HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-6-2, Page 9.-•..eF .f..1110 • Spefcial . Sale -at Walker's OF USED FURNITURE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW e are determined to. dear out the entire lot and with . the low price given below should move °' them out very quickly 1 Davenport, convertible into a bed. Worth $35.00. Special $15,00 1 Mantel Bed. Worth $50.00. To clear Tuesday at $15.00 Large Chair, upholstered in good tapestry. Worth $25. To clear. _$10.00 12x::orris Chair, upholstered in tm. leather. Worth $20.00$ 8.00 upholstered Rocker. Worth $16.00, for___. $ 6.00 1 Solid Cult Sideboard. Very special prise to clear, only $10.00 Sideboard, golden elm, good as new, for $10.00 3 Good Carpet Sweepers, all re -conditioned at the factory, good as new, for, each____ $ 3.00 1 Hoover Electric Carpet Cleaner. Regular $88.00, for $30.00 Hen's a real snap—A very heavy, fancy iron Bed. Worth when new $28.00. Take quick at $ 5.00 Our stock of Linoleums and Rugs is now complete A GOOD SELECTION TO Cij0d FROM W. WALKER Forgive and Ilan Finishing, "Often Ile Clams' all Alt p Ih bat" • J, THE SIGNAIe, — C fD RICH, ONT. County and District Rohl Higgins has been appointed to Issue tlquor permits at Hensel'. Owls( to the rain. the celebration planned for May 24th at Ether was postponed to June 3rd. An old resident of Henwll. Mrs. Robert Stewart, has been removed by death. Deceased bad reached the age of nearly eighty-nine years. She leavetr three sons and four daughters. Isaac Glendenning, a native of God. erich townebip, died Mar 9th at his home at Marshall. Minnesota. aged eighty-two years. Deceased lived for some time in the township of Turn - berry. The death occurred on May 18th of Jospeh Taylor, an old and respected resident of the township of Hullett. Deceased. was nearly eighty years of age. lila wife, to wehom he had been I last week and an attempt wee made married forty-nine years. survives, I to rifle the eale, but without success. with six sons.I All the burglars got was a small David Lemon, formerly proprietor amount In sliver from a desk and a of the Commercial hotel, Ripley. has disposed of his farm in Huron town- ship to a Chatham men for the sum of $8000 and will move about June 1st, with his family. to Chatham, where be will run a billiard ronin and bowling alley. lneneell'e 24th of Shy - cerebration, while marred to some extent by the wet weather. we. nevertheless success fully carried nut. A program of sports. a demonetratlon of the fire engine re- cently purchased by the village, a baaehall match in which Crediton de- feated Hensel' 5-4, music, dancing and fireworks were features of the eete- Nratfon, which was under the auspices of the village fire brigade. Warren Reidt, son of George ReIdt. 13th concession of Howlek. was seri- ously injured in • motor accident one nicht recently about a mile north of Vordwieh. He was In r-nmpenr with Nelson Bell. who was driving n Ford e•nr when it tdxwtk to.tbe ditch ^n.4 nve'-- tnrned, pinning Reldt underneath. Niter being released. he wee found to 'have sustained a dislocation and frac- tnre of the left shonlder and also to be suffering from concussion of the brain. He was removed to the hospi- tal at Fergus. The car was wrecked. • sums H C. R. Wilkinson has been appointed issuer of liquor permits in Wingbam. Rer. Ni. M. Bennett hue returned from the hospital at Toronto. where he was under treatment for some weeks. He la etix to a serious con- dition. Mrs. Allison Sbbrts pawed away Sunday afternooa, In her eighty-eighth Year. A brother, George Forsythe. of Wiugham, is the ealy surviving rela• tive. A. E. Fothergill, tree of Winghaw's well-known residents. gted in hospi- tal at London itis .7 of last week, after an operatila. The office of the Milted Farmers' (`,o -operative Co. wee enter, % one nlgbt Prices at McEwen's A fresh shipment of Prunes bought direct from New York. Medium 12Ke Ib. Large .lSe Ib. Oregon Prunes, but are the sweet variety of Small los Ib. The.. are sot the California. Try ear bac Black Toa. one of the beet in town for the mammy. 3 packages Jelly Powder for 211. and 1 glass fruit nipple FREE. Freak tread Coffee, Crossed .a yea ordee it. • nice lime . 60c Ib. Classic Cieaasse _ __ ...._ - loc a tis. P ---t- —e Cleanser 10c a tin. A largo bottle Vanilla Estrus* 6w.:_... _. _ .,. .. 25c A large bottle Lasses Extract for .-- 211c Redpath Sugar by tbe bag—sot best sugar—st t!. best price is tow■. J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 South Side of Square Goods delivered to your bearn by the best delivery in tows. Wood Shingles of All Kinds Asbestos and Ragfelt Shingles ' Roll Roofing of all kinds R. STANDISH Phone 3f10w East Street Are You• Cdtighing ? Ire your throat sod tonsils sore and not! i ps 1 11e• Ala 8y; bills Spahr'aa'�omt jtis. You'll soon get better of money back. Pros $1.60. Oodariab Druggist. We Are the Authorized Agents in this District for the A. C. Dayton Radios We will demonstrate this Radio Set at your 'home or at our store at any time Hill's Hardware Phone 6 r 3, Dungannon Central A General Line of Hardware The Service Store J. G. 1Dmlgh has returned to his home here after spending the winter with his eon at Grand Valley. A large new eteei tank for water has been erected at the C.P.R. etntion. Archblebop Williams will visit Blyth paras 6n July 4th and will confirm a class of candidates. ('olio Fingiand bas purtbased the thlrtyealx-erre farm iof Jobe ;ohne Mon, at Walton. he and •.lira Fingland are removing to IL They wt11 be greatly' tdlmed in Blyth. where they have tufa/ an active lotereet In alfalfa Mr. Fingtand baa been a aembene4ple village council tor err - Mal terms. Mr. and Mre. Johnston Intend taking a trip through the Weet this saaamer and may locate there. 'ImurrON • 0. L. March. of Exeter. has moved to town and is opening up a grocery badness. also taking over R. A. Hesrn'e ma11 route. The marriage took place arealgary on May 21tk of Edna Jane Waxman. daughter of J. F. Waxman of Clinton. t to,Hogard HMV Vancouver. B.C.. in 1'_nd ei-fty they All reside. J. Curtis Stevenson. of Burlingame. Calif.. • former resident of Clinton. le on hie way to Onteelo to visit Clinton and other plat** in the Province, coming by way of the Panama Canal A Nova Scotia Lady Was in an Anaemic Oondition Men and women who do not Bleep ed well and are °not retreehand strengthened by a slight's rest. are generally Buttering from thin, watery blood. The nerves fall to get the nourishment they demand and head- aches and a worn-out feeling is thetre- suit. Building up the blood is the'eine sure step to renewed b -alth and strength, and for this purpose' nothing else can equal Dr. Williams Pink de Pills. From Breit Anse to last they en- rich and purify the hid. and In this way promote better appetite. better rest at Meg. and renewed strength. Mrs. Mary E. Uhlman, Williams- town, N.S., writes:—"I have received so much benefit from Dr. William m Pink Pills. that T would feel nself ungrateful 1f I did not let you know. I was in a very poor state of health. end New York. lir. Stevenson carie's Varnishes Paints SURFACE SATISFACTION Brantine Finishing White Enamel The glowing lustre of Brantine White Enamel creates an atmosphere of welcome, phase and rest --adding beauty and distinction to your home. Just a few strokes of the brush will pro- duce a brilliancy of tone, softness and whiteness that cannot be excelled. FOR SALE BY 1{ CHAS. C. LEE GODERICH i' lith 1"1', I l' 1•'l I. , II'WI few cents from a stamp lax. The same night the Hanna store was burg- larised and Wintery. neckties, ablrts and other articles were taken. There 1s no clue to the guilty person,. LUCKNOW Lucknow la to bare a celebration of the sixtieth anniversary, of Con- federation. Miss Evelyn Oraw Is home from the University' of Toronto. Robert Andrew has returned home from Toronto, where be has been at- tending Law School. Arthur'Brown, son of Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Brown. is home from West- ern University. London_ Walter Craw, baring completed bis term at Victoria College. Toronto. m 'e a brief visit at hie home here end ba. now gone to Northern Ontario to take chrrge of a mission fort e en miner. While driving on the road weat of t.ne•know a few nights ago. Nicholas 11M !ley and Jot Johnston. of the yil- In-". had a nasty accident. There was an excavation across the highway. and mistaking the barricade and light nor a car with one tight they went through the barricade and into the ex- iravation. The car was wrecked and Hedley had hie face badly cut. requir- ing about twenty stltcbes. An action for damages is to proepee't_ it being claimed that the barricade And llghta were - insufficient and tot properly placed. - 1 FOUND A 1 Thoredey. June 2, • There are two definite reasons why the Ford Truck is the world's moat economical haul- age unit. In the first place it is the lowest priced one ton truck on the market, and secondly Ford trucks have the lowest cost per ton mile of any motor truck built. The operating figures of scores of fleet owners' reveal the truth of this statement. Amply powered, the Fr -t' or ton trvek,fuily loaded, is alwayssr able to negotiate bad roads or climb steep grades easily. Dairymen, stock producers, road and building contractors, com- panies doing retail delivering in both rural and city territories are standardizing on Ford trucks. It costs less to deliver —WI a Ford truck and we can j..0, it. There is a Fon' . 11 .• " r t,' k r o ry haulu,tre'rey• nr'wr1t. Ask>our ukt..t.riz..•t 1 41,1 ! o..tt for a 4.,.dORa,ru ion. r, 1 NIC is over mid reached the stage where I had to eighty years at age. remain to bed. A doctor waft cellist The Ontario Government has ep' In and he told me I had no organic pointed John Ransforel to Issue liquor trouble, but Wes gtmplc run down permits In Clinton. from overwork. I had been left with a family to support, which T dkl by SEAFORTH dressmaking. The doctor said my blood had almost turned to water. and The death of Walter Miller ewcurred advised a rest cure. I dill not see May 24th. after a long illness. 1-te� how it was t,dtesihlr for me to take a ceased was in his fifty-fourth year. very long rest, so 1 decided to try Dr.He was not married, hot 1..mertred Williams' fink fills. Soon t found my �"1 O by. his motairmail'r and secernl brothers airmail'returning and before very long V and sorters. Charlotte Ann L atherland, wife of John A. yfnrrng4 Egvnohdvtlle. died May 24111 at the age of sixty-eight crura. Her pawing was -quire unex- Idertdsl. ns she Was 111 only It few hours. Tier hn,battel. to whose vibe had been married Gxtp•flve yearn. sur - cions. With three dengittte'e and two had taught Rerernl loxes of or. W 11- wms. Same' Pink Pills. and he told to to go Wordh wng received some days ago on taking them as he thought they M•cEWAN & TEBBUTT GODERICH — ONTARIO PRODUCTS • O P T , A D I T I O N A L QUALITY • You Do Not Have to Guess About what you are get- ting when you buy goods baked at the East Street Bakery You know what to expect in service and quality. Judge for yourself. A Better Baked Bread E. G. Smith East St. Bakery Telephone 184 T was nide to go about toy duties as DERIC'H, usual ngain. This wan n few years ego. and my health remained• good! un- O til about a year ago. when 1 broke out with httruor of the blood. Aenin I consulted the donut, Who mill my blood had become so thin that it hail really poisoned Itself. I told 111111 1 of the dkwttt of Robert Scarlett at In- nl'fell, Alberta. lkreaxedL wee a na- 1115' of MOKIllop, a eon of the late Snowed Senrlett. hot had been in the West for nearly forty years. BRL't4SELB A. C. Rneker le the Isomer of liquor permita for Bresecle and vicinity. The ITnron Plowmen's AReaeintinn w111 hold a picnic to Jetta Arm- strong'. grove. heetde the Maitland Three. show three miles wast of Rrus- RPin. on .inn, lilth. Prink- Stretton. ,jeweller. has gone to the West to take ehartte of a large bankrupt jewellery hueinesw. J. R. Kerney. a former rexidefit nt Rrnssela. died reeentlr In California while en rout, with hie wlfe to San iDiegn nn n holiday trip. For some yeti.' latterly he had been a resident of finely', where he wee in the In- .nrsnec hnalnMl The death nte'urres at Toronto nn Mar 1Ath n11Alttan Stevenson. wife of William Murray. in her twenty-thlnl yesr. The young lady had been a r,•.Id ant of thle community all her lite, end the sentaine were interred In the Rrnw ole cemetery. �r Th. tweaking took Amer. A 1^MetATI on MendMy of .Tnhn Melhnurat:' t. of Rrovvele the bride being Mites. ar- ravet ilenrietta, daadkter et Mr. (' 1tharlse Damen .ot On their return from the honeymoon trip, were Inst what 1 needed. T took right boxes nod again wn> In good health. 1 can therefore recommend these pills to ' *II In a weak or run-down condition." Dr. Willlnms' fink P111e are sold by all drnggleta or will he sent by mall. post paid. on receipt of price. 50 cents a fax. Try them today. . t THAT MOTOR CAR OF YOURS Explains ('luteh Snarls Harsh clutch engagement may he due to several Causes. To determine the partleular one sometimes necessi- tate* taking down the unit. hat know- ing the various canoes may save the motorist ebb trouble or expense. Using the wrong type of oil will rouse the clate% to become nobly. itmrnedl or gntagitd lubricant Rill proetuer barsit- neas. Roughened pates prduluce a clashing sound. The latter noise ostrally ie more sharp and metallic. Keep Oar's Keys Apart Stockroom emplo'ei of automobile retail establishments declare they do as active business with motorists who do trot take the trouble to separate the keys that come with their automo- biles. Usually, the two keys (het un- lock the tt!en.miaainn. the ignition. the steering wheel or other pert. nt the ear come attached together. The wise plan 1s to aeparole them at once. Ser- vice station men declare that It is serprtsiig toyed inch a large num- lir. and MI* Rr•y ,will make their bee of motor s•JpIMng to take tb1. hale@ In 91 11111010. • Orip <'vii g•- XIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIXXIIIIIIIIiIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIX S PHINGLESX= as C 1 XXXXX (5X) XXX(3X) 5C XXXXX(No.2) BEST GRADE — BEST MADE — BEST PRICES ? X X Goderich Planing Mills Ltd. Ea— eBUCHANAN'S) i'hone 47 G01(KRiCII Drawer 101 XIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIxIIIIIIiIIIIIxxIIIIIIIIIIIIXIiIIIIIIIiIIcIIIIIIIIIIIX t WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8th • i 't A 4 NO "VI,(. F1/M,4 , • J • 30 CLOWNS 500 PEOPLE 300 HORSES 10 Aeras of Tilts A" Bt Ore °SilO/ 12:30 ,144 PERFORMANCES 2t 8 P.M. PA ti C1m SNINC wnTrAPPOOF TrNr 5n Opel of pies:'� 60 AERU ERS JSTS 30 RW Wild Bush IA ACROBATS • 5 BANDS 3 RiNGS 2 STAGES HERDS of r