HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-6-2, Page 10• Jr. )0-Thuridal. $11111-1. 191t3." 4,' THE SIGN GODNRIGU, ONT. d�derich Centennial July 31 -Aug. 6, 1927 Notice of Meeting ON account of the Greyhound excursion on Monday evening. next week's meeting of the Centennial Committee will be held on Tuesday night. at the Town Hall. It is hoped every mem- ber of the Committee will be on hand, and all who are interested in making the a iebration a success are invited to be present and take part in the meeting. .d IMPORTANT This year, our Centennial year, do not fail to keep your home looking its best by trimming up your lawn and walks and filling your flower beds with suitable planta, either by purchasing a few plapts or by sowing seed. The next important step is to have a few hanging baskets, and window boxes or verandah boxes suitably filled would 1inake a vast difference in the appearance of your home. Make it so attractive tbat the Old Boys and Girls returning in August will feel sorry that they ever left the old town of Goderich. All these extras for your home can be furnished by GEO. STEWART, Florist am only too pleased to give advice on these matters, whether you purchase from me or not..-G.S. THE GODERICH Onrauts TWO PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY ORDER .HEAT Fbu(S COAL BOUGHT DURING THE SUMMER - (t) PEACE OF MIND (2) PRE.PNO.PNESS • Some people say, even in this day and time, That women don't have as much business ability as men. But when you see how women take advantage of off-season That women don't have as much linens and other household goods, Then when you see how their hus- bands wait until the last minute to order coal- lt makes you.'onder' CARLOW CARLOW, June L -Mr. Errtttetoa and her daughter, Mrs. McDonald, and son, Row, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Errington, M., of Dungannon, on Thursday. The township council met In the township haWAa Friday eveetag to discuss with idle Wawaaoab council the drainage problem. Agin, we understand, they foiled to [rash an agreement. The`echoel teachers of the township met 1n this WI ea Thursday evening to revise eta school flair prise list and ui transaet.itdsr business; in connec- tion with the fair. Miss Jean Morris, of tie Goderich hospital staff, •spent Sunday at her home here. Bite was accompanied by Miss Chambers, also one of the hos- pital ospital staff. We regret to report that Mr. WIll Treble met with what might have been a very serious accident on Tuesday mobile arcing. The disc harrow caught on a root or something and he was thrown off in front of the harrow. He is now laid up with a very sore aukle and bruised leg; 110 boaea were broken. We hope be will make a speedy recovery. Yr. aad Yrs. D. Crawford and children, Betty, Allen and Bruce. of Flint. Miel., aide Mktg -Pearl. Wilson. of the same ptaue, iqst the week -end and the holiday at ellastrwee," the home of the ladies' parent Mr. and Yrs. Allen Winos. Yrs. Crawford and children will visit for a weep or so with her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Rllson and babe spent the week -end and holiday with the former'. gagrt$, Mr. and Mrs( A. Wilson. ' The young people of the Aareb gave their play. "An Early Bird," at Crewe on Tuesday night. Yr. and Yrs. Dixon and four child- ren. Pearl. Thomas. Julia and Annie, of Perry Sound, spent the week -end pith the lady's parents, Mr. and Yrs. Allen Wilson, and met their relatives from Flint. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Walter moved from the 8th concession to the Walter homestead last week. Bev. A. W. Brown, of Ashfield, Preached in ceder church on Sunday, setting forth Ca dates of the main- tenance aid attendee fund. He ••••••••••••• For One Week Only 200 PIECES OF Aluminum Ware - on Sale at 79 cents Blackstone's Furniture Exchanir Wed Street s nt. 0•••••••e11•ri• GET YOUR Greyhound TICKETS ' to Detroit at the Canadian Pacific Town Ticket Office Comm Square and West Street. N. 8. Flarity. toot >11iiP''mg ,object 'The Chem& at Antioch." Vignette at the home d Mr. and Mr& Paul liae6el the Past weed iacklEed Mr, sad Mrs. Arthur Maedel and son Howard of Detrojt; Mr. and Mrs. Noble Mat and son Rkbard, of ease- vli Mkh. ; lir. and Mrs. Isaac > .,their son -in law and daughter and twa grandchildren. of Flint. Mk*. DUNGANNON DUNIMENON, June 1{•• -Mr. and Yrs. J: Pattison. of Wtigbaa, • ate visiting at the home of )b. and Yrs. R. A. Metenaie. Yr anti Mrs. Elmer Shackleton, of 'Detroit, agent the week-er0 with Mt. Shackleton'. mother, Mrs. Wan. Shaeklekl . Mr. 113ohard Reed and daughter, Mdse Rvsbn. or Goderkh, and 10. wm. Beads of Detroit. visited at the home o1 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Davidson on Sunday. Mt. Wa. Fitzgerald, of Detroit, spent tile, week,end with kis father, Mr. Reid Fitzgerald. Mr. r1Rer Harris. of Stratford. visited at the home of Mt. and Mrs. T. G. Allen .on Etuuday. His two little daughters. Marjorie and Nora. who were visiting their grendparents, re- turned with him. Jnr. Jack .RMs,...t Detroit. and Mr. R. hoes, of leochalsh, visited it the home of Yr. and Yrs. F. Boas on illbnday. Communion will be dispensed In Er- skine chnreb next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'etott. Anniversary services will be held to the Presbyterian church on Sendai', June lead, at 3 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. Rev. Geo. *ltchle, of Ashaeld, will be the preader for the day. There • will be no service in the United March next Sunday. as the pas- tor. astor. Rev. J. Walter, will be at Con- Empire." after which the social corn- toad. In •rat -ekes dos. Apply formes. mlttee took charge. The next meet- to MRS. E. Ye3iOD et the premises. Oo Monday of this week Yr. Percy les will be held In two weeks, when 1 Fioigan started with his gang of men Mrs. Penn and Harold $ttdst eoer will ]OUSE FOR a.*iz-000D LOCA - to eontpietd the bridge commRnced last give papers on 'The Lite of St. Piaui" TION. There convenience. Good tall st Blyth. The men from this vel- garden. Situated seer Collegiate. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE W. C. SNAZEL Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner Steam Laundry in Connection Wort Streak Telepbese 339 The best -suggestion we can make to the person in your household who attends to ordering the •� coal is,- Buy now! • CALL THE �t,koa asto,n For Good Clean Coal J. B. MUSTARD COAL COMPANY , J. R. WHEELER Phone 98 Goderich Furr.itnrat'naeral rraetot Hamilton Street, Gederieh. Oet. Secure your tickets Steamer Greyhound to Detroit from F. F. Lawrence & Sons LUXURY IN UPHOLSTERY The cosy comfort which you are bound enjoy when repo ing in any of our liv- ing room and parlor upholstered pieces of fnrnitnrn should be recommendation enough. But on tap of all this is the ar- tistic appal. The type of upholstered furniture we are now offering is as ex- quisite in design and finish as it is lux- uriantly comfortabl. TOWN OF GODERICH TAXES Pay your Taxes NOW. 2% bff First Installment if paid on or before Jane 15. 3% off Second installment if paid on or before June 15 • .. Penalty of 3% a ti brat insialfinent if not paid on or belbre lent. on.' Fos get, pay before lane /Mb and get the discomfit. (l. T. EDWARDS, tollisetstiri TSPWII 'Halt We woalda't say that Wrigley's baa • plasm at the wadding esrsoroey, but is tm.s of straw or whoa you kava a trying ordeal to taco - ase Wrisloy . now DOUBLE MINT -it'. real Peppermint. Vip1Gt C Vel *tit Mr. asM Mrs R. De vitt,dB 1111. day and Moods/. cock went th• week•ead at this tows housework. Amply BOX TS, 8IG- cottage. Mits. Trebilcock sad deg. SAL OrrICM. Walsh sad little Margaret returned Vouwo mAN wANTED To London 'with them on Monday. a the hardware hostages. Apply. In Mr. and Mrs. Sam Glogoadle. grams la JAS. 0, ClARRIM Gob:rich. and Mrs. Sam Mendeissohn, sad Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Iltilzherger. se Ibleget. WARTIIID.;-TO HEAR FROM OWN - were week -end guests with M•r• and 1DR of 1004 Lana for sale. Cash Mrs. F. V. Martin, also of Detroit. at price, particulars. D. F. HUSH Ws. their cottage. Deepens, Minn. Norman Toms, of Detroit, spent the ANTIID. YOBTOAOI OT weekend with h1. mother, Yrs. J. W 1660. FtM.chss aecnrt T Mies Lola Elliott and Yr. J. Piney, SitGNAL OFFICE ol�•Y R of Detroit, spent the week -end with DARRO'W- It the former's mother, Mrs. W. Elliott. Mrs. W. J. McLeod. who was vtalt4nti WANTI�.••.B,ALIBMRI4 TO BELL fn Detroit, returned house with them• Wtnd1%r. devetopmeat Ln ossa 10- Mr. and Yrs. Thornton, of Detroit, d8ty• Quick turnover for ln'mmar. called on friends in the village on Cempn7 gaatent ss to retutn mosey Sunday. with Droit to iavgstor within two air. nasi Mre. Mullen. Jir. Jones. 7Nrs. 8aletmeo mutt be repataple Mrs. Jas. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Baker, and have good standing is cosaotonit7 Miss Baker, of Detroit. were week sad Apply in wrtti g giving full parttcu- guests with ayes N. Ferguson. Mrs of experleece, etc. A. KROPF A Mise Dr•tdu and Mian al. ihtrttairn. (Ylatl'AVY, EIA Bartlett Hnlldlae, of Detroit, spent the week -end at Windsor. Ontario. their cottage. Miss Alva Graves, of Seeforth. Is the guest of Yts. F. McEwen. 1'sasg Peelle Debate. -The Y.P.S. FOR BAIi,_c e Y E NT met on Friday Mst, when the subiect, block house os. 8t 0eefge's "Resolved, that the life and character Cresc at. _11ar of St. Peter bale made a greater con- ase sae other- e..,eal. tribntlon to the ('hrlatlan church than races. Garden planted. Apply JOS. the life and character at St. John." C. CRAIG, Gat: was debated. Those taking the aErm- arlve were Donald McRensle and FOR SALE' STORE AND DWELL- the Grainger. while Lacy Woede 1N(: house In Dunglsnnou. (:arc and Yrs. C. Campbell upheld the nett- ante on Property. Alm halt an acre nt were Miosis Helen land for sale. Apply to MRS. T. Gerrie The judges SELLERS, R. L N 2, Bluevale. o end Edna 8cotchmer and Yr. Arden Grainger. The affirmative wenn MR THOS. Dungannon. by a .mall margin. Mir Sarah Reid �bR SALE. read several chapters on Alfred the j Great from tbe•book "Founder of the ha'�k+ Seel. al FOR BALK OOME.D ton Cambria Mee are Robt. Moore. Jas. Sttewbonse. MRs. W. .J. YdVEVVIN. Britannia Oeo. Riv4tt and H. and G. Stewart. ST. AUGUSTINE The funeral of the late Mrs. Joe Wilma, of London. took place on Mon- day to Daogannon cemetery. Mn. A. Courtney and Yr. George Kitson. of 8t. Thomas, are visiting their sinter. Mrs. P. Sproul. Mrs. E. Mann. Mrs. F. Bowden and Yr. T. Rowers arc sidling at the home of Yr. ani Mrs M. Hoffman. Sproat of Godericb. k•end with her permits. D Sproul. Mia spent Mr. Mc 4VElop May 3L -Pia Annie Detroit on Tuesday to visit h Mrs. C. Platter. lift. Men -Mrs. Percy Dynient and two Little daughters. of Detroit, visited Mrs. Dymist'a parents, Mr. and Mrn over the week -end. re. IL Lord, Mist Gladys T. Mallot, of London, and n. Kerr. 01 Wdkoites, 'with Mrs,.1. Davison on J. W. Mr: Davi.oa, Yr. ad ,were Snnday'.• - Wsekeend guests at ale RIAs hohi were: Misses Alta Norman and Ruby Goddard, St. Thomas: Mr. Fred Had - got, Loudon; Kiss Kay Clark. Mass Heads dart. Yr. Clinton Keenan. Yr. llamas Johnston, Yr. John 0. Doyle, 1st: tad Yrs. J. M. Atkinson, Detroit; L L Dads, 'D; H. Finlayson, A. L • *4or, London. ' to rtaaar fAab of London, eon.iW- iag of twentyddve members, held their aYaal banquet Saturday evening at the Mks hotel. Bayfield After a sump - Mots repast the evening was spent in wog and addresses. The members retained to their horses Sunday after- noon after a very enjoyable opting. Yr. and Yrs. Henry 1(111er and babe, of Mount Clemens, motored here on Saturday and spent the week -end with Mrs. W. Elliott. Miss Mand McGregor left on Twee - day morning to visit friends in Detroit. '. Wellington Graham. of Aurora, t00% charge of the services of the Presbyterian congregations at Bruce - field and Bayfield on Sunday last and will continue during the summer ntonlhs. Ile Ise Knox College student. Rey. and Mrs. 11. F. Kennedy and Master Roy motored on Saturday to Morpeth, where lira. Kennedy and Roy wilt visit while Mr. Kennedy is attenC Rev.ding Qtr. \L•Donsld. of Kintore. took Marge of th,• services in the United church on Smiley. Mrs. C B. (Chapman and family and Miss V. Brock, et London. are speed; ing a few days at their cottage. Miss .Agnes Inecintyre. of Strath- roy, ie spending the summer with Mrd. J. McLeod 'r • Mies Thelma Ritz returned, LrM4 Stratford on gaturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Detwity. 61 Gia bort Plains. Man., and Mt. and Mrs. Dove and babe, of Detroit, were guests RT. ATTGUSTINE. May 31. -Yr. and Mrs. John J. Wilson and Mr. John Wilson. of Auburn, called on friends in th,Y vicinity Monday of this week. Miss Mary Murray was the guest of Mr. Mason McAllister one day last week. The dance last Friday -night. held In the parish hall under the auspices of the t'.W.L., wns a decided success. Another one w111 be held on Friday evening. Jane 10th. Rev. Father Paquette and Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyle motored to London last Saturday. There died at the hom` of her step- daughter. Mgt Asa. May. 845 Wharn- ct sad (n Londr on Satar- dap 'morning. Mil► lath. Sims Sega - mond. beloved 1rlfg at lord) WB Funeral mervteels ..gre h at Mb above address an Il iBdgr a and the interment tookaen4 panni cametere M► M .AiNer.T1Les-ip Grtelerieb Nuc 21st*fo Yr. and Mtlt. J. Ainslie, a son. DIED LT.1N.-At Detroit. on Wibasday June 1. Isobel Carney, beloved wife of Yr. Ed tjnn. In ler 419th year. McMFLLAN.-1n Ged rieb, on Thais- road • , E •""lWELIC NOTICED CANAp1w S1l:lt or r 0 R - )aT18. Godsrkh No. 32, wt L loud their atonal Church service And pared* to the nape* church, hied-- stick ied- , on Sunday evedrtaJune tkh. von RA I.E.-1927 enarraOLLT COUPE. $7jK.. Mileage 1111.atlas. Owner is going to U.B.A. Tillogar la as good as the day it left EV Must be sold at once _B01'0, 8. NAL OFFICE. or Phone 22, UPR IGIIT PIANO (BELL.) SALM.-In fnt<Iats• eonditba. Apply to DONALD MacKAZ, 1'. 0, Box 457. Goderieh. Brethren are rsgn meet In their Lodge Rooms at ay 11a11, North evert, at 6.81 Visit - Ing brethren cordially lard to at tend JOlIN W. BELL, A. E. BAER, O. L -..i• MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. 1' - The Council of the OorporatSea of the County of Huron will matt la the Council Chamber. Godsrki, at 21 o'clock b the eternocs " skTeMigy. the 7th day of June. 11111t -.A11 114•' counts against the Cetat,7 MIME be iia the hands of the':ark sot later thft Monday preceding the tasting Clouser cul. OBO. W. HOt,MAN. elevit.Goderich, May 20th. 1127' AUCT1ONB*RINO THOMAS GUNDRY. OODRBIOL LiVE STOCK AND OWNIBAH • AUCTIONS= a _ Telephone No. 119. 8ale.0 attended to anywher. and *vers effort made to give wtfafactt*a_ Farmers' sale sotes dlacountsd. ROBT. ROBERTSON, The Auctioneer, 4 will conduct and arrange any sale • tt the latest methods to get the best re- mits. See him or drop a card and bo will give it immediate attention. run aabia a specialty. Eldon 9oMr4N: Dauoutoo riAcnnoNss nitA. N. ATKINSON OHIROPRAOTOR AND DRUG- LESS TESIRAPIrr OODIRICH IaWpp.d with dontta'aaagaafila Ostia EloFtaale electric trostssata aid chigapsetle. Chronic orpale sat abeam bowie Ina in Meadaaea Mesa 2 to 6 gad 7 to 9 pd. Monday and Thursday a1- aad evening, and by op- ' Iesipae% and oaks --Cosier gg Ends stoma and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PLANK P. G1BB8, CHARTIRED AotweataaL 102 Ontario street Stretford. Moue 1580. Res. 1330 •' , 1• DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPER- TY FOR SALE. -At corner of Bri- tannia road and William street. Ten rooms besides bathroom; closets. etc. Good furnace. All conveniences. For terms and further particulars apply .to DONALD MacKAT, P. O. Box 407. MUSIC Boderich. `. 11 •pOU�E FOR i1Lt.-eAPPLT TO J. A. BEDFORD, Cobourg street. tf t r4) 1 B SAL4 -B* ' . * sg0231Q11 on censer lot .nth -watt eealst .on strata and Cambria road. Al price. Palars )IL Dow. gol.rlcic! Ont.lrti AR* dal, Jess 2, George Ml91111an. In his r �I70'1701% I*ia •. 80th year. - The funeral 'will take Mace ' 1 Or VALUABLE late residence, Park street, oa. v0 4E119-' day. June 4th. at 2.30 pto Math 11pB8E FUR - land eemetery. Service at the house at 2 o'clock. . r►e are inuCtsrtet b7 H A. ORAHAM av mur8 SAli R to am by pews auction at Mer balsa Saturday. Jane 11.-Asetlal ale of 0•mseia road. Ooderleb, as valuable property and hoose trarnlsh BATI'RDAY, J[I+IE 23th, Ings, property of Yrs. Sarah A. Ors. ememendng at 1.30 o'clock shar•p.ths ham Cambria road toUowing proptlte: :Ram COURT OF 11111VffiMN N(YMO/D--TOW'MHIP OF COL- BORNI. A Ooart of Rev1s1s. of the 1927 as- sessment roll of the TOwnasfp et tel• borne will be had In the tows** hall st 1 p.m.r� , Jane 14th, to heat` and ddoteeosplatnta of said assessment. G. J. MOTH1bRINGTON, Township Olerk. -TO Rarer- TO RENT 7t0 IVIArARTM25NTa - (4 tepid,), over eters Apply ra 1C HERelk odericb. TO 1L'a'r ; -. Mrvait-a O O Y'H D Ar os. at. T dnweestt. gnitabie• tot small .. Ap1r The south part of lot 135, ranging number, in the acid newt of Oodericb. on which 14 spinate a seven -roomed frame hew b fad condition, and lot 184, manta( sabot, In the sold town of Godhead. ! Also' rte contents of the house, in- cluding: 2 mahogany upholstered chairs; 1 reed rocker; 1 solid walnut settee; 1 mahogany reading lamp; 1 oak pedestal; 3 jardiniere stands: 1 screen • 1 solid walnut antique living- ! room table; pktures; 1 ball set. con- ! fisting of lenge mirror and seat (gold- en oak), 1 table. 1 ttmbretla stand. fumed oak, 7acobean, 1 hall Melt. 1 dining table; A famed oak almost new: 3 oak elm ' e ane he)ttnm .hot r • 1 lel� mya�ttoshnff'tand notgqeia c .lrging *able; 1 'rocker, I fteolrean fancy table*: 1 Morris Maly; 1 bo case: with a nnrtaher of toots: 1 el • 1 child's roeksr. high etrir and drew► ev; 1 antignt solid mahngas7 band. carved bedstead 1110 yeses old. and mat_ (trews - tress: 1 walnur 1„vl; 1 white iron ted 1wltb .91118' and. msttreases: 3 (trews- ` n<k•a : 1 dre..ing tat Ie. gWllt� , 1 bedroom rocket; POP - a; finding j1tchers table: 1 kd - td; A. kttebsi chats, band►tatitle; I ornate eooeb.: t h! e dotbet et ; ! 11tri tlr heater;:Florencecoal eta" e hearer; t prate, Len ,"tllormi : 1 ca mngt- get-: kttebdlt forks and atmaaa; **Mirth": enth =vtap11leb. and hand-aa� 11M : plants: 2 verandah ehetrs: I UPI - ram fax. A c to i n.ter, 9112: 1 cgs cam; 1 hnn,t-hralebtd ball rom. ♦s*; hooked mats: Iinnlentt_1 wading ma - Attar; 1 galvanized} tnb: I eldth.s baa ire( ; 1 wheeihnrrow : 2 ladder*: fault 1 lawn maser r : 1 heap hnrner : 2Attivlt vanes : 011 ft. of hasd.. and ode► a,tkdiie inn nnmernas to mMNetn. Everylhfrrg mast he .olel. as Yrs. Grafinry�sA lasreltMenwu. TERMS: On the y -Pres psi een.t. of purchase lee at the of 0411P. balance when Aced 1a eke : en house turn/shine.. cue.. Ash. „ 1111*. P. A. GRAHAM,' • ' 'tx•t. t Propel Y. gUlxDA? . LAUILA JACKSON. A. T. 0. Y. Instruction given in piano. Red- Boutheast corset of Bartel& Britannia road. ,Out,. W. H. JACKSON. I elver 1. Voice Cultmer,,41 Violin, Guitar, Theory, etc elRtonee, 37 Yong etr 10 P. J. R. FORST= �_ 1•,_ -r•.. 4 EYE, IIA*. NOIR. TR OA! Late House Surgeon New York Opk• tbalmic and Aural Yeuptal. asdgttas sae Tares Throat HHoiyi4L Lam - 53 Waterloo St. 8., Stratfort Tab- epbone 267. At Betel Bedford. Gabriel. ga I� eve01ng se third Monday of eat .tooth till the following day, Tuendse. at 1 pm. Next visit in June. _b FirROi 1NVI �Emory Moot E • motels MADISON and LENOX -Th DETROIT cbt the hivrt of the doen- (Aetna 'moron *MAYS owl We' fflOVW eke nolo* or Isteegeer AVC MBA dIA4Allenicaralle. WPM THE OENTIST sae, Goderich. Wolsoollar. Auk . • IMEAL ERD/EBT 11. LEI, Barrister and Solicitor 10 Ring street Mat, Tomato 2. Telephones Elgin 84166417. DUDLEY 1. HOLMES Barrister. Et. Oldce-Hamilton ' street. Goateed& Phase 27. R. DARROW, BARRISTER. IPO di\ ' Successor le -L KiUoria. Phone 97. Of ice -T '' A la a 'WV; Wags .44111111.101113111, BIC. R.O.AAYS-R.O.HAYB ail 1.A. Hamilton St., Gadsden t Welk' >fl�fc glhone ▪ • YI • , - '11 UAL FIEF Farm and proven: 1nsYed.10 s s. Connolly, P . O. ; Jat,-Flans, Vfeo• Beeellemed P., 1!1. F. Sure. -Teas., Sea ortli. P..0. &actors -4: Braelfeld. L Ivor Seatorth ; Jots O. h. f/ritwn • Williaei >eMa, L- aed. 'th ; 11111141 straw, O*lggsk • A. Ts., Akio L Ise.1. gsaIMtII. '*rat del ad OWL CD:twit. 01 sibs .tMslt. >4 • O Gabbs!*aid �or •M