HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-6-2, Page 2-0**41111101111asoweem-ic
2-Tbaroda7, June 2, 193T.
Ideeekeer of (breathe° Weakly News-
papers Association
Published every Thursday Morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year
strictly in advence.
Telephone 35 : : Dederick. Out.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday, June 2. 1927.
Everybody who is interested in poli-
tics is familiar with the procedure in
tbe choosing of candidates at party
convent ions. A number of persona are
proposed; a ballot is taken; the Or-
son receiving the lowest vote is drop-
ped, and. another ballot is Oaken; and
this procedure is continued until oniT
two nominees are left. The final' vote
Is then MUM. and the winner is dad-
nitely known to have the support of
the majority of tbe convention.
r • •
Better Value
.0, 3 • h /' •
If it la too far to the high side pew 1111•1111111111N111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111011111111111M11111111011
boulfh be investigate& if It gontlauea Ma ,
sure is excessive and tie reason im
Sat Unlaymilla Bargains of gath To
that way. El • •
f.conots7 in its rich drawing freshness.
-peenaps Sou detail nettle* that
when we started the pointer mart?
toadied arty," I remarked. "If you II
be quite 40 surprieal at what issu now 50 dozen heavy fanny rad lacquard lowels, thickly woveit•'-ancl in
bad noticed it, 1 think you would not
find. f.)roon have observed that II
the pressure Is as the car geta •terns and designs. Colors pin s, gold. blues. mauves, etc. Sias about lk 42.
untie. V. T .s simply A:Reales a are first quality. Regular values at $1.00. $1.25 and $1.35 each. On sik Sat -
51 -.1 cungewled we started. Al it II urday only at, each
ttat the 041 craukcase w a cold
rc.tchea Its norw.11 consistency, pree- Chintz of all kinds, the gayest, prettiest, tiappiestrinokula ihia you
Lu.). goer Not. h• normal."
Lovely Chintz at 29c--
Thia was a good opportunity to ex- could imagine. Flowers and birds, they will b ghten any rem.
pressure gauge as eu index of the cos- ii value, 40, 50 and 60c qualities. Saturday and Monday bargain
dition of the engine OIL . = They are 36 inches wide and in beautiful quality. About forty pieces to choose from. In 29c
plain to it the advantage o the oil M
"As the weather grows warmer, or j.
if you are keeping the car in a well in
heated (arage, assuming that 11la cold .
I weather, the pointer should' not Tees. OR
pressure evenen starting. II
Wtth the auto license. and driver'e JOHN SNIITH AND HIS CAR ter so highs
, I would asiggest that you make a note IN
• of how high the indicator registers
permit, and liquor permit. and a place
(By Frederick C. Russe11) some day when rot' have Nat retitled Mi
to Carry the stuff tem.. there's going
to be an awful strain on some fellows' "Iiiive you ever seen a more at- the cremate:lase. At that time your oil a
tractive instrument board?" asked will be are but of approximately nor- ..
pockets. , mai starting temperature. III
• • • Smith the other day, revealing a little
"Suppose, after noticing that with
justifiable pride in his new car. "I
mid the osual ohaditions the pressure remains si
Lindbergh bate been hobnobbing with like that, indirect lighting.
the lords of creation since he landed in grouping certainty is artistic." 1 at fifty until the eneine becomes hot, ".;
you start the car some normally warm NI
Paris. and still he manages tb keep his
head. He deems to be as cool and
The "alternative rote." as proposed 1 "teat!!! on land as in the alr.
• • •
for election contests in which morel
than two eandittates go to the poll, is , Hanover is a thriving town, bot its
simply a means of obtaining the same municipal tax rate is considerably
result as that for which the succeesive higher than that of Goderich. In 1025 But that was not the way to become
familiar with the instrument board. far youcthbgeo gtheat determines the Deed
vote: are taken at a convention, name- I it was 50 mills. in 19;N1 5 mills, and engine,elmuch as theucodrnide ii
ly. to find the man who has. majority 4"thia year it is 621/2 mills The public Idonetwe:dsolrewleartedtratakingalbotttluele,°Pairdn it'°Iorn°011f
of the voters behind hlm. It 18 im- and high school rates account for more where we could discuss these lustre- It, the oil youusethe typewaY ofyo devil:: . li
practicable. to the case of an election than halt tbe total.
• • • silents and discover their real value. you indulge in and the weather coo -
to Parliament
Presently we were rolling along at anions. It 15 perfectly safe to drive
as in a convention
' to take a series of hal- I twenty -live miles an hoar with enough screen tbe continent on a continuous
lots where all the i There appears to be do reason why
clearance ahead to justify an or ran if you add enough oil to keep the
parties are gathered) in one room; the 1 thefarmers 't WesternCa da sl uki
not sell bones to Rusehi if Russia
o rot io
easional glance at the inetrumerit crankcase Ailed at all times. All the
alterustive vote aims to reach a simi- borrows ta London the Money with board.
diluent. If any materialism& Is burned
"Wily does that all pressure gauge off. Many crankcases should be re-
ired. filled every five hundred miles or even
"It is a wurk a art," I Omitted -
"I wonder why they spend .o -much
time and effort on things that mean
nothing to drivers?"
Smith settled back in his lest and
prepared for a lecture me why drivers
should know what gauges are saying.
morning and And that the In ca $
goes only to forty? Wouldn't this in-
dieate filiation of the )0brictut? 111
The oil pressure gauge, properly •
read, is your cue to change 011. It is far es
more importaut than the speedometer
in "thficrespeet. It's not a matter of how II
lnrly decisive result by one ballot. which to buy thens-Toron o . register so high?
The present situation in North Huron, No; of coursse not. But the money -
I've reed through the instruction
where several candidates have Pre- lenders over in Is)ntion ought to be book, but I fail to see where this tat-
sentiel themselves, may be used' as an careful about the security for their Bee with Ito atatements. It saya that
illustration of tbe working of the al- was& the galtge sheet& register about thirty
• • • for ibis inume-and you see where it
more frequently, particularly In tbe
case of care that are used only for
abort rune around the city."
Smith was watching the ammeter.
Every time he pressed on the brake
pedal the Indicator Slckered toward
"That *haply tells you that the stop-
light Distal at the rear is working
properly," I explained.
"But when 1 am preesing the pedal
ternative rote.
Suppose the five men already named
go to the poll. Each voter, if the alter-
native vote were in uie, would be
asked to mark the names on his ballot
in the order of his preference. For in-
stance, one •ballot might be matted
Allen .... 1
Spotton .. 2
Rialop -.. 3
Oosens . • . 4
(Bricker ..
That would be the ballot of a Con-
servative, an admirer of the Dungan-
non man (Alien) Failing the elec-
tion of his first favorite, he would like
o see Spotton, the other Conservative
n the ballot, elected; and 11 1* could
not bare Spotton he would rather have talked -of journalist in Ontario. That Amsient (an
the Liberal candidate (ilishe» than wa• when The News, of Which he be- Is Our Owls is the Ste Nations
the indopentient or the United Farmer. , cause otitor after be left The Globe.
Hiawatha %AS In his day a lather
This of course is merely' an illustra- i was conducting its campaign against of Confederation. This c.u.rious fact
tion. the falling noes Government and the come. to eget ih the etory or the old
Suppose 10.000 voters go to the polls Conservative party was joyouely *C- aristocratie a.ssociatIon of Indian 950-
the ballote as marked for tbe first claiming Its new recruit. When Sir Ple known as the Six Nations. The
le. •
Bowe folks apparently are Just At the shot the gauge was at
wairbig tip to the fact that Goderieh horsy. m... 'emanations on the oil
k to have a big Centennial celebration pressure gatigeltisureily are arbitrary
this summer alai that they should sse and vary' for different cars. it is -the
that their friends who once knew God- position of tbe _reinter Omit counts.
retch as their home are on the invi-
tation list. It is still not too late for
Invitations to be sent out, and 1)r. Gal -
low, the energetic head of the Invita-
tions committee, will attend to it
promptly it names and addresses are
handed to him.
• • •
Sir John S. Willison died at Toronto
last week. in his aeneutrarat year. TILE FIRST CONFEDERATION
Twenteirch years ago Sir John (then
r.) Matson was the mon- commis mown tbe Remnant, a an
'ini ly
Confeder TAales
Silk Hose
"Mercury" Silk Hose of exquisite quality
and they are full-fastvioned so do not sag and
bag at ankles. All shades and colors $200
Sizes S 1-2 to 10. Per pair
10 only new knitted two-pieee Sport
Dreeses,olight weight and in most desirable
cOlors. They are American samples. t7 50
Saturday and Monday half-price sale
2 yarditutide Inlaid Battleship Linoleum.
Patterns right through to the bac:, $1 SO
at per square yard . ...... ... ..
4 yards wide in a range of new patterns.
Standard quality and smooth finish. ei at
Per running yard , *PAOAWAO
Extra heavy, heaviest and best quality
made, in four yards wide. Per run- $4 95
ning yard .
Silk Dresses
Crepee, georgette, and foulards. Twenty
new maniple gowns in colors and in black. SI-
tremely correct in vogue and beautifully made.
Sizes 34 to 44.Prices rahged 122, $25, $19
135' $40, $45. Special sale
Rugs and Linoleums
Barrymoore new Wilton Rugs. Clearing
2 1-4 x 3 • e29.00
2 1-'2 x 3. - 30.00
3 x 3 8500
3' 3 1-2 40.00
Floor Oilcloths
Standard quality, 2 1-2 pude' $1 so
wide. Per running yard
2 yards wide 11.10
while running twenty-five the Pointer
just lower, the charging rate gay from
twelve amperes to nine, whereas when
the clutch is diedagaged and I prase
the pedal the pointer goes over to die.
charger' be anted.
"In the ern instance the gesheator
- is chargingsupplying merest enough
to feed hack to the battery. In the
second. the spetatit is running so slows
ly that these le just about a balance
between, Mandl$ and discharging.
It. .I -5t. tops any other torrent
easairass. ea the ?'ear, redeces the 1
charging eats or adds to, the discharge 1
depolluting woo conditions.. ii
' "Tour faxia• aaa bees sdi to Mee'
of chi meet together at a Great rather fart. became tt, to Imo aimg a
Council Fire to di.. les matters; of cons- bit aim Th. rirpoop is to wolf It
mon concern. Each should agree not frau) stainiag. 1 "us summit Nom
to make war on the others. but in into, . tke ibinatia vow 'be 46.
naw of treahle each would go to the jw,ted woo ,,,Ttairegi oa,", km its
help "r the 011" ' - India" "1 141". na- while kiting. Thee it will run slower
Don were to be considered brothers of with The clutch disengaged and the
aa. The great council would meet ammeter always wim .how diwurge
every mop or elleoever trouble de- under dime eireomitehees.
"At night with all tbe lights on. the
honors of the chiefs would 1 can.,.,.., mt• lenient.. th. 1. durp.
In the measle Ilne and create tinbe'''"`. ,„„...,,,,...tis tb• &mums.
reiZia of aristoeracy. The sages of b• wo "'"---'"--wam the mow is fioung.
tbe tribes were to be a sort of senate, youil win sou tut „hos JUS net
t they pinrottit 0:4
',reference are found to number as fol. John hall definitely settled himeelf
latsealberseas Zeluseeattahelf
i0W/1 /for purposes of illustration we among hi, new associates his fame die- serves have little to suggest LIN
are {goring the names of the candi. /dined rapidly. and of late years; littie mighty confederation which once role*
Allen 2500 was heard of him in connection with practical'', all of America. 'nesse
and women who cHrlat repel
date* in alphabetical order):
Itricker 2318)
cosens 2100
Illslop ...... 14400
Spot ton 1200
In counting tbe ballots the low man
1Spottoto would be eliminated. and
his ballots would be givOn to tbe can-
tlidotes marked "2- on thee 1200 bal-
lot.. The seeond eount might be:
Allen •
Itricker 2400
(-townsIlIsiop • • • • .. . Z500
" 2200
- 10,000
HiebsOU'esallot. ‘‘,011.1 then he dim-
puh,le affairs. lie was a powerfu
-to the ruling of tjae nations. much over twenty-five mils* ma hour
writer and WIIR formidable particu- descent and titles of chieftain's sad Ale wampum beit,•there appeared he higher speeds..
princernes now earn nothing but a Sere btu a banavme young banter, '` rate e
tarty in attack ; perhaps the decline of smile of mingled pity and dsdalon. 1141011e beauty of face and figure pro- thsiond14. eirflitylnorisoubr,ts wgasteltent(to°rdiscbse.
awl women watt *bola getthe old man to explain the wam-
belt Hiawatha was enthralled tnightbe bawthes1;
"What's this other thing?" timIth
ara:orn." *54 at
1. Influence may be traced to the fart Once their ancestors were indeed chimed of noble birth. Ile 'Pee -
leading their wisdom and experience
the char*. rate does 110st %Malik
AS the old man neared the end of Rather. it star to demo. ter
41* that he did not identify himself with g
anything constructive. Though he was the Kings of France and England
largely a selfeetuested man, he had a whaeirleasconantet:st to make treistiee and
commitud of English that meet college Between seven and eight hundred
men might envy. rears ago the Iroquois tribe, were
living in various parte of what
with the confederation idea and even- asked. pointing to the engine heat In
tually tbese two threw in their tote to- mentor.
gether. They travelled from tribe to ,'Tbat tette yon how hot or how
tribe while the eloquent Hiawatha ex- cold the engine ts. It catches cooling
untied the idea of union. The old troubles before they are relayed to the
15 OOW
Now We Are Revealed the United States. Try were tire
men had an impediment in his speech
radiator. If you obey its
distinet nations. tbe nondeg5s. ttre vrhIch prevented him from telling his will not attempt to fetes the eagle*
'.1 it e thieidas, the Sncas, the Mohawks own tale. melt it is thoroughly warmed tip"
The (loderich Sivial sod The 'Tor- and the Cayugas. They hatl heels I How reminiscent this is of another ---------",
l'ole la n girt
the lowly hen. the fernier choosing the story. ortienlate. and put into living snit II.--Ptiood heavens, drunk again!"
harrrsk Rock. Thls slic•wa prettt clear- Once they, too, had lived north of \ breathing words. the ideals of confed- p it
onio Daily Star cannot think of any driven into exile south a the St. lAistr- Father of Confederation, for MacDon-
Novelty Night I
SaturdaY, June 4th ,
S -"I w Henry Whin( to a
lets ,.. representative of Canada as ?ewe as the result of a tragic , aid became, for the time being. Canada et I
St hawrente with Hie iluren• and eration which hati• been simmering au er.
and 4th
35 pairs mens black and tan calf
Oxfords, medium toes. Regular
$4.50 to $6.50, for..$2.95
W. H E Ft- N
Tlis Square RELIABLE FOOTWEAR Phone 43w
lv that what weighs with the 4slitors le
1 rut awe soni- of nth:tritons f ir
tribute& among the remelelehree., theee groat journals is not de. AigonquItts. lint a young Unroll the lea
Thed, of the •pirit. sUell as MU.V. brave had the audacity to fall la 140,.. long.
beauty. ete. but that of tbe nosh. a with die daughter of sh Iroquois' At length t I; • Indita cotifed••ri••‘•
ittol,• of eggs for the breakfast (thief The old mants reply to the became a Net To ens 11 tribe were
lo‘er'a suit lacked delicacy in him ti-
aceoriling Fts ire
*eh t t h e et,
ittfird IW) 111:1 R011/5 in the /. enn1.t
ording to •heir numbers It WW1
a42:4.44APn. • -`` • his 1,111abaiwk into the bend ••f Hon of the 1),•lavrart.s the • onfeder-
S. jost to snow his resentment. lituntusi nat pnti; 171•-• that an ania..oinot-
ittof Troy was not the only , re neer to the Iroquois with
and Misses' Spring Coats
-- ItiaSthlL lv •
4.4 1441(011 Another :County Heart/rt praste t father -lit -law. Natuaally ation became the Sic Nit ions
b Till .witri
- Allen alai plump lir VTIL
Brickee . ine, hut it lv as well to kilow • fn.
al. and the disappointed 4541 III.
has made hitt alitti 114.4,. Wit (rhe•11"y Enterprise) ensiled and therillurons were le r ”111(1IP ./f) .4e1 11. hinwarra
Ft 1 he has not a ma jorit y Allen ,
1,, ,Irk ,• the Iroquois out of tbr counettl in or•ter .,, destroy the tribe alley
lady on 1144PP behalf 44 war wss °Merle 1.• marry the . The property
, signn, both a,•,r I passing, ,11 •h•-•ent,, the ramale side.
1 the national blr•1 4) R i/ • . •re therele.111:41
1 iledVer 1. the national animal. 441:'; In the 11PW land to the south the I the ma .
I coterich paper clans* Beans first In trits, became separated. increased In is d ••1 their propeibty. and absorts,1
10,000 selecting the hoe sad even went so for
55 to Juliet the breed. aeleeting tile number. rind eventually became live t 1111o the other nation's
powerful nations. I That confederaey because 4011,1 with
rred Roc!, because a ire extra frootI rom time to time the greater Wheal the Englkh from the perliest days of
This would be the final count. Cos- !Ala
ring qualities and on necoent 0 111.' de war upon each other andlunder i (01,11181 hiatory. for in the eve,•• .1
1 1
ens with 5200 votes would halo a dear. barn bpi" ion „my
fur the artist to cover of their struggles th• weaker year of his settlement Chomploin a.
ma jorit y and would he declared paint and the eartoonist to •traw. 1 and more eaterprising tribes carried enrred their enmity by tAkilli 14],44•0
elected. TIM111111.nnly 211111 voters named I With all due Aeterenee to the opinion on a aeries of nide) on the cantle end with their enemies', the Iturons 111
Hist nilistice nffeeted the cont.., ..r i„..,.
first favorit4,. 5200 of the Signilik editor as a potiliry fans
1,ment on hen- enrried Of a lot Of hoot!.
There was ilving, about the you.; tory may he realised In the fa, 4 :lint
is fought with the la :rind%
Toronto •s•tir Gederich t 1t.
would be eliminate,/ and the fourth , f e domestic hen as
4 011 11 I might he:
BrIt.ker 4500
Cosens 5200
voters indicated that they wanted tien
in preference to any ot the others.
This is jure what done at nomi-
nating convention. If delegate sees
that he cannot get his own particular
°logy. The Enterprisse wouhl suggest 1190, Rjfrer grand old, character
cier and h expe
th.. Tom Horton strain of Engliah Leg- chief Thketiallewetio. who grieved to nrainet the French, aggine the revo-
horn!, 11 la ft piinewhite Met with R PP(' the people of the 50104' 514)5)) WitSte- hitionists on the aide the Itrithei
large thin eomh which Is tnp-henvy fully..011 erneity making war upon one sfter tbe deciaratioa of Independence.
and flop* over The s rs in wonel nnetheteVnlie smattered on there thing's nod stillest the Amerkuoa In the war
Canadian Valera- h, Ids royal w4gwam. hio the Imblitib 4•1 151.2.
After the revolution, the Iroquois'.
favorite neeninsted. he switches
' Hon. the white feathers stami (Stove him Into the depths o se
represent an
felneht)67 el"; there 15 11° iffiretYll ' for the purity of the home life of our to neditjte. like the loyalista. mOsed up into 1 poer
the first people and the real omb as n'svoing one day this eft man atm a boy try- remelts rind settled for the most part
n''t In"‘"le ing to break a bundle ef tWig4. Ile on the Proud 'River Reaerve. 11 WAR
not until 1924 that their eon...Muth, ,
the man who betide the o1l on
ballot ie going to the nominailoil•
With our present system of Parlia-
mentary' *teething hovrever. the man
who head., the poll la declared' elected,
• tem. he may have considerably let
than a 'majority of the voter,.
• • •
tb of roam.
• • •
Menthe to
gettlps ready?
• • •
to all fore gn 111111000
with- the, Iffnirs of this entintry told the bo! that if he un
brindle Ise world And It sexier tis h k WA., altered to make the ( mown of
It'a all right' Coek VI -4111401e-40W .. •the tsv lest singly Promptly there (10415 elective linefeed of hereditary.
What's the matter with Tom Tfiirron:
---__-_- Mists& into ids mind that /111CWRR otherwise the ancient Ar1ie. rota) end
latensation Wanted 1.‘ortly orbs' was being done witli the democratic confederation of Sit in-
Reclow-Repor.er : A fele- nee Nations They were being 'Ilan Nations Is Intact today in Cele
wed at thy C N It. depot broken singly. Cntlensly 145183- Mips. rt* Still *they deny that they are
.:41.1e week stating that .tint' symbol of power Is a hendle of *objects of Ring George. though they
Holed. bad pesibel 'world twine.
filet ryf the wood.. as the old hnt maintain that they are stllea of
set'ved him locsity In the Grew War
vereIgn people
are offered at remarkably low prices. This is your
chance to get a really good Coat at a ridiculous price
A New Shipment of Dresses and Millinery for the Early Summer
Material by the yard .
Figured Silk and Cotton Crepes and Plush Crepes in all the latest shades. These
are new goods and we invite you to corne is them over.
A Special Price in Men's Gabarime oP Cikats
- -
J851I v' 0 un
11411, who la beieved' to have mine man brOoded. he wove Into a wampum jils * P. . ,
II"? Al Atnrgeon FaiW, Whs. on May
front till. tifittirt sad requesting In- holt of deed 04erupin• bends the den ' They here presserved osemewbw ere,
floesintion abesst fey nothing tails' of hil plans In that strange sign athopsh their whereabonts aro novisikt
...,„4,g, tern which ill now lost Itac at &advt. the wampum beets Into ,w
airline andwritten Part of
agent or Ik
sigma Mellow bin
hiving informs- t
sows the ('.N 5. r
independent and (f-govesee Delranhoverla teflon of the
eve nations, he thought. their
diet Oltenia spi-t a nrunher ennfederation4:111morrived.