HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-7, Page 51..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo 1 SUMMER NEEDS ilBathing Caps Sun Shades Campbell's Drug Store 15c to 11 'L"• Flags ct Flags All sizes 10c to $2.171 Souvenirs Big vuri.'1 Phone 90 p o / /a / XXX XXX c xxx XXX xxx }Cxx .X Not Just Bread! INDEED, NO! CLEVELAND'S BREAD is a tempting a'omplement to any meal --delicious in itself and lending zest to the rest of the menu. Your family will demand twice as much of our Bread as any other. Encourage them to do so, as it is the most healthful and nourishing food they can take. E. U. Cleveland B:1 K F:K Phone 114 West Street it uvih The choicest o[ floral work. etc., mass at prices to suit. GEO. STEWART Bruce Street Florist Phone M Read the Ada. in The Signal 1111. 1. '•R Boots and Shoes r y.,U will, but be sure 1'. g, t 1h,•tn REPAIRED L.' A. ROLLINSON AUBURN ONTARIO Boots and Sh'o, - repaired neatly and promptly and at rensnnahl, prices, THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. con - took an avtkve part In everytlthig that 1 mother, Mrs. Root. Treleaven. it. AttlouP. t During the collectionthe Auburn, addressed `Mrs. tended to kr betlermuat. The fusertl 1 Rev. J. Walker, of the ceited garelation. u[ ingahe, slug, "1n the took (dace on ititla7• July 1K..from 1 church, preached to the• Orangeweu Niel eu.* Alf Chico It war a beau- was o the the Lowe to the Baptlrt church and ' lust :(uuda7 eveniur.. L. U. 1.. Nu. :HA was very Iargcly attended. 'Rev, Mr. I attended lu a bud)' alvux with visiting titul service. Afterwards a reception McCormack of (Milton, Rev. W. Halth- brethreu. A men's choir reut er+l war held for air. and Mrs. Whitfield and * t'I) Isl hour Was eujoytd In the by of St. Mr. la bruthldertufl, r{,cciul *dealUlille. base -neat. After lunch, short, bright attU ltev. Mr. Wylie of lldrrtun, a 1 Ti,, ordeal Vasty oh the United Nlxwcln•ri were given by visiting former pastor. all paid warm tributes I ebur h law'u last 11't,tek„.1 ty evening the wi Mr. • ministers mentioned, . by to her unfailing klttdue+t► to ut'eryo was x groat,taecrtr• The rcrnlug was a•srntxth'cs °e j ('raw of 1-uekuuw, by ttssp►f and her I,e•tutltul Christian life. She brautitul and warut, the program very from the cunprcganons and by Rev. louvre to mourn their loss her hunrutrr[diutug, xud the Suppe+r exrrUeut. , - .. Mr. 11'hitfie. baudour sou and one daughter, G.. A large crowd Elwin ltalthby' ut the U-A.C•, Guelph, I receipt* were in the neighborhood ofd• nue , BELFAST and Mrs. Elwin.Kllluugh, on the house , $- .Ip,• robe booth ai as well puts4--- faro; aha, four roisters and three bra- rouized. there: Mor Iwlir1t'7• of Kluaiersly, I Mr. uud Mrs. W. J. ilaiues and few- 11131./PAST. July i. -Mr. and Mer. Sask.; Mrs. J. MtiKeuzlr, o[ Galt : 1 ily, Mr. Harry liana,' and Mr, C. John 'Sturdy and family, of Red t --,- pals, of •1 YranlV, spent the week- $a k.. aro visiting with Mr. and Mr airs. 1). Clark and Mrs, L. Wiggings, of Gaparieh; \\'w. and Jolla ituberton, of auburn, and Itullrrt A., of ()union, end'with Mr• and Mr"' d;. lfalnea. Jas. agar. home fu Goderich. Oliver Melt, of the legal departwent Mr. and Mrs. John Tylerof and petr bale; and her aged mother, who makes her of the Fir$ National Bunk, Detroit. and Sir. Ralph Hackett, 1 visited here at the haute of Melville returned home on Saturday after a Smith - McLeod. - Knox I'retA►,e ! Culbert, au old Schoolmate, and Mtn week's visit with fttetaia here. tendo church, Stratford. *as the vialtarY with friends and relatives 10 same of a quiet wedding Saturday Guifrrich. afternoon,June 2,'th, when Margaret Duneaunao School Report•-.-,Folloa- al.•Issat, eider daughter of Mr. and log is the result of fifth tura rxawiuu- ti es.ride 1 Gordond, of Auburn, ISOS of (100s held fa Duuptuuon scbo)o1 as tie bride of 's. Wellington n'. Sm son of t,ased un test exawivationr durlug the Mr. and airs. U.RSmith, U[ 1 tti.er and a Maul exatuiuetiun lu June. TT e ride Rev. G. n of ap ofiltlgeor- The ,tames of pup11, and average Per- gete dolor wore a gown of apr cot icor- cenlagas obtained iu ret'4)u,1 )'car'$ Retie with hat of rose beige, and shoes bj btinK to match. and carried a bouquet of ;irk and Ophelia roses. The bridal couple were spud atteudeed by Mlss Anna M(•Leod, aistee i -All of the bride. and Mr. Sited Smith, I Mal AUBURN cousin of the m f, Mfr*. Smith left immediately for Nia- 1 ISara Falls, Toronto and e►w^en Sound, •stat having from tate latter place for a cruise ncoree Georgian Day to Sauk 1 Eng LEEBURN I.1:F)Itt ltN. July Mises Edith rind Elizabeth,llurtun returned home ou Saturday evening after spec ten days with their sister and her childr•u near Stratford. aro vet, the ru sets Mrs. Jean Mason and her two sous, siugraphy, arithmetic, art, of Toroutu, are spending her vacation year agriculture: Dorothy -with her pareutr, Mr. and Mrs. A. `,.'le 75.5 31argar4't ltyatr 71-KaOIIY---4wttua.--- - 'lure tk5.5. Nancy KIef 03, Marie tut 145 Ruth Shaw. teacher, of Tor- n 112'.3, Dio.a H,,.sh la), s tequlred to Inas loser sellout examl- home The here. tiers of the I.Inklater fan• the 50 per cent• oertnun beach ii subjects o[ the first year histoe ily ry, on Thursdaynllast t Atso (1 picnic was Dish grammar, • •d at the lake alow'n by air. J. Thursday, Jule 7, 1977.-6 UII I I I I I II I IIIIIIIIIIII IIIVIIII III IIIIIIIIIUI111IUUUIIIIIIIHIIIIIIUUIUUIII _ Saturday Night I DANCE AT 1 ITHE PAVILION E XIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIx New Sport Dresses --Ste. Marla• and thence. to Mich)PtMtt.'at11island. Itolieuage'Gra 1H:NlUAN1.N'ON, July 0. -Mr. and Itot M». Harry Bellamy, of Toronto.1i1. called uu friend* here un Saturdaay. Mr. auai Mrs. Geo. Ross, of Detroit, Mrs. Hickok and aou,' of New York, 1 and Mrs. Shives cud daughter, of huh Duluth, were visitors at the lame of :A►4Mr. end Mrs. 1'. !tosa last Thursday. 4.44 Mr. and Mrs. G. 31. McKenzie and 391 sou, Malculw, spout the wee► nd iuIltu lorouta. sot Mr. !toy llarris, of titratford. spent linthe week -rod with Mr. and Mrs. T. G• I 'i Allen. Mrs. Harris auai chiltireu, waw t'had beau visiting ,here fur a couple of }ate►u, returued home with th Cirmfgar7.l7eMr. Wilfred Elliott,is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. 4 J. Elliott. IK Mr. and Mrs. .itKenzie and laughter, of liawattou, and Mr. and Mrs. it.t i. ltuar, ut Iwnhaish, visited at the homeof Mr. F. Ross last Saturday. Mrs. R.. E. \Willis and daughter 1 1, Beth, of Detroit, are visiting MrsWillis' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Il. J. 1\Crawford.A Mr. *lid lira. Geo. Bradford and Mr.and Mrs. J. Cameron duct children,,uf i It'Toruutu, called un frleuds here ou'a Suutay.Mr. ata# Mrs. J. K. McEachern andlittle daughter Mary, of Donlon, spent.the week-eud with Mrs. M(Eacheru'r 1 {arentn, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie:fou lit pawn.Mr. Harvey Tr„ eseeta returued C• fnto.pterII.we last Friday fruw Stratford, it visitorls+ t) J Iuie. orf T n last, w44k where he had been undergoing treat- F 1 visitors aalth Jamas .l h'tr••it last week. went fur his nose. ia[4 .' a'arter, of iuia i,ro is ge•nd Mr. Wm. Russ and ultughter. Mlle Tetra. of Winnipeg. tire visiting III*in¢ a few days with Itis 1•rntk••r., at ale t 1111 - s an• bast' 1I 1 r . bruther. air. Fred !toss. i l . sfr stores and' r•!ddrr,rs for llvdo; other a r. 1. •r fruw herr :uok fu . ,.,Aver. hese. ss if It were orally go- the a'oiebrxtiou at Luckune lust in_ In IP 1 her• now.Fridd .--t- heath of Mrn. Geo.1RafthhytTher' Niacor l.il, cud Fravjk alclwnn. u[LUXURY IN UPHOLSTERY passed away lit her hum.• just pest "r`Lncku„w. ser nd Frank Mc ean. of1 \uburn.,lit June 111.31r- Geo. 7GiIth Mr. Tow a C• --it.• The eddy come rt whim y„n nn• hoots' by. in her fiftieth yens. a ' -r a linger•' -r. herewu+nusrrvi.eInthe1'rr+,ito nen y when reelerui pnlsteref our div terinit a11ar•h 1*tt S t ID 1 owing to fur n re and parhr upololtc it Pitres' of hug ilio•.• extending overs {Haled ,YtMors. alth,:_h she wu- apoi.•iul Coufdvk•rxtp„n jubilee aera'ic rofurniture ahuukl fx nl this i• the an (enrly three 1HdugheloefuLuckon inee a *vicesoenough. Btu on a yf all f is is the arc burs Rt tllbyte ewasst ,tthe conr_4•4 ddatgle t• H. M'l l 111 L eku iatrict f,arnt ap{wsl. Tlw tyoelit isulstaa' \Drs. 1 titar .d rhe l44n mfr. f 1-bert• an'tFriends here received the•sad news furnihtrr we ons fruw otfrriasng ns ns ex- air+. ft. s' fon. nmr of c•••h•rieh, fludl hint the +e obit son of Mr, and airs. goisite in design and finish as it i• lux- is,rw dsw old bort• •tui nn the Itriek of I'0rt Flgin. wasuriantly comfortable. rnfy-Plttlnt Jt,•ht 1 Friday. 13th ••f Hnllett ani dnowny,1' while hnthlntr a dELER y-earf• :lar wen. minted her firefuueral e•ns held on Monday. J' R. WHE ten•!t enrtner. R'1th ,th of one'11r. Frei Treleavea•randchil ren his -.unity hasFurnitun Pones, Dprseesv •1 111• i w.to 8111 the s,rmit''d Toronto. spent the.Hamilton Senn. Gdsrieh• Ort rF+sa t iyn1.1 wn'h u wth etn the_, t I s at tt its r s a shy)000/vwn"a')C)Cti)CXCrfla11rx+hxrAt5C:I►riwst•C5C)C1;4)Ctfe for theew S ort N p 1iiii,,, al'itl'ILX, July Alias F:gle Stoltz. teacher at Kent I:ri•ige, carne home for the holidera and left Monday for Turutut4 atditingst•n for a few, weeks. Mr. 1t. Adams. of Toronto; Is the guest of his brother this last week. air. Eugene' 1'. I'nld.• went to Tor- onto oD Mou,I*3 Io' take tip aq arts course in the Uui+.•r•ity to tit himself for his new position, iu Brussels con- tinuation school. • \\'e are phus•d to report that Miss Josephtne Weir has papered bar exami- nation in vocal iuti,o w'It honors. Miss Welsh and alias Etna Walden spent the Ist of July with le,ndon friends. The ball genie intoes faealbrth shit Auburn 'M..nditr tight.resulttd in a score of 9-1 in faro? of Auburn. Kct'p It up. Mr. and bit's. Itis* were vlaiturs at Thornhill for the holidayw. Mr. like's sisters r•turuin" with them. Miss J. 11111, of Toronto. visited et the home of Mi. J. Stoltz over the 1►..tninion fray beliday. IIIss S. Johnsen, of Port Albert, Is vl+lung her friend. alias Auna lk,bte. Ills% 1). iymiilgt"u, of Blyth. N visiting at the hent of )fr. John MMus - ton )(n. N"n1. J,ekaon. ' DUNGANNON 'raphy' and first year per cent. 1tlulIThe paired to pass, I ' kT e fres iu(Dicate the average p • obtained: Arthur Drown 71. Ct. Young 70, Willie Wiggins laid I'entlaod (11 Lloyd FYuigau 5. F. It 4' 1t. Principle!. !'romotione its ander Rooms 'roto Sr. 11. to Jr 11'1. (total. (fir: fors. M19; pass, 37;., -.Veneto Young I►avid Nivins Na Alma Nivins carman Halre5TN, Iters \\'hyard . Mary Ward *Mont. • From Jr. 1'1. to 4t 11`1 r ,0)1.a (13 . Dors. M10; pasty der - 1 474. Iteth Park 14'19. Jimwle a1tl- n 4/10. Myrtle Caldwell 44':. Melba wler 373, Melville t'u11H'rt a(r7. Jado' rpt AOT, Willie Reed y Ftt1. lees. :tem__ 'lost class (total. . Harold Finnigan els Treleaven 547. Beneath" Jones 4'a0• ,Viola Young 73, Bertha Jones :4e7. Mak•olw Me- rmen.318 ,. _ Primer (total. 4'IiticiDpass. ltea2 P14, - illie McClure 333. Albert lii•rett 136. (lams A -'Alma ln,k•rs011. BMW swear. Madeleine d'+aesitr• Donald Calker. (lase B --Clayton Anderson. Fent? Itun. a'imKtvetKrt. tin'hnrd I'44ritithy dNumber onsroll, 33: average attend - nee. 32. M. 31. 1►1'R-N i'' . Teacher. ST HELF7\S July 4.- 117 nether- lu Hemlock C117• \line Margaret Mele•untin. of Tor- t or- isltfug relative:4 and renewaua old air. Jim 1t441d' ant} aitss Alice Keil tit's. aucea Cameron tat• Iht'. are visiting with .frll•utbt lu Luckuow' Mrs. W. l`amrreu and Air. a:•,rkw 'amerou were visiting last week with ,and •i'aramount. WES I)FT ELD enjoys Farrlsh's by the tawny and relator.. of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. l'Intton in hon- or of Mr. Clutton's birthday. Although the morning of June 25111 was net very favorable. hall shower - Ing for a short time. a gaaal number turned ,it after, dwuer and eujoye'1 the picnic o1 the schools of S. S. No. 3 and Ni. 9 at Meu'setuug Park. limes were held for the the elderra'fl and all was played by lunch well ue.the children. A dainty' with ice means was served before all returned home safely. PARAMOUNT 1'XItAa1Ut'N'r. July 3. -Mr. and -Mee Betty 4lihruu.. of Windsor, are visiting friends in Lothian. bir. and airs. Jas. Richards,with Markdale. spent the holiday -their • earer[ts. Miss Jean Loug.'ef Hemlock' City, ris1lcd iu Iun4Mnt ductile the week. Miss Kutheriut• Blue, of Amberley, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Grant atkel)ta *mid. Mr. and Mts. Wesley Robb rbave re- turnred.tu their tome in ha•halsh after a trip to Manitoba: 'Mr. and Mrs. Jnu. Gardiner, of '!.ion, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Irwin during the week. Mrn Pwith herter ldkaughter, Mrs Eldon ald. of 'Huron, is visiting lieuders en. 1 Misses 'Beagle and Selena Grant are spending the holidays at their home ST. HELENS sgtuu. of Wlic,.x, Sauk., and alis 01110. is visiting at her borne hi lex•h- ellr, Mdtiruste, ut N.•w Ynrk, err nlsh. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. lh ugiare at Mitchell ___ Mrs. A. Stuart and 31155 'Aerie - ----- Stuart. of Toruut,'. are sta•ndiug boll 1 M'FSTFI•}:LD. July'. 4. --air. and aLa31i t ft tae old Ie sae. bias. .tn8•1 N,'itiey >.o -d . hildrru. td J►105 1)1rei '.I. L , of 1►.•trrit. was flnnilton, .visits+l over aha• w,•ej:-eud d Ku,st of Mrs. 1:'i. Thow Cot u itw .with Mrs. Nethery's parents, air. rad okays. airs. 1htclii Conk, and other frit•udss. 1 air. and airs. „lit-. Webster. of litid Mr. ittai Mrs.'J. Killyugh, ..f Ihtu- lingten. and 11r. '1'. Webster. of d:.itiui11 q:nuu.jt. visited. over Sunday at the were visitors over the tydti•k•ay,pl ails home of their daughter, mfr-. 11'u1 their brother. air. J. H. Webster' Kelley'. aL. ltidrt•rt IkI tbOur, 11r. d'iateu'e Mr. sand NIM. Barry 114.1Lnnv. of Barbour and Mi,- Viola Itarheur of Tor,nto. 'ci-iu•d at the Lowe ..f the F'rrgars and aL Carnes, of Erin, latter's sister. Mre. CO1111 tl. 1'awpbelI. were• the guests •.i Mr. and Mr.. Jus. oD F'rbkty. Barbour for u h ,, days, eeiebrtating bit'. 1(114:141.,;,:4 01 Rodger heft on Mondu) the jubilee. Mr-. for',pronto, where hr. %ill take up u Mr. and airs. Victor Ditty, teacher's training course. At Our Gift Shop You may select an inexpensive present or prize that has artistic distinction. 'Something different,' the gift that delights both giver and recipient, 1. to be hound here, in Beautiful Pictures Statuary Brass Goods Pottery and English China '\'e invite you and y,'ur friend - to 011110 in and 1.•,",k annul.!. Smith's Ari and Gift Store Fast Street 1'L u,• lie-, The West Street Electrical Shop We carry 0 g„,..I stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. We Specialize in Wir- ing of All Kinds Estimates *tycoon application All work guaranteed Frank McArthur Telephone 82 West Street il -- Weathr Ot Summer a. lihave a new line of Sport Dresses in two-piece styles We of double -weight fugi, with blazer jackets, In stnped and plain colors Ladies' Coats at Bargain Prices Bathing Suits We have a nice line of Bathing Suits for ladies. *nen and children in one and two-piece styles. All -wool or cotton ma- terials and newest col- ors. These are offered at attractive prices. This will he your last opportunity to get a new Coat at a real hnrgain. We have a few broken sizes. in different styles at less than manufacturers' price. Ladies' Hosiery Weldrest ladies' and misses' full-fashioned Hose at $1.75 per pair Season's newest shades, Pierrette and Venus Hone at $1.50 per pair. Silk to the welt. Latest shades. A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITEPhoneTO i HOP' Goderich, Ont. I adies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square qq XICCXXXX xxxxxx8 xxx c t •JIwA4xths/1(!r A Garden Party t'n•ler the auspices .4f the Ahmeek Chapter, i.O.D.E. 8111 be h.1.1 on Thursday, July 21st at the reso cnce of Wesley W. Walker, Esq., Waterloo Street Bridge fables 3 p. m. 'Afternoon tea served •1.:144 Fancy 11'ark. Table Candy Table Floa.•r 'fable. Also a Touch :and Take Table at 11.11 rents per draw Come and onia,' a pleasant after- noon and help the Ahmeoks Millinery Sale OF - Summer Hats In this sale we offer Hats that represent the best value of the season Fortner 118.00and $10 $5.00 A collection of dfifer- 53.5 not _ittyi.'s at Misses' and ohildten's $2.00 Hat:: Hat:: at . You are cordially invited 1„ inspect our sto('k. Miss MacVicar Kittgtdtof St. (it:aerie!: Faddy and airs. 1..' I b'rt of Siralt '1 1. 11.r. and Mrs. Fred ,1. t'nok were wcte the guests of - the Messrs.. Mt: lthlkrave \isttr►rt(`tm Snnfsy. ' Robert* over the •week• ettl. Mies Ruth Vincent. of lenulon, ripest Mr. T,irrailet• A1111krwnl. o1 De. over Ihrtnlni,pn Dar with her parent,. trots, .eas home tin the .44 holy'. air. uud alts. John Vincent. shish 4.11- mr.1141 F;Iwel \\'c1•-: •r [s e aflleti.r cent hits secured (1 position with the pe•3 ecu six 'bonier in Chicago.5c,,lLondon l.lfe insurance Co. utay n•uwlu of Mae for a couple of Mrs. Pentland. who spent the 1 -t mouths few weeks visiting In Tomtit.. r'e- stda I. Itltth't'font,• alis t 34114 turned 11 the home other daughter. \\oaell. .'I.rk Ito ):ttih rn• I ee. ! 1'ulenr l•Iark ar lwmr syr a wee. Mrs. Colin 0. (vnmjrTieTf. on , I air. and 'Mrs. 'Elwin Taylor rind e•xii,. PaMs7• family spent the week -end at the home 9iss rutin' the .fltao[e' l of the former's mother.--alrs.-11.-IT. number of the• tagregxtluu of the United, church gathered in the hese Taylor. of (irsl4rk h Mr. and airs. Wm. Me\'itch• and meat on • Rev. 11111 1 4.e(,g t4) hid tram family and Mr. John Mc\•lltle potent well to Margaret. and Mrs, g the l'uuening Snotty at the home of Mr. mid airs. and Cumming hwing. the a evening \Cm. Taylor. St. ilelpna. Mr. 11! lt, iug ++. 'ailed to the front vII3fis. atxry !M ,rrtsh, of Toronto. and an adobe's .;,1• read, by Mr. \\'ll• visited un Sunday a9t11 her c,pnsUa, T I I uu tee• son 1\'14)11, and Mr. 1►avld aH , Mrs. Jack (Iowan. and other frivolo. half o1 the eutlgt,,=.atlon presented, air, Cumming with it in a gold. watch :14.11 Mi+s Yrrnn Rutledge. of .luhnri. elaalu. The titbit, re spoke In term- of 'Te'nt the week -end with her friend. warm apprec•fai,''4 of the splen servie' given li y`r. Cumin umii (ISI. work 1s homy for • the slimmer vnealion. li 1111' of six . NI1s. Ella Stwerl,y returned to her in the Sahbeth •',,,.d and nn1,iK the hl ware for the blots In finderlc►1 township on Wed - `Quality" "Service"' "Satisfaction" "Appreciation" "Cleanliness" Are Outstanding Factors at Sparr's Grocery "'1hc 349„r, of Satisfaction.. 1Ininilto1l Street lioderich Telephone 141; School of Commerce Clinton, Ontario Offers the Following Advantages: Expert Teachers Two Standard Makes • of Typewriters Practical Business Training Gregg Shorthand Secretarial Studies Actual Office Practice Anda racur,1 ..4 'successful grad- uates whose highstandard for good work w'e expert you to reach or exceed. When you think of a Commercial Course write B. F. WARD, B.A., Ma Accts, Principal, Clinton 1'1 me 1'.•• Wall The Signal's Town Topic News. 1 ' SPECIAL Summer Hats at 95c, $1.45, $1.95 and $2.95 Just about 75 of them ('boon ng flirts with their large Drop brims, small drop hritq-. Or becoming otT the face 11'411. They are its hair, crept'. crochet straw or ribbon, in the -winner:r own shades, blue, green. sans!, orchid, •.yellow, a- well as black and white ,' 111111:Itileo:. We still have a few dozen of ladies' Silk Hode. in assorted colors, al 35c a pair or 3 pair for $1.00. The Goderich Economical Store 11111.11'..1, '-Drop d1 1 all++ Mary Rodger. __ - _ hi! 31 is. firmer RI•4irn't) 1f G.d,•rlch, vieemseseumseammeewemeseetemewem, Big Sale of Light, Cool Footwear yrnnl4 Deople, 'plritnnt well -he 1 ' iteral fhe m, mllr rsm ni sria, Jahn F. Ellis was ti ffnelp)l9 his Huck. Iofn h few days - thy. his mode• 1) none dolts,• visitor ondealeration Juhilec--The thy. his aineerlty ,o.d. his calhim for M1eg service of shit -r iet'If ec: 111, 1 anrtttred Nino that ei ality'Aof gIt'iii\\'nwarmlet lnitcd nnees the sincere Rood sti•haMr and the poly' M I I v. tin„ with 9114 M•ntMwlxl jubilee c41'- yrs of the St. 11.....1.-ttenttn their new bnitlon an. held on Sunday, .inly• with him and Til*' y field of Libor, Mr countable in a few on the lawn of Mr. Rola, Mr turnry, wur.is, that will 11.11 1141 taarll forglttyn Hill s'one'lston of Fast \\'xw•anoah. rhnn4el the "h ' 1 ttal for ies•l*ltheir hRur ift Tteeve fleohtr t orf'ea WAX Belerava lslrlmk' o'MeV. the nodi joined ws11115 .dstet a pioneer* 'and' settler. who la 14} our nil ],toed , Mr. and sang "Aoki untied T Nene," 4411(1' 541', rtn"etng pronounced country' foundations. '31r Mutt - the beeilietion.' Mr and Mrs. Cum- grove. of ti`Inahnm. spoke on the fnth- ming end Mnlgflrei loft Tater for their er.eoif 4'onftslerntion and Rev. W. 1t. new home at A114411 ('MIR. followed by Altr of .\nbnrli spat' on those whose 11144 414415) «15114" def ,1 host of friend'. 11414' h*t•e b'en Rlt'en In tho'r'n Ttty.h Th44 lltl.lnctl'+T1 lit R4r. 11am1d (4: taorvk•4. Mr. Roble -',n. R'hltf'ptd Into the' ChnrRt's of SI. annnded the l,sa Poet. .\ .holt' of li 11 1 and N'hi,..'i nrch ave hold lea thirst' vol4h. led in 1144 IntItK of II r4r the tow n• r Ona n. R4v. G. Tel- 'ord. aft. rn,,.• R44v. Mt. '•+rd. of Blyth Dr' alehesl : Rtmwn. of Auhti.1,r twreet- el: !tee. J. ii "0(4)444, of Itelcrn' "• addreaatsl (1444 new!y Indtu•Ir'l mini+tet. and Rev. \\'. !AMT. approprtntt to the dry- Profile e'maregntc•d from n n shin. Read The Signal'. Town Tnpie !SOWS. • See the big display of white Canvas Shoes of all kinds, in both leather and rubber soles, for men, women and children, at next -to -nothing prices, in "the little shoe shop around the corner. SHARMAN'S 4 lu ita'1141g .1,,,,. -4„r,• • 44 es