HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-19, Page 3Maps of Huron County -Large, beautiful colored Maps of Huron County for Bale at 2i10 tussah at The Signal TILE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. ional GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY' MAY 19, 1927 TknvEL FczNDs, f CANADIAN ltsnvELLERS HEN planning a trip either to great cities or unfrequented places, you may obtain from the -Bank of Montreal travel funds • -_ _suited to your individual. needs. Travellers' Cheques in conve- nient form and cashable in Canada and in other countries, or Letters of Credit that are ac- ceptable the world over, supply funds with safety and ton - Head Office, M, o'r tient BANK OF MONTREAL-__ Established 18177 Ibtal 817 - Ilttal Assets in excess of 67$b,000.000 House -Cleaning Time Is With Us THE LAMENTED DEATH OF L. B. AUGUSTINE Gardening Hints By a Preetiea l Gardener 1 Your Office Stationery Now is a good time to look through your stock of Office Stationery and place your order for new supplies. \1'e can meet any competition in quality and price. The Signal HONORED BY PRESIDENT, MASONS AND NAVY HEADS Captain Srhetky, Known to Godecieh, Saidusal Servlet at tort tehevt'ao .1Celebrates 1011th Itirtbday Saslta Impreaslve Funer Edmonton and Fort SSaskatchewanu❑ Killing weeds is only one object ofA recent number of The Floud River 1 Glacier, published at flood River, Ore - (Alberta) papers jus received give,ultieation. Even more important is gun, chouiciaa a celebration in honor, particulars regarding the tragic death keeping the soil open and porous and of Captain Mattes Alexander debetky, • cunservin gihe tnutstass Tlu time to i.wha has cumaleted his hundredth year and started on his second century. Captain Schetky Is the tater-in-law of Mr. Seett F. Aitken, of Floud River' (sou of Mr. and Mn. J. L. Aitken, of I drier the land, elle parfrequent this town). and is known to maul in I Would be rtes cultivation The ma- Guderich, hating spent several. sum -1 ferlty of our vegetables consist of men here.. Captain Schetky, says 1 eighty, per. cent. water ut least, and The Glacier, is the oldest naval officer i Ionian distance of tifty feet down a shaft aally more thou that. The quality of the United States and probably the mfrer of the Masonic order, I from the top of the building yesterday 1 of the vegetables, therefore, depends oldest me afterttewn. being found some time later ! Upon their having a sufficient supply and meswges freta Preaideat Cool -•1 unconscious and apparently very sett. 1 of moisture at all times. hlge, high olCciala of the United States i :NIartgetds Navy, and the Masoetie Grand 'f.O t coeur injured. i richer reds browns of Pennsylvania (thd Cuptatn's nadle t Frank Eelerton had occasion to go to the utttgnt cslebratioa. Meettugs were -baler slmnitanerMt7 i by I'euusytvaala Ma'aoda, at Philadel- phia. and 'Masons of Oregon and t<ash- ington States, at flood River, to do honor to the' veteran. Mason. Ta1e- phune communication was established across the continent, and addresses recognition o were delivered at soda end of the Ulla old from another elevator, soon fuutld both for ,garden deco and were heard by the gathering at the I lying on the French types, other end. I hopper below. ration an for type, which contains i Captain Schetky was the recipient Moreh help ons called and the foto- of'l any handsome gifts, among which dwarf French ' inch thickness of wall cut through at the red shkdes "-- a .._e -birthday carrying .. •. Tor many years t..� the ground aur to ns M the spot. mnrigokis were iter our ones offered, national colors and bearing one hand - Dr. de Augustinee was anovedoto and brilliant wide their .velvety buttons red candles. had Mr. are 'removed to Ptd' 1 spangling the compact little *salts. In spite of the excitement incident mouton in an ambulance. NOsv the tall 1. 1e, equalling the Afrl-Ito the occasion. Captain was It Is thought Mr. Augustine was at- I t hat mikIng upith , tending to a whitlow mit the top of the ren variety lis helgh • not unduly tired. BeHe elevator and in some meatier lost his , in number of bloom what It larks In I vigor and alertness to "➢PeFbea balance, falling Into the shaft. ' size. is coming Into it, own. These made in his honor and enjoyed the have longer stems than the dwarfs , proceedings thoroughly. In an edito- Dies f• Edmonton Hospital I sad have become one of the most polo teat reference Glaser Bays Edmoerton, April L Il. Attgu} -Mood River folk Monday were lar of spmmer cut flowers The single of Mr. L. Il. Augustine. formerly of {,ill a westtls before it starts growing. Dungannon and Coderich, which has Hoeing ing i' btly from the start will keep already been chronicled in The Signal. the surface Goll stirred and prevent the germination of weed weds. The and of the funeral service following. Fort Saskatchewan April 2'i --L. B. Augustiue, manager of the United Grain Growers' elevator here, fell a Marigolds h n 1 were nature' of d wnbugaaics, More glowing orange •Stott) and I lb s e. Tug some grata- buL fail doors l and inter Fellows Aad' lemons, h miL wereto end en Augustine. a o At aj come into the garden during the last (Well about the elevator.oanfound last i few seasons and given it new sur=' he widow knocked up to the top and a I «aures during the hot summer ( window out of shaftfand a Rev s.antlinc tt-roae the breken.I months, when these annuals mire at tither indications showed that Mr. their ace asfinis the first fing ith as 'ebmpirat of Augustine had fallen down the shaft Mr Edw.', along with Mr. Mardon- The most noticeable development is a t the value of the tall the unfortunate victim u g d e r Cuttfag This U the You Will Find Walker's Store the Place to Do Your Shopping Some specials in CURTAINS and CURTAIN MATERIALS by the yard CONGOLEUM RUGS in all sizes. All new patterns ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER to rent by the day at Walker's Furniture Store tine, manager of the ilnttad Grain , type hat become' 1xrDa>•r• rivalling a' elevator at )bet noo felt doubles wbich had the call only a o.ed to We Royal Alexandra n b)tot , - gteeA. -a privilege of tendering con- gratalaMons to a neighbor who was one Modred years old and who still wan, I flat sslt>rstaf ft • pita) at 7 p.m. Wednesday, as she reThese anaelgolds shoats nut be persastgae,l the physical vigor of a man • suit of a fall down the elerntor shaft' ,lulled 1n'the open until danger of nitgk.younger, whose mind fleshed in Tuesday afternoon, while l spa or, a frust Is over, which will het quiet time conversation with the wit and keen - window at the top of the elevator. nongh, as they start hleerm ng when asps of youth�It was Captain Charles Ms •kull was fractured by the fifty- �ly a few Sdfehes high. 'Tb• -y do not I Alesatader Seheiky• the nation's oldest tout full, rind he was removed in aa -too MI soil. as they make 4° naval oftker, and all the nation, from niheruncoaeloas condition to the bog ton-itsil, acedenormous lent grotttti when toe well + progtdent Coolidge -Down -did _him where he died without regaining eon- fed, and ebur hlooinlm,a near' n Is de- layed. boor that - day. And it was a de- ecThe tat. fed,d. They thrive on poor fare and I maned honor. What a life he has The his Mr. Augustine was born at 1 lived, what wonders, miracles of dr Port Colborne. Welland County, on- give a wonderful display of color. witnessed. But tarlo, about fifty-eix years ago. lie Support for Climbers lived, eat. he baa came to the West in l9() and hived in It cis notc•fimb5abl rosee to s awom wireet {rfor ther re iscres a pof reastills wonderment old as to Regina for several years. tie baa supporting A his be a secret.Weo been manager of the V. G. G. ele- ,r.,1 other cines. if something, ecan l gracefully, mace ully, tt, we think, in ete' tater at Fort Sas;.:,tchewan since he procured. 0* hot days the Imetal appreciationh of the captain er see la of 1018. Mr. Augustine was absorbs beat and May burnI Schetky's en elder la the Fort Saskatchewan plants tied to it. If you are wresting things of life as well as of the little United church. Be served on the town a fence and must trate eamething to things that take place daily In contact • dent i for two Peart, at '('Was let) r 1 e (beit lt make aie your 1pe first tone and tithe put thislre and w ith friends and arou t aeons was this old skipper! IlRow joy- • dent sf the member of the Cal v A wr„slen trellle le best Pot fill was lie over those message. that was a teandf the .O.D.E.n Order I rtix' TOM' while the came from all over the land'. •�¢ of Just ttoa the I.O.D.E. rases and othed er climbers, lip tend two weeks ago ?f:. Augustine oklehi agio beetle tiifhmtngs from fruit' rain Set. tky. througliont we b s days. Port the funeral of ' a elstegegt I molding Port Arthur. I trees tato thrwhlch to of 1lxeat,t„r,t,a of man uumf�•rinllamreverentt:�t The lie leaves a a ton, and two sisters ' best affairs upon. -eat lie world during his lifetime has :u.,1 a brother in Sas i)ptaa• Transplanting Advisable '1 with its InlraculOtls mechanism has Funeral at Fort Saskatchewan Sa oat I Most of the plants stetted indoors. I but strengthened his simple faith, a I From .The Record, Fort Saskatehr I such as tomatoes, cabbage, cosmos, faith that has made him a Man of wan) 1 slnnlas, nlcntlney. and a score of prayer." —. The ins Wil of the late Mr. Is B.others, should he transplanted at least Ben Davis Apple A church, a was hekf from First United laced In their per - da an Bus ]Port Saskatchewan, on Mon -1, ober before being P day, May 2, et 2 o'clock In the after' manent position in the garden. Trans- At a meeting of the Georgi planting when dant carefully. sirens FnkietKtheemetnberethat fadecided n. Shallow the W WALKER Feraitere and Hems Furnithinp "Often the Cheapest and Always the Best" r EIGHTIETH YEAR NO. 20 od is thegrownriginal fat Inl- The congregation, led by the choir,the sang some selections which were fav- rr`etly ed toedn spindly dentthey are Just in- orites of the deceased, including 23rd Psalm and Unto the h eyes." of tertletting nit rate In a den sprinkle around h I lilt could my accommodated solv{nc this quick -acting fertilizer In The church who the ,notwlying In liquid form the people gathered, notwfth hot wnt'r and aptp• standing the fact that the country is the hent any--anti your int! will roads were almost iwfw,sable. One shoot ahead. Ben Davis apple Is a detriment to t e atrecemsfnl marketing of orchard fruits. As a ronsequence, all trees of that specie's •will he removed kora Care! county orehards. Although for evapo- rating purposes the Ben Davie is appetizing rlarksr shipping it petizing and keeping qualities which have won favor for such varieties as the Spy. Greening. King and Mcimltoah Red. These, with several other stand- ard varieties command the highest A 'Child's First $100 Fust save $1.00 Then take it to the Bank You will get a Bank Book And have a Savings Account And if you keep adding to it Your money will grow to $100.00 Any boy or girl can rate it by fou0.',ng :his plan. " The Royal Bank o� Canada • Goderich Branch - - F. Woollcombe, Manager Photogr aphs Live For1ever J. T. FELL Telephone 187 Goderieh Powell Insurance Properties for Sale or Rent Farms for Sale levator Stock Bought or Sold Call 292 Post Office Box 438 was made to feel that all were sharia SMfpbjTS priers on the market. a common and very ren sorrow. Mr. REPORT or HOG ]^ __- igg AuguStine's business integrity and forending eoneeicntious conduct had made for greatly shocked by his Ong& death. Total ears ....es 7t' lett 1707 474 Their sympathetic . r itself in many ways, tint especially In Thick smooth :AM Elie h7 tt08 week .- Me May M THE BEST MEDICINE (:ori: Me Au- ltun,l� him A wide circle of friends who were Interest er/reseed Select bacon •12 Mt 4 crichailaw burn County the wealth of beautiful flowers which , masks .. • • balked the whole front of iihe church.. Extra hptt•it's., v He loved flowers. and ns president of Shop boas • 3 27 the Horticultural Society he was plan• aLights and feeders ping to make Fort Raskatchewan a ; - place of beauty. Deeply Interested In Service Supreme ll things that pertained to the better- (Youngstown Telegram) !tient of the community. we are made to in a restaurant n hat fr'I offta plop eg free vary large place of the fact that he and dropped richt on top of a p Ailed a )urge In the religious and I pie thnt was covered with whipped somal life of the town and district. SHE EVER USED 17 . 10E Dr. Williams' Pink Pills His c Praised by a Quebec Lady , 80 Mrs. David Logan. Thetford Mine. West. Que.. given unatfnted praise I" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the gore'{ they have done in her family. Mrs. -Ikon saps? -"i have been a user of Pr. Williams'iams' fink l'lils fur many always afoaloccasion themrequired, It most and rellehle • always, emulsins. My huababd, who was re- tereering from an attack of typhoid fever. end- was in a tory weak cnndl- thin. took the pills. and thromgh theta Productive Enterprise is a nxrlium for gatierina ttrgv,alter the idle fends of the Natiou f 1 and txnrbyine them to meet the tegnlrena'nts of ppsluctive enterjWise. A )tank's aervfee to the community ie measured by the efficiency with which it pa•rfortue.tlrls two -fold task. For mon• than tilt, years the Stnnd*rd Bank Of Canada toe been building an enviable reputation for sound mansgedilint and for farcies to its depositors; and during that time it ha- tak .. o •Pry iegill- mate demenui mat ores by productive industr noon. The service was conducted by the Rev. C. H. A. Pocock, who was as- thens theroot plant. tWiirmakes is a silted by the Rev. E..1- Rodgitts and s'tronger, . tnt the Rev. M. 8. Herr, of Vermilion. are filch the taken sure • ailed S. To Mrs. Angn?tlne and relatives a , r,enmThe miner of 'the hat e sorrowing community extend, most w."Ife[ mp"thy• The following 1s it hell" sail the !biter. " what de sincere ny list of those who acne dowers: pro• want, a new hat or another P e Loving wife: Brother and Slaters; of I i ,. • cninetl hmalth and strength.. y da nt Harry, limit the. Arthur. Helm and Art ; •-•=,,,---,---'-•__. -'-''''T.'''''—'''-'61=- to r was in n run-do'.e n eniontiem, ani F�IIth nod Ha of iNckeotl; Mrs. = -wits furred to discontImie wo. Pointer and family; Rev. C. E..1. Po- Gotham; Mr. and Mn. W. If. Thorne q�aln Dr. Williams' Pink 1'ilia w rf a tied it the was anon recto' Chek Geo. .' Tamer, Thoth B. Mc- a of mei.Coll on: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cart to sorted health. Ts sn my std - Clellen inn of°I'FartgSaskat Irewan. eaddenrrSir. ry fiindaMrs. nd lC. Krlterh ronr!my cl f I TV tmtl lino -_hurl.-en. operation t 1'nifctl church); United church i,e-+alejnr aud'ars• R• J."ityrwserr. ?lr-�. in It rile!' •Uri. nod 1'nitednrhumb :Ir'Sir. eau 1 � dell, manager Albertahlt Pacific. Bid' , ml condition. 3Oncef more. Pr. William.' Mos. Ann et Mrs. H. R. Lord; Mr. and I Edmonton! fir end Mrs. T. B. Mc- in excellent health. So 1 can truly sac n Mrs. .�,• li. Rogcra; the Atkinson fain -1 Fir,: Mn. and Mr.. -J. M. Roxburgh. Pink 1'111s were trk'rl, and he was sero, lit : Mf• e° Dr. and Mrs. de ; Ewen, F:dm,.r,ton : Miss Gladys Reeves. ; that mare than satlsfnt•ti 'it has lem'il BeaMrsW. G. Shore;obtained by the use of it ' melicine. Beattie' Mr and Mra. F:. A. Wilmer- � Felmntor, : tW J. R'illlnmson and fainThe - Ba s: Mriand Mrs. Ti. II.nllrnt'1 tyre,FFrdmnotau ; Mr, and Mrs. Mein-ni„n: Mt. and Mrs. Gordon1 humpitlan linn,lrrdo of',to':rre worth Mrs: Bales: ' of more Pxlrrastvr medleinua.” owterl Mr. anti Mrs. ah T. Blythe air.' Elfin. Vermilion; B. icilienM ttrn.f err. William,' ilink pill, assist tui. and Fre. .l:n Mr Graham. Mein. ElsieD. Fl iinllnm. mit cestloti. corr. t t rte l*eftltnde. the 1' nm{ 'Irene; aft. and Nes W. h. Roherteoa. (elevator managers Irntlon the heart, slinky nerves ('lark, ; Dr. nett Mrs. fifteen: Mr. and' Fort Suet. )' the Mayon and ('ono' -1 I mid the of int ofuthe tyre and' rtes Mrs. W. A. Graham: Mr. and Yrs. -T. r Fort Loewe. 1.0.'kf.; Bertieultnral W. Monty. end fagllIII the Atetelraa; ( elety; local 1'.4 H. : Foft Sask. 1'.F.A.: that rlare the r' - ills 'Af'-tMn, IMpnre Mr. and Mrs. W. flew; • line "Pi family; 1-nitet Crain , rowers.n ef cath followed loan can get 'h,ep /tr. trirtlt'an7 Mt. and Mrs. J. F. Oellow a, ; Mt. sed I -A long pYell r denier. or by mall et III) Cruet M. larltlmetirarl: SI aatlllf». the re•rrnnlua n lrwlronaton cemetery, m M}�. A C. A (niayjonly ldr. Aad aim. Where he east laid to rest in a pleas-The.Dr.Williams' Matt- i A. H. Iron : Mr. and Mrs. i * Anis situated plot a MnCo..Brockville,t • if w • GODERiCH fyeneh« it. Reid, Mamer► and Du - a INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Established 1869. Head Office, Waterloo, (httnrio. D. D. MOONEY, Agent. Last Street. Phone 250 (:oderich, Ontario. Sun Life Assurance 'Co. of Canada Prgss5me'roua and progressive. -tit: Sun Life of Canaria offers safe inveatroent and sure pro- teetion. Insure to -cloy. H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 0. F. Carey & Son, LIMITED Insurance and Bond Brokers Phone 230 West Street, Goderich, the The Armstrong Ilea! Estate and Insurance Agency Life, .Aceldent, Sickness, Loss of Time, Burglary, Automobile, Glass Insurance APV.eTAL-_Ti>ISonatrt trrtrll,nt tenor,* - _ _ L.,.‘ r. a e, -a ----co• d 1 1.2 story bole*. nice foud cellar; everything in goo(' condition; appearance; well planned for conven- ience and comfort; nicely decorated; very 'loin;, tine full equipped lmthnsom; ele'qq-' tris-Iighte'd, all enetrie Hxtun'n go with ,, the hooey; well h,cMe4 on St. Catrick'a street, is very CORNenlent to Square and lost Other. Price $2104). Tenn", $11(0 rash, balance easy terms if desired. Itn- motdito p emerseion. • ladle nunrte•r ge,s1 Loner's and lots for -ale; almost any kind or in ally location n•u luirel. 1 f,,w Rotel prop•rtiee for sale suitable ' for fowl riieing and gardening. All neves- _ l eary headings ud a few acne of glial - -- 'teary ,timed a(t gneal far for sale. stoma with all crops in. Fine chance' for big 1bargains. just. new. Full equipped dl chicken farm; close to town, Tsetse good huts in 'me hbs•k, Rout soil; suitable for pasatnre or Ranientng. (:reed building rite: located not f:ir from seawss••••,.core. )'rim bur quick sale t_ for the wh,o1e. Tenn,rrah. _ I J. W. ARMSTRONG Beal Estate agent I1111ce l'petnrs. ❑ext door to the S. .. (;ray Co. store, Square. I'. O. lion 89. Goderleb. Ont. e quer oluen Alla night until tu'''be k J. W. Craigie Real Estate sad Insurance Bonds Stocks Grain Insurance Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Bldg., Godericht 1. Phones: 430 and 445 Geo. Williams • l aal. r u, I427411NlON, )'ROA IN(LAl„ {11'NI('ll'Ah AND CORPO- R %TN)N BONDS Fire, Life. Accident, Antoine- -bile. ntonio-_bile. and General Intrnrance Agent (Mire', nest to lyenk of Cr Phone AS "rt r ti