The Signal, 1927-6-2, Page 6f—7Let.atw Jsas !. GODf,�, ON1r' WE HAVE A NEW Frigidaire Ice Cream Cabinet to serve you with Silverwood's Ice Cream IT'S IN PERFECT CONDITION ALWAYS TRY IT J. Calvin Cutt Grocer Phone 116 Kingston St. Epps the Mover Varna, Ontario Canada and United States All loads insured Reasonable rates Covered vans Write or Phone Clinton 626 r 21 Summer Millinery Featuring All that is Newest and Smartest in the Summer Hat in Shapes, Materials and . New colors ROSES MODFl- S.C.�lte Items LFor tbeoanatrat a ttries iotts•s othe un Canadian In Brit place from Ontario for the light breeds. 111 tbe OntarioOonttint place st for tpen he lightt'bn In the Nova Scotia Contest our Pen is in second place, u well se having second and third high hen. Baby Chicks, guaranteed safe dsiivery, $11 Per 104 WALTER ROSE, Bruasels, Ontario 'Ice! Ice! Ice! Robert Clark, the old reliable ice dealer. is now prepared to deliver ice to all parts of the town. Phone 244 Special Sale of Used Cars I Jewett Brougham, as good as new 1 McLaughlin, six cyl- , inder. Model 45 s Chevrolet Tourings I Maxwell Touring I Ford Coupe W. A. Craig Victoria Street Goderich Miss MacVicar ICE I am prepared to deliver Ice to any part of the town PROMPT SERVICE J. H. Graham Telephone 13 _ Elgin Ave. Smith's Art Store is the place to select your gifts, whether for the June bride, birthday Or any ooca- sion . We have a beautiful collec- tion of Pictures, Pottery, China, Candlesticks, Book Ends, also numerous other things. Just pop in and have a look, bring your friends in also, we are always pleased to show you our pretty things. Gardening Hints By a Practical Gardener e (parrots ars a most Csapntent vers- I ly. Stelae Planting gives the best table, beeasse tiny will de welt in al- ; resits, with the mord going in from most tiny soli. Prom Cow fodder of May until the first week is July. Oars two generations aro they have dev'el- must be exercised to watering of bed oped into as log spensabfe standby in containing dpe perennial . or other the kitties. °wrote can be. planted seeds. A heavy spray dill wash these at intervals of a few weeks right up to oub It is a good plan to spread a cerse Com, soca the middle of July. The seed should piece off burlap or he sown about half an ineb deep ' as is used in potato bags. over tbe bed Thin to an inch apart. and in' a few before turning on the nose. Thi cow weeks when the roots have developed be left on until the yonall Plants cow sufficiently to nes as hate carrots take , through the udate out every other one. There are early, should be lett to this nursery bed uu- medium and late sorts• and these I al next spring, when they should be aows,seoerding to tbe season. , transplanted to their permanent posl- They must be grown quickly for beet I Hoes. I I results. and on this account • quick- 81adleit Cuof gladioins can acting fertilizer anti, as nitrate of soda The mals pl should be used. Begin culNeation as I go in now. This flower will bloom soon as they are big enough to thin.' In from fifty to ninety days, depending and keep this up right through the sea- on the variety. and. therefore. tf a eon. long neasow of flowering is desired. the Handling PendellI planting should be spread ont. The Peonies. like other perennials. are gladlohis will grow in any soil. but often over -fertilised. with the -result prefers a rich mellow loam properly that theyt become soft and very Water is shine. preferably filtered through ligus- drained. Plenty of moisture and ht ezeee a to twins diseases tree growth during the heat of the aedi lylJ- e, and. 1t during May tw aeeeesary far the b� results. and early June, and, O nature dines riot dry;advisable to provide a sufficient supply of moiatare. In other worts. It Is .oath of the fled ant it is well to provide it, it necessary by wbere a few tree. hand. It i• alo neesacerl to water witl shade the flowers amend noon. abundantly following the lowed Rladiowell lus bad chrrg season ^ange the e of tbe ent Iseamen. •s this 1s . W the tot tiro the injury from !enema diseases. some of Is getting a start Wills Catling very common. In flowers. do not sever below t second ^ R adJ arewhich bulbs stto°id be planted Ior fertif too hird Mmuch iefoliage the is removed. four inebes deep. but only half this The more delicate peonlee look best In depth in heavy clay. When planted in the house. 1f they are eut in the bud. clumps for decorative effect, space Indoors. Tbeee about eight inches. apart hat wiere Hensall, May 30.—John McAllister, and dowers regi to open grown for cut flowers one may plant eltM dxtpsfx, fortnevly wt Hey town- rowrra require full sun and Plenty of four Inches apart In rows to the ergs- slip, living retired la Henaali for room. Zinging table garden. Dig the toll M s grind seven or ei t years. decd suddenly depth. plait the hnlh.. and cnittvate Dere today. }Berthed, body wasfound fy- The zinnia comes in assorted sizes fregnently until the Plant. make tat. Int[ near a wire fence which be bad set from tray Httle buttons to huge globes impe'e'Ible. When the .pike. lwgin to out in the morning to mend and it is of "wing color. It f• one of 'he appear. nitrate of soda at the rate of thought be wait dead some boon be most gorgeous 1 wn anon- ere yard can fore the discovery. about 5 o'clock in ale of mise. net sorb is gained by about one ounce per square weeks to er.Wille nada need �prs, as tt be used every two or three the afternoon. iekio. it angry the plants along. In vert bot Dr. Shaw, coroner. of Clinton. was gram ragtag sed humpm withered weather, water well at night or early notified. As Mr. McAllister suffered will keep on kept removed. moRhinR• hot late in the day 8o from heart trouble It is believed that teen a ▪ are tgsa.ved. fir. Mid spe1L hie death is due to an attack while at teen colors are now listed as tied es work. variations and mottlino7s. The **dee i<bnou�oPt most of Ontario the best Mr. McAllister 1. survived by his of yellow and orange are nnma0tlsd in time to plant dahlias Is from the last wife. daughter of the late Donald Bell. any other anneal, and, the reds air well pdfgicularly rich and velvety. d7 Nasturtiums Like Peer Sail 'he eldest way to produce a ah brllHsat color with a minimum of fort In the nasturtiums. These can he apart in tbe dwarf varieties for ede tug or planting back in a bed. and also In tbe on emir citmbinr grits whcb will cover w low nrwarelle Gose to tt�v Smith's Art and Gift Store East Street Phone 19$ • Warm the liniment, spread it cm brown paper and Dover the affected parts. It .aces pain, relcvcs sti_ness. The family medicine chest. tt help to keep the garden green and growing. It convenient, it is also ad- visable to give a thorough soaking wltb water every three or four days; It the weather Is dry. In watering, always remember both - with flowers. •n(1 vegetables that one thorough weekly soaking is 'forth • dozen daily sprinklings. After this watering or • rain, get out the hoe and loosen up tbet top soil so that the moisture may be conserved. DROPS DLJD WHILE AT WORK .11111:010 711101 weep in May until the seeond week to of Hay townablp. June. 'he best soil is sandy. st , Ne Man desks-- drained, deeply tilled and wenevou J Heed. id this plant will grow to , Healthy watching other men exer- . feet. it is neer- alae. about yes the same distance In efficiency by bragging should be placed totdp's Destnecs �t� ee the the burls pointing game then hits job b7 fro six inches deep. • duck. • e a stake t^ whMh the So wise that he is wpdfln to the The Bankru Is Still in • ✓ • • rr , DMA WE MUST VACATE IN FIVE DAIS Don't miss this chance to get high- class Dresses and Coats at the lowest prices There is still a large variety to choose from COME IN AND LOOK AROUND M. ROBINS ROBERT WILSON --for — Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. Pineapple- Week Ifence, if given support. or will do well is ties as 1t grows tip Nip off hep comms le bat ` trailing down from the front of a win- plantIn his a ty to lead mail - Cow box. It does not need Tory itch all but one or two side shoots where .o%1 or winch fertilizer after the A4et targe amen are desired. ` firsts lea's to obey. spreading �w In the Vegetable Garien iarlt7 by tew in l weeks. Thu nestartiranges A second or third planting of etre- plcfaas coacerslaiotl•s.msn in color from sulphur scarlet ar or pure aron s tables etch as epii.acb. lettuce. Debug, eeltf of exp�slle into rose. lm st black. and maroons beets and carrots can go in now. that are almost black. amongst en he 1 among th. ober rows which are well cellent spring flower th tuck in hie.the 1 eatabliabed, one most cultivate and spring bulbs which It well hide. when , ttun * pion l 1:0 be kept growing these are part their bet't This easily . a Httle nitrate of soda every It Is the selection GI rich, western wheats — the finest grown on the puede -- that gives extra flavour to bread and bona, and extra rkk less to calms and pies, made from :pUROEYFLOUR Send 3s. no stamps for enr 700-fv't Parity Plow Coal Book. Ie Waster. Cro& neer Miu. Co. Unite& Ta.oate. Meaa.al. 0*swa. Wog Ulm. grown flower blooms from early gam tea ' will be found a wonderful mer until frost. Tea••b Culture _ The male planting of tomatoes map be risked• now in any la tred Ontario. A warm quick soli wild plenty of available plant food 1s re- quired, for this wcrop. • Encourage rapid, vigorous growth he time of setting out until fruiting covmen- cee, but allow the plants M now down during the fruiting season. Nitrate of soda is a good fertiliser to time for the first few weeks. Set tomatoes two feet apart to rows three feet apart. Staking will resent in earlier fruit. and give a cleaner crop. Doe stakes about six ,iron dt aofew 'ng n inches trout the theitly e main stem et the time of setting the plants out. Keep all lateral branches. ari,ing from the anis of the leaves, pinched off, and tie the main stem loosely with soft twine or raffia te the .take. When the stem reaches the top of the stake. pincht the toff he end to e n - courage ripe Starting Perennials X. least expenelre way to .tart a large bed of perennials 1. fe nee seed. It rut In fairly early, some bloom may Ioften be obtainer) the Ant year. al- though early blooming has a tendency to weaken the plant. and should, therefore, not be encouraged excessive - fa value by lafiorn' habits. t'ndouhted4y perennal liberty is • good thing. but we don't like to ride with a lover who 1. fail of It.--0al- las News. Make this Test To Find out if you need Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.—A study of- these symptoms will enable you to decide. . This blood and serve restorative was devised for use in two great classes of diseases, one of which usually develops from the other— Anaemia or bloodlessness, and Nerv- osa Exhaustion. If the blood is thin and watery. as is indicated by pallor of the lips, eyelids and gums, or if you are afflicted by some form of nervous trouble, you will find in Da. CHASE'S NERVE F000 the most certain m-ans of relief and restoration s,•me of the symp- toms and ailments •• :,ich come under this heading are: T),in inn .d, sallow eompl.'xion, pallor of , yelida, lips and guess, itred feel 4., lose of energ:. and ambition, ',•ndency to fell: and anxiety, 1„'• of breath and easily fatted,k heart action loss nervous prostration, nirvana head- ache, indigestion, sleeplessness. irrit- ability, nervousness, twitching of nerves and muscles, sen•Itivesess to sound and light. gloommyy_f�� low of memory, inset* to con- centrate the mind. Da. CnesE's Nerve !boo is easily the greatest „f restoratives. . tai blood form- ing new red corp this food treatment nourishes the starved and depleted nerves back to health and vigor. Try it when you are run down Land mud t of esort and makeill restore vfeel r that life is worth you living. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food --60 cts. per box all dealers, or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Limited, ei wen ht, neurasthenia. Toronto. Canada. u[ sh and wig e Buy your Pineapples now for canning and secure the finest quality and best prices. Inspect our -stock and satisfy yourself. Sparr's Grocery "The Store of Satistlstloa,r Hs illw St. Pias 144 We Deliver `Town Suggestions for Jane Brides Something different at Miss S. Noble's Swath 311e of Swam Cease\ Advertise hs The siva Marine and General Wim � et kinds. aesss W. MaeDONALD Electrician Pias 174w Goderieh fAltrIMX WHEN your thoughts turn toward coal- aeoetotny—give central out telephone number. That's the quickest way of connect- ing up with the best coal propositions in town. The quality coal we sell will warm its way into your apprecia- tion. The Dean Coal Co. Phone 95 Godench Here's Where You Get a Real Bargain t CANADA'S THREE -SCORE YEARS OF NATIONHOOD �-r-t 1"7-7" r./ tet /j FR011 SEA UNTO SEA bound together by Amnon. development of rnlirn•dtn Very tlreratly are the Province• q4 utl 1e bn'eam4' a pro- teams. M she sixty years that have Htitisl Colpmb Ittneswbb end Nova Seotia united bandit of steel. A• •matter et fader 'At connection, iani At'that time the new vino of the I)otsininn in 1571 ender ` allirf i lfttfi. The tree*:: It has over 42.500 Mei gb the astral linklnr,ep did ' • 4s. • g hes heart one of tlaiottetanatnec etepsed'erince (metre, Quem'. New under one'tentral pov.rement to yDometion Masted 2.275 utile* et in mu Irmo* tow. the etretaeiea 4' ha. flees erMtt• with the mos, h taken t. 'The old wood-isnrt•er of 1807, tbough capable of very was a pigsty In else. weight and .trengt.h compared 1v of today. lir. Q. W. Jeffer10. Canada'. torr 1 arum, grapaie$ly the changes that baveve Pathfinders PTIALK about tire vainest 1 Here's the biggest, best - looking, full -oversize cord for light cars on the market at a Maprice. Made by Goodyear. de of SUPERTWIST cords. Balloons, too. Big, tough tread. Lots of mileage. Full balloon comfort. See these& 1' • • Cort $7 .15 k-29: 29 $9.15. Forbes R. Miller Service Station PM.s 259. Gedericb. Ot Err saw stksi, isf at loses • t. • • ♦.