HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1927-4-28, Page 80
��V'1'Iur-,1:,� �a�t+t�
�Al. r whit" Et�tXar'p !P° i'IIf7N�t aftitl';a;� ! ".,.-,A(aAt I'1.q ae au exceptionally 6m stall.+ P1L► IYKt�IO AI. MENTION 11'�O�iAL IMITION + CARD OF-TUANILA T ---PRUNING . ,
AND Tli1!llr1NG
17,1 rfrrelary' of tile school, Mr. l;or• n + RlN1\¢ A\1S' TBIYYI:\l3 01.
d,Hi ' rt,bhutt, reported on atleudauee Mr, N. H. Ptarity siwitt the w•tv'k- S1 r,. Wtu. Craigte &nil Main„ Melville, WE MIH TU THANK OVU N-E[UH-
X a1 tiva o -es, tilt- average atteudrtue end at Qw•en Sound. La+e retnesed to •Owen iguenst after . 11ORS and frleudai ton their kind- � hedge's, fruit trees, ere. Work
n Y a 1 Mrs. ..I, tL corwel, eptrohing Faster 1n towu. urns and for ex a oleos of tiournueed. tV1i•1.1..J1 DAN'. SAlp.
bo;i,► }tt), ordinary avlldCliuna IMfJ= t p►r•s iq"wpathy lord, it. R. i t}bdertc4.
Goderich C e n t e n ( :t;; :ool collertloux for the wulatep• ri►iting tricudf Ip t„•t r i -Mr. Wesley Gr, Ednvani, 1t..1.. u[ I In our bereavetnew by the death of I P
:tad extenoilou fund ;15U.If1„ slid Mr. }'runt kcr. . Slru[[ord,,y. Toroutu, w gq two suns, . Units stool our d"r auu and brother.
` the Sick Children's Hospital. patient the week�lnd 1, u, 7 Big clMtra tits fopher. Mr. J. ti. i Currey; also for tlurat tributes. 'I'( -SENT
July 31 Aug. 6 1927 pa,tor re4xerted that the, Young Sirs. ltockev, of - rot, I, visit-' Edward, last week. • - - - -
+, hig Btr ount Yrs. iu. Mlsa 1,1111ou Patterson has------fd a _ (:E(1� C[1RRF 1 4Nl) FAMILY. 1
s t•, ,• League had ewlweS for. ---c 7'U (OMX'1'. - YAIt'1' tib' 1.U'1'.Y lu AND
wall tt119111'P slid exteuslon tondo Sir. It, L. lies" .,tiow. slxut' to -Brantford atter attending Easter 1 v -i
• - -- „_,x, ,/1 Hund". "uh trll" 'atfutol. week with her latreuts„Mr. uud ]Ira. -- luta0-
FOR SALIC 11 la tate Maitland, !qac
Mr. Mar known u the 3chwauz tarts, e
- f}t' rtil„orts uu an-euk,Qi the+ y E. \+ and Jt. C. Patterson. 6lotois. Trrreae•. )K aAIX AT A itX*W)NA-IIF. Lag :Sla ac•re+t. lluutcdiate 1100aw'",
Ili. l't-ulettnial Couuuitice .hrffsm completing it- ('.(: L'l'. file '1'nil Rangers Ishii the! Scary ISi,h"p an• t 1letroll. I Mr. N'uu. l'Uh►holm. of Calgury. !s
Fltll"itF'.--TUe late para. Beli's Will leas• these to tl+'e• }'ears k'ot
Tart rare for ll►c c, lt-bralic)It +nrk it(viteA suggt�'-tion. Tuv • square were presenters by Miss Mr. C. L. Jack,— !Iam[Itnu, to visiting ills rrlathes here after an Iwrtivuhars a y to .f. A. E. RUADlrN,
p * ltao, omd Sir. Jack Purves. Mira In town !ashy call d friends. abseuce of some yeare. Mr. Chlshulw ""nage on Crwbrleype street;. lalx 0,
:ro to cul}' feature•.- nut ulnad} auuount'r,l that sho[al,{ rooms; splendid garden and good barn 1'. l►. ls"x filU_Luudnu, Out.
ltai;l,. Is.inted nut that the stress laid Mr. C. A. it. \\" vlsl[rd at Is a train cdndmctur on the Caundiau td g g
i.(• inccorlxoratfrl ill tilt- prugraw.- This is to Ise a runt ;I;,. .I,irilual ,"de of the work was Ilamiltou affil nth, last week. Yaeltle Railway. For particulars apply to R. MORUI- rglO RENT. -LIVING APARTMENTS
hu}'nit} celebration, and everntwtiy ist'gr{[fy1 10 take tilt bi.ari"g fruit. Out of a membership Yrs. R. Hreun.. i -king her Jan+. ueu. Jolunstero returned home SUN, t'alniunin Terrace, Gode•rlch, i
nt Walker- last night fruw Toronto, suit is rt I Box Ow. (ei .%(, G)d over store. Apply r,4"
iutcrest in it anti to list-isl by way' of ttitpteeti9il "alai of thirty sir. all but nue tied hcc, wt' thtughtrr, Mrs,. c -_. W. llSitN, Goderlch. -_
otherwise. nae H,bvl-, of the e•lulrch, oaf that one Ville. covering nicely atter tilt- operation LVID $4i,E.-TVIUJtlTURY FRAME
wns .hnrtly to twits with another Nisa Lilliax Maui B\'.•Itand. wlah•h she underwent Is hospital [ KJOUSE 1Y1 LET.-BBIOK, CEN`r-
(tae<• you any' idea.- l0 oBrr'? thx� lilt- pnigraut til I cain�regati„la stwut the Euxter vtt 11 her home there. - house tilt We,t street. hath and RALLY located with modern cOn-
t i electric light. Will be salt! at w bar- vrnieuces. R. J. ACHESON.
iu with your view's as to what u centennial relcl,rttio►1 Sir If. C. llawittoa spoke for the herr. alt In order to wind a au estate.
ought to be'? Your pauggestions will le welcoun• and wilt choir. reporting ou the nitendonce. tilt Mr. Erne+t M. Lr luronto, was I CdUli0i1 �tOTBB g p
i nutter of new Anthems learned; tar uwosg Iltu. l:aatei-naaxl.xlaltors. Lt I Services at North street United J. W. CRAWIC. 7'U BlL1VT. - $George's O U Sl e t.
nrci+'r careful cuneich•ration it handed at An early date ill work of tilt• male quartet and the town. church next Sunday at the usual _ house m 8r,. George's Crescent.
Ill,, St-ciPtan, Nil. T. (i. l%ll\..\(iN. ladles' trio. Miss M. K. ay(.\,car is atte'uding hours. The topic at the Metn'e Club, r,Oit •SAI,E. - WHITE BIOSSOM Sultitble for small family. APPLY,
Thr tissues rt• sorted two hundred the summer milliner: ors "Ings at Tor- meeting at 10 otlock fu the morning• + awfrt closer. 19xtra Quality. BUBO\ iNV1CY1'YLNTS. LTL.
1 twtto this week. will be: "What are twrldly amuse- FI"NIK L. YOUNC, R. R. No. S. (nod••
�c - X .- - {arttilier actlrcl� eugagett in the work --�-
X>he "f the church, with a conatlttremc•y of >!r. D. J. 1Lltee,e, ••f Ik•trdt, spent men too?" - retch. 1'ek•g>t+unr 20S l'arlow. M YEIt YO.\'PH.-8'hrR■
=11.00 formerly occupied by Miss
over iOl served by the churoh. while the wrekrr& at til ua• (,f Mr. and McKinuou, on Hamilton street. In ills
the membership 1, 443. an increase of Mrs.
H. VI ■a.-. DiliD NCSrBFR OF (fEIaAR POSTS F`UFt' town of GOderlch. Immealaee le•►r
COUNCIL MAKES ZANY ENCOURAGING 117 over lest year. Mix+ Dorothy Ale• -Ix•nt the Easter ii -At Detroit. ua Thursday, sale. <XiRDON YOI71ll, R. R• w,aslnn. Fur further Information ape
SQUARE A ONE WAY REPORTS PRESENTED Thr terms o[ Messrs. A. Samudoem hotklayisi at l.osdr'• :„'. the guest of . Moil 21, George I). Currey, in his 5. Gudericth. Phone Carlow 1, 10. ply to IMAYs i HtYS. Barrhters.
TRAFFIC STREET Graham and W. Miss for ACL'I14Psg. I lfk6 year, Go ---
Ns,tl, iicru. As n►ewbrrs of the saesslon, Slay or MnclCltsl , +As et Toronto MAItT4N.-At Clinton. on Wednesday. DOOAE FOR SALE. -APPLY TO J. o Goderlc-
_ l'ongreglatiuu al MMisg of g�, S. BETWORD. Cobour
5trewt Conies liurtA ixuViux expinr{ they were nnlanirtwus last week atJssdla;a: the Ptovindal April =0. WrightBVright Martin, aged g street.
(Coutinued fruw page 1) Iv rt- 6-t-leol f.,r smother term of all otsesrrvativP easeeutiun. I years. Goderich. tf AUCIIONEItttIiNG
ton 1, and hdW: ntsr_)tpC_uf til main The ,nuual o,.ngrrgatlaiva!'ukvliug )tars. Judge Killons Nes KBlonn and YtlY1NN'E7Ll..--la lioderich, on Bun.
to the town a wuyit► attract of North sire tuttt•rt--churt•6 ww �t 11rz. 5anndersTnterd tax Fent!_ children. of St[atfetd.- msde__t• brie[ • flay. April 'l4 Ifurtmra Ann A'dab, nESIRABLE PROPERTY ron '�'HO][A8 OUNDRY. GOD>IRICH
the uoticc of t•eutennial visitors, said held tit' 11't•tlue-du` evening of last of tine cougregat{on trbeu lie visit in town Inst creek. beloved wife of Yr. John Mt-Conuell• BALE, -Corner North and NNees Id5/i BTOCK AND GItYdEltAi
Yr. latuhw,t tc. goke in worm Apprec a ono YTa A-gg� Kllets. ApptJ to �F. fit: 3AESilO!i. AUCTiOVIRER
iwltoly Herrn Toner mid that Jar. and most encouraging reports were pop of the l,astor. Rev. C. F. from Detroit. where ,be spent the win- IN MEMORL4M Telephone No. lis.
Lailhw,tite• deserved credit fair Ills- pr•,ruurl by the vrrbous organizations i lyarkr. saying that he hoped the in- ter months with se.dr,cra. fOR SALF,.--HRICK RESIDENCE Male% attenocd to anywhere and secret
entbutirsm he wns showing in bvrti- of the ,hnrt•b. The pastor, Rev. C. F. ,ioernsinate length of the pastorate Mr. Ilarry. Buebaran. of the Royal 00Htld'N.-le Ibving memory its Nettie I on corner lot. Soulb-west cornet effort made to give satidaetleate
eultantl maiterpi. The proposal was . Clarke. presidtd• 4 would prevall [o •North street church. Hank, Montreal, h:ir in•en sleeudiug Neblia, who passed away two years Nelson street and Cambria road. At FRrmen' •sale notes dlscomnted.
refcrrl•d to the crwetery and parks I Thr n•casurcr. air. Wolter P'rldh"w, Refreshment- were serrel by the; holidsya at hie home here. I agtx May 3, I=. � I reasonable price. 4articulavis from �-
comm face. i n•Ixerttd that iu spite .tt,f heavy outlay ladles of Itis, church and the meeting! Sirs. W. C._frldtlrw has returned DOBT. ROBERTSON,
A FIM Mtasee In the lout few ,rearb aha• euerous from New York whore she cisitrtl her Illi way is perfect. even though F_R. I►ARROW. Goderkb, Ont. t.t. A
wait closed wilt, the henedidion. Our cup with woe may till, The Auctioneer,
The fire last week at tint. gdaee gh•isgs of tilt• congregation had wall" daughter, Mrs. N. 11 --glued. And treasures from. our lives must � j,'OK RALE, -A QUA\'PITY OF -111 conduct and arrange any sale M
where the (',N.It. dumps the refuse It lsrsxible u, teay aiff +nearly every.ac- Yr. and Yrs. 1;'r,' Egener and suns go, (' the latest methods to get -the best et.
from empty. ears next had the utteu- � aouut. see that slow the total lishilitie, IIhK ('LrNTI:NNL\L_CELBBRATiOV of St. Catherlagw. were with their His wayis perfect still." Rnnil and top *oil; il.li0 per sults. See him or drop a card and h►
tio" of the cuum(il, anti Ihr view was ; of Ilse cnngregatiou amount to only Geaterk•h relatlres '„r Easter eek. Pe curl and a -half drllcereM. 9pctnl will give it Immediate ■ttentIOL
9'o the Editor of The Figual. Yrs. Hilton Schuier, of New Ham- -Sadly missed lay husband and prices to contractors. Apply to AL
str,nglc, eapromel LULL file Ralrway ' $ehl►. Ihnrfng Ute year the supttnrtiug Thar Sir. --Having read with inter- Robert. 60711'1' aTF:VONSON. Quebec. ptrewt. Farm rotes • specialty. 61don alt.
l atugwn) sbnuld out b• ultowed to 1 tKarus in tier basement had leen re burg, spent a ftR Jaya rislting tela-
nslail maintain sm h n uti.auce laud fire : plowed and the ,entire ba-a•ment land est the account of the crlehntfou at tives in town the iortuer part of this
r on the premises. Maitland rose'
Y. <�• - _ 6u - a, IaMc Saturday of the our hund- - PLBLIC NOTICES
twtau.. .L..tne,I to was _ passed t(t lievo redecorated week-. - - Goderich.
r-T�llatwrtsun. fTenourer fedlh anniverwrF of the founding of Misses- datlStwiliue mc -
draw rhe attigtfou ut Ihr �t p", --St --- -
pie to the matter anti request them to' til.• wainrc(tunce and extensiou that )own. 1t Ens givin-r�ed 10 me to ask Ewen iopent the ldo,wr vacation with Tli N'liuM i r IIAv (YjQf1F7it C: - BUo-
Iskc {•are nt iheir refute I" point fund. was out of tuw'n. but hts1 what slxrlai historical "loAggur In t r their aunt. Mrs. I;eo. Bradley. at a Y\TFD.--AT U\(1B, AN F•XPMI. A N. ATKI\$ON
better manner ' i r•to■.rr wit. read Ly the l,nstor. The, our own twlehretltts this aumwrr is to Welton. I Tills Is an Hlwrlogy by me fait state faNCEID meld, Apply to MISS LRSS THERAPIST
A discaobiou oat tire brigaele mat• allvorttiou for the congregation was hurt-. ,it is true we are not so fortu- Mrs. Sa"vd returm•d to town lux[ meats which, I have made contvrntng i JOSIF, RAUN-I*MR. Wiest street. GODERICH
ter, Ldtuwed, The lGr•ct- thought the I $312.71. elf This rum all but a Antall ustr ns (incl h In haring an actual I week after xpsoiing the winter the character of Mr. Thomas W. Mv-
_ chemhvtlFacf•r�ata•1 u ed-uflen a•ut-llrh. am Lit 111111 -¢ec0 Said• and It is ex- I "binhilay." nor U the spot knowu l months with Yr. ar:d Mr-. J; Heale at Nall of Auburn. suit is made by mr i9slpped with electM�agnes e
- sad said gcc)11io orae" were """fres gxrted that uhf) whole amount trill be where our first tree was felled. Yet Ir Torontii !for the p°rpnre of thing whnt 1 f -an to *,NTfll). -- SMALI. i7LF('fRIC batAs Electronic electric treatmaaes
xnd id goo! by water when Ihr Mn• torthtvmfng Iwfore itis, books are there Is a wealth of hl, torleat detail i Mr. J Mere nth t;rnhaw. of the re,tore tilt. g.srt character and repu- °NdOr' Apply s1li��AL-I►i'F'(LT. and us di a al&e.LadyChronic organic aaA
colthl Is• t•]ti"go6ls•d wish tilt• .•hemi- loped. The congregation also t•oatrI_ caioue•tt4l will, those early days. and' -University of Toroar�,. spent Easter. tetfon of air. McNall. From what f serval» urs tea , an in ato 9 p.eo.
11. IOI>ety boon ! to 5, and 7 to s p.a.
cels. Hr thought thio was tilt. result ?lintel $H7 to the Ontario Prohibition tante sturdy pioneers who chose our with his parents, Sir a"d Mr, J. B. titan learn them- is ab„elutely no truth _- _ TENDERS excepting Ily and Thursday aL
pertly of the system fnlluwerl by the I l'nlnu, likK-t(► in aid of the church at rown'r site and PlNttbliphel Its tonnda Grahum. i in the=tatemestM which were made', lernoons andevemtaga, and by ap.
brigade of not coulitingr it a fire (hl Jlolesworlh. and sl0l) to the vanka.,er tions, and now it ever i+ Il+e time to Mr. Harold Mellsear. of the flank- of tvencevnioR Mr. Mac\all and some w., `polatment.
silt- brigade's ley short I unless the fete Ihr lord's lisp Alliance. fumillarize, modern Goderich with the Cowmerar staff, be, bevu promoted to man, and i am •Incrrely sorry that I
tilt, were girt. I A etano-n •r of the Mfas Robertson Allis need the rt.- tuwu's early history. After all, ix not I the post of ledger-kivrwr In the branch allnwtrt myself tw relrar such ,tat"• : Residence, and once --Corner at
t►MC •br-1 ia road.
f lisp Ati_U ft and -Abe Yi�1mn a w•ntanulal e,xentially an historknl �laltsirAluu.
hrlltade miasmal, The relocate{ f-- ---- ja+►tto --menI - --- ---
is mt,takwa: ' that the use of I Band. The former society had fully �h�astue=en event of more Yips Grace StlrgoR of Guelph. was [x C. A. Ii(�i�. t
South street an tam
Ihr chpalicall, c•uuttts equally w ith Inst i met its allotment of 311x10.-beslaes con-. 1wrtance end lrrldr surely than to be gr, her home here ft.r the week -end Goderich. Dont.. Apr. loth. 1927. I (a};,\f.F;l► 1+Fl�l►F:RS CHARTBRLD I�COUNVI.N'R
of the hupic.► irlfinting hales vmine•d At 32•[11 Tlip.i•elebrated merely with mtdN'aiFl rt. after spr'nding Per: ut Iht. Easter r J and ea ors:il
\uuthcr matter w,•ntionecl wtls the latter. a+ncsswl for gill, had raised grtttar. more -air -It--, Ixntrintic pogo•nuts vacation of Toroste 1 ) WHOM IT MAY e'[►NII'FICN: t.. Ihr uucRepairs and eeebrsed' r,$ANS P. OiBBB CHAHTEBRD
nr;flrct of the Orr marshal U. ngoort g117.fi0:. or ev,•n this Ratheritig home of tilt- old Mrs. J. A. Cameron. of Toronto. 1 TPadrr for ltrlxUrs ro Piers. Kan- Accountant. 102 Ontario street„
rekulnrly to Ihr, council. a, foruu-r! Fur the Bllssivu Circle Miss Clxrkr boys nad girls'' Death has rakes [+nail her rwo'chlldn•n. Donald and This ix an alxelugy by too for state- 'arliu,•. Out-" will be received until Stratford. Pbose 15W. lies. 11130J.
fin• nxlrshals did. • 1 rrlortel the raising of S -.W, u sum fro►u not very' recently several nut ,lean, is v[,iting st t►le house -of her went+ which I have made concerning it o'alodt Resign (dsy$gW satelsg). _ -
\ undkae wait Iabcsuvl. u,ki", fill- , w1lghUy _ laruer than their Allocation. stAn,liug uIen any women whose mintlo, i pwrenis. Mr. and Mr Gtr,. Bradford. the character of Nr. Thomas W. Me. � 9• IM. for rrpairm to music
committee to report on the ,rguipttant ; Ix,rldr, ,. noting a bale worth ;1(10 -TS' were richly store) with the traditions Winghatn Adra°ot-Times: Mrs. A. Nall of Auburn. and Is made by me pterx, con lPlIng of 'tb• rtctmstrwrtion
-nod otpa•ratiom of the brigalle. the Yowgi• street misslon. Toronto.- -; of tlitrse feel;-,lu o. but thrre.ure al{L G. Met)oenirt-and-tittttv-srandsion, Eric for the Purpose of doing what I eats to N ah and
of port", of tooth theH.
Johnston of Goolrrlt.h. are visiting at restore the good character and re North uud tquuth I'Iery, at iClncardtaeti DROP. in of JACKSON. g n. Pia am
Oakwsy Tral4 an las tiffsart Mn. l,n"> rrDctrtwl'pan iurreu�t•d those whose own memories or tot tar B pu_ I given in Voice Culture. Orgn°.Ytaaa►
Thr co"nvil went into aomwluee•uf membership in Iht. ladles' Ald Sixlefy, back. and who hc•nrd Ihr story of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. All(In-w , tatlon of Mr. MoNall. From what T Knce 1'uunty. tans.
the whole to dlstuss the estimates for ;while Ilan tn•a-urea. Mims Whitely,' earlier years direct from those who Yalwugall. Plnax and forms of contract can to Vlolla Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio aN
can learn there is ol,wdutely no truth seen and speeltication and forms of residence. 37 North street. Phone lift
Clip year. And nn rrsuwing the matter i rers.ried reveiplx of $i72.5i..) for the lived tho.w. Molly of us. ton. hoc'• Prinelpal Hurd- Yr. A. JI. Robert. Im the statemMats which erre walk, 1
of tnlltlr reglilnti n on Ihr Wpuarr +rn+� year, 1. adltures of $41A5. Including' rend with deepeA interest the thrill- sou and Dr. Newinn, of the 1:.1.1. eonaeralnR Sir. Yc\all and acme fender obtained at this Ik•pertmrw, at ~�
taken up. --1 a" elerRlc ste.ve for tilt• par�mnge inR blend of history and romance) staff, were in Toronto last week for wumnu, and i sm sla•rrely sorry that the offices n[ the District F:uglne•rx, MEDICAL
l'ouurlUur Humbt-r mored secoudtrlbliotaud $)i:t) for improvements In Ihr .found in the pages of "The Do" of the mcs•ting o! the Ontario Edna. 'I allowed myself to repeat such stab•- ('ustum, Building. LeHltMan, /Int.;.
be ouucillor tumVultthat the Square ed ,.and $4 svhnol room. a balance iii-fhi• The Canads Company" -A ink with I tluunl 1seuiati,u. {seats_ I Fquity Building. Toronto, Out.. and at ID
H. F. J. R. 'ORS'>:ER
n one wny Furca and that a hylaw be I honk of $221. and two $101) Victory which every native bona resident Sfr. and Mr, Hagb Hill. H. umilivr. 18od.s A7.BERT J. WILKINA. I the Yupt Office. will n nese vote Ont. , EYE. use S NOSE, THROAT
I should he familiar. Cannot all this and Sir. and Blre N. H. lkntk, Gel Goderich. (tilt.. Apr. Itth. tai•:'!. Tender, wIII not Ir• eomdd,•rvrl uu-i Late Eionae surgeon New York Oph-
preparecl accordingly. This was car- I Ix.0 Is. less made on primed forms suplall I by tbalmlc and Aural Hospital, aadstaag
rind unautmously, 'Clair superiutrndeut of lir Sunday material he in some way interwoven rrich,•wotore•d to Locknow on Sunday -
The purchasing and erecting of l sahuall. Mr, Walter 'Bern, relortei into the plans now tieing prgrxrrd for to ettrnd the funeral of their coas:u, tilt• Ih•geartmtnt ata! In noro,rvlance at Moorefield Eye Hospital aril
xlt us requlrtvt under the traffk• bylaws 1 that totaling doors had been, placel In our men's hlrthclep party'! Mr. Jo, Swan of thea p4ce. AI'CTION SALE wuh cuufWtiuns cnirfainrck Ihrrrha. Golden Square throat Bospltal. Lo•-
_-sra'lt ft.1n toe huntM "or, the public I the basement, the spat Wag meet by I This Is not intended as tiny criti- Mr. and Ars. Jitigh XcGookin, of Each tender must M• sceomtosr►ied don, Eng.
-- ,fie`1i6iit.i11 01 Y1`r°fetfie+wtr' t.'1 +►r+� what ha>< Ueca already [hams. Detroit arr-ctatttt[s the ISITtoYa-per- (t1.F;ARIN(: At;t K►\ #ALk--U7F ' -an accepted rhtrlur on a charten•,I I ti3 Waterloo 8r,. S., Stratford. Tsir
w.,rks wagwitlee. v
The .lnptailing of a[nitary con- IPec•h, $430 from the 1,atltr� Aid So• but is Au tarneat plea that a clPfinitPly "nib. Mr. ling firs. Richard Ryan. HOt's+EItULD FrHNiTI.-BE. IM&k, pwyable to the order of Ihr Bli" "phone 287.
venlenres at the tourist camping chtty, and $1115 from the collection Qf historical finvor hP Introduced Into rhe They intend li•sving next Bloodily on a later of Public YVorks equal to 10 gs•r I At Hotel Redford. Godericb, on the
etretuuls was referred to the cemetery the Sunday schunl ann(verenry. test- i prograni. that it may prove an epi' I motor trip to California m,aompauied Mfg, JOHN MASSARI.Tl cent. of the nhwnut of the trntier. reraiog of third Monday of each
-inti, parks committee with picewer to In
a balance unfold of $aT. 31r. eosion worthy to be rer•onled ice rb' fir Mr. and Strx. Ryan. wlit sell by public auction at Aha ftMm- 1 Bomlr of ale i►,.minh,n of /'laua,M air month all: the following day. TaesMy,
net. tern paid a trfl,nte tai the work of the future annals of our town-. B'Ie•turiA I Itr.l ihtily 'rimes. April et. rnMieitncr, 191. I)arid'a street. ill d. I Wands of the Canadian Natlonal Rail- I at 1 p.m. Next Visit in Juni•_---
t'onncif then ahjonrned. , erffle•rrp *nil teaches. whom be ,colo 1 CITIZEN li Miss T s!irlia,g, of c;odaork•h, Un- rrich 1just off Klmgxton street), on w'aF ('"moan} 4l-It.1M1 Iw ata+rpft(1 as
ori}, who 1141,_ tr•pru a•l. uding some commencing
APRIL Mill, ro•red. l or Nandi and o f onsm it rt. iAGAL
time in /'AI rnix. is the Lueat of Mrs. R at 1.30 oclock sharp -fill, . to make np_an atdd atnernnt.
D ■ r ■ �, `� r r �)(r r r r r )� r ]� I)♦ ■ r ]� ]♦
It. Mar h. ( e gow ,t i•iet. for a Four large leather upholstered t Nifn :. JFtia• prions caa'lx obtalnt ! rRXZ8T Y. Llan,
f,•w days. t r n,u"• to her home in the chairs. new ; i oak l,nffet ; 1 oak peela•s_ at this DefoartmPnt by de•roslting an
■ _ � Barrister and Solicitor
Via t. ` tal dining table; 1 took set of dining I ae•cepteil cheque for the sum of ItW.(10 10 Hing strut east. Toronto 2. Tele
■ Mloi% An" - llm,-I, a d, tanager of chairs ; 3 rocking; ehalr-; q fancy ; ixlywhle ro the order of jbe )Minister air � phones llala Tn"Uoi.
COATS AND DRESSES .ht• local "tele hent central. is Hl tables; l n.k edrrsea•r sad wash srnnd; Public Il•nrks, whit•h will le returnM---•.r---_ _ __ __
s '' If the fllt.•ndin bldder submit a ergo
■ • her pout si::un afle►r several mouth+ 1 iron Md. mattress, and +trriug; 1 oak � g DUDLEY E. HOLYE$
I al►sP"cP oa t.1 =oha,t of Illness. tier lied. mattress and spring; 1 kitchen I tar bld By llydPr, Barrlater, Etc.
trxnny trio".. :are pleased lip iter her table; kitrinen ebuirs; 10 window I Office -Hamilton street, GoderlcL
■ E. O41RIFN. � agnlu at ht.r.l•,k blind,: t wash bnflrr; 1 clothes be*- S. Phone 27.
Nr. .1. W n: returned on Mon. kel: 1 drsstgaker's model; I pantry FSecretary. -_
■ Coats Picked with the Greatest Discrimination : ( day front a Iwo �eekaa' +'Isit At Tor..st(ol; lempat; iron hawed; kitchen Department of Ptlhllr Works. c R. DAsor to BA L.
Killoran llfl'(1
onto, whither ie was called owing to ntempils; 1 New'VerfeKlon 3 -burner Ottawn. April Mi. lith. . Successor to J. L. Klllonm.
■ The new styles at prices that mean a very considerable saving. - Soft kashmire and ■ the merioaa i!it:e., of hl, pion. Jnr. oil ptnve; I, Empreew matte, er,al or Phone 97.
■ I Hawley. Smith v.eare glad to learn wood; I heating, stove; Wein jars. A� lMlce�The Souare. Goderfeb.
■ poiret twill weaves in navys, black, sand, greys, etc. Coats with and without fur ■ that the tunditi..,I of the lata,•r lampte, and numerous other articles. ��'
------ - � - � ■
n[ming. Air oFt ntlulfy iinefi- SpetAtlues.
e:rey eorro lw,r.dPnt "f Bru�els Massnret hap given nn nottb tel►tag. RsApB P a�
. ]♦ Post: C. and Mrs, H&Mbixon. Osla line. TE}tMFI.---Cosh. EAUND TF^7►}:Hd. AiYDRE`(S}:D
_ $14.40 $18.00 $26C.00M e�29 •0o $32.0
0 ■ were At (:al. ri, h. •&king home the lilt- T. GUNt'DItY dr, NO!V. S to Ndte undersigned and molorscResAtrrgss. Fac.
■ . tor'A mother. Mrs. Jaa. Breckenridge. Auctioneers. "Tender
■ who had barn vis)tln for A week. - -�_- Kinard for Ont.."
dredging. Codi•riec and R.I.HAVSonSt.. Ade IA.. B.A
s Kincnrtdlne, t►nt.." will are received
airs. Bre kea.r,.:.e Is eltdrty-eight all It o'clock noon (davit I pat•- Hamilton St.. (indericn
Ing), Tuesday, May 3. 1927.
Barrymoor 'Rugs
1iN$URANCtR, LOAN13, IL'1'C.
}cat, Age r, ! enjoys motoring t.r
with the conditions wet forth therein.
O'ombiued specification and fuAn of
riadt relaticrsrrd friends.
Wilton Rugs,new, and beautifully
Georgette, flat crepe, and crepe -de-
Mr.„r1tWhite, OfI
tr,tw•r� FerVlplorsa mo
fresh. Barrymoor Rugs are all guaran-
chene. Sizes 34 to 44. Black,
of air. and aft,. lteorge Fulford. im-
teed for perfection of quality and wear.
3 31i_,
all the new brown shades, sande,
burn. Other visitors at the Fulford
home for Eater went Mrs. Joseph
Sizes 2 x 3, 214 x 3. x
greys, etc. Prices :59.50 to .. .
_- ---.--- _
Hiekx and t.lb> laughter. ut i)etrnit ;
Sa•rung I II!r, Toledo, and -liar-
3 x 4. Prices range $25.00 to
r•+ ng
Dress St11t;S
F;mpn•,a of }•rnncP. The ailnlste•r ..f
Trnde and Commerce will visit ('a".
million Irmd.• rommissiscers.1ni Bristow
^I'1 and Cheater Fulford, of Detroit.
New Linoleums
ads. 41 Bl, llamfbee [ornxrly of
Cod"rlrh, who la+ been organist and
Fugi broadcloth, all silk, in
chnirrmaxlPr nt IlivWOn street United
-- ---- - - ■
Improved quality, neat and new,
of Linoleum, 4 yards
weight. in colors ink, blue, popcorn,
g p
.•Illtreh. ""''" a^ane, for euime years•
has been appointed to a sJmllar txrsl-
very new patterns
d A rd
orchid, trianon, jade, dresde
rinn tin Trhthy 1'uitt+l chunk lir North
lips and t take over tilt -
Ing), Tuesday, May 3. 1927.
-- -_-.
Tender* will not be rnuxide•reL un-
1iN$URANCtR, LOAN13, IL'1'C.
lesw matte on the forms supplied by
the Department slid in sevorilarw•P
with the conditions wet forth therein.
O'ombiued specification and fuAn of
Yes" s Success"
lender can be obtalnwl•fm appllealinn
I., the under-biti*4 nisu at tilt, of a -e of
the District. F:tlgl"w•r, Cuptoutm llnild-
West 9trep l, 99 Goderich.
Ing. twmdon. Out. n
Tenders must lut.lude the to+timg of
the ploilt to and from the work.
The dredges and other which
McK(hhOP 1r,[ T AL r�ra IN -
m ar
SURANCE /rd Ins-
l are tntenf" to Ire itself nal the work
■hall have hien duly registered to
laLsg town opeft)r n ,
Omc s. Connolly, Pres,• God•
'' ' Evans, Vile
e'anadA at the time of the t111ug of the
rt. Jas. -Pres..
b•nefer with the IN-Imartmrnt. or agyll
d P. O.; D. F. McGregor.
■ w1 e. t per running ya �3.Q5 /a , , rlcptri'tr o
■ e .9 baby rose. At per yard • . , .... li ■ dnllcs of Itis new position alont til,• bare Ix en bullt in ('n11AlIa "tier ib, vas•, Seatotth P. U.
' ' ' ' • ' , ' • ' ' ' 1st of June Mr Bamfonp fs n hen fii!Itg of the r,•rot•l Directors -A. Drnadt6ot. R. R.
titer or Sirs. 1t. it. gallows of town. ,
No. 1
Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs
KlnclA1, ,r iteview-slut er tan Mal-
P. A Slxl,,.msnn, Mr. 8otherland Stsl-
coma••" an,t Mi.,, itutaons who agx•nt
2 x 3 yards
....... $ 7.00 21 '2 x 3 yards..... • • •g 8.75
the wint-.r in iNonver, arrived home
nn 'rncrda, "md have re -op encd their
3 x 3 ...
........ 10.50 3 x 3118 ... 12.25
hum,• "1. rrl".,,a street ..... Btir BI
Ism -r.. ",;cuing emends In
3 x 4 "
..... • . • 14.00 Inlaid Linoleums, at per sq. yard,
11.,, Mnlcnlm and BI r-
_- ---.--- _
Malc"Im Arr lemving for V.rwlor,l nn
Mny 11111. sailing from Qnelpow on the
F;mpn•,a of }•rnncP. The ailnlste•r ..f
Trnde and Commerce will visit ('a".
million Irmd.• rommissiscers.1ni Bristow
and nn the Continent. while Mrs. Mnl.
folm will spend her floe vlalting Dr.
and Mrs M(ortpodilafAndon.
F,ach tender rao,t be necomlxtntel
by nn ne•rpted chelue on a "hartrrd
),milk. payabb• to the order of the JMin-•
Istrr of Pabli,• W,erko, for S per point.',
of the cnntnrt prow, hilt two cheque, to
1s• for less thorn fifteen hnnd.re} dnl-
tors. It.m44, of rhe Iloluinlon of ebtn
n,bl or bund+ of the t'sondln11 No-
tional 41811wm3 Conlxlny will he ac-
ceyiterl as ser nrlry. or ponds Anft a
chcgne kf r,ptlred h, mAke up An o(lat
it mon n I.
By order.
S F. 0'11RPFV.
Feeereta r -v.
Departrnent of niblic Workw,
Ottawa. April 22. 1027.
No. S. Seaforth: John G. Grieve, Na
4, Waltoge : William Rlnn. R. R. Na
2, Sesforth ; John BPnnotwiN, Brod-
bagen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. A
Sesforth; Robert Ferris, Har)ock:
Murray Gthson, Rrecefield: Jamas
Evans. Beechwood: James Connolly,
Agents --J. W. Yeso, Goderich:
Ale:. iwtteb. R. W No. 1, Cilntnn t
John Murray, Seaforth; E. Hlnt-hloy.
Aeeforth. Pollcyboldero can make x11
peymeets and get their cards receipt -
ed at R. J. Marrlah's Clothing Stora,
Clinton; R. H. Cutt's Grocery. KIW
Nos street, Aederle b. or J. H. Roles
o n.. `r m ■ m General Stere. Rayfield
Aee--�IaYA1RiAi+�,,,�,.........i.,r.«...W�i►:w.,t,e.ra, �Y--. . ...... ..•.r.,.