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Old Building to Be Wrecked, but
No Decision U to Location
f Soaks
The town council beta a lengthy ses-
sion on Thursday night, combining the
committee session and the regular
council meeting in order that the May-
or m,igltt attend the Conservative gath-
t London on Friday. It was
Services is Knox church next Sab-
bath morning and evening. 11 a.m.,
"Living Without Worry." 7 p.m., Rev.
A. Macfarlane, .13.D., will preach. Sab-
bath school and Bible classes at 10
Anniversary services will be held in
Victoria etreet United church next'
Sunday. The preacher of the day will
be Rev. W. R. Alp, of Auburn, who will
occupy the pulpit at both services, 11
a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 8
o'clock. The services at Union church,
Goderich township, will be held at the
usual hours.
The regular meeting of the W.M.B.
of Knox church will be held in the lee -
after a tore room on Tuesday, May 1T, at 8.30
after l'1.3U cl midnighted.when the meet' p.m. Mrs. Amble Horton, Mn. Tul-
p was concluded. ford and Mrs. Coen, 0t lteebern.. til
_.-Alt-iLe ptlttltbCrs were present. _ .___
The report of the sexton of lisleand have charge of the meeting. Mrs.
cemetery showed two lnternteuts is George MacDonald will give a report
the month of May. of the aanual meeting of the Provin-
A petition ler a cement sidewalk s'0 dal Presbyterian W. M. S., which was
the wroth side of Bruce street, from held at Brockville recently.
Cambria road W Victoria street, was ►-
prtrei lett and was referred to the
pub Eatimsted
Ik welts committee. Taxes uncollected frum 18
Building Pernik' . and non-resident taxes $ 28,926.30
Applications for building permits, as Cemetery- 700.00
follows, were receival and referred to IAcen,ett 0000X)
committee.: John Richards, routing and t,•tnes 150.00
foundation to dwelling. Huron road; L°[ tax 17ir.t10
E. J. ltuwbell, shingling part of dwell- Local Improvement .amess-
lug, East 'street; F. Took, routing meats • G •.... ' 2,500.00
verandah, Elgin avenue; GeV. Bruins, sewer motet.
NUM_ :omelet kitchen, Auglesea street i L. Road oil aaaessments *JO.O (
Mcllurchy, routing verandah, rickui Nut. shlpbtWdltlg Co. ate...
street; A. Higginson, rooting dwelling, nitres 5.00056
CUmbriarood; lire. Mary Mcl►euxie, Kensington Furniture .Vo. ft,,p921 56
routing dwelling, Bruck street; Geo. Goderich lifg. Co. .. OG
)Vestbrook, rooting kitchen, Trafalgar Arteraft Furniture Oo.... • 1.000.00
street"" do.' (inure) 11,[342.10
Alt appliestiutt from F. IL Wu" for , 6dslerkb Organ Co., arrears 0,626.18
renewal of ies billiard room and bowl- Provincial ratlwly tax 287.49
lig alley- license, with act•VmpauyiugHeats 300.00
onetime fur *Wee was referred to the n Water and light commission 4,000.00
special committee. Taxes (Coll. Inst., public
Similar applications from J. E. end saparte schools)38,765.48Dremusu were at•ut to the same coin- General 08,137:..1
mutes. e•
A request front the lawn bow'llug . $142,51371
Classified Advertisements
Read them on Page 8. An advertise-
ment in THE SIGNAL reaches the
right people --the people who buy.
The News of the Town I RECTOR OF ST. GEORGE'S
1Has Record of Much (sod Work en
W has Sliver Mail
Friends of Mr. Stanley Porter, of 1
Stratford. wilt be pleased to learn
that be won a sever medal in a solo
cornet conceit held In that city on
Wednesday evening. For a number of
year Mr. Porter was a member of the
• Red Crow Crarlthlga
Miss Fry. representing the Rel
Cross Society. was in town this week
in the interests of a Province -wide
campaign to raise $600,000 in Ontario
for Red Cross work. Arrangements
have been made for a Red Cross night
the Model Theatre on May MK
Goderich band, and he moved to Strut- at
ford about a 'year ago. I wheu Dr. Routley will give an address attended Brampton High •8ebool and
and pictures will be shown Itlustraning Ream far the June Exesndon
C. P. R. °Betide Here
A party of C.1'.It ,•tlo'iuls visited
Goderich on Wednesday afternoon, in-
cluding 11. C. Grout, general superin-
tendent of Ontario division; W. Ful-
ton, district passenger agent; and W.
J. 8tlusen, assistant superintendena of
Ideation division.
The Archbishop of Huron has named
Rev. J. N. H. Mills, B.A., L. Th., of
Brantford. as rector of St. George's succeed church• to Rev. S. S. Hardy,
removed to Marlon, Ohio.
Mr. Mills was born in Brampton,
Ont., a son,, of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mille.
at present residing !n Brantford. He
club that another street light be Committee. Reports
Weston Collegiate Institute, and took
MOM Church Anniversary I Red Cross work, i Fir. N. F. MacLean, of the White his college course at the University
Special services will be held the - --- - • Stas Navigation Co., Detroit, has of Wetrtera Ontario, at Londou, gradu-
comiug week to murk the anniversary I Five Htestmeg Arrivals been 1a town this week making pre- ating in 1915, The following year be
of Goderich Baptist church. The paw The following senders discharged Iterations for the annual June ex- graduated from Beirut' College, Lou -
tor, Rev. F. C. Elliott. will occupy the cargoes' at the Goderich elevator the eursion of the steamer Greyhound and don, In' ths legyi (en Trinity Sunday, take part In the tattoo which has been
pulpit on Sunday next, and there will past week; Bayton, 53.000 bus. of oats attiending to the advertising of this Jnne rich, W18,ape was ordained by arranged fur that night. Capt. Slat -
be special music by the junior choir and 11.o,(NN) bus. ee wheat; Quetloc, 0;3.- popular event throughout the 4lct Archbishop ms to St. Paul's ter, who is a entwined musician, will
in the aliefiningteent a --mans cline it eetto tate: of *eremite"`ns- Maes atxampanied bins on An tiathedrati. mad was appoletted direct tits massed bandwin the -tattoo.
I "of wheat; Kaplecourt, bus. of trip. - {soya to eye Arthur Carlisle, roc- The arrangement for the visit of the
Invitsttiona Extended to Gov. -Gen -
oral, Lieut. -Governor, Federal
and Provincial Premien
One of the premier attractions of
Centennial week In Goderich will be
the famous *eh •Highanders band of
Toronto, under the direction of Capt.
Stetter. The band, thirty strong, will
arrive here at goon on Fltlay, August
5th, and will play In the Afternoon and
placed vu 1'ictou atrvet, between the' A funkier report of the finance cow -
bow ling green and Waterloo street. nutter stated that all the bonds issued
was referred to the water, light and uudk•r bylaw No. 24 oil 1027, re local
harbor cummttta'e. ' improvement [ewers, amounting to
• A cuwwuulcatiun from the Fire- $1[.,612.4), had been sold and paid
men's Assuciatiuu of Outarlo, With re- for, the proceeds de ted in .the
Serena* to accident insurance fog mem- . town's retort, trcon " •' -'
On Tuesday night, in `
Knox church. wheat tool 51,000 bus. • If oats; Sane
Rev. H. iii. Savage, of Pontiac, Mich., katchewa 100.000 bas. of wheat; Getting in a New Press '$(rano; 'eryt pec. Dean (artiste, dean conjunction tcith the Huron Old Boys'
the popular radio preacher, will Alex B. artg, 233.000 bus. of oats. The work of the Signal office has of teof Montreal). The fol- Association of Toronto, which is gen-
r ,of All';llalutr' church. Windsor highlanders band has been made in
beta of the lire brig , was referred improvement sewer leans ,*
. ttoetbe ere comma .0 `Bank paid off; Ifni [Anil' [tie
Quotation for F' • w ..- - uta . $1,:is5.W had been tuner'
OCA comMUllit itltm
1'rutincial Secrete
+s.tlaG-Goat the
tiuu with refelaneo to
Bell teleprhoue esteem
et- e
u interest due May 1st of the Ontario
e West Shore Railway fund.
1O The public works committee reedm•
the Federal Guverument. tO ' mended , that Robert MacKay and
- this effect was taken. I Alex. Young be permitted to construct
A letter from the Hydro-e4eMr -' ` cement curbing on the south aide of
1'ower Commisslou of Ontario, reg. Nelson Street from tit. Andrew's tette
tug the removal of the Hydro poke at to North street and on 'North street
the corner of Britannia road and Vic- in front of MacKay Hall, the work to
b rut street, wag 'sent to the water, be under the supervtaion of the Cone
light and harbor committee. The let- mittee; that the request of J.
ter stated that the work tel removal W. $'riddle to have the burned.
would be commenced at once sod one- house on Wilson street remover'
half the coat would be charged against or torn down be referred to the
the town.• board of health for a report ; In the
A communication was received' from matter of securing a rink -crushing
the Governor43enerl's secretary equipment, that the Reeve and Depto
stating that the invitation to the ty Reeve press for the loan or rent of
' Prince of Wales and Prime Minister a plant from the county; to the mat-
Baitlw'in to visit Goderk'h In comnee" ter of extending Raglan etreet from
tion with the centeenial celebration Gibbons street to Bayfield road, a
had been duly forwarded. price on laud had been secured from
An application from Thos.J. Ander' W. T. Murrey and that the matter be
son for renewal of his license to ped` laid over; in the matter of construct
die coal oil and gasoline was referred lug new steps at the foot of Waterloo
to the -special comwittte• street. at the foot of Wellington street
The Tax L i I and *at the C.P.R. station, that •the
The deduce committee submit d chairmen obtain tenders on each sep-
estimates of re t•ipte and eltpenstats set of steps.
for the year 11x27 and recommended The fire committee reputed the la-
the following rates: 30tFr mills for sue of building permits as applied for.
general purposes, 9 milia for public , The cemetery and perks•commlttee
school purposes, 10 mills for separate recommended no action on the request
school purposes. 554 mails for Got•• ! of Geo. Lalthwaite for a grant to -
MOW Institute purposes. Taxes are I wards making a flower gaMea on pre -
'to be.P two instalment% es is vale property at the corner of Victoria
previous ' 1Pttb ttie - wen d T t testi IFriteeala read{ -tend that
math. The et $ thaengaging of a caretaker for the
plaeed on the collsep('s troll againsttows parks be left In the bands of the
the old plant of tie Goderich Elevator rttslrtrtea of this committee. The
k Transit Co. and the amount of cotnmlttee reported that tenders had
School rtes against the Weetaea 4
ado Flour Mills elevator.
The estimates are we tollown: r Thee report, were all adopturl.
F.stirnatGd Exptedituree
• Salaries $ 0.200.00. .St„ To Wreck Market Building .
"Printing and advertising1,100.00 A nyortrof committee of the whole
lon 'coats
500.00 coo ncll, reeommendtng that the rner-
1,x•00 ket billeting be wreeketl as reyutsted
Fire deportment
FnbNc wore. :.. , . , .:0•x•00 b) pet I t ion of residents of the nelgb-
3,10t1.(tti is,rhood, w'as adopted, Councillor
' Terrine and road oil 2474"Humber voting ~nay.
Asylum patients 1,1100,11) (bunc111or eraigie them molted. ser.
Crew MMary
. Bank dnterest
`l' rk.
Pehlke e•heols
Selarate +schools
▪ Collegiate institute
Board of Health : y
•2 Market
1lets•nture aeconnt
(Trow water A light atul rhtMl$l
0, W S. Railway 7,114[0.00
4'.. ty rates 11.1x10.(0 Hnrnher anti
Street Ilghtieg 3,700.[0 Th,, wets
Town water A.t;ioilO Inlet'. was
Di.eonat on taxes 1,200.00 bath
Thank Mans f 22.801.10
Water, light anti 1111dr,r... 500.00
stashingscene nts 11.577.13
Thank ga !draft for 1112th
coupons ant -
preach the anniversary sermon. This Three more freighters are expected bees considerably disorganised this low
service will be at 8 o'clock, and'a cur- at the Goderich elevator. week by the installing of a new news- ant to,
dial invitation is extended to the peer
paper press. In a few days, we hope; rector of let. Petl's ehtrreh, Stratford, brati,n committee on Monday night, it
pie of Goderich and vicinity to attend. Real (images ,the office will be back to normal condi- (lusing thy'1 *-tter's illness. Upon the was d,rlded to extend invitations to
On Friday evening of this week Miss Mr. S. D. Croft. who bas been omit' duns, and In the ;meantime we oak the retJreeleut et the late Mr. Hudgins the Governor-General, the Lieutenant -
y sr was appointed assist- erously meeting one-half the expense.
the late Rev. .1. W. jiottglns. ' At. the weekly meeting of the cele -
Ellen PrteM, front India. will speak in loos lir- D. P. Mtoney''s honed en indulgence of patrons whose work has frumtke t, peforshipof St. Pauls. Stret-
the Baptist church at S p.m. i North street. has purchased the been delayed. This Issue of The Stg turd, C. Mills was appointed rector
Sett bail Again This Year Mooney residence on Ease street and nal is printed on the new press, eif et' St. Janes' church, Brantford, where
will mote to it shortly. which we shall have more to may -dent he hate bel'*. the last Lice nail a•half
Apubiic meeting was held In the Mr. Thos Stu •
Sturdy has bought from week years. During blocinf1lmlx-iu'y there
town hall on Wednesday evening Sp
Mr. O. F. Carey chi house
on the Bay- he huf11 s few church and parish hall
the interests of soft -ball, but it was • field road forttserly occupied by T.
not very even attended and i1w!e pre''- Hoggartb.
sot did not attempt to take any action, lire gturdy hue nl
in re-electing officers for the comfitse.
leaden the ee-t si
year. Soft -ball, however, will again road to Mr. J. W. Ar
be Played in Goderi eb this year, and ,
another meeting will W held in the'arlaw a o'clock la the morning, and the Arent dean of Brant, and he had much to do
town hall next Wedae'eday evening' 1)istrtet Delco it E Myers, of >liit •h°me arrived, at 1'1.18 p.m.The with the improvement of the proper -
May le, to draw up the schedule. to distance from Kitehiener to Gududc0
games may be got under way -shell, visited Y Star Lodge, -No. about 7;r Mlles, and ills slow dors ties of the Indian churches on the
Ikst app. (7arlow. W y'nl$bbt of this ss' very River reserve He has taken
or -
by 24th, ; f possible. Three reams week, and the visit has Ste occasion ,was no doubt due fie enfavorabde a very active Interest to the• many hace elgnifled their intention of Play of a notable gathering iyat bilwing. be- weather. The Srsl a Dirds arrived ptasizatlons of hlapwn chsnch for men,
ire wet -toll this year: Exoelalore as follows:• s women. Hung peoples boys and girls,
(Square), G. c. I., and xcei lyd. aides members of Morning Star Lodge. Owner Leg BandS
Masons from other lodgrs,'tlteoughout and also in the late of the'csty'. the is
Other'team-S wishing to play are re the district. About twenty went out I'. J"hn'tt' 9 i. a member of the wardenMovens Club of
questerl to communicate with Mr. W. from l;,rierich. A ►tattgset followed 1' Juhi,ia.i 7 1 Brentford, senior of Onto. levitation
ye. and girls. 1'hc text of the
G. MacMillan before 1Veclnewlwy eves s. 1'itblade 0dle 1.19 lltmnale Lodge, No. fi08, e)lstrict chIii. lnvltxtfun is given on page 3 of The
Ing of next week. the work of the lodge. and an interest- 8. G. McKay 1241 1.1a laic of Brant district. Na. L 3. of the
ing proem* of apt was carried It Signal this week. Any {nouns who
t. Distrait Deputy ors. Past
l'tthladu •1 l t
Homers Fly from * and dtt¢4t the last six years, in spite
1►yoth*r Cigar u flight was Cvuauctid mfsn later' lndustrini de{onsa re In a
manafa ['sluing city, he has reduced
de °fire 9JfiaCtpt
o of the Of 1VMrusda t this week, by tee
t odericb Homing Chip. The pipes** the ' 1 of the debt upop the
•!rung. chs 'by upwards of $7,000,
were released at Kitchener at S.aS roc' hoer years 'he acted as rural
Governor and the Prime Ministers of
Canada and the Province of Ontario.
Mr. awl. Nelson submitted a ([etch
of the proposed electrical decoration
for Centennial wrs'k. 'This shows an
elulorate•system of 'colored lights for
the Court Heuer Square end the road-
way around the Square, with special
lighting also for the eight streets lead-
ing to the Square within the -ere
limits. To carry out this design will
require 4000 extra lights. Mr. J. W.
Taylor of the water and light crimmia-
Sion is at the head of the committee •
having in chive, the -electrical deco-
ration, and with Mr. Nelwu's able 11-
slstauce this will no doubt be effect-
ively carried out, •
Dr. Gallnw, head of the invitations
committee. le the: week wailing nearly
four thousand levitation, to Iloiterich
OBITUARY ' • D J f. odes
81 • ' is order- and -at the tmuude esti
olctious last December he headed the
1' 3 poU in a large field tqr the hoard of
'7 2'4' ,dncation. Ile is a member of the
Cote[ "'4't Dominion executive of the Anglican
1'. Johnston
.'S Rev. as. b+
btor ' rand A. S Obrystat, of Goderich •1 Mwineer
JOlfN' J. tt rsAM
resident of Lodge.- The toast 1f The l raft
been received on-4he eesstrmtion of a
new bandstand, that the tending{ were.
opened, but 10 anion was taken.
° • I'. Johnston
responded to the toast s( "The Grand P. Johnston
s by the death brought speeches from R. M. Tiuth, Young Pelriple's Association and has I NEW MINISTER INDUCTED
c' IIs' 4th of John-!.' Rev. E. E. Ilmit, R. J. Mega, and A.' Munn )Baseball League Organised had temm g/'4a A.T.F.A. camp' IN LOCHALSH
7 I for young poo
t Grahath was in his J e MacKay. John 1{71pon, Dr. J. A.
leave ❑oc,already meet in the nausea of
their 'friends to w•hum invitations
should be sent should delay no longe[.
Tb'- time is grow int short.
M.- .rs. \1'. Bisset, E. L an,at Lake Couthlelting, CHURCH
year, d ]ti's heat)b has Grihsm. R. C. Hays,_ and Alex Mc- 1'ridlieui and W. Weir attended' the and of other canielle'la former years.
for some months• Kerale (Kipe rat apo a for "Canada. ta,s a;tL' meeting at Clinton on Wed- He repu'esents the dry of Rra'` tftrd
He e of Stanley township, and the toast of -The Visitors" was ❑,..,l;,y ,.N.•tilt . of last week, when the on the scuttle of tb$ Lolver ty
mourn/ re to Guderich town- accamlmnlel by remarks from Reeve Iltmn c County Itnseball League was 11'ost*ren pntaTlo anMde a memis•r of
ship, where' Ne lived for a number of Hill and T. til. Mitchell. form. •:. Officers were elected as fol- the executive committee of the Deo-
year on the Ildo field road. For thir- The District Deputy Is to visft God- low•,.. Flenornry president. Robert cese of Huron.
ty year, he had been a residcut of erich In his official capacity on June I Je,ail,-;'l,, r,od.•rieh; president,' Major Mrs. Mills was Mhos Veda Car-
Goderlch, where lie followed the trade 2nd. Caml.n,-,''. \\'ineham; viMPresident, H. rothers, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
of carpgnter. Ile is survived by, his •I H. .i •htao c $.'eforth ; eecrctary-utas Arthur Oerrothers, of Lenten . (tut.
wife 1(ornery ]hiss Sarah ]ohaston nrer. 11'. Weir. Goderich. The extra• • Mrs. Mills le a graduate of Western
of d;udcrieh township) and two lough- I tire .''uoai•t„• will be composed of*" University, where she took the degrees
tern: firs. .\..C, Fairbairn, .f. Van- Officers of the Horticultural Sudety 1 repo•-ent:trive of : each team entered of A.A. and M.A. They leave one sou,
offuvem B.C., and Mrs. D. M. t'umpbeo, were distributing premiums to mem- to rias Leaea •. The following towns six
ltyearso age. ex wrtea1 to assume hh
Keuora, frac. Reuben Gruhuw. •of h t t i their iutcntion of i
Detroit; Mrs. Alex. Robinson, of Tor-
onto. and Mrs, UJoury MMiavin. of Sea -
forth. are brother anti sisters of the
deceased. The Ltneral took place on
Friday afternoon from the residence.
('nwbria road, to Maitland cemetery
anti was largely attended Rev. R. C.
Mcl)ermid cowdjtcted the services and
the pallbearers were Mr. e. M. John-
ston. of leesex, Tbonwa, Robert and S.
M. Johnsto(b of town. Among those
present were Mrs. D. M. Campbell of
Kenora, Mr' and Mrs. C., M. Johheton
lFileon sad Mrs. Jae
of Essen, Mrs. •
McIath of London, Mr. and hire.
Bert McWhinney of 'Dungannon, and a
number of relatives from Seaforth.
William 'J. Johnston, Goderich'•
oldest native -both resident, who a
few weeks ago celebrated his ninetieth
birthday, did not long wtrvive the an-
niversery, passing away on Saturday -
evening last. Almost to the last he
retained his faculnies to a remarkable
degree.nin_was able to be about town.
He was barn March 22nd, 1887, in a
hours* on Montreal street where Jim
Kee's cafe now Rands. At one time
he kept the old Western hotel in God•
erich ; later he was in lbs hotel bust -
nest, at Winghsnt, and also was a
gpll-carrler between Clinton and
Wingbam. 'Leaving this cvounty, he
spent thirty-five years In Chicago,
where he was in the employ of the
street faiFway company. Another In-
cident In idea lung and active life wee
a visit to Cdallfoibla in the days of the
gold execitement. Four or five years
ago be returned to spend his remain-
ing •lays in his native tower. The fun-
eral mew
from the home ofMrs. S.
bee's this week. mn', it: imo e(
There was a. big crowd on the placing teams in the league series this charge here the first Sunday in June.• afar of Presbytery. Rev. J. A.
ltgnttte on Saturday night, marking year: Godt•rich, ,Feaf,lrth and Wing- James,theSouth iihtlres, presided. J.
PERSONAL. IMEEPi l'ION 4 JamBev,Dof Connor, of Willey, preached
the opening of "the good old summer- ham.
time"Th 1 1 baseball club has raps
Ree. G. 8. Ritchie flared in Pastoral
Charge of a:tahiIield Presbyterians
A nu•cting of Slattern' Presbyter)'
was hell in .\-I t:,•,d Tres/Merlon
cbun9t. 1. e'i mist$ on 11edueeley after-
noon, May Iith. for the purpose of In-
ducting Rev. G. 8. Ritchie into the
Pastoral cbarge of die .\shfleld con-
gregation. which has been without a
Settled minister !ince the retirement of
A eery large concourse of people as-
semhtel for the occasion. The m.rter-
The friends of Mr. D. McMurchy, I pointed Mr. IV. Barlow' manager of the Mr. Andrew Lynn arrived last week
who for some weeks was seriously ill, I team and practices have already leen (mm Detroit on a visit to his mother
will be pleased to know that he Is commenced. The sceTetary 4f the ho- here.
nutch improved and is able to be about cal clute has written to Auburn to find Mr. Ernest Pritchard motored up
out if they will play an exhibition from London and spent Sunday in
to more.
The annual meeting of the (tare- game here on May 24th.
holders of the Ootierich Elevator and
Transit Company was held in the Ma-
sonic Temple on Wednes,lay. Alt the
officers were reelected for another
The regular monthly meeting of the
Arthur Circle will be held in the lec-
ture room of Knox church on Monday,
May 16ent 8 p.m. Mrs. C. Curt and
Mrs. J. Thomson will have charge of ,
the meeting.
Mr. M. Robins has purchased the
bankrupt stock of the Capital Ladies'
Ready -to -Wear, 2511 Yortge street. Tor-
onto, at a rate on the dollar. Watch
next week's feline of The Signet for
epeellT nate ai lltttincement.
t Mr. and Mrs. Cleo. Schaefer and
1 family eperi Sunday with relatives at
PART ALBERT 11'ingham.
Miss Jean Pinder, nurse -In -training
at Toronto gement hospital, is home
on vacation,
Miss Gwendolin Colborne, of Tor-
onto. is visiting her mother. Mrs. J.
H. Colborne.
PORT ALBERT, May 10. -Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Taman, of Goderich, visited
with the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
1%'. Murray. on Sunday.
Mr. Roy Fritzley left for Sarnia on
Saturday last. '
Rev. IV. B. Hawkins and family. of
Blyth. called on friend/ here last I'
Mr. Harvey Prang has returned
from Kitchener, where be was working
the last two months.
nrdey Mrs Gee A. Robertson, of Moult
Huron lettere No. 82, I.O.O.F.. here.
turned out tine hundred strong at
Knox church on aunties' morning. Rev.
It. C. Melh•rwid oe'i'upie'd the pulpit
and gave a thoughtful and appropri-
ate discourse from the text "Who is
my neighbor?" (Luke 10:29)•
The Western tmtnrio Conserve- hire. 1.__--
ttve gathering at London on Friday Mn, Marvin McDowilll's name was
last was attended by x number from omitted from last week's news as be-
Goderich, including Mayor MacEwen. Int one of the members of the session
Mrs. MacEwen. 1V. Reg. Sharman. of the Westfield f'nited church. -
Mr. and Mrs. H. T Eitwardn, P. E. Mrs. P. ('lark. who spent the winter
Holmes, Alex. Powell. Miss Elsie Brad- at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
ford, H. Blackstone. D. Ginn, W. (:• Marvin Meltnwell. has returned to her
'ili00(1t , home at St. Helene.
nnderl by t scaly Reeve a Turner, that (mi boa place It Knuckle, afternoon
otSt MHospttal night.FM,'rS'1Theattre Tues-' Mr. James Tnuney is. we are glad, to
2.200.114) the maker gonion he town removed to ins
2(N► N) frit nl the tart of the halt owing 1'xirk•k's [Roost, where deceased made day. May 17th. 'fhrv.u¢h the kindness report, much Improved after what
1,400.00 on Newgate street. I' his Iron. Res. It, l'. Meleermid con- of Mr. Maxwell and under the nnspl- might hive been of serious accident.
000.00 Councillors ilumber anti Bailie ducted the funeral services and the cos (if Women's llosthitnl .tuxiUnry. when lir f, II off the back of a wagon
21,50000 moved in amendment that the matter paliturfrers"we're Messrs. Mack JMtn• "Twtakle Toe..." fe;Cnrtng ('ab•en rano' day lost week. cutting his head and
Lronfl.uu of removing the scales be refeeret to noel (fyrom, tin' 1V,•µ) ('has. C. NI. Moore. Bets. n 1,t,-tnn•s Mn, Ilarvey pnstninln.r ether tmjnrfes.
0411.78committee to bringin a J,lnistn't 'IE•.es, Ont.). Robert .1ohu- Me•Gee and Mr. i;. nrne .Termer will ale , \I -:<,•s .\i ,,It. null Frnnc`nn aywl'-
13, the report. mson. of Go,'., rich spent
• stun slid 1V}lir .lolti<ston of (loderith Isar In character el,¢s and mono-
3(10.10 An amendment to the amendment. township, the three limit mentioned , f'ruit's. First show 7':O sharp. Ad- flit -it home le r
230(1 that the matter he referred to commit- being curarine of the det'hasdd: i.. i.. min -inn. 3:t cents, clildren 25c Will Tat t tor of Moorefield
2g.101A0 lee Knot 'Slid H C. Nell •+f town, Mr.I
Gordon McGregor and Mises
Hoy, of Walton, called on rile -
here on Sunday.
and Mrs. A. Sylvester. of Strr
spent Sunday at their cotta
lirydgea w' ms the guest of Mrs. Strang
and Miss Mabel Strang the past week.
Miss J. t'orrle, of Toronto, is visit•
ing at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Is. I.
,loner, 'Nteth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben ii. Robinson mo-
torah rap from There' on Sunday for
WESTFIELD , • a brief visit with Mr. IG,binscn's mo -
tiler and other re&tives here.
WESTFIELD. Mui 9. -Mrs. James lexier.' W. fromo lee.-Batemahere an to wes
Antietam Is vision her' daughter, In temporary charge of the Anglican
Sibthorpe, of 'Blyth.
of the whole council, was moral RF\1LILi.F.R
( nnnelllors
Wren told $proal. Knott being a nephew- of the &reamed . _
ft ('nnndlllors The interment w'tes In Maitland creme- ._--
a ens earned, to 2.
voting' contra.
rhor eom-
have the
e slides
de to
e hon+c.
1 to re-
eve a ver -
at set ea4 of the
‚i.e. •
N.. 2:,. levying the taxea.jp'r
s, wsa put through. and the •
ell adlonrned:
fere. The flornl tributes. In addition
to those front friends in town, were
from Mr. John F. Craig. ex Mayor of
ltarrie. a nephew' of elreale,] ; Mr. and
Mrs. Rimbaud. of Toronto: Mi. and
Mrs. Tafford. of Toronto. and relent,.
at Chienan and KaftansS and three
Johnston leaven two
detaghter,. ilereey and Thomas John -
non. Mrs. l'lcekway. Min Alice .1ohn-
(ton. of entengn, and Men. Al. Frank.
J Kansas fete. Their mother, runny
yir. daseaaed, was hetoi, her mar.
Rage 4t1w' Sar"81acku of Goderich.
RF.NCISTTt F.Ite Noy 12. --The trus-
tee bolted of the I'i nmi!ler United
chnreh mot In the chnreh on Monday
evivitng• Tie busier vs before the
board wan the renovation of Me
'ehwreh. The hoard deCidmd to cap a
eongretratIonnt meeting nn Wedne4jay
evening. May 15. to diernee carimts
plans and proposals.
At a Uletint .'f the B!ltnllh'r
UMW Wen We,Inetrday afternoon
it nes tleelelee to hold tie tinningqtp
eoaeert on May 114th it the
t 0 _
parish. Its will shortly return to
Windsor to take charge of one of the
chmmhen there.
Mr. and Mrs. IV. It. Pinder annouriee
the mgagemint of their daughter
Malt to Mr. IV. K. Henry, tarn of Mr.
and Mrs. E. .1. Ilcnry of Toronto. the
wedding to take place the latter part
of May.
Mr.. P. M. t'nmp ue'll, of Kenn**.
(int., peas c•nllsl to town by the Il1UtA
of tier father. the late J. J. Genhat
and is remaining to Ilea her mother.
She Is necnminnted by her young son
Mrs. Andrew, Miss Rae 'Andrew,
Mrs, M. W. Moen. 'hi, Miss Father Dunes
Rev. aria Mrs. it. M. Young left Monday
morning to represent G,.,lerich and
last %reek. Carlow Veiled entireties at the Letetcken.
Iter. Selby Jetferem, of Virions Conference brunch IV. M.0. meeting rat
street chnreh. Goll, rich, will have Windsor.
charge of the sera•$, a at WestM'Id on
Nnn,iny. May 13th. n' the Philter. lies.
W.•il. .\ip. will be i.renching onnirer-
nary ern -lees at I'letot in surest e-hnn•h
on that alit.%
Rev. W. R Alp gate .t splendid dee
cnnrse In the Westfield T'n1tPd chnreh
on Mother's Dee. takairtv ns his subject.
"Honor thy mother." Ile was greeted
by a large commotion.
Miss Gladys McDowell of Ihiliass
ville, spent over the we'ek•eMl at het
home here.
an able and masterly sermon on tee
ineddent In the garden of e:etbeernnne.
basing his remarks on the words "And
he went a little farther." Rev. T. I).
McCullough. of Kincardine, moder-
ator of the charge, outlined the steps
leading up to the call, remarking that
it•was the most Marty and Unanimous
calf he had ever batt occasion to deal
with. Rev. J. A. James them pro-
ceeded to induct the new minister,
afterwards calling upon Rev. T. P. Mc-
Cullough to address the minister ant
]rev. C. H. McDonald, of Lueknow. to
address the congregation.
The choir of the church was assisted
In the service of praise by the Luck -
now male quartette, who rendered'
some special numbers. At the close
of the senile the newly inducted min-
ister was escorted to the door by mem-
bers of the session, who introduced
him Is•rsoually to the members of the
congregation and others present as
they passed out.
Visitors were present in large num-
bers from Kincardine. Ripley, Luck -
now. Kinross, Dnngnnnon and White-
church. The church was prettily de-
corated with flowers.
netted his fniber. Mr. T. ii. Taylor,
('ompnets. Real Assortment ; :11k-' up.
('nmplell's Arra[ Store.
The wenthennan ins leen giving n'
etntsidernble variety in weptber the
lest week. Thi' ntrnmer-like tetnpean
tare which prevaile-el for n few tltye
has ban ttn'c4411Pd by a coobeopell, and
heavy raise bare given the land I
gold soaking. Some of the tseeare
slows* in fall leaf. and vegetaf n
generally Is a week or ten day$ ahead
4 the Sverige Mason.
Very successful anniversary servi-
ces were held In I.Il,•know Presby-
terian church on Selrheth last, when
Ret. J. ll. Sic•1'aul, of Milton, de-
livered forceful and Inspiring sermons
morning and evening. .M the evening
aervlee the swatinl capacity of the
,lura' auditorium wits taxed to Its ut-
most einem-11y to necemnmrinte the large
nsbt'mbingc, the LueI,liow United
,hooch and Soleil Kinker* 1'resby-
ter'an church havieg withdrawn their
semis.. for tlee. trey-i.e . and the pas-
tors of thea. church.., Rev. R. W.
Craw fuel Rev. .1 .1. .1.,m,•;. assisting
in t . service or tilt' ,o, ming. Special
twus c stems rendered at truth services.
An anthem by the choir and a 9o10 by
Sir. I1 )t,-Lcnn .loht,stoac were mach
erljnyt"l in the m•'reina, while in addi-
tion to nn anthem by the choir. a sero
by Mien Ait,-l:i.on. find a gonrtefte `t
Mi•setrs. Wat.••ti, .Vr011san. lxrugl
end Johnstone were heard with much
teenier& At the evening service.[
,tt, Am.:1y evening let Pntertatnmept
in elle cloven nttracte.l a large gather.
log of penile, the emcee erpslating
of addremea by Stlaisters a Pres -
Weer asM Ar Sty. J. t(.
rapt . - sad iwdeal gel
• ;