HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-19, Page 7a.
TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, at 9.30 a. m.
Arriving Port Huron 1.30 p.m. Detroit 5.30 p.m.
Returning loaves Detroit 1 p.m.. Thursday, June beth
The only bet trip front Goderich to J)etroit this season. Children be-
- --ta-eett+ortil--14,
e•--_,_..-4wer•ttbarwl--14; letiffere: Viol-- itliehigsirfriends- and .-ewe-.
ntagllifcent Detroit A delightful trip over the great in-
ternational highway of lakes and riven.. -
Last;Trip GodericI teaeered, Friday, June 10th, 9.30 a.m.
Rotund Trip
One Way
[`oder the auspices et Goderich Women's Hospital Auxiliary
MONDAY, JUNE 6th, AT 6.30 P. M.
FIN'ZEI.'4 ORCHESTRA for dancing in steamer's big ball room.
Thine hours on Ite•autifu4Lake;Huron for 50c; children; !Kau
Thursday, May 19 1927-1
The death occurred on May 10th of
John Curtis Tbempson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. (1. S. Thompson, eif Bengali, after
a long illness. "Se was in bas fiftieth
Mrs. W. Witsel, 12th concession of
Stephen, passed away May 3rd at the
dge of sirty-seven years. She is sur-
vived by her husband, eight children
and twenty-nine grandchildren.
Rev. and Mrs. (Harold Swann, who
with their two children recently
turned from China. were tendered a
banquet by the members of the Kin-
cardine United church last week.
Lillian May daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Cbae. E. Smith, 4th conceeslon of
Huron township. died May 9th.In her
twenty-first Jeer after a week's ill-
ness. She was teaching In ber home
school up to the time of her illness.
Wiliam Garry passed away laity
5th at the home of his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 11.
IDayman. McKillop township, at the
age of eighty years. Deceased was for
many years in the employ of the
('.P.R.. but latterly bad lived with
members of his family in Detroit, Mer-
lin, On•t.. and McKillop.
Joe Coughlin. the seven-year-old sen
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin,
Mount Carmel, met with what might
-inns-been a were-werim1s-occident .est
day recently. Ile was in the barn
and In some way fell through a trap-
door to the basement below. He war
unconscious for several hours. but his
injuries were found not to be so mi-
litia as ens at first feared.
Mlsa Margnret Strang. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang Of Ute
borne. was awarded, the first prize. $15,
by the Historical Society of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario Medical
School for the beet paper Riven this
year by a student In medical history.
Her theme was the life of the late Dr.
Hyndman of Exeter, and, she voluted
oat that the romance in medical prac-
tice does not lie wholly in foreign
fe1M. but mach heroic wgrk was done
to the pioneer days right here In
Change Your Attic
into a comfortable den, radio room, play-
room or extra sleeping quarters by erect-
ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc.
Gyproc will make your attic fire-resistant,
warm in winter and cool in summer.
Write for free booklet -"ht)' Hoare'" Ileatell
taw Gypree. R M Gypeuw taedatlai
Ething and Inseam will reduce your fuel baa
End; ,o to 40''''.•
Wal board
Highest Prices Paid
for Hides, Skins, Goose
Feathers and all kinds
of waste
David Brown
Phone 270
1 am prepared to deliver
Ice to any part of the town
J. H. Graham
T. -le -phone 13 Elgin Ave.
r'�HAT splendid ap-
t pleasance of Dunlop
Balloons is no guess-
work. That rugged
road resistance is not
there by chance. That
adequate resiliency was
no blind selection.
You receive the
' benefit of thirty-
three years of
honest thinking,
careful planning,
judicious experi-
mentation when
you buy
Miss Taylor. ws ho been prigs
pal of Brussels continuation *boot
several years, bas sent to has
re,-aignatlbn. to take effect at the end of
the preheat school term.
Harold Lowry. Will Lowe. NesbitHamilton and W. Meadharst left lest
week on a motor trp to New Llakeard
The Misers Mina. Clat* and Anna
Hunter. who left last week for their
new home at Vergae. were preeenicd
prior to their departure with farewell
Rifts and addresses by the people of
Brunetti United church.
ZaInsBuk provides an ever -
ready and reliable first-aid for
injuries. It ift also unequalled
ee a soothing, speedy remedy
foie obstinate and deep-seated
skin disease, poisoned rounds,
ulcers, piles, etc.
Within every box or Zam-Ruk are
stared the moat viluabla healing,
soothing and antiseptic properties
known to Science. Its unique herbal
compssition and its absolute freedom
from animal fats and mineral drugs
make Zam-Buk the safest and best
dressing far skin troubles of all kinds.
WetSas odroops*
tbi . eat_k SW..- _
twattwat,.'sr F.. ,or or dosser
So -dap. or ams - Zarw-anh Co . T„roeb,
Nothing LikE O
The deaf! teok place Victoria bo►
pita!, London, on May rd; et Wm. H.
P. Hooper. Iletwased wag En hits
eightieth .ear. For years Da lived on
a faros it Stephen township moving
to Exeter Nineteen years ago. He
{ was !wire ttatrrl.and la Survived by
blit Noe !Id wife.d
The Exeter baseball club has with-
drawn from the . nth Huron League
anttheh juiue,i in a county league with
(, t,'rie•h ti:efortb and Wingham.
.1. Chart- Tom, a former resident of 1
h:xeter, died recently 1n hospital at
L.•thbridgr-. Alberta. Deceased was
h,• younc. -t son of the late Mr. and
\lrs. ('har'es Tom of Exeter. Mrs. W.
It Ye,, of iuwtl, to a sister.
Exeter lawn bowlers live reorgan-
!zed for 19.7 with eke following MB-
cers: ILt presidents. Messrs. Maraer,
Faller. M,\tillan and Medd; president,
R. N. Creech ; vice-president, J. H.
Grieve; seeretaTy. (1. E. Anderson;
treasurer, E. J. Christie.
Francis It G111, an old T� a�rof
Exeter, died May Stlt in nit ty-
first year. ile was born In Oetnwall.
England, but hind lived in E7ater for
slaty yearn. He was employed Ibr
yearn as a teamster, and in the early
days before the coming of the reale
way be teamed between
London over corduroy roads i ed numbest=
biased trails. He ii'atrvt✓ud tor'bis
jar clt� }slid, acid b�_twa da hteRtfistd
one soot. Mini 31a7lli
it'O' e.
la P;a1Fle. Man.,. Mi
$ye11D JI
{ Intenbent of Highland !Park
Detroit. and Dr. tether GM, of Oib-
aonburg, Ohio.
Cohdrne tnwnehtp enull.'i1 met May
10tb. All - members prel.ent,
Reeve -presiding. Minutes of April
7 meettup * ,pted e+ read. Those- In-.
fitly aisle. I . aitDa's ta4he.r, tereeted to the proposed extension of
the late W. ai. n• • (young's ,Creek dralu were present and
Mrs. Buck, wfla et 0. Bust, of
Seaforth, died et Lau 'kyr' Iti, at
rhe age of atiKY,ose, yetrg, -.tb)esides the same; • A agreeoent . formerly
hes husband she kavas two eats and drafted w$$ read end ezpitlned and
one daughter. The funeral jock place a Sanaab chaise added which made It
nan,.*ffor was siade to settle the matter.
of dlMmeit In contrreegop 'with
at Mitchell,
ber former Dome ptn6"11.Malamovo to the aiortty present•
- Jaek Cheoros, son of Mr, tad. Mrs.. when yt td, ace�pted and signed by
$Cheoros. was knocked dawn and 1 tAe pFoper hUOsis and V. 1). Cnnntng
Tap over by an automobile :N Malo dam Propoxd extension will be
street, and althinigb no boos were { aro
broken be was laid up for a week prTbo
*on iccouatot the injuries received. d tog ' ark, an improved public road
to it ie Perk and other business was
ZURICHdacussed and left tb a committee to .
-1 report onon at next electing.
',be new fire truck for Zurich irriwel The treasurer reported returning i
last week and passed a good test. i !uncollected taxes) to the
showing that with two lines of hoc,. in ' couonlynty•
The Reeve reported the snit I
nose it could throw streams of water to of shed e1 Sictlaw for $35.
the top of any building in the village. ' A request from Engineer Patterson
ter of Hydro for Menem -
Prices at McEwen's
A fresh shipment of Prunes bought direct from
New York.
Small 10c Ib. Medium 121tc Ib. Large 15c Ib.
These are not the Oregon Prunes, but are the sweet variety of
Try our 59c Black Tea, one of the boat in town for the money.
3 package, Jelly Powder for 25c and 1 glass fruit nappie FREE.
Fresh ground Coffee. Ground as you order it, a nice line
Classic Cleanser .. ..._ .. ... _........... _....
o Paadtine Cleanser
A larg.Siottle Vaa84 attract for
A large bottle Lamina Extract far
Redpath Sager by the bag -not beet serer -et the
60c Ib.
IOc a tia.
10e a tis.
price in town.
Phone 46 South Side of Square
Goods delivered to ,our house by the best delivery in town.
\n organized fire brigade is noir in to take over -West Shore Railway as
order to handle the new e•quipmen: i imrt of the cogtsty road was left over
September 211 and 27 have ben wt till June. Mr. John Alibi presented a
as the dates of the den. fall fair 11,r.tlt1inl for drainage work privileges;
Sarah Dernata. wido7t of the !EP this also w111 be dealt with at , xt
R. r. M. M. Bennett. pastor of Wing 1 Alex. Mnusse•au. of the Rouble dim• meeting. flap United e, -has . who hes been 111 near Drysdale. passed away May nth (1n n[ Councillors young and
for pito Toren t , gone to the general in her eighty-fourth year. I1Pm Wilson. inotion
the mltun was
hnsplu+: Toronto, for treatment. was born hl the Province of Qne1 „pts,tnterl conal t1 g of Mt
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott. Lapeer,
Mich.. were recent visitors wall the
loner's mother. Sirs. Thos. Wtleoo.
Pr and Mrs. Scott leave next month
on a European trip. They will visit
France. Germany. Belgium and the
British Trice and will he away about
ten weeks.
L.net week's issue of The Wtngbam
.\dvngfv-Times announced the retire-
ment of A. G. Smith. the editor for the
last twelve year', to he succeeded by
Mr. Craig, who has been foreman to
the ogee last Rix months'. Mr.
Rmltb did his plans for the
wood WMl be
' has Madan sattll at V Blyth fall fair will bit held this R.
far return flydth,china, where she dna N do.. 12.50; C.P.R. rent weich scale
been engaisd. L fnlRslonery work.
-year R September Doi sr 27 Mi 28.
?- li3.
t oil Sc Dodds and Mies IMddR PI- site. $2. A. M �ttrnng}Inn. sheep vain
to { p.et to leave about June 1st on a trip atn6, $3R adlmirnPd to meet Jnnc
to the Coast. They will no by way of'
the Rtntee. mtnrnfng through the Can
14th at 2 p.m. ns n court of revision
John Gemmell, a resident of ER- ! I
for 1927 aaseRamPnt roll, followed by
ndlan West.
mnndyllJP. died May !kh in the hnapt- � The public I r budneRs t\('ir►\
cal at Toronto, where he underwent
nn operation the preceding tiny. De -I
eease•el was born In Tuckeramith sixty-
nine years ago and was a lifelong resi-
dent of that township, retiring from
the farm to EgmondrIlle ten years
ago. Ills wife predeceased him less
than a yenr.
Early Tueeikly morning o�hl weep
thieves stole a 'Midterm
Rham lot. I
longing to W. A. Crich ,lbm Norman
Niehol's paint shop. where some work
was being clone on It. An abandoned
Chevrolet touring ear was found In
the morning on James titre* having
!wen left there no (k,ul.t by the thieves.
It was afterwards found that this ear
hind been stolen ' at neon on Monday
from James Morrison. f Anca,ter,
conr Hamilton.
Jame* Watson hasInc Pohl a half -in-
terred in his tnsnrnnec and sewing Ma-
chine agency to M. A. diet 1. of hol-
stein. Ont., and In tonere the hilliness
will he conducted tinder the nerve of
Wal/eon h Reid Insnrnnce Agrney.
This business wns eatnhlished over,
nsie cemetery corn
wr. s n Jia.
hut came to Drysdale over sixty years Slams. Reeve Hill and A. J. Gold -
ego. A grown-up family survive*. e s tls,rpe.
well as many grandehildren and tin motion of Councltore Goldthorpe
and Young. a grant of 810 was made
\n Attack of ponurnnnia carried nit L,r <ohnnl fair shields.
Niro. William Recker• of age of town- The following fields. accounts were paid:
ship. 011ea May fah. et the atm of fur r- rnitPetln ll allowed Auburn Rank.
and Ceara. She mines her husband g2. 11: do.. Dungannon Bank. $li0
and a family er nine children. She hnmhd„n Road Machinery Co.. tr
ove+ a daughter of the late Henry poira to grader. $2.A0; Clyde Allen,
severs lot of Zurich. Her mother and planting trees. $2.:W.) W m. lydMeWeA len,
several brothers and sisters survive. resnrfaeing. x250; (leo. F. Bean. rood
algerhltendent and eapplie•n. $*•.�•:
Stanley Vanstnne, grading, $2.50: T1
Holtzhan en, elo.. 42.311, C. Allln.
s Caroline welt. I Collinson h Gleneher wilt have over brushing road aide. $3.75: P. itev,n
to learn that she : 300 serer of Inn(' in flax this year. gentling and tile. 941.25: F. Young, ^1111
ietorls. R.C.. on This fa elilthtly more than last year. $11.'2.. R. Bean. Qpinntit11 i'rvJenkins
aebont hard k having e
flagstaff erected nn the school grounds
and n new flag will float from 1t on
May 24th.
officers Were elected as follows at
the annual meeting of Myth Women'r
lustitnte: [president. Mrs. R. \Vheht•
mann let vice president. Mrs. M. Tel-
fer: 2nd vice-president. Mrs. 'Herring-
ton : secretary-trenaprer. Mrs. Col-
dongh : distri,-• dir'eter. \(rs. tier-
rington : hrnn, 1, dirootnlra. Mrs 1t
Richmond. Mr- it. Newoombe. Mrs 11
Young. Mrs. W \11115: representn'ty,
to Olstriet annual meeting. Mrs 1ti, 1
mend. Mre. \til,= \ire. Herrin_t,•n. 11
president and the secretary ; lo',• -s s.•,
retary. Mra. New': m . p
E. Milia: nsi- salt pianist. Mrs. IT
McElroy. -
r '
To -de
G. J. IIE't HER •
Township Clerk.
Fine Pastries
and Bakeshop Delicacies
- Fresh from our oven, tnany
times' a day. Just give us a
trial for your pastry or bread
heeds, and you'll he delighted
with the quality.
Cosrteoss Salesmen
Prompt Service
Quality Gearaated
E. G. Smith
East St. Bakery Telephone 164.
Read the Ads In the Signal
Novelty anrcl
Fancy Goods
1['e have a very extensiv�}jne.
Give us a call.
Miss S. Noble
British Exchange Block, Gederich
A member of the Qneb,•,• 1, :Isla
tore. atter keeping silent her iw.n'y
.ecegi years. nun:, his first anyrh re-
cently. Another gond man ^n''
wrong. -Ottawa Journal.
•n be• tnnist. M1c
Two Mere Cases of Femisine 111 -
Bess Relieved by Lydia E. Pink -
ban's Vegetable Composed
Clinton has lost one of its n'.t
highly esteemed citizens by the dentli
of Harrison Wilts.,.
win as
t anay
May imi ager a Athena. 1.e.d*
Illnetw. born at
county. Mr. Wilke enme to this county
over forty. years neo end after farm-
ing for anme time on the London road
he engaged in the grocery business
here. HP sold our shout awn months
elm. He Wee native in municipal life,
being a member of the town ('0111111
for many years and mayor for three
years. 190741-0. He was a member of
Ontario street Unite.! church. He
leave* a widow two daughters. Eire
and Mande, of Ciinton, and two sons.
llnrnld. 111 Winnileg, end Bert, of
Sympathy is f,•:t for Mr. and Mrs.
\1. J. Sehncnhn's in the lows of their
little two-year-old daughter. Norms
Arliewhn.P death neentrel on Tues-
day of last week.
Mina Graham. cif the Clinton Col
legtafe inailhtte.gtaf. held an exhibit
at the school tel (Owing deme by the
wbool girls durlleft the past term.
Prima wore given for the heat work.
and the judges- w17441 In members) of
the hoard -had a • difficult task in
ehn sing among the many well -made
articles, thtve Met '• worthy of the
awards. p
DI SIAi' 0F'P-11'1
Shier Saks. (lnderir
Denim (
ffieorlpt' Johnhton. Drop
SlneEnan fi Telihntt, (owl.rirh
J 11. Johnston, A11hnrn
t,{ rvo 1 Is. k r. Hatfield
k M
Barrington, N. S. -"1 had terrible
feelings, headaches, back and side
aches and pains all over my body. I
would have to go to bed every month
and nothing would do me good. My
husband and my father did my work
for me as I have two children and
we have quite a big place. I read in
the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound, and then got
little book about it through the mail
and my husband sent to Eaton's and
got me a bottle, and then we got
more from the store. I am feeling
tine now and do all my work and am
able to go out around more. 1 1.•11 my
friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham'e Veg-
etable Compound that makes me feel
On well. "- Mea. V1rTr,R RICHARI)SON,
Barrington, Nova Scotia.
Dull Pains in Back
St. Thomas Ont "I took foot
battles of Lydia E. I'inkharn's Valla
table Compound and found great the.
lief from the dull, heavy parrs in the
small of my back and the weakratM
from which I ,offered for five years
after my boy' was barn. After takind g
the E. Plnnkaha 's San Saund native Wash 1
Lydiaa FF
awe feeling better than 1 have for the
past seven years, and advise my
friends to take it." Mrs F.JoHNaoN,
49 Moon Street, St. Thomas, Ont. C
Clubbing List
The Nell ss.% 'I'Mlinnet*� ,
Glebe a1;.k .«......_„
The Signal and The Toronto
Daily Ban . 8.75
The Signal and The London
Advertiser t.._ . 6.75
The Signal and The London 8.75
Free Press
TL. 3igsal usf The Toronto
Mail and Ekipirs . g.75
The Signal and The Farmers' 3.25
San r
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star . 3.01
The Signal and Saturday SAO
The Signal and Saturday 3.90
Eveeing Post
The Signal and The New
Outlook 3.90
The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Gardens .-_. 4.85
The Signal sad The Catholic 3.75
The Signal and McLean's 3.75
Magazine... .
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
ness .renewal 3.85
new 3.50
The Signal a n d World
renewal 4.25
new ... 3.88
The Signal and Youth's
The Signal and The Toronto
8 75
Star tilfereltty...
The Signal and Rod and 3.85
Ti. Signal and Th. Canadian 2.95
Cbuntry ma n
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odicals M.y Be Had on
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg)
I can supply your wants in
any of the abose fuel. Prompt
service and reasonable prices.
Telephone 1 hj Goderich
Brophey Bros.
orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
snore 335 Residence 3,'S5w
Hamilton Street, Oodeelch
BROCK Street. P.O. Box 601
Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies. ,
Farm Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Goderlch, Ont.
We Are the Authorized Agents
in this District for the .
A. C. Dayton Radios
We will demonstrate this Radio Set at your home
at our store at any time
Hill's Hardwa-r
Phone:, r :1. I hmgannnr, .. !rill
Ago !Iv rvle.
A 1;.mern1 Line of Hardware .