HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-12, Page 3EIGIITIE'I'li %EAR Nt). 19
IQLITARY CAMP ther 1s cool, and thinned a tittle far
AT CARLING'S HEIGHTf! Deet results.All lettuce must be
grown quickly, and to hurry thin pro-
cess cuitivatloq, nitrate of soda and
Huron Regiment to0 Train Ten Days. 19 , watering when the weather Is dry are
London, May 710 to
of I adylsable. Head lettuce needs to be
planted early and transplanted to
the details of the Annual trafutog camp , eight -Inch intervals after the plants
and school of Instruction, to com- I have formed two or three leaves. Salo
mence on June 10, shows that some off half the leaves when transplanting.
946 officers and men of the non -perms- ween the leaf and the head type
vent acute militia of military district and partaking something of the nature
liICn. 1 He got under canvasma Car i of both is the cos lettuce, an upright
wills Heights. The training Camp growing form with long narrow leaves.
last for ten drys, from June 10 to While self -blanching this process may
jure 19, inclusive, while the camp be assisted by tying u� the floe of
not closel open until the same date rend, outer leaves. The cos lettuce Is of as
will unite
June will fine Al quality as the bead type and 1s
The following unith carry out an excellent substitute for gardeners
annual training on the Heights, with who have sot the petiesee to fuse
strengths as stated: The 'Huron litegl with the latter.
Went, 107. ail ranks; the Bruce Regi- Notes
went, 116, all ranks; the Wellington A DoDcora yalch will be appeecl-
Rifles. 10'7; "D" Company, the Lamb- of °ted 6T the 7ounch will
ton Regiment, 25. The company nto Leeks are sown next month for
the p.ambron---B1Eiment• win gq t sn m for the
camp on June 15 and will cesctuda stwomer tush sad like celery.
training on June 18. Detachtnsnts of fall crop. RIM up
five men from the mechanical and The olcYhabioned summer savory N
horse transport compank•a of the Can- an excellent tang for stews anti ansa--
adt Arney Service Corps will also
Maps of Huron County
Large, beautiful colored Maps of Huron
County for sale at 25c each at
The Signal
Your Office Stationery
Now is a good time to look through your
stock of Office Stationery and place your
order for new supplies. We bap meetany
competition in quality and price.
The Signal
Rotted Trip
$2.90 -
'Ona Way
TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, at 9.30 a. m.
Arriving Pert Hares 1.30 p.m. Detroit 5.30 pm.
Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m.. Thursday, June 5th
The only boat trip from- Goderich to Detroit this sls+s,u. Children be-
' Wien 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see
'NDeotational highway ofdelightful
lakes sacs rover i ers..
Last Trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, Jane 10th, 9.30 a.m.
Under the resolves of tiuderich Wouteoes Hospital Auxiliary
FINZEL'S ORCHESTRA for danoh4Jo oteamer4big ball
Three hours on beautiful Lake Hutt* for 5th; ehikin n. _"K.
it as Attractive Inside as Out?
MAKE reit slflliimer cottage comfortable and h ,me -like
with Gyproc Fireproof partitions and ridings. At
small cost the whole interior may be transformed into
attractive, cosy rooms.
Write tot free booklet --']Ir Haase." will tell yo1ru hh,'wce Grrroc.
Rocboard Gypsum ►nwLuaa b1,ntlaae and Insuks wW
1/Il from 20 to w^:.
• For Sale By
Goderich Planing Milia: -Ltd.
--Gederich Mfg. Co., Ltd. —
of • oosd
Godrich, Ont.
Godelild , Ont.
7a l'nlin
Easi or Wost
A restful night on take Erie will add
enjoyment to your trip.
Three Palatial C&B Steamers
•t t,. Ormt Ship SEEANDBEE"••"C[IT OF ERIE"
Unlimited facilities, Including large stricken stateroom.
that ensues a long night's refreshing slam. Eacelkot
doing room service.
Each Way Every Night
Buffalo and Cleveland
Leaving at 9:00 p. m., arriving at 7d0 a. m.
Esesen standard Time
Y C & B Ssasmer "CITY OP ERIE". Ire. Cleveland
clad Buffalo ad D one' alternate nights. July 1rd sea.
Read Down .. Bu61o, N. Y... Anise a. m.
WOO p. m. Armee .... Eta. Pa..... lease 1 ,0O m. a.
1240m. n. Leave .. Erie, P. Antes tOp. ra.
6CO Arernwragat dm e r Lahr hams. re" ea Athos s Sme 430 O
IWyk your ticker agent or tourist senor. for tickets a(.
C&itIinn. Your t.Ilticket i,godonourSteamer.
New Automobile Rate $5.00 and up
THE raou IT°c � Fare $5.50
eanaa. N. Y.
Goderich's Invitation to Her Old
Boys and Girls
Dear Old Friend and Neighbor,—
As you no doubt know, from previous notices sent
out, the Town of Goderich is celebrating its one hundredth birth-
. days his year, and to mark this great and signal event its citizens
are having one grand jollification from July 31st to August 6th—a
whole week of good -fellowship and fun.
We have always been intensely proud of our Old
Girl -now scattered -throughout the four obrners of
the globe, and they have on all occasions shown their intense
loyalty to the old Town and to the old County c f Huron.
For many months we have planned a great and
worthy Centennial Celebration, and now that our plans are almost
°complete you and all our old-time citizens have our warmest and
most cordial invitation to "come home" and spend a week among
thousands of your old friends and neighbors, reviewing with them
the happy golden memories and fond recollections/ of bygone
merry days. ' . • •
We want everybody to comes and once . again, we
soli, it v lIr aid iii sending us•t1ss names of old Guderich-residents.
d us at once.if 7,ou have not. al )
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
Estabtisb.sd 1869
Head Ol(irr ,
Waterloo, tlntario.
)). D. MOONEY, Agent.
East Street. Phone 250
Goderick, Ontario.
The tamp taetlOOt will include a .
course of instruction for quefteations ad !n• I
for all ranks of officers, up it i
eluding majors, warrant officers __ __
(second-class), noncommissioned rmaae°fa-'
cera (au ranks), q dimply Because It Enriches and
'quartermaster sergeants, a isms le,
Builds lip the
grades "A" ando'B" visual telegraphy or neglect
and "signal men," paymasters and , In. no trouble Is delay
Lewis gunnery. , more dangerous than In anaemia,
*Web means poverty of the blood. It
Vac full for the school are allot- la common in young girls and In
ted u follows: est 'i elasars d0, alt aa who are overworked or con- I
Wed not want to Mies any of aur old f'riendst and, therefore, we raged 0th Grey's HI fan tr all 70, all
within doors. It makes 11$ ap- 1,
]dl/kilerrz Light Infantry, all ltia& in so stealthy a manner that it
est e }'-.0 tr, sen rest] done so, a tanks; 2md 1)attaik' Uranks•n Me
' Portia often well developed before its pow 1
list of all the ff,rtner Goderich pooplb in your neighborhood, in ranks
ttnader that ou
Come and enjoy a Sum
Properties for Sale
or Rent
Farms for Sale
Elevator Stock
Bought or Sold
Call 292
Post Office Box' 438
chine Gun Cospa. 85aU r s; recognised. But takra in time
Regiment, ,3%kers and 10' a encs Is
compute ranks. Hnrea s tt t• oflicet l there is a tonic that so enriches and
r lists may be checked OV![na' i,, FFaa 8 t purifies the blood that, g� �� ,
Thi i to be the happiest jollicitef►eekwIunarm
other ranks: Csellers, o come to the former',
l:t an •t ren cth soon
beers. ]u other oinks; anaemic sufferer.
This This agoing t n : hence. 4 cohere, • ' is tonic is
ec ettlii ranks: Oxford Bluer. 3 o Pr Williams' Pink Pills, which for'
the town core, Hi other ranks ; Highhnd Li; 1.t
�e,ars have been the most euccesatnt
Summer Carnival et Wholesome Infantry. 3 officers. 10 ofbeS rank,. blood -builder known, and have credit
Wellington Ribero. 4 officers, R nth
4 for restoring to g health thousands
,Parades, Pageants, Fireworks, Midways, Ilorse- rack': North Waterloo 'Il gi peoplewho have ant-
recreatloq stltiE ��{;�s-�t and housanoa of th
,,_-I,- Tati#p"ri>S ' „tfl� wvtc lea_ otherr rat`):-; Elpsa
racing, Bise�l Band Concerts, l4 iesr ++� 4mataers k Lamb- tete tkom some of the many ailments
h old ever had.
and Burlesq i.
"Croderieh expects that all old -tinter* trill de ]heir duty."
CSi10a m tet, a ether ranks; weak, !retell
' 9
nal Regiment.4 ufilr lR other that come through
raaka: Essex Fusiliers. 3 °Meer,` 1n blood
eorry+tion of anaemic condi-
. • in other
rank!. : Kent ReRlmest, S oelcer The lions by)r• Williams' I'ink Pills is as
• In rcertain as anythlatj can be. ^ V Proof
T - YaagrBrat
Yours sincerely,
taty Centennial Committee.
The Centennial Week program will at Agricultural Park on Thursday
commence wit Ii the 'regular church ser- afternoon. with generous purses.
vices on Sunday, lily :list, when the 'On
IIe�D evening
ening there
ehwillsebe a
pulpits of the various churdiee will,!* gr
occupied by former Goderich boys. la eight bands taking pert.
the afternoon there will be a general Baseball. Soft -bull, Lawn Bowling,
public service on the Square, with Gulf and Tennis ejenis are being ar-
massed choirs; and in the evening s ranged.
sacred concert on the Square. The proceedings each night will con-
A week gt.sports and amusements, 1 dude with a CARNIVAL ea the
with other -events of special interest Square, with music, dancing, -end- a
to the Old Boys and Girls. win coin- i general frolic.
mence on Monday morning with a Do Fes remember the collection of
grand I'ARADE. On Monday after- old-time PHOTOGRAPHS on view
noon then will be a RACE MEET at during Old Home Week, in 1921? This
Agricultural ,park, where some of the year there will be a bigger and if nom
best horses in America will compete • sible even more interesting collection,
for purses aggregating $2,400. In the 1 wljh other relics and mementos of the
evening the first performance of the olden, golden days of long ago. This
great HISTORICAL PAGF:ANT will I, wilt be worth coming a thousand miles
be given by a company •.f 000 people,' to see. inertial hates
portraying the history of Goderich and I In Canada from Railwayort ales east
the Huron. Tract.
The PAGEANT will be repeated on the railways will glee special rates on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. It' the certificate plan for Centennial
will be the most elaborate production I Week. Buy single ticket to Goderich
of the kind ever seen In this part of I agent. obtain certificate
willlbe countersigned by
the Province.
Other events of the week will fa- � secretary of Centennial Committee end
chide a civic GARDEN PARTY, at will entitle holder to hilt -fare plus
winch all our visitors will hare the 25c on return trip.
opportunity of meeting and greeting, From petits west of Fort`Wllllam
their old friends; a PICNIC at Rubor , and in the United States special tour -
Park : a rooming or afternoon, of Old let rates will be available.
Weis' sports and eutapetittons.
si,rdetr htlut
weeks el study
and recreation.
matte') writs
Dr. H
Tee e.
Special Courses for Teacher's
1. Ceenee In nature Study end Agriculture
3. Review Coarse in High School Geometry
1. Ceara. In Library Science
Comma offered also In Chem-
, fairy. English. Preach. German,
Greek. History, Lass.
mattes and Zoology
A splendid social sad a
frogmen th,oegtnat_
SyeWal sew aaHaralty Build -
tap N s WO ears Part.
twit es a till. ase.
5 .
• ofr thi0 Wss
• nt..
A. Smith. Ilur-
•--"After. having a
f' jaundice I was left
tock ��
Gardening Hints In a vert WCOk nab dice wn co left
tion. I was Pale and my nerves on
si, s }mastics] Gatdaner I could n cep at night and
y for, lion?' at a
, would toss and Dr. WH -
Even the tenant who moves regular-, time. i finally decided to try
IT en the first of Miy can have a goof, llama' Pink fills, and soon began to
gtnrden,'almost as beautiful, in fact, es feel iketter, and after taking a fe*
the Juan who has been farming the more boxes of the
pillspi felt ns strong
some Id„t of ground for twent)' years. O ever, st and
nd o ivat thoroughly
tly nrjoy
Ofl reollrc. have the man who rents plapiecening, my mend these pills to any' friends who
wtl4 have to do's little more planning, may be ailing.” � t
as 1,0 lutist start from the bottom eachptetter sleep, steadynerves, fin -
finar, t entirely. he u there to use eat roved appetite. increased vigor—all
sofflBut there 1s a ta greatdithese Pby
variety of bowers in the latter di. can be
Begin themD-today.
Iwanton IP s t' desires
eecegnInove in Sold by all medicine dealers, -or by
wanted. or if one desire's plantto cover an moll pool paid at 5'0 cents a box from
merit peon hops. 't Brockville, Ont.
meriting glories,- or even wild c•ucum-
A mensodatMas
An athletic F1.1*I.D I)Alf hi to eig I able fore aatkingt•� space will
arranged which is expectedbringT
together the foremost athletes of On- Special arntngements are being
tarso. ( made to provide luoard.t1110 ialgtng ac -
A second RAClti MEET will be'lleId commodation for all visitors.
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada -
Prosperons and progressive.
The Bun Life of CatlaiI ..offers
side investment and sure pro-
Ivet ion. Insure to -day.
objectionable back fence, gourds,
p tall nasturtiums,The . Pr. - Williams' Mef Sloe Co..
bets, hut when the latter is ted It Is ,
dt t r as
to get out•ne
this stuff Is prps to spread Life Accident,
R t t t can tl re penetrated one day n traveller, 5kkneee, hese of Time,
The Armstrong Real Estate
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
0. F. Carey & Son,
Insurance and
Bond Brokers
Phone 2250
West Street,, Goderich, Om.
xt n e . and Insurance Agency
inclined d into the To the back ready of smolt illt Africa
neighbors' property. - era , tilers , Bur lar)', Automobile, Glass
hardly afford toplant expensive shrub- she possessed many treasures the old; g
before. Among
bery. but he can make a brave show farmer had never seen
with groups of sun
similes. salpiglossis, castor oil plants "Where did you get that." asked the
and other tell or bushy annuals. And farmer, as he gazed into it; "that plc -
then for the regular flower beds one tune of my father?"
ran eeieet from a list of a hundred or The traveller did not ',explain, but
more, with a range of bloom from gave it to fila as a souvenir, and it
Jane until Croat. I became hie most cherished possession•
Calera in the Flower Garden Every. da he lookept in carefullyfather's
It has become a popular idea to de-, picture."and.
vein') flower gardens with one prevail • up, showing whenIt o heo left his kerns be-
ut there
log color tune, the majority of the came n daywho had long
plants in the garde. being In various hind. hisd
it. was be kept Na care -
flowers, cosmos. them was a mirror.
shades of the color favored, with a' wondery » --ging and found
a . • planted to enhance by her- fully. started
monies or contrasts the gceeretj color the mirror.
• Bine gardens x are one gthe "be- Intoit,t"w therenthecat be'i style, Is
favorites for this type planting.
mune of the delicate and effective it?" .
plantings that may be made by em-,
lsoying a few groups of pick and pale
yeltpw to set off the blue.
tahtle it is often said that blue is
the rarest color among flowers, the
list et annuals glees a wealth of ma-
terial, starting with the asters in both
No. I, Gvderlch. foe the month of light and dark blues. and with the
April. .uDoors t5 fire rent.. pans ,iw•airf ageratum for an edglnR.
percent.: hilliest of the eine* 1s the cornduwer.
FV.—Isabel ErMirbael 91 tir' more effective for cutting that tor,
tto 71.
mt., Bernier Moore 76, 'Clayton Is. IVirdenVirdenplanting lo(e areae of its rather
mediocre foliage. but a mass of it
If. V.—Margaret Try Tiir per cent., makes a brilliant bine patch. Thd
Phil Biereett 72. Yarion Lamprey est•
little Swan Hirer Asides give dainty
blue edgings'. and die intorii*pate of
the dwarf lebcllas makes tl♦i♦14 mat
f color. s
-tN the tulle's►_ gltMina .01011a1x the
lerlugntrs. eta or ttsnnrtrljig
bride. -and t1te, 1p7'lppins ere all
fine subjects.' lyettj for ornamental
ptanting and for rutting, imit.tieat of
(il)DF:RI('H TOWNSHiP S. 14 NO. 1, nonmetal
The township council ' met , ,in The following is the report of S. S.
Holmesville on May 2nd, pursuant to
Mr. •L. R. F.astmen of the Depart-
PremedPrPremedtnent of Public 'Mighwasai,�ww was
and addremmed the eonneit on towndlip
road accounting. showing the and
sity of vouchers for all payments,
nil patrolmen should, 111 out report
forata. or work done. Joe Talton 6,1. Orville Oke Ota.
Corsehq>nndMtee was read from Mr. I11.—Tell McMichael ffT per rent.,
tora re FMa of a and s schooloating peltas Fry tt3. ilnrvey McMichael 4,
the forrnyttlon of a union a"'• Iherett Oratl.ioek 02.
lion.. The clerk wa' instructed to get
IL—Arthur Ilieks TA per cent.
farther information and rept at tet, I. -Fronk Mcl(khnrl tR per
q The Measurer reported
next meetaR
tinting received Irhrrk from Drillers t PS„---Ttuhy McMichael Al per
for ii'&ifs.- the iwlaace due ata hcren
my INe Aeennnt. Each eoitticillor was
alldti•d. the Acme Ward allowance as
last year.
Thr f flowing Amounts were er
dered pat•1: Pedlar l'enplertoe et J
culvert'. t'10fh0. ik.minlol ROd a•
shiner' ('o., one No. 2 ender, UM;
1)nnrinion Road >tlAchlnet Co., dllfkt•
en re due on exchange et oftenll grader
for n large one. $55; Rob,. P.m./ker.-
nn.Aere'•pairing drag, $1.23; inn. Tebhatt. raw
her for gnarl, rail on to5M)0. $2.
ThA council then adJeRHea fp meet
on Tllnrmdne. MAT 2004 St 10 ahi . as
a court of~sion sat TflOMP1ONR,�Fkrk. I
tont.•• sit idrM is Nie Iaee Sewer. which Loll. Jr. Pr.e-Gladys Fnrrant, Petty F'ry, heconlh.lii favorite greenhotne semis!.
Arthnr)teMdshnei. Ada Farrant. Tom Lower g1Ulrins and with 14wtttery fo-
Fry, Vitelr'Craddock, Morel Nacre. Mage to add to hi beauty is the old
1- IA)WRIre Teacher.,
The id4gcr And Wolter his plus'
fours, the longer It usually tilts him
to get hie hall Ott of the k
Re%der cities Stat.
Don't marry him if he Pita to his
car en4 honk' Instead of coming up to
tie drier. flee the kind who will
Moak betel acetic] in tie httta..—De-
• fid. .e
love -In -u -mist. or Morelia. For frag-
rance in tape him' garden, one may rely
np'n the teal week.' stoehs. which will
tarnish a Ane slerw of edge until the
hard fronts.
There is room a tle mnde'rn aahli ii
for All three types of lettuce The
most enmity grown Is the leaf Port
which will give plenty of good seledl
material with the minimum of effort
It shoild he sown early' while the weft,
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate sod Insurance
Stocks Grain
Huron Investments
Reysl Bank Bldg., Gederick, One.
noses: 430 and 445
44 r
SPECIAL—Important to sell,at ontw, s.
good 11. story house. Stone foundation;
cellar; everything in stood condition; nice
• well plannol for conven-
fence and comfort ; nicely decoretsd ; very
clean; fiquippbahlec-
tris-lightedne,fu11 s11 eelectriced fitxturoom;res get ewith
I the house; well located on St. Patrick's
l street, is very conveniept to Square and
Poet (Mice. Terms, $1100
balance early tonna of desired. '
mediate i osseSsion. -
Large numb er goochomes and lots for
sale; almost an; kind or in any location
A few good properties for sake suitable
for fowl raising and gardening: All necea-
tory buildings and a ten acnes of land
, attached:
About 50 gond farms for sale. Some
with all crops in. Fine chance for big
I bargains just now.
I Full equipped chicken farm. close to
I town.
Twelve good lots in one block, good
soil; suitable for posture or gardening.
Gael building site:. rated not far from
i ]square. Price for quick sale $250 for the
I wale. ' Tenn* rash.
Real Estate Agent
oim.p.Upstai}a, next door to the S.
A. Gray co. store, Square.
Oct. •Y
P. O. lien >H. • Oedlels�
office open any night until 10 o'clock
'Geo. Williams
Ova ler to
Eire. Lige. Accident. Automo-
bile, and General )nauranca
Olive, next to Bank of Commerce
Phone:41 Goderich