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The Signal, 1927-5-5, Page 6
•heraew.-a:.n.•ttlslt0ae.-•r iers e --aeatsta demoor vim' ' -�s 0=•fihureday, Mal 5, 1927. THE SIGN — GODERICH, ONT, and protects skin —aJWZCI y uw"lenirs"esRESTOREINI1 KEEPS THE FACE YOUNG - \1 Afternoon Hy l8ABEir HAMILTON. tioderich. Ont. COOL HEALTH it Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Expenence Buckingham. Quebec. -"I are the mother of eleven living children, and my baby is five monthet old. 1 am only 38 years .Id and I have taken Lydia E. Pinkbam a Vege- table Compound foe weakness and my nerves. t knew f it from my sister, Dame Ed- ouard Bellefeuille of Rammayvtlas. For five years 1 Conte, Holy aptrit, coasts. Let Thy bright Wiener same; ttisltg4 the darlingss from our Vials Athi open all our eyes. "1'h4 Thine to cleanse the heart; ___L_ _To eatnotty the soul, , To pour fresh life in every part• feud nee create the whole. --Joseph Hart. PRAYER We pray Thee. our Heavenly F'uth- ,•r. to help us to believe iu "1•h, µ. 1" move minds sad hearts t,.,la. Thou dielo at Pentecost, May Ke SO tilled with Thy spirit that we w by our lives continually give Th praise. In Jesus' name we *est Amen. OOUa PARISIAN OUTPTT,Olriviathr tM.4M Oro Modes t'l OLIO AST SHAVE leaves the akin smooth as velvet; it keeps the face young. With the Valet AutoStrop Razor you use the same blade over and over, re -sharpened to a super keenness in a moment. Every shave Is a CORRECT SHAVE — no rextfa stropping device, nothing to take apart, nothing to put together, except on the rare occasions when you finally �p in a new blade. A stropped blade keeps the f� young ver 11 u+ be ill was m m . ry an, was always ready gwd ee ! to cry. Now I am so happy to have 1t I health. My daughter, who is. S years old, has also taken it and will be happ7 to recommend it to all young girls. — Dame WILLIAII PAR - OW Box 414, Buckingham, Quebec. Why suffer for years with back- ache, narvouanees and other ai;ments common to women boas early life to middle a e, when Lydia E. Pinkham's Brett Veg'etabre Compound will gi e -yew---- -- lch i relief' re- In a recent country -wide canvass ry ! of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkharn's r t Vegetable Compound, over 260,000 YaletAnto-Stnp S. 8. LEON FOR MAI 15th Leerhun Title—Peter al reelected. Lamson Passage. meets Z. Gowan Tait --Acta 2:38. Pentecost war ane 'of the three 'laatlunal feativals of Israel at wh alt the male, of the people were qulred to present themselves eve year before the d.ord their God, vat an oIering accordlug to their meaa4. re (l)eut. 16:16, 17). There is evidence I ev that in the time of Cbrtat multitudes' & asaen t led. for the feast of the Pass t Over. the Feast of Pentecost, sad the I — — Feast cit Tab rwcles, not on/7 frons 11 place t� an leets of the Holy Land but also number, of the Twelve + from the Jewish communities seat. rendered Vacant by the fel/ of Judas. These three teams are in the peel 5 of Psnieeo't urs fully come, they Testahssat called the "ii'east of 1 were all wlih one accord in oee place." a Weeta;" the "least of lfarvest;" the I Tbat this place was the Temple seems -Lay of First Fruits," althea/is like natural, considering the occasion. . the other feasts this one was actually To those paying disctpIcs, and to of a week's duragon. the church of which they were"the "If 1n Jewish tradition the first representatives, casae 0n that eveatt it � - Pentecost after the great dnelisea'anee M7 the ful81lment et "the pre ..s boon Egypt was, theme, the submit; the 1•lstben" ' /Suddenly a sound from of the +Law, tbt!,birthday. of Jedkhlls 1 hntrexl Sr of et mighty rushing wind In Obristlnn history, tate Petteeoet fell upas the ear. of the e'tpectent atter the tragi Passover Lamb bad , hand' and tilled ell the house where been slain was, through the outpouring1 they- were silting. It does not appear of the Spirit, the birthday of til1, thtt there wns an actual wend, but church. The presence and working q� only We sound of It pervading all the Spirit within the church form tf� parta of ,6e house. Then. as they dlsUncUve charecterhat1e of Chris-1Oekpd around. they iebeld tougtles tianit5."—TIIe Oospet Dlrtlonarp I like as of fire dlatrlbnting thamsetves p iew were received, and 98 out of ery 100 reported they were ben. - ted by its use. a Ford National Payment Plan enables you to buy a car for the same cash and monthly payment anywhere in Canada. A small down payment gives you delivery of any model you select..The balance is paid off in standard monthly payments which do not vary regardless of' tax, license, freight and delivery charges or the addition of approved Ford accessories. This arrangement brings car ownership within the reach of all who really desire the conven- _ __fie and *saute tl only a car_can bring. It is sound business to buy your car from • income rather than from savings. The unusually attractive terms of this plan are at your command. feted throughout the Roman Empire. In Acts 2:1 we rend. And when the da GUAR Alf TLE We ba maxima Mate aav of a Whist dse.te •nreev.6r..0 yaw ata�. a a~ ' irk OW MD cars.. AZ7rOSTROP SAFETY WOR CQ. MOM Imam °, f om& a S pr. • 1 ar r• With the coming of Spring the mind naturally turns to new Shoes We have in stock very attractive, up-to-the-minute Footwear for %everyptie YOU ARE INVITED TO SAOP AT W. HERN'S SHOE STORE Photo. Tat,. The Place of Reliable Footwear "Behol4 I etad the promise 9f myj through the hulWinwe and upon a diac•iple's head. "Ana they were al/ filled wit the o "This is the centfaHPfact orthlsosre- markable narrative. Side by (de with the Incarnation: and, the 4ltone- ment, and the Resurrection, mat the Ascension of the Lord, stands the Mis- sion of the Comforter in the gospel scheme —The Dklloratry of ('hetet. Along with the "tongues of fare" is associated the 'tongues" with which the disciples now begun to speak, "as the Spirit gave them utterance." The Jews who -had come to the Feast at Jerusalem, or perhap., as was the case with some, were sojourners to the Holy City, from oet of every na- tion under heaven, recondzed at once the language of the several peoples among whom they were scattered. At first the effect Of this manIfeetatton of power amass.- the onlookers and caused them to marvel, but atterwartia some began to Mock, srJing, "These men are full of new wine." • Then Teter, standing up, deflatsred the first gospel sermon under the Christian dis- pensation, He first refuted the ac- cusation of their being drnaken, say - leg I was the foiAtment of the pro- phet Joel that this gift of the Holy Ghost was universe(, "for the promise is unto you. and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call" (verse 39). Peter was wow neither ashamed nor afraid to own Jesus as hla Lord.I No doubt. while he was adds ! Father upon Yogi." said Jesus FieveR1 them that were jar with them its Re.was about to up into heaven; "but tarry ye in .a. eif7 till ye be endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:49r. Then, as the Evangelist records, He led' them out until they were over against Betbany; and, while His bands were lifted up In blessing, He departed from them, and was carried up into heaven. "And they worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy ; and were ei aUp in thel emple! blessing GOagdd'"''"—fluke 31 : fit, M. In Acta 1:13, 14, we reed Of the re- turn of the Eleven to the Upper Boom and bow they continued stead- fastly In prayer with the women and Mary, pipe mother of Jesus, and with His brethren. So they waited sad prayed; and, lest anything Should be lacking In their readiness for the promised 'blearing, they filled up the dr • PAIHTS,�cVAi�IISHES s Paint Your Home, Too Your home, ton, deservat a coat of paint—it needs a pro- tection against the ravages of the elements and time. A coat of paint will not only protect but will beaattfy pour home and enhance iia Value. You yourself will fee; t new pride in the new ap- ace of year bonne and in >�e prestige it will afford you Jar your community. Your honkie deserves the best, that is wb3' we suggest that you ase INTERIOR FLOOR PAiNT Floors that are painted WW1 Lowe Brothers "Hard Drylne' Floor Paint require no scrubbing—simply mop them and your floor. will be always dean. It in a floor enamel, which drip:. over night to a high gloss finish. Very easy to apply. PORCH FLOOR PAINT I. made speciallyfor veran- dah floors. It will last much longer than any paint you have ever tried, for it is a hard, high-gtoas varnish paint. Heat, cold, rain .ir snow, the scraping of feet, will not effect it, when pro- perly applied. those wbo had mocked. the others up- on whom the Spirit had descended were likewise engaged! with those who would gather round them to hear their own tongue spoken. Matthew Henry aye, "it should seem that this was the accomplishment of tint promise which Christ made to Ms disciples (John 11 :12) : 'Greater warts than thee. shall ye do.' Christ Himself did not ..peak with other tongues. nor did He enable His d(seipitts to do it while' He was witb them." Peter. In his discourse, Rare an out- line of,the itfe of Christ, 1114 dee* and Rin resurrection, and teen de- clared, that "being by the right band of God exalted, and having received of the t'ntber the prnml.ee of the MAY HIGH STANDARD PAINT Owing to .the excellence of the materials used and the ears msarcheci in its mane• facture, "High Standard" Paint is the moat economical that you can buy. It will cover moth more that a cheaper paint and will last from two to four year. Isogon "Zit whit next you paint, Standard" will render ye the lest of service. AUTO GLOSS Any amateur Can finial' leis e.ar in a few hours with Auto - Gloss. It le a enamel finish of great depth and beauty, sold in a full range of popu- lar colors. It flows on easily, leave, no broth warts and dries quickly to a perManent NEPTIJNITE VARNISH STAIN Varnish Stain fe- Floors, Furniture and Woodwork of all kinile. Varnishes end Stikine it, one ca.y operation. The St4in Co'ort are non - fading. Ncptunite has splen- did wearing ounlities and is not mArrid. SOLD EXCLUSiVEL,Y BY Phone 486 Tebbutt & Son vt,:rtzt. Bathe in Minard's and warm water, rubbing the solution into the aching parts with . the finger tips. el Minard's is also splen- did for sprains, bruises and strained ligaments' es NATIONAL TIME PLAN PAYMENTS Runabout - $175 down and $35 a month Torg " • 195 " " 35 " Sport Roadster 210 " " 40 Sport Touring 220 " " ' 40 Coupe • • 240 " e 40 Tudor • • 250 " ss 40 Fordo. • • 275 " " 45 This plan is operated by the Traders Finance Corporation, Limited M.cEWAN & TEBBUTT FORD DEALERS GODERICH - ONTARIO Ghost, Ile hath shed forth this, ye now see and hear" (verse Such was the power of the Spi accompanying the preaching that d that the multitude who had aaemhl to see and to hear responded to appeal so that a church was torn In duty. "And they, continuing• dal with one sotord In the Testi*, an breaking bread from hoose to-bou did eo their meat with 'Madness a ethylene*. of heart, Praising (]bel an having favor with all the people. And the ,tram added to the church dilly such WS a6ou14 be saved" (reams 48. 47). ti, MISSIONS In Tyndale.Biscoe'a Cbaracte Betiding In Kashmir we read of how an oatof-doors Englishmen Introduced athletics into his school. He says, 1'1 shall never, never forget my first sight of the boys in the school hall twenty nine years ago. Some two hundred darty, evil -smelling Boman beings. equalling on the hall floor with mouths open and a vacant ezpressios on tbetr faces. These creatures 1 was to call boys, ' 'Jelly Ash' was the only appropriate terra to apply to them." Tyndale-Btbcoe never forgets that tbe aim of all the athletics le Orris - tile service. He determined that these jelly Ash should become men. and, not being able to Imagine a healthy boys' school without sports. he decided to introduce athletics. At flint he fairly forced his young teeth - ere and his boys to learn to wwini and row. Today the school has a metal badge which h drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using tbess. Uonteraing the Tablets, Mrs. John Armour, 'R. R. 1. South Monaghan. Ont., rays:—"We bare three fisc, healthy children, to whom, wiles a medicine la needed, we have given only Baby's Own Tablets. Tbc Tablets are tie beet rosette -the you can keep In any home where there are young child- , ren." Baby's Own 'Athlete are a mild but thorongb laxative which regulate tbe 1 stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds sad simple Sever and make teething( easy. They are sold by medicine dealer* or direct by mail at Z cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ret ay ed the a 1y d are, gid d the boy, are proud to wwr. 11 beers the school crest and the motto, "In all things be men." They are tanght that 1t they wear that badge they must always be ready to help anyone whom they soe In diff cart, or danger. Onc of their regular ways of service is to take the patients in the hospital out for a row on the lake. Firstthey have to piddle a mile to the hospital landing. Then they have it) help and sometimes even Ifo carry the patients two hundred yards from the hoapial. "Those who are unable to walk soon And them- aelvee riding on Rahman, from the hospital to -.the boats. Mohammedans on the hark, of Rrahmenal No won - 1 der some of the Brahmans of the old Mani open their eyes at the sight snit mutter mortertags."—Aiden i1. (`lark. NO ?MINE LIKE BABrS OWN TABLETS !Marin and General W Ekd lippings ut alt kininleetrie . W. Mae—DONALD Electrklan Phone 174w GOdorke Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Waal* by Electricity `n by Ei.ctriaky We guarantee our Hydro lamps for 1500 hours um. HYDRO STORE North etas at Somers Codar1c3 ©!i' For Interior Coon MAKI: your rooms fire-reaistatelf•nd free from drafts and cold by erecties Gyproc ceilings and partitions in your home, Gyproc can be put up to half the time required for lath and plaster -- saving time and labor -costs. Gyproc aka any decoration Let us show you afull-sized Gyproc board ready to apply. (Write for Inv honhlet--"551 Hes.." ft *WS tett reit •etre. Rneboard Gutman tasulatina Sheathing anti t ,it reduce year fuel bill tram a0 to 10%- T1im ONTARIO GY►!UM co.. ii.IMITED, PARIS, CAItct11a Pm' Zither the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child There Is otber medielne to peal Baby's Own Tablets for little onsic ahether it be for the newbora habit ne "he 'rowing ehild the Tablets O- mni Ai good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful Goderich Mf • •