The Signal, 1927-5-19, Page 2veoregstar `seise e t - a • 2—Thursday, Mae *' 1 T. • • IISTABLISIT D 1816 GODERICH : : CANADA Member of Canadian W eekle News- papers As•odafdon Published every Thursday morning. Subscription price $2.00 per year strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO. LTD. Telephone 35 : : God/midi, Ont. W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager Thursday. May 19, 1927. EDITORIAL NOTES May is moist and moody, but frag- rant and charming. We like May. • • • Here's to the 24th of May—the first similar position la the entire Province. 1, summer holiday. •Long may she wave. Nd public exptaeatila has bees given • • • I Wr Mr. Yellow's release from his of - The next great question to he de- 1ct Wthe PP '11 • be butreturned Ottawa, May 16. quite frequently wages may bo low in daps ego. The scheme was not finally duty ablytully, without fear or favor, • country and actual wage assts high.'abandoned but no action will be taken f t 1 t t The lasts were plaunerd vttabl k hemi w end in thin, Owen Sound, Collinga nnd. along with the changes foliowiatt the - vow me the toure.g� to meowed thatMidland-kAd_I'_arre Sound as ports of Li everybody knows csev; the emotes. -_.. _. , resignation of the former Attorney- Cssadian manufacturers making ala Uunlst—and he ictus, to know be- call- !General, all•!General, Mr. W. F. Mettle, and the plications for increases might do much cause tie flan the truth rvoultl fegaore adoption of new policies in the matter to Improve e coat for an inrrea.e An es ileacs of over a year and wages may be h ' s prrsen . nal practice before the Tariff Board wage- costs low, and i that is a fact to Include • t • Ostarlo's Orme permits ere on sale this week. It's • mighty fine chance to save $2. • • • The Mississippi is still on the ram- page, swollen by water stolen from the Great Lakes by Chicago. • • • Children should be warned of the tb briefs presented. The a part of his protection. 1 suggesnao' Blue average spell the applicants for increases of !k,to So many radiant things are bete— 1 of liquor law have eprive may lie the shirts off with the assumption that proteetloen that they cntr.ltke this Heavens of fragile turquoise tint: causes which have Mr.ethe county' the members of the Board are not phase of the problem before they' pre Thin, curling smoke: a seaward view and the Province of Fellow's see -worldly wise and that they have not tient their arguments 'rhes can beep!, • The eyes of laughTrig girls. that hint vices as inspector. 1Jr.• Fellow 'low still passed through the,traiaing In the lit - fain of this: their steietiieniTtrear}rge (Sf sadden stars or sua•touched dew; holds the omen of county constable. tie red school -house 'thee* two lull 1 ill •ttgtd So Re the Tariff many dear delightful things • • • ivt t ns court, seeking facts, strl♦ rttel danger of playing ball on the street. The busy statisticians at Ottawa It's pretty herd on the youngsters who have figured out that Canada's pope. have not 1 part or a vacant lot near, latloa on June 1st bast was 9,389A9Qe by, but plying on the street 1s taking am increase of (00.000 over the gems a big chance. of the 1121 census. More interesting • • • 7 L their *affiliate of Canada's national The attempt to re-establish the wealth (hot - Isdudtag undeveloped death peaialty for murder to Midget= I natural resources). Agricultural val- has failed, for t'he present at least. ues make up about $8,000,00Q1100 of The State House of Representatives, the total, „urban real estate nearly following a strong trend of public $6,000,000.000, and railways over $2, - opinion. passed a bill to bring capital 000,000,000. 'The average o� wealth punishment into effect. bat the per capita is .Canada is estimated at measure was thrown out bt the State $2,5225', anti while many would guess jlfsate. that tits eve -retie would be highest in Ontario the figures show that this is not the case. By Provinces, Canada's entimstod_saalth Capital Per Capita have chanced to come together. Not ..$ 119,912.060 $1.� by direct intention, not hr accident. 752,007.9.96 1.437 but surely by a kind Providence were 597 596.369 1.541 we able to Ret mer of such comps • • • Here's a new idea. When a young l` -Ontario farmer was married recently, d• his men friends presented him with a lows: , number of agricultural implements Provieees and garden tools. Hereafter the P. E. ls:aui newspapers may be called upon to re Nova S''"tis N. Brunswick port the giving of "showers"of farm 5,541,819,907 2347 machinery along with the usual wed- Ontario 7,353.397.810 2,507 ding ansegncement� Manitoba 1,650,495,868 2.706 7i • •' • _ Saskatchewan 2.845,642.985 8,757 Alberta . 1,950973,479 6,317 B. Columbia See.120 2,604 1 ora! I Yukon 16,069.712 4,0511- . j - '1,uted by the Safety League in On -f Totals ...$22,195,302,443 R9,a25' e' tarso. He was rushed to the hospital,' where the button was located and re- 1/101' e- Why Some People bwagger moved, and now the Safety League has (Toronto Star) two equal four. 1st for Instance. for a large and I make au appea so trivial and a imagine that without *Beret storks of The pato. The Tariff does not make e u '- Forget -me -note. and gentians too; peesentat Ye r rrttae truth. and nothing A bloehird's crisp and curving nt l'state to can le more useless in presenting a wings- 1th a statement case aifore it flan vacant. vagueand I think the soul's own hidden hue 1 that one would almleat asett;ttetll. "Yost be some lovely shade of bloc! ad pitted it upe I —Iori Petri In the Lyric. West - from the bedtime Masa Production andel Post of Tor- Anotitee argument conataaali Virtue pays! The "5" is ceook•d, but brought forward ne the applicants is look what a straight and narrow path rd, let me repeat. that ii@,;eaaoot �campete with corm- Aries for it : $.---Publishers Syndicate. riffs. It is :entre:: titteb of -large. lemon gauss mass finding organ on. Piece all the peodoetlem bow cast. Does it? smphasta pea call upon the word fact. ,Quite, ly, gu how much dose The Board'hma been singularly forte- iiletf . jam- put this problem nate In its chairmen. The appoint- to gar Pea intelligent man. ment,of Messrs. Graham and Moore to- co the to .l of shore produced this pogition reminds one of the com- to Canada in amounting b over ment made by George Bernard Shaw $45,000,000, the total wage bUU,L was In regard to the Webbs of statistical tweatp.three per cent. Our shoe fan fame hi the Old Country. 110-101.111/..4000, on the image ate not more that the irarriage of those titins a1rt ''tlltn half the the average allleifiletids s alae of Americium Jecto- fatly eampe'tent people war distributed as fol- proof of the existeaee of Divide Provi- factory would employ twice the uifillle deuces toe b1. no2ther meataa in the her of hands employed be the average world could they by any pom{pilltye Canadian factdty. !roam anyone our gest that betsttse •f that fact we ought to have a, MAW of thletll r tea os sines iced* from the (' States? if difference In dost Of pro- duction k to be the basis of our tariff.. thee surely with labor costs amount- ing to only twenty-three per cent. of the value of the shoes it would be ab - sued to have a tariff amounting to + thirty per cent. And let roe add this 1 fact—in ('anadian oboe factories to- I day. a dollar paid In wages produces as many 'dollars' worth of shoes as does a dollar paid in 'wages to the average factory in the United States.' The t'anadlan manufacturer knows that if he knows his business. Then why should be come before the Tariff e Board pleading mass production as en ! excuse fur a high tariff? No Dodging Again I suggest to my friends of the Manufacturer[' Association that cold faetseongitt to be faced. Once or twice' there has come before the Board a •. A yottin down at Sime swill - lowed owed the lapel buttosli, with pin attached. which are being distil - another "Beware” to add to its list: People who lack brains and tact gen- Some Examples "Beware of Safety League buttons." orally champion big -stick policies. 1I Take this as a sample of supreme • • •I childishni'ss. The Canadian Litho - Where Fortunes Are Made i grapiers' Association applied for an The Wiarton Echo evidently does (The Farmers' Sun) I increased tariff on lithographed wit - not believe "Government control" will i A surrogate judge of Goderich notes• ter. in the course of their argument be a success. It says: "Liquor beat' that the formers of Huron are passing; ji stated that s great deal et com- the Roes Government and the ifearst I and leaving tetntea o[ $1(M)(aai tad peLStlaa was coming from Japan. It ecru $'200.1101 their business. Some Government and t)1P Drury (:uveral-, he says. meat. and 1t will finish the Ferguson I petits Government. By hook and by crook, prospect, we should say; than that of meet printing Is coming in from Ja- in a private or 1n a public way, St to a I Huron, especially in springtime, or in I pen?' etid the chairman. and his curse to everybody who has anything June. But the fortunes are mate In i voice sounded mild and interested. to do_�rith it." I the cities. Turning to the Provincial '�f don't know" was the restinnse. "I • • • rreaeirer's last report. we find that. Huron contributed only $14.000 in Sues The Inmates of Bing Sing were the cession duties last year. It was ex - subjects of a • recent experiment. An (veiled by twenty-seven counties, and exhibition of beautiful paintings. in- have cities to thoselly by hoases counties icles hone - placed which eluding a number of old masters. was lug retire:dd lumbermen. n. York. Went - afternoon In the prison chapel. On the worth Middlesex ,IAnafln Vanart, afternoon on which these paintings on and Brent were the were open to inspection by the prison- ers, there was also a baseball game in the prison yard. The attendance at the 'ball game was sixteen hundred. while (ift)e went in to see the pictures. Criminals, it would seem. are just iike Other people. f fence ter this position. Mr. Moore now holds the chair, He has a einem tarty clear and telable mind. He is not easily led from the thread of fact he is pursuing. lie. is determined that the facts and the whole facts shall he brought out. and therefore I snipe to applicant; for tariff in- creases that.. In fulnre. statements which are perfectly silly and abjectly absurd might well be dropped from .the briefs—they will not get past the chairman for a second. I. These facts warrant, was endangering e r ' • s • naive. Ingenuous soul Who told his the claim of Huron's pros -1 thing had to is done aloof it. They story frankly and clearly. He wanted' }e is nit a mere pleasing were terribly alarmed. "Just how a higher price for his product. He I wanted a permit from the Govern- ment to charge other people a higher price. He made no bones about it. I The statement hail all the011eletm in- I have not the figures." "But You nocence of the flue -old who looks Mould know," said the chairman, "If up int your face -end mys, "Dadt1`y. I it is endangering your bushiest`• you get me a car like that." One can ought to find oat about it" So we understand inch a statement—it's I foynd out right there and then. The human. My sympathy goes out to 1 Nal imports from Japan amounted such an applicant. but alas: how rare to $4.3711- -probably just a few stray is such a story! Instead, we Have the bits of printing to Japanese. imported intense narrowness which looks only for the few .tapanese who hapten to at one side. 1Snmetimes the smallness uteri, York contributing I he living in the itominion of Canada. of the application, the pettiness of It. if Millions, Carleton two; Still the applicant was not satisfied. is fur beyond lime poser of weals to rter millions, Wentworth I 'Rut this Is a growing import." he describe. At a recent sitting there a 'million and Middlesex' sold. "it is n potential menace." was an application from eight of the and fifty- thousand. A' Then we looked It np to find' how fast largest paper mills in Canada asking et is that the population it was growing. in 192222. the imports for a flatly on paper twine coming In- ` s fallen from sixty -flour were $5.223: in 102(1. t-t.:t7e1. So it to this country. The combined capital 1 Orly tire'hmtanud growing and growing hnckwt+rtls• of the appileants malt hey. run some -I, • • • Quebec has given the Taseherean Government another lease of office, in- creasing its strength in the Legisla- ture so that its supporters now num- terlaeventy-tour in a House of eighty- five. Quebec has hall a Liberal Gov- ernment eontinuously for thirty years, and Mr. Taschereau appears to be as firmly entrenched as any of his pre decessors in the office. At this dis- tance there appeared to be no issue of any consequence between the Gov- ernment and ifs opponents hi the cam- paign which hail just been concluded. • • •• The Toronto Star in its issue of May 13th proposed the ,bemestic hen as the national bird of ($nada. But The Signal wee there first, having unwell the hen In its Issue of May 12. This paper also was more specific. 'laming the barred Rock .as.the par- ticular hen which it proposed should be chosen. There ere several reasons for this particular selection. First, the barred Rock is easily der tinguished. A white hen might be a Wyandotte, a Leghorn or some other variety There are black hens of various breed. find unless a tuna is hen seise he cannot distingnish them. Pitt it he baa woe been introduced to barred Rank he know. her again sees ,der. Alen. the hare sass for the •rant and >p1K glee aatton/A eels Pettit. Also, the w the ala rnrin % 'stuns good layer a: I an ex. Essex, Carlet chief eontrib four and a -ha and three'qna ,a quarter of one hundred significant fa of Huron ha than"and to f T; . f.(cpae•. d eprlvt.n•„+a ,.,,.rt. J.. mental sial.:- - WELL! was it was not n menace the centleo'nn where between twenty-five d fifty o —It was n night- s import of Anything can be sold - by -Long Dist -In No matter what you have to sell, do not think it can- not be sold bg Lopg•[I - tante. It ern—if the pyf� is right. People arc rapid- ly becoming tdu ,',ted tu, buy by telephone many things they formerly thought they had to ex- amine before purchasing. • Those who have ,!r',' ely ac- cepted Long Diotat,.. "or sys- tematic selliig t. II n, — and ' the number is ri"oily growirg 1„ — that where tl.ey do not sur- reed in making a sale on the first try, the prospect nearly t always comes back later to buy. tgaat the Long Distance habit. t There ora 40,000 sure telephone prospects in Ontario mrd Qua - bee this year., - i for KGoodY S. ellog love ---- {ldtos �j�-- N o ors! te• f `notciao r Kellogg's! crispness •dad l flavor Qr �a` a4' hod for that'• Oasis ciao ick or tit And With fruits or everybody. d nd add for tmndh honer. thorn for Wevening honey. Woe r ilii af�'f or tho � attitn t �.1�1 001411- Ontario. Iliad• Kogt `'t �iQnf•�d'o M°�obyOvewfrt e date fen the O inner -sealed l•. rotas. packa pac-e. At g. tan On airline:ga by all Vow A 41 LAKES F CORN .1 - 1 e• ' • a' i S-pring Footwear - With the coming of Spring the mind naturally turns to new Shoes' We1iai►e in stock very attractive, up-to-the-minute Footwear for everyone YOU ARE INVITED Ti) SHOT' AT W. HERN'S SHOE STORE Phone 43w• The Place of Reliable Footwear n •X�! ��1�1• XXX I1lr1 ■■■XXX�R1♦ WELL! was tnnfferin� from milli.❑ dollar.. The 1 1x LOOK WHO'S HERE! -mane. The alarm he felt most hove paper ttjne•amount to approximately 1 been due to something he ate the right $6,000 and they wanted to check this' l• I hefnre and not to any real danger roe by a tariff. Don't yon think I. s tening ttirnndinn industry. This t ahnnld have stared at Dame? 1. George Snot The Win last week h The Adv. close poi t if George Spit tidied to eon parte of the that he offer the coming impressed u I'mgrettsi ve height he ra late J. W. K on the rear the seet by was revere Ile has th and those w ton Throws His Hat (al three e7 the Ring I little incident reveille how (lovely Could you conceive of anything inure I. Wing Adv:uneTimeM of facts are r•hfwked when cases ore be- trifling and picayune and email? le d the following: fore the Tariff Board. It by such things as this the nation a - _ � nothing slaw' Sale IsStill 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Bankrupt Stock- a PleaseDant grows Has big business n I to fel ds o Ex -Mayor of reason In a ton that he has finally ac- never for a moment considered the There ought to Is a tinuoas pressure from all riding of North Huron himself as a candidate in bye -election. It has been pun him that when the movement was at Sts n neck and e r init. it being sokcloseithat attention. Let newerroblem has been Ovcon consider the to titwo tint Mr. Spotton was given mein erfttments--end they appear in the ('aunty Judge, Mut this ed by it High Court Judge. roan his lint in -the ring, hn know ligan know he will encs -Times learns from f F N r Our Canadian protectionists have to do then chase a tr. of this kind? other side of the question. it would the application" for tariff protection. appear that they had never read the standard textbooks. They dlacnsa every gricatioe brought before the Board from e,pnrely theoretical stand point. Thi' practical aspect of the almost. 'very application for an In- crease brought to the attention of the a.ree• OM It aeatll 30 1539 ar(j, •pa•" It tion that we cannot compete with go in after it, regardless of the results. other countries. berenee our wages are Apparently his friends feel that since I much higher. Now, +mr ly It wnnl.l • the ('onsercative party will have no l nigestr to everyhndv that we act enm- permanent feeder, and no new plat- peting. Canada's exports are greater form. until the Winnipeg convention than her Imports Nominal wage's hear on October 11th, that there Is no time small retatlonship to total cost of to be lost. We nre Nit that he has production. Wage* tin ,tn hefarmstineaof organization well under way, and jndia. Egypt andthere Is no mon in the ridlag who has lower then ufaces fer In Wes tcrn Caned*. n Western more personal friends reldy tai get. in- The wage to tine hornet than he. The King Canada are probably the bighead Government' entity now rest assured Arrelre paid to farm labor In any part they will have n real ORht from title of the world Yet Western ('.nada is doughty warrior. We are also told able to protl'tee wheal more cheaply that If the North Huron Conservative than enmiet R Assoriatlewa shotilrl happen to mall the broad baste fact. One would Imagine party i•tether for advice. Mr. 9astton that the decencies of pretectlon would er wouldtiO called, to wbn dothetisquare.' and Mme before It. the Board aryl gnot. for pm ventlnntheiricon fectlon becaaee of differenee In wane.. *Ohl by derision. Mr. Pia evieted. it retia that for. ty heIaright p Si). it'theM�henceOanedinnictermer who that his for the party give the pa from such A condition. that his Meads to. .will glue him one .tiffenders Moait t he absolutely ewnttal mot.. chance to inial his work. ' • eese et ice - While you ate enjoying Wrigley's, you are getting benefit as well • a a a ■ • • ■ ■ • • ■ I� • (-nil Apar ••cry mod LADIES' Silk Dresses A large assortment to choose from Reduced for quick selling at $2.95 to $7.45 East Side Squate for Ladies WATCH TEXT WEA'S ■//al•/i■ ■■■/>•1!r■■ ■>•>R<i11•IXX!Iat*IIIIX • Ladies' and Misses' HATS CLEARING OUT AT $1.39, $, ' . .95 M. LADIES' SKIRTS All shades and sines. Clearing out at 79c and 95c South Side Square for Men PAPER FOR A .t NCEMENT