HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-12, Page 2•4" • t.
2—Thursday, May 12. 1927.
EaTABLIS1mD 1648
Member of Canadian Weekly Nevis.
papers Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2(00 per year
strictly in advance.
Telephone 35 Goderteh. Out.
W. ti. Robertson, Editor and manager
Thursdavv May 12, 102T.
Canadian manufacturers are asking
for a higher duty on golf balls. You
golfers will hardly let them get away
with that, will you'
• • •
!adjacent States report a terrible tots
node, with a loss of lite mounting to
1541 or mule. Residents of this west-
ern part of Ontario when they read of
these things are more than ,ever con-
vineed that they live iu the most dealt,
table part of the continent.
• • .•
The - national committee for the
jubilee celebration of Confederation
suggests that a maple tree lie planted
on July 1st at every place where a
celebration is held: Q tree plaiting
ceremony might appropriately be a
feature of (,sprach'' centennial cele-
bration. If the place- and the tree or
trees were carefully chosen, the result
might be a living arch spanning the
next century.
• • •
Taking a leaf out of Ooderich's tack,
the Clinton town council is asking
Fine QualitY •
Gla ',Ewell, ONT.
b• pays the amount oat of his earn -
top. The Interest rate may be higher
than hiss with the Federal Govern-
ment, but to the case of Federal reve-
nues he pays 11 to the revenge and $3
to private collectors. In many cases
he pays a good deal more than $3
Under the circumstanced is it Hot the
wiser course for you and me and Mr.
Ward to pay off our Federal debts or
to wake some move towards paying
them oil and let our private debts run
or maybe increase them? That, after
'all, seems to me the sounder course in
the peculiar circumstances in which
sit are placed.
---- --
3 to 4 cups to each cent's worth of tea. Many mothers give their children
`•so•••••""i solid foods at too earl an age and
t 1 llla•traliou of say- proudly that tbeft babies "eat
•Let u, take Jlka e e y ha Penh! d'
e a •r r thint i t grown-upa o.
how this works Out the farmer. such a course is Omuta certain to
Supporting a farmer hays a set of hat-, bring on indigestion and lay the foun-
nja,lc In the Un ted Slates. The elation of much ill -health for the lit-
Lata Gray. Charlie rhsttln'a mai By R J. Dotal:mi❑ duty is thirty per cent. d.et us a♦ tiedation
that the public utilities commission In y
of her suit against the m come I tree the o$trplus in the waterworks -we iv our National Debt'''- To this. I tributed :le- to the Pohl!. revenue. irritate and injure the delicate atom
elan. There is soiling ams 'about l., user. must pay
department- The commissluu and IDs then• tr ee beat over ttttoscore sepias' That Is he. as a D ach and bowels and at the same time
Lita's ambitions as a gold-digger. eounMl are to confer on the •natter. and in the whole lot only one man atsg- that amount to the Government before canoe, the children to dread all i n•lii-
• •• • I gest' we should not lay !t. I taint they will is rntlt blot to use this set of eine. '
��. t crab the village - this out to Conservatives w- nary senses its o c'
jetting to the piling up of a large sur yarchin for a program that will i But there test be five times as to a child until it reaches the age of
wife,asks for At• wa May 9—Some weeks ago I some that the art of larue•sa is Other mothers administer harsh.
$1250,000 in tlemedt! that town band over•to the town treesi r 11 the tariffhe has con
wrutt u short article entitled Should worth 1
nauseating purgatives which in reality
( Heiman ilia council bub who be' h •t Leans of production. Abs lut ly no meat should be given
55111" Thompson woo his 'cam
ytatl+lm plus Ey tbelocaI Hydro afinnrisrah carry -them (especially their tetdCr+S
fire million pe ple
could tell off -hand
of Chicago.
• •
Of 14111kln'a fee"' `and la demanding a reduction of light -t to victory. Here is something t
perhaps' forty-live11ng rates o t people want. Pay off the debt and
who is the Mayor• • • 1 the tale of how It was done will "echo
down the corridors of time" like the
is Caogica._al� t tor. Fu o+•ly edi cine. *all
ingported- it follows as logically as by the doctor. Fur medklne, all
day follow. night that the Canadian strong. disagreeable oils and powders
mnufacturer will make his selling should be sham/coed -and Baby's Own
price come veep close to the foreign Tablets given instead.
Baby's Own Tablets are especially
I The Chesley Enterprise does not are story of the "burnished bands of steel i price plus the duty. It is not cure
eau." and "the cussedaees on his part that he does made for little ones. They are pleas -
teach rel to take cord rat 15e of production is 1n- ant to take and can b' given with
d Jack Mi the sou never sets." u absolutely safety to even the new-
s pN}A sound now
ex perlence a teacher can lace b in which filled the political awl Grua the machinery he uses to his •tlpstlun and indigestion, break up
thnr same' charge o a school
teacher Abels himself (or herself) the vdevpodnt of the one man who necessary outgo be must charge the by medicine dealers or by mall at 25
' het us assume that he Williams'
any merit in the proposal to req•,rt re Making ocean to oc
Now they are talking about, • nae e e ye$ t grand and glorious Empire on which this It is natural and inevitable.
new -
dotal bird for Canada. ac nee How common 11W own cost I
Normal School. It hold• l the
heat thoseresonant §reeled The thread. the leather, the born haw.. They gnl(kjr hpuhdt ao doubt plumps for the Caned 1 n phrase b
con -
goose. After rntture deliberation actual teaching, ant lt,wfter two or speeches of the past ; but let m• wet uu factory nil cost wire because of cold•[ amid simple fevers and mak$ the
Last our vote for the barred Plymouth i in f then rdth this business§ of the debt and see tariffs and In order to recompense this cutting of teeth easy. They are sold
Rock hen.
• . . wouldn t tray it • firmer more. dents a box front The Dr. R
without aptitude for f�parting krrowl- The Opposition
Yr. Ferguson Saye he i.. not K, king
edge the best thing he can do la to
Mr. Bennett. too, says be is not out for get
Goa to reduction conga
of a profession for wbleb h• ores from W. J Went, > r
rogarlre msm*c.
the Conserve tire rodent! leadership. The oppod
Intended. never from Dauphin, Medd 1t obs. Ward
is a
the leadership. Well, we can hardly • • • i thottghtfiel chap, who ha• given consi4
me them: the prospects at promo- arable Studd to public problemsy� Se -
Canada s expert• to tie Bed
cessary les I find it to digger whit
tion in that job are not very bright. States have increased greatly in recentno means dtseottatbst; lee sttfs of harness for every set we
• B • hits, I am by
We are told that "Canberra." the y�ro' but It Is a pet saying ill ejisin Word. Heaves defend us from -a as- Import. This is only an estimate, but
quarters that the Increase is largely la oust where Oil avu o: one it covers the point. In that case It Is
name of the newly -established Federal raw• materials, which, it Is conttadock accord; an pe°61e1 the, ^•'-- pr tr' 'rovers
that the Canan fanner* eon -
of Australia, Is to be pro -
l els jayawat. sot haus tribute PO extra [d'the makers of
should be kept at come and tamed i�. eau- harness for every $9 they contribute to
nounced with the accent on. the first b7 O g
syllable. Perhaps that way it doesn't to manufactured products here. 7�{ tul3- w air we wont&
sound quite so much like the Cas -
greatly burprise most people to know jowl hare a ptH� Ot trivia[ opinions ---as
greatly Canada's position In this its trivia, let us say. as the opinions of
percentages adian housewife's occupation In the spec[ has Improved The figures gtvwa, Choral. Reek now to Mr.
fruit season. below showIneentages fire chasif• ward nd the debt. It's the spring
• • •air h causes me to drift from the
cation of Canada's exports to the npb this morning.
Officials of the Bine Water Highway United States for the years 11114 the'and( Ward writes:—
Association report thatprospiecta 192'S: "So long as we have deals [routing actual fact, ift so far as`ar revenues
indicate a record tourist traffic for , 1914 1926 Into many billions upon which we ars are collectedStan cn taxation.this season. The motor -car privilege for Raw materials % ;4 payina anywhere from seven POW("int- we are actually psy(op not ave, but
tourists from the Staten has been e:- Pertly manufactured 1d 27 to twelve. per cent.- 1 refer to debts fifteen. per cent- upon our borrowed
tended from thirtyto ninety days, and Manufactured 19 g9 other than our national debt—I do not money. Now I do not deny that the
large nmabeva of ♦!!lion from the Canada is making remarkable pro- think it Is good business to pay at our process of paying the debt is painful.
Federal obligations through a protean but far worse is the continued process
neighboring States se& expected. I grew Ill manntaetarlog.'ddpltp the which will force milions of petal$ W of paying the interest on It while our
• • . • 1 jeremlatis that anstliniardt esteitstbtalti, borrow more high-priced money to Oe' revenues ansolleeted se they are by
A- I eleetioa*bxin{ eld in particularly at el 'tithees. der to reduce our national debt Intim means of th rm of taxation.
'+ I which we are paying only five per When Mr. Ward pays his municitwtl
cent., and I am sure there is no stn- taxes It is done by direct taxation
dent of Canadian economics who will if he carries a mortgage on his farm
cks* not charge the fall amount of the Medicine Co.,.Brockville. Ont.
addttiosial tariff. Let us say that lee
(-hormonally twenty per cent. over the
v grid price level of this product and
Atie• have it;
in extra, pyice going to the'
Canadiaa ndnufaetsrer. Now I have
estimtatted • that we make in Canada•
Canadian relennea. It's at least a
three to one abet.
Very Costly
Now even if the Interest rate upon
mosey borrowed by the Federal Crov-
ernepsat b five per Dent. and we have
to gar $30 to raise $9 of revenue, it
will be sten that, as as matter of
the Province of Quebec. Fourteen
supporters of the Taachdreaa Govern-
ment were retained without opposi-
tion on Monday, which was • official
A Part Weil:Waken
(Collingwood Bulletin)
It is reported that those who as-
sume the positions of bartenders for
nomination day; so there appears to the Province are to receive a stated
lee little doubt of. the return of the salary piss a percentage of the amount
Government byaa'large majority the collected for peps1 ts. The salary is
another term. quite in order, Dig the percentage side by singling out a portion of our debt
• • • of the matter la decidedly objection- and calling it our national debt. TiI
aMe. There should be no such induce- my ,mind the obligation of the moll
Lord WI{lingdon, the new Governer* meat hung out. vidaal to his loom banker or to a
General, is getting acquainted with
say that the present method of raising
revenue for our Federal exchequer is
not a very burdensome one upon the
I"A gross( injustice is being done to
the question of our financial position
Canada by visiting different parts of Big' Mks Not Wanted
the country. The Centennial commit- (London Advertiser)
tee la inviting him to visit Goderich A leading Toronto realtor says Tor-
onto will have 150,060 to 200,000 more 1
and the Huron tract the first week of people ln-ten years. lie thought it un -
August, and if he accepts the invite - likely the increase would he greater I
tion he will then bee one of the finest because the present Federal Goyern-
portiontr of this broad Dominion. meet's policy traded lea tOward
• • • building up cities' than toward build-
ing up the farmers' section of the
At the annual meeting of the Con- Rett. He may not hale intended it,
aervative Association of Ontario, re- hut he paid a compliment to the Gov-
cently held at Toronto, George Spot- ernment. If agriculture p the
ton of Wingham was a candidate for eltics can look after them lues, A
million more pelvis- on the and are
the office of president. He was unsuc- more be desired than a Toronto
cessful, the former president, a Tor- with apolllon population.
onto man, being reelected, but we .
have not heard [bat Georges shadow I Edison didn't get his reputation by
is any less as
a result. inventing excuses—Oshawa Wormer.
the Southern State' along_the wake
hick town Is the place where the
bootleggers never ake enough mower
Mississippi are suffering tri a ells- to got out of the criminal class.—Mem
ing flood. Texas, Missouri and phis Scimitar
tat •
" Paying AA the Time
(St. Catharine• Standard)
The maa who pays Dominion income
tax is only mulcted at certain inter-
vals. The man trying to raise a large
famlty pays np income tax. but
bets paying to Oovertfineot revenue in
sales tax, customs duties, etc.. on
everything the several odd members of
his family require. The income tax-
payer has the advantage. •
This 1927 edition of McKim's Di-
rectory of Canadian PubUcatioas has
jest been issued and this publication
no doubt will be welcomed by national
advertisers throughout Canada and
the United States.
It is the twentieth edition, the first
issue having appeared In 1592, and it
has been the endeavor of the pub-
lishers at aU times to make each num-
ber more complete ani e'depen*
able than previous editiods.
In fact, this directory is accepted
generally as a reliable rce of in-
formation on ('anal a ationa
and la regularly ern r' Can -
Adis.' genera obit a: a al par-
ticUlars twelve meta I) •'rear•
themKeep happy
Ai Kellolgserggreat E�
seasyto digest!
Serve with
or cretin--
fresh or canned fruits
---or h°oey. Ha°eKleggss for
ketch for the ig mea
Orcler at hotels,restaurn
nods'- Sedby all grocers
-Mods by Kellogg in
Ontario. Oven -fresh in the inner.
:t td re and.greepackage..
equal such
n-flaoor-peand the
genuine!. ruinle
mortgage company, life insurance com-
pany or to any ether., person is just U
much part of OUT national debt as is }
the obligation to the federal treasury, j
and the sooner we recognize that our
Provincial, municipal, school district,
individual and corporate debts rel
part of the national debt of the coon- ,
try the sopner will we get a proper,
perspective of our financial position. I
"So long as eighty per cent. of the
farming operations of Canada are
carried on with eight, nine and ten :
per cent. borrowed money. i am not in-
terested In paying off our national
There you have it—It's the other
point of view.
Why Nett
(In the face of it. this seems a rea-
sonable argument, but the answer to
it seems equally reasonable. In our
system of raising revenue. fon every
dollar that reaches the Federal trea-
- sury several go to private inteteerts.
Mr. Ward Is interested in farming.
..hat do you get for
the prig - you pay?
Dealers for Mlristr Oldsmobile, McLatgblii,
and GM Tntks
7Ait'E is not •star of prior slew. It
V simply whet yam tet Mr flie pare no. 5...
a -
Cb et is low Y price -but not at the ex-
pense of quality. It is esonomicai -because
Is is act drops bust. It k supreme m value
bemuse it gives more of tit thistp you want
foe the price you pay.
First and always, quatitsounts with Cbrvro-
let There is quality a the distinctive F46rr
bodies. it, the leas. low lines in the rick,
lustrous Duro colonin the smooth, powerful
valve -in -head engine. is lbs scores of refine-
ments, such a1 air dimer, oil titer, ms
strainer; in the luxury d It. appoiatmratu tad
upholstery: In the loan. realest Weiss: is
thee as . three -pled transmission..
TheAfoot Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet
Hnt'+y es now selling It new and towel prices
—tar lowest far which Chevrolet has ever boron
sold .n Canaria.
assdnw • • - 11617 Taurine - - - - $611
(Modeler 11750 Coups $760 $KS
Cabriolet • - • $1190 landau Sodas P970
Imperial Landau Sodas - - - - .
• Roadie. D.no.ry 11677 Cam're'I C be. Greek 490
I•T.. Truck Osa- • - - -
Priam di Fetery, O,kaw►—Ga #-' a -i Tame.
CF -sets
ul Chevrolet
evrolet History
TheRushat -theBankrupt tockSale
•(Formerly known as the Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear, Goderich) -
BuyYour Winter Coats Nw. You Can Save from $10.00 tWomen,
on EveryGarment_ You BuyNow$25.00 .
Hundreds ofpeople have bought and laved. You can do the same. Come to our stores. Look over advt. injast week's paper
-.L- --- ir-�
_.ai...,is•.,_. _ _ _ . —
Stores Closed Wednesday Afternoons
Buy Where Your Dollar Buys More
sig -411‘: '.
e .r
••• '
a •e - .. ,-