HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-7, Page 7THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. County and District � EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ 'd. 8. Nee 6, Orey, Isar ieet. m:e.ruta•1 cuts for a few days last week. HOW "FRUIT-A-•Ime�GJre,* ('A*JE with a tempo -gut by 11 'ttitanrtrrrket; -Meas Vita. wiU '-v' 'f the late James of 'ruruuto, a farmer r•. 1, . • the E'ord. died at the ,, w,• of her daugb- section. ter. Mrs. .t. Bradt! Stepheu town - At the home of Mr. and al,> \1'll. ship, on Jul., 23rd Deceased, who Ilam Beaver, Heotalt, 110 %Vi.h.-...lay, was in her cightictl, year, war boru Juue 'MMh, their tall) .Ielight. Nils* est the 2n4.1 conceester, of Btepheu 111141 Sullua, was milted in marriage to. lived 1n thlr•cowmni.:Ty all her life. Charles Hrawl•y, eon of Mr. at.d'N1r•. lir. h11d.and Ji,.,i eighteen pears G. A. ltrawley of Guelph. 'Che eta; ,� :,gu. ami Ilrr"se • .:. ; four daughters couple will reside iu KIt•hevcr • .oris,'. also Our , .our grantehild• Mr. and airs. Geo. t'. Pett, or II reit and three gr _raadcl►lltbreu. *all, recently celebrated the lithcti. tuniversary of their wedding. L11:('hN11W Miss Mabel UiIkl*owu awl \1'I►Gc.l. HER NEW LIFE Clinton to make their home for the. future at Loudon. Harold Bentley loft lust week on a tril, to the Old County. Norman Sheppan1. m.f Mobile, .ala- : b,uual stent tett weeks vialtlug his parents. Mr. and Mrs J. 1'. Sholjjp�__ard. Thr strip on %bleb NI.. Sl epiiartl-w•as • first tether w'aa soli o the company and he Is slipping an a larger one. Rev. C. J. Moottense, Mrs. Moor - house and the meu,h. r. of their font- ily were made the no•ipients of fare - eel' gifts by the ne.plc of MI:1HO street United church p; La to their r.•- woi•ul to Exeter, r.:•.re air. Meer - Merkel Oke 'l 1. Or. 11/. -Rel. rt oke I1., Clara Harmer, Ross 1owcrbV. Jr. 111.--E iuma Powell, 'John Harmer I.. M -rviu McAllister, Mate rice Mellwain. - Jr. -1I.-•Will' Porter, Graham Jeliticl,ltl,-7ttc'hi1tA Porter. 1. ,14-111 Soeerlo I:etuld Orr, Stan - Is.) NI••slwain, Jtrrbert Powell. La- gena. 1'uwell. 1'r. Maitland Fuller. Eric McAllies ter. Maurice II ten oda Mildred 1'11%'2.11, .1n101.1 Ftfl ler. IC . L..;ItA11 AM, Teacher, i house take* auothtr ;-ossa charge. l 1 NI '1 4'1ILISOILVE Jiun'hlisuk {x.pulnr )owq{ rr»Idents "C kiss :Mina (iruh:,n. Is here Prow' Turuberry tuwushiD. were united lu 'Chillicothe, Ohio, r. r ,t vacation visit. marriage by Rev. It. C. MoDermht !u Mrs. Peter Ryan, of New \Vesttniu- Goderkjt ou June loth. -.r. It(`.,sister.otThomas aud Jetties, Malcolm Zlller, au old resident of lt,n.ter of lau•knuw. is visiting rela- tn•phru towiishlp, {lamed mosey Jur.•• ;,,,. Isere and lit other parte of 2.3r.1 in hts seven ty-nh,t11 )ear. 11c ea, learn in (ierustny, but had lived in .\r. h McIntyre has returned from title county tinea infant) He leaves a P1; b, Saskati•henan. He reports relit- Nous and une daughter. his wife ge. i . scop conditions it. the West. having diad: four years age- ITh, lady lawn bowers of Lucknow I The death of Miss I$al»'.la Waddell bane .•rotau'zed for the season, with I Freddie Jewell 52 R. occurred oil. Thursday lu' at ttu• home llr.. It S. % i'w,u ..s president ; Mrr ehas+l an oil eng(tlt to TtTrMtI1►'>iin►er"'-1'r. to swell ,tthtI Fattish. c•R.Lr. Colin Fletehcr Hewed!. il..• smith eiced,r. ldeat: Mrs: R• ( 'y ,;; y1111 lnn_wili have it lnsta{kri Pr. -Walter e'hl»holes. David at - T7 r chi»halm The following is the results of the ECRU II June promotion •'amina [bras of S. S. i No. 11, Dunlop. Pupils were required -1s the home of tit. bride's parents, r ttv obtain 41) per cert. on each subject near Zurich, on Mm -.da), June, 27th, and 00 per cent. on the total. 1' de - Mies Edith Louisa Iia.sow, daughter' notes pass uud R denotes a recommeed of Mr. and! Mrs. Wu]. Iial.ow, w'a4 w s'as'h class : • , united !n marriage o, Ferdivaud F. ' Jr. I\'. to firs IV . -Erie Quaid 73 Milker, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Simms Per cent, _1': Phyllis Horton til P. Miller, of near Dasheutel. The cert.- Frank Horton 45 IC. musty was performed h)• Rev. W. Y. Jr. `I11. to Sr. 111.-Loule Fulton' Dreier. The )sung •.,up_le will reelde 401per cent:.. R. on the groom's fares "li be 14th curt- 1 Jr. IL to -Sr. 11..-Franels Lluklate-r *,lion of Hay Williams Bros., rhe 'operate the Hour and grist mill here, have pur- 78 per cent., P. Dove Horton 415 1, Verne Jewell 4R, P, Millie Farrlsh 5:1 13, Mlw \Vandal! had le.•u la HI up for -lee.. es•retary•treesurer; and Mrs. *burl! The mill Pus been operated three weeks with a broken hip and •F, n; de +'hark, airs. NIurdie, Mrs. W. MRS. J. P. RUTKO1VSKA. y war for some years, but t • A. a rvattrollaDcr for the month I I with Hydro power had! been crowing gradually tv.•uker. L. M• K. nrie. *Pres Acne% a14d Mrs D. "For several year I wffered with severe 1 the rete* ,'*slag been itmnaem.l esus •1a ; number on cull. lis She war burn at Lain rs1111 eighty ywrr M, .Immhr:.tou' • on the executive cons- constipation and was a nervous wreck. 1 I R'fltfame lett*. believe they will find ANNIE L. Mar1)ONA'LD, and lived in Manitoba for many )errs, 'Lite,. had great pain in my limbs, and such Teacher. The :i,:u0a1 g of the Mac- I terrible headaches 1 thought I would go I the oil engine more economical. and for the last tea years Ira. wady gatherin 'Were Slopp. A. F. 11. -se and at. G. her home with ,t ouster at 1,011,1011. Ih,w,•Il Mildly' took place on June 23rd ; crazy. I had no appetite could distress. tette. z, representing til,• Play muiielpal THIN WATERY BLOOD t d d to try them Before I had taken and Weedlike faasiiiee was held on p, three boxes i was entirely 1 s m .,f spell*. mil»Ir. etc.. esu • d 1'( " '1'Ite interment. w were taken t.. I ,u,k.n for at Mnplr sFarm, toe' homy of eat anything without stomach telephone system. arn,•k.t the colleen- , iut,•t'meot. Mr. and Mrs. K.•uneth Cameron. 1 Alter reading about 'Frail -a -fives' I de- i [tau of the Western Ontario Telephone \ {oink of the 4 '5. fru. I'rull11 ,\1»nit rift)' l••rs,m» were present, and ci e well. Thursday, July T, 1927.-T Life -Buoy Outing Shoes --- For outdoor and sporting Footwear the name Life -Buoy stands for serviceable and reliable wear as well as for features of manufacture that ensure comfort and correct fit. These Shoes challenge criticism because only ma- terials and workmanship that are above criti- cism are allowed to go into their production. The prices and quality demand your attention. SOLE AGENT FOR GODER!CH GEO. MacVICAR North Side of Square Goderich Iain- don of the at tern n ;art week. cerely think 'Fruit -a -fives' save my life. , I1I ALWAYS DANGEROUS t _ , Saturday •[tern.»,n at Springbuuk rurrlet• out and atIA much enjoyed. ISCHOOL DEPORTS Park. London. end 'was attended h) r • -Mn. J. F. Rutkowska, Tolstoi, Mani- I If Not Corrected Sermus Result,' number from ISaytkJ.1 utechletrhtr,d, BLITH - toba. • Sure to Follow iu no trouble is delay or neglect more dangerous than in anaemia - thin. watery blond. It is tory cert - won hi young girls and in vermin* who are (overworked or confined within doors. It •makes its approach lu so a,•altIs' a wanner that 11 is often well ,k•ve'ola.i hefure' the trouble Is re ogu izCd. Itut token in time the tonic treat - through the use of 1)r. William*' Pills W, eurk•hPF the blood that and strength is speedily regained. The correction of anaemic 'conditions by Dr. Williams link I'llla Is as certain as anything can le. Mltta Teresa Iteotry. Duuraven. Que.. Is one of the many anaemic sufferers who have found new health through rite 1444' of this medicine. She Says: -"1 can- not express too warmly my thanks for what Dr. Williams I'luk Pills have done fur me. I was suffering from a badly run-down condition. 1 was eery nervous, had little desire for food, and would feel tired out at the least exer- tion. in this condition 1 began taking Dr. Williams' Pink P111e, and before using them very long found my healtha I 'gradually imptertntf wndt on*? toyed. ir continued use was completely For tide reason I earnestly advise all weak girls to take these pills. feeling sure that they will do for others what did for me." they a t , o The !tend your Home ed *Aires Brock - This pink 1arg�ely partook of the ua- ___- Indigestion, biliousness, headaches, nes- I S• S. ,NO _� t0141tUR.VE ture of an orgauizati,tao meeting. For l'hc -,.hood !Nosed has aplr,inted A, vousness, pains in the back and limbs are Cllr following are the reaults,nf the {rel two )vary „telt,. have. hem (. Bisbee as priucilaol of Blyth puma: largely caused by allowing poisons to promotion in S. B. $o. 4. Colborne. taken to do sa,w.•thiug to !ping to accumulate in the body. "Fruit -a -fives" I t F. h„1,a , .uric. w commence at the is nature's remedy, made from intensified To Jr. IV. -F lore nlr• McClure Os p»•r goiter the .k'•eeuektuts of i(anwtfen, IwkiIniug of the fall term. Mr. Isis fresh fruit juices combined with tonin. rent. r 1'rriJwtle and r in ke. tkriesaeneset- 1i,, hu»•bwu l.rituilul of the Ethel "Fruit-a-tives" stimulates. the bowels, To Sr. Ill. -Norma 11111 70 per who c7 me over In the thirties and Kt- 1s$.lk• school the last five years. liver and kidneys to normal action and rear.. Nettie ttblamk ,:,. th.l aro 1 Yarmouth Centre. Satur- !t•e•yr Milne and urs J. C'. !toss had brings about a condition of delightful To Jr. 1i1.-Sado• M,lnntngs 712 per My'a gathering {%ural autav,wfu. from a ❑arrow tats »• front serious lujury health. Buya box of •'Fruit -a -eves", to- cent. I honors): EdIt Flick 114, Clara 1 the atantlpeInt ..f securing ,reautza- une uhernuou 1aet %ark while motor- day Enjoy life again. 2SC and SOc, P1*4ado 05, Winnie I'Itblado 33.1 +tun, and the fntlow4 • dtllrweeeessr,r attar ■� 1_1h iLtnrralvarof >K�3' pverywbere CLeytoa Million 53. Norma Fisher 49. elected: 'President. 1t. A. 1'enhale. St lett. In making a turn at a sttlerctad Olive lMtblatlo4S, Ruth t t` - Thomas: vb•rpresinert. Taos snow. 11;e car waN ditched and overturned. l .fen. Itaytlelit : ne•retary. Steer %Vest- Lr. Milue'r beg was severely wrenched well gifts. Mr. tiumuth hes been a ell[ lake. Hayfield; ado -leery e,mulitU•e• and Dr. Ito's had au are badly I member of the church for over I1ft7 Itosw' Snowden. ltaytteld; Alfred \\-est- brulm.tl 1 years, and Mr. and Mrs- MacDonald laky. 'Ra)deld: ales, Hobson, ]ar• - m•nith ('entre. under medial treatment for a piecei Mrs.Thos.Ertendehtp, who j P1 blade , t.. t 1 To Sr. 1I =Ether Mannings W per ' • MARGARET I. MacLEOD. , Teacher. Mrs. (list'. 1)r.r llantl.y has been fur many years. e h was y. S. No. 5, Cul.BORNE _- uf broken nails Ili Ler thump. � visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ni rte Chair The following 1S the report on the! EXETER 8 1 Res. J. M. \\'alter, late pastor of Jt. ratan, of Ottawa, passed away there prowe,tions in B. S. Nu. 4. CuRa)rtae. Andrew's church, \\'ebbwood, who was June 33rd after a brief illness. Her Outltoese, in charge a -r' ttw Pr,•.byterlatl services husband died just ten weeks before From Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -Jean' /'avert Presbyterian clime!'14uls•t+rrcri here awl at Auburn for a few weeks, i her at Ottawa. The Istee Mrl. E'r1,nd- Hunter 76.5 per cent.. Ella Horton its h specieth *nnervic ry on Sunday hist left lust eta,* for Toronto. 70.e. with *peels! .revise ship was born in Scotland sixty-eight I/r. J C. lin... of Harrhaon, has , ),Pars ago and came to Canada when From Jr. III. to Sr. 111• -Doris A credo.• fire was averted only by taken oxer the welb'al practke of Dr. in her 'teens, and since her marriage Johnston 78.5 per cent., Jack liunter tink Cern ea* of the Bone ere of S. J. 02 >, Eva Horton 31.4. ('nun's Raw ntatlou one am.'tR Vas A. M. Shlplry• over forty years ago had hoed to ,.! Mr. and Mra Nosmau \\tatter au, of I Brussels, Tecdwau•r and \Vingham. From Sr. ri. to Jr. 111.-4Yee Free - week. When the tank orf a mater car 1 man 79 per cent.. Hobert Cook 02. Tees.* r- o Tees- w'es being n•p.leublta{, the owner 1 Timeline, are ii Mrs. the looter. ix The remains were brought t anis Mr. end Mrs. H. Hoover. Mt'• 1 water for interment. 'Harold Freeman-u''Qt,•lrtttte�-irr5cman struck a match to sees how much Wait in I \11 htman Mrs Ie.•u on the teaching I At the haute of Mea T. Joynt, on 47.4. the tank. The ma..e ignited the lied. g Wednesday, June 29, her.,eldest titugh-, Jr. IT. to Sr. tr.-Andrew Freeman 11 515 ,r and ia general I, bless• . before I staff andof tlleft 1* Mor:dnl *0 attend a I ter, Verna. was united In marriage to 07.7 per tent, .fuck rook (i4.1, Grace t mgr domain gll`•sud, however, lfeforo sus •I John M,Mkhael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter 02.5. , at Iwn,J, n. • school l mfr s•rl t' -s . Pella was 'Leos. m rum Miss A. lel;nn�i „std Gorden m 'Mau,am left "n Monday for are ewe)' 04 a trip t" \\ Or (:. F. anti Mee. Itoni•ton-mutt suer started course. Mr. end Mrs. W. J. Beer left 'set wrrk N - fur trip to Toronto, °Mina.1 W m. McMIl•itael 11f "'Ingham Jutuctiun,.1 From Pr. to I. -Peart Hunter. c'rpmonS was performed by lice. I Br. I'r.�Fronk Cook. Sirs. B. Parente; .or, , rtrrn tltnatk(. Ila ntltou. w1..•re he Pill take a sum- The M. 'M. Iivourtt. Mr. and alis Mc- 1 Jr. {r.--Ciiffnrd ' iTortoh. Bert' Miehnel -will reside in \l'iughaw. Freeman. 2111 ` AH A new kine! of insect is attacking U. GRANT, Ttd,her. MN Ins• jtedatle•,t in this district and. causing - Montrral oil y.4 trip Their plans ho- r S• S, Nu 3, A�Ii . T • chide a tau -clays trip toe the ,1itttttenay ---At _toe lame of Mr. and Mn-. W11 - much h more trouble than doe common Rivet They Urok alone with thew 0 thaw Chapman, \\'alken'lll`, on ..iattz? ter 1110292.. unebug. Tb" lura+t fi+ a small ; Promotion ev'• •+inati4n.. for .Inr.e: 24th.lt Ivry Jeannette. Pula: tt)• with a black ha' which is From Jr. I\'. to Sr. IV.-+•r•"'g t u i e1weddint uric nod Mrs. J 7 itrooke or Wi,mlf . dlMi'ult� •e ms 3Te c4iTegoT •fT" (R'IIt.• Ihen•o fink good health l 1)r. Williams' NI II / 't•• Ville, Ont.. and they will mail you free a mogul little brook on "Building Fp the {llood'." The pills eau bre obtained through any druggist or by mull at 511 cents a bac from The Dr. Williams' (1. Medicine Co., Brockville, COLBORNE TOWNSHIP A quiet wedding took place fl the a the trnr5s where !r ul:m, lacy its a "trs won 70. .1'nna Mat+((Tn•g11r Ms o'••'•i1i ch-. - 0f Victoria 4'.41.gr, Toronto. on ail loos Dnitetl to marriage to \1' -, The •caterydllar is gl , {I X i+AToe howler fill (an,lmetic). Saturday, Jane Vitit. when Miss Item w 'sot'. soon of Hr. ami Nits. :theme the apple, furs. some being Viten Sr. III. Jr. IV A:r Slat f William Chapman. It, y. Mr. Ker•t'y w .ave • Thelma M*rgaret Ford. daughter n de will r.- ' of Video-i.e. ofiicia'•ml. The young l !!,sally stripped. Thr fnrnu•rs are Gregor, 07 per 1.•Jr 11oc.ei Nl:c;ha v. II. sold •ale la Detroit. burning out the webs With flares. ; INi. Jna'ph Nla••Intyr,• ,a. .Im.srp : Hackett 02 110.4,07), itavid NLo•Ket became the wife nr ur Wright. peetor of the United' church Peter to their depirti::m• from aT. - nt liay+1VIile. Mnsk0kY. M. 1Vright hien to Jetties hi'Ir•mraelide in Toro. ;bend Wil law wits AI one time •ognul t f t street church. and i bride et a ph"\\,iugllame Rapt td 'nir h in the talented singer. Mr. rand Mr -e. Wright••f visited at the haeme of the brie ..par '.pr.-• 1aa[10n of addret-• s and. fare - Makethis Test , To Find out if you need Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. -A study of these symptoms will -_ -.nable you to decide. ' This blood and nerve restorative was devised for useontwo witch eat classes of diseases, e usually develops from the other - Anaemia or bloodleeanesa, and Nerv- ous Exhaustion. If the blood 'is thin and watery, as is indicated by pallor of the Zips, eyelids and oma, or if you are afflicted by come form of nervous trouble, you will find in DR. CHASE',+ NERVE Form the most certain means of relief and toms and ailments o h ch come undome of the er this heading are: Thin blond sallow complexion, pallor of eyelids, lips and *urns, tired feelings, loss of energy and ambition, tendency to fear and anxiety lose of Meath and easily. om std flexand , *k heart weight, neurasthenia, nervous prostration, nervous head- ache, indigestion, steeple -netts, irrit- ability, nervousness, t x itching of nerves and muscles, sensitiveness to sound and light, gloomy forebodings, loss of memory, inability to con- centrate the mind. DR. CHASE'RNF.RVE FooDja*aaflY the greatest of restoratives!' Byforfn- in1 new red corpuscles in the blood this food treatment nourishes the starved and depleted nerves bad to health and vigor. Try it when you are run down and out of sorts. It will restore feel vigor that liferergy and 115 worth make you living. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 eta. per box ail dealers, o. The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co. Limited, Toronto, Canada. IIIIIIIIIIIIxIIIIIIIIIUIxIIIIIIIIIIIIxxIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIII C SH INGLES XXXXX (5X) XXX(3X) XXXXX(No.2) BEST GRADE -- BEST MADE - BEST PRICES Goderich Planing Mills Ltd. Phone 47 (BUCHANAN'S) GOP'E.RiCH • Drawer 1414) 1IIIIIIIIIIx 7 Matilde(' for last week : L t a 41,114)ILNE; T(11\'N:41111'. .tome ` ,- -We are glad to report that Mr. \\'ii • i 1 nn accident in ROBERT WILSON for - Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street. Goderich„ Ont. SEAFORTIi zl• 418 (compo"i•,Nt). e'Cnrtou, won ens t I �Fram Jt 11. Sr. 11. --Ethel Mac-. Pld'11 tau bugglc` and A car collided Miss aletilda Fowler left Inst week Keuaie. Mari: ,:_,+ 11tbb'n: Donald has nn bones, broken. Put h: is badl> MncGregot 1 slok,•u up sad bntiset. Nye pule he fur New Work iii juin a party -for e tour mmf F)1111c•. Sr. 1. (no •Nanta, tripoli-Robert nut)' •01111 N..ar'nu,1 411 his P11t•k.itsl T. G. Shlllinelavr, of Remf'rth. was sim,..on, 10II Collinson. Maurice aual. . ele•ted first vict'pr59tdPnt otthle \\1ert- Bowler. Miss Annie. \Walter. ha, r'nimel- rru. ('ouuttcs T4•leph„ue A«nclatluu at 1'r. -Billy ia''111514. Gordon Mae- ,'note ae•ollI{,;,l:i,•,1 1,) her two utro•'s. l+ Gregor. Ilar'-' .Inhnston. )Pisses Nlargarw dud Kathlevr .►!eco. toe' *noun! meeting held t London Inst w'e'ek. 1 Thos' with .- 'subject In l,ruckett of ('t5v51umt, +thin. who itttcu.l.a{xuml While doing ntatute labor on the otter their now will hoc' a chance hag their bnlldttys with their Krnuml road. north of Sea forth one (My last to try that sub ••'t again in a»•pt'nd,er. lsu•.•u4. Mr. Pool Nlrs. John :\. \\'ntt4.1- Ai ek. Al'x. McDonald'. of McKillop, ' FLORA i:. ANDREW: T.•n.Iscr. , Nin. 1.. NI.•Nlairtr'. ..f the West. , visited wh , Mr. \\'arncr Walter un won kicked on the back by a home. - met wens Injured sto severely that he S. S. NO. 6, Glel)11RIC11 TOWNSHIP Stwdny lasitt.. has ranee been laid np. 'Che Vetlowlu_ i',the report. for .S.1. , Nir.,tu 14". a,tthter. of his froe,dit,Mn1ilier, Thomas NlcMlllen, Y.P.. *tial his Vu. 0, Gods- "11 •toy;nsblp, Tllaae i s{N•nt awe l'tl_ the • malted. nrsC Pt=e's, brmor, ,4,tninel 7:, I Tr'I.IP. jubilee cele4sryltlan at Ottawa before .per cent craw, T -tweet _gr; t Tttr l'luh picnic at:ilayLhto act ' !ravine on trip to the Collet, , per cent., ow, nistase. be tw•een tit'' urduy wee not as well attended tts oa- jtw'eA Q-. per motif. anft it0 lr�r ent. wishwt. but these vele; were ttn•r.• r,. BRUSSELS fir. iV:-Man,mn Porter 1 Fatrl Mc ps,Mrs. J l.o Itlncgn' visited her m11 - Allister i1.. &elyn Snwerby 11.. - the -r. airs. Maddafor.l of Toronto, 1.:.1 were. ('hunk Property Sold. -North Zion .bed. elsnrcp and content. o.•r' .ohs uon Monday of this week. tile',, affee gathered. intending people roni ' 1I. nni4Tlll', Lurknew owl Goderich. Yh'' It hid w•Ith the rest. Mr John Fr.Rde bought Ihe sited fnr,972: Mr. W. Nic('htt' of i l !marl ,I is 1tn 1it the .t the 'hunch for the Iti•nntlll'r trustee hoard bought the ' 1 *ecru nod pulpit for their new church for. e175. The nrtan solei for 14411, three pulpit chairs for 143:. and 11umer- ,u1s other ort tcle. brought the total proceeds Up to $611:i. We Are the Authorized Agents I in this District for the A. C. Dayton Radios We will demonstrate this Radio Set at your at our store at any time home or Hill's Hardware I'hone 5 r 3, Dungannon Genital A General Line of Hardware Th.• S.rvlee Store 5 J Brophey Bros. ,-R. Wheeler 1 IAll calls promptly atteuAra to EMBALMERS r DIRECTORS Rb d Store 335 Residence 35.5w Funeral !Streeter and F,mbalnw'r day o r nit PHONES At Hamilton Street. Goderleh T®{ The death occurred at Atwood on .lune 25th of Mrs. 'Currie. widow of the late Thomas Currie of Brussels.. in liar seventy-second year. Two daugh- ter.. Mrs. Sperling of Magma Valle. N.W., and Mrs. iiembrl' of Galt. sur- vive. This burial took place 1n Brits - sets 'emetery. As Mrs. Fronk .i-w•hk". of Detroit. wa» mntOrin g to Brussels. the ens hit some loose grovel nn the road about two and e•hnlf miles south of town and, turned upside dawn. Wlwn. a 1-nsetng m ,toriet got 40 the place of ne•Ident. Mee. Jeschke was crawling out of one of the windows. Tete ear wee soon eprlghted. ane! ,itsllie of e br.rkel wimknttlrld was rat greatly .!,maga. and the lady rnme on to town to visit her father, 11'm. Dark. CLINTON nu Tncadlay morning. JitnRn the St. 01. .lo'0ph'• church. flint A Keene of a pleasant event. the w,"k11n5 of Helen ('ntherine. chh••t daughter of Mr. and Nin., Geo. ('nrb'rt. to Myren Quigley of Detroit. eon of Michael Quigley of lmineoln. Rev. Father GMT- I noy officiated. After the nom! festivl- tle• Mr. and Mee. Quieter left on a motoring trip. They w111 reside et Detroit. At the home of Mee. George islets. on Tlnir•dev. .Tune 24rr1. her r1511511trt. Ros•ec M.. wig nnitee} In martian', to Perrlysl (' Towne 0f Tnrnntn. The eeremene wee perfnrtned by Rey. 1'. J. Monrhnnlw' In the presence of about forts meat• The ennng crimple w111 make their home at Toronto. Mrs. A. Mn. Jame' Steep Collyer and her danchtete 1.7e IeaTinU erve wig soup little toasted cubes of HOVIS bread make good soup taste better, for HWVIS is differ• ent and delicious. A golden -brown bread that tempts your taste and pro. motes healthy digestion. ASK YOUR BAKER 7On TO -DAY LEADING FUNERAL AND EM1 11 rd err carefully ■+ten dad to at all hours, night or ay GODKRICH 1 Lost and Found Hnih, the five-year-old d,inghtet of Mr. owl Mrs. R. P. McGregor. 14 1'11. 1 cent street. wandered away fn.m home• .%Wede•vlrc of Inst week. told after It fnndb' .cn r'h NIP' w'a5 found 9irr•.t I two boats Inti down est the 'tor or. The operetta are T0r,T grateful to the neighbors and other ferric snot 1 he 5.44 in the search for their 'I't:e 1 I7ln-• -� ., -- Il 1 A Madera lar• Th' ..lose Inspector P rote tlpog* the blecklarnri "1.\'N\." Then pearh:g 0 V r M. eireincle•s at A Ke»n1-I044.114 girl lis the front row, lie sold -"1'd Ilk' you M tell m' what Gild meaner' "Love and kls'eS." the girl replied. too• utght a N,branka preacher sterility tooted. "When those ymme THE BREAD OF HEALTH non In the rear R,•t'thraugh Misting with girls T hope tiny will Rive me a - - congregation laughed eo He1•Co. ig a.i. Tomer weill Winnipeg. chane:' and he wondered why the Mals Co. Wat.1A. Tamar sad Wln.,lpcs tit h 1 ftly. le Pikes at McEwen's i A fresh shipment of Prunes bought direct from New York. Medium 12'•,. II,. large 15c IV Oregon Prune-., but are the sweet variety of Small 1c, Ib The*, .,re not the Calif,' F.1,1 Try •••" ',11c Black Tea, nese of the best u, town for the money. 3 pe, kegs. Jelly Powder for 2.Sr and I glass fruit nappie FREE. Fresh ground Coffee. Ground as you order 0, a nice line 60c Ib. 1Oc a tin. Classic Cleanser .. Panshine Cleanser .. . A large bottle Vanilla retract for ...... . . A large bottle Leman Extract for • .. 25c R.,ltm,tl, :;agar by the bag not beet sugar at the best price in town. 10c a tin, 25c , J. J. McEWEN Phot,.' 46 South Side of Square (.,-.4. deliver,d in tour house by the best delivero town. 1 Some Bargains in the Basement Department of Walker's Furniture Store 1 I _ I:, I ks, «tcauo r titol lot NI) it• est '211' nIT regular priers ,I. 11'e 'an 444) 011 ani" $age at thinly halt pri.•r. y I'Itth ling for 13.00. _• ,•l1> Iron fiesta, white 1.1141111. 1 Tn'h•nr al... •.• L5J11) each. 2 telly tvnotl frnn,e Ilei Sprites-. at - $5.110 each. 1 enols Katy Carriage. new. \las >;a"e, tor. ....... ••• • ••.$2)•(21 _11LIt,y Carriage, slightly use,!, hal all retirfiahr"l, at a special price of 'PILIN!. Verandah Chairs at •• . t? 1 (K) and 11.1.:"t0 ridding i.awtl ('hair", rustic Settles and :\nuellsira, at greatly n.fueel p►iees. - 4 nnls Congoleum itugr', alightly damaged. at ''25 ,liami nt. • W. WALKER Farnifwt sad Mus Furaishiap "Ooe. tAe Omni tad Alms Ila la1" (a • ea