HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-28, Page 4• 4—Thursday. Jul' :244. lt1Lv7. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. The Churches of the Town Preachers of Various Denominations Have Ministered to the Spiritual Needs of the People Since the Early Days of Settlement. 1 "vending the arrival of white tuls- siouarios, a l'hippew•a, the famous Peter Jones. from the Credit. preached the GolpeI. Ile was Strickfaud's visitor, and seeuw to have left au agreeable impression uu the initials ut his hosts. Ou the Sunda)' morning he met his congregation, ted sod white, and gave them a moat powerful and eloquent sermon, tient iu English, theu in the native tongue lois ninnies were beautiful and well chosen and Lis language 1ntpressIve." W -Th - deseribes a retlihie us tier - Tice iu the early days of GudeNctt. In Nig: Rev. Thus. Whitehead, a min- ister of the Eplac•upal Methudtat Church. visited Gudericb and cuu- ducted a service iu the aturebouse of the Canada Company. St- Peter's B. C. Chitrg41 The brat ehurth edifice to he erected lu the town seems to have been telt. i'eter's B.C. church. A frame build= tug was erected, in 1ti;t4, on the site at the end of North street, the architect beiug Rugh Chtahoini. The first re- cord of baptism is dated 1343. Rev. Father Schneider was lu charge at the time. He was *U•eceetled by Rev. l' Father Ryan,_, thea 111 succession by Rev. Fathers Keleher, Buubat, Shea, Watters. /Vest, Stanley. Incline, Guam. and *lather tenipeau, the present tu- cuwt►eut. The frame baildiug was retfwlTed !n MG, during the pastorate of Rev. Father (now Monsignor/ West, and to its place is the handsome etoue edifice in which the congregation now worships. North Street United Church The lots un which North street United church aut parsonage stand were deeded, in 1ts41, by the Cafyda Company, to Revs. R. E. Evans and Thus. --Fawcett, representing the Wes- leyan Methodist Cburc•b. There is no record available of the erection of the Srst church. but for acme yearn a frame building stood there which was removed la loll), during the pastorate of Rev. Thos. Cosford. to make room fur the brio church whkh for so many years soaked the congregation. This buildiug was enlarged in 1*IJ, during the pastorate of Rev. W. 1.1. Poole. In 1871 a union was conaum- mated between the New Connexion and Wesleyan llethodfsts under the name of the Canada Methodist Church. For a time the Brock street and .North street churches were both used, an un - ordained preacher assisting the past- or, but 1n 114714 the Bruck street prop. (rtj was sold and, the two congrega- tions united. Thio neeeasttated a fur- ther einiar,ement of the North tercet chum . w�iicb - �i to ma itiirttti[ pastorate of Rev. J. A. Williams. In 1906. during the incumbency of Rev, G. N. Basest. the hid church was pulled down. and the present modern struc- ture was enrtc,i. In i1125 the union of Congregational, Presbyterian and Methodist t'hun•bes tekiug place, the name was ctseneed to North street United tbureh. Owing to the itinerant system in Methodist churchene. none of the min- isters of North genet remained for many year In its pastorate. yet among those who served the community through that church there were many drowning ott•urred here. Joseph Cdr. and Jasper Wlbaat• in recent years North street has numbered amunaart !tit ;motors Revs- Dr. Unmet. Dr. flaxen, 1►r. 11. S. hoot all, I►r. A. Brown, W. K. iiiager. Dr. Rutledge. H. 1). Moyer. and J. E. Holmes. The prevent minister, Bev. C. F. Clarke, upholder the best traditions of his predeoesoors, St. George's cbure. The cdritest >rvailable records of the Anglican t'hurch in Goderieh are those of a baptism and a marriage per- formed ie 1~13 by Rev. R. F. Camp - belt a wissionary to the Huron Tract. Since these events are recorded as' taking place in the schoolroom. It would appear that the church proper was not erected, or not eomptete'L A coegreeation seems to have been or- es/117'0 some years previous to thin tie,•. and worshipped inn frame build- ing on tete south side of West street. • ST. GE)00R iE'A (1Fft'Ia('H for the carrying os of every depart- ent of church work. During the time of i'.•r. Archdeacon El ood the following .urates. ■ atsted bio neva G. Charmer. Richard Hic• Jetta Walters. Arebdwcoo El- wood as succeeded -j. '-;rnhdr. on Young. bone curates were Revs. Wm. Johnston, W. Hrown-s,'rtuan and R. 8. N. Howe The met re -tor was Rev. Mark Tu , 11. who ministered to IIttd3 Her. Chu. Fletcher became min- ister of the "Fatted Prestoter-Iau (ihumh.a and when be resigned ua ac- 1 count of Ill -health he was followed by lire. J. A. Devine, then by Rev. John Fraser. darine Whose incumbency the present shush was begun In 1+168 and opened in PIR. to l$lt' Rev. nolo. ire began his long ministry here. in 1876. when the United Preebyterlan., the Free Church of Canada and the :AT PETER'S ('Ht licit whose names, are stilt held) in loving in I$43, however, a church was built memory. There are stilt with us., the St. Goose's i'rescent. if keit those wbo speak of the preaching of r Rev. Archdeacon F2wtwd was 'needed Rev. W. W. Puole and Bev. Jawea to the charge and for some thirty, - Grabens. The scholarliness 51111 tocehle eight years serve, the pariah. honored character of Rev. John A. Williams, not daily by his own people, but by rel whq.Mter 1tefame one of the General denominations in the town. In 11471; Superintendents of the M2'Itusiist a tin- completely tiestroyed the interior Church, "endeared blot to all ti 110 of the eiitnrch and neeseeitated eztten- pd.ell slur repairs. Them, is ripe). the greatly built ftp the church during his present h,tadrome cllnrrtr was erected pastorate. Other beloved ministers at the corner of `forth and Nel:w+n Who have i*auwp 10 Heels reward wen• streets. Recently exteueive ad litlon- Revs. Geo. Rieharclus.n..1. F Unwell, have been made to the perish hoer e the tragic. lore of whose two .ens by Mr ttsat St. C7eorgP10' fully equlpts.i Every Housewife who takes a pride in her Home will find that a will add that touch to the BATHROOM whish is so desirable Golden Oak, Mahogany or Wite-Kote Are Always is Geed Taste Ask your local Plumber to show you what an improvement it will make in your BATHROOM. The Goderich Organ Co., Limited GODERICH 1-- ONTARIO NY)RT*H ST. 1'NITEi) (11t1-Id0Il Pit. George's for is.•„ntyKwo years. and who was seecesiel I>. tom by Rew. J. 11. Fnttp'ti ism: Rev. A. L. (I. Clarke, Rev. S. S. Hardt, Aim the present rec- tor, Her .1 N Knox Presbyterian Church At what time the /rot Presbyterian church was 44«144 In Ooderich is a matter of conjecture. As early as I�ut mention is ,rade of a congrega- tion. bat trot „f ;r building. In 1835 It..‘.. .11es lla,k-rode wa8 called 11 pastor, ar,d ib 1'43 mention is made in the ns•„ni• „f :e "'new church.” in Church/ of Scotland became one body. the local churches, Knuz and tit. Andrew's, united, continuing for a short time under the Joint pastorate of Rev. Dr, ('re and Iter. Jame,, Slev.•- right. in 18714 Gila amalgamation of the congreatlons necessitated the en- largement of Kaon church. Int which the united congregation• worshipped. Mr. :Reverted resigned In ]Pohl to enter the minion field in the :North- west- .From 1)81 to 1885 Rev. .1, A. Turnbull was assistant to Dr. Ure. in 1878 Raw. Roflt. p're was honored (Continued• on page 5) 8:10X PRWISBrIIIRIA.N CHtUlitlii Menesetung Park Hotel GODERICH % - ONTARIO I.The Best Family Resort In western d n tarso I Accommodation for Centennial Visitors ribilsals a Specialty INUMIllmommummiliMin British Exchange Hotel, 1 t enc The above is an old-time view of the British Exchange Hotel. Excellent Accommodation for Visitors during Centennial Week. L. BAKER, Proprietor. Model Theatre Special Centennial Week Program Ang, 1st to 6th Matinees Daily atp, m. In :30 p m. --Complete Change of Attractions Daily Except Thursday— MONDAY— Milton Sills, Viola Dana and Charlie Murray in a colorful picture of the Freneh Foreign Legion. A story of desert regeneration. "THE SILENT LOVER” Pathe Comedy ---"MONKEY BUSINESS" TUESDAY-- MONTE BLUE shows you a rip-roaring Western epic. A rousing romance of Oklahoma. "THE BRUTE" Christie Comedy—"MIDNIGHT FOLLIES" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY— HAROLD LLOYD offers you a tremendoua mint of laughter. You've laughed at him in the past, but— "FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE" Lloyd Hamilton Comedy—"Teacher, Teacher" Admisaion Wednesday and Thursday: Evenings—Adults Sbc; Children 20e. ►iatineea— " 25e; 15e. FRIDAY — Rin -Tin -Tin with Helene Costello in a breathless mystery melodrama of Limehouse nights in London's ('hinatown. "WHILE LONDON SLEEPS" Billy Dooley in "A BRINY BOOB'' SATURDAY Ken Maynard and Dorothy Devore prevent the auper-1%'estern, swift action and gripping suspense feature "SENOR DAREDEVIL" Mermaid Comedy—''A NAUGHTY BOY" You'll Like Any of the Above Programs