HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-5, Page 5.
1 R�be�ooe�oae�e
VIn�lia Castile Cakes
8 CAKES 25c
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone, 90 Goderich
x xx c c XXX xxxXXX
Not Just Bread!
is a tempting complement
to any meal-- delicious in
itself and lending zest to
the rest of the menu. Your
family will demand twice
as much off_our•'_Br�ead as
-any-other. t ncou•age-them
to do so, as it is the most
healthful and nourishing
food they can take.
E. U. Cleveland
Phone 114 West Street
NILE. NI..3 a.--It.'c. A. W.
Mrs. Rotwq an4 family. of
were Rptats at the pawnwge ahs. A. itolw•rtw,n, Colborne to"uslmp. test
del. ` (_ Toronto, where he w1H attend un auto
We ete glad to see \-lest. J. e. glib ;-'"rel avoir s.•htrol.
fors. home again alter on extended , Farewell PrewllNtpMar-A pleasing snit. Jaa. Foley, ilaaea Hannah
1 rc Rale
, place Knox
cbl n
elate In Detroit. *cent took t n e 1n Hogan. ]lar;' and Mortise Hussey, of
\1'r nirl wort to hear that Mr.. Wm. sc ear m1 . oodertch, were present at the farewell
with Wanda...hos rerturued to her
0 Winston,
, Ass. Stan* has hien jalt1up
alit atly. attack of pleurisy. We hope
to r bf an lmprorclaeat.
$r. and Mrs. Will Kempton. of
1•ativtrr. visited with Mr. and lira
Jas. McDonald during the week.
Mrs. Robb. of i.ntblan, has been
oldie seriously 111. We are glad to re-
tort she Is now .'....." •tat Metter.
_'n tit
the bospi
end news, foU
1 'Wath of hie tasl'et. tras•recehed' with if n and family. who heft this week for
(keep regret in this vicinity. where the their uew Iwwi lu 1I•troit, 1►.ti. ••j I
eteeesseo w•u wvN known?, 11.• leaves and fun were very mueh'ii order dor- 1
a widow, one brother and two sisters lug the .arty part ..t the i.�rulug. 1
to mourn h Theo kir. and Yrs o'1 nigh 11 'll rt
•Thursday. Mu) 3, 1fr_T.--6
1 that be died In evening u large rod merry . ruwd
atterwards. .This "gregtt'e4 in the parish hall at a outlet
aeon after Uzi tm hogor ut Mr. and Mrs. J.... tall ,tn; h -
blur. ea u,.
�.� ' bora and RAipb were futite.1 to the
trout of the 1>tlp. where It .% Father,
RtN 1 Mel'ardle flttIsi - .'xpr„>,.r,l Il..- It.44.
RI!NIi$1i41'J*JE, uMail 1 - Mrs, Ings of the community' in regard to the i
•�Al'Bl'RN! Thos. Garvey has returned atter a departure of Ibis alw'ay" popular fam-
brief visit in Detroit. ' fly. He deeliTed it lINlar e.-ar ' to .
• \1'Itl'R\, May • ^klrs W. T. Rid- Mr. Wm. Young. of Collum'. swot
enumerate their many .terlltia !Mali_
Is the Sunday with Mr. rad Mrs. Foul. Foley. tics to people. MOW,: whom u•. are eo ,
guest 1tf Toronto friends Miss ]label McNamara has -el au well knowp mad admired. 'laving
file Werk. 1 t4mis11a1 record hr chicken rwlsll.t. Rho touched on the regret !hut,th.ir de -
Mr. It. Shaw 1s sprrtlog a aew porchnwe,) a Buckeye incubator this l,arletre is ry11N111¢.. F•o!her )t"t•:Irdit•
1•hryaler car. snit goal from the ant setting of 11Ni it them .eery joy ;11111 11n1,1,'olt•sa
1)r. and Mrs. Weir • returned' from tis" there ore 11AS parole cklrks. In their new 111e,iu,.l kir. Wm. Urot-
Tnrnuto ob Saturday Inst. Miss E. Misses Monica gad 'Elisabeth (1'Coa- nun, on behalf, of rhe eonun.0 lava
klogrldge came Mane with them. !.)Ur. 1lc_,ars_ H111 atui--1'hii ng'_lntl-preseoted Mr. , 01. Mrs. I1'I.•'n11in
MT. J.N'. (Urk Wocel on 31onMy Tom Joy. of Merrett, _went the wick- :old family a tut a lair... as a tot "•o of
to taw' house he re,vr.tly bought from end bete. '1. a goodwill :,toht`t't•n1 in wh is 1, th.c
*,hate of the tate Mrs. T. Lawlor. alway'"1 ... he'd by their nc uy ,
t Mr. a11d Mn.sMorgan Dalton, An- , t,.
a II[laa. Josep,111af awl Mosler Jack toluctt. and Denote en! Marg. Soli- .,;,ods au'V n, ;L•hbor• Mr. 41'1.',n_dl-
4. 'W.ir wet• vIAItInR N the home of van motored tit Loudon for dunday• nl on brei Ilea of Mrs. O'Loughiit and
1 there nteclr Aud aunt, Mi. atal lies. (�• Mr, Itert Moran lett 'this week for family 1. ,.n able reply. ,xpres-Nig
cruor for Oil- thoughtfulness and
tlelf inline reg.••t at leaving their' C
many , neighbors Dere- to make new ; a
frletti' In a strange .ity. Re al-" eve -
Nail h 1 Stmday morning hart h Ii.nded(lu ,tersuue a i•ordiot,It vltatitnl I
,Irian/ Ia'gate ill with i,.n,,.ntm and inst at (be *lose rt .the lesson fad social Monday night. to lflstt them in their new home. Then
will he ennfinw) to her home for some )Idled t atlra and Lottie J-u'kson were followed the .•tennis of "Dela n Jolly
Imre 'Her irwunt trttv,ds hope fur her ,'aih'd to the front and each presented Will Meyers, Detruk. g lar. Wilfred t
II spselAy terotrry with a small remembrance lector* lean- Itogan, Watertown, 11.T.; spent vatw-
kilaa Lind.. t:r:.haen. 11.1., of Tao_ lug with their father Ned mother for lion at their &areata, •koala.°.
dote. aria ... 11 wry -Met. t... erf AM (;..deriell.••wber' fllrtr new bump to to Mr. stud Mrs. 0,0...La ?'sues.
plana, N.Y.. *ere week -.pd visitors Iw. Miami Dorothy Anderson read the L1uIiIa visited k([. stud Mei. FA
at. the par.oa air. - I_address and W.- Pearl Tayli r and raw, -I
6 1* 4;4_ to see Arra Carter mode the presents- parte
Miss Kathleen Fohye0erotbroy, Mr.
Milne Braise Yr F A 8 tfllo of
,1 1 Frank 1 f 1181'tMns 31cnt)rn was "Mir In Iles s+F the week -end with relatives herex •
of the faithful services of both M A. H'nI Mon of Wludsor
wan nu, rent o the r age Again. ;trees
They returned last week after lowed
;be want, r iu Ul,hlgnn. and tkef M4 Laura and Miss i.nttk tie ot- Out.. nd Mr. and Mrs. Inn. Dineen. of
,It *hare "there 1. no place like hnate," , wrsista of .the IWn(tay M foal, os welI !hinders, Ont.. visited lar a fen days
We always said Nile was,at *bale top as (Mir aIWAya takfag nn lalerent lu at Mr. Jut• Dineen's,
traitor* of t io school as o whole. 1 Geeabye, (and Lodsr••(n Monday
of the world,' in. der the centre at tate;
alert. • __-._.
.Map fskhful *! pinetuat in attPtd-
P %)tAMut'NT, May 2. -Mr. 1'. nu. "atttee;lnd tltey...ill he greway missed.
more, who has been seriously 111 for They reeve Kam rotted ehnreh with
some time. t* much tmprntld,-we an lite beet «haste ad in.
pleased Jo know. - We are glad to report that Mrs. 1 T. .: �lll�AleDIYlt1 '
t DF.Imrr Parrish, q ish, win way reeriti- ,
catty 111 with pweumoula, to tae g• }' /wok_ . N. May 4. -Mise ) ._
sae 'Avenel,'progrv'-s tgyard r5 iWlf ., mett.'Mnifatod. y mates, stent fh*
Cern*r/r has hewn ry nick Lir the Mr ntwtalirs. Alex Teattand. I
creamier to the session the adult Rlhle
Maas tech the opportunity to make *
i'swan preaentatlon tt Mr. and Mrs.
Jacienen. They' have always ,Men
at these prices
for Goodyear Tires30X3%
AU -Weather 8.00
Fabric =
All -Weather
Cored 10.10
All -Weather 14.50
Heavy Duty
Wiagtoot 8.00
Cord .....
Cord 7.15
Ms. iWillbtem- ]amlrsun. nt Ceutec'a .. tate home of her parents,
couple 'of wee
report she 'Is .soma•
)Ir. John T. ()'RNlty,
tisltlnf with Mr. Ell
We are glad to learn tis
Mrs Joe. Drennan. who here
'1I1T*4t to teed with sftelet o*.
rery mtteb improved:
Miss Margaret Patton. of .
sup the ¢nest of her friend
Minnie Richards. daring the W
Yrs. Firming. who hall been rl
11111.we ire glad I hire. arm. Rproule spout et fear day*
SmpMved. last week it Teeawater. the gpMt of
of Motel!. 1s het sister. Mrs. Fowler.
.Namara or _[r, and Mrs• F. Ross clslte•1 with
Mr. and friends at Ambcrly on Saturday. .
)jr. •
and Mrs. O. McKenzie and Mol-
I calm spent Sunday at Clinton.
ife4b - a ntttblr alr`rtmtir+r
Pulled • hnrch attended the met'tin[ of
now, 1 the- 1'reshytertal Women'4 Ili -denary
IM Society in North atreet ratted church.
t I t:.wleri.hlost Thursday.
Tie !tenably meeting nt the West
Wnwst» -h Fire 1nsllranee Co. was
held in Mr. Allen's office on Tile. a.
if thtr-vrrefr- - --
There w1'1 he no serrlee in the ['rea-
ction •,•hare] next Sundae. owing
nnteersary services In the Luck-
29 x 4.40
Pathfinder 9.15
AB -Weather
31 Ti 4.40
Clincher AWT
Balloon ... 13.55
S.S. AWT 15.60
Forbes R. Miller
Service Station
(;or. Victoria and Elgin `terns.
Pia 259. G.dancb, alt.
When you need service lea a
hurry, we're right hers
-Good Fellow," In «httb till heartty,
"gdeed. .trier lunch dancing
ain rt eumed. Many thank, >fw4 !
01001 411.1111 are One to the Horin it-
ehrstra. «bolt. , uxeellent merle coo-
tribitid-areaaIty toward-,tltating the
yceulrtg the ,sseeeu it wag ,}
They are selling silt stacking,
"three to the pair" nuts• so that the ,
dear things may have a spare in terse
of It pnnetetre.-Rani( Stat.
Confrderation T ales
THE NAN WHO HAD NO BOT -1 kisga woupd'Gg'Uarksl�lrittt a►ogtkln
HOOD 1 teen and womroit *Li '14►k!11Pew d
or ant lot - yid -Usilat*y - oMe�nta
-- sous to earn akar tf4}l'e.
"1 ne had a boyhood." Sir :Jaya { He went to,Wiladaor 1114•01.oli.:writ
A. Mat mall v'outided tbir to an as b�� tkerr that hit dal titer* bis "nae
t. cial in the . later pltrt of his lila...ot tae ptgit d.ifshtfwl 1 ever t�nt."
Wirt i rrgret in' old age for The jeiyrt p lie peeped about Ms 91100011 lining -
of lldhiwtd he bad, talsartl stsywl agents and pronounce/ trocar"ss plata
of t hintin spite of his successes. tend flat► g ss In the lliltt,U ot[.a Pr('
cerri.d bis sen -e of (hilt t sriupu' ur i Tse without,aa, * Uf. u
uuhsl., Lis gni -- with
t1 area achy he would Mile
prh•ut.•. _ 1
He sat In the gallery 4 the Com -
blots tend -listened enthralled to the
.lees of men whom ler was 10 sarpaes
Ie both in eloquence and In fame. "
Saturday to Saturday Sale
APRIL 30th to MAY 7th
Broaddoth Shirts
Regular $2.75 to S1 .O°
Peabgdy Overalls
1.. -
King Brand Overall. regular
$2.25, only 51.75
Genuine Martin Stickers
Regular $11.50
Felt Hats for Spring
Re'ptlliir t 1.50 to $5 I01
Nett Ties
Regular j1.00 to tt1 :rel
Rt'iiIilay >s:. ()I/111 it7 "DO
B *tier Stsdt 1r pi not etf for this wee; eniy
Vel . c. S$AZEL
Haberdasher arltda Dry Cleaner
How Do You Treat
Your Best Friends,
Your Feet ?
The greatetlt misery can beanbag'
by ill-fitting Shoes or `;hes not
kept in good repair. Nearly all
foot trouble in old acre can be
traced back to theme mistakes in
your younger days. In belying Fond
tilting Footwear and kaepinifTat •••...in...
wooed repair vonwill Iter en
to your comfort. belt alar /
tae life of your Shoes.
In Toe st..ek of rhikiret's. grow•
ing gives Anal ls'y'a, and neen'a Fine
and Working Shoes, 1 have a line
to offer in pricy and •(uality which
will pay yon tt• inyu•sn ate. 1 have
Added a lirof Wire' Slippt'.r6
anal t 1. fords.
Ir idly Repair Shop 1 m a�[ ;ins
to *t%* prompt ural good ._
The East Street Footwear and
Repair Shop
WM. AUL. Prt.prie(iir •
(Opposite Knox Church (i(adutkrlt
. Sit'-.io11ns pafPel a were living Ila I
t;lasgow when this. thele second" son.I
ASK learn. Ilia father left a -paceful
village in nett -them Scotland 1.• lea nt
manufacturer of bandana. . in
great -..spurt. His mothers .Ile
During this 'vhdl he not his folate
wort• flue a Id St'ottlsh blood. :• d i, ' :lite hat ecru lu iia moryteae be was �.
her -self it:t a •woulan of stri ug per. „'unntr. for -horde after her
m:u ring. she Iowans, nn lunalld and e.,
,pal man ,a flUUHW M'Hu Huouumn I
soualitt and intellip(cnee.
t 11r. )Lo•IMotId. a dell utfin" tom- n.' linedltntfl her death la 1+47.
puwluu :ofd al pater bast era w:ui. d"! H'• pa►Iltuat ilte extended from
hnreL•nut prucls•r. :end Ilutt'�1 he eult.rce•1
t - Elliott his pierebowd fh* 1.14 1111111 1y111 •11111 like last sesyah
10 1'11 r 1'.ttada leu "the int u►" I,. 1'.rliam t he saw hip earn Installed
beat.. 'd'forunlSly awned by tree Rel
ae 1 Mrs. P. l:. Pond. roma.
We al that 31r. Elliott Intend"
rem/Ming n the village• - --
! Communion service was held In the
1 -nitryl chant last Sunday. ,
Mrs. L. ilcatts. of itmroe. *pent the
week -end with her uncle and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rprnnl .
Motbtt's pay will 1* obsl•rred lie
-fhr-r'rstt„d chnuch,.aest gnbhati by -s
,pa.gennt Riven by. &fitttey Mont chi'ld-
rPklrs. 3.. Hearts *antlered a�solo i
(h' tutted ('bat*,' lost Sapd
eyenintr. - /
On Frtdaj tart Mt. Hodges teens of
• horses became frightened of i(f. Ry-
en's hlaek,mttb slop and made n rout -
1 den ,i+tsh away. They br�+ke loose
front the *democrat, bntyfortnnntely
obey.- were caught before' any serious
I harm Was Anne.
Mi.. Nettie Sproat, of f)otlerich.
spent Runday at heti home here.
Aetidetttal Death. -The and news
lans,reeeired last Thursday of the sud-
den death of/- r. ("y.ruP Angnatlnt,
of Etlanoatop. Alberni. The late Mr.
.tngttPtIne aP an elevator Inape*ttu
And while on duty he to identatly fell
down an eleralor shaft fifty feet. and
Special Reductions in Coats
and Dresses
Ladies' and misses' Twee Coati.
tailored or fur -trimmed, lined throughout.
Charmeene Coats, embroidered
fur -trimmed, lined throughout.
Reg. $14 and $15.50 value, for
and Young Men's Suits
.Reyes' Snit- With two pairs of pant*
Dredses of flat crepe, crepe -back
satin, crepe de chene and georgette. in
one and two-piece styles, tucked, pleat-
ing and embroidery trimmed, in latest
shades of gooseberry green. bois de rose,
rose, biege, mayflower a n d aladdin.
aReg. prices 514.50 to 519.50, to•at
all at
.• Men
\V a have the nearest in epr - g Suits, Hats and ('ape
I'rctni• 1 .111- not qu a 111 c• ;1- member for Winnipeg. Ile began
SirJohn's rte K• uu back
f 111. Lute !
eppmrane fn rt. Ha had a habit:. fr:,11 old empire-balfder whose lett
on Mother's Day, Next Sunday, May 8th
Order your dowers early. to nvoiul tli-app.
I'11(1\l: 106t:(1i11;RICI1
ttf tl went h1 k to I- •• vigorous youth la the I'arliament
line-.• hoose« t ys w:d let A juvenile rt 't'auaya_altd he ended as , f
of hanging t his aur>t••s skirts and ,p reevehi••h Itatcfled «Itis awe by the
eau spt'tl t .• ground. In a crowd }t,la
notion whe ]fad Inspired viith his
grasped 1e wrong skirts feud found nate "•'1 a •. hie will.
ltiruelf4ost. He was darned over to
II • quietly, at the first. In .
the police for identification. and upon eke, ill „• crags is the Cnttoln't. he
ids his
to his home be was Whipped mad t'. • more t),u, Het' siww.hea. lie
/WA s father (Reed for t entyoutt• atii rl, •: "Ili.- farms ■net -busbies* of I'
ears L1 Upper ('anada, 1n Kingston th.• 11ntt-' :mitt founded his laeltnmcn- 1
tart .•:rr..r npnn them. Th. prinripl.
And the Bay of ()Mute district, but f,l career are familiar. ill.,
torttme wan never very kind. As teatlt ngrnicils, hie t'f titng 1•q"t
HA 1t1* sun w11P old enough to asanntt• u'cy. ht. hmntnr. his 't nl touch
responsibilities, ninny or the family "1fate aero and women. . n1 1.111.1
burdens fell upon his Phoulders. Front t•lrmitttC ittt talesit+f "John .-t't :n'1
the age of fifteen be eerteed.his own to efts des the netts' jou lei tannate .
living And aided to the tenus.ehnld of- 1 4,,tnlnisrt•u,.s ,.nal kiudlp
fairs, br•Pldr•s assuming some of the'
l,ntasehotd tams. a .- - Followiitt the ytitr' ,,f enmp:III:miI'
F'fce y, ars in •t grammar school was i tnT timftdernil"' Sir, Jahn «1, our •
Pam total o1 his schotaslk ,-,lutes- of -the delegetrs ,0, o,ndote,dar the
the purpose of framing the Aet of Union.
Ston. i4" ttoo barn w lth ■ natural ! There It wet• hA mol the delightful
f h abletopa,- I fame. f
hanger for hooks and . iuentton. are, • Wmmfi11 wlm .w.ts a, share his y.nr gel
(hough hi- edneatloa was an m<ngte, ' He had 1101111 dearly ten )r,u-
at the agent fifteen
a wag 1 «•blower. rteprhet of the «.free Ne
gat ^the -ands of law• iu a Kluistou law ' ttnermea of home life. when 10 marded _
•tlke. At the :1 of ncvente.n 1ti Was ! times tremor.. Rhe- had lived for
rntroslr,l with branch taw retake in „mo yenn in Upper Camilla and he BENMILLER NURSERIES
Napalm,' and at :lie age of elghtm n brat. naught ,t glimt.!se of her, hi a Tor
Ile wei lint i line¢* of n Pleton Ina ,, n PI Lifer her brother Inseam,
oaten n the :. . nee ". ,,• r
> big frigate weretarc. but a year \•,• hero nu rtt•e►mllouuuy tine Ila.
Ants• two 1µ4s -rd talons SIr .loan met her .. „ 1'I,ynlr.pnof Ae1„'•,ts aIle
uhf- 51.7 -T ■rage It'tel" ca,e-,1 l'• sew her•mrt•ly :,ft.•r thn1, tool
he «as gar, ady T garnet wot'klit(t. «tail- . `S rrhtg.
.e rhanc. meiefing rn itond street ht 1.111 erne --pork eau h. depsnded UP'
tion+ yanug, nt: . :I- letters of hl- I ,e' 1 other. Hier;. .1n engngeno lit
friend. and arycr.o r- -life. air is "II, fit we crow, none blit the M st. i
"nl'•kl♦ fnllnweil, and by dea•h1.•d also.
New Sheet Pictures In
Yule, Hite ecer)orre ei,-', Itat
stats• go"d frames, but y4.11 a .,
tired of Ur pictures in Halon .
take $lw',u1 twit Irl come in and
Relent ;mine new �otunet-fOr�-' lar
frames. 1We hate a splendid fine
„f toss} Iamiseapr•s, sailing vessel..
h:ntlish c.dtaglt yertlenr, wad copies
of lite old masters.
They will give a new tome t»
:door tuna ,
Als .-tiring it' tIe.nt• phot is 141: 1
prints you %Alit 1 1. Now is
the flit' alien the Spring eleaniut
is 'ti. We also re -geld oM Into i '
lout clean oil, and engravings.
Smith's Art and Gift Store
'trret Phone 11e:
oaH i 1 h t - "
Its owner in
ehlth•d for "tick Ing ;o"cty to Its, a ,IM4e1p tnarrlsg. Fn ordrt tint she
books and I. adrfsed t Wheal xnd might sham thefrstiPtlep In IA,n.lon
make mor, friends i in eonnretion with ('nufctl,'ratlon.
At, the age of ale' toy -one he waft i 1'hry•we're morrhv► in F.hntary, 1«17.
tilled ttt the bar .,nal thrr:tftir I renal k1rs, Mnt•it,nald «lett presenh41 alt
oteued n Into offfre of a own tat t„art Pttortly wflrrwvrds.
Kingston. fp*flee • ase led to..a Jost fetor*• thele mnrrdnte the
arnteamaan narrowly ' eagerly.} (lentil
When he waked to bol hotel to INtd
his led and clothing in flames: t wn•
*combo 1n open emir: Phe young.
inwyrr Itianlaed Irl•• In! :.r'tnment
"'flit the ntga,an¢ t I?l•el. anal they 1
t , It nn,) fought nndnr the e)e• c.f a melee hone far Agnes Bernard nn'•
the hnrr-fled ji', •\n a1)'1 mare far 1'anndt when he rsenpnt with iti-
I.nuly dhe hiseel• ' or•ier in the can Im. ilia.
while he hissed s,.f. r. "Hit him. '
• Then rvrnttit)1y twnen the prtMlnmtl
Jahn." 1ios of 1'onfrderatf'm rind the honor
in the next cane th r1a411on of ai „f 11 "ghtho•rl for Nlr .Erin. For th'
0 .
brnkP net and tine •r - , ine""1 1i4 •nhsegoetll twenty•four years Lady
lift all. ezpn'1 1'' " hr 11* i'- tied `Ineq)ru:t,F «ns An Inspiration to her
ufnrrhlg of 't. f.' rl • t.'} it w.r- nae e-uslulad._._.k)1un be l:i'.-hl Itis meeker
of h1P nu.l,.,s n 1 can T ys
lK whit. rusts wrrr pat opera tr from the
nlnsr Im 't7" 1meet. nt iVhr,isnr Mrd 1hi tit)• of •
Rtr Inhh tutu iii
ivawMe. or to the I _•, . I ,r ltarnn,.« .r it:r.nrselltfe a ns nnfrrrr,l
on 111" "..1“1"."Xlata path M tay.r ' t o,,, rite whole iand (grieved. .1r'n-ant
arae tl►hlrh.he «sill " •;,•Int tr. he "s•. rind f"reed to
....Meted in Ate yr.!,.. • m . . e, c
' , it irrr_nhtritles he di,I•'-'1. Ai I
men were haat ' he:r : L'' c ," ,I .lath himself wasinnnrtnt of :11,1 1.,.1. ,
lasted to the basin.-- .•' • aiming th' it
own llrins. rt'rnlsuh'• Ir- hazel work 1 «anal nagranollzemcnf. "IDIntI-e hn,l- i
hart n Int 1st ran with rhe 1'Im •• tthieh �..' .leen ' was the e•rr nt 1-,4,...
a hear
twenty- «tarn his p,wrar was fmIner•.,t in
•••andel, and . the ttt•rld m. believed hi
Yon may get them h) rontitttt to the
Nurs•rier...•r from the Ornetries or
Sloe's. as most of them «111 he
currying ,our stork «f1.11 the orogen Is
U it 4. trod, rich
Telephone) ('Arl'. 1:15
pnrstfaltM ltlin rot the age
til,. ?WV wefur• Inv,... be h tit'' 1t IA^It t ons ttring stare, Visit WI tk•'
, • r1t• fr entered 0tot I o made trip 1 . t
England, for his hen ith - for the life of first Prim. Minister etryt�,he
e � 1h minMn, Reset hr .11dtlk'wttlM ,Bald
ptrpn.r of bnt•inR :r
« Qc WHERE ARE INVITED TO SHOP" 1A romnutlp' old L, ,he h>, wind. i ,eh•r:,el'• with Ito regrr•ta d.* ith
red 11rnnf, •r n: other •f¢tsrv'r, A•na'n.lm• nt• yet 1t la etnw'AtFtR with
West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont. t1. P1 n. at with h., .,'rd 1,Ared In the 1 r .;lent •n,vlMa s; and atraelnt
WOW mIk.tr of the ¢r„It .1hts t, ntolcee a- 1 n,•hhevernents. Knotty. rout,
r xxxx'n4 Ihnt. htthe years to comeIn his l its rad hucratlpatake kr . he Isstill " not. I x heenor the ancient tuning'p•! ster.ef
"Mother's Day"
Give her the Dar thing
will appreciate moat
Telephone 187 Goderich
S. C. White Leghorns
For the entries in the Candid'
Laying Contest at (Ottawa our pwel1
is ul first place from (htlneio for
the light breeds. to the untati''
('nnteat our pen is again in first
',ince h'r the Iitdll limed In the
al V
`or•. tie ('q eat oar pen i- f(1
arrin't piney. as well a• bating
044.0r1.1 mue.) third high l,•n.
Baby Chicks, guaranteed safe
delivery, 515 per 100
On the Wave of
Our store is well stocked with a variety of shades,
in the newest prevailing styles, and we invite your
inspection. Bring the Children, too. we are prepared
to fit you all, Isom Baby to Grandpa.
•The Itsding tih,w• S;torc'
> n 3aikl , , W. Rew. Showmen