HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-7-7, Page 1Advertising There is no cheapetad.Vertiaing medium the netiptpa/elr. When your advertiae- t is in TO SIGNAL it goes right into iogyallf the people, t.1e:. ltre 1151H YEAR NO. 27 GODERICH, ONTARIO, T t RSDAY. JULY 7, 1927 DOMINION DAY 18 FITTINGLY CELEBRATED LEBRATED blip "Sabo* maims a • Mow*/ in tb, Parade Though, on aveutmt of the Center 1 c ed/ratio& to be held tLla sem eo attempt was made to put o Dominion Hoy dtratonatration of tb usual proportions to Omit/rich, th bilee of Coretederation was utrerth observed in fitting manner. The 1pgplalttee heeded by the Mayor ha wgep.r'ea a ytogram which provided 1Sry iaterpting ay. Outside of aembali video Pi the afternoon, wbk was not realty a part of the civic pro- grais, there were no admi$lon f the tows council hanlrt"ifvoted th Jaomey to Meer the expenses of th �'a more[ng ra,Gdeevo ed to th shlldran, In atcordauce with time -hon - ora t ¢a'toal in Goderich_ Prises w awarded for decorated bicycles, and series of races and other gases wa carried oat, the prise -Wingers being follows: ,Dpgattated bkpries--3Cenueth Ju £nsle dtWrsun, Will Lullaby, Colborne. BOYS $ix years sad under, 40 yards -- Bruce ruce diluoshsidr Donald Harris. £err -Graf, Billie Iitoddart. Elggbt years tad under, 50 Yc+Orestb, Bea Please. Bob McNair. Twelve years Suss under. 75 Ya Baayenond Dean, Audrey Smith. Ea VlJteetiesus n years annd maw, 100 --4liafe Moore. FajhspOd Dean, ray Smith. Back rags. Ahees tears and *'die-+ Wilson MdUulre, Earl Moro, J O'Brien. Human wheelbarrow race. twelve( yeare and under --Raymond Dean an Harvey Johnsen Jim Johnston ' Hast Ctaaspbell, Wilson McGuire an Walter Stewart. Runsdng on four legs, twelve 0001110. Leo Saagttt and • trey Berlin- , Bell Yang_ and Bob George, Earl Meru and Girl Stoddart, Beek race, seem years and under-- Donald nder— Donald Hanle, Harold Wilson, Forbes YWer, /nettle race, twice around Square, fourteen years and uwler--Bill Lumby, Bob Wilson, Jack Howard. GIRLS Six jeers end under—Verna I'lante, i,naie Whitton, Mary Webb. Myrtle Eight years and under—Phyllis Quaver, Helen Thomson, Noreen Sproul. Doris Williams. Twelve years and under --Beatrice McGregor, Noreen Graf, Marjory Deer. Fifteen year and under—Mary rug& Audrey McNair. Marjory Deer. Balloon race. eight year and under —Phyllis Martin. Doris Plante. Made- leine Bhbop, Jean Lumley. Ballon race, fifteen yenrs and Oncler—Margaret Mere', Madeleine tor. Margaret McAuley, Noreen L 'Lock arm race., twelve years and --Margaret *Lean and Annie tkineon, Elsie Smith and Frances omson, Margaret McAuley and Beatrice McGregor. Run and write your name—Elsie Marge ret McLean, Margaret wadleid. Bicycle race. once around Square— Birth Mersey, Annie Afklnson, Fran - Thomson. Thread needle race, 13 years and umeee—Mary (:rip(, . Bert/ant Thom- son, Madeline Proctor. The Parade In the afternoon a parade, In which the scbools took the moat prominent part, formed In Victoria Park and •taarrhed to the Square. The order et ptceesion was: Town Connell in autos. ''hind. Victoria School. Decorated Bicycles. Princess Mary Lodge, No. 448, L .0. B. A. Decorated Automobiles. The prima for the 'shook we aeardtd: let, Vlctorie scjo0l; Hud, Ceutral school; 8rd, 8t. Peter' taboo!, these being the only settle' Tho Lu.B.d. was aw'a rded Ybs ere dial for best boat other rhea schools,' At the Square • The gathering at the square wa u J lHld by a corps of :ho too'''t oldest cltlzcos, marSnWir g(� Ly Mr. Q. W Black. These a -engem -a, abns with badges prepared for the occasion were seated in trust of fife teuel s bpd, and 1,'luded Messrs. Stephen A rews, \Vin, Campbell, Wm. Lecky, F l.', Lawrence, 1'. Sturdy, Alex, Jobe rum. W. Vroonwn, T. Gaaley, Wm, Allen, John itobertlou, Julia Llaitlattr, Jas. MacVlcar, Robt. Ressell, Wm. MUlJoti Wm. _Wjitt—lass Itt1twrr MMacEwas acted its i1 n for the program at the tosail as read Jubilee messages from time Whit the tiowersorslenerai sad the Pres Minister. 'Patriotic airs were wee D_ the *Mreebiage, led by tar baa4 an an appropriate and excellent addrea was give& by Rev. ('anon Hill. Thi address traced the history of Canada lesddng up to Confederation and ex- plained why Canada was celebratin its Jubilee M this time. The baseball game at Agriculture Park, between Zurich and Godes**, reported in the basc;,ail cottsnn. Based Csuceet In the evening the baud gave a con: tort on the Square and had a large sad appreciative ■ulienee. Tho warn Included a nlunber at partteu Wrly flood selections and ander they dtreetlon of Bandusster W1lkiseen was carried (wt fu admilsble- style The.(e new, bandstand wad ttlr centr of a ry pretty 'rete, witY' of people seated o• eta and children, carefree frrspre sible, romping in std of*wag t crow& Tbe Leat of the mated. and to most ai 1 was the most eajoabie of a pleasant aid seocesetil 'Saturday was now ,44s ural iy as a holiday, the bu , sea, except the banks, being usual. 10 the evening there w th biggest Saturday eight - leer seen on the Squait, tare ra a town and country Peeel' Rue ha ng f r1i. lib of .itih' ;Alibi). The Sunday Promtaaa 'Services appropriate to the Orasion were held in the various churches on Sunday. and 01 the aft,•rnoou there wee a mast meeting arut:ud the band - 'nand In the Square, and the order of service prepared by the uatiunal com- mittee for observance :•f rhe Cuhfed- eration Jubilee war followed. The service was In charge of the leeal clergy, most of whom took part iu it. The mus sal part of the eerrice wog k4 try_ a choir composed .•f neourhers from the various church choirs of the town. Notes The Ne Mr. lifoff MawKsy.1A very pleasant fuaetfon• of the week was a dinner given it Hotel Sunset last evoking by Mr. Robert MacKay to the trustees of Maay Hall and othr citizes eepeially+ In- terested in that istitutio.extended reference is held Mee to net *etka issue of The Sinal. Automobile Drivers' Lleessea Mr. Jas, MeeVicar bas been ailpointd to issue automobile drivers' licenses, unr the new requiremet ofthe Provincial Highway Traffic Act. The fee le e1, It an aplicant is not an experienced' driver be must apply to Mr. P. J. MaeFwan as the otnciat 4-S'-ter•-iLcertificate provided in this case. The now issued will be good to the end of 1128. A Goat Fire AmsThe town was aroused shortly aftr midnight Monday morning by the or- gan factory whitle. The nigbwatcb- man, Wm. Sheardown, had discovered a beam In the bailer -room on Are and raised the alarm by tiug down the whistle, 'pie thee set to work to ex- tinglsh the Are. using the factory'hoe, and soon had It out. The whistling brought a great crowd of citiens, In addition to the Ore brigade, and the sugestion 1s made that the town should install a whistle alarm In pla* of the bdl, which la not nearly so eetive. egley A weing in _1c1•tt mans friends of the bride In Gorleb and vicinity' are interested took plae at Bowling tr•l. Othio, on 1Vedneday. June 2h. wha Mis Gertrude Begleysuited In marriage to Mr. Orman R. Hassel, of Detroit, sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. hostel, GrandRapids, Mics. The ceremony wap perormed bS Her. 1'ul .1. Gilbert. The young couple will reslde in Detroit. The bridewhose parental home is near Dungan - no, was for a number of years a mem- ber of iho Signal staff. ank bad been a resident of Detroit the last few years. The Signal joints in hearty good wishes for Mr, and Mrs. Room. d an took part lu the 4cutili doubles tourna- ment at Sarnia Wednesdy of last week and brougtht home the fourthprize, siler meat forks. 1V. J. Powell and .t,. L. Maxwll also were iu thetournament, F'rld Hunt ,end .t. tt'hitesi(k' won tht• consolation event in the Scotch doubles t(urname•n1 at Senfurtb Wtdl- nesday of last week. Two ltwtn bating tournawetrts were trelet'on Dominion Iray'. In theafternoon the prize• -winners were: 1t, J,s. ftr'Dtttt•v atltl r: M(i'hatt: _'rad, ',V. Reg. letterman and E. Cowan. iL the' evening tournament'tV. Kee. Sherman Tice new bandstand. wbi.• nut quite 11rad T. laylur won first print• nod W(drmpleted, was used tar th• nesttiff's•. Powell and W. ley�monda , rond prize. it le quite ornamt'utl and ;;lyra oily11 Thirty-two players participated in did aevommodatIon for 11' baud anal )t"u,41y gtnge tournament. The•for public speaking, prize-winnters were: eats F. Hunt and A fw wore bomes the park M4'hak1 2nd, W. Smonds sod J. wont() not be amiss, Seating aceow- Bowman, modatinn 15 at a premium when a dun- The annual rink tournament, which cert Is being given at the !,andstand. Was to take place on We0nc.*4y, w'nr The hand was heard wth gret postponed to next 11'tlnela,. July pleasure In the first pubis• program of tath, on A(oIint at the wet weather the season. Bandmaster Wtlktn44ro_ which prevailed in the morning. Thehes, a Ane group of muse,Ills In bill weather, however. clared nil lb the ('elle and la :lying t1;. m a 2,igh aftenwon and a tournament was held standard •to mintainfor the benefit of tb(rae whnMr. William Campbell crhrated the rived. Fight uutmbk• [inks and eight comprletion of ninet-three )eArs of an In(al rinks tank part In 2hls event. active lite, ,He was bar, July 1st, 'lilt' greens wre keen and some rood 114th, long 14efore Ih4miniu I)it was howling was witnessed. The prize- Ihonght of, and Is a marel of mental winners were: 1st, (orich rink— ak•rtness, OBy the way. 11," to •• \'t'hitelrle (skipl, T. Glazer, t. halve a 'cat" of Nr. Carp14e11 wldcln Ginn, A. 1. Maxwell; 2nd. Mttl rink tum pmhllshl.t In oar Dniinon Day r, —M. Telfer tekiite 11. Robinson, 1t. port. but it has dtrtp(ared. If 1111s %%aft. R. Stalker: 3rd. (n(1,•rtch rink comes to the eye of anyfas';x who ta,r- —41. Nrwtnn (skirl, F,. FNdham, 11. rowed it. we wih he wud return it.1 Sharmnit. Sheriff It4ynolds, Many of the huslnee {•laces WerHathlttslaors-1Lsrris nicely dedvnrated, end la . were in A quiet but Interesting wedding took evidence all over town. Tu moot pre iliac'• on Satunlay. June 2.th, et the tenuous de•coretlon was •I of the h(„M,crf atr. Anrt Mrs. Geo1prstnt&•e bnthlinit. whish w.,: dime :m- rgeF. fine• ski ltslrllr'lions of amP rut r; expa•n.t' rig, `•Ros dal' Dungannon. whenof the iAgairhment of I'llir \Yorks. their Duly daughter, Harriet Florenc. IgtewA. Thr (leeornfinns *wore de became the bride oL (forge Williameigta(i by Mr. T. PMtchnnl and ht- Methfesoli. of imberkh. The house G.C, 1. Cadets, eludd. In edUJtlolt to nn claber,ltr, profusely ,laarorntadl with large tit.,Peter's Ikirhool. showing of flags and bunting, a •hiel4 t'oque's rat• pink and whiten p44.ailes. Militia and War Veterans, fur ,nth 1'rovince of the llmnion. the The ceremony tun. ta'rfornurt by Rev. Centra} Bchoot. w I114 rn,+king a ery e(ctt..ti•.lay. J. A, \Volker. of lhmgnnnon. Thebritk• entered the drawing-rom at thehour of lw'e•Ite. on the arm of her father. to the atralns of the LnheL- grin wcd.ih,� march, 11rtletleally played by MI»w (:race Itlake, of Lnck- now. Miss .11ma it. Stehens. of Tor- onto. cousin of the brie. was per hridesnmid, while the grom was impr-parte,' by his brother, Mr.Mathiesorl, of Liatnwei. The pride was gowned in pale ieacI) georgette. with riblon and rhinestone trimminaw, and carried a alanv4'r bngnet of sun- burst races; while her brl(leemnld weftdresee(t in targnolee georgett$ withtrimmings of ribbon and gold Ince. and(nrrl('i a shower tangnct of pink roeaAfter eOna'ratnlatlon, and good wielhes were extendd the paty set down to a anmptuone wedIling luncheon, the waitresses being three Grel r1eh ('n11eg1Ate chums rat the bride: Mlaa .lean Pat. of Blyth;Flora t)nrnin. of Dungannon, and Miss orale Blake. of Lncltnow. in the * Sarnonrt the heifer and gtrinm, amid of pond wlshma and confetti, l▪ tt Or an extended motor trip. On their return they will reside in Otderlh. THE DOMINION DAY PARADE_ A men.trr •'hieh,lr eeketi' with sity candies, vete a verynppn•hriaat, an,) rff,.tIe fralllre Of the Vletorla Bebou'4 turnout • -1 thTown Centennial Stationery Notepaper and Envebpet with• the Centennial engraving are now on saleat THE SIGNAL THE SIGL 1'R1NTLNG CO., LIMITED, Publishers. wsl'ltILKs F`OR HI\I'(IKI( V \%RH1VICTORIA SCHOOL ws I T11 F The following b the Drotapttea list 111 connection witL il„• e l.o•rv:t:,•.• I ,..!,,,,‘„.,1.,.,,,,,;i. at:huul. Thu names are is hof l;Wlerlt•h's eentet:,.iai o,Hiver„u•y.' ¢serif: \luttday I hardtvn Party lealurlYy After>san � BOOM q, The tan • • Wpm ,'111 ()vett iu r The lt,.euv 11101 N"huot Club of Vic- i.1.1”. signal offers a priz,• of :cf.', and Promoted from Jr. IV. tie>ir. IV. after.aoderlch, at 'Park. on Monday tori' school will hold the auuust ger tee prize', of iA tael, for tin• 1»�.r day Madeleine Neftel, Edythe Cornfield. Novel con Deet. b ti,... Anadlu d,'u lutrty uu the 1141wu1 grounds on retires dealing xith 1,,,,tl lilaurl, ll, rh,•rt 11rldh', Doris Riley, Doreen No til Novelty ,. Com • aSu 7 j C - a popular Saturday uth•ruc»m. July 8th. There Thr s'ur'er should 1..• 'r, Ise', Harvey Johnston, Jack llcNebr¢, concert. The • , , of twelve events %ill t»• the usual wale of homemade Ida t'arIiek, Ween. Wilmer, pan Me - will conclude , ( idol Hight. Tbe Luling. card} /awry %,rk. Musical soot 1” two thuurtud ", rte.1. i, '1•ngth liy. .rice Sanders, Ruth ,Marney, play, "The Ph r Ril! la• given uu prograw at 1 ()'clicL. lkfrtahmeuts and may deal with :u,l 1.1.41 „f lite. tlarjorle Doer, BHI Lumby, Bert *- concert. Wctiieesday night. I seeded fruw :, w 7. r way tell Ibe story .•t 11 ,:l...::4, Ire: (•reath, Victor Itdrertsbu, Audrey a Armatretrg. Phyllis _ — The went, iu the early dal. 1,f tb,, ;own or l%l,•.suss, 1plal Art imaged ' Ctvwttelalal Notes istrict. Competent joss:,. wee• beul Lawrence, Earl Pallet, Jean Manton- --- { liar,• bound has The program ('r Saturday of Ce.e *lid. Joe ''riddle, Jim Johnstpa, Annie engaged ME's E. Ita4Xaughton, fur tenuiu1 Week is iu the hauls of lir, 1t. pointed to award the prizesAtkinson, Jim NaCte1, I -record Mac - wane year, pet . of thy. Cr(r'wur• 11. M1,1'reath Hud Mr. E. J. Prldhaw, Suurday. July 30111. 1+ll' !•. the 'est dialed. ltaymoad Drennan, Jean Mor• cnntluuatloa orb to iia the ''()taut w1H, ore arranging' fur a great athletic day f'r handbill In the larrati%ca. ' gat,. Margaret Griffith, !rens Jebeitop, position on the r a. MI" lilac_ meet. The saute afternoon it soft•iwll Frances Thomson, Ralph Waltete, Naughton will be rucr„r in art and game, 'Toronto Lattice v. Loudon The Strang Meamriel SrboIar%hip ROOM 3. - Junior work, which • NisaOillarl's Latus. Mill be played for the thaw- 'rt., Strang acholur-hip committee1111‘11111( From Sr. 1)1. to Jr. ,IV—Rey haw• irge of a n the eowpt- piou.hip o1 \Vs•yleru tIntartu, lentry recet.4.y received $Locher Sia) sub- , rence. l'hillp (Darter, Billy MacKay, teat charge of M 1_ Linux, t•'r thr�►ttttttie r. r n,.,, xt•u Iles. Miner Altrcd Bloomfield, Beatrice Mac- ubtaiutvl trove 11r. 1'ridhuw. i"Lai1 - (uee• bliss Alke Truiuerr „C 1lcerci'a��n�,-`;"tt�"�a�•--P�-snag. Lloklateg Gathering J The prize list for the Centennial Ucli_tu Farm, CDazy N.Y., ee•ut u ; Barry' Wenger, Fred Spring, /Wares A pleasant la gt,theriug took parade, Monday morning, Segura 1st, eh,rim for that awou11. '1't„ filedSmith, Iluruthy Macdonald. Donald place on Thursday it tete how,. ()f fa published, to the Ce•uteenial adver- -11414 .„rule abOat $22011 Hud subst•rlp- ( Johustou. Madeline Proctor, Mildred Mr. Roy Midi icebuftt, Mr, tlsiug space in the total papers this tion. are still cowing in. The Coln- (MacKay. Ida White, Ruth Patton, John Idnitlater, of u, had about week.. 1t is not too s,aru for those mitt', has bees 'ended: 001 a eecl•ud Ilerta'rt !'almcr Catherine Colclough, him on that day 4 ekildr•u, blies() who intend to courpt•le to continence dnuhar letter to inform contrllnttursi -Westin', lbak, Irwlu. Ganley, Hubert grandchildren, lit,ughter-in-law', their pr{aeraUona, of tin• MNrrlts of thole effort and to lu- Westuu, Wilson MaeGulre. three 'oes ladaw, n sister•Ae-baa.: ---- --- flaw's io those who put"• not Sad re - Tremblay, Jr. 11I. to Sr. III, --,Jean The day was warms' the refreshing Out 0I it. Ekmest g4ondwl that the food i..lfll clan and I Itobertaon, Vora MacLeod. Harland waters of the ItktF ()itched ('slight- lit. Juhu urahaw, local nshermnn, that the objeeticp is rad e,l to fYSlq. Tremblay', Margaret Macaulay, Fran - fn] pastime, • for the yuuug-r bad a thr.Jliug eapa•rteIke leu Monday ccs ladders, Betty Thomas, John Car- a ftern, while their . r% enjoyed an uttrriluuu. olio() he aeclde•uta(Ily drove PER8ONAI. 1[E\Till\ rick, John Buckles. afternoon of ill ti• ik and remiui- his motor tar off the south pier oplea- Mr. 8. A. Smith, 1,f 41.p,I ,,, ,swat ROOM 4.' • ' sconce. One 4)08 ices In the far site the fish how**. Mr. llraham was th,e week -end with his wife and fawi:y, I 'From Sr. 111. • to Jr. IV.—(}race West was the 0017 twat troll., theendeavoring to turn his car on the pier Mr. and Mrs. E. ii. Moutgou,cl.y. of llasun, Fred Eta*, Betty 'leaner. • family group.when the accident happened. The J''1rolt, spent the ve.leen.) wi)Jt their Perna Barbour, Burke MrLeod, Nona 4 water at this point la about twenty- relatives here. Harrison, Lexlna MacGregor, perk four feet deep and Mr. Graham welt Mr. c'hreetal Archer and \ir. Mel Joiner. Herbert Cranston. Dowel* to the bottom in the car_ The doer drum Cott lea oa Monday on a motor McManus. Verna Edward, Willie window of the cutch was open and he trip to ('ulliag'wood end other la -lid-. Ifetrkcr,_ Marjorie Lnmby, Ole4land tluuatuhegtsurtMo (erN, thrtiwwtas haiemsisRelrdf. Ctoomisiugd CinMrlcsmno. U4Fret.lGnpGfrlolmuruP.•ouauu,t, MItich},, .lrorthy' Waiters, Walter Hunt. Viola Sproule, 1)urnit. Harold Gibeoul by Mr. J. W. Ik.ugluner..Guveruwe•nt at the heelnning of the week and sprat , Willie Whiteside (absent). engineer, and Mr. John Wallace. Mr. a couple of days In town, From Jr. 111, to Sen. III.—Harold Graham certainly had a narrow (escape One of the nowt '14414 rested viatora Turner, Clarence Bridle, Alice Ruston, from' drowning, but he felt Little the in town for Dominion Dai was Mr. E. Bruce Orr; 1.1111ae Ryan, Gertrude Hurst• for his adventure, Mr. \V, L. (Ferri ,)nhnratOn of Detroit-. a letter Wheeler, (7ladye Mervin, Winnlf ed Forrest's dredge was used in the even- from whom (written from Bradford. Murray, Douglas Johnston, Gas Oiit.) appears. In this leeue of The Worthy, flee,* Black, Marian' $lgrull. lir. Johnrton h,, berg rap many 1'aung. _ ROOM S. old friends asd 1d cowing ,y(aln for From Sr. 1l. to' *IL.—Keith Centennial Week. 'Shia Kee, Ballast, Cutt, Thompson, Ida CHUI�II NOTES Margaret Mould Tule taerameut'ot the Bill's Supper MarLucy llarrlsttti, Will b.' adnlnisteed off Suutay 'porn- Itarbea Ing at VletwMa tercet Pal'se church. ('harks W In the evening a pastor, Rev. M. C. deur Doak, 1 ,,• n ,-As a , ]lube la Hoosr et. on Wt'dnasday ng last week the different urganIzations cow/wood with mroot l;uttell chuerh 4 Mee as ' . • program lu honor'Of Canada' Addy, 1'atrlo- tk• sorter owe the girls of the Mlp$on Baal ; ' the ('.(:.1.T„ assisted by Hlq. s Hume. with Mise Mary 0larh4D piano. Miss Hume Mi& san1e Hogs '1teret► alma'.” A Lo e'tdo lite in (legume "nig. to raise the ear, Which was truly was giving b3 ui the (.4,1.T. 'slightly dawagtrl. sod the Card*. }dna Itnrney, eyprese0tlr•g Ca• muuerl her New Pastor at Victoria • Street provinces eve bye as she isewe a blsory . endeavors. (ben prettyhelot 'Croup: Holm 72, war , Mash province call gave r• wiiuuary place in the pture lesson, e J. T. Fell, At the c•1aee of the prer:r,.w refresh - meats were served Ilia .1 plea44cut social hour was spent. HarborNotes Messrs. Ktlw.•r \ Marl»•r. who have tete contract for dread,* ut th.• har- bor, eulnwene'e.l eisratio,.. 111-t "oek. Mr. W. L. Forrest. (ir(r14e Pat 1':u•,•,y, tug W. L. Forr„t and sc(werr,• l., id: used for ilii- ",.rt, The fl.uane! from the lake to yferw'a% to be dredged t,4 ,, depth of l4ilr feet anl4 -100-teat iu a l Lb. Roca eleodgi.uq alt.. is to he dun, iu the har-tlor. There have been seventh very "'arm days the past w„•I, and many. 1»"elrle visited the bathed: laced at the har- bor and took n ,L , in 111, Jake. Mr, Bert MacDonald ,• again in eliarge of the bathing hue-, and refreshment booth, end these were ots•n(ri to the public last week. The bathing house and booth are situ.,ted 01 the west end of the freight shod oa the mouth pier 'and the heat wa,t to reach them is to go to the hunch :,t the rear of 11i,. freight shed, us tJ» pier fronting :'N•iu Is under c•onstr,I(tlon. The spring- boards and, alines have been painted and the bathers are afforded cveey- (drnrenieltee. The steamer W F. Fitch from Mil- waukee diecharg,•d a cargo of 14A),INlI) bushels of oats at the Goderich ele- vator on Monday of last week. Ow Sunday the steamer Lake Chelan was In port with a cargo of 63,00 Rev. 11. 1', Parr, the new pastor of Victoria street • United &lmrt'h, eon- dtx•terl his Aret service in the church on Sunday morning. 1n a few word's 111 greeting preceding the sermon, :te expreeee•d appreciation of the warm welcome which be and hitt (emit d conaregatlou an bis , ope- would have the earuele. pray -ors ,and church next Sunday will be its fol- Bedford. hearty co-operation of the emigregn- lows: 9 a,m., Church cla+,a•.r, 10 a.m.• From Jr. 11. to Sr. II—I)v;en: Mori, for without thea• and the heti, 814111ay school. Piddle n.r.hip at 11 \1'ilsun, Madeline (taker. RettJ hof God he felt Ili• could) do nothing. He n.m. and 7 pr.nl. The aerm401 sltblect ten, Esther Lee, Jack I(laek, Ma Ili ng), of the wen who had prere.le,1 at the morning servire wilt to "Feet- mseeeean. Pearl Room.. ]ruby Clarke. hint to the pastorate of the rhurel,, paths to the -Hills of Pewee." 11411111 It -owe ..f whew bad bevy w11r11ty' 0100 10 In Knox church the services next From Sr. II. to Jr. 111.—'itobert their day. and he prayed that he Itab)4nth will be ,onoht(•hd, by the min- Williams. 1•:4ward Wieland. Rohr might be fwbu.4' 1%1114 the stupe spirit 1 that hall' 41011,4,41ar 4rd them to ,uuipllrh what they did- , The congregation followed the order a n a,rt . r, Charles e Thum 31ae1 Mamie Kee. t. a Ryan, Ar- t. Wilms »ter. Subji.•t.a of sermons: 11 DAD- (saws. 4.1411a•rt Short., It*As.rt McLean "The 1'rdlnl.e• of R('at t” 7 P.m., -.Clue iepe111. Mabel Johnston. Willie Riley, Centurion's Infirmity.- Sigh/with s•ho„1 I.11 Shins. Nelson Carrick. Gor(ittt and 1411.14' class.•. at 10,'ela•k.McManus. llorfs 1t'llliurn.. It.A11•n4 ,f wrV1te for the Confedertion jnbi-1 ':shed(),., ih•In0•r Worth!. Leslie Nat. Tr • prep a'ttd -hi' 1b. tiitri•hal ertramtt PROMOTION RESULTS ret i,II,.. l mist► 14 rt h! -le.•rt a Na . ter•, au,d the serve()() tln1.» was •1,1111 AT ST. PETER'S SCHOOL 114,17 11 Le.. Hector htug.weu, Fent Eyes' Heritage.” God The prrtehcr la•- liudcd that (.o,1 Lad iu n 4'r:r,ann. _ par•uliar way 1'nsa ahuoling i1) ps•r cool. oil each -Frau Jr. 11. 4., 8r. 11-31arl011 Mc- laen shaping the destiny of Canada. 111141 though there were dang,•r, to la, subjer t suss tin pa•r cent. et the total Kay. I anal11 ltloomnehl. Iia Morgan, orureotuo he had a cuutideut la•liet iu number of marks. •e, +u, YreArkuu. •lack Dorton, Katherine rt glorious future for our c,atutry'. (.mak 1. to I1.-4 tonic Ba..4,;.•r, Jlun'ny. Huth Drennan. ISilic Thumps ltc•y, 1;c.. Jewitt. the psislora start Iteni•:¢.v', Dorothy Burke. • 1010,. IL•r1 M1,hring, 1n,r,5Ilc 1e•e, liar - pulpit -in-law, acted in dt.l lilt() to the .Nkhnel ('.'-o!!.. Hcl.•1, Moyle. 4'Lir. 4 l Iui,kl'orih. \Villi,• Young, 1klbby pulpit and nsiste•d in the a .1',itr, •'ace• Gerou.,'!! Mery fautar•. erne, M•I'l' i.aI•t. Huth Drennan. Elwyn Ianai' Geral,! 1 'Br14•11, Versus 4'111111••. 1eel k. •11.44')4)4 Iturein, Massa Me' Huron County Settlers I)amage l'a'te Rola•rt I'ha'en Niemand 1V.•I.b, l:uin. 4 141 y'teu \V,wtun. In 1114' Cuupty Court actiuu, take() ('rude rt r, Ili.- \'1111.• Bark,•. 1f(NIaI 7. by Charles lVet,et.•r suss 14Vt, .1. !boot - of 4'ar el. Maxine ('lairnwnt. From Sr. 1. to Jr. II.—Worthy lits, (41 LUCndnB Bruce. e.t the cou11114-i 1'rauc1- 141,r,,, Patrick \puri!.»•k. ye.. Ryall. 1c'41rl itloomfeld, Jack Cutt of Ilorou and !truce. m settlement 'teaits 5''411 11'Itrie, •Bt11y IGaker. Leo .411011. K •• 'etc Aitken. Elmer As- :J/111'y whereby the lou's'y ..f Huron Smith, Jnek smith. sync.' Mn 1laggift. Aitrlrf os pays Clar- I' 3' 1{'ltrar(cr y:i:ti and Iruugill.4 (1rudo 111 t V.—J,r.l»•r .tdluntu. ems \tiller. Harold \Vtlson. llelea each port} to pity his or Its owe 4:0,11$. Tere.a ISn,. 6:er. .Tos•pIi Itnrkr. sell Sn4'tt. Fawon,t Atkinson, Eric Joha- 1'l1t• ,u•cida'ut which re dr, d t'os's l'• I'.4wiu U. ,n 1'•,Iherine goon George ilenderson equal) sultw1 iH th,. 1,un,n,..3L,,, 'rat 4 r n Hobe•r, S 114ii,. Phelan' lull. Harry Schram. An aellohe look place on ihr Iluruu and I'' i y Angus boundary' line about two m11:w Ha111od,1 Wb„••;y, 14',rd 1V'hitty, 4:rnh+,n,. line Alun,luy. Gordon Bfl¢Q east of l,urkrtou'. icy' ngrrnNn,t of Grid, V , VI. 4'lalr lie..• 11er, p•' 1'hyl'Is Marlin. !label Sanders. • , bushels of corn I', r the• Guderich ole- the two 4',401111114 mode SOUK' 114)11• ng.. Mary i::n 6'• r Noreen (:rn1. Ora., R .11 Carter. ('atnr 1184 1it,3tJti. LmWsetg-of.'vier fm the (uuntJ' of Bruce ur lntcs foody,, sl- ihirris. .1d, n rlcerhuFt. Ih,ri• 1'l:rdte. ROOM A. bility fo`r the pirlliiti of tilt' a1Tul11TtiFj 1'• , ,,;.. 8.tuplcL,1 From Sr.f. to Jr. I1.—John 'de- bility line from Ltiekn,w to the iako, xbUe' Mar„ 14Vebb. .n i.. ('art +nrlrruem,— ai�trlms=-_----- ]furaH comity Is 11'40.10014 for the �'''•,.i. Vr t, V11.-'ftarno.n,i 11,411.14lihirod M:u•wick. Jean Lamhy', Meters portion east ,4f Luckrn•44. Huron'''''ni'10-1—fl. M,td,•',iu, ,:eros„,te. Ar,her..,le,n, Flick, ,fuck Kershaw, county. therefore. i. liable fur Ilio 1Vair, r 1.:a JohnI,:Ii:,,i. 14lnrsnr,l 1.:1 -ti lieu. Mary Corbett, Robert cargo of 2s1,ao bushels of wheat for . amounts 441,1c11 by agmen,4•1 r are pav- ' Men., .14(n.., n iirien. 'I'l,on,:,. 1'„e.•. Sgtger. Ruth Inner. !wigs Turner, the tt'eetere c':i,., la .Flour Mills. i able to the plaintiffs in the..• action.,:. alaywe Pa':'.1•,11,1 'C"tt;''. .1', 4n t:ibk•r+. Robert Ye3(annp, S4afrral Aue yr• +te hart mad( calls 011 ale 140,1 of .\ugna. l:r2t:, the Grade V11 ':n VIII. Ln,I11.• ,:ref. V.01., Miller. Edward Jenner. Pa- the Western I'.,aadu F'lonr 31111s elevator. The t;., uelg unliee4,4 2.'4M4 ton* of coal at ti„• Western ('scala Flour Mlllx phte.1 ,m Wednesday. The steamer !'l'or'd, ly die ail)) n fr nt title port the !.set week. Oen Mete tiny the Shtr!e' .'vned 1,v Mr. 4:. N1. 1Vllll mt. of h t11lpalis, arrived in port with Mr. to Mrs. Williams 41,141 eldber.•n on Ise?. Mr. Williams has returned to I, . inapnli. end Sirs. \1'1111em41 fins! .!''•leen nr, rrmeiu.int her., for tw'o e, mks, Mr. Will i11110,1 plaintiffs were being towed 11, 1/ti}- Gdw:r,l .I, Ilry', Thoma, \Irle•non !rola 8111,,(.,'. Ernst 3hi.-1 d4d. Wil- la.' ears which hada broken axle, hr 1•:il,,„ 11'1:' r. Billy %Veld, ,1 Wert irg,1 Greenwood. Lula Gildere. Jean wards the c-lihtge of I.nckn A Wheyl4 114 t I 11.411x. Mille .Inrdlnc. they turned out to pal., a .,n. going In the 4,1;1o141e direction and thele' t•ar ; sllpga d nt••r the -1(1e of the embank- ,• 11)1.1)1 and 4119",•' int„ tin• ditch. Web- aler had a leg lrok,„ and Ieong:a, 1141.1 well return 10 t„' shortly 20 Join h1, +1 hand'-evrri•I . in ,nob. he gluing.. i family mid Ili., VIII then hey, for 1 pernluucutly 11Jur„1. Plaintiff, clni *1 ; 1'enMnng, »Ieer, Mr. 1VNllihn will Ied 111,• roa,l'way 4411, 11IT” »,. with a take over hi, , 'v yjachl, 'll,irl,lin. ! d,rp Whit od either sigh. atoll 'Vas not The Shirinhn i, ,raw un,lrr emistr,.'roi»'rly' guarded. Each of rhe plain Non at i',10•hn,r .,d it ',%'f) be naafi I tiff. -tied 1.,r 4.4w) ,irmag, .. larger heat flee he Shirley. The 1 'rov In•':,l !tither}' insp., tor.' yneht a1(efor,, ":1s In port 1,n. \\'ed. n4eriay. The flahidc - wen for pant+ and piekt•rel open,, July let 'sod seine ems{ veto*, , ' eve lane fish terve been reported it ' e river. SPECLU, OPTICAL Ol7rER Hlgh•grnri.•. heavysweigltt. gold- filled ap'eleell- ,,rad eyeglnase., with hest gat, aphen.'.11 Isaacs. for only $4.00. All eth, r -trio of fames and BRIEF'S ler. A. N. ,tlklnwn+, chiropractor. '4l 1 Ia• 1,111 of 114111 Ju1r loth to 241h. \Ir. ,flex. 2allnder. 1. at hi. ,b»k at ale. kill.. of Ilse I:ndk1•ieh llrg:nl 1'n, chi. 441.k, After ale'Tr.t of several 10,1,11,e oil ait•opnt of 1110(... Che nine Itird Ten Shot, Is open for the •.• i-,', at Mine Water Petah. Litneh and afternoon ten •ert-,dt, 4411,, 6 ,i,l..•k dinner, ,teeentimo,Ja(1On for tiridge pa rt Tile girl of North street United tenteed( at rr•A.nr.nb:e pri('es,. Eyes ex. ('14,11'1) defeated the glrle of Victoria e 'mined by env wr:ltbO•rn and paints atr(et United church by Yt=18 In A taking apeelnli.f. Yr. 1Rnghwrn. with se.fNlmll (erne at Victoria Park last ever twenty-six yearn' expsrlrnce. Thllraleeve. Yon err assured the Test Opt Ma) Thr G.p slerlrningh bathing limos At the work to 11e obd and art!• 11wt1%rr Is nuc op•n. The hswIa In eraM rn.t. Thnrntalnr�y andat P914ay.mlarmi.lesw eondlHon and tM•rt•,•h arm July 14. 15. Come early. tti[PPFveryt'8 morlea alleles nett sptllt narda. Ntlitft ART WFORE, 1orhehlb. I may.he rented at any time. i THE DOMINION DAY PARADE Prominent in to Central )1chr9I - ...lion of the parade crew It entorlrl.rl /oat decorated In a tette end carrying a nnmber of pretty girls attired in white; while It p.elr of white horse* enpplled thelimottve 1».wvr. , • • e r r.. •e