HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-5, Page 3Maps of Huron County Large, beautiful colored Mttpa of Huron l'.tunty for sale at tis• endo at The Signal TBS SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. 4 'to GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 5, 1927 r lob, s Mer Your Office Stationery Now is a gax1 time to look through your stock of Offu•t• Stationery un^h place your order for rely supplies. \Cc rut Meet any competition in quality and price. The Signal THE allowance of the house- wife, or the Bary of the bus- iness girl, will last longer and go farther if paid into the Bank and withdrawn only as required. The temptation t0 Uri- necessary chirp will be less, and the balance to carry forward each month will be greater. Ladua wll recr* corrteout, how attMlNn from oar Staff. a The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch - F. Woollcomlle, Manager 14 Made only from hard Western wheats, Purity Flour Is rich in gluts — the energy giving and body building food. Purity Flour is best for all your baking and will supply extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buns and bread. PUWFLO Send , 3& in straps fop err 704rsrip Purity Flour Groh Book. Wooers CCa..ds Flaw Mas Co losard T...w. Meorssl. Ottawa. Sit Saha. ata HURON PRESBYTERY OF UNITED CHURCH MEETS IN GODERICH Reports Presented on Various De- partments of the Church's Work in This County The May meetinof the Huron Pres- bytery of the London Conference of the l'nited Church of Canada wits held in MacKay Hen, ¢oderkb, on Thurs- day, April 28tH. Rev. C. F. Clarke, chairman of the Presbytery and pastor of North street church. Ged- erich. was in the chair. and Rev. R. 'H. %ruby of Blyth (Queen street), secretary. Atter devotional exercises. lite Presbytery was duly leetltnied"Heir"W: W A1p'rrtdabnrn was appointed assistant secretary and Bev. E. A. Poulter corresponding sec- retary tot the local papers and The New Outlook. The minutea were read and adopted. The roll of the Presby - Lary was called gad the names of the lay/delegatem sehre reported. The business of the Preabytety was then taken up In detail. and the vari- ous eommlttePs gave their reports. t The work of the aaperennuation report. which was incepted and the led in the Iota' rnlwed. W "III eleven be- ' comnittee revealed that there are' eat-mltec- for the coming year are as lug a Food aece:W. There are sixty - eleven ministers who are pnermaoently superannuated within the bounds of the Preettytery ; one minister superan- nuated Dor one year, and one minister left without a station a1 bis own re- quest. The educational work shows tat there are Berea students in the Stu- dent Appendix of the Presbytery:. fear h attendance at Victoria 0o110E01 and three In attendance at Delon Theo- Derry logical College. One candidate for Foreign Mistliona-41evs. J. )r. Hagg/ eonventapa. the ministry —Milton George Cook. et p.'Jefferson. W. D. McDonald. John A. A solo was ye telexed by Mise ratter Fordw•1ch— woe received: and one c DI style. and Walker. J. .Harvey. Dr. R. L. Blew- Hnme• in her noun' pleasing w. then the speaker of the afternoeut. Mrs. A. I1. Barker, of Korea, wns In- troducer]. the audience rising r„ greet her. 4Mrs. Barker is s charming spetrltt'r and gave a fine address on the Rowetiffe. John Montgomery. work in Koren. Her detxdptt"n of gatnte•nanee and Extension--Revs•tthroqPpe missionary spirit of the Korean G. Telford W. D. MODnnal.l. D. Ye- t•tTHstians tbrllled .-her audience. as Tavlab. Dr. A. J. Irwin. Messrs. E. did also the story of the :womin wbo. Bender. R F Manning having with great difficulty learned to 3 i'.IGHTIETH ‘EAR, NG. IS' eral things were s�gested, but as the Seatorth. Reports Nor.• read by the year nould closerls a few days it was secretaries of the different hr:u,,•hes felt that no plan eoeld be launched to I of the work, each reporting ea,.our- rernedy the Mtnation this year. In aging progress. The morn* --Bion giving the allocatl9us for each charge•' cloned with prayer by \L•.. MtUonaIJ, •• [be corning year, Rev, 'George Tel- of Scatorth. furl :ace *owe very helpful ',riggers- Dinner was scry, 1 i)t the Sunday - for (tom, as t., things that should be school room to hath Presbyterial and pointed out itopreaentln,g the claims of 1'reabytcry delegates by the ladies of this work to the rongreesticne. One North street auxiliary.. item needs to be called to attention The afternoon session Wali opened especially. that while $60.000 seems aith devotional exercises conducted 1 to be a large amount. yet tits is at the by the Bruset•Is and Bluevale wux11- 1 rate of only $4.60 per member. whtlf lards. Rev. ('. F. Clarke In Hit In - the church no the whole Is asked for spiting adilre.a brought greetings $6 per member. front the Presbytery ; tben reports 'trier reports of the work of the were given by the eiee-presidents wise church property committee. religions were la charge of the four Perilous of . (•daeation committee, lite and work the Presbyterial: Mrs. V. Molktrd. of committee. Online. eoatmlUtee, evange- Exeter. Mrs. W. H. Willis. of 1Ving- lism and social service entemittee ham, Mra. W. J. Andrew. of Goderielt, *ere presented. . and Mrs. McDonald, of Fgmondvnle. The settlement committee in report These reported that interesting cos-' ing gave the names • of the ministers venttous had been held in the autumn who had handed in their resignation(.: to each section. and brought helpful W:--Tefernem--fie4retcb 4Yietorla._autput+flona.at;to ways and ascan or' stimulating interest InWe— rr can liT mleslons. The report of the treasurer. Mr.. P. Gardiner: of Myth, was. naturally one $$ of the moat interesting Riven. Al - Victoria Wert. Roderi•h. M. C. Pirr: though many of the allocation* were St. Helens, H! C. 'Whitfield: Eippen, high. a great number of the societies K. It. Connors,: 1)nugauoou. .t. A. bad met them lolly, some giving he - Walker; AshAeld. A. W. Brown goad their allotment. though a nnutlor The nomluotlag eommlttee gine its telt behind. (idsbrich. North strt',t. Street I : H. F. Kennedy• Rayfield : R. A. Lundy. Klppsen: 1.. r. White. Nile; J. J. Durrant. Varna; C. Cumming.' St. Helena. The following charges have given calla to the following *Mutat tit: fotb,ws: four auxiliaries in the Preshyte•rIal. Evangelism and Social Serriee—' The total amount raised by these, l Revs. C. F. (eta rke, C. J. M,rnrehouse. with the Cirelre and Rands, was x17,- ' W. F. Smith. J. 3. Durrant. tad 4S2.e8. . Yellers. B. W."Carille, f, W. Ortwels, The secretary rend a cheering letter t W. M. Knight. ?Mme Mr} • (ltev.) Jos Munition. of , Hobe. Mlaaloaa—Rete )1. M. Ben- (1oderllb.. who' was pseLented by 111 - nett. F. N. Ctyadale. 16 i14 4IIacocks. nese from beln% pr.se(it. cafe •sent i II. E. Kennedy, John Smith. and greetings to the Pt'etby�terlal,,adkured ' Meese*. Fra' Sharpe. Oliver Turnbull. them of her dap •totereet Abe* Delbridge. work aqd wished them a usgRssfal student—H. G. Whitfield Of Knox Col- art. Messrs. Lorne Tyndall. Colin lege—was recommended for ordination (�ampbr.11. 1 at the coming Conference to be held felt. and Worli—Revs. W. A. Brew- in St. Andrew's fasted church. Lon- nee, A. IV. Brown. A. V. Walden, R. F. don. Irwin Messrs J H.Hopper. John The report of the maintenance and extension committee was given and showed that the allocation set fat the Presbytery had not been met. there being a deficit of about $13.090. This caused a lengthy diaeusdon because of the seriousness of the iltuatlon. Sev- FOffi OF TIME :#44• Scarfe's Surface Satisfaction Paints are the most resourceful foes of time. They defy the years. Scarfe'a varnishes and paints renew the youth of old things and preserve the new. They spread a cbating of beauty and endurance over all surfaces--diy, "dear and hard—oppose agents that mar, scar and destroy. SCARFE & CO. uaaMMD rtAsrTFORD FOR SALE BY ONTARIO t 1 CHAS. C. LE E GODERICH ' U Cade' Varnishes E Paints SURFACE SATISFACTION se • How they hold their trade "No," said Mr. S. to the saleaman — "I get such good service from my reg- ula r. Aupdiers that I could not be induoe�eani— They called me by Long Distance and I have just placed my order." ' Back • in the wholesale warehouse the Long Dis- tance order was. received at 4.25 p.m. It was shipped at 5.10 p.m. The pfder was a long one and the -charge for . Long Distance was 4.2:,, but this expense a unted ' only one-third of 1 per ceht of the sale. - 4(W{Aingness to' pap aueh trifling tapes to derure orders by =tapes coupled ueiti :scsiihamial:sost instantaneous ser al, iss ef fectual bar to com- rut INSURANCE 11 The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Established 1869. (lead office, H'aterloo, ()tltaflo. D. D. MOONEY, Agent. lase Strout. news 250 Godaricb, Ontario. Iteeliginus F.dneatlon -2Re': R. Rnetl. read. w1111441 10 become a Bible -we- 1 Read the advertisements in The T.. C. White. W. Ii. Alp. Duncan Guest. ' roan. and who. at ai ty years of age.' W. J. Raines. Mesas. J. St. tontbuott. undertook the fee years' course which W. G. Medd. would fit her Inc the work. and in 1 Revs. W. P. l.-.nt. James , apite•of tremesdons handieapa enc- Students— Scottie. G. M. ('hldlcy. Dr. R, H Barn- e..wt$d In attaining her beari a desire. by.()Were were elected for the next Superannuation Rev,. A. W. Bar- year. asCof olrnea: Honorary one Goderich; presidents. resi tut . • ker. F. W. Craft. T. W. J. Kilpatrick. 1 . Boundaries CammISsion and Church ilton. Goderich: Mrs Wilson. Wing- , Property—Bei (1. M. Chidley. A. ham: president, Mrs. (Rev.) J. K.1 I Sinclair. J. A. Verpison. E. A. Poulter, Horne(Stolon : let vice preddent, Mra D. A. Armstrong. 1: F. Chandler. v. Milliard, Exeter; 2tad vice-president. Reset -A. H. E. Huston. William Bailie. Mr.. W. H. Willis, Wingham' 3rd J. Richmond. vice-president. lin. W. J.. Andrew, The nominating committee recon-' Goderich: 4th vice-president, Mrs. 1 mended and it was adopted that in I Lane. Seeforth; recording secretary. ease • minister le moved from the I Mrs. W. J. Omer. Wingbam: eor- Presbytery bin place on the coanalttee1 responding secretary. Mies A. Cornett. shall be taken by tho-raco iater. The members of the settlement com- mittee were elected by ballot by the Presbytery: Revs. J. E. Hogg and George Telford. The statistical secretary. Rev. J. M. Hensall: treasurer. Mrs. P. Qa Ruth: Young People's secretary, Mtwf E. Hume. Aoderleh : children's work 1 secretary. snelatehelpers secreetary. Mrs. Johns. e. Exeter: ail- f F.limyille; .apply secretary. Mrs. Ven -+1 ner. Clinton; assistant supply twee - Calling of Grand Bend. presented a {iffy. Mrs. E.Resell, Clinton: Mls- summary of the statistics of the Pres- plenary Monthly secretary, Mrs. H. I byteTy, Numbs' of charges. 40; mem- Fowler, Clinton; Clt{tstlan steward - tiers r na seaeion. 450: ',rewards or man- Fillip secretary, lira Archibald. Se 4 • other membere of `'' forth: strangers secretary. Mrs. Rrem- ner. Brueefidd: secretary of liters- tnre. Mrs. Orme. Crediton. The following were elected delegates to the Conferenee hranelr meeting to be held this month In Walkerville: Yrs. I. T. O. Johnston. Gorrle: Mrs. Robert - eon. Brick church. Belgreve: Mrs. mem r p• (Rev.) Coning. Grand Rend: lira. r memtwrshlp. 1714. Value of yitndy, Rtppsen : Mrs. Ferguson. Rea - h: Mrs. Durrent. Varna : Mee. R. $l1367y. $1.1191.815: debt ft. _ 19M. Young. Smith's Hill.' and Mrs. $11.x67; lnsunntr on proPe 175; number of manses or parson- (Rev.) Barnby. Blyth. Rms. 34; valve of furnitnro. $13,825: The newly elected officers were then esierlee paid. WRAC; *a7aed for M. 1 Installed. tine prayer of conseerot " and E. fund. $46,R't7: Conference end I being offered by Mrs. Mnetlnnnld of Preshytery•fund. $1017; received for nvited the Pres- b1y. Sunda nohoolsl other . $11) es 134 ltnndaraised, ltyterlal to hold ingham ltheir llary (next (recti g In schools for M. and 1. trod. $4.435: that town. boards. 302: readiles. 5.211: Persona ander pastoral oversight, 16,679: bap - Hama, 216; marriages. 172; burials, 9(49; total membership, 12,050; In- crease. 344. Number of Snrlday ne•hnols. 77: membership, 9,142: T. P. Societies. rat ; membership. 1718; W. M. Socletles. 66; tie shl '2.M; Ladleo' Aid 80- ieee, u1 • , T. P. Societies for meal pa • 2116; for M. and 1. fun . 92 ; Iadiea' Aid Societies. $18,110: W. Y. 8.. $18,411; Mtsnd Inc 1ce1 church porpoeee. salary etelvded, 9'7.477. Gland total Inc ell pnrposea $ WOKEN WORKERS CONVENE Large Gathering al dares Presby- terial Meedul ICHOOL REPORTS The Huron rreshytertst Women's A very pretty exercise by some tittle girls of; the North ',trent Band made a pleasant interlude in the prOneed- inga. t. The report of the resolution com- mittee having been read and adopted. the question drawer was taken in e eleven manner by Mn. (Rev.) Telford of Blyth. After a few earnest words from the president the eonrentlnn was closed with the benediction. M1swlonary Society met en Thursday last in North Mart Halted church, with a record e&tea4Unce. Sortie 130 delegates and 100 visitors were =red. The mornlag aMSlon at 10 o'clock. with the pre'at- d1Mf, Mrs. (Rev.) .1. E. Hogg et Clin- 1 tM, in the chair, - and Mn. W. J. Greer, of Wingbatn, at the secretary's deck. Dervetlonal exrtelsiiducted by the Carlow and Auburn anallla.rles: an address of weicolne was given by Mies M. G. Robertson; the rear of the morning has spent to the routine of business. +r. An Interesting part of t)lle Pennon was the roll -call of AnxltUrtea, Cir- idaa and BanM. As the names of each wen ratted the delee pnea and 'letters, relpcesenteng It Mood fora moment Rome were represented by two or three persons, others by a doaen or more; the largest delegation was from S. 8. NO. 9, DTIVILDP The following Is the report of the Faster test exams. In 6. S. No. 9, Dun- lop: Br. IV.--Lnta Jewell 76 per cent. Jr. IV. --Erle Quaid tYi 'ler cent., Frank Horton 44. Sr. Ili. to Jr. IV.--Phyllts HFr'nn 50 per cent. Jr. 111.--,Lo0ls Fulford 43 per cent. Jr. II. to Sr. i1. Rave Horton t18 per cent.. Verne Jewell 46. Freddie Jewell 45, Billie Ferro& 65. Pr. to Jr. --Bobble Parrish. pPt.d4Jav14 Parrish. Walter C51s- bo1S, Barry Chiskolm. Francis Idnklater Rae ahsent for the exams. on aerostat of sickness. Number on roil, 14; overage attend- ant", 12. ANNA 1G IiMeDONALD, Teacher. The West Street Electrical Skop We carry a good stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. We Specialize in Wis.- _ big ofAll Kinds- itilsiti.gteesfaa application All work goarsnteed Frank McArthur Telephone 82 West Street Powell Insurance Properties for Sale . or Rent Farms for Sale Elevator Stock Bought or Sold Call 292 (Post Office Box 438 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Prosperousatd provres. The Sun Life of Canada utters safe investment and sure pro- tection. Inaur.• to -day. R LONG. Made Aewlt Goderich Phone 115 O. F. Care & Son, IO y J. W. Craigie Real Estate and insvaate 1 Geo. W illiama Dealer In DOMIIYpN, PROVIINCIAL, MUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire, Life, Accident. Automo- bile, and General Insurance Agent Offs!, next to Rank of ('ommeree Phone 53 Goderich LIMITED Insurance and Bond Brokers Phone 23(1 \Vest Street, Goderich. One The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Life, Aetldent, Sickness. loan of Time, Burglary, Automobile, (aas Insurance Very low prices fnr Automobile Insur- ance of all kinds, cheaper and eater than taking chances. Some real bargains in houses and iota, POOL 9700, 9950, 91000, $1200,.91500, 111800, 92000, 92500, rte. A few good propperties very near town, all neoeenary buildings with few acres of land, suitable for fowls and gardening. A nnmber of tine fauns, well located, many of them can be bt,ught lust now for kttrthaneoskef Improvements. 45 acres of excellent land, good build- ings, well fenced, near G,slerieh, 92500. 1I) acres, good buildings. near railroad station, 92200. Sop or write J. W. ARMSTRONG Raaf Estate Agent Of8cr: Upstairs, next ter to the 4. A. Gray Co. store. Square 1'. O. Be% 66. I:odcrkeh, Ont. (ltllce open any night .11(111 Io„ b. k S2500t000 Foreign Power Securities Corporation Limited 6% Cumulative Participating Preferred Stock Capi(alization Autltorized To be leaned RXirr Cumulative Participating Preferred (thin inane) $5,000,0 00 $2,500,000 (litmmon Shares of no par vein., 1(1(1,[1(10 ah, 50.000 ah, Price 199 ani accrued dividends with SO , beaus Comes Sr,sek teem os be dated 11 trio 11 OM elf abars We have underwritten a portion of this IOW front Nesbitt, Thomsen and Co., Limited, of Montreal, which we offer and recommend to our client+. This issue will hp ah.orbtd quickly and we adt t placing oaten withont delay. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Bldg., Goderich, Ont. Mamma: 439 and 445 Private wine connections with all leading `;tock and (:rain Fxchangen