HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-5-5, Page 21 AIL 2 -Thursday, Mar .t 0,1 TSB SIGNAL. Gl 1__ w; t ,a. t,;.. • ' ,`d AL SlIOCK SAI. • ' � �Ready-to-WearEAST SIDE OF UARE, • oRoyala iesStore, GODER�_H, ONTSQ. We have bought the stock formerly known as the RAyaI_ Ladies' Readyto•Wear ata rate on the dollar, to be •offered to the public at such 'low prices that they will fairly dazzle you Saie Saturday a.m. Hurry ! Hurry ! ! Hurry ! ! ! Men and worsen, join the thrifty throng and save. To make this Sale the talk. of the Town and Vicinity, I am putting on a Special Sale at our Men's and Boys' Store, South Side of Square, Goderich WOMEN, READ, READ, READ. 45 Ladies' Silk Dresses Regular Prices $10.50 to $32.50 Bankrupt Sale* '$3.95 to $14.95 Every Garment in this Store Must Go MEN ! MEN ! MEN'S SUITS 20 men's Suits, tweeds and worsteds. Sizes :Hi to 42. Regular prices from $14.50 to, $18.50. Bank- rupt Bak --Psi••...»- .«...►......$&50 to $10.95 '11 This Is Net an Ordinary Salle Everything must go to bare walls. No bluffs. No monkey business. Break off all engagements and come to this genuine Bankrupt Sale. Tell Your Friends and Neighbors FUR-T111301ED COATS anti misses' fur -trimmed Coats. All size, and styles in_ the lot. Regular prices f r o m ' $17.50 to *42.511. -Bankrupt Sale Price 56.95 t° $14.95 CLOTH COATS 16 only, ladies' ('loth ('oats. All sines in lot. Regular prices from $12.50 to $2'2.5(i. Bankrupt Sale Brief. $3.95 t° 59.50 - CHILDREN'S COATS • Children's (`oats, 12 only. hrrnl;tr paces from. $4.50 to $8.50. Bankrupt Sale Price BE ON TIME. BE IN LINE. LADIES' SKIRTS 53 laflies' Skirts. Regular priers from *2./O to $K.(x) Bankrupt Sale l'riee 79c $2.95 Don't Forget this Sale Will Save You Money SPRING COATS 22 ladies' .1t1,l misses' Spring ('oats Regular rices from $11 ./(1 to $'x.50. Bankrupt sale Price $3.95 ''' $9.95 CLOTH DRESSES •27 ladies' and hisses' Cloth Dres,ei Regular Cfrom $5.75 to $18.50. Bankrupt .,le Ptue 52.95 t.° $9.75 FLAII>SEL DRESSES r4 25 Flannel Dresses. Regular pri, ,•y fro, $4.50 to $16.50. Bankrupt Sale Priee....95 to 6.45 HOUSE DRESSES 'vY 88 (louse Dresses.• Big assortment to .•ho,,,e from. Regular prices from *1.75 t„ $6.50. Bank- rupt Sale Price $1.75 to $3.50 69c t° $2.89 READ THESE ITEMS. THERE IS A SAVING IN EVERY LINE Millinery 1 Lot Ladies' Hats. Regular prices from $3.50 to $5.95 Bankrupt Sale $1.95 to $2.95 UMBRELLAS Ladies' and men's Umbrellas. Regular priers from $1.75 to $2#5. Bankrupt Sale Price 95c atttl 51.35 CHILDREN'S DRESSES (•bildrrM‘s Dresses, 2 to 5 yt ;ir- .,I,I Bankrupt Sale Price $1.69 and $1.89 WINTER OVERCOATS 1 lot men's Winter 4)verc'utts, going at half 1 lot hoes' price and leis. Bankrupt Sale Price Regular prices ------ ............__.._......$8.75 to $12.95 ' Price BOYS' SUITS Suits. Some 1171' e 2 Asir pat; t. s from .'li i .i(t to ittl till. Bankrupt Sale $3.95 to $4.75 BLOUSES AND SWEATERS Blouses and Kweaters. Regular priees from $3.50 to $450. Bankrupt Sale Price 95c to 52.45 This is a Bankrupt Stock. Everything must go. Profits are forgotten. Spring, . Summer and Fall Clothes at less than half what you'd pay in the regular way. Come, save and see. Men and women, you'll never have a chance like this again, so read every line carefully Prices Listed Below Wil Be Sold at Our Main Stare, Sod Sithi of Square TWEED RAINCOATS Men 's Tweed Raincoats fur spring and fall wear. Special $4.95 to $6.95 WORK SHIRTS Men's Work Shirts, in blur, khaki or chawl'1.74 in all sizes 79c OOTTONADS PANTS Men's Cottonade Pants, in all sixes, at ..$1.49 WORK BOX Men's Work Sox, 2 pair for........ ....25c MEN'S Soft Felt Hats Reg. $2.50.to $3.50 Clearing out at 95c each All sizes to the lot. at COMBINATIONS Men's Balbriggan Combinations, in' all sin ., *. • '95c SHIRTS Amp DRAWERS Glen's (Balbriggan Airts and Drawers, in al sizes, at, per Irarment 49c at at OVERALLS Men's Overalls, black, blue or +tripe, in all sizes, Men's Shoes, 51.39 SHOES in :1 Int.. all sues m each lot, 51.95, $2.96 and $3.95 Folks, if you knew the great bargains we have for you here, why; you would \stop work and come. But we know. you are busy dur- ing the day, and we are going to keep our store open each evening so ti :it you will be able to take advantage of this great Bankrupt Sate Open Evenings During This Sale only Sale at Both Stores ` M. ROBINS DRESS SHIRTS lh,:i �liirts, in all sizes, !ft BILK SOX Men's Silk Sox, at, per pair 89c 39c HANDKERCHIEFS Men's white Lawn handkerchiefs, per doz75c JERSEYS Boys' Stunner Jerseys, 39c CAPS! CAPS! Men's Spring Caps, in all Sizes and shades, at 75c each A of • ..y P. 4#480,i *,~41, • •