HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-6-2, Page 8Make Old Rooms New 'MAKE your attic hate atrs sleeping quarters or a chit - diva's play -room. Gyproc will !five you bright, emsfsrtable extra roots at steal cost. Right over damaged wads and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. Gyproe walls and ceilings win rials r•ry roam bright sad fresh. Tahoe aydecoration. Fiinsulating '0of ,cold proof knows. sad heat proof. The strongest ightes Cyvps Writs (1t a\uraias M aim/ la • ssies wtu ttreduce loariao. OM fawn Ractwigra SO 4 ao prang. UMITW. imam CANADA tea M o1RAal0 Gypsum co., u f ti 4F 4't t\, We awry a good stook of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. We Specialise in Wir- ing of All Kinds Estimates given on application All work guaranteed Frank McArthur Telephone 82 West Street Not Just Bread! INDEED, NO CLEVELANDS BREAD is a tempting complement to any Meal: -delicious in itself and lending rest to the rest of the menu. Your family will demand twice as much of our Bread as any other. Encourage them to do so, as it is the most healthful and nourishing food they can take. E. U. Cleveland BAKER Phone 114 West Street COAL Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) Briquettes I can supply your wants in any of the above fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prices. L FLICK Telephone 178j Goderich MENU C" FOR 'GASOLINE PUMPS Tn BE CONSIDERED Town Council Fails to Decide on IBsw Location for Markt Scales • Another bout with the question of the market building sass a denture of the last meeting of the town council, held on 'Friday riming, May 20th. Ail the msmbere were present. A report from the tar collector, with the 1928 tax roll and list of arrears, was presented and referred to the nuance committer. The collector re- ported receipt of $1076.41 since April 22nd, this amount Melodies OW of ERICH, 5 0 C A L DRUCCIST5 that the tows provide►• *,r a scholar- ship cholarship 1$ that Ueiveralty, was sent to the Mabee committee. ' A eommnaleatioa; was received trout the clW Mandl of W ladaor, with referesee to thenew immtgratlou regulations& of the united States which Coaaellbr Battle moved, "made(' by Councillor Humber. that the cera a matter et concern to the Hoche Clltes tui -This was refects to the ape - lector open a ledger seemed of all un- ,.fel eenu eese. paid tares, and ell taxes that cannot A communisation from 8. D. Croft, be recovered be placed against the C.\.11. statists meat. stated that In - property to whkh they stand, and the erections batt been issued by the roll be closed; and that the collector superintendent at Stratford that no scut pleas payereat of those >n arrears more lnaaamable material is to be on hie ledger atruunt. "alb was dumped over the river bash. , carried The Ontario Municipal Association Oa application a Chief Postele- issued a call for the annual coeval- thwaite, two weeks' holidays were tion. to be held August 31-8eptepber greeted to htasse,U and Bengt- p 2. jre meteheeahtp tee is $25- his eseaags#sets to be tease by tate aspe-s- was referred to the spelled commit- _ bn- eemmltten- The _ plass tQ attain -the eilef eu.stables' convention Notice was reedved •tans the M- at Vancouver. B.C. as June 22, 28 and minion Board of Railway Commie 84 sifters of a sitting es be held at Applications for building permits, as Ottawa Jane 7th to take se the matter foeowr. were received and sat on to of chervil g t charca. Western coal to the are eeeenotee: Y. Kennedy, mar- o! f tre est Cylrees street; Chas- Copp' scot io.A commanicstioa from tbe Previn- ing dwelling, Bast street; B. 8. dal Board of Health with regard to Townsend, garage, Britannia road; G. tosNst amprag iP.ends was referred L. Parham. alterations to dwelling. to the cemetery ay parks committee. West street. Curbing es Missal Sired 1n response to a communication Mr. R. C. Hays, ir«,eabsltted petl- In a The a lobe ssilciting advertising ctio* clone from residents o'f both aides of in a ammeter resort and taunt section Montreal street for a concrete curbing to b lasses Jme 11, the towelled de from Lighthouse street and Market cided to invest M- A request from the OolSeslate Inst1- street to tate foot of Montreal street. He suggested that the work be done on lute board fora further torment of the local improvement plan, as he be - $1800 on 1927 levy was sent on to the tiered the people on other streets nuance committee with power its Day. would Ise potting in curbing* and the Petitions for road oil on St. David's street, from Kingetoa to Calabria. and Essex street, from Lighthouse to Digin, were referred to the public worts committee. An application of the King Edward billiard parlor for renewal of license was referred to the special committee. A communication was received from the Centennial committee. suggesting that the council delegate to the com- mittee authority to handle coucessi e. on streets and parka for the celebra- tion in August. This was granted after some discus. Woo. It was pointed out by the May- or that the celebration committee was merely acting for the council, and that the rights of citizens would be re- spected. George Johnston applied for psriele- cion to install two additional poops and tanks on Kingston street, in front of his garage. Referred to public works committee. Councillor Humber said be thought every gasoline pump on the Street should pay a license fee ffieaWbr$e one --and on hie works committee t Brophey Bros. TIDY LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS prders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day GODERICH J. R. Wheeler lineal Dlresisr and ibaLar Ail ells promptly attended to day or eight PHONES Store 886 Realdeece BMW Hamilton Street. Goded& Highest Prices Paid for Hides, Skins, Goose Feathers and all kinds of waste David Brown Phone 270 Goderioh Ontario Hydro Electric The People's Power Cash by Fi.ctrkky Wash 67 Electricity .. by FJ.ctrtily et, We guarantee M* Hydro Ism pe for 111011 hems use. HYDRO RE STO Neem ids ed Sq&ar. G.J.rie1 aider the suggestion a>w t The manager of tate 'rank *i' Doa mere asked that the sidewalk in front of the Bank premises be repaired. and this was lett In the hands of the pub- lic works committee. To the same committee was referred a communication from the water and tight commission asking that the roof of the building on Newgate street rented by the commission from the town be repaired. Sunday Selig The following letter was received from Mr. M. W. Howell: Every citizen of our fair town bas or should have a desire to make this ) an ideal town to live In, and It Is well for ns to a)vertise that 1t 1s. The other day I overheard a discussion of the merits and demerits of a number of places, Including Goderich, with the result that Goderith was considerei the prettiest, and beat place to live in. Therefore, 1t seems to me, the more nearly we live according to the laws as laid down by God the better it will he for ns all. Yesterday (Sunday) 1 observed a street -aide booth was open for business and an attendant on hand to serve patrons. Last ,cusum& the booth in connection with the batbing.house was open on Sunday, not only renting bathing sults, bat also selling goods. and there are other places in tows aell- ing goods nn Sunday that shook) not do so. Then, again, do we 6esire and e - quire a Sunday bus service? not our come) do something for the men that lose their Sunday on account of having to Aleve these buses? Pee - haps the towns and villages interested would co.operate with us toward get- ting the owners to discontinue this Sunday service. Al any rate, eoukl not action be take& partaibitine the use of tbe lets by them butts except se the hors is eotozionly used by an or- dinary car within the town on eum- day ? Tifere is ileo work at the dock and elsewhere, handling of grain. etc., that perbaps our council could take some action in regard to same, whereby this work would be at least reduced to the minimum. For year* salt was made here and I am told the works were not In oper- ation no Sunday, but now are sot these works run cunt Sunder? Collie' not the men at the boar mtli be given from Saturday tl o'clock till 8 o'clock Monday morning'' if so, i believe the m11% would make in the end s* much or more money. Trusting you will see flt to take some action regarding the above, I am, Sincerely yours. M. W. HOWELL. The eo#aanlcatlon was referred to committee with power to � ,s ilinub° from the Udvef- sit7 s Ontario, enggeatlag vier - plan adopted sow would be • pre- cedent re•cedent. The petition was referred to the pub - (1. works committee. Conemitthe Septets The finance committee reported that the local lttspaovemest sewer bonds had been dithered am *Dotted sad the aeeommt slosh - The are a emittee re eemeaded no action on the Weer from the Fire- men's Association d Catario regard- ing accident , insurance. and the purchase of 300 feet of 21/24a. Hercu- les double jacket fire bose, et 11.26 per foot, from the Dunlop Tire and Rub- ber Goods Co. , The special eommittee reported: "In the matter of applications from P. Wood and J. Z. Drennan for of their poolroom Heenees, we recom- mend that applicants be notified that !Icemen will not be .renewed odes M- ottle doors to room and window ole struetions are removed, Saving . deer view from the street to poolroom." The rommktee recommended that Thos. Anderson's license to peddle coat oil and ga„,line be renewed The quiet cry and parts committee reported that the acgaldtloo of more lend for cemetery pummels was being considered and recommended that the - a �PIOTUU IGHLY PVIZID BY TH= 9WJxg 'lumbi. of tows, le the mill ills Pokattaill &Rd bet the 006 whick she prises cost WAIT is a .platers of t)orlat, as *waving. front a celebrated palatial! by Cacho Dochi, minded "Hs Teak Bread sad Birt 1t," The picture was for many Teats in the possession of the late ti. Y. AttrUl, of Ridgewood Pari. and later of Rev. Mark Turnbull, thea rector of 8t. George's church. The ori- falaai palatial was, nab was sail be. the property of the Marquis a Raster and was considered the gem of his col- lectioa. Along wit* the Afars ban been handed down the following interesting deacriptloa, which le very similar to ons pobllgbed in The Blgaal a few men - committee be rmpvw.ae0 cad i0oh into months ago which was said to be ttoned w in the wirier of 8 . Amelia aam aaseeats end secure a& ta4ped- I of Canterbury is the eleventh can- ent valuation ou properties sgjolalog , tam the essetary• The eomnttttee had en- gaged Aisz. Johnston me caretaker of town peeks at steal per tateaab- The water, light sod harbor eons *Mee reported that the water mad light commission bad been rapeseed to lnataH another street light o& Pk - too street between the lawa bowling grounds and Waterloo street. The Deseriptlea deessiegmayieg nature The following extract is trandated from the Little contemporary his- torians of the period, is proof of the authenticity of the oaly true Sienese of our Saviour. Taken from one eat on an emerald by command of Tiberius Caesar and was given from the trees- commlttm rerommcnded that the went ury of Constantinople by the Emperor end of the town freight abed be rented of the Turks to Pope Innocent VIIL to Jobe McDonald for the balance of fee the redemption of his brother, then the year for $10. I a captive of the Christiana. Tho-peblk works esmmitt•e so- t - "Nowa to the -theater of Ileu eon - ported that separate leaders for the cerning Jams Christ, la the days of constraetiou of new steps down the Tiberius Caesar the Emperor, as the hill bad been received, as follows: gavernones of sundry provinces under Goderkb Planing Mils --4828.76 for the Senate sat people of Rome used to Waterloo at . !250 tor Wellington advertise the ale of each news as it.. 1226 for C.P.R. steps; Geo. West- chanced In divers countries. brook, sieve, $270.98, 135 respect- "Publlue Lentulus. beteg at that Ively. The committee recommended time president in Judea, wrote an that the boder of the Godes-kit Flan- epistle to the Senate and people of lug Yule Company for the steps at home, the words whereof were these: Wellington street b accepted,. end 'There appeared In them our that the present steps et Waterloo days a eau of great virtue armed street tats the . C.P.R station be re- Jeans Christ, who is let living paired. The committee also asked for amongst us sad of the Gentiles is se - power to bave tbe traffic signs erected cepted for a Prophet of Truth, bat his last year repainted . own disciples call hilar the ma of God Theee reports were all adopted He ralaeth .the dead and Gareth all No Moo ter the Market manner of disease A man of ota- ,rhe woad' went into commiass of tore somewhat tall and comely. with a the wbole to wreath with tat prob- very reversed countenance each as the beholden may both love sad fear ; Ida hair of tat colour of phllbert fall ripe' and plain almost down to,.hts tare; bat from the ears downward some- what curled, and more orient of colons, waving on his shoulders. la the midst of his head goetb a seam, or partition of his hair after the manner of the plazarites; his forehead, eery Plain asli smooth; his face, without spot or wrinkle. beautified with a comely red; bis nom and mttoeth so formed as nothleg an be reprt- hended; his beard somewhat thick, agreeable in colour to the hair of kis bead, mot of amp great length. in the midst of an innocent sad mature look ; his eyes grey, clear, anti quick. In re- proving, he is terrible; in admoolttrt Inc courteous and falrspoken : pleas ant 1a *seed. mixed with gravity. It cannot be remembered }bat any have sees citta to but mane have seen Mai weep- lib proportion of body. well -shaped sad stralgtet; bis bands and arms right and detectable to,W bold; In speaking very tempefitte. modest and wise. A mai for eingethr beauty en" surpassing the *e dr s tem of finding a new eke for date mar- ket rket scales, it having been decided some time ago to wreck the old market bulldiog on Lighthouse __reef. The eoamktee rose without having reached gay decision, a motion tp re- move the scales to the lot on Newgate street at the rear or the town ball be- ing negatived on a tie vote. Councillor Cralgie said there should be a light at the tourist camping ground. and this wee retsrred to coat - The matter of a Dominion Day cele bnHoa brae Drought up by Coutrillor Humber ale It was agreed that the Meyer call a public meeting to t l tion committee organized. Co aallBet Werner said be thought �Ahe ON mason were e mobile media eommit- �o invest)satf► sloe °treads and council .djotstnted. lbet ;vasa tee r Rim elastitutes the principal fdod is the diet of at least one-third of the world's lahabitante. • R• • a` e i • REPORT OF HOG SHIP11arrers for week ending May 26, 1974: . God- Mc- Aa- Hiersei (rich Gaw born f}Ott1 Total hogs ....19 116 1>)O 1682 Select bacon - . e 42 87 552 Thick smooth' .11 61 75 908 Heavies ..... . 1 e 72 Extra heavies .. 4 Shop bogs 12 10 NI Lights and feeders 21 f v 'a 88 Cities Higher "So your wife is determined to move. What'. lase idea?" "Spey convinced that the can keep up with a more rapid bunch of neigh- bors." >t= 31 xxuuuuumuIX munuutuulllICIllUhuncuu Do not wait until ContebuW k 'Wore you think about getting your Len in good shape. Nov is the time to start. Let people go sway with that IttalOhat Goderich hu the beet and prettiest lawns, as*i •• snake Goderich the prettieet town in Canada. 0,.-4 YOU can do this by getting your Lawn $ower sharpened at once, while we have hired help. To do this we must have all Lawn Mowers in not later than June HO. Just phone 417w and the truck will call and get your Lawn Mower BARKER BROS.' Service Station Blue Water Highway 4 Life -Buoy Outing Shoes --- For outdoor and spotting Footwear the name Life -Buoy stands for serviceable and reliable wear as well as for features of manufacture that engine comfort and correct fit. These Shoes challenge criticism because only ma- terials and workmanship that are above criti- cism are allowed to go into their production. The prices and quality demand your attention. SOLE AGENT Ft)R GODERICH GEOe; MacVICAR North Side of Squlare Goderich '•1 OUTSIDE PAINT Lowe Brother. "High Standard" Lead and Oil Paint will not aaly Protect, Beautify and increase the valui of your home, but will save you money. High Standard) is the most economical paint, figuring by 'the lob cost that you can bay. By reason of the excellence 4f the mate- rials used and the t are exercised in its manu- facture, "High Standard" covers half as much more surface than a so-called cheap paint. High Standard is very easy to apply. It is ground so fine that it worics easily under the brush, flowing out evenly and leaving so brush marks. It covers perfectly and pro- duces a beautiful high gloes that endures for years. It fades Slowly, leaving the surface in ex- cellent condition for re - pain tint. wpainting. High Standard is • high grade lead and on paint made in thirty handsome shades and in all sires. / ALF. •TEBBUTT & SO1N WEST STREET Phone 486 GODERICH We offer to our carbomers at all times, strictly quality products at reasonable price.. In first as well as last cost they are the most economical and the most satisfactory. We This bear true of Paint Products which vary ex i� quality Brothers High Standard Paints and Y as the best and most economical paints sold in Canada. Neptunite Varnishes Are earefu ly prepared to witlb- stand the stentent and severe en- posure. Tbey are light in color: work easily. sow treaty and dry with a rich gloss. They will cwt turn alit. Hader the Hot Iron tad and ars anuafactd by bot or cold wetter. They produee a remarkable, bantifml, elastic finish that wwlilll1 stand all kinds of hard wear wtilt- out .eraeking or chipping. l(eptanite costs ao #ors than asst =varnishes yet last lad longs than most and present as extremely attractive and dunitic meant. Made in all slim and for various pur- poses. Mellotone Flat Paint Beautiful, Economical, Sanitary. Monotone b all these. Monotone possess all thei soft, delicate beauty of water paint, combined with the durable elements of a lead and on paint. It is specially made for interior decoration. Anyone can apply It to dirsetiona.. It leaves marks or overlapping.. prostate that perfect, dot surface that is so desirable. Monotone may be washed with soap and water as often as necessary without in- jury to Its finish. according no brush Monotone Interior Floor Paint Scrubbing lea Atm of the past when you use Lows Brothers Hard Drying Floor Palet T'b. angel produced by the floor aaan.l 11 m smooth and anilorm that you can many keep your floors clean ivy Stopping. Hard Drying Floor Paint�t night varnish paint t with • high it it IN w they apply sad so des" able that its econ- omy Is asser'd it covers perf.rtly and stars ow Gomm. in a va- risty of pleasing shades and In eon - verdant sista. A r' 4b � - id A • 11,4144.,