HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-12, Page 4• 'a • r- t 1 t ; • i t 4—Thursday. May 12, 1927. $29.50 For Fine Blue and Grey Serge Suits • THE SIGNAL, We wish you could see these Suits. if you have any notion of buying a blue or grey serge Suit you owe It to your- self to gee these Suits. We want you to believe they are EXTRA GOOD VALUE. Good, fine, all -'wool cloth, art silk or twill -- lining. close -fitting collars, ant built to keep their r shape. Color guarautered. In single and double-breasted models. Very S cial at $29.50 W. C. PRI HAM & SON "The 74ture Willi the St,.. -k" Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57 MODEL THEATRE Monday and Tuesday COLLEEN MOORE - in a tense tale of l4mehouse which gives Oolleen her greatest role as a dancing .►notY�town Also "170N KEY" �. creel of Burro) Tuesdays night only, the Hospital Auxiliary, has charge of the theatre and a special program has been ar- ranged. Wednesday and Thursday BW'!TT BRONSON AND RICARDO CORTEZ in a modern story of New York and weird romance. For fun, action amg zippy speed this picture hi 'THE CAT'S PAJAMAS* Mermaid Comedy SITY- Friday and Saturday TOM TYLER AND III SOUTHERN .. rams. A re - Ng under in the dynamic Western freaking bey and gir1� • r Western ,• , . ,, hi*.WY HM 61 re. e,p.r� HE ..(pf'ENTI'RIES OF M(ZIE "PIKE'S PIQUE" Matinee Saturday at 3 p m. COMING—"THE BETTER 'OLE" I►_ ROSE'S MODEL S. C. White Leghorns For the entries in the Canadian Laying Contest lit Ottawa onrapen is in first fleet front Ontario for the light breeds. In th! Ontario Contest our pen is again on drat place for the light iirsede. In the Nova ScotiaCodlatonr pen is is second place, as'teell as having --asgotxi and third high hen. by Chicks, guaranteed safe delivery, $12 per 1U WALTER ROSE Brawls, Ontario MEDIUM 'GODERICH, ONT. • their partsn splendid •i 1 ndid manner. Miss Moire of fort Dover early is the - I Blither lingua and Itis. (aro. Bala hr , D t• e r a ria sailed into the harbor. aiht Is t LgeletU1tN, May 9 --The organist of Ooderich, rendered solos between forty feet in leggtb, has two motors were app recdated very suit all modern fishing equipment, st of our church enjoyed a welt -earned acts. .•--- holiday over the week-eud, her placemash. Mei Mary Clarke and Mr. II. at the organ be•lug taken by Miss liatelltou uceompanted them. :Solos Edith Horton, were also given by Mrs. F. U. Paull Miss Elisabeth Ilorlon took part in and Miss I.u''y Woods and musical the Sapday school aervice on Sunday I aelet•tieus 1.y [►Ratan orchestra, Bay-, after an absence. of three months field. The tai tubers of the library through Ri(peas. ' , I bo•id here writ to thank the vocalists Mr. and 'Sirs. Alex Horton and sou and or•hestrt for wt kindly aesistiug Fred aqd Mies Edith Horton motored,In the lever:tut. The library realtzed to Clinton At Sunday afternoon to about $23. ball as their aunt, Mrs. John Rapson, Walter W,•st'ake has built a refresh who has been unwell. r meet booth tear lois garage and is pre- Catarrh reCasrrh Nates.—Aa there Is to be a paring for :t :rod business in that Pine geaesa1 exetbtnge•tn a:l pulpits ou this suutta. r Robert Orr will have, . t,\ tT .Ltd, Rm. R. A. Lundy of Kip- ' charge of tin booth, Pee will conduct the ,oat•n•ice aA New ('raft.—A week ago -Monk, \lbia watt "The F:.'ips••." the, dna new era `t lent church and Rey. L t'• _ ___ e On which Tours (urns:-boMght from Mr. ;awes played.r.,ke the service at \'aruu Thursday, the 111th, the W. M. S. heat l — - aw=e- are invited, along with the 'other two eo dealt•' ou the circuit, to hold their monthly meeting together at the mouse :it Nile After the Miselou fiend tucetlug last Saturday tate child- ren, with the help of somyof the older members. cleaned up the church yard and a dower -hod was made. Atter the work was bunt, Mr. Wblte helper) the children to ate joy a good game of bell. Next Saturday they will (vim beck and plant Seet1S and enjoy THE MAN OF SACRIFICE red over so often that at last the thing another game of ball if there is time. was acceptedias a fact because he bad The Pen,otu SUory of George tlrown tot denied it. But there he stood, the her owuer; hope to do some deep sea fieblag this season. Tile old boat, the "Dimeuut, which 'four Bros. have used for a number of yentas, has been forty-seven Sear' service had has aged so that she is no longer fit to be trusted out very far on the lake. Mrs. W. J. McLeod 1s visiting her tiaughtet, Mrs. Chas. Plater, in Detroit. Sires. Fred Hunt. F. Townagpd, I'. Bisset and J. Reid motored to Senforth on Wednesday evening and took part In p friendly game of five -pin bowling with the Seaforth bowlers. The Sea - forth men aeon four out of the six l Confederation Tales BLODWEN DAVIES t 1 WIfi1TECHURCN yflto Paid a great Debt and Made young Scottish -Canadian, his face • (ire" Saeriflee. .white, his voice heavy with emotion, -- —,gam —I`II -paha---![T ud RAHI SHL — aacri8ca mow one $ k-� and Itt his _fa. ther'r'.s....� bidding told the -I A great story of the 6eFanit�ng Sirs. V1tlk j3naphr. and theta sanest . Scottish Ruth,. with kr. and Mia ego.I mate t humanly !Impossible le to esti' pride and honor, Scottish family de Palker. Imate-marked the climax in the life votlon mingled in the tale he told of I[elpts, A(din and Elmee'1' 'tion. ft' at one of the greatest of the Fathers his father's misfortunes. of the flight 1 twtrs>mgton, spent 13undag at thee!![) of loufeolerationt. Georgi grown Las I to America and the determination In respective hula[+ here.as enduring hcuw• as a pollUclan, and ! his heart to wipe out toe debt some Mrs. Mei W,ilwotrdend Misr Norah as a aew.q.als•rttau be to equally re say. t Falconer, of prsnppwv11Ie, cru visit I a4w t'tahrtuuately the Hory of All his youth and early manhood lag with their parents hem.I Brown has not yet been told land gone Into that struggle. IC wee a Kr. Roy Patton, of Ailsa Craig, wjti that warm sympathy which slurs 'secret between Lia fatter end blmself, spent Sunday at thocltome of Sirs: t gas Mike the man sive and move in a resolution to wipe their honor dean. an the pages of cold print. •Not pat have I>wresn bl dollar the money lad Dana Andrew Fax• we reletstd him' from the entangt: I hors Jas Rcrt eecr, of Wingbam, sweats of p1Wa, nor Lave we sellae- I laid aside and gradually the debt was ape rums. ,n D. Beecroft sad Florence (� the dew which bloq out wiped out. The final payment was spent Wednesday with Mrs. Bw Kra • eietsAls and leaves the tight I reach for the [Halls when glia storm ofpaSea, Mr. and Sirs. Andrew Klek politicalod7 od the man and his deeds. I broke. Brown told the litonsee he had of orti1. shiningo determined nee to allow a word of of 'Delmore, IlnfeetgAstd7. too the was itnaetf pr IMrd hemde service in the i was tet teberly devoted to h chief his trouble AIM his lis while his tooknthe Mother's DerI* too father lived, thowgh the shadow os Ike United lied' here.tQt hers musk l to nakeds In lbitt a picturesque tuitional shame hung heavily over him. The won graphed by the mothers a therlimo. ei'hronghont Ms life ante .father at length demanded that he'Jis- Walingatl.The People are ; close tjss story for his own defence and ti pa shin [was bit= there so it was done. harldtng a social evening on Thursday I tic. Behind that t)+ there y a Cic Phillips of Cod- story so acne. so- t!•tttlfnl, that• it hs Five years before Cotfebtplsflpn i tit eielte$ o Wki l were Lippe' of hrs- polltrAl end Boom Brown visited Scotland sad tiuited os �►otatttrsdey witD Yr.1' Journalistic besets GM Brown thane sought and won a daughter of and Mrs. W. IL Farrier. Iwo g great ('ana an. the famous publisher. Thomas wows. j Messrs. A. E. pardon, Wm. Pardon 11 and of that WbiLbing Da Mrs. Thos Hen.' . Goo Brines' >streiwie' was born in Allan, on REk IGERATORS We Have a Large Assortment of Renfrew find Barnet Refrigerators It will pay you to see them. The price will surprise you. Two weeks' supply of ice will be given with every Refrigerator sold this month We have a complete tide of Oil Stoves, in three and four -burner, at special prices SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS in VARIOUS SIZES _ CARRIE'S HARDWARE East Side S.luarr Godrrich Phones: 33.1-563 and Jas l'urdon and Iderson and other - relatives -attended `--+lir-Borth- to Scotland. on November the funeral of their cousin. Mr. Alec. 29th in the year 1818. His mother Chalmers, of lonkton, on Thursday was a Highlander, a woman of Cultic Itest. Mr. h them ei aitetelatives heritedbof Blertb, yr ' birth. F a �urle la duahie lity Ot nature 1 hts Brown in - re. with them to cls( lice I which may he frequently obsessed in here. rated ' those torn of Celt and Saxon or other oMr. \actor Emospit oras nap d- o.,,mbinatlona of t#Itcis. He was Im- el is .Wingha s hoaylas [ar apAsat dtls ori Tlmrsdtcy last and is im 'hued with agarsaoj�dd�ou [Judgment RR j proving nicely.f ) —u i from his tather. From his mother he sense I inherited an Impulsiveness, energy and I union of the colonise. To accept and ►I BARN it religious which impelled him to ; sit at the same council table�lh sed or Ill-treated I traditional, enemy !nee alfa of AL'hCRN. Nay 9.—Yrs. .\. Sollln- the resaw or ca fart•' {atopic nttd their cauw+a These two many of his followers a a Hspersonal 1n itself. Brown's son eventually became But it was In the Anal moves betbre Oonfedegation that Brown made his enormous sacrlace. When he was asked to accept a position in the Cabi- net in which John A. MacDonald was already a Minister, to signify his good- will toward Confederation. Brown wee faced with ■ cloice which would have stn ered any men. To refuse meant to outwit' bis own hopes for the son and chil.iren were week -end v diametrically opDt'se"t natures were at .acrlflce which war a gra L(IXURY IIs UPl1lMSrERY ora !n Gesfrricl, at taw borne of Mer Inti 1n his sister Sirs \\'. S[edd. I war within him et many W Brown was too sincere a man to allow The cosy (1t1 r er ills iIDpulsie.•rcesa was hdd 'I L1s personal animoslry to Mcloud his Ito enjoy w comfort which you are bound Miss E. Arnot. teacher on tuts 1 t ca e . hen re p,aoirtg in any of our lip- A Celtic j p t 1 so resat what it would. ' d arinr uphn)sterec}pieces of line of Hallett. was th Iran last HI sat ing room an p- t.. M. Stewug s furniture' should be recommendation Tl. dance In the Fot'At:rs' llnll adder judgment.• !enough. Batt on top of allofhi h'etered was well attenaked and a flood riot,. His father was a merchant and • Which made Confeleration iossib'tly ���� •� tistio appeal. Tin oReri a as ex- war enjuyarl by a1L tuie Peter. rownube some fault r I A little later Brown slapped 11 the Ince Peter Brown became • defaulter ' out of polltics sad retwrnetl to his art e guest of arts in check by caution. his ery uo gtnen , an -veto . I emotions were made subject to his I he entered that compact with his foe. riles was one of the things r'ra� 1 /i/ __ __r furniture we arc Int . •(•(,jV((/j .IOfOC/7 r)uisite in design and Aaish as it is Inc- Sint hers I►eT eras uriantl comfortable. l're•slcterisu ss-rrice tobaerved in where Mr. R. B. in business and .father and son were I enterprise. The minor. In 14.ti(t he was 1 - I'retie mete a splendid address on forced to emigrate to America to make ebot and killed by •a dlegruntletf em- rteMe a living Tliey were devoted to one ployee of the paper. Thus ended a The ehoitest of floral work• rte made I IM a Gracie. another and to the other members o career of en . 1 0 at priers to suit.• ro l sung ]lotheis' the fancily who follows t men ons import h � J.' R. WHEELER I ed Hos ter.. cG ulna f lit i lustre and of are - m anal' of Messrs. Ma't'es' rs d bee out d tiln Canadian political GEO. STEWART ',Furniture Funeral Director . Stoltz and Dre- which history. Too saber -minded and hard - present. I Prayer.- Mrs. was greatly enjoyed. I Both were omntverous readers and Bruce Sired Florist Plume 103 Hamilton Street. Godaride, Oat. Mrs. H. Bubola is very lour "at students of affairs. Both were re working and moral in his life to be present. I formers. Both were Imbued with a I pktnrtwrtne or romantic, George If r lerich is' loathing of the slave conditions which t grows hid nehl.d his cloak of ant /kpr'1n Cdlrsflast1t e�flrtftoritArtAtt C I Friday and Sills Kennedy. ° ''K .t encountered during their stay In terity a throbbing life ;tory of loyalty nursing a case In Auburn or pr'esest•; hey` Mr. and Mrs, Bogie were Ripley the United. States. Both were nail- and self-sacrides. visitors the fore part of the week. cal in their political opinions, yet In - Miss Laura Jackson returned from tensely loyal to Brit'at inetitutionNew 'York l. e�t town on Satury to give Instructhm Theystarted a paper n lito her class of music pupils. I the interest of British people in the Mr. Chas. Asquith and Mr. H. H. United States, but their future ro ppe• L Sturdy motored to Iwondon on Tues fog none too hopeful young t for Specials day to attend the meeting of the out for Upper Canada to prosper I A Knox silted a new to place ofo lithe Chances Saturday Knox L'elted church was filled on seeming to be good in the Toronto of 1 Sunday morning for the observance of that day, the father and son set up 'Mother's Day. A choir of sifters "The Banner." a paper upholding 1 ID provided the [talc for the I Presbyterian Ideals to Upper Conaria. I A Th Demands New How Do You Treat Your Best Friends, Your Feet ? T 1 „- ; reatesl misery can be dosed by ill -tatting Shes or Shotw not keptin good repair. Nearly all foot trouble in ofd age can he traced back- to these mistakes in your younger days. In buying nr•ast fitting Footwear aed ker•pirut t to good repairyou will not only add to your comfort, but alio double the life of pont Shoes. g t el children's, grow- n giaFt t7sy's. and men's Firs and Wath teen, I have a line to ttifsr is atlas snd .twltlity which will pa t o invea te. 1 have aha a hookot l e' Slippers and Ch e[da In in, fftepalr Shop I am aiming • t o give pesmps end good service. O' The Fast Street Footwear and r ij �iir Sbsp R'M. Aldi,. Proprietor Opposite Knox Chttglls Godeeieh OPEN EVERY EVI ING Come In and Select a Nice Picture for your living -mom of a good Maritce. Landscape, or a copy of one of the Old Masters. We have a wonderful collection. Nothing wilt give you as lasting P re as a good �Otcture. AYoTi'ingln-Ilioam p1c'tuB Y6U want framed. We will do them well at a r'eaminabie price. EYE SPECIALIST HUGHSON IS HERE THIS WEEK Smith's Art and hitt Store Fast "greet I'l.-tie lits 7, gerae�nti� Coal up now with your choice of these fuels, while prices are lowest Delaware and Hudson Anthracite • Semct•Solvay Domes- - tic Coke Consolidation Pocohontas Year in anti Year out t'nti-latently the Best The Dean Coal Co. Phone !1,i GODERICH, 0 Every inch a Genune NE'' ._.: ' - to Wil. , Willard RUBBER CASE I Battery _ BARKER BROS.' - Service Station Phone 417w Goderich .aaasa111a/111♦11�1X1MX111♦>f1♦XXttatNau as*a*$a III III n II IN • / earanceren oat others roc m of the a.\ Moore. of Sault Str. Serle. sent .; Anglicans. Every Garment of Our Big Spring ■ down' large carnations for the service I As years went on the younger . of the late Mrs'. ll E. Mun- Beoovro entered polltica. He was now Ir,oette- . e Spring House-cleaning Rugs, Curtains and Overd ra pas service. )Ira. Fred Plaetaer sang a They became the mouthpiece jR / Bolo et -Med "Mother Love." It was I Presbyterian Chnrrn as Ryerson was ! . mach appreciated by all. Mrs. E. C. t of the Methodist and /Hitachi's of the a a In memory two, 1•dky. 1 rot who poured away last winter. The a tans of alz feet IAundny school In their regular session jointed, g000d-loot/InR• i•mbnrt with l I strength. ills • O 11 E C Their offering for the day I heart,tender for the oppressed, bled I Rey. &OF JeffeMeNk of t .iPttkL• thouwttutw sonRbt refits., in Upper Can s u the used order of service issued by the mental and phyetce I went to that orgatslzation. I ,ser the fugitive .laves who by the 11 w area United � MOO ala fler•In 111 ch in Knox R from the South, biding by ----- until they flung the next Sunday morning. I unto following the north star by night. msely upon their BAY1Ra%1 I ,mases and lamed the deaf. free earth I li BAYi FiF.L.D, May N).—Yr, limb Mrs. GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM RUGS F.V. Martin, of Deane- spent a tea' To the great West when thev had crossed the boundary. These won his pity. Brown turned to . a r All sizes,days at their cottage last w"ek, re- satisfy his ambit,oxca. and In the wit when at interesting prices turning hoarse on Sunday. aocmntutnied of retired* he foretold the day I,y- •piss Susie Westlake awl Miss, would he tattled with a free British SEVERAL PATTERNS OF SILK PANELS�A- ,,,try e:ingrteh. vltot+• was thirty - SILK Regular price $5.50, for- - _ .$4.69 each \ir. and Sirs. Flirter returned to Ry 1R:A1, when Brown as thit.•nt North Pity on iTeiy;"Lldytttg Witt light. he tib of a brilliant SILK OVE k with the latter's rtiffr a oppnoeh and enemy RDR APES SO INCHES WIDE w , M W J ettintrcn young Conservative. John A. >tar - Re 6 " e, APES, :on rs. Regular x+2.50 for $1.50 per yard Yr. )lot[ and Miss (I. Mott, of Nt'r- Donald. The two men verse such ion- s .j w -.. i 9 h t tl k�tud In the til ter enemies that rot years they w•.old 2.95 " 2.75 'e •• t tt 1>P This store will be closed Wednesday at 12.30 during May, June, July, August, September 11 F. E. HIBBERT THE CASH STORE PHONE 86 =moo= �r/trfArftiafYuflt tate . . wic spent to wee lope visiting the finener't daughter. t not .{soak to earn other Their hatred I se Rev. F. H. and .Mrs. Paull area wilt more than political.was r imnelon this week attending Mytcoei. sons% and deadly. Once when Brown II Mrs. Paull will also visit ip (1014''9• had twitted MacDonald in the columna a fore returning home. of The Globe on his Intemperance. . MM. t,. Westlake Is Orating her MaeT)onsld retorted by annennefnw to frrred ' ■ • ■ ; a a ■ ■ a a ■ patents. Mr. and Mrs. R4i)etgat. a public gatheringerorRe {trnwn The Y.P.S..will timet on Friday Jahn A. drunk til evening In the United church has'- sober." roma at .s,:ao. I There came a deli in the fierce hetet lir. \\'illixm sent rhmer is a dole- of a political enntreversy when Rate at the synod heli( In London this eroern'• ceppnnenta seensel him of he_ seek (ng the eon of a defaulter. There is "Egon JO l Lets"—The was. entitled o mofr snatian liti a in the nus- Pr he S his- -Eyes of T,.eye," wllrh wat.pres.ntetA tory of Canada politica than that of McCall that Jemtg people of North sIr et Elenrre 'Brown as he stood up before ■ PAbternt Iced tilcnreh. Goderielt. Mt pelelai the Parliament of the Unite f�nnades. • last Nestle the auspices of the Bayfield with lila tonsue freed et last for Me I j Minter beard. wets ll s very moenjoyed by ell who attended. The players took slander hail bele binge' at and slit a a aa Stock Now Cut in Price 4 Children's Coats Misses' Coats Women's Coats 111 They are all reduced to Lowest Clearing Prices I Choose Yours Early Coat values displayed and priced ws this week d own .fenee. For years past the - *II . Ager :. sin •sian IaalmaA■sa///a*aa ar, McCall O a Patilsrps ■///4p