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Cluing Rates
THE SIGNAL can cave you money
on almost any newspaper or period-
ical. Rates on request.
Cootributlen of $100 to Stream
Memorial Fund
e committee in chlrgle of the fund
to provide a O.Q.L• aeholarahip in
Inemory of the late Dr. Strang reports
a very satisfactory response to the ap-
peal for eontrlbutlous, indicating that
• Mt1 objective of 32,000 will be reached.
a amount. of course, is a minima*
and together contributions will be
Madly received and wiH correspond-
ingly increase the usefulness of the
fund. Mr. R. C. Hays, jr., is the treas-
rei .urer. Among the latest contributions
is one of ;100 from Mr. Wm. Me-
Ctnskey, a Q.C.I. ez.tudesst who now
oecupFes an tia•Pftaat .potation in tie
ilawaHaa Weeds as director of
education. .
Mr. McCluskey writes from Hono-
lulu under date of April lit:
Mr. MMCluskelrs Leper
Nothing could give me more •joy
than being free to accept your in
teflon to he present on August let at
r the presentation of the Strang memo -
tial scholarship. but my work here will
• not permit me to leave the Cross-
roads of the Pacific at that time. I
shall he with you In wplrlt, bowever.
Although 1t was beck in the last •
century that I had the privilege and
- good fortune of knowing Goderlce and
Its grand citizen. Dr. Strang, anrd a 1n
this case the heart does the -
Ing. I have not forgotten tbe essccia-
done of those bygone days.
Dr. Strang. though scholarly him-
self. made maahood and not scholar-
ship the first aim of education. Many
of the young men and women to whop
he gave so freely of hie great life Dave ,
gone abroad throughout the length and
breadth of Canada and the world,
taking that lite with them and pesadng
1t nn to so tinny peoples that he now
ilver the cosmopolitan life of which he
spoke so often. -feoffee-tYd-he sYapeet
ea he worked with threw eomparattveiy
small and homogeneity/ groups that he
wos,throngh them to he carried to the
ends of the earth to be incorporated in
all 110 good movements of mankind.
Yee.. Dr. Strang stili lives. and shall
lice in the liven of mankind me long es
" the race of men cherishes the gond.
The erxiewme'rtt of a eeholarehip
witb a view to furthering the influence
of that life Is a worthy undertaking,
ell it gives me pleasure td lei
"b net aaonnt ydn neve af+uei& ' 60 .
leg ppTe anT stand
prppll [Cwar eo6,trib toes
in the centpnArc whlrh Go4iRtsts
to celebrate- many pioneers will be
honnrect, I should like you to ser
that in the est 1s the name of Mrs.
dote" Rwhtnson, who elalmed to have
e- Weed the tlr.t deg In Gcwlerich. John
Robinson was a shoemaker In those
early royal 1n Gnderleh. He and him
step smiled on let 13. coneeeeion 3.
(int s rtr'e *•ewn•h1p. where they poured
•- the mat of their life. air a widow for
menv� years. For more then ten years
of my' early boyhood I was a regular
• matter 1n her home, partaking of her
• dainties ea I sat by her open fire-
place. and charmed by her quaint as
roltnts of aarly days and her wonder.
fel character sketches of the people
whom she knew and find known. Often
hnve I heard her sty. 'I Mated the fret
Bar In 0oderieh, an' 11 was made of
can owl ehapeskin.' Jnst w11at tbe oc-
eatlion was J never thought to inquire,
but Mrs,.Rnhlnsnn, the Bre-bare Friet-
chte of Gndserirh. rhnnld certainly be
honored in the 'oeremnnlee of this
With gnitrfnl mentbriec of Roderick,
the old filch Sehool. and Dr. Strang• i
with beet wl.hrs for the coming events.
and fnr the enntinurd prn.p'rlty of
Canadw. T remain.
Very inrerely ynnra.
ASRFiE1.D, May 17, -The service.
in Ashfield Prpsliytertan *parch were
condnrtpd on-Sahhath by lith: George
R. Ritehie. the newly-Indnctod men- t
ister. There Wes n splendid attend-
ance and two Inspiring sermons were
Mica Annie May NTncllnnnt'l- who 1
bra• been visiting frieed. rat Klntatd 1
•_Detroit last
r a n left
the t month. ft fm'
Thpr.eMy, eernmpanlat by lyllrl
Mnofonnld M Lochslnh. , s
Mr. :\it'hl•mt. of Nebraska i. rlslt- i
1nc whit 11. v. *pow S. MeV,. and
hie wife rat the mange. !
Mr.;Alrx MnoTntyre. of Kincardine. 1
tRsi104 1t the home of lir Peter
MAY 23 AND 24
An amusement event of e•pedal in-
tereet has beeu secured for Goderlch
by the local baseball club, under whose
ousei.•rs Miss Sarah Gibney and com-
pany will present the comedy drama
"Thunk You" in MacKay Hall on two
nights. Monday and Tuesday. May.23
and 24. Miss Gibney 1s a favorite of
former years in Godertch, and her old
blends will be eager to see her again.
She is at the head of a capable com-
P007. and press notices from other
towns indicate that she his lost none
of the charm and ability. that delighthd
Goderich audiences on former *c-
essions The- eh(rijeeme it Ts To"r"%Ke
beeeflt of the local basebal'club, and
thaws who attend will not only be get-
ting a good evening's entertainment
but will also be helping to provide a
good season's sport for Goderleb. Re-
member the sights. Monday and Tues-
day. May 23 and, 24.
Mr. Earl Johnston, of Toronto, spent
the week -end la town.
Mr. Lorne Jewell has taken a post
Hon as junior clerk on the local staff
of the Royal Bank.
Mr*. Frank Bricco has 'plumed to
her home at Alliston after a visit at
the parental home here.
]its. Merton Davis, of Ottawa. Is
visiting her brother, Mr. Walter
1114. Cameron spent the week -end
with ber friend, Miss Wallace. at
Clinton. Jamieson left on Friday to
visit her son, Dr. Iloy Jamieson, a
Mr. end Mrs. Ed, Castle and -family
Lave returned to town from Stratford
and are living in the Colborpe Aajaft-
ments. -
Mrs. Douglas I[eKelesle end daugh-
ter Jean spent lest week with Mr. Me.
Kenzie at Port Colborne. They also
visited at Niagara Falb and Buffalo.
Mr. Fred Richards. of Loe Angeles,
CMlfornla, 'spent the past week in
town on a cleft to him gra other,
Mrs. Ce L. Moore, East street; )saying
to visit` relatives at Bu r, Pa., beteg.
returnlbg to Qallf.rn
air. and lira Wen Ha Oen a13a'j
. w. children. ..W$ Mail.
L sePotrerf Mari Cha
tier. all of T)etroit, motored up
from the beg city on Setnrday and re -
/turned, on Sunday after calling on
Velatlres and friends in ,this section.
Nfr. F. er. of Toronto, and Corp
(brliss .:f the ('anadiaan Mooted
lice, s•a•ionpel rot Sarnia, were in town
en Monday en bnaineas In eonnee(I t!
with rhe Tee. 1- tl Revenue Depart-
ment. .1r, )Bandy is the energetic
aecret:'ry of the Huron Old Rev.' A•-
.nwt.t o. of Toronto end he rewire:
tint tl •• .teee,•iatken 1s making ereer
preparations for taking part in the
Onderi-h Centennial Week program.
Stratford Beacon -Herald: Mr and
Mra. F, Gthh. 221 Huron .treeet. enter-
tained this week in honor of/Mr. and
P. F. Cottleprior to their
leaving to make their home in God-
erida. The memo a -ere prettily ar-
raneled with spring flowers and the
evening was spent playing cards. The
hostess 'erred dainty- refreshments,
after which Mr. and Mrs. (en.th% were
presented with a beautiful hnnd-
painted phtnre. Their friend* ex-
tended them beet trlahpa for 'wrens
and happinese 1n their new hump.
• r
The Nevem of the Town
Exeter Joins County League North Huron Liberals
Exeter has been a.lmitted to the Hu- Tho annual meeting of the No
ron County Baseball League, which is Huron Liberal Am elatbn wi:; be h
now composed of four clubs: God- in Winghsm town hail ou Tuesda
erieh, Seaforth, Wingham, Exeter. A May 31.1.
meeting will be held at Clinton to-
night to draw up a schedule for the Cadet Iaape*r
wawa. Lt -Col. G. 8, Gilles,* of Londo
will In-treet the (:otiteltch Caelegia
To Open Season May 24 ' Inwtitnte cadets at VtMsrts Perk o
Weather permitting, the Goderlch Thursday, May 20th at 2.80 p.m. Th
lawn bowling club will open tbe sea- public are Invited to att.ed and wit
sun on Tuesday afternoon, May 24th, nests the ezercbee of the alkernoon.
when a local tournament will be -----
atggetl at the Picton street greens. Wingham Paplr Changan Mande
-iMay wort commence et -2 O'c}ock and COSI week's'ii.sue Of-The'wi-ngha
alt bowlers are requested to be on Advance -Times announced the retire
hand. meet of Mr. A. G. Smith from th
editorial shaft of that paper, slily
Red Cross Night at Model Theatre he had occupied with ability for t
in the interegte of a campalga to last twelve Jeare. We understand M
Mine fund, In Ontario for Red Cross Smith is going to Toronto. •His sue
work. a special program was held at censor at Witkgham Is Mr. Craig
the Model Theatre between the two formerly of 0 -Mi d Valley. who ha
regular shows on Wednesday evening. been on the *air of ldvanc -The
Mr. Douglua Brown spoke a few for some months. Mr. Smith ha
Words and then Introduced Dr. Rout- been a good neighbor and The Signa
ley. of the Red Cross organization, wishes him success 1n his new wog
who in a brief address explained' the and also extends frleodi7 greetings t
work of the Canadian Red Cross in his scree .or.
Ontario. Following Dr. Routley'' ad-
dress an interesting moving-pleture
Classified Advertisements
Read them on Page 8. An advertise-
ment in THE SIGNAL reaches the
right people- the people who buy.
Buffalo Gaping large Propos t e of Annlversar) Bemires of Godrrieh
Attention! I the Business Baptist Church
rth All returned soldiers and membero t The following stet' wen.t of ship- Knox chunk wan tilled on Tuesday
eld of A" Company, Huron Regiment, are menta from Tort William soca Port Ar- evening alien Rer 11. 11. Savage, of
7, requested to meet In the armories, tient, for the rnont, of Aprfi. 1921, i'ontlae. Mlrtu., the notes radio
Hamilton street, on Friday evening of shows that wills Goderlcb maintains
preacher deliverer) an inspiring ad -
tills week, at 8 o'clock, -10 sake ar her prominent position oa bake Hurun drr'� The service wits held by the
rangemtents for Centennial week. there is a distinct falling off et the
n, larger export porta, such as Port Me-
te A C Event Nicoll and Tiffin. the latter not having
u The Maple Leat Chapter, I.O-D.E.. received a single cargo. Buffalo and
e announee a recur to be given on other 1'. 3. points practically doubled
- evenings of Juno lei and aid In Vt. the quantity handled at all Canadian
Qoderich Baptist congregation to
mark tbe anniversary of the Ikeptint
4tnreh In Goderlc•h.
Rev. 1' 1' F:itfott. told. r of the
Baptist church, presided and was as-
atated by Rev. R. C. McI)ermid, min-
Opera Houle. Rehearsals have
Eastern poises, an uelbrtunate and un- later of Kranz church. Mr. Jack Me -
ben in progress for some time. and profitable condition for our Canadian I nkermll preedded at the organ and Ibm
114 ri ter a1i ing_program of aLosneesr ,:liwars and thelr_.devatora at Ray...rombined choirs of the Bop - r ---
m solos, dance -a. etc., welt b. gtvee. Look ports. I Knox choreboa led 1n the navvies
for farther announcement neat week To
a of "Smllestone's Revue." BtuIDonlo
b -
he Opening Beechen Game May 24th Cleveland
r. The tint hasebs)l of the season will Fairport
- be p!arevl at rhe AgTrirnituns Faro ea
T4+ee11Jy afternoon, Moy 24th, at 8 Total
O n'cloek, when to Meter and Goderieh GODERICH
es teams of the tioanty League will pat Midland
a en an exhibititl i game. it 1s hoped Montreal
1 there will be a good crowd of baseball Owen Sound
k. fans on baud folr this opening game, P� Colborne
o as the local club need every awtatanee Port MrNiroll
from the public if 'hesebald ie again to Tiffin (alI)
be a metes; 1n Goherich. The aAal.- i
)fit t. Godtaieb
reel was shown, which illustrated the ('Tinton Neweekecord: Mr. W. A
Various branches of work til. worthy Holmes, tn.ateeter of the 1te11 Tel
Society is doing in this Preston. phone Comgty'hrr Goderlch and 'Can
ton, who hast made his headquarters
Mettlend Golf Club Opeeleg In Clinton. hen been sodded by th
The annual opening of the Maitland Company to remove to Go,derleh, an
Golf Club will- be held on Tuesday, will take up residence there at
May 24th. Invitations have been ex- as possible. For some time Seaforth
trailed to the members of Hayfield also was connected with this settle
Golf and Country Club, Bea* Water and Clinton was the central point an
Golf and Country Club, Seefortt Golf tee espector hood, always resided here
and Country Club. end Kincardine Mr. 'Relines hearbeen an obliging of
Golf and Country nub. The follow- dal and be((aad tri. wife anti yon
ing program has been arranged for the daughter bye made many friers
day: during tier• reddenre here. who wil
0 tem. -TAM*? 9 -hole inedal---iisy--Fegret-Omit
competition.- -
9 n.m.-.Gentlemen's IS -hole mglal -'. Blue 1 Ier C. f Club
play competition. r "tenser. of the hits Water Golf
1.30 pen.-d.adles' driving and-ap- and Country Club aro !.,.king forward
proaehing competition. to nn Artier, seaso several fixtures
1 30 p.m-coltlemen's driving and have already been arrw,ged. On Wt-4-
al,proaching competition. rlesrfay. Jnne 1st. a handienp match
2.30 nen.-Taro-1aR mixed foursome. will be played between aides captained
`Snitabieerttzes will be awarded for reap.etively by E. 11. Hill. prestdonf,
each oeeet. Lan1`h will be available and A. 3. M:e•Kay, vie-ptesidsnt,
lit* stab-bounlq ----Wednesday, d Jnne 8th; arm ti -m Ti-
o[ lnteret' to goiferssto mal opendtg.�3). to; wiljc•h'•* sni:alip
Bus. Bus.
24 271,834
don to this game will be 25 cents. I Total
e- Seaforth Minstrels Casing 1
The 8eafortb Mtaptrels, who bave a
reputation for Bret -ekes productions.
e wilt give an old -thrall minatr*/ show in
d Victoria Opera Hooter oe Thursday
noon night, May' 26th. with a f� comple-
ment of choruteer, solos. joke., ete. The
t enmparty includles�veral el the 1'0rrh'.
d Ase.piadlera wig tire program wilt
• tntrt4ude.l niahtbr of beautiful snore.
t mar•Ite obleime airs atel latest
song 1111. The second, part will be the
praise. During the 'melee Mrs. A. J.
MacKay rv•nelerea Ube nob "Tine Ninety
And Nlne." s
The speaker of the evening was in-
trodueed to the Verve terugregatlon by
Rev. Mr. Elliott, who declared that
Mr. Savant was the most popular
1 19.'t.146 preacher over the radio. Mr. Savage
1,1199 7 took an the subject of his address
3000,00..2_ "Five Minutes More to T.Ive," and he
429,515 field his hearers 1n dose attention as
0811,631 he rleslt with this subject. "Take the
x11.629 ease of a man whn 1s on Ns deathbed
and he Is told that he ha• only Ave
minutes more to live" said bite speak- -
1100A,e2R .•r "And he makes the abatement, 'T
am not n ('hrl.tlas; what meet -14.--
38,4(13,481 , to 1r• •,le'ad's"" Mr. Savage thole
with this main theme of him sermon
from rirlolt• vletsrtwlnbs. To week
1 Jewel Chri.t was held out so the only
! *Mutton of that man's problem. The
RPNGBBRID(1E, May 18. -Tim for- i •peeaker t.s', rel hlm,el� to Tw far ilii
ty-hours' devotions will begin in St. ('hrlstien ebirch flat. la.t and nil oho
Jnaepb'a church at the rdhcluslon of , thaw far. hr •raid. She church of Jewuq
Shp 10.45 meas on Sunday morning, l (I,TN.t Is ►,,.hind evert nulprment for.
May lied the betterment of humsnlly
both Mr. ;Edwin Garvey. of St. Michael's' Thr cunt nt of *t 1n the aph.mrnruw
rug College. Toronto. Is home for tate boll-. of Mr 5Ac:1¢e herr aA• indtonted hr
d1 33c; eo'xrly "Room e. i Admit met dare' the larva nnmhe•r of rnr. Arnnne the S
1 35c; tMserver1 sot', 6(k•. Tto,.rceri sea[ Mr. Ned 1 lli NA. returned to hit thatch in which the matting wall held.
plan wilt be n work after spending a few months .hnwin¢ that many of thaw preewtt
pin at ihm''1 o canny with his aged mother herr. 1 �e •
stair ill be o morning ear 11 events
o. I had emm� from ea dlgtnnce In .dee rat
This will 1s• one of the 10'.1 ,-coot. n! Attentlitn lllg dan.e in the parish 1 hrviry rain. t, Orr the man whew see-
the newton. and those who 'Ike a rent hall on Frday, Mau 20th. Arthur's! aeons they had henni from time to _-
good show should not fall t.• see the Bice,. rehestriLunch and a rood time he andira. Coma people-- -tan*"
e s. Mrs, Jr(. J. O'C apps the
�1- Resew srrvirps were field In the
Pigeon Flight frown Georyafewa and with friend!' H A't)dert _ Rnptl.t rhnrrh � Snnday when tfip
25,39 7 ,053
AC'BT'RN. May 19. -Mrs. A. Whit-
ley, of Londesloro'. I. the guest of
MIs. A. Sturdy this week.
Mr and Mrs. F. Starck, of Clinton,
railed nn relatives the fore part of
Ihr wok. - -
Mr. Riley, of Lnndeeahoro'. lo moving
into the hones ''r. Riddell rrmntly
bmght neer to Ihr now site to the
Quite A number from here attended
he service In Knox chntep, (ira4
on Tnesday evening. '. ' '�•
To Extend g Call. -A joint i0eting
WAR held In Blyth yth nn Ntnndnh even -
mg Imre of the elders and iuonacerm of
hetwo en
Pr literals err of At -
n rfinr. s An
*nen d I
an R yth. resig-
;io rnn.trter the re.
nation of Mr. R. R. Grnrie. who has
n nceeptahly Mimi the pulpits for the
est year and w-hnlf. The good
wittiest of the two eoncrrcntlnns go
with Mr. Grade to his new Arid of
Whet As he spanks forth the Word of
Life to ether Aneka. Ile 1a one of he
nntntnnding preather* of the flay end
will Always find 1 narrn weirome 1n
her rommnnity. It o -ss ncree1 t�
Inrr a nettled pn.tor rat the earliest
posslIdr data And to extend n coil to
minintpr. Rev.. A Maefnrinnr. of
Clinton preniderl rat the mtetlne.
The School K..mhen.-Preporaflonn
or the rpunlAi of pupil. and tencl:rrs
f i' S S. No 5 Milled (the Anhnrn
nehnnll. run ,g good pr4igrewe. nryt
he eV' mike i.ated-tot-
rr den • Anhnrn Fri -
to. and an 1n-
menee st 9
to r tnttnne
been nntlined.
a t l rwto to old
e seet l are be -
the **reedy. Mr. C.
would hp Riad to rprWlp
or r -,me• and sd for
t•Itatinn rl•t Mr, G. Rtnrdy
Mont *gid Mr. R..1. Meelee vies
p !Anent of the reunion enmmlttee.
nq re,
4I.ate MI„ Maei.ennan.--Nf1A
Arm '�aetrnn.n. of T.nrtrier. eMpsl rat f
her horne on the mornlnr of Anrf 27. 1
in her eighty-.rrtmd year. RI* tied
been In feeble health for *ttesrgl mar• n
ith,•„rn• n Annnlrtrer of the int. Me-
ant!' s. �nnin. earl
mn Yr Finlay Mari S
prlenepr• of this A1.trlet. Tiering her (
lett[ dint'.. ,he wA• tenderly nnrt'M n
ant rural for by her nffrettnnajf tl'-
fer M"re Dor brother. the im '. inn- t
i1d Mm-T,nnnn of 11'lnrarrrdnte oe- t
deceased her A1,nt one week. Her
hr•hrr. Charter. Kenneth find Joh
(Med wet* retire ago. aIgn n .
ter. Kra. Matbeeon of Miaow. She
e.•,Nted 1e,' two •I••era M.(
of Armo.. tine Very. Of A
ftraerel WA/110.1d on F'rtrl
't ICInt*11 eemetery. on
Kral' many
C. ff. Use
teritn rhnrrh
the Rub hoc purchased the pA.cram 1a hear prepnrei. Senior,
Platt property adjoining fhe coarse, Co'? Club iv t.. play here Jnne 1
with the view of extending the course. • and the return notch et Heat -firth w1
Godorich is unique In having a hoe be on June 23rd. Stratford golf,-
conree on picturesquely situated with- win play here .Tula 27 and the retnr
in the town limit, s.ateii at Stratford wilt he on, Align
'17. Other dotes are being arrant.
•Doings at the Harbor with various idol'. In Western Ontnrl
Four ononmers arrived' from Fort
1Villiam the in week with cargoes of I Children's Ald Society
crnin for the loc,1 'levator. The fol- The regular mnraf1'y meeting of th
loving discharged .argues :at the Go.!- Hero,, County 1'111dren'a Aid Soiet,
erirh elevator: Nfaplecnert. Weal was held on Twelr1Ay. May 101h, in tit
bran of wheat and 45,000 lira- of nets; superintenrknl'n office. in the ah.
ItrIe ldoc, 202,000 bra. of wheat and of the president. the viep-prrsldent
5:4.000 bus. of oat.: Riverton. 100,000 Mr. R J. Aeheunn, presided. Ther
was et fair attendance. Amount
amounting to 21112.15 were presentr
and passed. The superintendent r
ported two cbildren placed out sin
last meeting and four now In tb
Shelter. One of these. a boy nearly
twelve year, old, 1, anxious to be a
helper on a farm. There 1s also a boy
ten years of age for whom a coot
home Is desired, 1f only for the anm
mer holidays.
The secretary read a copy of a wU
in whkrl�the Soddy wart remembered
the amount not yet Axed.
No public meeting, alt he held dur-
ing the summer months. Thr execu-
tive will meet and manage the bnsl-
m +•s
The following enntrihntlon' were re-
critrd elate Il.o last report and are
gratefully arknnwledged • Township
of Cnlhorne, x20; .\nhirn Women's in-
u(itut0,414C, M. Robertson. $2;
Genenedl, Senforth. 42: M..1., t'hesen.
Site town of Gd'rfch. 450:
Brie -Rola. }i.5: Mrs. E. V. T'rs.'le,Is2:
Mre. Neil D. McKinnon. Tlrsrfon.
41.50: Mrq. r W. Carrie, 22: David
J. Foster. Port Arthnr, 22; 1Vome n'n
Tnseitutr. Lnntlrchtro', 7 jars of fruit.
Sows r**y-Mngherty
The home ,of Mr. rand Mr,. Thee
DMfgherty• pheppnedten , ens fir
''erne of a pretty wedding nn Wearies -
9 oo elr
deny. May 1 wt high noon. ah.•n tl
dmnghter Charlotte Ona nnifpd ht nine -
Hoge to Mr. Ed Sowerhy. non of 'Ir.
and Mr'. John .Sowerby of Gnderich
township. The niipttol wryfc'• oras
performed by Iter. F. tiny. of Christ
rhnrrh. Port Albert. Tin, bride
apiworp on parr N of this Issue. entsrnt Ihr pari -.r Icnnin¢'u the arm
Nll.q Tmorn $111 111011. A.T.C.NT.. who of her father. to ftp ,trains of the 1,0-
reenitly moved to finderlet) ?rem .An- honor, weddinc rnurt'h. pinyrl hT the
(Mtn. nnnninren f11hf she will rine in- hride'a else. c Mrs. ,Toho N1rKrenzte
Retortion in lal►no rat her rrddenee. The bride looked rhnrrntrc in n gown
corner ref Rny'4 ifl, rind Rritnnnin of pink,Reorgette wth ¢.cad trlmminc,.
roods . She, enrrhrl n le.nquet of Swer•ehenrt
The .-ncnmin nnnnnneal of rose. find maidenhair fern After
NT {a• N►Alwl Nal •younger rinn¢h 1he'eerersony the gnrst' atw•mldel In
far of fir late Prf d Mrs. Glehn of
the t , ,
a r m tt tw
dining -room. h rr n t n
¢ t
K •� .fnr to /�
Int ri Fronk ran 1
k .\ fort wedding dinner won •prrerl. The
Tis vkln••nf (ter l� the mnrriace to brlde'a trarsi'ing darn, an• nnry hitt'
tnk. piney 23Ili of 1fenrg.fte with ,trod trimminga and
Mr. .t Rohinw shins tint the
hank- rant of envy bine rhnrmrinlnr end lint
rnpt .fes k whteh he pneeint•rr) re_ and ,h n'.. In mar. h Thr ¢renjrfw Rift
Taney rat Toronto was not ahinisnl In to Ihr hrld.• was n gold bnridn sw•t
time to antinomy 0 •meta) nolo In thio with p•nrls. The bride receive( runny
tsar of The elennl V\'ot-h this pnper i b•nntitni and metol rifle. Inelndin¢ n
next work for his ndrt'tIlwment. nnmber'.f cloone.. flaring the After -
Mr Collie W. Tttr0ughnn ho. token nn.,n fir rnnpia left by motor amid
ravel, the enrage heMnes. formerly shower, of r•nnMMtl. fnr T•odnn end
r.endnMrd hr Mr. Maisie nn 1lam11enn other point. on Melt honeymoon trip
•trey`, 'Ir nnpntmeen the( he will I Mr. and Mrs 8owerhr will reside o
Son forth Minetr I tme. Come early. thirty miles or more for the nerAslnn.
Ttfb thi•rd pillion fl!¢ht tilt seaadn
Mr. A n Quigley., hs .porting d pn•tor. er F' r EHt( prwohel
An' F i gr c,eilfe anfl lnreeful setae a"tn R
Ons held on Wpdmer•tlay morning by faits„'. ,/'� � I � • wan•vtllse•=•
•r v were 'released a G
II ear. Con Oto- I nrnin
rh. Gnderjch Homing Ci(uh The end Oen:tog • At � 1 1nR1 mask. --
W A i t e-0rR'etowe et Keep
411:''''tttba ak t1 e1 a , cemei .pieta - . -
9.30 n'eIot'#;agd tile -East bird arrlwfd *0't1 a� dated r1'$W 410 1t! •I •
and n mar's chair MRS a feature of int
h In Gnderich at 1Z,I0 ' p.m. The union le erJ ry. rein¢ Nervier. Mr. E. C 1SphD
It1 illatnnrc 4. abnnt.4Otl ashes, The Ar.t A CInvtw 11.-Cnngrotolatlona are rlclnr n .rain
1I eleven birds arrived home as lui1Ow•s: 'hue to ][Ise France. ihniton, on holt
^ Ow'ner Number Time Ing true lucky ticket which reeentty r North Street Choir Concert
n P. .Tnhn.toh, R4 12.2!1
won her a beautiful doll in n eonteet 1 . On Frldoy evening. Nine 27th. the
Aligns 1' Johnston 011115 12,23 drawing 1n London. This was held ,.holt of North street United churv'h
.1 �, McKay MI 12.x1 for the ltiadt of RL Joa•ph'.r Norwq' will give a mneert in the litirrh aidi-
n !. Webb 275 1. 3f1 Dome there, and according to repnrSS. fnrinm. Mr. Robert Neilson. Ccottl.h
W. Pit Ida do 91 12.80 r, !lilted 215)(1. The doll In n real little' tenor. of Mmmnt Forest will nnsia the
S.NtciCnt 1 ,0 p^� 1' '•rata, with chic pink frock. picture choir, and 1111101r -borers err acmtrod if.
e P. John •ton 0 1.121
hos. and kid .Upper.. In addition she a oir, ATM 1 rumina. The snuredIon
P. Johmgt.en 27 124 t'" natural curly hair ant can even i to tit. scent eve in V trait.
e 'N'. PIeVlear (Mot 145 1''''•2• to the great delight n( her little ._ ---- -
tronr • J. M,e•N'Ic:1r 2!27 1 IC
J. MaeVirnr 1011 2.433
hueof wheat; Renfrew. 70.000 bus. of
oat oealpings. The Riverton ueload ed
160,000 hue. of her onrgn of wheat at
the Western Canada Flour 11111s ele-
vator on Monday.
The steamer Qhedoe is fine at noon
today (Thursday) with a cargo of 62.-
000 bus. of barley and 84.000 tins. of
wheat for the God -rich elevator.
The tag• Forrest and Crawford
cleared nn Wednesday evening for
Ryhg Inlet and will return to this port
shortly with the dredge.
The Moplecourt of the Canada
Steamship Luxes, which arrived here
nn Saturday with n mirgo of grain.
has tied rap at the north side of the
harbor awaiting further order..
Thr Federal Depaftment of Public
Werke purposes placihe n chain at the
water's edge along •the wharf op. the
sstith side of the harbor. Thlaework
*HS rnmmenred ILA west.-- -- --_---
Be .nae to attend the minstrel show
Atrthc Opern Hoar nett Thnreday.
May 26, at & s p.m
The replier tsontb'y meeting of the
WMrq S'Tospital Auxiliary will be
held MMnelny. May net. rat 4 p.m., to
the public library.
Renervp the nfternnnn of Saturday.
25th M r -A 1 harmer
r th . noun
hemeter held nr l the nntsplepe rate
the Mn'Gillivrnv NTission Bond of
Knox rhnrrh.
W. Hen. Sharman Ani name. A Ripe -
did eleenrenr.- .raft In running 'hoe,
on Fjrldny. Satiirdtj 004 Monday.
May 2fi 21 reel '"' Ills ndeertinemoM
An OM Relit Going, -The men of
the parish are busy thin week taking
down the old perovhial residence
d In renewing bin subscription to The
whir h was originally cnnodrurcted in Merles Mclntta•h, who died to St.
e Signal. Mr..Tnmr. St -wart, of KatlaAa the early sixties in the time of Rev. Josueph'a hospitwi. London. o Tuesday,
re City. Moi, writes: Father Wnssrrrnn, tate brat remittent Idly 10th, at the age of seventy-three
e "1 have received The Slvnerfer- a - Pastor of St. Joseph's parish, K1 _lurk- mutt_ native. of Goder1 lie
good many years and greatly enjoy bridge. Thin building nerved its par- ware a sort �{ZTapU4�haa. antTlrt. Me -
rending the news of the old town. Al- pose splendidly for twenty -odd years Intosh, old -dexo residents of this
though 1 have beta away from (:rad- wl;h the addition of n few new pens.. town. fence he left Ooderieh. forty or
r7 erleh her many ydora, I am atilt A The present hniiee wan completed in I more yearn ago. he hate liver) most of
booster for my old home orrmmin(tp. the year 159..1 whin Rev. Father Mit- the time at Detroit. Hr leaves four
Wishing Goeker(ch the greateeet of bat raised It And added two ttnt-lee. brothers: John, Seymour, Murray and
1 prnaperity, success and happiness, I Later It was refitted with plumbing. a Frank. all of Detroit. and one doter,
remain. Delco light system and n furnite. The The remains were brought to Goderieh
Sincerely yours. ,TAmen Stewart." lumber and' other material in the old owl the funeral took plate Thursday
Mr. Stewart 1a it son of Mr.. John hone ire of o ranch superior gnnllty t morning. requtol nowa beings sung in
Stewart, of Denmill-r. 17- err glad to what eonid he purrhnsel now. and Rt. Petcr'e church by Rev. Father
to know that he maintatna b(. Inter✓ Ihr wood portions. as will as tlx I Compere! And the Interment Father ref in fhoi old hnmr town anal hole hp it,1.tr''' of the light eyutem, piping, made in St. Peter's remetery. Colborne
will roma up thin year In tiaras In take e't.' will be mord in the ,on.tructton I tnw•nship. where the hither and Mo-
ot' the Centennial celebration 1n "t' the row rrddenre The latter. they of dteansed nae burled. The poll -
now under way. le M be a two -o -story bearers, ser. Messrs. Wm. Meintnsh.
structure •of prewired Irick. fitted not Wolter Shnnnnn, R. J. Mullen and Jos.
T)wcld. EHURCH - NOTP:S_-- --- with- an modern crmvrnl•necw. The Fellows. John. Seymour and Frank
project is under the Ab1r mnnagement NTrintn.h, brothers of deensel, were
of lie?. Fnther Mernrdl'. our pre'-•nt ' liras for the fitment"! ; the other hrn-
(airtuh priest whn ho. ninmdy 'Mown tiler. Murray, I. soiling o the Lnke•.
remnrkande ski!! in over.reing this , -
Death -of Mr. ('. O'Reilly. -On Nine A lifelong readent of this eom-
10th. after but it sock'. Illness at his mnnity pile d away nn Thursday
home In Detroit. Mloh., one of Ash- morning. Mar 12th. fn the person of
field's former resident,. In Ihr person , ('hrl.tina 11 hi.ae•t4 widow of the
of Cortt.lin. O'Reilly, won called to into (,o rage Young. of Gowlerich town -
his ratan!. The. late Mr O'Reilly ship. Mrs. Young, who hnd rmnced
• d
r r v r.. lin
the n ,�
rf seventy-eight ht t n
ben in falling health for several
in this locality, with the exception of year.. She wA. lwlrn In Colborne
n few year. In Boulder, Colo Mr. to�u •_hep• a daughter of 11.r late Mr.
and Mr'.. O'Reilly moved recently end an.l'7s•. Robert iti.tctt• hit .dent the
71,?rob. tuck there as well eta in .A .h- a •ren ter part of her life in Galerieh
field Mr. ('Reilly will he missed by township. with an Interval of n few
bis ninny friend.. Mend the first of Tent'. In town. tier hu•bnnd died in
the month deceased eontrected pn'n• year ago Inst .ianuary After n nmrrle4
mania. and on Tuesday morning of flit rat nenrir fifty -Iwo Yenta. Lattnr-
laat _week_ be. passed peacefully away ly she had lived with her ton 00.1
ite.I le. ht* w,rrewine affe he leaves dnn¢hter in low. Mr. ate Mrs. James
10 m'itrn hl. !tow Ilv,• c1IIII ren Mr. Poing rn Ihr '.1.1 horn/Wend on ilia
G. Frnyne. of King•hridget (3lndys 2nd r•'nc'r'pst.n nY Godfr1,h township.
••1.rsoldi nml Yk-fnr. of T)e-trv,lt, sed Fire non. •ttrvIve! Robert. T'eter rind
r ,• 1'n rr , ta.,
P r r In n r err (' .eo a raw
t k. nl.e u• n 11 1hf rail r
Jane f r h rd
J n Rt n
r p
grnnrlrhIldren. Iltrrr tdsten, sad own „e„1 licng..Tin...f GowkrIrh. . daugh-
brother• Thor ore Mrs Petrick t t.•r W'•,Aie died three year. age.
Finn. Gnderieh. enol Mrs. R'm, M.' SIr• firm wn• a member of GAd-
rarthv. Mrs. Then. jlrennen. 'Shebat! ' erleh Tlnptttl church Che wn• of a •
nnl john, of Anft}t/Iti whn w' r' ale kindly. friendly dl.p,sitlon nod mercer
preer'nt K the funeral. The martin•. fuilprt in ev'en.l'in¢ o hrlpin ■lin M
• Arrnmp*MMj by • the • him ile and Mr crepe. when o,portnnitc odlPed. The
Ed. Mnngndd. were • Moneta home ! fnerrai took piece on illtnrd'y from
frmn itelrelt on Wedieodla,' M the tilt, boo. of her son-Jnn*e. attvl wit.
hnmr of ht..nn-in Iso. fb. 113 Frntne ntteetdeet by a Argo ennrmtrytt et ns.jgh-
born and ailkho. Thet were
eenthsetell vir ,cp.
haft. ; •
▪ Kind Words from Kansas City, Mo,
The serrirtw at Knnx church acct
Sunday will he conducted by the min-
ister. Rev. R. C. McDerm(d. Sermon
subjects: it it m.. -"A Nation's Grant•
neap;" 7 p.m.. "The 'Mnrnl 1s.nra of
Temptation." Sabbath ordinal and or -
=mired cleaves at 10 n.m.
Ti' pulpit of 1'I -toric street T'nited
cbure•h a i11 ha orcupled next Sunday
morning by Rec. Ti. F. Kennedy. of
BacO d who will spe 1 t ak
I1 hes Inter-
s**. r f the mnfatentince nasi extension
fund. Mr, Kenns4, will be the
pry soher also rat the i'nlnn ehnreR ter -
?lee at 3 p.m.
Annirereary stere% were heel In
1'lctnrte street United ehnrsh on Snn-
n Ztet. W. R. Alp. of Anlmrn. ons
t',u• preocber of the day, And govt two
inter, sting ant] helpfnl sermens. The
moue, 31 servlet 1bt the Orly. 10 nrtfiltton
M 1ntl,'m, by the rhnlr. Itn'nde4 n
nolo 1, Ntrs Snuffs and n gnertette
hy,iBli.00� /:. Soley 10.1 11 Nfutch.
Mesons /• linrekow And et Penley.
Thr s rs nt t N h .t cot T'ni mei
Korth r t
chttiAAh tient Sunder will be as fellows:
10 a.m.. Mat's rinh. Manch ;Aisne,.
rand Ml'.lnn Rand. The topf.• rat the
Men's rinh will he "Lemons from 'Rini
Life." to hr introduced by '17 ilnna
ins (ilnrke. nettle warship rat 31
o m mid 7 p.m. Rrr. 1. IE. Kilpatrick,
..f Tinlmesavllle will priweb at the
morning arrvfe•. Rowley achewd at A
p m. •
The Petition will hr-+5ripen ▪ for
dancing nn Tue.ekly iveI lag, _ May
One nicht only. Min.trcl show at
tarry n rpptplptit MR of oePewenetest the grnnm's firm Irl soneeeeten of Opera 'ions. Ooderbeh. nn nitrates-.
V. All mobert of enrol end 1• prepaNtf (lnrlerk•h Mn-n.hip. and will be at may 2111h. et 5.15 p m., by the femme'to do ail kind* of repairs. home to their fps 4Rpr JnnP 1st. ( S,•aforth Mlnitnls.
"I' '4e41010,,
wns horn here altrnfu-a tt1yr
. ntrn
and *pent the venter part "f his life
whence the Arnerni took Ouse the fo'
)owing morning. Remilrso' stem wa•
time by Ros Father Me4Isesele. PP
and the Ind( \‘-n. Inferred Iii the fan
Ihr plot In St ,Tn'rph's en' netery, •
rnllbearcr• were Frank
Roc Meyers. ,1A, (earner,
fin. Reg. M'(iee end