The Signal, 1927-5-12, Page 5•
e •
New ToiletArticles
We have added to our already extensive Toilet Goods De-
partment, this year, the following new line; :
Day Dream Princess Pat Toiletries
Debutante • California Poppy
We carry each of these in Face Powders, Creams, Lip Stick,
Toilet Waters, Pert uute, etc. Always a pleasure to gtlow goods
Campbell's Drug Store
topocmcxxxxacmooccemecxxxiiPhone 90 Goderie.h
Highest Prices Paid
for Hides, Skins, Goose
Feathers and all kinds
of waste
David Brown
I'Iwn,• 270
t &dict)-tOntario-
Beautify Your Lawn
for the Centennial
by planting a bed of scarlet, pink or
crimson lieraniums, or some of our (limit
Snapdragons, or Salvia, or Giant Fluffy
Rattle Petunias, or our immense Asters
with long, wavy, twisted petals.
There or any of dhe other tine Annuals
we have would certainly brighten up
t oderich for this summer of summers.
Beautifier Nurseries
R. R. 4, t:,elerich Phone 1'.111.01. 135
Not Just Bread!
is a tempting complement
to any meal—delicious in
itself and lending zest to
the rest of the menu. Your
family will demand twice
as mach' of 011e efrf U
any other. Encourage them
to do so, as it is the most
healthful and nourishing
they can take.
E. U. Cleveland
one 114 West Street
Vacant Property
of My Store
Kingston Street
J. Calvin Cott
Phone 116 tveidcrleh
We Can Get
PARAMOUNT The meeting of the Women's Inntt
s da
PARAMOUNT, May II). -Mrs. Wm.
Jamieson, of Cuurey''s Corners, who
has beets very sick, is somewhat
Mr. and Mrs. MacGill spent a day
iu Kincardine last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Juo. Gibson, of Clin-
ton, visited with the for er's nattier,
Mrs. Geo. Gibson, recent) . Iiain
Mr. ins. Stanley, who s been cri-
tically ill, is now showing some im•
provement. His neighbo and relent!,
hope for further Improv ment.
ante Misses Myrtle and Winifred
\\'ebrter were guests of yle Richards
last week.
Mr. Win. Kempton, of Ripley, spent
a day with his son, Sl Will Kemp-
Mrs. Fraser Paterson and ,•hildrefo,
of Lucknow, were visit, rs'ut Mr.. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel. taynard, who
breve been confined tot a !poise with
severe colds, are improving.
HDavidson.def Hamilton
oa the
Finest Furniture at
Moderate Prices
-Mr. ughe
visited here over the week -end.
Mr. aqb DoyleMrs. Win. Doyle and -child- , onto, conducted the serve-, a in Ash
ren. of Buffalo, motored over and field Presbyterian church en Sunday.
-pent the weekendnwith the lady's Both services were largely ottelided.
iearents. Mr. and Mrs. John Blair. Miss Annie MheDofald,•ot Lcebut•n.
Miss Alice fiowerby, of Stratford, spent the week -end at tier home at
.pent the weekrud with her father, Paramount-
\ir. Wm. flowerby. Miss K. MacMurchy. of King, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sime. of Tor- I visiting at the home of Mr. Alex. Mac-
Mureky, Kintail. visiting
tote w s het t Mrs. W. 1. Miller's cm
Thursday. The ladle@ were pleased to
Lure with them their district secre•
tory, Mrs. Elliott, also Miss Ander-
son, president of Wingham lustittfte,
Mrs. Cruickshank and Mrs Catwttwre.
Mrs. Cruiekahauk stoke on "R Kiel In-
fuence olt Everyday Ilse;' Mrs. El-
liott on "Ideas of Women's lnsti-
tutes;" Miss Anderson on work in
their own Institute. The addresses
were enjoyed by all. Lunch was
served and a social half-hour was
Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney, of Kin-
ringwith friends here dur-
Ing the week, ,
ASHFIELD, May u.—Mr. id M, -
Wm. Buckingham, of Lotlu,iu,
visiting friends in London.
Miss Flora Andrew spent the week
end at her bene in j.oe sow.
Miss K. MacGregor, of Lucknoe
visited friends in Aubtiebt over the
weekend. o
Mr. and Mrs. James Drennan, who
have been ill for some rim,• with the
"Du" and pneumonia. are improving.
Mr. Smart, of Knox l'oliege, Tor-
mutemotored up and spent the week
•-•foreetttritte'-i..1}v pet...t., Mr. and
Mrs. Jaw Rena.
Mr. Harold Rntsnesson, of Detroit. I of Ethel.The Klntnil branch of the Women's
motored ever and visited with his par...
chis. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Emmerson. Institute held their annual meeting at
Mrs. Wilson,' of London, who has'the home of Mrs. A. Reckett• cenceon
been visiting with her son. Mr. Fran- i sat10, on Friday. May 6th. After the
cis Chisholm. returned home. on Satur- I business part of the meetioe and the
de y. eleetios of officers for another year.
Mother's Day Heroine --Last Sunday the district :president, Mrs. Crulk-
lydng Mother's Day, a large congress- shank dK Winghasa, occupied the chair.
tins attended the , service to limes Splendid, papers were Oren by Mrs.
church. Rev. S. Jefferson occupied the Elliott and Mrs. Cruikshank ; muatcal
pulpit and preached a ver, inspiringaeteelloas by Mies Katherine laae-
sermon. A special feature of the ger- l •' Mise A MacDoaahf
vice was the presentation icy Mr. Jet-' Miss F. Andrew and a solo by Miss
fersan of the prises. diplomas sod pins Margaret' MacKenzie. After singing
to a number of Snaday school pupils. I the National Authe•m the meeting
the award. taring gives by the Sunday closed cad a dainty lunch was served
school for bestattettdlance and largest 17 the besidess.
1 dart the
_Mian...& o!
i nie ..31atMIib her sister, Mrs. George
her of verses learns ng 'VON
year. During the service Mit s, f1LiNGAIh
PMMay 11. -Sir. and
'anion Oalweh gave a reeding and the A , of Tomato,
troth of Mrs. Ron Stories.
This Healthful Food Is
Served in a New Way
We have installed a
New Frigidaire Iceless Refrigerator and Can Offer You
Silverwood's Famous Ice Cream
In Just the Way You Like It—Bricks, Bon Bons, Dixie Cups ant Balk
Start today to eat and enjoy this "Full of Vitamin Food"—it's good '
for adults and nourishing for the children
Handled Carefully ' . ' Where Cllnlineas Is Paramount
Sparr's Grocery
Telephone 146
We Deliver in Town
Goderich, Ontario
choir sang an aumem• week with Mr. pees
which were much appreciated.
I spent a few days lest mothers and mothers of the present
'Newt Sunday anniversary service Stothers' parents, Pnstd1ester and Mrs. day. His text was from John i.1--
a+lll he held in inion church. Rev. Stothers. And the mother of Jesus was there."
W. R. Alp. of Auburn. will oocupy the' 'Mrs and Mrs. J. K. McFeehern and The music was fru keeping with the
pulpit at 3 p.m. Sunday school at 2 daughter Mary, of Londonspent the day.
P.m. weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mit Annie Miller visited her friend,
R. A. McKenste. Mige' L. Fisher, of lienmiller. on
ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McNah. r,f.Luck• sundly-
now', epees Sandal with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret Jones, Misses Pearl
If you want anything in new or
ST. HELEN'S, Map 9.-Mrs.Hugh It T Crawford.
CA1tI.OlV, May IL -Mr. Joe Young, 1
of Detroit, visited his parents, Mr.I
and Mrs. Gordon Young, over ohs
w eekeud.
Mrs. Herb Morris and dnughter Ade-
lalde visited the former's parents, Mr. I
and Mrs. McMillan, near Port Albert,
last week. . .
Mrs. A. W. Young, who haslbe en i
contlued to bed with toustlit}p for over
a week, isnot Improving as fast as her
many friends would like. We wish
fur her 'a ppeedy recovery. Telephone I;i
The Misses Lindsay. who were visit- _.
Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James.
McBride, returned to theta bore St-
; Lucknow on Sunday. .t •,it s
1- Mother's Day ,psoh .rve
Church here on.> fy. Rev. f Phil-
ter giving a time message on pioneer
l am prepared to deliver
lee to any part of the town
J. H. Graham
sad Arabella Ritchie, Miss Eva Gruel -
used Furniture and wont to
Cameron. of Fine River, Ice a visitor Sir. Wilfred Anderson. of Lucknow• ed and Mr. H. Witmer, of Goderich,
save some money, Call at with her friends. the Messrs. Ruther- called an friends here last Sunday. visited friends in the village last week.
t Mr. end Mrs. O. M. McKenzie and )Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Young and Mrs -
n nt r
and glad to
We are glad to welcome Mrs. Okxkl<t seen. Malcolm. motored to London r Redfern, of Goderlch, visited Mr. and
s -nig who his be. -n spending the winter With Sunday and visited friends there. Sirs. Paul Mandel on Sunday.
Blackatone'a- a -Qs =- dl Mrs- )fame MelowiiL-- Lir awl Mee. Raid. Davidson visited Mr. Esta Fisher, of doderich, called
Exchange 1a
Went Stre,t ;n,l,rich, Ont.
Marine and General Wiring
Electric Ranges -Electric Washers
Fittings of all kinds.
Electrician Qeds*1eh
Phone 174w
to her home here for the friends in c;nrl.yich township Sunday „n Mr. and Mrs. Paul Masdel one day
1 summer. • evening. last week.
Stuart Vr. ,w t .Its. M 1Censle and hells. ringing at Carlow
' Messrs. Carl McDonald and \ R•c Wedding Cee s are n R
Tine were in Toronto for a couple of Sir. and Sirs. M,•Enchern visited Mr. Elwin ' utledge'. of Detroit,
days last week, visite) with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. Mr. \I Kenzie, of Relmore, oc- friends at \\ inRhnm on Rnnekty.
The monthly nd•etinc of the Wo- Robert ltutledp, for a few days this
copied the pnipft in Calvin church on men's institute will be held nn Tatars- week•
Sunday and care a sPlendUd sermon for dny. Mni 15th, at the home of Mrs. W. Sirs. R. M. Young Is attending the'
)!other's line.
W. Stothers. The topic. "Our Tears \\'.Shu!. cronvintinn nt \Culken'ille this
Little Ronald McCrnttte. son of Mr. Work." fs to be token by Mrs Mc• week ase elelegate' from Smith's hut
and Mra. W. G. McCrostie. was taken intyre,• church.
to AS1ingham hospital on Friday. We' are plwtsed'to note that Mrs. W. M. S. Meeting. -The W. Si. S.
lastest report wilt that there was not Ttnbt Davidson had the honor of Ire ince in the church on Tuesday with a
much improvement) ing elected one of the members of the gond attendance. Mrs. Marsh. first
Ladies' and Misses' Coats
cc of the Provineial Auese,eia- -pr« sldetit. was in the choir.
ex void
— - -
Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner
Steam Laundry in Connection
West Straw Telephone 5.19
tion during her attendance at the meeting opened with hymn a)•e. after
n F A in Toronto reee•ntly• which Mrs. Marsh led in prayer. The
Mr. Chas. Elliott is moving this presirh-nt Rave the ladles their allot -
week Intel the house he recently bought ment for the bale to clothe 1 little In.
from the 'Sanderson estnte. (Ilan girl. After some discussion as
Mr. Geo. Irwin is building a garner to the. best way to make some extra
on his premises. money, it was decided to hold a wale
The stores will be closed every Wed- of homemade cooking In the nes,
neesday afternoon from May to Septem- future. Mies' Ruby Young and Sliss
her. stetting this week. Vesta Fisher gave their reports of the
Nnml,ers of the formers who hod convention held in Goderich two ww•ks
sold their cattle d'e'livered them in the ago. These reports were very full and
' village on Monday. This disposal of much appreetated. -Met---.Vaulter
This week we are offering our better quality lane ,trick I. a great relief to tinny who finished the chapter In the Study
had been stabling end feeding ah 1
misses' Coats at special reduced prices
We have a wonderful selection of Coats of tri-
cotine, charmeen, charmelaine, poiret twill and satin.
$eifi itifully tailored, pin tucking. pleating. fur trim-
med and lined with crepe de chine.
We invite you to come in and see these Coats,
which we are offering at attractive prices
Here you will find all the
newest styles, materials, colors
and shapes of the season
Weldrest Ladies' and Misses' Full-fashioned Hose at $1.75 pair
They come in the season's newest shades: flesh,
mulacca, celeson, pearl blush, peach, champagne, even -
glow and iris mauve.
Pierrette and Venus Hose at $1.50 per pair
Silk to tie welt. Shades of atmosphere, French nude,
oakbuff, dorado, pastel parchment, evenglow, black,
champagne and peach.
Lead and M en'ssstW
Side of Square one 41S Goderich, Ont.
the(took. and e after the singing of Icy
throughout the long winter. 545 the president closed the meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Davidson. Mrs. with,prayer. Mrs.. Poulter very kind, -
F. Ron and Mrs. G. M. McKensie. of ly gave the Society nn invitation to
Dungannon. attended the induction meet at the manse, Renmillcr, for the
service in Locheish hareab`y^tetMn next meeting In June.
ehnreh thttltafternoon.
Mr. Rtanlel. of Toronto. was in the \ley Brunswick records. Letcstthits
village today calling on his nleee, Mrs.
Ca micleell'a Drug Store'.
O. M McKenzie.
Another Ashfield Bay is UwFront.the Garage
-We are pleated to see by Ottawa The basement garage has Its advent•
Sir. J..T..siten. • prominent it but it also has its deficiencies.
Paper inn, ,
Ottawa i11141111'., 01911, was recently One of, these is that ventilation
ec,ctel gee, n,,,r ,.f notary Markt No. usually Is below the standard of the
2R. et a conventi„u held in the city detached tlaralte• ♦ little sire, how -
This district rmbrneet a governorship ever, will make it pa ihie for the
over New York, Quebec and Ontario. motorist to work on his car in the
Mr. Allen.ta brother of T. f1. Allen of basement garage. A Plate of bete at:
this vilineh ons horn In Ad Held and Cached to the P:hnutt pipe and car-
tedImtldent of (lode -rich for sntne tthrough a window will bake. out
1 and ohtitnrel Kia n
e o on him. 1 iPv in work on the ear in
TIM, Peeopk'a eandldaMr-WP tr., in- it,' ms•a air tf it Is u..,:,.aelry to t•un
wins n
t site !d Mtlon at the dtlnRe root carbon monoxide
Gndrrtelifr Collegiate i pietism',
tP. ills lA•Rirdle"' of whether the Karate Is of
many friend. whit he pl ' i d to not the bee ment or (Warhod type. it al-
th honor mnfermd np ways I• set
fgrmed thnt Mr. T G. Alien has hi• the enolno.
Mans well advanee,l to present to the
hnhlic It i+ nfiPn as hard for a man to live
regareline his scstem of govern
mens which lie t„!fee - evonl,l give Lad• up to Lis repetntton as it Is for a a'1e-
ter results than we i1,11.1‘ 111.0.)i eat htg• Man to live up to her photograph.
He ePic'S not 71p1u•ter In have ant 1N1M1 I;nit Reporter.
tiPnr - hifrit* to Ili... , llh any .of the
parties or groom but only with the
system of party government. end it is
quite pn.ahl' were hit .views pre-
sented to the nnhile. as they certainly
wilt he. that freer ef the strove porty
toes of Nelrth finron a'l'l tuck him stn
in ennd, sone 1e' Isletion. ATI will
tense mese for
tse that there
dlsathAAelloe wl'dt no!Itics ns the
same hilt been hinted and -deet env
tmArnvemeet mode to tosses ex,nelldl-
MM and simplify the system will he
hteltlt weienred A reel !nettles',
tfinfer'nmrnt eyetem with the evils onarf
wnrttennshin i f needs eliminatedMrAllen'. /trotted tt
of vnverntseat Improvement wiit ler
cookedi freword M with inteeve•t. and
he trttat• with the PeoPle•e amerovel
Re Is "the people's eandfdste'• In
N ortb Ii,ens.
We can't hire the Heat
Folks toot
to you for your sprinj g•
But we can promise this: If you
burn Heat Folks Coal you won't have
nearly as much spring cleaning to do.
Coal from our yards goes into heat,
-not soot, nor smoke, nor ashes, nor
Save time on your spring cleaning;
save money on your coal, by ordering
your next load from the Heat Folks.
For Good Clean (,nal
Phone 98 — Goderich
Get your Golf Clubs,
'Balls and Supplies here
We stock a large range
of all Sporting Goods
Wall Paper
Make your selection for
that room while our stock
is complete. i
iprorp .iOC UP
Cole's Book Store
Live Forever
Telephone 187 Goderich
Hamilton Street
Complete Line of Accessories
for All Makes of Cars
Ethyl and Premier Gasolene
Repairs made to all tuaket
of cars promptly aand at tet=
ennoble prices.
I itolielt your patronage.
Gallie W. Straughan
Imagine the plight of a man being,
!shoved Icy n woman barber whew e i
mouse rpm. nerve.. the .floor. - liran-
Utopia will N. 10 re soon after peo-
ple can pane a m:tn with a tmtte'tnre -
without feeling - perlor.--Kingston
Whig -Standard.
'rhe class .cf people wbe hive longest
nnwsrinys art. eentttrttrtlena.--+Kite
ehener Record.
Unlimited yinntit
n t $A per single cord. delivered.
(Eliot of Anglesea St. Phone s1.)
On the Wave of
"trot;• store is well stocked with a variety of shades,
I in the newest prevailing styles, and we invite your
inspection. Bring the Children, too; we are prepared
to fit you all, from Baby to Grandpa.
-The Leading shoe Store''
Sharman l odeyich
Phone 1:,K W, RPR. S