
influences. I ei
re were any influences
they did not try to do
i attended Central
the third form under
the atcond
is. and so
to to toe high -
t1 r.tuoroings---schen to the
1 on North street under
,1 yr. Machell, and so
'rinpresent school and the I HisI�'
red f college coarse Majesty
tee. 1 thank God for reYou
sane of the dear souls
mi roe as a wall of fire.
II, now sleep In your
acre—the athers..
t„ be worthyforefof them
old tern and mwy the Mai?"
years teff still more
doubt er o Fair
have a real fine cele -
School of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
Offers tie Following Advantages:
Expert Teachers
Two Standard Makes
of Typewriters
Practical Business Training
Gregg Shorthand
Secretarial Studies
Actual Office Practice _
And a record u1 Sucre -Al Grad-
uates whose high standard for good
work we expect you to reach or
exceed. '
When yon think of a Commercial
GwrM• writ.•
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts
Principal, Clinton
I'I.,• 1 1'
The Shoe that is distinctly in
advance of all others.
Around are focused all those elemental qualities
that make the highest type of men's shoes. Even style
alone differentiates the "Slater" Shoe from all others,
while the character of the material, fit ana workmanship •
gives comfort and permanency to that advanced style.
Look for the sign of the slate.
North Side of Square Goderich
We Are the Authorized Agents
in this District for the
A. C. Dayton Radios
We will demonstrate this Radio Set at your home or
at our store at any time
Hill's Hardware
Photo. -, r 11, Dungannon Central
General Linc of Hardman. The Si rotes Store
Iextend a hearty invitation
to --Centenni al Visitors and
American Tourists to visit
my Store.
1 have been a life-long resident of
this grand old County of Huron and
-would be very pleased to receive a
I --call from my friends, who may be
in Goderich during the big celebra-
1 tion.
Furniture ant Horse Furnishings
. 11t.. tl. CHOW sol Always tits lest"
1 •, , \ALD %lactlItLIV!RAT.
To ilk tIn n )— tIS this
e to settle in?"
I'. -fetor—"it Is then sir.
it unhealthy spot if you
('INTRA'. Stifled,
Ask this question of King HOVIS, who will be found
wandering around the streets of Goderich STRICTLY -
IN DISGUISE next Monday, Civic Holiday.
You may have some trouble finding him, but he will
be there. Be on the alert. The first person to success-
fully locate His Majesty, put the above question to him,
and reply to his question correctly will be rewarded
with a Prize of
$10.°° in Cash!
His Question ---
Upon being thus accosted, His Majesty
will promptly ask you, "What Is the Name
,of Canada's Best Flour ?" And you must
supply the right answer, or NO PRIZE!
This Contest is being offered by The
\%estcrn Canada Flour Mills Co., Lim-
ited, ng n contrif'ution to the gayety of
Old home Week in Goderich.
All Western Canada Floor Mills Company
employ**, are barred from this Contest
(But the Right Answer Will Be Easy for Any
Good Citizen of Goderich)