HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-7, Page 44 Thursday. July 7. 1i1C7. • For Summer and Sport Wear A Choice Selection of Men's and Boys' Outing Trousers Pyjamas Golf Hose Hickok Initial Belts Straw Hats Bathing Suits Shirts Hatchway Underwear Sweaters Fancy Hose Panama Hats Etc., Etc. W. C. Pridham & Son rhe Store \\'illi the Stock'• Men's and Boys' Wear THE SIGNAL, Phone 57 4104.4. - •. GODERICH, ONT. I Loudon, and 1)r. and Mrs. E. W. Gar- I thlcted the services iu .t.Ittleld Presby rets and sopa, llevelautk Ohio, ure I terlau church oa Sunday. ltev. Mr. ,K.t•upylug the Heard cotutes% oil time Ritchie taking the Lut•kpow Presby- set resbyset Point. terlau church services. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Martie, of De- troit. have takes the Curt* cottage for the awumer. Mrs. W. A. Stratton. Dorothy and ttorge .Stratton, of Tuntlltu, are occupying 1)r. G. Atklusou a cottage. Ur. S. R. Moore and (Amity -vat Lon- don. are in Mr W. H. Rohlusuu'a and ]Ira. J. Gingrich and two ' cot- Mr A Targe. number c• .,'•rated July 1 In U.. The entrance et.yu,inatiuua were held in S. 5. No. 8. sidi,•l,L o1 Tuts - day. Wetaaeeday and Thursday of last week. fhe t'uton Club. 1' f N'.0.. will hold a garden party at t..,- !sour of Mrs N t:. MacKenzie, vou.•r...i"r, 12, ou July • tr arns, nf'ltad Ase, Mleb.. are visiting Mrs. d;hturich's parents, Mr. and Mrs• ti. Cleave. Miss .inn Dewar and Mr. Dan'141 IDewar. jr., left ou 'Saturday' for Tor- onto,, .• here the former will take a i,hy summer course in 'sh'al culture and 'MIN' .inn will attend a coiled ebureh mos. G. W. {tomb, Miss Anna , SHEPPAKUTON summer camp for ten drys. Woods and Keith (;emeInhard left oil I Thursday on a motor trip to Muskoka. SHI)1"I YRTl+ivp\ July R.-lir+. Thu.. DoughertyulyNatwxrd at They will visit Mrs. Woot11t daughter• I or.present. We hypo •he t: ill soon re- gain Mn. A. lefty\ at I.oult ni Mills. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Nowlin returned gado her usual ga,e1 health. Several members of 'the l'hurch of their cottage on Wednesday. having England from here am! fort Albert went to 1)unganuon on Monday- to help relwir the rectory fr'iee etc. The induction of lies. R. A. Lundy. the new United ct.un•ti minister of Stier Leeburn, 18.1 i'ort Albert. tco,lt 'lie en--1R*-riwy-. Luckuow aa0 Ooder.,:, Mr. George •Fesgu-or and faintly. of Saltfortk visited tri ;be home of Mr. Alex. MacMurrhy. Mrs. George Duti or aaej little son Donald. of Ethel, vt,• returned to their home after vi _ iu AshAeld. spent a few day. at their home in 4ktrforth. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Oates and fam- ily. of London. are occupying Mrs. ithaitnun s cottage at I akeslele Park. r, iiuel Mrs. Alhert Carty and Marine and General Whin` Electric Itanges--Lrleetrit Warbera Fittings of all kinds. W. Mael)ONALD Electrician Phone 174w _ ____HA TI JTti leerMt,.MODETHtATRE\ Mire Johnston. of Detroit. Brown motoreet to Toronto to spend , H kt will 1 theorder of 3lr.1. l rty x tun srutcl, and a very impressive cert . - village July 1 -Mr. E. T. Mr. ,IId Mrs. C. Boyd and Mr. and', t tit wax held calla) in the tillage oil Muu,hty ou thele war to spina ' ng soon WEEK OF JULY 11 TO 16 Matinees: Tuesday. Thursday and Satur- day. at 3 p. tn. Monday and Tuesday IRENE RICH with CONWAY TEARLE present an enthralling melodrama of a woman's tenge•ance amid the desperate Intrigues of Czarist BURR& "MY OFFICIAL WIFE" . Patt,e Comedy "LONG LIVE THE KING" Wednesday and Thursday BE DANIELS in s feature comedy with a kick. A pic- ture depicting French fared/el iss lamest and beat. •'A KISS IN A TAXI"- Christie ComedyN' ''HOOT MO w• t 1 the day. Several have eammrnced Oliphant. Mr. and Mrs. l'hrix. 'Howard and i cutting already, but the crop is not as family. of Windsor. event the week- I h avy as last pour, end and Mr. Eric York and Miss Al..MICr Miss Irene r Mote. Graham ha `ss present. cher er Maker. of Toronto. spent lkiminlOn .1e ""y ''"'`'KINGSBRIDGE Mr. anti Mrs Victor Burt and fain- -Hy. of lrrttdtm:• meth the week-endl with thparents,itr, Mr. and Mrs. F. t Margaret. of Montreal. Hr. and Mrs. W. Rakeeir. parents, 'Mledw-at:. of Seafort11. .pout Moulin) lits e•r+tat the A. I.. lower Is a gn in the tillage. ltitz hotel. Dc T. and Mrs. Gray, of St. Mrs. Paull. of London, returned on Thomas. called Oil friends in the vil- _Saturday twlid~ ittl to . F. H. ay andnMti lairs o Monday. • Mrs. Bingley and Mie .Ida Bing- circ. ley motored from Detroit en_ Wosirre Bet. J..and Mrs. Ata•ry. of Lmdes- tiny to clan' SItaa B: ttn-htcrtt and -14.- ia.s.+tath- swl daughter. Mrs. (Dr.). Taylor. Mrs. Rich at cou,tuniel them Gray. of Watker'tlle. ate in Sftt<-g ami visited her mother. Lir,. M. Green, 14. Soothers cottage at Ialkeslcie 1"ark dretutvc1 with .1 .. Bangle)* on for the season. Wood Shingles of All Kinds AsbrsWt, and liagk-It Shingles Roll Rooting of all kinds R. STANDISH Phone 3119w East Street a the holiday- and weekend with his parents. Mr.. Geo. Kiat atrumlwnted him to Toronto to visit het daughter. Mrs. M. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lord: Mr. T. Mallet and Mists Gladys Davison. Loudon, spent the holiday anti- Mr- J. Davi- son. Miss G. Davie...a_-i• •ls udlug a two weeks' vacation at' hone. Mr. and Mrs. Roll. Stewart and Mitre au 1 rt returue r y. Mrs. Agnes B rwa M Friday and Saturday Mlle+ Izetta continuation Merner. principal l of on TToront . having spent the THE GODERICH OitIttitit$ NOPE, GOING UP KJN RIt1hOE. Jilt S. -Mr. F. McCardie. of Lluw..»I. is clotting his eon. Rev. Father F Me-i'ardle. Miss petty O'(',n,ner. of Detrolt. Mich., is honor for a mouth's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell and family. about the price of coal later in of Goderich. Mian Ellie Drennan and the season. It certainly won't Mr. Tom Foster, of Stratford. spent' go down. It may go up. the week -end whit Mr. turd Mrs: Wm. reaan. - I The wisest thing to do would be Mimeo lternadiue• and Norlur to lay in enough now for your 1 O'Loughlin. Messrs. J o... Len. an entire winter's needs, while the' it Refrigerators '4 VX'e .ere clearing out our stock of Refrigerators at greatly reduced prices. it will pay you to see them before 'you buy \\ . rry a frill line of ,,Teen loons, Windows. 1; rd,•n Hose, and all other Summer neceesarit•e Selina WiII%a Paints Rogers Brushing Lacquers JAS. C. CARRIE Prompt Delivery I•;,, is Sliu:tre Phone 334 For One Week (fitly 200 PIECES OF _Aluminum Ware on Sale at 79cents Blackstone's Furniture Exchange IWest St r, • ' tiaie'rich, Ont., -- `r41.•o10A•ef....1 We can't make any promises t home j :corm t)4wniglNin 1 fr txou.n. up um •atttl w•'re price is reasonflble, the supply De it fur 'The F urth. wiudet accompanied oil their return by Ralph. plentiful and deliveries are not RANGER New Dander contltitlatiuii school. is in Toronto. Her daughter. Fre• who had remained to finish the Ralph. crowded. ell b vacation with her lar- Welsh. and Mr. and Mr„ F ldae toMcHolorrt to th Id- pn nR her Toronto 0 Thr of redemption, dept in pieturo ocera a ARA-mr and Mrs.- r -F error: motored from ',boy of redemption, rescue, romance std Mr. Jas. Cameron. 'sats' anti Evans , visit Mr. Biggart. human interest. Au action picture is arricel on Saturday to spend the sum- ; Mfrs. J. F.antshaw, flurry and Violet FLASH/NG FANGS" fuer with his slater. )Miss Grace H. t Eurilehaw and Violet OmamtL of':ltrat- The Amazing Mazie in 1 Cameron. ,turd. are camping on the titer {fate. ^I Miss Jean Woods. 4,f 1rrt"i, arrived Mr. and Mrs. Keith McKay and Mrs. ^ lntme on Friday to spend her vacation. McKay. sr.. of Detroit left on Mon - COMING WTTI.E ANDYLOONEY" 1 COMING Gane Stratton Porters last,, Misses Betty and I;,t,•t! Elliott and# day, halving visited Mrs. McKay's sly - 1 (inkhorn Elliott, of Toronto. came on I ter• -Mn. I: t:-Yergttsrm, for-a-fe'tR- ren in Aah r yea, E. T. may_Attu daughter.. Today is the best day to order. Genevieve and ,Laeill.•. Mr. and Mrs.CALL ?SE Alban Griffin ata children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin and baby. of De- troit. visited relatives in .tshtleld and Whitechurch. Ih•Irolt v-idtors hem.. neer the hull- For Good Clean Coal Thus: (Annan : Mr. .1 day .lu(lutleel _>I __ Q COAL and Mrs. Thos Wit: Mr. and Mrs. MUSTARD 11lett. Valentine; Mr. and Mrs. Fred V COMPANY N ' t•ugt and • • i ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE W. C. SNAZEL Haberdasher and {fry l'learn•r Steau, laundry in Connection n West Street Telephone 339 1 Thurs4lay to vl*K their parents. Mr.. days. and Mrs. T. Elliott. ,)11ss Helen Gerrie and Mlss Anna W,rala have tw•t•u meta:l:el for an- other term as cv111101att,s, ;Intl public school teachers. Miss 4:errie left on 4rlday for her home near Ingersoll. 'rlulrsdoy evening last. Ireelntrry Mr. and Mrs ha. 'toy. Edward and Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan and tam -I wtie represented 1y Bet: 4'. F. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Mora and f iuUy. f North street eltur(h (:erk-rlch. herb (YNolll, a W' -x Vernice Tay - F. Bremner of ltru4rfie11n Rev. A. t' ' Martin is visiting,! 1 Rev. Mr.Miss Moral. a f lis 1n D, clot ion of Ret. R. W. Gales -The IttlerMYtt htctio w Mr atLd r he wiles a y trot u•k . yte acts. Wilfred Ite•thrl.iUnitey tte,k• place in St.. Ando- Ji' 'hill and Phil n.w s 1'uttwl church. 1tayHeld. ?Si McCarthy. Wilfrid to L:nghliu. ludtx•tion of the Ret. It. W. Geld in 4runiI; - Phone 98 Goderich t 'pastoral h f- Mayfield and Jerome; Mr. and Mrs. Riva„ fll..h V L. tt look' Mt1 art y. %JIe43 fav al or chairman of. the Presbytery; Rev. W. Aur, of Jackson. Patent the week - F. F t end with relatives hrere. 1'oniter of ltruuditrr. and r Mich. smith. Mr. Smith lead iu the opening I rune e v n Ise+ and preached a i 'Mr. lawn ace \Valise.. is engaged mos[ ^Try tial selectiotti of i'1ch, western wheats - the finest grown on the prairies - that gives extra flavour to bread and buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from ung e. e • . r most- interesting mid, im,? manner ser- this week h. Inti from the. words -Wino manner of One new 'cope. ;you fly. ant .. man Is this Hatt e,rn I1.e elated • the stns .doto Ilia'" Ivey. Mr. Clarke Ln -Ina •'cerin_::",if Hanover -w -thnli tiyk_'4'11Utgte of -the induction ser- week -end t-isitor- •t Mr. and Mrs. J I. .Mrs. .1 o Y •yers Gator-e r+.'t regarding . :yeti ol+, W the congress- ' ily, of t:neihrlcl •ts)t Sunday at I ELECT RIC WPRING INSTALLATIONS. ETC. GEO. W. STOKES BROCK Street. P. o. Bos 160 COAL Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Coke -- ( oke Poeohontas (2 by 4 egg) Briquettes 1 can supply your wants in any of the above fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prices. L. FLICK Telephone 175j Goderich A restful night on Lake Erie will add • enjoyment to your trip. Three Palatial Cbl B Steamers 7%. Orem Sip 'srLANDEL!"-'CITY Of Emi and CITY Of BUFFALO" Gaisaa.d &nide. Including large nee ean oseenoraos du e* a long alert's r.fiehYeg sleep. Enealiet dining toms memic.. DAILY MAY tat TO NOVEMBER 144 Each Way Every Night Between Buffalo and Cleveland Leaving at 9-00 p. m., arriving at 730 a. m. E.wen, 5,.nd.1d T. NEW ERIE DIVISION .i. C & n Se..mer "CITY OF ERIE'. La.e. ClwdrJ sad bated on stemmata night. Ialr Mrd to Sept. dtl Read Down Rand Up S:10 p. m. 1...... $, eio. N. Y... Antes tM0 e. . t0. ►0 p. m. Arrow .... Erse. h..... Law 12 03 m. 1240 m. n. Lem* Erse. P. ... Purim 1y 10 Is - 6 se 640. m- Arrive .. Cleansed. 0... Law 4 -►0 P. a C.o.n d... hr liar Sawa. Dom" .ad Pekin BM IAsk your ticket ...nom mune, ewarr foe 9 1 C & a Line. Your roll rick « t. pod on our a..mee'V New Automobile Rate 55.00 aid up „a clttwevC won at TV Fare $5.50 taawPramtni+v 1 lig a garage L,•k(derhrinxandMiss •f1♦11111■■■l4■■■■■■■alllila■■•■■■■■■II■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ iii,•. putting .1er iixdal queaums to ,. ■ the min 1 1i hi faith \Ir. and•' Phelan and fan, ire 010Ii“.. 16111 n•ga'.... their attitude o Sod:iron nu,l Lion These MOW sttisaeu,rl; Mfr. out Mlr-. J. P. Ml - Cecelia MIcIN•rftt. PURITY O UR 11 toward Thein Sullivan .. _ io;-tr .T: -Mr. -Clarke declared Mr. , 7heres . rad NI, 7 Cecr a few .lent m Seed 3oc rs stamps for par 700 -MM? Puri() Flour G.ce I3oo . t ,lc Cult irdn.•a•,t and in• w;t• trite or ift+tmr • le•r of the Maim Mr. and Mrs Jo- Brews. JIM. Fret II • ■ Sts Weser. C..ede Flom M M. Co. Lmited. Tomato, Mammal. Ottawa, Saint Jetta I welcomed .rs ,t Int m ■ t i're.hyie•ry by his fellow-metuberi and Mr. and Mr• Inege Ingersoll. v. to srltlf xthlf'k ltxif XXxxxx fltxxx xcXXXX pr. -.1,1. Mr. Itren,ner• the -ti xddr,- se with ■ the minister. 'sating he felt a difH- , Mr+. Hannah .1-. , oft11 etrolltt.' 41 ! x Will Be Your Gain X a 98c PAIR stsParWliergrogetartretsetaWse ----- O r Loss • is ,deuce III so doing. Mfr. 4atle to-ltct n Is visiting her •• ligtt { ■ tiJ main of greater experience than him-, Wallace. A 1•t he (solid ik t o lira ..f [11t ,rt .Pif. is lite ministry and that 1 WHITECHURCH arc ala•: of Iniu- 'x inter he himself wished tli .. ML'. , It,Jr I'uultsr tf+ivr the charge• to the entigr.•- dh wtthn, III a N.Y.' w.•II rh"ea•n word". \'t'111TEt'lll'Itl 11, July 5. --Mr. and I ■ X bringing intoe to ,thein their Bovie'+ in Mrs. l'11relou and F oretn•t• returned tri I regard to the new r,•!itloishli - their home In Lanark county ou At the (low• of the . service those tinkly last. ■ MI 1 prrsrut. hats 80 opportunity of meet- Mr. and •Mlrs. Jas. ltarls,nr, Mrs. I - ing their news mini.Ti'r•anct his fam- Elwood harbour Mrs. Bou MC- I ■ .F and a short time xpent in mcr semis.! andiglian Mr. lt,htt I lir mUr. Clarenceual 1• ■ ...dal way., nm Snndxy Mr:-l:uletatxrk for hi. test \'iota, of Fergus. and Yrs. John'rat- i rr ••1 am among Fort as' owe who ern 4•11--. may and daughter of Erin • 'spentJr.,of ■ Ile said that his Master's :deal was day with Mr. Jas. Harbour, 1 1114• one Ile wished for himself ---that t Goderich. Elwell Web.tgv, of ('Idcago. Is $ of service, and lir briefly summed Alp the manner of Jesus' *Tyke among! visiting with his Imrents herr. ■ MI men. 'lie asked for the sympathy and • Mia Ni ral, Fii;,•taer had her tun- cu•operation of the people Ate order', ails and a,k•uold' rimmed In Wing- ■ that the eoneiug pastorate 5hsnlel ler ham hospital on Ve urday•1 n happy owl fnNtfnl nor. The ehdt • Mrs. Jas. McGe• Yrs. 1)ow and Mr. , . wt.s assisted by Mir. Erle Chapman. of : and Mlrs. John I'»tttoft apetlt last ■ London, who gave a very fine render- I week with relative. in lilhlwrt town- ing of Killing's "Ite...w41 mut." in 'ship. __-_-I. Ili,. evening the service was of a phatrl- Mrs. Joe Titin and tsar r sisterip r. of ■ tole nature. following the 4'onfeh•ra- Toronto. are Pejo} 11,g a Gott Day program usenet by the the Ht. iewr'nce to MsntPMl. . ,-hutch. A solo by Mr. Jae. Sterling. ! Mr. Gordon Niel:, e spent last week 1 -Guard While 1 Sleep.- was mach with relatives in Lanark. 1 Mr. V. 1. ■ ■ We are going to clear our entire stock of .. ....e. m Hose" during the nextfew days We are going to our entire of "Supersilk the next ays at less than they cost us Thereasonfor this reduction is, the maker+ of "supersilk Hose" have just perfected a new Sill floss which- wr-_.xpeet will be on the market in about two months and w.• will be offering them to our customers as soon as we can procure them Therefore rpresent stock 11 50, must gofout to make'proom forte 11 . this new number Do not miss this opportunity Mkto get Hose your summer's supply 14 -strand Silk 25 -inch boot 4 -ply foot Starting Friday we will 98c 98e clear them at PAIR PAiR F. E. HIBBERT The Cash tient kxacx x ■ a ueses.Summer. ■ ■ • • ACH we receive molly res. values in ■ E else • for the h Mme, f ■ wear As these arrive th t ■ counters and tach week d so we invite you to ■ k We offer you ■ • ■ ■ WEED_ F' ■ ■ i Baronet Satin appreciated. AsHrt*>dtT II rptnt s few day's u,ia week w•Ith their I' )Icia ! sister. Mrs. J. 1►. it,ecroft.111 Mn. Norman Kirk and bis bride. of AHiiFiE1.D. July :r. ---Mr. and Mrs. Kxnsas City. ore visiting this week II Ales. MeeLw,unau. of Chicago, are 1 with his sister. Mr. Beecroft. and his . clouting with Ashfield friends. parents, Mr. ant) Mr. Andrew Kirk. of . Rev. Geo. and, Mrs. Ritchie left this scafotth. IM morning on a motor trip to 1A,n,h,n. ! This community estends stmpatllu ■ II The following ure home for the stns- ! to Mfr. ('les, Menht¢cr, of mer vacation: Miss Anna MacKenzie. his bcn.'evemext by the death p li f 11' lmi Miss Isobel MneKenale. and Miss Ell -I wife. formerly .1.an 1 attln•th 'MacKenzie, from Toronto; Culross. Mies Lillian MLi'Kenrlc, from Conn, Mr. Wm. Rtmpe-n, of i'hi.',ts,. is (hit.: Miss Leis MacKenzie, from fort visiting with his sister. -Mn". Frank MI tllaert; Miss Annie MacDonald. from Henry. IN on and twin- ihtnlop: Mr. Malcolm M4 •I.ennan, Mr. and Mew. Roht. PardI. h. from Toronto; Mits Margaret Ma.L•n- ply Spent Monthly w1'h their uncle. Mn. ■ min from Toronto. Joe Anderson, of St Helens. Ruin --On Mondale July' 4. In Whitein - Mir ()liver H Kirk and t'r•Itthton and fatnlll• of la•tn'It, ; MIAs. Fiore' Andrew has returned to her home .In 1.ncknow anti Intends leaving shortly to take a snmmPr ennead In Toronto before resuming her duties In R. H. No. 3. AshMeld, for an- other gar. Chs. W. Franesy left this week for her home in the West after visiting at 1:er former home here. Rev. Mr. Connor. of Ripley. con- chnreh. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilles- pie. a son. The congregation of the United church held n ver) aperweetttl strive° berry festival on the "hutch grounds on Monday. July 4 Mr. Wesley 4mggntt, of Bln.vak'. has purchased the Caron of Mrs. Andrew Fox. weekmerchan- or the. children or for personal theyare displayed on our brings new merchandise a seems better than any previous, an call and look about out store eachwee courtesy, service and closest prices. .. . Towels Mill seconds,, including Ievery style of Huck Towels Hand Towels Tea Towels Guest Towels Regular values from 30c to 75c. 500 to choose from. 19c each or 2 for 35c Bathing Suits Pure wool. Targe range of shades, $2.50 and 52.95 Knitted Goods Sweaters, Dresses and Suits. A splendid new range received this week. ■ Full 35 inches wide, heavy weight. A splendid' ■ cloth for summer slips. All shades. Regular valuee ■ v $1.95, at per yard . ■ ■ Pillow Cotton • ■ 42 -in. width, good weight, per yard 39c ■ ■ Silk Georgette Received in all shades this week. Our pp'i e. at pe yard■ .75 Silk Broadcloth The most popular cloth for summer wear. New ■ shade's received this week. Our price is. yard.. • • 79c 111 Silk Hose We sell and recommend Kayser and Harvey Silk Hosiery. Our stock is new and complete. Prices 95c, $ 1.50 and $1.95 • McCall • Patterns The S. A.GraycCall Coo e Patterns 1 1111■11A1fai■■111.■■■■■■■1•/■■■■■.■■■■flat■■1MIN■■■■li■ • ■ •■ ■ •• •■