HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-12, Page 8w 44 • S -Thursday, May 12. 1927. TILE SIGN GODEBIC ONT. xximmoccammerocimmovoc Centennial Celebration July 31 -Aug. 6, 1927 Redo'LIMN* (1) 67.3 Wilfred to (1) 66. 111. 1losors Elaine Oras (1)' 65.6 William Saunders; (2) 64.6 Alms Howell (2) 68. Helen Cooper (1) 62.6 Joseph Taylor 62.4 Dorothy Ltnklater (1) 61.8 Credits:- Keith Marlena (1) 60.3 Stanley Taylor (2) 58.4 Below pias standing, 55 per cent.: Lorene Oran (3) 53.6 Clarence Lannon (5) 68.5 Grace Scott (4) 52.4 Morrison McKay (6) 52. Vesta Tabb (5) 51.5 Annie Tabb (5) 50.8 Della Murney (6) 50.7 Anna White (6) 60.2 Hilliard Tremblay (5) 60. Below 60 per cent., ranked;- Jean Holmes (6) Edward Bsecbler (6) Murray Hetherington (6) OWe Sprung (5) Jack Black (4) Everett Harris K) Kathiy¢ Powell (4) Rune. Sowerby (6) Samoel Walter (6) Mary Girvin (6) Minnie Millian (7) FORM H. Claes average, S7 per cent. , I. Honors:- Evelyn Deas 87.4 Margaret Groves ,....85.7 11. Honors:- Ethel Cook 73. Victor Elliott 72.3 Ross Perimeter (1) 71.1m William Da ao& (1) 60.7 III. Honore: Donald Marines (5) 05.3 Evelyn Cooper 04.6 Walter Newcombe (4) 62.2 Alan Pentland (2) .......'..:61.? Douglas Jefferson (1) 009 00.2 0 4 HE swish of the paintbrush is in evidence f all over town, as our people are getting their places in readiness to receive the visitors of. Centennial Week. The dealers are getting in large stocks of paints, and long before July 3Ist Goderich will be like Spotless Town. If you are not already in the Clean-up Parade, now is the time to join. treats tonsil ills, sere throat', bron- chitis, cough, catarrh, whooping tenet. Good results or money hack. Price $1.50. Goderich Druggiste. a. A big manufacturer makes a radical A very well-known zniaille racturer with 70 dealers in Western Ontario now uses Long Distance Sequence Calls to call them once a month to get their orders - so they will alw.ays have full st?elpla A Postal sent in advanci6 no "heal when the be matte, and -they are ready. These calls, at first made Person -to -Person, are now all made Station -to -Station. It proves to be just as Silthe- Lionel Oark (8) raCtOrY - is much quicker Marsaiet.Pithiedo (10 - and about 20% cheaper. _ JPOT.111.31 The saving each month SUF. Class average, 61 per cent. prised them. James Sutherland • Tee fotlowing allows the standing of the students of Gottertch Collegiate In- stitute in the examinations held week- ly ending April 14. 11027. Individual reports are being sent home for peru- sal and comment by tbe parent; with the request that pareats give every ow sIstance in improving the standing of the pupils who are below pass mark - 55 per cent. in each paper written. The figure in brackets after some names indicates the number of papent in which such student has failed. FORM 1. A Class a eurege; 56 poi Cent. Aileen Stowe 91.8 Margaret Evans 79.8 11. Honors:- Olive McGregor °es John Kineeshaw 19.2 Frank Ituberton (1) Mabel Brownlee (1) 6118 Ali:tired Scott (I) 64.7 Minnie Goo& 03.1 Evelyn Hanseton e2.7 Ecnest 62 William Rose (1) .6 • Ambrose Colborne (1) Ebbitt Ross (1) Helen Page (2) Robert Stoddart (3) Audrey Nivins t;l:olys Brownlee (4) Hazel Gliders (3) I Geoffrey Peachey / (1) litrue (mere Jack 4lalkeld (4) Geraldine McEwen (4) Bessie McCabe (4) Marvin Lennie (5) FORM IiI. A Olean average, 02.7 per cant. I. Hotora:- Orace Murray 12) Duncan McKay (1) "50.9 Dorothy Steep (2) Marjorie Hetherington (2) ••••• 57.5 Raymond Farr (3) Mary Ferguson (2) • 57.1 RislOw pass staeit. Greer cent.:- Docald McDonald (5) 54.7 Sa 4111•1 Th evert F 51.7 50.8 DIED Oodertch, Oa Satur- day, May 7, Willem J. Johaitton, in Olat year. McINT01311.-At London, on Wednee- day, May 11, Charles Mclatotih. 0 REILLY.-At Detroit, on Tuesday, May 10, Cornelius Joeeph in Lis 00th year. Yeti:NO.-1u Goderich township, on Thuraday, May 12, Mrs. Oludatina Young, in her 79th year. CARD OF THANES ILY take this means of teedning their grateful thanks to bland, and neighbors for kludnesese laterkled dur- ing the illness of Mr. Graham aid is their time of bereavement. PUBLIC NOTICES IIOTIC1,-TIdE CABO OF PLOTS " Maitland Cemetery will be con- tinued as usual by the undereigned Bills and requeets tor plots to be cared for should be sent in ae early as pos- sible to prevent disappointment to K. C. COOKE North Oren. Goderich. It NOTICR.-COURT OF REVISION. 11.1 HOLM Bowler (et 72.4 Margaret Redditt (ix) 00.2 , Gest* itedmoud (Iv) ate I 1U. Honors:- 'Adelpitiet Levels n (nil) 64.1 Best hialiailea (11 (3) 44.5 I Nat Mettle because of returning to i acitiloCnoweetle aad being present for only plevilosat' the era ms. :- ' Kote :--tier Roman numerals lash- , etre the ellesher o•f papers written. i Group I. -Group oven* 00.9 per I I. Helientl- 'AUCTION SAPS AUCTION RALE or HOUSE AND n WT, AND HOUSEHOGD We are instructed by to sell by public auction at the premises, Cambridge street, God- erich. on WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th, commencing •t 1.30 o'clock sharp: The property, consisting et a one- story frame house in good repair on a good garden lot ; there la also a good frame stable. The property is situated convenient lo the C. N R. depot in a good neighborhood, and will be a comfortable home for a small family At the same time all the contents of the house will be sold, including: Living room, dining -room. bedroom and kitchen furnishings; 2 drop-leaf tables; feather bed; day couch; car- pets; 2 stoves; eery old chest of draw- ers; Mabee; blinds; lawn mower; cut- lery, and numerous other articles. Everything must be sold. TERMS -Oft the property, 20 per edit. of purchase price to be paid at time of sale, balance in 80 days; on furniture and other article", cash meat of the Townsbip of West Wave - nosh for 1927 will he held fa the Township Hall on Monday. May 8001, DriiNLN PHILLIPS. Clerk. NOTICR TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE NoTleE TO DIUDDITOR8 FCTION SALE OF 11 o SE Notice * hereby given ,tha all pee- n PROPERTY. • sons having nature against the eetate WANTSED WANTIDD.-ONSI OR TWO IF1.04 n DENTS or other young ladies MI roomers. Convenient lecithin; Om- tunable house. Apply at TWO dui - NAL. It TO RENT TO WE.NT.-110USE AT 001ENEIR a of Albert and Brock streets. Mod- ern' in every way. Fire place; hard- wood doors; good garden; hard east soft water. Apple, at WALKER'S FURNITURE CORE. It • TO RENT.-LIVINg APARTMENTS A (4 rooms), over stets. Alpily to 1.101/SIC TO LET.-BRIM,ans= house on St GeortileoncsaL -10 $1 1 .00 foPrnierlytetupied'-by Mhos McKinnon. on Hamilton newt. In the town of Ooderich. Immediate pee• session. For further information alke ply to HATS & HATE, Bandatern. the • Public Trustee of ontarlo, tbe undersigned will offer for sale .by pub- lic' auction, on the prenes•-e. subject to ir reserve bid. ori FRIDAY MAY 21$1t, 1R27, at 1.30 p.m.: All that pieee or parcel of land ecribed as let No. 8E9 in the town of Goderich. on which is erected A solid brick house known au No. 839, Nelson street. TIER3IS-Ten, per, cent. elislIen date - of sale and belence in thirty days an. delivery% of deed. _ Fer further particulars apply teat. .1 THOMAS GCNDRY. K. W. WEIGHT, Wilke Paltridge 14 1 59.8 'nitrite Henry (5) ati.a 'Naomi MeDermid (a) • 57.4 George Buchanan (4) 57.1 Albert Hater ,(4) 56.7 Edward Sale (2) 54.6 Ewart Young (8) - -Mee average 58./3 per tent - I. Honors. II. Honors:- Franklin Sevage 72. 6. f Helen Davidson i William Weletter 80 III. Monorsl- IJean Walter Margaret Ruston. Clayton Robertson (1) Lenore Crete 6 Edith Robinson (1) Lucy Hardy Credits: 89.1 Anna Dolde 42) 50.01 William Sutherland 88. Kellner Dawilon (1) . 58 Regina Id Fisher 84.6 Helen Esechka (3) 55.1 55. Dorot hy Wel ters T8.6 Merrill Baker (2) se. Lyall lira a ford ' t • 78.51 Below 50 per cent., ranked:- Jean Abell • 71.8 1 Dorothy Robertson (4) • Kenneth Hunter (1) 71.2, Allin Linfield (2) Florence McKenzie (1) WA I Olareace Walker (3) 53.6 Lena roterell (1) 52.1 aloft McKay (3) 52. Itelow BO per cent., r Kell.° Johnston (2) Irene Jeffre.ve (5) Wilson leatreeth (3) Eolith isimby fel i'l,;reitoe Kingswell Vera Wilkins (4 Duncan McKay (5, William Currie - Walter Ruffell (eke) Helen Steelton (xtv) Florence, Robinson ( xi ) II. Honors:- Ruby Wambold fele) ill. Honor• Melvin Smith (xiv) (3) I•oinsi Bell sift) o2; Edna McVittie (1tiii) (6) 51.7 Elgin Porter (xieje"16) • 54A Madeline Jeffrey Otiv) (4) 54.2 Kenneth Macaulajt (4) ....All iquiik Symonds (ix) (4) 51-4 • Below 50 per cost., reeked:- 1- Evelyn'NfeDonaldo (v111) (3) 6°.2 I Group 11.--Groap average, 74 per cent. 89.8 88,3 Auctioneer, • Public Tillie,. 79.6 79.1 COR 11111EDIATE SALE. -THE 78.5 property of Mrs. Sarah A., Graham I on Cambria road; consisting of brittl- e Drolly treed lots and eeven-roomed house. Hardva.od floors. Ailey to 61.1' MRS. GRAHAM on the /premise/I. Et 18.4 59.8 SAALE.-I HAVE l'ITE'Sit }Idea liunt (ill) Eisimer•on (vii) II. Honors:- Marion Thiene), (x11) 67. III. Honors: Angus Reetie 60.7 Principal n4.110011 at 8110 and an Atwater -Kent Ra4110, 6t¢bc�, complete • hat- ttrles In en Atwater 1) built -1S loud eeeaket.• „ 3 Ic,r 0, for 8100 ' O. W,.t street, Gnderl, ., It UPitiGIIT PIANO (BEIL) FOR V SALE. -In first -:ase condition. Apply to DONALD )tacKAY, P. 0. Box 4.17. Goderich. t DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROP TY FOR SALE-At_corner of 1- tannia road and William street. en rooms besides bathroom, closets, etc. Good furnace. All convenieoee'a. For 7a1 I terms and further. particulars apply to DONALD MacKAT, P. 0. Box 457,Goderich. tf• a a a • Saturday and Monday Specials May 14th c!nd 16th - DRAPERIES, CHINTZES and SATEENS-32 and 36 -inch width for Cur- tains, Comforters, Cushions, Furniture Coverings, etc. One large table full in a large choice of beautiful designs and colorings. All taken from our regular 35c, 40c, elr 50c and 60c stock. On sale, at per yard GJC Curtain Scrim Yard wide, good quality, heavy edge with drawn border. Regular 20•-! per yard. 112_,,. Congoleum Rugs Five patterri only in Gold Seal cl ac quality. Size 1 1-2 x 3 yards. On sale ,P06./tr Cheese Cloth Bleached stern -lard quaiity, for duster-,, „bandages, eoverings, etc. Width 32 inches. C Tapestry Rugs IraigiMb Nimbi. Tapestry Rugs in new patterns, &talk scroll; end medellinn. Heavy - even pile. Size 1r4 Yard": S4Peci•1 • t9 Barr/moor .Rugs 6. New designs at special Nla 1,rices. Comforter Batts Largest sizes ing*, prize, hest quality. Opens out full size and %%eight for quilt. 95c Each Curtain Panels 2 1-2 yards long, 40 inches wide. Real Swiss and beantifolly appliqued in designs. Arab shade and ivory. Regular r, $3 50 Each • Grey Cotton 40 -inch, bei4 quality unbleached Cotton for general household Opies-sht`eis, pil- 21c Curtains • 50 pairs Him* marquisot, hitt, Certains, :In inches x 2 1-2 yards, beatly frilled and wp•aitirh ties. 11,egular 95e. Two days, Per Cushion Forms Round style, size 2() diameter, well CHESON.A SON a a eilina•1111111111 11111111111 11.1111111111111ffini them mptyzwinoter.4 en set -ideal 410 That Motor Car of Yours Heart -to -Heart Talks with Au- tomobile Owners on How to Get the Meat Out et Their Cars at the Least Expense of the late Freak Stott, of the Town- ship of Ashanti, In the County of En- ron. who died on or •bout the six- teentb day of April. 1927, are required to forward their claim, duly proven. to the undersigsed, on or before tee Clirty-firet day of May, 1227. And notice 'Is ihrther given that after the said date the executors of tbe said estate will patted to di•tr'bute the Iodate, builds regard only to such elating as they shall then have Lad notice. ' Dated at Gotterich tliM truth day of HAYS & MAYO, Barrister*, Etc.. Goderich• Vat , COR SALE. -TWO-STORY FRAME II house on West Street. Bath and • electric light. Will be sold at a bar- order to up Need ter Signals Is Clear Every motorist has been annoyed by the driver who stops or makes a tarn without giving a signal and, by the same token, has been grateful to the man Oho gives advance warning of what he intends to do. There Is a valuable leSson In this fact. It teaches &clearly that signals are a diatinct advantage, and the thounlit- ul driver will utilise the lesson aby 'teeing that tits own car operation le above reproach In this respect. Don't Polish Too Ofteni It is wise to avtdd too frequent use of polish oti the nickel parte; of the car. An ezees,iye rubbing. with the cleaner tends to destroy the plating. When the eurfacea really need brtghtening. IMP a good tither polish. At other times. When a slight rubbing will re- store their lustre, an oily rag will achieve the (14 sired effect. Take the Engine's Pulse When the engine overheate, do root be "steeled merely with filling up the "rioting system with water. liver• heating simply may mean that tI.• system bas limn short of water et. 1.1 but It also may mean that serious trouble is brewing in oi,.o. the vital parts of the car. It I, well to make absolutely sure of the eau", before proceeding. ' inspection Neertsary Balloon tires have been crent boon to motoring. inn they have brought POMP new requirenw•nts in en? PAPP One of these comes as tile result of one of tbe TPA! tweets of the bal- loon ire. (-Sara ala ilf•Velflp fewer rattles. pa doing. they give the motorist le,s wernIng of incipient tronbles To 1•• on the safe eido. it is well to inspect bolts sod nuts Slat hold vitel pens. They may have worked loot* without 01•1111 any war6166 notate butpecting -end t !denting St . THE as- AMC Or weL41112- OF THE•TOWN OF GODIORIOE, TX THE COUNTY OF OtRON, AUTHO- RIZED ASSIGNOR. NOTICE is hereby given that Wal- ter Ross HarrLr merchant, of the Town of GoderkS. did on the 16th day of April, 1027. make an authorised assignment of all his property for the aneSt via creditols„ and that P4 - rind 03E161 R (ver. has ate ttut ��e tosbe case o e - tete aStheshtlg,.esUl �QIr 14 tselr firtie aetWg.lata trustee to admi6Utee the e11ti1Aoe1 the debtor. Notice I. further given t >r first meeting of creditors in the a estate will be hold at the office of the undersigned, Goderich. Ontario, on the 30th day of April at eleven -thirty oclock In the forenoon. To entitle you to vote thereat, proof of your claim must be lodged with me before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with me prior thereto. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if yen have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank. proof of such claim must be filed with me or the trustee that will be ap- pointed, within thirty days from the Rate of this notice for. from and after gain in wind an estate. J. W. CRAIGIE. the expiration of the tl�Bxed by ubsection 8, ot�aectlon 37, 07 the said 8°CBE FOR BALE. -APPLY TO J. sAct, the proceeds of the debtor's estate S. BEDFORD. Oobourg ;feast` shall be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to Goderich. r tf , fisc chime of which notice shall have flE8iRABLE PROPERTY. F O 8 en then received. SALE. --Corner North and Nelson' DATED AT GODERiCH, this 19th streets. Apply to W. H. JACKSON. I day of April, A. D. 1927. (age) "GEORGE WiLi•LAS," CustodiMan. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Minn made to give 'ethanol". 115116 attendid to anywhere and Farmers' sale notes discounts& ROBT. ROBERTSON. The Auctioneer, will conduct and arrange any sale on the latest methods to get the hest re- sults. See hlm or drop a card and be will -lye It immediate attention- Term sales a specialty. Eldon Ste DROGUES.) PRACTITIONER IIR. A. N. ATKINSON V CHIROPRACTOR AND 1)/1130 LESS THERAPIST GODERICH Equipped with electro-magnetla baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and servous diseases. Lady in attendance. eicepting Monday and Thursday af- ternoons and evenings, and by pointment. Residence and office -Corner South street and Britannia road. ap- CHARTERED ACOOFNTANT CRANK P. G I BB S, CHARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario street. Phone 1890. Res. 1180J. 1041* olVert.ht foice Ca e, Piano. Violin, Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio as* residence. 87 North street. Phose 384. FOR SALE. -BRICK RESIDENCE on cdrner lot. South-west corner Nelson street and Cambria road. At reasonable price. Particulars from F. R. DARROW. Goderich, Ont. 1-f. FOR SALE - .1 Qi'AN'TiTY OF gravel and top soil: 81.50 per yard and a -half delivered. Special prices to contractors. Apply to AL- RPJRT tt'rEVEN$oN, `Juebec street. or on the premiere. Maitland rr.n,t sr MEDICAL 5, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, sedstant at Moorefield • Eye Hospital an& Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- don, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S, Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel kiedford, Goderich. on the evening of , Monday of each month till the following day, Tuesday, at 1 pm. Next visit In June. TENDERS of Mr J. S. Plate to hoapital ground's. Fifty leads more or less of Ike cubic yards per load, Tenders to be In by chairman Property Committee, TENDERS WANTED - ASTIFIELD a TOWNSHIP. by the undersigned up to it o'elock p.m. on Thnrsdayt."May 22th, for the construction tit ,,two cenereir abut- ments for the itelol bridge. tot 9. edit - cession 6, Ashtleket leen seven small heidges-two on gide ft and 7. eon - 5; one at I concetelon 12 ED.; two at D. L., neession 12. council to furnish g vel and bond iron Plans rind specifications may he seen in clerk's office. O. K. MoDONAGIL Clerk. 2t Lacknow R. W 3. TEIMERS WILL BE RECEIVED A by the nntiettegned top to and tn• eluding the Slat of Mat...1927. for the pointing of the 1.0.0.F. Hall, with two mate of hest 'gab and ell palat,enloyi to Ns obleeted by, fropert; Coo - 1 olttee. The lawceerar may tender not TILNDERS FOR DREDGING cEATJEID TENDERS, ADDRESSED Ig to the undersigned and endorsed neomfre,i,ereema.y,;1::111927be.reeelved titan 12 ;Mon (daylight gavlatg), Wad - lenders will not be considers& un- less made on the forms sapplie# -by the Department and in Loworftnee with the conditione eet forth therein. Combined specification and form of tender can be obtaloed on application to the undersigned, Also at tbe ofaceof the District Engineer. Post OW* Bonding, Sault Ste. Merle, Ont. Tenders mud' Include the towielf ef the plant to and from the, work, The dredges and other plant which are intended to he used on the work shale. have been dnly registered in Cadlida at the time of the filing of the have !wen hnilt in CAnada after ta Each tender mnst be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered M. Iea;t intianf ropri eos s noon, a opt LIGML Barrister and Solicitor 10"King street east, Toronto 2. Tele. phones Maln 77911-7794. DUDLEY R. noutis Barrister, Etc. Ofece--Haniliton street, Goderich. Phone 27. Suecessor to J. L. Kil Phone 07. • flaps a Nape INSURANCE. LOANS. arra • CANADA LIVE ASSURANCE CO. "80 Years a Success" WALTER L. SAUNDERS West Streetiolopbone IleKILLOP MUTUAL rum- IM- PS SURANCE CO. ---Farm las lated town property inutile& 011icers-Jaa. Connolly, Pres.. God- erieh 0.; Jas. levees, Vice -Pres., 81loceecThirrennotic. sPe.o0fo.rt;blip.. To.. McGregor. Ettreetore-A. Broadtoot, R. It alarm,' Gibson. Brneefield; Jame, Evans. Beechwond ; James Connell", 9.4kAgre:tba--.1. w Teo. Goderich; Murray, fleaforth; E. Htediley, h. Policy bolsters can mak. all a and get their elide hiestlit- Oaaeral Stara Day Ry nrAer. S. R. O'RRi .' . Secretary. Veg?talent of Piddle Worts, bewa, May 2. 1927. • •