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The Signal, 1927-5-5, Page 7
tt' • e House -Cleaning Time Is With Us You Will Find Walker's Store the Place to Do Your Shopping` • Some specials in CURTAINS and CURTAIN MATERIALS by the yard CONGOLEUM RUGS in all sines.. All new patterns ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER to rent by the day at Walker's Furniture Store W. WAI.It ER fursitursiat Neste Furnuhings "Often the Cheapest and *hap the Belt" Cleveland, Red Bird and Crescent Bicycles S32 up. Also some secondhand whee!s Children's Joycycles Tires, Tubes and Bicycle Repairs F. R. Miller, Service Station Cor. Victoria and Elgin Streets Telephone 259 ■rte THE SIGNA 4 _ GODERICH. ONT. County and D,s'rict Misr Angeline (lrayhlel, of Dash- woed, passed away April 26th in ber seventieth Mar. Freak Marshall. a Nutter resident of Hensel, diad recently ,it Loudon la bis fifty-niath year. Tbs death occurred .10 Tuckeram(tb on April litth of Mary Anne Rogers, wife ut William L. Mobaren, aged elety years. Hendee her Iiusbaid, de- ceased leaves four daughters and one sou. Donald McDonald. an oliterealdent of Oro, township. died April 21s16at �ht--�tge -uf-eighli-el: years. ales hail lived In the township ehMie-fhTe'e Yeein 'Be leaves a widow and eev- era,0 ems and IIgtlghtere. Meta Yen. widow of tides late Thom- as 1;. Welker, diad Mjrll 26th at Cookeville. The funeral took place Thuriekty afternoon haat from the reel, dewy of her brother -In-law. .Andrew Holmes. Blnevale, to Wingbam eeme. tory. Mrs. Thos. Lane and ber daughter, Loretto, were Madly bnrded one ewe lug receody when gasoline poured out 1 rivets, Mr. l'rulktthledt was *truck. just below the ere lay a pleas of metal, requiring several atltebes to close the wound. Mr. Orris was struck to the neck by a pier of metal. w•6i.I, im- bedded Itself In the mu' Les, a,wensl- tatiug surgical attention, David 'Petrie. student of KHAN Col- lege, Toronto. spent a few days with kb iwareets, Rev. Ur. and Sire. 1'e,rrie, and lett hast week to take a chargh nt ttexamilh. Ans. • KEAFORTH Thema, (teat'., wit"' rete llthlr•rl 1owrahip to Seaforl11 about fifteen years ago. died N'edue-da). April 2711i. offer an Illness of .eters! months. 11e woe fa bla Aecent)-aces• enth year ante leaves a widow nu,l one daughter.. Mia. It. A. VcKhuun, of Winnipeg. Mrs. ,Andrew Mclirtde. who linseed ewer In McKillop township ,n, .April 2Bt1 . Is survived hy two sorts ,.,d four daughters. twenty -too eraudchlldrPI nud seven great-gotadehUdren. She ut their (Apeman tamp and ret ire to was In ber eighty..e'md year. Her their h.Sin They managed to amstb- mishaps*, Med eight Metre ago. Pr the fire after e4'utr du utgabal.DeeII7 11 H.- Redound left lest week on dine• a tele to her home in UPlfamt. trelifnd. 4_11uLrtl1La! tot* names at tildeed to heti t�ta�r• .. yr. 1Tee W,jr. hal rgt?SEf!�__--r 311.-KiRop. eau Apr41 2nth. whet' albite' home here After rpPntting the *tater Margaret Starry. daughter of framed with her. dangbtrr. Mrs Latimer. at Storey. lr.. becalm' the bracts• "f Nor• Anderson. South t'aroltaa. man Rnaaell Dorranee, all of NrKlllnp. Joseph Orr Rose. CIO, treasurer 'of, R. 7. A. Ferguson officiated. The (:urlph. who dish April 'SRrd. calls • young Couple eIII make their home nn reeldent of Sesforih for u, any /NM the groftttl'A 'ram on Ihr 5111 mete'' before mine to Anedph. stow -of Me i lepe.' enjoyment to your trip. Three Palatial C & B Steamers The (heat Ship '1FEANDBEE"-1Cr1Y OFERIE" sad "CITY OF BUFFALO" 1. 'nlimited far drms. Mr -11A n. Iarpe airy clean nureenoar that ensure a long male'• ref realms' sleep. Ls.cfmt dump* rn.m DAILY MAY tat TO NOVEMBER 14th Each Way Every Night Between Buffalo and Cleveland Leaving et 9:00 p. m., arriving at 7:30 a. m. Eattem Standard Tams NEW ERIE tovisiON Na C& 6 &ss -et CRLamar OF ERIE". LsClevebea sod chili on skcrnaee alahu. July 3d as Sem 0110112- Road- R.Done Rand Up esu lO p. a Leave .. BafaArrive. N. Y... Arrive 6:a0 a. ea. IC p. . Ante Le .... Erie. Pa..... ave: n m fen. 1.00 a n. Lases , . Erie. Pa..... Move 10 /On. m. 640sCl . ea. Art* . eveletd. O... Leave 4 )0p. m. Caemelese- lei 'abrasions. Desna ..d Palma As Ask your ticket cane t a trsn• e assr f•'. esker• vi. C&a Vine. Y� sir rad (Wilt i•aor'd„n tea Summers. EXETER a Mrs. Illizebeth Cole. am old resident After a ,mt•e'atul hnslin sa car.rr in "f Clinton. died t*Turtles,. April 211th. Exeter ??heeding over thirty-eight In her ninety-third year. Hrr lin.. yeere, .1. .A. Stewagt alae dtapon h of band ,red efeased her and 'iie leaves Iola &b s0w )means's to Routla:ott See sous and three slaughters. lima.. who (ole possession Wild trek. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cooper rehtrne l Mr. Stewart rlMnadm to take a well- ted town last, wMn'after ,p idtng the pence, teat. , slain la Ofl;lfellw . Their tlanghter. Thr tmperw House hloek. which at :t''�•r 11/ ° to. ('a11- present is neetlpl.d se a furniture family anfl bin bol 4'tt1Rk•join her store ht R. T. Rowe, has been Pur there. . Chased by Arthur Jonas M Is- nswt 1111 ion, iww 1'uilrehtte 1luiidtut gran ronnertin with his i(aplPm...at basal- opee,d cm, wan au altiuday. Apritotb. i IteaUm by the Zam-Buk metIod is daily producing wonderful results. Try Zara-Iluk on any cut. sore place or eruption, You will be astonished at the result. The remarkable potency al Zam-Ituk comes irom certain refined herbal mutat es which soak through the tiny pores deep into underlying tissues. 'I his • balm Meals from below and retncve. the deep- seated cruses of irriesting, and disfiguring disease. It *gels pain and itching. druws pip and =nation ot the tissues. Mays nation and /mows new skin. Zttm-Buk 'heals tai h Nature's herbs in Nature's way. Being highly ADllsepllc Zara=Buk is Invaluable tier all tint -aid purposes. Wisner 'you cut, scrape, bruise, btarn or sprain yourself a little of this antiseptic Zam-Buk promotes rapid healing. A little rubbed lee to your skin daily will keep it free from all blemish and irritation. e. ram -►i. n•~ tn, e.•er er'i p.,ears aionw .,ow•rc« 44 vertrtw am. s,awrn,„ nems. - • The opening eeeretseee WPTP attended An additional room lust- hphn tuition lit meminer' of live trn'tee denied. "led at the }:Tyler prtblir mthbd'to take n few Adeeres014 were given. torr of the inert.tal•d attendance. Mrs. J. H. Wlso dHrl anddrnly nn 1 ! • ✓ Sunday morning. April 24111, after a-1 long period) of fulling health. She was 11=24.ha her •isle-thlr.t rrIr. Rho waa a flautist. r „ti tat(' Tete i e,,gy ' 1" • ] toured. I. jRtrn+lilt,_! nd bail !iced in i(l t'n I fl Hiti,�s Ibis vitae nil .he}'Tfe. 11e<i,k, her By a Practical Gardener '1'h u r,da) 5. 1027.-T • Prices at McEwen's A fresh shipment of Prunes bought direct spie New York. Small 10c Ib. Medium 121tc Ib. Large 15c Ib The., .re not the Oregon Prune*, but are the sweet variety of California. Try our 59c Black Tea, one of the best in town for the money. 3 packages Jelly Powder for 25c and 1 glass fruit nappir FREE Fresh ground Coffee. Ground as you order it, • nice line, Classic Cleanser . Panshine Cleanser A large bottle Vanilla Extract ler, A large bottle Lemon Extract ler 60c Ib. 10c' satin. 10e • tin. 25c 25. Redpath Sugar by the bag not h jades --+t the best price in town eimmerremi J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 South Side ot Square Goods delivered to your house by the best delivery in town Rae -Pastries. and Bakeshop Delicacies A Fresh front our oven, IIIany times a day. Just give ua :a trial for your pastry or bread needs, and you'll be delighted with the quality.A BETTER BAK E11 BREAD Courteous Salesmen Prompt Service • Quality Guaranteed E. G. Smith East St, Bakery Telephone 154 4-- �---- . --T ZU•RiCH 1)n Friday, April 22. at the -honor of Me. and Mrs. Chris. ilakmt. near t'n•di- ton. their. daughter.Ifcetriee .Irene. Was netted In 'marriage to Harry ft. Hem. 4041of Mr. and ales. W. G. Hese of Zurich. Rer.111. Remlte ,dMlatett. The youret i'rntple will for the present reside et Crediton. but later will like- ly make their h in Zurich the E GREAT MEf:'.ri Read the Ads is the 8111151 S0c. box, all druggists. husband awdau n lglitere men:., • Mee' • John tellies orf Stanley tow t,-.!.',.,. :and ' -v Mrs. J. T. Arminian nt Torero,.leach a little 'dunning annuals t, - -' e cr _dytntinunus Atrium from June ii, 1.1•CKNOW ti'. frost. lint of course judgment roar• nae - b,- need In the selection o1 varlt•II. •jtrtiiirn tieing tlriruteme.* here- •Tice ... dill., ..T- wisetfr, 1 II•azei •v..6„.„.,44„,_14,nrmnr, alt be Ulsnti, The atnioning committee of the 1:van>colfca' Cnnferenee. which met at Ole rill. "reeently. plperd Rtt•. W. k4. of ereditote 1n ehnrc' et , ongresatinn. Rev. W. M. -•*drilled nt ('rediton and th "ZlIr Slept RUC. W \i••Ter at 71a,hwoed. - .et the 'rrieltt Memorial rectory: the pewee•-", of nbnnt forty meet.. rinse opt 11111) emltivnte a little. Mali) Reeser. nn -tnrel lath. Miss Fanny re- The Young ,'.nate left , n „ motor trip, ;,i th.•m rhe t.titpIrs especially, are eIlln Kipper end.' Berhert ('hristl:ln to Nin:tsrn Valle snit ii:lnith,n. Ti,-> ,:"iIli. ,1 1"• rramplant. and allowing • 'Will make their home in 'Tmcknow. them :o • ov thenlaeteees las the fall or I laced,>r. both of Sprites. were united i nterriaggt hy Rev. Walter Jones.\i r. :nod \t Wt.!o! Ite•ndrron. •,f .pt:t l i ,_ '',' seed over the 14011 1n the 1 - teen. velrltrnted ti' fiftieth miniver- ,Lurie_ M•mt w'ay fit henndlr' • nary of thrix marriage on Monday them ,,I-•'eaanu tlg. there .e...et.r.r.. tenni :..11,. All Ihr members :tn' t!. t. nun.tgohlac`.'suiepoo,. I Pr T, Belt. .ae '..r their famffe. w•tth theT, irintTehfld- 'aI.t: - ansa ,.dWinrittretv. Ver. t • 0x11 of Wint- roti and ase treat•greettehtld. gathered iienn• , , I lett wet•kP storks will 1.. - vanes •t daughter of Mr. 11,1 \Ir .,,on ns tlw" snow di.nope*rti. Thr-. a1 ,1 1l:1111•' - ut CPA) 00n1..1 ‘1"1-v :: , ome up with the first warm dad - lin, -on of lir and air*. 11r111% \i11I 1 ,:,rly e,ring. da,j� �trosts god k , fin. ell or t.n .': t: '"-: took I•IttPtt nt '11 t,, "11 'reeving., �1F• thtk cies )1..111e• of :' , 1,• 1.1-'4 isarert'e "I' W'''1. ....in the eort8nwc r-, cosmos, annual rrttl:lc.. spy- . Tie' ,h` .a, . :ar6.1•-�r-. wrh•n,lns lns, and ee vral' r• wa- 'rl'"rnte,l t.t tr. 1t Wa. (Yrenn) ew In ,ei., r- 11 1s duly- necessary to thin i WiNGHARI The death .if bol f Mr. aid \ars A At tfie age' of at their home for the net.1atnn and hem occurred April. h alit t„ mai., !Ilene dl•ple)• t.,ward Bwill he 'e nets. will saber conn • Wlnchnm i4ttrtienitnrsi Society has (rotted on Thnredee Ifternoon earth along about tit' time and earl..•. t 1l membership of 275 this year. • week dnrinc the .rmmer'wt'n11. • "tern n 'torr to the tint hrrl. earlier i- tipnree Cralkshnnk And GPnrg1 Mr.. -Wm. -'twt'Kwtak, .Laic_andeL_.-----t tw'-„hake iu hlawm lay' ,jngn-t .t,,,. tlrt-f'. 1.e.w'ar AVI1C1nlm. 44!,o hare, Lr,fle rt11'ee.a ftr'Ir a-ew•rh.ev ..nr2(eal- 1.Kys w1(111 t -fu same 11tA.t'. i'". been working nt tit" Wingham 'salt ,1.crstlen In frit; Haml)tnn hn'tttt1. ' ny,s pmt 4141{•111 ,,111 lerlghnli ftp lire block, tearing nut the ton• Loth met ---�- l garden from September un. with palnfnl aMei.lPnta. le telling the BLYTH Deep ('ulfh'allon for Pena . ,� Tine d4r•tr•r (hr• ..nal i' mitis*led. the 4 Thr mnnieiasnt +saes.0es returns ' moire +agar there w'111 he is the lens til' year ahow Myth's population to This regetnhle require* ...ad sell for I he 1424: n.tnl s.ecs.mwnt. $314.710. I h' mite ter prodmr It' max llnnnt Blyth r;tlr-ply'ra are to vile May t cruµ lie hrr'euing n{i 1he soli 10 a IlIth "n 1IAln•tou Bros.' proposition for ' .-onaldernhle depth the pelta nee al - the ,st:llillaltIt:1 of n woollen mitt b.ire•ft te•prnetrate for food ,and Mata-' here• toward' which the village Is to chic Alt.) renwtia ,.wild With April extend as'Istnno,' Lc nay .if n Loan of c , It S. line ,10 think 5Irtut 41o.1sg1, g,:,tit: III al. rarlter tytws. In Ihl. a[r. R. lid (:rack.• who is in eintrgt' ol:a-r ttIIIacts the rotmd seeded sorts of` the Pre'b , .tan e"n¢rcgutiona of. 111,i• h will Mand slightly more frost ' ltlifh and .1111.1• _ has peeved to Myth than the finer quellty wrinkliel pens from Aiitrn: 11, ;pirt-ifhefamllyiiw--It.. ere Stitt - whit, ah.. n•aNter 1 _1111- rnrltpyhiq dila. .\ \i i,h:n's retidencr. a"!d and damp. however. or the sena i - At St. lin di.- .111411ne.it church. liable 1.. rot in the ground. Tor•*m:a!1 'T'*rkd.lfe, "n \pri1 blit. Brenda , gnrdetl4 probably mnre ernp will he Eileen, d:rngh{Pr n' carr• tfeurge I' N.0111,0.11 from the elitobdng t) Pe` Parker. wee united in marriage to which can he snpportrd nit brash or William 'I'. 'Punnet of T,.rooto, eon of .hiekeu wire. Where one lona not \ir. and 41r..\rehfe Tanney o1 Blyth. want M go to the trouble of provident The newly w..aileal c.. ,; i.• will reside a support of file kind. However. the in South i'srk 10ic. i',wart tepee: witlo•h. If grot)'n 1n rlor111e Thr death of Aire .14? Sena ,1Tnr- Crows. will ',import themselves, 1.1i ted Monday. Apra '25th. at leer home Wore desirable. Make mowing• n week Rth line of Morri.. nft.•r .n !linen. ofoverrapart. as thrtngAArsel Spinach ' 41 5 *bort ?OW. menu. month,. Sta. t t' in In vitt). fourth year and Is !ordeal .by her !Spinach Is now a 'tnnrMrd ('dn• twritysseven vcara� die had tMPe eta paesenteit them with a meltable gift, • •end•of .leis and tr,lttimte fpr the rr*t falling health Mr t ae tt.. T.nrknnw I0M1le'* Platy, of t11• year. early school breakfasts . e e� t© bredl d etc 'We weber glues+to earlyFtrea l Cor• "Ou tenth Kstlogg 1 ltattaUo* ayes °f Kellogg' s' are so goon oak, kiddiestAna Ketto people Nocrispness! spa Mote than 11,000,000 1 r d people Matchless aaiey' Arid hotees, �p for d 't` or cotail. at g. deter with set honey• all grocers. rocer etr.f a cafe. s dby ' t. annot Heft f*a at • '4 in ony allou, Ont. ers.eUot� of ' On {u theinner-sealed Kellogg red-and-green o -and-gra to package. blade cannot equal Kellogg's the not eQ° 7 WOO _..J�.� A Pebble was the Cave Man's Candy! It kept his mouth moist and freak on kis het, rocky road. Calling on kis *weed*, he toe& , her a smooth, wldte stone! Today, to make a lasting. satisfying impression. take ber Wrigley's. er�WAfr Tod P hnatlsuek a brother. ('hem. Fraser •' ndlan IPKPtahh'. fled ii 11 most crural n , Myth. and four' si. , r< 311 living 1 the Atm tog. Xo woman ever fn 11 51104 ,'the Mngs to hr hrn,u fnL--Klwnn Magasine. - n lent ono 1n grow. It le hardy. hell frost having little Allem on it. To h. tender It most be grown very quickly Seinetlt' require. a well pnlverle •.: 18 rich ..on. and It meet tie grown In the ego' weather. A (Mirk acting fertl- lieer Mteb M-ultxstl Of ill/till d s -eli 't n - tniende,) for this (Toil. ) r. • In e, ever Tlani-h nt New` %rmhuul Ito. - me l,e't. Plant' 'hnnld be cluneal to tier invitee nnart. rant the fothtgr .o, the errerbt'tittt ;sp.a may he rut 41,101: -evil-11 time' nn.1 it will grow nt.line Notes Wier.. the eard.ner clan -1 d, -•a-,,,1 chuiInnnllt on eotnmereed fel-1111a. r- en lipplIeatlnn e.f hydrated 1)11P. -.ber alar nAhUd in two swine- yards..hrul.l hr raseevery ye'n'. Lime Ira need to .w.e416 mull. 1"..rrt t ...it* will 1M benrtfted with plenty of strawy tnonnre. and the -1m,' treatment 11121' .i little apple cation of ,naive' or sated will Inomahl nn eta,. 1(1 iineoverint•'ihr tmrennin.* rtTl Merl he rt,rtMrl not to di -tori -nth prl' growers a' tylip', and other fall ►�tlanlrt 611Ttat, will , ...will new he pushing 111,1 (nigh the ran),,,/ ts- e�-r- , /Mefel.1r # • .`7`� . art c0 ,1;01 "Talk about water off a duck'k hack I. Just look et our shines, even after fifteen minutes in this downpour! There's certainly nothing quite like 'Nugget'." / assn i, itXiiQGET~ POLISN There • a" Natrel" eked* fpr "wry alma n.4. rt 4 4' • 4 ■ HE SIGNAL S Clubbing list The Segnal and The Toronto 6 75 Globe The Signal and -The Toronto Daily Star _ . 6.75 The SiignaI and Loudon Advertiser .. .... .. 6.75 The Signal ani,Jho London . Pres Press :.' .:/► The Signal and The Toronto 6.- Mail and Empire The Signal and Tha Fanners' 3.25 Sou The Signal and Tbo Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.0; The Signal and Saturday 5.50 itbght... _. _. . The Signal and Saturday 3 9' Evsniug Post .... The Mend and 7'1[6. New Out 3.9,; The Signal and Canadian Homes and Gardens 4.65 The Signatand The Catholic Record 3.75 Thtf'�s nal and . McLean's 3.75 The Signal and Montreal Wit- ness ,........renewal... 3.55 new' . 3.511 and World renev(,al 4.25 new 3.85 The Signal Wide • The Signal and Youth's Companion 3.80 The Signal and The Toronto6 75 Stu; Weehiy The Signal and Rod and 3.85 Gun The Signal .0b jibe Canadian Countryman _... 2.95 Clubbing Rates With Other Peri- odicals May Be Had on Application as We have a ves ' vts,tteive line. Mee us a call. Miss S. Noble r. 'British. Exchange Bio, k Goderich eetionmemr COAL Genuine Hard Stove Coal _. Chestnut Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) Briquettes 4 can dapple your wants in any of the obey, fuel, Prompt ,erviee nnfi ri u-,uuthie prices. L. FLICK Telephon.TTSi Goth 'r - 1111.111.41. Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMEE8 orders esretslly attendedto at ai111iosr'a. night or day GODERI('H J. R. -Wheeler Funeral flirector and Embalmer Ali cal:' promhtl,y attended to day or night PHONES Store 535 Renitence :4:n5w Hamilton Street. (ioderteb ELF�CTRIC WLLATIONS, IRETINGC. INSTA ---CEO. W. STOKES BROCK Street. P.O. Box 601 ROBERT WILSON - for -- Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. We Are the Authorized Agents in this District for the A. C. Dayton Radios We will demonstrate this Radio Set at your home or at our store at any time Hill's Hardware ''Piste ri r 3,.1)ungantnon central A General Line of Hardware The Service St r I a a 1-i l.ra_atente-'.